Waking Up the ‘Play’ Being Played Out.

Photo:  Scotland: Oban by Ferry to the Isle of Mull 2018

Most of you know I follow my instincts, and I found myself in the first weeks of January feeling an inward frustration of the energies which have been amplified by the collective energies we are all surrounded with, which seem to be coming to head in many parts of the world.

 And I was not immune from these energies. As I too could feel a surge of impatience and just felt the need to escape in a deep dark cave away from the noise the world was making. My mind needed Space and Solitude, and so began my Meditations again which came at just the right time, which was another ‘Sign’ to just BE and create.

When you begin to wake up to the world at large you begin to see the ‘Play’ in which those negative energies and low frequencies are kept at the forefront to keep you fearful. So, if you are not careful you can soon become embroiled in their plot as your emotions carry you along with the herd mentality of blame and name calling.

Here in the UK this huge ‘play act’ at the moment is called Brexit, and each place around the world has similar such plays being drawn out, whose themes are to divide, ware down and conquer.  And ware you down it does. 

So, I felt I needed space, I still feel I need that space, I have felt an urgency to complete the things I promised myself I was going to complete but never have for several years. This includes putting together a collection of my poetry to one day pass along to my Granddaughter.

But when ever I sat down to write, I would find myself in a nostalgic mood, even my dream time was reliving past events, with work colleagues long gone.  And I realised it was yet another clearing out and letting go, a sort of mourning of my youth, for much of my dream time  I was always my younger self. 

Through my meditations, I realised further, that as we perceive time as speeding up most of us are feeling this now. I was in fact saying goodbye to my old self, the old Earth, and I felt sad, in limbo, and my frustrations were not only born of the outer world, but of my inner world. For I felt I was not doing enough to ensure Light and Love wins this vital ‘play’ we are all acting within our material world.  

Understanding what I know, about the Earth Cycles and how we repeat our History at certain intervals and how certain planetary events are now once again showing us their ‘Signs’, and yet no one is really paying attention. Because we are all caught up within these Programmes of Distraction.

For those reading my words who are not familiar with lightworkers, and their inbuilt calling, I may appear to be rambling. But I have been reconnecting with Spirit, and I was reassured that on a soul level many have chosen to transcend the frequencies to a new Earth.  And that what we have been experiencing on a subconscious level are the adjustments of deep-seated emotional bonds which are now being severed.

I know others too have felt like they have needed space, to withdraw, and regain their energies. Starting new projects or moving location and beginning new adventures.  I was told that we are now ready to jump start these frequencies, but to do so, we have to acknowledge the transition within by asking Source, our guides etc to assist us.

New Earth is a place we have to create within our hearts, as to what kind of World we wish to exist in.  By holding onto the past, and the ‘Old’ ways, we are not allowing ourselves to break free of these Old programmes which have held us captive within this Matrix for Aeons. Each of us are going to have to observe what is repeatedly turning up and work through our own reality, while respecting others are having to work through their own.  

We are all proceeding through our own Transition at our own pace, given our awareness, and by no means are we going to just suddenly find ourselves in a New World in an instant.  We have to create our own path, by our own choices. Each are responsible for their own actions. And if we want changes to happen, we have to be prepared to make changes in our own lives. I saw how Judgemental I still am, and how much inner work I still need to do. Hence my last post of Fixing the Inside. Those who are and have been in control of the way this world works for so long now are ramping up the negatives, I feel it, and I also felt myself being drawn into their web.

This is why it is so important right now to release the pain we have all of us been holding inside of us, not only in this life time, but in past lives. When we can adjust, and truly let go, and send love into those whose hearts are closed and full of darkness, and when we can truly live in gratitude and from our heart consciousness, letting go of the fear being generated.  When we fully understand we are Eternal Beings of Light, we then are all helping Shift our Old World into New Earth.

I began this year by making changes to my own routine.  More exercise in the morning and meditation. I took to writing a book containing my thoughts and poems. I read somewhere, just write, and see how it flows, you can edit it all later, but it became almost biographical in nature as I found myself bringing many past events to the surface. I wrote nearly 10,000 words, then deleted it to begin again.  I saw how nostalgia was bringing back those past emotions which also needed to be deleted.

Hedgehog in Spring my art in Oils

We should never be afraid to start afresh and try something new, as I worked in oils instead of my preferred Acrylics for only the second time in my life. I thought it apt my artwork in the new year was of one of my favourite little animals who visit our garden. At the moment he too is hibernating in our garden until Spring, and at the first sign of danger he curls up in a ball.  His outer coat of spikes protecting his softer underbelly.

I realised I was curling up into a ball, when in fact I needed to uncurl and face that which I had been putting off. I had told myself, while wanting to write a book, the unworthy aspect of my childhood was still controlling my thought programming.

When the Old breaks apart, we have to be prepared to relearn and find new ways of Being, and when we want to achieve something, we have to put the work in.

It’s time now for those of us who are on our Missions to unify our vision of the future, rather than concentrating on the brokenness of the now.  Thoughts are Energy and we need to work upon our selves to see by opening our own hearts we contribute to the whole of humanity by our collective energies. I realised how easily our energies are being tested and how quickly we can get dragged back down.

 So create your new self in the new world, and what kind of New world we wish to live in.

I know this is a long post, and if you have made it to the end. Thank you.

I thought it apt that I came across this video again after writing this post. It ties in nicely about letting go of the past. 

Much Love to you ALL.. 

186 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. bwcarey
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 16:33:53

    there is chaos out there, and many are being misled on this Brexit issue, its’ forcing nationalistic thinking of a lost past take the stage, and it’s very divisive, when re realize that we live in one world, there will be change, and as with issues of social and environmental stress, no one is immune from it, blessings and a happy new year, amen. may all the extremists and their schemes implode upon themselves only.

    Liked by 1 person


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  3. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 16:51:25

    Golly…I log in after a very long time away…and who greets me with a perfect post??!! Ho mitakuye oyasin my friend…and much love back to you. This is such an awkward strange time…Blessings to you to be able to write still from the heart and soul. Much Magic and Blessings to you! Marianne



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 10:09:06

      Oh my goodness, Marianne… I had thought you gone from wordpess, I left several messages on your blog since your last post in 2017. SO Soooo pleased you are well and in the land of the living!!.. I so hope you will take up your blog again and bring us those nuggets of joy you shared so well.. Sending love and Many Blessings back Mar…. Love to you Sue ❤



  4. lavendermoongirl
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 16:57:57

    Hi dear Sue. Your words are so true, it is a comfort to me as me and my family have been experiencing a dark and difficult month. Lifting up to the light and gentle healing energies, I believe we’ll come through adversity. I have started to paint again, a hedgehog!
    Thank you for sharing. I love your hedgehog in spring. With love and hugsXxxxxxxx



  5. Writing to Freedom
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 16:58:41

    So much goodness here Sue. I see myself in much of what you’re describing. I will revisit this post and dive further into how I can let go of the old to make room for more love and light. Thank you. ❤



  6. laurabruno
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 17:27:14

    I love this post, Sue, and so agree! I have also felt called to pull back and just create and cultivate the beauty in and around me, and I know many others who felt that shift with the New Year. If you ever decide to part with or make prints of that beautiful little hedgehog painting, you know I’d love to buy it. So adorable! Oh, my goodness. 🙂 I love it, and you! xxxx Laura

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 10:43:48

      I think we need to honour the flow of our creative natures and yes I agree, absorb the beauty and energies of our Earth Mother. Lots of changes will come in quickly and we need to be centred.. So pleased you love my little hedgehog.. I know how you adore them.. I am looking to place him on the wall where he will remind me

      Being a nocturnal creature, the symbolism of the hedgehog deals with intuition, psychic ability, prophetic dreams and visions. This is because the night deals with concepts that are cloaked in shadow – a realm that is not altogether clear. That the hedgehog’s active time is at night is symbolic of “second sight.”

