Blending To BE~ Yourself.

Blending to BE

You know how at times words come and they go?

Today was such a day some words came to flow

They jumped from the page as soon as I spoke

And now here once again with pen they are wrote


“Blending to Be” were the words that did jump

They echoed and rattled my brain with a thump

As I churned them over, what did they mean

These little three words what meanings to glean


To BE or not to BE, we all know that Quote

So why are these words itching to be wrote?

To BE in the moment, to BE in the now

Blending them together, a questionable how


Blending is mixing, like colours in a pot

My mind grasped the words unravelling a plot

If I am to BE, then what is it I’m from?

I blend the words more, before my focus is gone


We’re taught we are separate each journeying alone

Some born to thrive, while others become clones

Conditioned in a system that tells you how to BE

We work hard to succeed in our slave debt society


So why do these three words speak to me so loud?

To BE successful, important, or just to BE proud

Means nothing if not Blended with the BE of yourself

The essence of compassion, and love are true wealth


You first have to BE comfortable within your own skin

True wealth and happiness you’ll find from within

To Blend and feel love, as you open up your heart

Expanding with Light, as you forgive ALL the Dark


So “Blending to BE” yourself, is the best you can BE

To BE means to focus, The Now is the Key

Each moment is precious, so Blend your time well

We’re only given a short window in Earth’s Magic spell


 This poem was written 7th February after writing Blending to BE words in a comment on someone’s blog post.  These words then jumped back up at me, and I knew I had to write a poem about them.. Soon after as I awoke in the middle of the night, I reached for my journal and the above poem was born..

The image of the BEE mandala, I painted around a month ago and I thought now was the time to connect the BEE with the BE…


Watercolour Art By © Sue Dreamwalker




144 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. laurabruno
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:29:54

    Sue, that bee mandala is exquisite! So much love … Laura

    Liked by 2 people


  2. TamrahJo
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:42:13

    “Serendipitously Awesome Post” – AGAIN! Well…kind of on the serendipity portion – – – I just got in from library and am reading through David Whytes, “Consolations” – A book of short essays on everyday words – I confess to really ‘girding my loins’ to make it two the second word, as the first and his essay didn’t ‘land’ or connect with anything within me, except for the thought, “hmmm…if a vast majority of people feel this way, no wonder things are mucked up in our modern society – ” – 🙂 Alas, the immersion into the phrase or word that comes into the mind, unbidden – or, as happened to me, yesterday, out of my mouth, and then I immediately said, “Why did I say that? I don’t even know where that mountain is – or why it came out my mouth” – :). Words/phrases contemplation is, IMHO, as much fun as delving into snippets of music one wakes up to or conetemplation of the whisps of dreamworld that remain with us as we land back ‘here’ – 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2020 @ 11:36:10

      Thank you Tamrah Jo, I will have to look up David Whytes, he has not come into my ‘Radar’ .. And by the sounds of your first impressions maybe that is why he isn’t on my radar lol.. 🤣😊
      Sometimes our mouth has a will of its own, 🙂 lol… And agree with you Dream-time is often much more interesting… Good to see you Tamrah Jo and I have a half finished email pending for two days lol… Which I will get around to hopefully to send later today… ❤ Much love and enjoy your reading 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  3. pendantry
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:44:07

    It’s always a pleasure to read your poetry, Sue. Keep it up! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Eliza Ayres
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:45:00

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 2 people


  5. JanBeek
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:45:34

    Yes, Bee Love, Bee Real, Bee-come who God intended you to Bee (I wrote about that idea in my blog today, too). We are soul-sisters for sure… on the same wave-length. I loved this blog. And I love your ability to wake up in the middle of the night and pen such a poignant poem. I love your watercolor, too. My husband is a retired beekeeper. Yup, you spoke to my heart today. Bee blessed… you blessed me!

