Everyone is Looking Outside themselves.. Look Within!

Family~ Picture credit to my Sister


..Below is an edited version of my thoughts from an old post.  This is the second time in sharing this since I first wrote back in 2012. , I make no apologies in sharing this post again, as we so need to keep our vibrations high and full of love. For there are those wishing to break our spirit and lower our frequency in vibration of that of Humans and the Earth herself.  We are now in a crucial time of keeping our vibrations as high as possible.. The Hopi spoke of this time. And that time is now. 

The original  Full post and it’s theme is HERE with more interesting comments

Wishing you all a Peaceful Beautiful week as I send you all of my Love and Gratitude … Sue x 


We are all of us right now looking for something, whether it is peace or our fortunes, we are all of us searching for something,………….

We have all seen events around our world, where anger and bloodshed has spilled out onto the streets in various conflicts which now affect different parts of the world. And we have seen how quickly this can spread…

So those who have been following my blog will also know how much importance I have put into thinking Positive thoughts and putting Positive energy out there, for like a pebble in a pool of water it will spread out through our Collective Consciousness  just the same.. An example of that is how suddenly an event can cause an emotional response within us. Causing Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Elation, etc.

What ripples are we sending out?

“We have to understand we are all one family.. When one member of one’s family is ill, it has an effect upon the rest of the family..In turn each person’s health is affected by the environment, community, society the whole world.. We all of us get to use our feelings and emotions as we use them to either feel strongly about global issues such as climate changes, famine, poverty and so on..adding our energy of greed, anger, hatred, guilt, sorrow or joy… it all adds to the mix.. Our family is sick, as we see many Nations now falling ill… So too our World is Sick.. she is being poisoned.

If we can change , the world can change..


“When we get a virus within our bodies our immune system kicks in to defend it.. We have to understand that we have become the Virus upon this planet.. WE are the ones destroying our environment.. We are the Cancer that is eating away at her..

When we can change our own values of living. And learn that we are ALL of us connected... The more we start and live in love and from our hearts instead of in Fear and anger, we will then start to see a world that works towards harmony and Peace..

It all starts with Self, as we begin to heal ourselves from within.. letting go of those emotions which affect our health and affect our world. We need to let go of Greed, Hate, Power and Control. 

To heal the world we have to see we are the community, we are the society we are the nation, one family..  Once we change the way we think and perceive and behave.. We change the World…”

Everyone is looking outside of themselves for solutions!

May we all find LOVE in our hearts and begin to share it. 

May we all start and look  within our own mirrors, look within and see  that by changing ourselves, and our own perceptions,our own judgements, our own anger and frustrations, we then begin to change  and heal the World. 

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012-2015-2019

Photo of rainbow credit- free photo domain..

159 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eliza Ayres
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 19:26:41

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Erika Kind
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 20:06:03

    Wow, thank you for sharing this again, Sue. We are looking outside us to find solutions for our suffering planet not realizing that we are the parasites. In healing ourselves we heal others and our planet. A wonderful way to explain that we are all one and connected in everything that happens with and around us. Thank you, Sue 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Colleen Chesebro
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 20:10:06

    What a fabulous reminder that we are all ONE! Thank you so much, Sue. This resonated with me, especially today. Thank you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  4. thespiritkeeper
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 20:13:41

    Love is all there ever was and is. If we love ourselves then we are able to love others. When we love ourselves all is possible in our world and on the earth plane. It does start with each individual to love and that love will spill over. Your article is a great reminder. Hope the start of the week is agreeable. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 01, 2019 @ 22:05:39

      So true Joseph. And when we are able to really love ourselves it changes us, enabling us to see things from a different perspective.
      Love is what we came to discover. We were told the ‘kingdom of heaven lies within,’ we have to go within to find ourselves, and when we discover our inner selves we unravel who we are and why we are here.
      Many thanks Joseph, hope your week is a good one also. 💛🌞😀

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Jane Sturgeon
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 20:26:59

    Much ❤️ flowing to you both. ❤️ xXx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  6. IreneDesign2011
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 20:41:57

    You are right Sue, we need to start with ourselves and our habits to do our best to take care of our Mother.
    Much love to you ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  7. peggyjoan42
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 20:42:30

    Good post Sue. The only way to overcome the hate in the world is with love. Often projecting your love toward someone who harbors hate – brings the love within that person to the surface and changes their attitude for the better.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Singing Tree
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 21:00:26

    Reblogged this on Singing Tree.