      I found the above quote on this site https://www.whats-your-sign.com/animal-symbolism-hedgehog.html I am sure you will enjoy reading about him as much as I did, as I know your love of them.. And you will be the first in line Laura, should I ever wish to part with him.. 🙂
      Many thanks and much love.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. Visionkeeper
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 18:03:07

    Excellent DW !!! You are saying all the right things. For so long we have placed limitations upon ourselves in a million different ways and we wonder why we aren’t growing? Letting go clears out space for the new ways of being to take root…It is truly an amazing journey but you have to be open to it and willing to participate in it, no matter how difficult it may get, otherwise it will pass you by. This is our final exams and if we studied we’ll do okay. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your heart. Love the hedge hog!!! I’d want to interact with them like I did with Bizzy & Skampy…So much fun. Loved the video as well….Thanks DW for improving my day 🙂 Hugs to you…VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 10:55:40

      Big smiles VK and yes many tests still to come, but we have been putting in the revision and know what it takes to get to the levels we wish to achieve. 🙂 We spent many a happy hour in the Summer and Autumn with our motion camera positioned in our garden watching the hedgehogs feed and rummage around.. The video I had saved some while ago, and it popped into my orbit again as I was looking through some things, right after I had written my post, so I knew it was meant to be included here..
      Much lover returned also my friend, take care, and hope the snow is not so bad.. ❤



  8. The Belmont Rooster
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 18:04:43

    Very good! I am taking a few courses by DailyOM. I have a few old habits I need to break like getting up late (because I stay up to late or can’t sleep). I think so many people are stuck in their “comfort zone” and are afraid of changing their lifestyle. I always say, try meditation for 5 minutes only once. I say you don’t have to change a thing about your life. Seriously, you don’t… If you meditate only once, you come to realize it is important and it becomes a challenge. You don’t have to change your life, it just happens gradually automatically. So, people are a afraid to change and they don’t even want to know the real truth. I find myself many times holding myself back in church. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 11:01:37

      Daily Om is a wonderful site, 🙂 and we who are gardeners meditate daily in different ways too.. I meditate while painting, as well as sitting breathing in my QiGong meditations.. Sometimes we just have to be true to ourselves. The inner work we do is important, holding at the core, love for ourselves and others, respecting others are on their journey, with their lessons. And not forcing our views upon others.. Those who are waking up will wake up to the world when they are meant to, and if not, then that too is all part of the duality of this matrix, for we cannot experience the Light without the Dark etc.. So those whose hearts are still closed are playing their part in helping others open theirs with empathy and compassion..
      Good to see you Mr R… Stay Blessed and Happy New Year and hope alls growing well in your garden. 😀



  9. roseelaineblog
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 18:11:49

    Much love to you too Sue 😇

    Liked by 1 person


  10. charliezero1.wordpress.com
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 19:15:17

    Here’s some 2 beautiful quotes I picked out for you. I know exactly how you feel. I too, experience 2 years ago that fear taking control of oneself and feeling really low and crying all the time. It took awhile for me to get back up on my feet again and feel within myself that I am control of the positive energies within and I can defeat the negative energies around me.

    Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

    Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life. ~ David Lynch



  11. Mark Lanesbury
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 20:11:21

    Those thoughts are our guideposts Sue, if we listen they can set us free and leave those old parts of us behind…but first the step into the unknown 😀
    This particular time has been seriously releasing…changing our outlook for what is to come. A sadness is there because of the loss of that safety, security…but we too must take that step ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 11:14:20

      Yes agreed Mark, some serious releasing, which I know we have both felt. And yes that melancholy sadness I think when I delved deeper is the sadness within, but also that many just do not see the beauty or the gifts which surround them. And we have created our demons within with our materialistic cravings. Soon such things will dissolve and I wonder how many will adjust. Many thanks dear Mark.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Betty Hayes Albright
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 20:13:09

    Sue, was having some similar thoughts this morning while meditating (or trying to!)….was visualizing all of us together forming a web of light, becoming stronger and brighter as others joined in. May all of us together succeed in transforming this world as we shine light into the darkness. ❤️❤️



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 11:21:57

      Betty, that is just what is needed.. The collective of lightworkers, forming a web of light and love. I keep sending such thoughts out into the dark places of the world. What I feel most strongly is that there is a gathering of consciousness now, as more and more see the world for what it is, as empathy and compassion, along with the feminine energies which are showing caring and kindness are exposing those whose intentions have held darker intent.
      Together there are many unseen workers of the Light.
      But I also know because our Lights are growing in number and the time frame of transition is ever growing nearer, those who deal in darkness are intent on creating more fear to entrap the masses within this PLAY of this Matrix system..
      United we stand dear Betty..
      Much love and many thanks for reading and your lovely comment.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  13. litebeing
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 20:14:32

    Hi Sue! Welcome back! I am very connected to the themes of your post, very very wise information here. I am noticing much of what you shared both internally and outside of me. While you have Brexit, we have a government shutdown. Lots of smoke and mirrors, lots of distractions and triggers. So glad to see a Dr Dispenza video. I do practice some of his meditations and really like his take on the quantum field and daily life for us spirits disguised as human beings.

    I adore your painting and like oils, although I am not trained to use them.

    love and hugs, Linda



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 12:17:26

      Yes Linda, its a world fraught with mirrors and smoke lol. So pleased you know of Dr Joe and his wonderful work within the quantum field.. So much we have yet to learn that we are Super BEings once we set our minds right. :-D… While here Brexit has been bombarding us 24/7, our media is also reporting on the USA shutdown, so feel for families caught up in this political madness.
      Happy you enjoyed my little hedgehog, I know your love of art, and while mine may not be of the masters, lol, I enjoyed painting in this new medium for me.. Though I did give myself a headache with the White Spirit, I used to clean my brushes in.. Next time a jar with a lid.. lol lessons learned..
      Good to be back in WP and connecting again Linda..
      Have a great weekend to come..
      Love and Blessings ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  14. marina kanavaki
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 20:18:55

    Ah, how well said, Sue and …I just adore your hedgehog!!!!!!!! Been a while but I’m gradually returning! Much love to you, my lovely friend! 🙂 xoxoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  15. House of Heart
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 20:50:54

    A beautiful and inspiring narrative Sue, I do believe we all must decide what to bring into our lives (world) and what we must resist. So much negativity and desperation is in the air itis hard to break free. Thank you for this write , your comments in bold are especially enlightening. Sending love and positivity your way. ♥️💞

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 12:25:59

      I agree Holly, we all of us have that responsibility what we bring into the world, via our thoughts and our actions.. What was it Martin Luther King Jr said about hate? “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”… Love that quote..
      Much love back, and I highlighted the sections in bold, as when I read my words back, they spoke deeper to me, so I thought I would highlight in bold.. So pleased these jumped out at you too Holly..
      Love and Blessings dear friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. dreamweaver333
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 21:02:52

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. mary
    Jan 24, 2019 @ 21:38:23

    once again, i feel like you are writing about me 🙂
    arrogant i know…but i still feel so much of what you write, feel, think about,
    very much a part of this space i have been in… i let go of the one thing i really thought i would drown in eventually, i even learned i can forgive….though i know it doesn’t matter to anyone but me, i feel lie can not only catch my breath, i am breathing a constant sense of moving forward, the past is there, but like you say, there is so much to let, new spaces to explore, new ideals, new plans, my dreams have changed, which feels right, i stand alone in my thoughts, my crazy ways, but i am okay with that, in fact i smile more because i no longer need anyones approval or acceptance, i have learned to live with myself…though much more is to be done, i know i am okay..i am just fine with the direction i know i need to take…

    there goes that rambling lols… but i know you understand 🙂

    I need to go work on the plants i need to add to my other, especially while the sun
    is still out…
    Take Care My Faraway Friend…know You Matter much to me
    just me

    Liked by 1 person


  18. michnavs
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 02:07:28

    Hi Sue..we are nearing the end of January and i hope and pray that by now you have slowly settled yourself in “the new world”..you wish to live in…
    As always your post gives so much inspiration and enlightenment..