    Liked by 2 people


  6. balroop2013
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:50:31

    ‘Blending to be’ – three simple words compress the universe Sue. While some are told ‘be yourself’ others struggle to blend. Battles refuse to cease despite the blending efforts and hypocrisy blends in unawares. I love your interpretation of the expression – expand your light and shun “slave debt society.” Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking poem. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 3 people


  7. Writing to Freedom
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:51:22

    I love the mandala Sue and what a wise and clever poem reminding us to BE our best. I like the analogy of blending and paint too. We blend our body and spirit, self and community, being and doing in a grand dance of becoming. To beautiful blending….

    Liked by 2 people


  8. House of Heart
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 16:52:36

    Beautifully expressed Sue, Happy Sunday to you ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  9. utahan15
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 17:19:45

    frozen hopes
    for every son and daughter!

    Liked by 2 people


  10. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 17:34:47

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2020 @ 14:57:45

      Many thanks dear Colleen for this lovely Graphic… May you also keep spreading the Light my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


    • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
      Mar 06, 2020 @ 00:23:27

      Hello Colleen M. Chesebro,
      How nice of you to share your lovely moon-themed clipart showing your poem as follows:

      Travel Light
      Live Light
      Spread the Light
      Be the Light

      Please kindly let me rhyme with your poem with my moon poem entitled “🎴 If My Name Were Moon Tonight… 🌛🌝🎑🈷” published at

      Dear Sue,
      It seems that you have fully returned to the world of blogging, as I can see that you have been as busy as a bee!

      After reading your two latest posts and the numerous comments, I ran out of time to make a comment yesterday, as I had to attend to some errands.

      Thank you for keeping us abreast of the latest happenings and activities in your life, plus your wonderful paintings! What fantastic creativityy and imagination you do have! If you keep going like this, you will need an art gallery to showcase them. 🙂

      By the way, I have not forgotten about replying to your lovely comment at my post entitled “Khai & Khim: For Always and Beyond Goodbye”. Please bear with me as I shall eventually give you a very bespoke reply that you deserve. I still miss mum every day, and I have been expanding on the eulogy cum memoir even more.

      Meanwhile, I have published a new post entitled “🦅 SoundEagle in Chinese New Year Celebration, Spring Festival, Lion Dance, Food, Ornaments, Traditional Culture and Architecture 🏮🎋🦁🥗🎐㊗️⛩”.

      Though my said post is very long and encyclopaedic, the three navigational menus there can help you to jump to any section of the post instantly so that you can resume reading at any point of the post over multiple sessions in your own time.

      Please enjoy the said post’s attendant “attractions” and multimedia extravaganza taking you on a worldwide cultural journey.

      Any of your Chinese friends would be very impressed or even shocked if you were to regurgitate to them just a fraction of the contents of the said post.

      If you like cooking, there are some fantastic food and yummy cuisines to tempt you in the post, plus a lot of videos showing how the Chinese New Year is celebrated in different countries and regions of the world.

      May you and Colleen have a lovely March and a wonderful springtime!

      Liked by 1 person


  11. Cosmic Traveller7
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 18:03:21

    THIS is wonderful my dear Sue..isn’t it funny how we just hang onto something and wait for the right moment to come along..just as you waited for your beautiful painting to BEE at one with your poem 🙂 LOVE it.. Thank you for a lovely share 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  12. The Coastal Crone
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 18:05:33

    Your muse was with you today!

    Liked by 2 people


  13. litebeing
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 18:34:01

    Sometimes the compulsion to create can be a catalyst for amazing masterpieces.
    Thanks for this wonderful poem Sue. Blending to be is catchy and worth contemplation.

    love to you,
    Linda ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  14. Erika
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 18:54:34

    There are so much depth and so many meanings lying in those three words. Blending your Self with the moment, blending your Self with what you do, blending heart and mind for a life with all senses. It is all coming together in Being itself.
    I love your mandala and yes, it is perfectly going along with the poem.
    Have a lovely rest of your Sunday, Sue 💖

    Liked by 3 people


  15. Tom
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 19:24:33

    Here’s to being ourselves, Sue. Lovely poem and great mandala.