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  9. JanBeek
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 21:17:32

    I join you in this prayer, “May we all start and look within… and see that by changing ourselves… we then begin to change and heal the World.” May that personal change be an extra dose of love poured out generously. Thank you for reposting this, Marva. It’s worthy of a reread! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Mark Lanesbury
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 21:59:52

    It is a well written post dear lady, and we will all get there as you said, we just have to look inside. It is waiting patiently for us to finally see, and begin to heal, us and the planet 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 01, 2019 @ 22:22:54

      It’s a journey we have been through Mark 💚, and as we know on a personal level we are tested over and over. We doubt and often may feel alone as well as confusion. The world reflects this confusion and chaotic energies each give to the matrix. We then become our own worst enemy.
      Our consumer habits contribute to deforestation, pollution, plastic,as well as watching violent films etc.
      What we sow, is what we reap.
      Many thanks again Mark. Sending blessings your way🤗

      Liked by 1 person


  11. dreamweaver333
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 22:26:32

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

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  12. rabirius
    Sep 01, 2019 @ 22:52:15

    Looking within is always good advice. Often we externalise things to push them away.



  13. inavukic
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 02:00:52

    I cannot change anyone unless they want to change themselves…Yes it all depends on our our inner being. At times it’s hard for someone to look inside themselves for solutions so they look outside…to build strength to look inside I guess counts with the top successes towards true happiness and self-validation



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2019 @ 18:25:33

      The hardest journey is looking within and stripping back the barriers, the layers we have built through our indoctrinations and perceptions of ourselves and this reality Ina.. The most important thing any of us can do is to look at our own actions, our own judgements not only of others, but how we judge ourselves..
      It’s a complex process, often painful, as it can unearth our own vulnerability and past wounds. But in doing so, I personally have found it to be the most freeing thing I have ever done..
      Then learning to step back from judging ourselves and others, to become the observer of how we inflict our behaviours, expectations etc.
      You are so right in saying we can not change others,… we can only change ourselves..
      Thank you Ina.. I very much appreciate your thoughts and you taking time to read 🙂



  14. dgkaye
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 02:05:25

    Never old to listen to what’s current now Sue. Thanks for the video, shared everywhere ❤ Namaste my friend. ❤ xx



  15. sibyltowers
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 10:02:12


    Liked by 1 person


  16. sibyltowers
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 10:55:51

    Dear Sue, I’ve read your post and I’ve understood…
    For equilibrium’s safe journey…each Soul must stay true to the life-forces that help shine a light on each step of ones’ own particular journey. Deviate and there’s the fear of getting lost.
    It can feel very lonely when you’re on your own…So I think you are very lucky to have the links you have that enable you to be a leading light.
    Lots of Love Dear Friend XXX



  17. Miriam
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 11:50:40

    Yes, it’s just as relevant today, if not more so. We can never have too many messages like this one Sue. It’s so important for our world, as we really are all one, and we need to be reminded of that. Blessings to you my friend. xx 🙏



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2019 @ 18:34:40

      Thank you Miriam. At times it seems like we keep on repeating ourselves, so thank you for that validation of ‘we can never have too many messages as this’ 🙂 I wonder how long it will take it for it to sink into some peoples hearts and minds?? That we are ONE, all from the same Ether, travelling through the experience we have created.. And I wonder how many will start to understand, that it is WE who have created this violent, turbulent world, and it is only WE who can bring it peace.. But we need to create that Peace first within..
      Much love right back Miriam.. Thank you my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Eddie Two Hawks
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 13:16:51

    One world, our world,
    our hearts, one beat.
    You awaken us to the life within.
    To understand the world around.
    Have a beautiful day dear Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. -Eugenia
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 14:28:44

    Wonderful post and so true, Sue! Positive thinking begins with us then we spread the wealth. Peace and light and lots of hugs! ❤️



  20. roughwighting
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 19:59:21

    What a lovely photo, and words that speak the truth. I believe that when I discovered meditation – ie, discovered meditation for myself, meditation has been around for a long long time 🙂 – I found the best way to look inward, which then helped me look beyond myself to the community of all.