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 12:06:18

      Thank you Mich… The world is going to be what we make it.. So i keep dreaming as only a Dreamwalker knows how lol.. Good to have you read my post Mich,, and thank you, I am so happy it inspires..
      Sending so much love your way… ❤ take care of you too ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. SuperDuque
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 02:31:21

    Liked by 1 person


  20. PlantsandBeyond
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 02:34:06

    I just love you, Sue. Glad you are feeling better and thoroughly understand your inner state. Yes, create your own reality, along with your own universe.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. thespiritkeeper
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 03:26:07

    There goes my comment poof right into thin air. Your word playact some people would know as False flags but most would not know what that is. False flags have been going on for centuries. Most people do not want to believe that they would do a false flag upon their own people. Hitler did this by bombing his own installations and blames it on the polish people thus going to war and most know what that war was about.
    Spirit has a way to validate us with the bread crumb trail it leaves. If we pay enough attention we will see the validations. Sometimes I get these validations doing a menial task by doing dishes, or as you say to sit and be still and meditate. I do know about those emotional bonds being severed. It is very liberating.
    Yes we are transitioning at the moment and what we see in the world is the lifting of truth with many events for example in our government or past occurrences of transgressions such as many priests sexually abusing boys, There are many more lifting of the truth but I only named one. There are many.
    I am pleased you are taking care of yourself and changing your routine and I am also pleased you will do things you wanted to do. Nice painting of the hedgehog with bluebells which is definitely a sign of spring on the west coast here in Canada.
    Yes everyone needs to unite at this crucial moment to send our energies for the betterment of this planet. I have my feet in both camps the one on earth and the new dimensions that the earth is transitioning. Be well, my friend. Stay Smiling as they say if you frown you are using many more face muscle. Ha! there you go about your post and the video below. Validation from Spirit. Hope your week went well and have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 12:39:25

      I agree with you Joseph about Spirit validating us with snippets here and there. The video the final Spirit confirmation of what I was conveying was correct when it jumped back out at me..
      Indeed people do not believe, thinking how could one commit such acts as we know as false flags. But then they do not see what is behind for ff or the history ingrained throughout centuries, in fact thousands of years.
      And those who uncover, who research, and are given insights, and knowing are given labels to ridicule them.
      But one day we know that what we know is validated, and the world is going to be in shock.
      Yes these exposures of corruption and abuse are now being brought out gradually, yet the biggest deception is yet to be revealed..

      So pleased you enjoyed the painting and yes while my bluebells in the garden are pushing their tips through, it will be May before they flower.

      And unity is crucial, to stand in love and not get reeled into the negative of revolution.. Though I think maybe this too is what it may take to clear out the old.

      I was watching the series Les Misérables at a time when there was great unrest, and extremes in poverty and wealth. And we see what happened in France then, and similar currents are simmering in protests again..
      A powder keg both sides of our channel is ready to implode as the energies intensify.

      So yes, thank you Joseph, I am well, and taking my mind into my paints more and more.. I have another painting in mind. But as yet not started..
      If the light is good this weekend, I may start another larger canvas, its time to change some of my hanging paintings around lol..

      Sending you my thoughts Joseph and wishing you too a peaceful weekend..
      Take care.. 🙏💙

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Jan 25, 2019 @ 22:13:45

        Yes, the energies are getting ripe for a major confrontation all over the world. We are at crossroads in humanities history that some people will be shocked as you say the outcome. I hope I will have released the mortal coil by then but me thinks not. Have a great weekend.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 26, 2019 @ 16:15:22

          Yes, lots to work our way through Joseph, which is why all we can do is work upon ourselves. I am realising more and more, as much as you want to shout at the world to wake up to itself, we all have our different trigger points. Unfortunately like many Historical Leaps of different ‘Ages’it takes a revolution to ignite change. So if people can not resolve their differences, then we will see those frustrations boiling over. What people are not aware of though is that Mother Earth is also amplifying those frequencies, and is also going to shake more awake to her own energy changes..
          You too Joseph.. take care. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  22. Renee Espriu
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 04:50:54

    I love your hedgehog in oils, Sue. He is so sweet and you have captured him completely. I drove what we call here in the States, a UHaul truck, for my partner of 20yrs on Tuesday so now she is in her new apartment. I will move the end of March to my daughter’s and know the change will be huge for me. My partner and I are both sad but it is circumstance that has put us in a situation we have no control over and I am hoping we both adjust. We will keep in touch and see each other once in awhile as I have my doctors in the area in which I now live. I think I have simply had too many changes in the past three years and many more before I became ill that have simply worn me out. I am hoping to gain some of my energy back after the move as there is lots of room to walk. No beautiful places such as are close to your home but room nonetheless. I hope to get back into my art and writing as well and hope to be able to post something before my move also. I am happy for you that you are set on completing some things and I do hope you achieve them. Take care my friend and be well.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 16:18:54

      Thank you Renee, I looked up what sort of truck that was, and wow, I am well impressed you drove such a vehicle. Its so sad you have both had to make these adjustments in your lives after such a long time together. I am certain your daughter will be keeping her eye on you Renee, and at least you are near your medical needs.
      I so hope you get back into your art, writing and dare I hope your piano playing? Being creative gives us energy and while you may not be in the heart of the countryside, I am pleased you will have more room to go walking.
      Many thanks Renee.. Sending love and well wishes, so pleased you enjoyed my little hedgehog.. He brought me no end of pleasure while painting him.. and just gazing upon him..
      Much love..
      Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  23. smilecalm
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 05:46:10

    thank you for staying firmly
    on the sacred earth
    while confusion leads
    nations towards separation, Sue!
    i’m grateful for your aspiration
    to be the beautiful change
    needed for enduring love 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 16:21:43

      David, thank you, there are many more staying centred in their love of our Earth David, you too are among them. And may I also say, thank you back for the wonderful two hours of delightful music I listened to via your blog post while I was catching up with comments left me. There are many who are creating beauty in the world. in many forms.. Music but one..
      Blessings your way 🙂



  24. Mabel Kwong
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 09:43:35

    This was such a brave and measured post to write, Sue. Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling inward frustrations and energies. These energies come and go, and when they come, we have to deal with it. Sounds like you’ve recognised them and are actively taken steps to be in a better headspace. There seems to be uncertainties around us as you alluded to, things we might not have control over. Least we can do is focus on ourselves. I too have felt some frustrations these few weeks. Wanting to move majorly in one direction but there have been setbacks. Was reading some stars and something suggested it’s not the time for major changes and decisions… Past is past. Sometimes we have to focus on the present and move forward. Many hugs across the many miles ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 17:23:28

      Thank you Mabel, I am in a much clearer head-space now my friend, Its often amazing how our lives are tied in with the Stars, planets and their influences having much more affect over us than any of us realise.
      I remember listening to Gregg Braden and a talk he gave last year in a video I posted of a talk he gave.. He said then that the cycles of the planet are now entering a critical phase, which has repeated throughout history.. Saying that while the cycle can create conflict as well as climate changes, via weather extremes etc, it can also causes extremes in how we behave.. But it is also a great time to change and if enough open our hearts we also have a great opportunity to begin our next stage of evolution.
      We can only live and hope and try to set examples of trying to live from our hearts and care with our empathy and compassion..
      May we learn from our past, in the hopes we stop repeating the errors of conflict we seem to continue to embrace..
      Much love to you dear Mabel.. Mega Hugs to you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mabel Kwong
        Jan 26, 2019 @ 12:26:51

        Great to hear you are in a clearer-head space now, and may that continue to be. There is always something among the Stars and planets that guide us, some force…some things we can’t explain but can just feel.

        I looked up Gregg Braden. Looks like some literature he puts out pertains to both science and betond. Very interesting and might look into his work further. Around me it seems many are enjoying themselves, but at the same time like you I am feeling challenging vibes. As you mentioned, could be due to planets aligning, and maybe there is more conflict and/or change going on than meets the eye.

        Wise words from you, Sue. Living from our hearts can be such a powerful thing, and that’s probably how we lift each other and move along ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  25. aFrankAngle
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 13:03:35

    The world has a why of wearing one down. Probably always has been that why. Amazing how humanity has a way of doing that to itself. Of course so many of the reasons are selfish. So it takes an awareness of self to keep grounded … and you do that well. Oh – cheers to the peaceful hedgehog. Well done.



  26. Annika Perry
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 13:55:28

    Wow! A superlative post, Sue and just what I needed to read! It’s been the strangest start to the year, nearly overwhelming with so many uncontrollable events I’ve felt swamped. Today for the first time, I felt real stillness, to take in your words, absorb the truth of them. Creativity is calling within me, it’s been ignored too long. As for your art, this is amazing. The hedgehog painting is adorable, skilled and full of emotion … you are gifted with many skills within the arts and we are lucky you share some here! The photograph is wonderfully atmospheric and evocative, just as Scotland always is! Oh, Brexit is slowly driving me crazy and I’ve turned to tuning out most of the news about it, it’s beyond belief and the only bright light is how the general population just get on with life despite all the indecision and squabbling. May there be resolution soon (but I doubt it!)