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Mark Lanesbury
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 20:12:33

    Beautiful mandala Sue, it is blending and BEE-ing very balanced in this world. We are working on that bit. But I suppose that is our journey, see sawing until we do find that balance and BEE that discovery 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 🦘 🐬 🐳 🌺 🌹 🌈

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2020 @ 15:51:28

      Its our Job I feel Mark… this Blending…. We shake up a few colours set them in order of our thoughts and allow others to use the paint to create their own canvas… We tell no one how to BE…. But just ask them to look more closely at their BEing.. 🙂 and what roles they play in the world that creates their reality…. When they BEcome aware of their power… Their BEing then begins Blending their own thoughts, into new perspectives and colours, And so as one thought passes to another… It can grow.. Its all about our choices of what we want to BEcome…. Do we want to spread Disharmony or do we want to BE spreading Love…
      Many thanks Mark… ❤ 🙏🌈💚

      Liked by 2 people


  17. marina kanavaki
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 20:18:56

    Ah, my dear Sue, how beautifully connected Be and Bee, and being beautifully you are. Your poem speaks to the heart. …well connected, my sweet friend!
    Enjoy a wonderful Sunday and week ahead! xoxoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  18. simplywendi
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 20:27:48

    Sue, your thoughts that came out as a poem, are just beautiful. I read it over several times to soak in all that you were expressing………it hit my heart.
    Your painting…..oh my goodness! amazing.

    Liked by 3 people


  19. peggyjoan42
    Feb 16, 2020 @ 23:18:24

    Beautiful poem Sue. I have jumped up many times in the night to write lines for a poem – before I forgot them.

    Liked by 2 people


  20. thespiritkeeper
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 03:17:32

    Thought provoking poem. To be in the moment raises a question for me to be in the moment of what is perceived real or to be in the moment of the matrix.

    Liked by 3 people


  21. Dewin Nefol
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 04:01:07

    Busy as a Bee blending art and poetry: rich and sweet as honey, and nourishing for the soul. ‘Tis always a pleasure to read your posts Sue, to ponder over your paintings, and grant your words freedom to roam the mind. You make good use of those wee small hours when sharing the company of silence you are alone with your quiet thoughts.

    We are stirred so many ways throughout the day, blending different parts of ourselves together in response to situation and circumstance. Rarely do we find respite from the need to do so, but fulfilment comes when we achieve our goals or realise our objectives. But the sweetest reward is often found when we’ve acted with Love and given honestly without sense of obligation or duty – or desire for gratification – to matters that enrich our hearts and blossom our inner-garden. Perhaps then we are like the Bee who tirelessly works for the good of the community (its extended family) rather than meeting the needs of itself.

    Charmed as always by the enchantment of Earth’s magic spell. Have a great week, take care,


    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2020 @ 16:20:54

      You always put so much thought into your responses Dewin, thank you… 🙂 And yes those awake small hours of the night are usually always productive, if not from writing in my journal then I get out the knitting needles till my eyelids droop lol.. Those quiet hours the best hours when our brain matter is less cluttered by the WiFi, and microwaves that criss-cross in and out of our grey matter..
      I agree with your words Dewin… Indeed, the Giving is the gratification… The BEE indeed works tirelessly and when one understands the life of a BEE it never stops until it’s energy is spent..
      Would that more would work for the good of their communities instead of Self.. But perhaps nature is already one step ahead of us on that one as she brings into our awareness the need to co-operate with one another instead of BEing in Conflict with one another..
      Many thanks again Dewin for your lovely comment… 🙂
      Have a Peaceful week my friend

      Liked by 2 people


      • Dewin Nefol
        Feb 18, 2020 @ 02:40:32

        You’re most welcome Sue 😀 I often engage with your posts in the small hours when after a busy day there is chance to enjoy some peace and quiet and opportunity to think. There is always worth to be found in your words.