  21. Visionkeeper
    Sep 02, 2019 @ 21:39:01

    Good one DW….Yes, thoughts are of extreme importance, positive thoughts even more so..I just don’t want people to abandon being active in changing the world if they think happy thoughts will solve everything. We fell into that pit years ago..These times are challenging on every level, every direction we turn to. To get through all of this one needs to feel secure with who they are and one can’t do that without going within and cleaning house to find out who they are. It is difficult at times to muster the energy to climb up the hill yet again, but if we all hold our hands out to one another in support we will make it over the finish line! Thanks for your thoughts my friend. I shall miss summer now that fall is creeping in. I am sure you have been busy with the harvest. All the best and huge hugs….Much Love…VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2019 @ 18:49:55

      Exactly VK… While Thought is paramount, for its the first point of energy that manifests our reality, that puts intention into our actions.. We also have to be proactive in our actions, to create a more caring sharing world..
      As for the harvest.. Yes, we had another busy morning today on the plot.. I was tired, and had to go lay down this afternoon, its been warm again today, but I think its about coming to an end..
      Sending love your way VK.. and hope alls well with you my friend… I hope to be catching up with you and others over the next few days.. As I slow down on the physical activities a bit this week.. ❤
      MUCH love my friend DW..



  22. TamrahJo
    Sep 03, 2019 @ 01:17:13

    I’m re-listening to the tv series “The Closer” while working – I’m HOPEFUL, I’ll learn how to say, “Thank you, thank you very much” in a really cheerful, non-attached tone, while in my brain/heart, I’m thinking, “Seriously, can we just talk about this complex issue that affects us all, without the conversation becoming full of personal attacks?” – – :). Sigh – in my world, there are personal challenges, collective challenges, and in the end – nothing as complex as an inner world or a complex outer world that has inherited challenges from long ago decisions AND current challenges/divisive and ‘hot topic’ conversations – In the end – I ‘feel peace’ and tranquility, when, in my ‘outside world’ I feel I can call and say, to the long time friend, “I heard you when you said you’ve gone vegan, but you said you’re still eating fish/eggs now and…well…do we have a trusting enough relationship for me to just ask some questions? Cuz I want to learn more about why, what does it look like, is what I think “vegan’ means, changed recently? How do you navigate this (challenge? or this?) – are you willing to share with me your perspective on embracing this change for yourself, so I can understand more, see more perspectives than just what I see is many evolving things that sometimes throw out good things, along with bad things with no ‘transition’ stages? – I’m so grateful, such folks, which includes you, Sue, that I do have an ‘outside’ world that gets my curiosity and willingness to engage in ‘inner work’ when I find myself, often, bumping up against an ‘outside world’ that often asks me to find a way to earn my living in ways I hope, in the end, I’m not adding to the challenges – 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 05, 2019 @ 11:19:42

      Living in gratitude is one of the best things we can do,that and connecting back with nature.. We can at the end only do our best.. The inner journey is never easy, we often pick at our wounded scabs,until we finally learn to heal from within.. Learning to let go and release all the baggage is ongoing.. But I think Tamrahjo you my friend are on the right path.. You call a spade a spade, speak your truth and follow your heart.. What more can we do but be our best..

      Love and Blessings my friend and thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • TamrahJo
        Sep 08, 2019 @ 21:34:55

        Thank you, Miss Sue Dreamwalker for the kind words – I like Miguel Ruiz’s line (The Four Agreements) –

        “Your best will vary from day to day” 🙂

        On the other hand, in the spirit of my quest to be authentic, I must tell you, OFTEN, I do NOT call a spade a spade – –

        I call it a “Fri***KN’ Shovel” which gets me into social troubles – – – often – – – LOL




  23. macalder02
    Sep 03, 2019 @ 01:23:07

    The neglect of the human being has no name. We do nothing to stop the destruction of the planet. If we do not join forces, we will see, in a short time, the irreparable damage we are doing. Your initiative is the best. Hopefully many join your criteria. After a few months, I return to the blog. So it’s time to catch up with your other writings. Greetings.



  24. Zozie Brown
    Sep 03, 2019 @ 02:35:55

    These are powerful words–and the imagery is inspiring. Beautiful!