    Lovely to visit your blog again, Sue and it’s been far too long since. Wishing you well and a creative and restful year. hugs, Annika xx ❤️

    PS. The video was terrific and inspirational, my conscious self is all too aware of these past events, thoughts controlling the future, but it’s easy to forget the obvious. A great reminder here.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2019 @ 18:00:54

      Yes, the majority are caught up in the drama of others, and I felt myself being pulled and sucked in. Brexit has been bombarding the British Public now for more than two years.. And being blamed for everything that goes wrong or will go wrong, when in fact nothing externally as Yet has even altered.. Only the venting and hot air of everyone wanting their say, to do it their way and no compromise in sight. It does drag you down. I enjoy Scotland so much, it always feels like home.. This year we are off again and to Wales. I made the decision in the beginning of January to book and get away.. The squabbling of politics will continue as each are out for their own pieces of eight lol..

      Glad you enjoyed Dr Joe, if you look his channel up you will find more of his amazing talks and his healing programmes which have helped so many.. The testimonials are really worth listening to of healing journey’s
      Have a great weekend ❤ Much love Annika. and lovely to have you visit and I so appreciate your comment.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Jan 27, 2019 @ 00:07:31

        Namaste Sue 🙂

        A quick interlude before your next comment….where are you heading to in Wales? 🙂

        Namaste 🙂


        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 27, 2019 @ 12:46:29

          Hi Dewin, We are heading to the Pembrookshire coast, to take in the Gwili Railway and Picton Castle. Its a part of Wales I have not been before, I have been to Tenby. We stayed in a Farm Guesthouse in Ludchurch near a place called Narberth. A beautifully little town.
          I have also been to llandudno before and Anglesey. Mount Snowdon of course.

          Pictures of Narberth and my visit that weekend to Wales can be found in a post I did in 2011 https://wp.me/p16xW7-fJ
          Do you know of Narberth?

          Liked by 1 person


          • Dewin Nefol
            Jan 27, 2019 @ 14:15:10

            Namaste Sue 🙂

            The Welsh west-coast is awe-inspiring as to areas slightly further in land from there. Options are available for sight-seeing and especially walking both West and South of Picton Castle – you really will be in your element! (You must visit Merlin’s Bridge! – and if time allows St. David’s to the west and Pentre Ifan Burial Chamber to the north 🙂 ) The Preseli Mountains offer majestic views, picturesque wilderness and places so beautiful you can hear angels sing.

            Haverfordwest offers all you’ll need from a town, whilst small villages immediately around the Picton Castle area offer quaintness and impressions of rural life in West Wales.

            I’ve not stayed in Narbeth but have driven through it a few years ago when circumnavigating Wales on a three-day road-trip. I also have a poet-friend who lives not far from Picton Castle and have visited this area before. The West coast is stunning all the way up from St.David’s to Holyhead. A day-out driving the west-coast is a delight – many opportunities to stop en route and enjoy sea-views.

            Wales may not be quite as rugged as Scotland but it certainly has a flavour equally as savoury to enjoy. You’ll have a wonderful few days 🙂

            Namaste 🙂




            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jan 30, 2019 @ 17:32:29

              Thank you for the tips you have given Dewin, indeed Wales is beautiful and has some wonderful scenery to soak up. I am excited to be going and exploring new places. Another promise I made myself to do this year. :-D… I trust you are well and where ever you are preparing for the Winter Blast!. We were in Derbyshire yesterday and it was Wild and snowy. Here not flake.. 🙂 But all may change by Friday 🙂 Take care my friend 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              Jan 31, 2019 @ 03:13:18

              Namaste Sue 🙂

              Good for you…heading for new horizons is important…don’t forget your camera! You’ll have a great time! 🙂

              My winter coat, woolly hat and gloves are out of wraps, the fridge and freezer are stocked, so all ready for the big freeze! 🙂

              Have a great week. Wrap-up warm ready for Friday! Brrrrrr

              Take care. Namaste 🙂


              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jan 31, 2019 @ 17:50:14

              Ditto to the fridge and freezer Dewin,, We’re all snug!, take care if travelling!

              Liked by 1 person

  27. -Eugenia
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 14:49:17

    You have your Brexit and we have our wall – good grief, will “they” ever get it!? Timely and lovely post, Sue.



  28. stephensmustang1
    Jan 25, 2019 @ 19:52:57

    It is good to get the words out..even if they are deleted. 😉 Sometimes we just need that…to express.
    Love you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2019 @ 16:05:09

      I agree with you Elizabeth, that is sometimes all we need, to express and let go, like breathing.. 🙂 Sending love, Oh and our granddaughter achieved her next belt, last week, we become very proud of our little ones don’t we.. Much love right back..



  29. Jane Sturgeon
    Jan 26, 2019 @ 10:51:34

    Your thoughts resonate, Sue. I am grateful for our connection. ❤ The divisions in so many ways of life, clearly highlighted in the political shenanigans, tear at the soul. The desire to retreat is so strong, yet the pull to 'show up' and give of ourselves is needed more than ever. I retreat when I can, removing all guilt, which takes some work. I love your painting and the dear hedgehog is a beautiful symbol of showing up and curling up. I too love the wilds of Scotland and Wales. It brings in a simplicity that is soothing. Thank you, Sue, for your love. You introduced me to Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza and I continue to learn much from them. Hugs and much ❤ flowing to you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2019 @ 16:34:23

      Loved what you said here Jane..

      The desire to retreat is so strong, yet the pull to ‘show up’ and give of ourselves is needed more than ever.
      Glad you enjoyed the video and so happy to introduce you to them both. 😀 Enjoy your weekend Jane.. Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  30. stevebfineart
    Jan 26, 2019 @ 12:35:50

    Hi Sue
    i agree that ‘Brexit’ is a distraction from other things happening in our lives, it is a tag for some to frighten others with, this could have, and indeed should have been sorted out well before now instead of dragging everyone down with fear and depression of a part of our very existence, we need to blank our minds and hearts for a while until the sun shines on our souls and awakens us with cheery bright thoughts and a positive outlook.
    Lovely to see the hedgehog in oils, pleased you are giving them a go at last..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2019 @ 16:50:21

      Yes I agree Steve, it should have been sorted out.. Roll on Spring!, though I think we maybe in for some snow before that happens. So pleased you liked my attempt in oils, Its still drying, thank you for your encouragement!.. My next oils, yes, there is going to be another is a landscape, thank you for the tip of artist to look at, I found his robin painting brilliant, such detail work in the tiny feathers.
      Sending many thanks and well wishes 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Dewin Nefol
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 00:58:43

    Namaste Sue 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts with us: it appears from the comments received so far that so many are in agreement with you and also share your ideas, notions, feelings and sentiments. We are never alone nor should we ever be afraid to express ourselves as you do so openly and honestly here. Reading your post is refreshing on so many levels.

    I must remark on the painting, which is superb! For a second attempt in oils it’s quite remarkable how well you’ve controlled all facets of what is an excellent composition. When I first saw it I wondered if it were a photograph, but recalling your dexterity and skill painting with acrylics I knew you’d laboured joyfully over this piece….for joy and happiness is what the painting really exudes. This little fella has such inquisitiveness about him as if exploring his natural realm for the very first time…spring has come and life is renewed and he full of optimism and certainty, life and love. One wonders if hibernation acts as a renewal mechanism for the mind, which in someway removes the past, or at least the memories that will no longer serve him in the present. He certainly looks well for his extended sleep. Perhaps meditation acts in a similar way to hibernation even if we are not consciously aware of that process?

    I won’t deliberate on Brexit – there has been enough hot-air provided by politicians and reporting networks already (no doubt all contributing to global-warming lol ). However, I do think it important that whilst detaching ourselves from the rhetoric we maintain some degree of attachment with the process, after-all it does and will affect us in the lives we live. The world is unbalanced by the spurious machinations of those who allegedly ‘lead’. One wonders quite how they sleep at night knowing of the decisions they make: but I’ve no doubt Karma will be their undoing, whether in this lifetime or the next they will be judged and found wanting. One hopes the world that the vast majority envisage for all the world’s people will ultimately find form and manifest in reality. You are right to suggest such a vision must flow from the heart to be projected outwardly. It is certainly time for the anguished lives of those experiencing suffering, despair and pain to be over and for a new age of equality, fairness, compassion, truth, honesty, and justice to begin. But a new world will not be possible unless those wishing to live in it find means to remove from themselves all pain and upset that is held within…we cannot hold onto such weight nor can we project it elsewhere: each of us has a personal responsibility to address our own misfortunes and conclude the process of healing within, only then can a unified vision occur for what will be left within us is a universal feeling of Love.