        Knit one purl one, pause to ponder, write a line or two. Yes, I can appreciate how knitting and writing are complementary: knitting being a sort of meditative practice, a dreaming space between lines 😉

        It would certainly be a wonderful life if the antiquated human desire to dominate, decimate, divide, and impose our will upon another for personal gain ceased and the world lived in Love and went in peace. Nature evolves and as we are a product of nature it is inevitable that human-beings will eventually evolve as well: not so much a change in our heritable biological characteristics – we are the dominant species on Earth – but in our individual and collective psychology and (hence global) behaviour. Finite resources will require us to co-operate for no one country is an island.

        You know, if everyone were to wake just once in the wee small hours and in a quiet meditative moment come to understand that, ‘The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature’ — Joseph Campbell – how different the waking dawn might be.


        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 23, 2020 @ 15:25:45

          Indeed Dewin, wouldn’t that be great if all could wake up and match the beat of their hearts to the beat of the universe.. Love many a quote from Joseph Campbell, to match nature with nature… Is all that is required… Respecting it instead of destroying it.. Apologies for the late reply, I deliberately took some time out from the computer world, and kept my eye on the knit one pearl one, and this afternoon now have finished my project… And look forward to catching up once again here in blog land…
          Hope you too had a good week Dewin.. 🙂

          Liked by 2 people


  22. Barbara Franken
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 09:58:42

    Wow sue and wow again… to beautiful glowing words and your Mandela❤️ I love so much and Thankyou for shining your bright light😘 much love Barbara x

    Liked by 3 people


  23. Jane Sturgeon
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 11:06:50

    Beautiful poem and mandala, Sue. Blending to BE… ❤ always with soft hugs and much love to you both. ❤ ❤ Xxxx

    Liked by 3 people


  24. New Bloggy Cat
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 13:32:01

    Bee-utiful painting and poem, dear Sue. Yes, just BE! There’s a lot of fear and panic where I live due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. But we’re well and in good spirits. Just have to be more careful! Keep reminding the girls to ‘wash your hands’ and ‘don’t touch your face’. LOL! Catch up soon! Sending you much love and hugs, ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2020 @ 17:50:53

      I can understand that dear Pat.. Nothing to Fear but Fear itself… Panic solves nothing… Sending huge hugs your way and to both your girls.. Much love to you and your family…. Take care… Speak soon… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. colettebytes
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 13:54:41

    Lovely poem and Mandala, Sue. What a talented lady you are. 😊❤️

    Liked by 3 people


  26. derrickjknight
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 14:14:53

    Sometimes genuinely BEing is enough

    Liked by 3 people


  27. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 14:45:30

    Blending all the various parts into one singular self becomes the Masters chore.
    Accomplishment becomes life’s work.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2020 @ 17:54:50

      It most certainly is a life’s work dear Eddie for sure… But when Blending with love it becomes a Joy and not a daily chore.. 🙂 Hope your day is full of Joy also my good friend.. Take care and much love 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  28. J.D. Riso
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 15:20:00

    Be…such power in such a tiny word. 😊

    Liked by 3 people


  29. robbiesinspiration
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 16:34:57

    This is such a powerful poem, Sue. So wise and full of truths. Work and money don’t bring happiness. They are necessary to live but should never become the purpose of life. Family, faith and friends are the true meaning of life.

    Liked by 3 people


  30. -Eugenia
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 17:05:49

    Your mandala and poem are beautiful, Sue! Have a lovely week ahead! ❤️

    Liked by 3 people


  31. stephensmustang1
    Feb 17, 2020 @ 17:58:33

    Love this post. Blended like colors..yes..that says it all. Love and hugs

    Liked by 2 people


  32. prenin
    Feb 18, 2020 @ 01:13:10

    Well written Sue love. 🙂 ❤

    Love the Bee Mandela! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be!