  25. marina kanavaki
    Sep 03, 2019 @ 12:29:02

    So very very true, my sweet friend!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo



  26. insearchofitall
    Sep 04, 2019 @ 02:16:32

    As always, you are right on target, Sue. We can’t fix what’s out there until we raise the vibration of what’s inside of each of us. It is working in my world to the best it can. My sister says she feels peaceful when she’s around me. She likes to stir up trouble to I have to limit the time we spend together. I can paraphrase this information 100 times a week and she just doesn’t absorb it. It hurts my heart but I can do nothing more than stay peaceful. Sending love and hugs.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 05, 2019 @ 14:07:41

      Doing our best with those who surround us is all we can do Marlene… At the end of the day we are each just responsible for ourselves.. Those not yet at that vibration will get there when they are meant to.. We can only lead by example..
      And there are many in the world who feel like we do, who stand quietly in the sidelines saying nothing..
      But I do believe our collective is gaining ground, even though at times it seems otherwise..

      I have to also understand that there are those dark forces who keep trying to upset the balance of our vibration by plunging us back into despair.. We see it time and time again..
      Knowing we are all powerful, and that we with our Light and love, caring and sharing attitudes will make a difference in the world.. But it all starts within, and changing our inner perceptions and sharing love..

      Much love your way Marlene.. and thank you my dear friend for your support and lovely comments ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  27. Dewin Nefol
    Sep 04, 2019 @ 11:37:19

    Hey Sue,

    I think Love is a virtue that comes in many shades of red, but as you rightly suggest, it is the quality of its unconditional sharing (with others as much ourselves) that maintains its noble integrity.

    In these uncertain times, your post is a timely reminder to us all, thank you Sue 🙂

    Love and Peace,




  28. aFrankAngle
    Sep 04, 2019 @ 11:56:22

    Excellent. Contrary to popular belief, life is not about individuals … not about me … but about us … Us as a collective … Us as a society … Us are a mish-mash of misfits making it work for the good of the whole. Hi Sue!



  29. Bela Johnson
    Sep 04, 2019 @ 18:43:24

    Well, as you and I know, the only thing we CAN change is ourselves. But oh, look at that! Look at her, him, IT! Distractions from the trembling arc of introspection. I remember it now even, begun in my 20’s in the woods of Maine. It was terrifying, and … so … necessary! Great reminders, dear one. ❤



  30. Mabel Kwong
    Sep 05, 2019 @ 12:12:58

    This may be something you wrote a while ago, but I think these words are very important for us to hear today. It is interesting an interesting time the world is in, seemingly more divided than ever. Agree that if one of us gets sick, the rest of the world might follow suit…and that’s evidence by how pandemics and epidemics come about. I guess when it comes to being sick, something about our feelings and emotions within us change – for us who is sick and those around us. Sometimes that can be too late, and so taking care of ourself is so important. If we are to love others and look out for each other, we have to love ourselves first.

    Sharing is also something we each have to learn to do. I don’t know why some of us don’t want to share or share within certain circles. Greed might bring short term satisfaction but never long term happiness.

    Take care in these turbulent times, Sue ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 05, 2019 @ 14:16:46

      Thank you Mabel, which is why I thought to share once again.. And yes we have to learn to love ourselves first in order to love others.. and loved what you said here

      Greed might bring short term satisfaction but never long term happiness.

      Many thanks Mabel… Thank you so much for reading in depth here… Much love my friend ❤



  31. AmyRose🌹
    Sep 05, 2019 @ 21:35:48

    Right on, Sue!! The solution lies within each one of us! And that is LOVE. I feel like a broken record saying this again and again. Yet I will not stop either! Of late hubby has been so morose, so miserable, blaming everything and everyone for his misery and me I, one, will NOT be pulled into that drama, and two, I tell him straight up he is responsible for how he is feeling, NO ONE else. I advise him to move more, get outside more, have more fun with his camera, stop watching the news but it’s like this virus has hold over him and all he can do is moan and groan about his life. And let me tell you, dear friend, this man has more LOVE around him then most people yet due to his sickness, he cannot see. I’m being very honest here …. I’m letting this go and I’m setting in motion with words my INTENTION that this virus that has its hold over him is broken by me writing these words. As I am doing so, I’ve gotten flushed and very warm ….. oh yeah, energy is moving. This world has such a horrible hold on him, yet he is the only one who can free himself. This man has such a huge Light living with him yet he still is choosing the dark. I’ve moved on in my own way doing more and more for me to bring wellness, wholeness, health and happiness to me. And all the time living with one who is morose and miserable. And guess what? I honest to God have a smile on my face and my Heart is smiling too. Amazing what we can accomplish when we find our own LOVE within. (((HUGS)))!!! xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 06, 2019 @ 13:20:16