    Lastly….so very pleased to hear collation for the poem anthology steams ahead 🙂 As you know already, I think it a wonderful idea and long overdue! It’ll be a superb legacy to leave for your granddaughter whose own work we had the good fortune of reading here on your Blog. Perhaps whilst you are creating your own opus she might do the same with a view to publishing that one day in the near future? I’m only speculating but your proposed anthology will also contain your paintings or artwork? I hope so! 🙂

    Again, thank you for sharing your words Sue and permitting a glimpse at your inner world. I always enjoy spending time pondering your thoughts and always leave with a nugget to consider further.

    Hoping Sunday provides opportunity to progress your creative endeavours still further. Take care of one and all as you always do.

    Brightest Blessings in all ways always, Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2019 @ 13:37:45

      I often feel the need to hibernate Dewin and on looking up the totem of Hedgehog see perhaps why I love him so much.
      Many thanks for your compliments and lovely comment, I enjoyed my painting time and intend to begin another painting in oils very soon.. Its time I renewed what I have upon my walls and I will try blocking out the background in Acrylics first this time, as it takes less time to dry, a tip I found on the internet recently.
      Yes you do right about Brexit, too much hot air already blowing a cold wind on the subject..
      It will all go the way it is meant to go. No amount of time spent listening to their debates will change what is meant to be.
      So all we can do is concentrate within and change our own outlook, perspectives and intentions.
      Creating that which we want to experience..
      So I may well snuggle down again with my hedgehog looking down from my wall, while I hibernate and paint some more. While keeping th flow of the pen in creating order out of chaos within my poetry. 🙂

      Many thanks again dear Dewin, always a pleasure to have your wisdom..
      Take care on your travels..
      Sue 😀

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Jan 27, 2019 @ 14:53:35

        Namaste Sue 🙂

        Hedgehogs do indeed have a unique and multi-faceted symbolism which you seem especially taken by – perhaps you associate with them far more closely than you might at first imagine: especially in regard to intuition, psychic abilities, prophetic dreams, and stirring visions. I also discovered upon reading further how the Romans attributed intelligence to them as well on account of their tendency to roll-around upon grapes fallen from the vine so that they could carry them away to eat later! 😀

        So pleased to hear the oil-painting bug has bitten and you all set to renew your wall-hung images. Keeping everything fresh around you will undoubtedly help in maintaining momentum and keeping the spirit of inspiration moving forwards nicely. My foray into oil painting was very short-lived – brush and paint is not my natural medium like it is yours – but I recall enjoying its ‘thickness’ and elasticity: that because it is slow drying oil-paints allow the painter chance to alter the image where needed without needing to start all over again. Your creations are always done so well and I imagine will continue to get better and better. Good luck with your artistic endeavours. 🙂

        Winter isn’t yet over and there’s plenty of time left to snuggle, snooze, and sleep between periods of creative intensity. I do much the same Sue and weekends are often lived in what becomes an endless dream 🙂

        ‘…creating order out of chaos within my poetry. ‘ That sounds perfect to me Sue 🙂 And whilst it is not always easy to find the words we need, the joy to be found in trying to delineate our thoughts is reward enough. Regards the intention of an anthology – I’ve no doubt you’ll put heart and soul into its production and the end result will gleam.

        Always a pleasure to chat with you 🙂

        Enjoy Sunday afternoon…hoping your hedgehog inspires you further. Have a wonderful week.

        Take care. Namaste 🙂




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 30, 2019 @ 17:40:14

          Thank you again Dewin, yes the hedgehog holds a deep seated fascination and brings lots of joy when he is up and about in Spring and Summer when we catch them on the motion camera outside in our garden. There is still more chaos than order in my poetry at the moment, but it is being slowly sifted through. But there is no rush, and all will come together if meant to.
          The Oils, yes, slow drying one of the reasons I was put off by them, but it does have its advantages and I am learning a lot from my mistakes as I go along 😀
          I think Winter may well only just be beginning to make her presence felt. As the USA and Canada are finding out right now.
          I trust your week is also going well. and thank you again for your patience in awaiting a reply..
          Have a great Thursday and weekend to come Dewin..
          Blessings 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Dewin Nefol
            Jan 31, 2019 @ 03:26:31

            Namaste Sue 🙂

            Words and paints find their own voice and will undoubtedly shout to be heard when the time is right. Keep the momentum going and all will be well.

            I recall watching video of the hedgehogs here on your Blog last year. It’ll be fun to watch the little fella on camera: that is if he isn’t camera shy. I imagine he’ll have grown somewhat from when you saw him last. Did you ever name him? 🙂

            Keep the woollies close to hand just in case the temperature drops. Ideally Winter can stay on the far-side of the Atlantic and Spring can come early here in the UK. I hoping for a long hot summer!

            Enjoy the latter end of the week. Stay warm and cosy! 🙂

            Blessings. Namaste 🙂


            Liked by 1 person


  32. JoAnna
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 03:20:53

    The detail in your hedgehog is rich, like your life and your spirit. It feels like there is a continuous cycle of ebb and flow – curling up and withdrawing into ourselves and then stepping out with courage. Your words encourage me to not stay hidden and to walk confidently (or paint/write, etc confidently) persevering into my mission.Thank you! I’m excited that you are working on a book. Sending good energy and big hugs ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Marja
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 04:15:23

    wow love your hedgehog painting. I have been starting too doing more exercise and still have to start meditation. Have been transforming quite a bit as I stopped eating red meat and reducing other meat, buying eco friendly products, less plastic and more. Feel good about this. A lot of bad things going on on the world stage but I decided to focus only on what I can change do 🙂 Wish you lots of love and light



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 17:21:51

      Wonderful Marja, that is wonderful to hear, the war on plastic is a must. Yes lots of negative things, but I am always thankful that for every negative we are told about, there are probably ten positives that no one ever hears about. ❤



  34. New Bloggy Cat
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 07:04:37

    Thank you dear Sue for sharing this long and well displayed post. LOL. The start of the new year had been a challenging and difficult one for me. Partly due to the negative energies I am surrounded with. But it’s not all dark. I will talk more in my mail. Btw, I love the painting of the lovely hedgehog. Sending you much love and blessings, ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡♡♡♡♡



  35. Andrea Stephenson
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 10:52:55

    Thank you for sharing your journey and your creativity Sue.



  36. kowkla123
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 11:01:17

    genieße den letzten Sonntag im Januar 2019, Klaus



  37. rabirius
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 12:07:05

    That is true.
    And one always has to be open for change as well.



  38. AmyRose🌹
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 16:36:34

    Sue, there is SO much I would like to share with you! I’m covered in goosebumps! First I LOVE your painting of the hedgehog. You are really getting good. It looks 3D! Brava!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Now …. For years Spirit has been guiding me to create my own World and NOT to get sucked into what is going on in the Outer World. Years have gone by with me doing exactly this as I kept on my healing journey, letting go of fear and pain one by one. My last big one was depression. I befriended it. Something I have grappled with all my life, I stopped fighting. And in doing so, I let it go allowing it to just be. Before I knew what was happening, the dark depression whosh … gone. In it’s place is Peace, Calm, and a bubbling childlike JOY. I feel as though I have emerged from a very dark tunnel and finally am living the LIFE that I knew I could. I had to get a lot of junk out of the way first and still in fact, doing so.

    Also, in letting go of depression and SLOWING DOWN, I have begun for the first time in my life, to relax. And I mean really relax. No more do I feel guilty about laying around reading a book. The pleasure of reading book after book …. OH for the JOY! When my body tells me time to get up and moving, I get outside to go for a vigorous walk/hike. I no longer am obsessed about staying it tip top shape. Nope. I look beautiful just as I am and yes my body is strong just by doing what I do every day and those walks and carrying around heavy camera equipment. When Spring comes along and I get involved in my gardens, my body whips right back into tip top shape.