    Liked by 3 people


  33. Renee Espriu
    Feb 18, 2020 @ 04:21:41

    Lost internet for a bit but will write this again. Love the beauty of your mandala and your words. I was raised in a very ethnically diverse family, the only one I know of, in a middle class neighborhood. It was difficult to fit into the elementary school I attended as well as fit into the family of which I was born into. My mother’s family and my father’s family were worlds apart and I had to adjust to being part of them both…a difficult thing to do. I am only now at nearly age 68 understanding who I am and the wonder of that being so that I can ‘Be’ that which is ‘Blended’. Thank you for sharing these words. xoxo

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2020 @ 15:29:35

      Hi Dear Renee, its wonderful that you are now exploring and Blending together the BE of yourself dear Renee… And sorry that you had to write your comment twice. I appreciate your patience Renee.. Especially as I have been absent from the internet for a while, while I have absorbed myself in my knitting with no distractions..
      Sending you huge hugs and hope to be catching up with your blog this week my friend ❤ And hope your art classes are going great too..
      Much love your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  34. kowkla123
    Feb 18, 2020 @ 10:33:23

    ich hoffe, du bist gut in die Woche gestartet, Klaus

    Liked by 3 people


  35. inavukic
    Feb 18, 2020 @ 11:42:35

    They say inspiration comes from even the most of unexpected places, and how marvellous that is when inspiration doesn’t let you sleep but guides your creativity…how fortunate we are, indeed. A big LIKE ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2020 @ 15:34:34

      Thank you Ina… I enjoyed both the painting and the inspired poetry night time upload lol.. 🙂 Sorry only just answering your comment, I have since been busy with a knitting project that I just wanted to finish.. So I have been absent from WP and the internet for a time.. 🙂
      Have a beautiful new week my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Miriam
    Feb 20, 2020 @ 22:21:53

    This is a beautiful post and poem Sue. To be read and savoured slowly, which is what I did, your words resonated deeply.
    And your bee mandala is simply magical. A perfect accompaniment to your deeply provocative poem. Bee happy Sue and thank you. I loved it all. xx 💜

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2020 @ 15:39:31

      What a lovely compliment, to have you savour my words slowly to digest them… Its strange, or not, lol, how my paintings wait patiently to be teamed up when the words are given, and I was a very happy BEE… To pair them together.. Many thanks for reading and your encouraging compliments Miriam..
      Much love.. ❤

      Liked by 3 people


  37. macalder02
    Feb 22, 2020 @ 02:24:45

    Sometimes some words take hold of us when they were rejected by the clocks that stop time. They come in, moisten our mind and we find the right meaning after traveling throughout our interior. It has revealed a truth to us, which will help us understand that everything is combined to find happiness within our being. A great poem Sue. I enjoyed it and it leaves me a deep reflection.
    A good weekend for you and your family.
    Your painting is great. You play with colors to draw attention to the bee.

    A veces algunas palabras se apoderan de nosotros cuando fueron rechazadas por los relojes que detienen el tiempo. Entran, humedecen nuestra mente y encontramos el significado correcto después de viajar por nuestro interior. Nos ha revelado una verdad que nos ayudará a comprender que todo se combina para encontrar la felicidad dentro de nuestro ser. Un gran poema Sue. Lo disfruté y me deja una profunda reflexión.
    Un buen fin de semana para ti y tu familia.
    Tu pintura es genial. Juegas con los colores para llamar la atención sobre la abeja.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2020 @ 15:44:13

      Estoy muy feliz de que mi poesía haya sido alentadora y de profunda reflexión, para permitir que otros piensen más profundamente sobre las palabras que escribo es uno de mis deseos más profundos. Que hagamos la diferencia, sea en pequeñas formas ..
      Muchas gracias querido Manuel … Por tu maravilloso comentario … Te agradezco que te hayas tomado el tiempo para leer las palabras …
      Mucho amor a tu manera

      I am so very happy that you found my poetry uplifting and in deep reflection, to be able to allow others to think deeper about the words I write is one of my own deepest wishes.. That we make a difference all be it in small ways..
      Many thanks dear Manuel.. For your wonderful comment.. I appreciate you taking time to read the words..
      Much love your way 🙂 💚

      Liked by 2 people


  38. rabirius
    Feb 22, 2020 @ 10:46:24

    Beautiful poem, Sue.
    And clever to connect BE and BEE. They are more connected than we think.