      Its hard Amy having this constant shadow of depression to live with.. And from one who understands depression, its a hard habit to climb out of.. The good thing Amy he has you, to help lift him and also to be firm. Because I also needed to be told, no one but ME could lift ME.. I was the one choosing to live in the shadows, the woe is me syndrome I call it now.. I see it among many I associate with, and if you are not careful it can drag you down into their pit..
      I think Amy both of us have had enough of our own dark wells in life.. And we beat it, it was a hard climb out and up, and NO way are we being dragged back in there again..
      So keep on smiling, showing your light and positive ways, and keep reminding others that we have a choice.. And only they can choose..
      I am with you 100% in what we can achieve with love in our hearts.. ❤
      Thank you for sharing Amy…. And I am sure that intention within is moving mountains.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  32. Jennie
    Sep 06, 2019 @ 13:01:39

    So true!



  33. Renee Espriu
    Sep 07, 2019 @ 00:22:49

    Thank you for posting, once again, the need to look carefully. I do, of course, but now at my age and in my situation, it can become something that does not lead forward as I would hope. But, perhaps, if I try to stay hopeful, things will change and lead me forward once more. I do hope you are well. Take care.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2019 @ 18:05:47

      Our intention is everything Renee and it matters not age we are, we can all move forward if we align our intention…
      Lovely to see you Renee and Hope all’s well with you my friend..



  34. Infinite Living
    Sep 07, 2019 @ 00:40:19

    Dear Sue, I have been away from this blog space for quite a while now without intending to take a break. Simply drifted off into living, deep listening, healing and some profound shifts that entailed. I logged back in today wanting to look for you and was very grateful to find this post of yours. Healing our wounds that make us ill in heart, mind, body- is indeed our foremost responsibility. When we take ownership of our own choices and what we do with our privilege of time on this planet affect the entire family of humanity. I begins with our personal intention in what we bring when we relate to others in our society, community, family. I am so enjoying being back in this space with your post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2019 @ 18:29:44

      Lovely to have you back visiting here too Pragalabha.We all need to follow our own inner calling, and I know from my own personal experience of absence here, the longer I am away the more reluctant I am to return into blog land.. Once back I love the interaction, the wonderful love felt here in WP, but often I am torn to just LIVE in the Now of the moment, especially in the Spring and Summer months, you will find me out in my garden or on my plot in nature .. This is where I truly feel content and at one..
      Sending you so much love my friend and so pleased you took and are taking time for yourself.. Its often needed, and we need to take that break without feeling any sense of guilt.. ❤
      Much love dear Pragalbha.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  35. aussieian2011
    Sep 07, 2019 @ 09:08:13

    You pretty well summed it all up with that repost Sue, if we really look at ourselves and be honest, we are really a physical germ, a parasite that is self destructing the habitat we live in, exploiting all around us and not seeing or caring for the outcome, our spiritual being can see the damage but the physical body has no eyes, cheers.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2019 @ 18:42:39

      I couldn’t have said that any better Ian.. Thank you.. I think Mother Earth herself will find the antibiotic to the parasites my friend.. She is gathering momentum ..
      Many thanks again Ian.. Take care my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  36. stephensmustang1
    Sep 08, 2019 @ 00:58:12

    Do good, get good. I keep telling others and myself (mostly myself) that I’m not responsible for how others act/react..I’m responsible for how I act/react so I’m trying to act/react in ways that reflect who I am at heart and that would make Father God proud.



  37. prenin
    Sep 08, 2019 @ 03:31:16

    Love and hugs my friend!!! 🙂 ❤




  38. michnavs
    Sep 08, 2019 @ 15:43:28

    This is yet again another inspiring and moving post Sue…indeed we need to stop looking or focusing on the outside forces rather we begin looking deeply into ourselves…if we understand ourselves better then by all mean we will have a better understanding of the world and the people around us..