    Spirit has been very loud on keeping my eyes on my core life. I got blindsided the other day by my sister who I had to take aside to tell her no more, I will not listen to the World’s news. She understood and respected my wishes. When I heard about the “abortion law” I flipped. I almost collapsed on the floor covered in sweat violently ill to my stomach. I had to pull myself away from this sludge, going outside again and again to allow the purity of Mother’s air and forest to take away this pain. Again from another source, I have been told to stay in my own world, to NOT get pulled into this horror drama. And to play. Lightness is in my Soul, my Heart smiles, and my life is glowing.

    I could talk all day about the Changes that have been happening. Oh, and this is very much of what I’m about to tell you has added to my Newfound JOY. I have put my cellphone down. I believe I told you. All in this house is hardwired. All wireless has been eliminated. My addiction with my phone is gone. I no longer use it except checking for texts. If there are no texts I turn my phone right back off and that is how it remains all day long! And OH how it feels so good! One by one, Sue, I am addressing those aspects of my life that have kept me a prisoner to knowing my Real Self. Glory! I am freeing ME!!!


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 18:02:35

      Dearest Amy,
      I am delighted for you that you have conquered the darkness of depression, as you know this too has plagued me throughout my life.
      Which is why I am so mindful like you to withdraw from the negative the world throws out.
      Its designed to bring us down. To hold us in its grip. I can understand how you feel.
      And I am lifting my vibration. Shutting out the noise of the world that is repeated over and over on the media.

      And it’s wonderful you are breaking with your phone, The modem is more off than on these days and its wonderful all wireless you have eliminated..

      And I feel the same as you, I am reading more books, and when Spring arrives, the garden gets our full attention with planting seeds etc.

      SO good you feel GOOD.. Here’s to freedom of SELF.. 🙂 ❤ Much love dear Amy ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • AmyRose🌹
        Jan 31, 2019 @ 13:58:40

        I’m reading a book right now called “Beyond Fear”, Sue, “The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz” as recorded by Mary Carroll Nelson. I’m riveted. I’m pulled into this book so deeply and it is as though my very being knows what this book says, is so true! Much Love to you!! 😘

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 31, 2019 @ 18:10:38

          I looked up the book Amy and it sounds a powerful read.. Some books we are meant to read and can change deeply our energy and how we perceive. Fear is our greatest enemy and when we learn to stop feeding into it we defeat those who are using it as a weapon. ❤
          I am just absorbing the fantasy world right now, the dark witch is not so 'dark' 😀 and its a while since I got into pure fantasy and escapism.. 🙂 and Magic!! 🙂
          Much love dear Amy.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • AmyRose🌹
            Jan 31, 2019 @ 18:23:32

            I’ve had this book for years, Sue, but it is just NOW that I can really relate to it. Fantasy too I absolutely love to read. I’ve been going through books like water lately. This one that I am reading now however, must be read in increments. There is just so much to absorb. Here is to MAGIC, which truly does exist!! (((HUGS)))! 💖

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jan 31, 2019 @ 18:50:39

              It truly does and Amy, My four large book shelves are overflowing, and I revisit books which when I first bought and put down after the first chapter.. I read one recently which I had not finished called ” Healing Beyond the Body by Larry Dossey MD. It was the right time to pick up this book which I had not got past the first few chapters when I first bought it..
              Magic! yes exists… Keep your own brand of magic going too Amy 🙂 ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • AmyRose🌹
              Feb 01, 2019 @ 15:08:09

              I’m just like you with books, Sue. I honestly loose interest. I begin thinking oh wow this is fantastic, and a few chapters into the book, I’m ready to put it down. I like listening to my own Inner Voice. In fact, a lot of what I read in the book I was reading, I already knew. Grasping these huge concepts with our “limited” brain (not Mind) is the challenge. Much Magic this day, dear friend!! XOXO


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Feb 08, 2019 @ 19:08:59

              I listen to my own inner voice a lot Amy, and as you say, and we do hold much of that inner knowing.. ❤ ❤ ❤

              Liked by 1 person

  39. robbiesinspiration
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 17:52:27

    I thought your comments about letting go of your youth and previous way of living were interesting, Sue. There are so many things in our youth that we have to overcome as adults and many good things too, that we wish to try to emulate. As parents we all try our best but none of us are perfect and we pass our imperfections and insecurities on to our children. I feel that I have made some progress with letting go of the past over the past month too. The birth of my darling little niece has helped with this.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 18:04:22

      I agree Robbie, as parents ourselves we are not perfect. And I am so pleased your dear niece has brought so much joy and unity. Many thanks dear Robbie for taking time to read.. I appreciate your thoughts my friend ❤



  40. europasicewolf
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 18:27:11

    Great to see you as always Sue 🙂🌷 I love your hedgehog painting, it’s beautiful🤗 Certainly time to stop and catch breath and reflect amongst all the chaos around us and within! Negativity invading our lives from the outside in is much more difficult to counteract sometimes, I feel, perhaps because we have less scope to grab it by the short and curlies so to speak😉than when it comes from within ourselves when we can recognise it, take some kind of control over it and start over on a new and more constructive track best suited to our personal needs.External negativity from the world around us can be so oppressive especially when we feel helpless as individuals to make it change for the better – global negativity as I think of it. It’s definitely worth stepping out of the world for a while and retreating to our personal spaces whatever form they may take, to give time and space to re-energise with positive energy so we are ready to fend off the world’s damaging negative forces that seek to drag us down into the pits of depression and frustration! Seeing it as a new adventure is a great boost to finding the peace, serenity and positivity within ourselves! … and there endeth the epistle of Ice Wolfie lol who evidently does not always know when to stop howling!!😄😂😉🤣



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 18:10:07

      Lovely to have your Wolfie Hoooowwwwllls anytime Wolfie my friend. And you are right, yes it often best to take time out, take a step back and re-energise ourselves.. Something I do often, Many thanks for your thoughts and wisdom.. Its good to spend time in our personal spaces..
      Sending much love and many thanks your way Wolfie.. Howwwwllls right back ❤



  41. Resa
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 20:18:00

    This is a fantastic release of fear and spreading of love, you have put into words.
    I don’t know you well, but I have always known about this beauty in you.
    Don’t be too, hard on yourself. I see some of that. It takes one to know one.
    I have been working on shedding my fears. It’s one step forward into the light, and one step back into the fantasy.
    Thank you for this wonderful sharing, caring post, Sue!
    Keep on keeping on!



  42. Sageleaf
    Jan 28, 2019 @ 00:01:12

    Love your post, my dear friend. I always love your posts. Because of you, I have – even though with my line of work it can be difficult – begun to pull away from the screen as I can. Yesterday I didn’t even look at my computer until the afternoon, having spent the morning working out, getting up late, writing out intentions, and spending some time reading. I also loved your sweet comment over at my site, to which I will respond, soon.
    Oh friend, I feel you on the judgmental thing. It’s too easy to pass judgment, mostly on those who think differently on the political spectrum as I do. I just so strongly feel sometimes that they are not on the side of compassion…and then I catch myself. How am I being compassionate if I’m spending time judging? Oh lawd…
    I read this book last year called, “How God Changes Your Brain” – it’s by a neuroscientist who studies the human brain as people meditate. It goes into what happens over time to the brain when people continue to meditate and there are lots of fun exercises in there.
    I picked up the second book the author had written (Andrew Newberg) called, “What Enlightenment Does to the Brain.” I just started it, but from a neurological perspective, he details what happens to the brain to people who have experienced the “permanent” brain-state of enlightenment. It is fascinating. He also offers meditative exercises to prepare the brain for enlightenment.
    I say that because though I’m far from perfect (maybe I really can get past my own judgmental tendencies), I love how the idea of being able to attain enlightenment is, according to the author, available to every human who seeks it, provided they take the time – through meditation and similar endeavors – to pursue it. I don’t know much about what all he’ll say about it, yet, as I just started, but it’s really interesting. So far, he’s talking about surveys he did of nearly 1,000 people who experienced a state change due to enlightenment and the activities of their lives in getting there.
    Just wanted to share in case you might be interested, hehe.
    In any case, it all goes hand in hand with intuition and listening to the self. I love the example you set, my friend. You are not afraid to say, “this is what I feel and this is what I’m doing about it.” You have so much to teach and I am appreciative. Thank you for your wisdom. I wish you a *wonderful* week, my friend! Sending you hugs. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 18:34:21

      Always love your comments Cynthia, and I so enjoyed watching the other day your lovely squares and shapes meditate drawing exercise, I was short on time, but will be back.
      Yes we are not perfect! About the judgemental thing Cynthia, I remind myself of that often.. We would not be here in our Earth incarnation if we were perfect LOL.. Its so easy to slip into judging.
      The good thing is that we are aware when we are being judgmental and so we pull ourselves up and then take a relook at why we are doing it.
      Learning to see your train of thought and check it is making the changes within, slow but sure.