    Liked by 3 people


  39. MrsCraft
    Feb 23, 2020 @ 16:30:26

    Beautiful sentiments, and art work. It’s the kind of picture you could look at all day, and so cheery too x

    Liked by 3 people


  40. europasicewolf
    Feb 24, 2020 @ 17:44:43

    Love how you blended the ‘bee’ and the ‘be’ at the end there Sue! 🐝Stroke of genius😀 xxx

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 26, 2020 @ 15:23:52

      Hi there dear Wolfie, good to see your howwwllls here again my friend.. Just hopped over to see the Earth Expanding!!! a very interesting idea.. No comments open though to leave my thoughts…
      Hope all is well with you Wolfie.. And you are somewhere dry and above sea level…. ❤ Much love my fury friend.. 🙂 ❤ And thank you for your lovely comment

      Liked by 2 people


      • europasicewolf
        Feb 26, 2020 @ 19:34:55

        hooooooWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLooooo Sue! No comments open?? Really?!! I didn’t know that…thanks for mentioning it. I’ll check the settings although I know I haven’t been near them! Didn’t expect comments anyway after my prolonged absence, just posted as a way of announcing my return😉More important to try to rebuild relationships right now and I think that’s best done by visiting and commenting rather than looking for anything my end😊
        Yes…the thought of expanding Earth made me smile and created some great mental visuals!
        I’m dry and above water to date, as I very much hope you are too! We escape most serious weather issues here but what about where you are? Not too watery I hope! Looking forward to spring and some light!! Being prone to weather sensitivity the short dark days can be pretty hard-working. Seems one of my plants suffered too, dying from lack of light😯All its leaves peeled off leaving just a very white bleached stump to my disconcertion. It had a pest problem so couldn’t risk keeping it upstairs with its pals and it couldn’t cope with the low light. I consoled myself with pancakes last night however! Ummmmm!!🥞Great big hugs for you! Love Wolfie🐺👍🙃

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 27, 2020 @ 14:23:05

          Yes the weather has been dark Wolfie, not much light these cloudy days.. But thankfully like you we are on a hill and while roads have been flooded with water running off of fields and springs bubbling up and running off, we have escaped unlike other towns…
          I made Pancakes last week for my granddaughter as she was on a school trip for several days in the Peak this week..
          I checked back and no I cannot see a comment box, yet can on your other posts So don’t know what happened…
          Giant Hugs back Wolfie and good to have your Hooooowwwwlllls my friend.. ❤

          Liked by 2 people


          • europasicewolf
            Feb 27, 2020 @ 21:09:36

            Glad you survived the storms Sue! The town next to us wasn’t so lucky having a river running through it – same problems as you mention though it always ends up under water there in such times. The fields look like seas! Not that I could get there with no trains running🙄
            Hope your grand-daughter enjoyed her trip, not the best conditions for it! I had a few days holiday around then and it wasn’t much fun in the storms! Stay dry and safe🙂Wolfie hugs xx

            Liked by 2 people


      • europasicewolf
        Feb 27, 2020 @ 00:22:03

        Hmm…only checked from phone so far but comments are on…however, it’s showing a conflict on my blog post. Can’t tell from here which one I should delete. Will look tomorrow. Can only assume this has to do with the vanished comments part of the post! Sweet dreams 🙃🐺🌃