  39. Sageleaf
    Sep 08, 2019 @ 19:32:29

    Sweet Sue! I have been absent myself in getting to others’ posts. I decided to respond to the hate and apathy that targeted my family with love and empathy as I organize a peace rally for the International Day of Peace. It has kept me quite busy and I anticipate going within and really using the cooler months to rest and go within, do art, and take a step back from technology. I am looking forward to it. Hehe.
    That said, I love this post. I wrote my speech for peace day and this is EXACTLY what I talk about. Well, going within, sharing in meditation, talking about peace and its definitions, and following up with what peace looks like. It’s 2700 words, and takes me 15 minutes to present, but I hope it’s worthwhile. 🙂 All at once I am sticking my neck out, but I am calling on my angels and relations to be by my side as I call for equality, action, love, and the need to get quiet and still so we can become our highest selves. And then that’s exactly what I’ll do as the autumnal equinox happens on Sept. 23: I’m going to wind down, tone it down, and spend some time hibernating. 🙂
    I hope you’ve been well, sweet friend. I haven’t been to many blogs since I got news of what happened to my aunt, and then planning the peace rally in response. But please know how much I am sending you hugs, love and light. ✨💜💙💚🤗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 11, 2019 @ 12:02:35

      Dearest Cynthia, I didn’t even expect you to visit knowing the grief your family have gone through since what happened.. A peace rally is such a wonderful idea and tribute too, to your aunt..
      I have great expectations of spin offs from this event, even you would be surprised with. So take all the time needed to focus on your project and rest, rejuvenate and explore more of your own inner world as you learn how to reconnect both inner and outer worlds back together in harmony and peace my friend..
      Sending you Sooooo, Soooooo.. much love back..
      ❤ 💗😘💕💙💚

      Liked by 1 person


  40. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Sep 10, 2019 @ 15:20:14

    If we wish to see a change our world, we need to make a change within ourselves. Great blog Sue and thanks for sharing again. Always good to have reminders. Many Blessings, Lisa xx



  41. Andrea Stephenson
    Sep 10, 2019 @ 15:46:32

    So true Sue, the world needs us to remember that what we do within is what makes the change without.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 11, 2019 @ 12:58:07

      It is.. and hopefully when enough realise it is WE who create our reality, and understand how our inner world reflects our outer world.. Lets hope enough will begin to make changes to their inner world selecting peace and harmony rather than judgement and division..

      Many thanks Andrea.. I so appreciate your thoughts here.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  42. kowkla123
    Sep 11, 2019 @ 11:01:20

    hab einen schönen Tag mit vielen schönen Momenten, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  43. J.D. Riso
    Sep 11, 2019 @ 19:36:43

    Thank you for unearthing this from your archives, Sue. If only we were taught the importance of looking within from a young age instead of turning to others for validation. Took me a long time to be able to do it, and still sometimes I catch myself seeking external reinforcement. Hope you are well, dear one.❤️🦋

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2019 @ 17:55:42

      Dear Julie, lovely to see you and thank you. I think if we are all of us honest we all from time to time seek validation and praise for external sources.. I am far from perfect.. far, far from perfect.. But so long as we try our best to be our best and learn we are Worthy and learn to love ourselves warts and all.. 🙂 And it takes time to realise that its our own mindset that holds us within its limitations, often we tell ourselves we ‘Can’t’ or we are not worthy, or we are not deserving, and so we continually create situations which mirror our lack..
      Once we learn to navigate those hurdles.. [none of which are easy] we begin to see its how we perceive ourselves and our inner world of peace, calm and harmony that then creates our external world…
      Many thanks I am Very well, and love you dropped in to read Julie. ❤ Much love and hope all is well in your world too ❤ 🙂



      • J.D. Riso
        Sep 12, 2019 @ 20:04:35

        often we tell ourselves we ‘Can’t’ or we are not worthy, or we are not deserving, and so we continually create situations which mirror our lack.”