      It was funny today I went to do the grocery shop today, It was bitter cold, and early. And a couple of young lads who often use the archway near the shop to rough sleep.. He had only a hoody on and my heart went out to him straight away as I saw him take up a couple of plastic bags he had been sleeping on.. His friend took the bags and he was shivering.
      In a split second I thought I wish I could help them.. Just a split seconds thought.
      As we were walking towards the shop, he hesitated then stopped and very politely asked if we had money for a coffee..
      I asked him had he been sleeping rough and where he was from.. His face lit up and I reached into my purse.. ( My hubby was with me so I was not worried he would steal, You know you get a feeling about someone ) I gave him some money, enough to buy him a hearty breakfast.. Or drugs if he so wished..
      My husband said, let hope he spends it on something warm and not on drugs… I said yes, but that then is his choice. It was my choice to give him the money.. I usually buy food and water for rough sleepers if I see them.

      My point being, we are all too quick to Judge.. We don’t know why he was homeless, what makes them live on the streets, we had a rough sleeper die on the street two weeks ago.
      Who knows but via the grace of God, we are not in their shoes..

      So judging I am learning to listen to my inner voice more and more..
      And this morning just showed me the instant I thought how can I help, He came across and spoke.. Like he too was guided and trusted..

      I Truly appreciate your sharing your thoughts Cynthia and your reading material..
      I think I am learning also every day Cynthia. I am not afraid to say I am far from perfect.. Or that I am learning daily..

      Wishing you too a wonderful week, and I hope you are not in the Polar Vortex sweeping across the USA..

      Love and Blessings my friend.. Take care.. ❤



      • Sageleaf
        Feb 01, 2019 @ 20:27:08

        I think you’re right about judgment and the self-awareness that comes with mindfulness. We’re slowly changing our brains and making ourselves change our train of thought so that eventually our “train of thought” doesn’t run away from us and we’re completely present.
        I feel that more and more in my life now – being present. It is at once beautiful and yet I have to also bring in mindful patience as I am so eager to elevate my own consciousness. I feel the Master saying, “Patience, Grasshopper!” Hehe.
        I also wanted to say I enjoyed re-reading your Heart/Melting Ice poem. You have such a creative gift with words, colors, art, creativity…and I know for sure that creativity is what elevates us in the spiritual realm. When I am creating things, I just feel this special energy that comes from deep within…
        What a wonderful story about the lad with the hoody. I know most (if not all) would not choose a life on the streets if they felt they could help it. So many have mental illness or some other detriment that prevents them from leading a normal life. We judge them for being dirty or uneducated or for being lazy. And yet, if we would just take time to talk to them, or to understand their situation, we’ll realize it’s so often a tragic story….
        The lifespan of someone on the streets is a short one – only five years – from the day that a person finds themself homeless to when they expire due to the elements or other factors. Sigh…
        I am smiling…I love listening to meditation music as I work – and for right now, I’m responding to comments. Well, Om Namah Shavaya just came on. I just love listening to that video recorded live of Krishna Das…especially when the drums really get going. I just love that kind of music and rhythm…it just speaks to my soul. Truly.
        Sending you big hugs, sweet friend! I have put intentions out all over the place to make it to the UK sooner rather than later. And we’ll have that tea!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 08, 2019 @ 21:58:52

          I truly believe in creativity Cynthia and it is as you say, what ‘elevates us’
          And yes not many can understand the reasons why so many choose homelessness. I watched a documentary which was locally based on how two women who were part of outreach to the homeless community were going around the homeless on the bitter cold nights of below zero recently. They had booked hotel rooms, but there were very few takers, Trust is an issue ..

          Love that you love listening to the Om Namah Shavaya that I introduced you too. One of my all-time favs.

          Sorry its taken a while to answer.. I had intended to return to my blog on Monday, but my internet broke, so had to wait for engineers to fix it which took a few days for them to sort it.

          And oh yes, so visualising that natter over tea.. 🙂 ❤



  43. sibyltowers
    Jan 28, 2019 @ 11:10:06

    ”Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.
    Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist.
    Be curious”
    Professor Stephen Hawking.

    Sibyl X (A first generation EMPATH)



  44. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Jan 28, 2019 @ 12:08:39

    Dear Sue, there is so much to love in this post. It’s good to see you back in the blogosphere. I love your remark on the header image. And your hedgehog painting! It’s gorgeous, such depth and so realistic. Yet so adorable.
    You are absolutely right about how all this stuff drains us. Yet I’ve given myself even more, when I’d very much like to hide in a dark cave as you describe. I’ve gotten a cottage in the southwest, and expect to make that 2000 mile move in about 3 weeks. Wish me good weather and a much stronger back. 😉
    Hugs on the wing.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 18:47:48

      Lovely that you have taken out some of your precious time to visit Teagan.. and yes, I think winter days especially have that effect of us wanting to retreat further into our dark caves to hibernate and shut out the world’s noise AND the weather..
      I do hope you are not caught up in the winter storm sweeping USA. and I so admire your courage and determination in your change of location..
      I am sending lots of love and well wishes your way, and hope your move goes smoothly with out any hitches.. Sprinkling lots of fairy dust to make your journey fly smoothly!… ❤ ❤ Lot of love ❤



  45. The Coastal Crone
    Jan 28, 2019 @ 22:26:07

    Your hedgehog is adorable! Indeed we all have our “plays,” an especially bad one in the US. Take hope that your spring will soon be arriving!

    Liked by 1 person


  46. peggyjoan42
    Jan 29, 2019 @ 15:25:52

    Hope each day that you find peace and contentment in this troubling world. It is easy to become depressed when you pay too much attention to the evil and violence of mankind. Love to you and lots of hugs Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  47. Miriam
    Jan 30, 2019 @ 06:23:54

    I love your hedgehog Sue. And I agree with so much that you’ve written here. Like you I’ve also felt a pull to step back and change things in my own life. I’ve been away from my blog for awhile, finding space and time to contemplate, to pause and reflect and make inner world changes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and sentiments here and for your wisdom Sue. Much love and light to you. xx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  48. kowkla123
    Feb 01, 2019 @ 11:42:55

    zieh dich warm an, eine Erkältung ist nun mal nicht so toll, also, mache es gut, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  49. insearchofitall
    Feb 04, 2019 @ 03:44:22

    I’ve been in overwhelm so I missed this but glad I came back to it. You know I love anything Dr. Joe puts out. I have all his books and some on audio.
    So create your new self in the new world, and what kind of New world we wish to live in? That is an excellent question and one I’ve been asking myself lately a lot. Since my time here is limited, I must find ways to make a new world wherever I go next. Keep taking care of yourself and I do understand the need to find solitude and distance from the fear mongers. Hugs and love from my heart to yours.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2019 @ 22:09:24

      Dearest Marlene, please never worry about such things, we get here and there when able.. AND no wonder you were OVERWHELMED my friend with all that you have been doing. We create, and we do what pleases us, and we try our best with what means we have to nurture the planet and ourselves. I see now more than ever the time to nurture self all important. To find that Inner peace and Space to BE.. Thank you dear Marlene for your love and friendship, from your heart to mine and mine to yours.. ❤ Much love

      Liked by 1 person


  50. Miro
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 01:24:11

    Beautiful and inspiring words. Thank you for sharing, Sue. 🙏



  51. Nihar Pradhan
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 16:44:40

    Dear Sue, what a wonderful reflection? Yes we keep wondering. This is a different world order. There is a paradox. As there is so much chaos. We are all confused and we are frantically trying to get the window of clarity. We are surrounded by negative energies. It is coming thick and fast. We are caught in deeper agonies of our past deeds in other words the misdeeds. We want a new world and we are anchored in the old world order. There is chaos and cacophony that is constantly breaking the silence and we are not able to be in that zone of solitude to experience the much needed musing and deep reflection on life and what we want from the world around us. The change we want to see outside has to have its beginning inside us and we are not ready for that effort and we are not taking the plunge that is needed to get going. Letting go is such an important aspect of moving ahead in life and making the world a better place. The more we hold onto the old order and the past narrative we are as much imprisoned in the prism of memories and mysteries. We have to break free from this juggernaut.