        Liked by 2 people


  41. Ka Malana -
    Feb 26, 2020 @ 10:46:22

    What a perfect share, in every way! I’m so glad for reading these elegant words, your poem. 💗 Absolutely love that bee mandala as well. It reminds me of a painting my mother did when I was a little girl. It was a similar geometry and with a plant in the center circle. In my medicine woman ritual work I do now, I am an apprentice with the lineage of the house of bee. Love this!!! So glad to see it. I’m having a spot of insomnia and your post is welcome receiving! Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 26, 2020 @ 15:49:50

      Hi dear Ka… Sorry your nights are a little sleepless, I had one such night a couple of nights ago… and was knitting till 3 in the morning.. 🙂
      So pleased it brought back that memory of your Mother’s painting, and that the BEE holds more meaning for you…
      Love and Hugs my friend, take care of you.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  42. Hannah Kaminsky
    Mar 02, 2020 @ 16:15:24

    Your watercolor would have been stunning by itself, but so much more meaningful and inspiring when matched with your words. What a prefect note to begin my day with. Thank you for starting me in the right frame of mind. ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2020 @ 16:18:42

      Aww thanks Hannah, so pleased you appreciated both my friend.. And I have that recipe noted down to munch on when Fear spreads its wings.. And I will be Blending my BEing in my own Peaceful Bubble.. 🙂 ❤ Hugs my friend and thank YOU..

      Liked by 2 people


  43. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Mar 02, 2020 @ 16:45:54

    I love this poem Sue, it has touched me deeply. The importance of being yourself, despite everything and everyone around you is what living is all about. I have found my best inspirations have flowed through me in the middle of the night, too. Thanks so much for sharing! Blessings, Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    Mar 03, 2020 @ 02:32:49

    Your words speak for themselves and you’ve painted such a soulful and wisdom of poetic truth. We are what we create and blend our own selves. Beautifully well expressed. I miss reading your work sue. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  45. Annika Perry
    Mar 04, 2020 @ 08:45:00

    Sue, I love your post and although I’m late to your post it struck a chord with me instantly! How often don’t we try to BE something else beside ourselves, to force to BE something different, to what we think is necessary to fit in, to conform and in the process never giving ourselves to chance to know our own soul, thoughts, being!

    An inspired piece and how wonderful that the words jumped from your pen, reflections arising from a comment you wrote elsewhere. Fantastic! As for the mandala … so many have said it before … this is exquisite. The BEE is perfect for your BE and the colours are vibrant and in harmony!

    Thank you for post that gives us both beauty and wisdom … and one that will stay with me.

    Wishing you a fabulous rest of the week, may the sun continue to shine, we need it so much! With much love, Annika xx 🌺🌸🦋 🐝

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2020 @ 15:37:39

      Argh thank you Annika… that is so true, we can spend a life time trying to BE what others want us to be.. And never truly pleasing ourselves and BEing what we want to BE.. I am always in ore at how the Universe works and none so more than today for me, when you see how synchronicity works prompting us to BE ..
      Thank you Annika for your compliments of both poem and painting… knowing my posts reach out and mean something to others is my greatest motivation..
      Thank you 🙏💖🌈

      Liked by 2 people


  46. da-AL
    Mar 07, 2020 @ 04:50:24

    Words & image, both lovely & profound ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  47. JoAnna
    Mar 07, 2020 @ 05:29:28

    The longer I look at your watercolor, I see a dance of layers, colors and dimensions. Fantastic! Sending love and light to you in abundance!

    Liked by 1 person


  48. aussieian2011
    Mar 08, 2020 @ 05:51:54

    Very enjoyable reading Sue, and thought inspiring, I see how you were led to write on the subject. I think many people today are actually Blending to be, to be accepted or to conform, personally I like to choose my Blending, a lovely writing Sue.



  49. lavendermoongirl
    Mar 21, 2020 @ 13:18:28

    Beautiful poem and mandala, Sue.
    I hope you’re having a good weekend. I’ve just been for a long walk in the sunshine, there are a number of bees about! 🙂🐝💛

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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