        Oh, how I experience this over and over again. So difficult to not get discouraged by it, to not feel resentful that all the hard work I’ve done doesn’t seem to be paying off. In some areas, yes, but others… Sometimes I wish I could just go back to being oblivious, but once you’re on this ride there’s no turning back. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and wisdom and for existing. Much love back at you. ❤️



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 13, 2019 @ 20:00:49

          I know what you mean Julie once we wake up, to the world and ourselves there is no going back.. Only Onward and forward.. learning to live in the NOW as much as is possible.. We have to realise we have had many lives, and many traumas which we have carried subconsciously through our time travels.. Each layer peeled creates its own ocean of tears, its a long lonely process.. But once you hold yourself in love, it gets easier, for we then nurture and hold our inner child gently as we heal from within…

          Liked by 2 people


  44. JoAnna
    Sep 13, 2019 @ 05:09:48

    I’ve always loved the idea and the reality of positive ripples in a pond. Yours are always so positive and comforting. I like that beautiful rainbow picture of the ripples flowing, too. Thank you for the reminder to keep our vibration high as a priority. We must feed and nurture positive energy. I’m finding art and singing work very well for me in that regard. Sending peace and much love to you, dear Sue. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 13, 2019 @ 20:24:43

      The best actions we can do is keep our vibrations high in positive pursuits and being creative.. Keep Singing JoAnna, Music raises our vibration in its joy.. and keep painting and experimenting with your new mediums of art and allow the world’s woes to wash over you.. That is what I am trying to do, even though I am trying to wake others up to their own parts we play in either helping raise the vibration or lowering it.. The choice of which type of world we live in is ours, because we are the ones creating it.. ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  45. colettebytes
    Sep 13, 2019 @ 17:25:41

    I feel this too Sue. Such a powerful post. I may reblog (with your permission) but will wait until my posts are in tune with it. As you know, the recent ones have been a bit dark. 🤗🙏 Namaste.

    Liked by 1 person


  46. Barbara Franken
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 13:27:13

    Thankyou sue for bring this post back to remind the world to look and feel within… yes especially now, we are on the pinnacle of absolute and dynamic change❤️ I’m actually watching the Netflix series The Tudors about the life of Henry 8th, I studied this time in detail for my school O levels which I passed with flying colours! But how this king terribly treated his people because of his greed for supreme power… changing the world as they knew it from being controlled and manipulated by the catholic pope to himself… really brought home to me why we British & Europe in particular are the way we are, utterly manipulated! And suffer so much with past trauma today. As the memories are anchored within our cells, so much torture, fornication, and treating each other with absolutely no honour! The storyteller really brought it home and I’d say a great watch for everyone to see where our trauma stems from… not our fault at all, but a collective experience happening now (as we are multidimensional and everything’s happening now). Once we understand we didn’t do anything wrong and it’s all part of the cosmic setup for each to realise now… we can change the world in a split second, easily releasing the stuck trauma and moving into our higher frequency experience😘
    Thankyou sue and here’s to us all allowing ourselves to put all the horrific behind us once and for all❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 14, 2019 @ 15:38:01

      Yes the wounds we all must carry in this self perpetuating cycle designed to keep us entrapped must be huge.
      Coming to understand We no longer need to hang onto Karma, letting go, forgiving ourselves and others, and moving within the present moment.. All things can as you say be instantly healed..
      But as it stands so many are so asleep as to not even realise we are the ones keeping the trauma going..
      Many thanks my friend for sharing that, sending Much love and gratitude your way.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  47. bwcarey
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 14:09:21

    patience peace and endurance, too often we allow outside factors to disrupt our inner working, or maybe we come across the resentments we never let go of, looking forward to reading your blog in the days and years to come, blessings Sue, thanks



  48. Joel F
    Sep 17, 2019 @ 06:21:56

    Thanks for this Sue. It’s a beautiful writing.



  49. simplywendi
    Sep 19, 2019 @ 04:06:28

    “It all starts with Self, as we begin to heal ourselves from within.. letting go of those emotions which affect our health and affect our world. We need to let go of Greed, Hate, Power and Control. “…………..such beautiful words, thank you for encouraging so many of us to live a much better life.

    Liked by 1 person


  50. America On Coffee
    Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:21:25

    Beautifully stated and writtened.🍵😎🍵

    Liked by 1 person


  51. jacksjottings
    Oct 02, 2019 @ 05:43:14

    For you to enjoy Sue, but instead of Australian think cosmopolitan.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 02, 2019 @ 10:09:14

      Dearest Jack.. How wonderful to have you on my blog again.. I found the link was broken but found the Video and I am listening to it now… And uploaded it to your comment .. LOVE it 🙂 THANK YOU ❤ 🙏



  52. jacksjottings
    Oct 02, 2019 @ 05:53:44

    I wanted you to enjoy The Seekers, song I am Australian. Just think cosmopolitan instead of Australian. Unfortunately I could not get the link to work. .

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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