    I love the way you brought the changes within your purview, from changing onto oil from the acrylics…the hedgehog looks absolutely real as if it is raring to jump out of the lovely green garden, the canvas is surreal. Waking up and doing the meditation that sets the energy for the day. The change to write a book and doing so much of writing and then allowing that 10,000 words to disappear is another mode of allowing our inner thoughts get flushed out and so as to create a space for new ideas to germinate and grow. It is so important to understand the Earth Cycles and the changing pattern of nature that provides us with any signs and we need to have the receiver in place to connect and correlate the impact and implication. The Planetary changes are already sending those signals…

    Yes there is this Programme of Distractions and we are conditioned to that algorithm and we produce the same result day in and day out, we need to change the narrative and build a fresh perspective for this world to reshape and set a new agenda for holistic growth and development with nature not at the cost of nature that we have been rampantly doing it unabashedly…we have ceased to nurture the nature and have somewhat lost our basic sense and sensibilities that defines humanity.

    We are all largely surrounded by this force of negative energies and this low frequencies that is wrapping us down. How do we break free from this vortex that is pulling us down and taking us within its clutch? Each one of us produce energy in the thought and the power of collective thought is the power of energy. Just that we don’t feel the power of this intangible energy unlike the energy of electricity and magnetism. We change the way we think, we change the world around us. We change what we think, we change the world to think differently and every thought adds to the positive or negative energy depending what was our thought. Such is the mightiness of thought and we have become pretty recklessly on our thoughts and thinking. The positive energy and high frequency comes from the bedrock of quality of thoughts and thinking that is driven with positive passion and purpose for making the world a better place to live.

    Dear Sue, so powerful put; there has to be a mission towards unifying a vision for the future rather than being trapped in our past and keep regretting for what wrong we have done and what we could have done. incidents of childhood still keeps haunting us and we are affected by its negative influences. We need to shift and take the baton in our hand and start running. It is time for us to do it. It is now or never.

    This little break between us gives that energy to generate such lovely and fresh thoughts that makes every such conversation of ours profoundly meaningful. Always look forward to our conversation during these short gaps…
    Wishing you a joyful week ahead and spread the joy that you do so beautifully and it is you only when can do. Take Care!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2019 @ 22:32:24

      You said this so well Nihar, as we are indeed anchored in the past. We keep replaying the old scripts over and over until we believe the play is real.

      Your words ring so true ” The change we want to see outside has to have its beginning inside us and we are not ready for that effort and we are not taking the plunge that is needed to get going. ”

      Agreed no one is letting go, because everyone is still blaming everyone else, finger pointing instead of looking within and making the real changes needed, within our hearts..

      Thank you for the compliments of my painting, the hedgehog, Yes sometimes we are urged to make changes and sometimes the Universe makes changes for us. Forcing us to look, explore and delve deeper.
      This week the Universe intervened and sort to postpone my return to WP as my internet connection was cut for several days But it meant I got more reading done and another item I knitted.

      I thought the disconnection with the internet a SIGN, so left the book and computer work alone to concentrate on Creating, and relaxing by reading. And really enjoyed my time in fantasy world for a time within the cover of several books.
      “Yes there is this Programme of Distractions and we are conditioned to that algorithm and we produce the same result day in and day out, we need to change the narrative and build a fresh perspective for this world to reshape and set a new agenda for holistic growth and development with nature not at the cost of nature that we have been rampantly doing it unabashedly…we have ceased to nurture the nature and have somewhat lost our basic sense and sensibilities that defines humanity.”

      Agreed the negatives are driving us down, and we have to break that cycle. And you are correct we do it by our thinking our thoughts, as we change our habits our perspectives and our intentions. WE are so, so much more than we think we are, and by altering our own thoughts, habits and frequencies by raising our awareness and purpose, we can make this world a better place to live.

      I look forward dear Nihar to catching more of your thoughts which are pending my friend, but its now late, So I will bid you goodnight until I return tomorrow to comment and approve your other comment..
      Take care and I look forward to your own new posts
      Blessings and a Wonderful weekend to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Feb 09, 2019 @ 01:55:30

        Yes Dear Sue, we get caught in the wriggles of life and keep cribbing and not take that one step towards the change that is so essential and then comes the intervention from the universe and we are forced to do so…we resist and many times it persist. Without realizing that change is being forced on us for our own good and we are imprisoned in our basket of biases and prejudices. And when we embrace the change and go through the changed process, and reflect on the short journey we realize what we would have missed that opportunity had we not gone through that changed process. Letting go and joyfully accepting the change is the secret of happiness. We break that castle of expectation and the self imposed restriction that robs us from our own self and the inherent potential that we all possess just that we don’t recognize and we need that external trigger to get it activated.

        Changing our habits and breaking the patterns and making new habits and newer pattern taking place in our life and reshaping the way we live of life. The perspectives matter…building our awareness and discovering our purpose in life is where the magical frequency matches between what we love to do and what we live to do…we have our passion and many of us have no clue unless encountered by a situation that opens that secret box of our life.

        Nothing can be more creatively engaging than the engagement with the world of painting…there is a magical connection we are transmitting those intangible pieces from the world of imagination onto the canvas of reality. Playing with the color and the combination that gets created makes us joyful and the talk that we have with that inanimate canvas and bring life through our colorful and creative work of art…
        The change we undergone in our thought when we engage with the world of painting is truly transforming, we disconnect from the mundane and we take a break from the world of reality to that world of imagination, this is where we build new bridges of progress in our life.

        Always, always such great delight in having such lovely exchange of thoughts and thank you so much Dear Sue for your generous thoughts.
        Have a great weekend.
        take care!!!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 12, 2019 @ 14:05:17

          Indeed dear friend, taking a break to be within those realms of imagination help bring about the creativeness from within ourselves I think.
          Such enforced breaks often make us realise what really is important in life. And makes our verbal exchanges even more precious when we come back with a clearer mind and fresh perspective.

          I hope your own week is going well Nihar. Sending well wishes and Blessings your way my friend 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Nihar Pradhan
            Feb 13, 2019 @ 02:56:48

            Indeed so true dear Sue, we need to break away from any such self imposition which is against the grain of our natural self…we should not get forcefully driven by the external demand, we should be driven by our inner call and the thing that makes us happy and joyful…
            Yes such short breaks gives us the long drive that we need to bring those fresh perspectives into our discussion and make the conversation profoundly engaging…
            Thanks as always Dear Sue and have a great week ahead.
            Take Care!!!



  52. Infinite Living
    Feb 09, 2019 @ 07:04:58

    I am so delighted to read this post Sue. This new year I feel such energy of renewal and kind of a transition. The tether to the past stories seems to have been diminishing as a new story wanting to take birth. Your post is full to the brim with affirmation and inspiration for this growth. Your painting is absolutely beautiful. I am in awe of such deep talents that you have!



  53. dilipnaidu
    Feb 18, 2019 @ 08:30:52

    Beautiful post as always Sue. Your writings always emerge from the heart and such very refreshing and evergreen. Just like the sound of OM is eternal and always energizing your thoughts too sink into the readers mind so easily.
    Thank you and many good wishes
    Dilip 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  54. Barbara Franken
    Feb 21, 2019 @ 09:06:06

    Yes a beautiful post dear sue… and maybe I can tempt you into my writing challenge this year and describe your newearth you are birthing within… I would also love to put you on the pedestal and shine a light on your light! You can read about it here… http://memymagnificentself.com/2019/02/11/magnificent-guest-blogger-feature-2019-magical-newearth/ much love Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 21, 2019 @ 16:07:45

      Bless you Barbara for asking and for all your comments you left today, I thank you.. I will think upon your invitation dear Barbara.. But making no promises.. I once had a most profound dream about a magical new world. Where all was orchestrated in the Oneness it was originally intended to be.. No animals killing other animals, all were living in co-operation, All were in tune with each other and we all breathed in and out in unison. I once had a vivid dream that I can only think was New Earth or another dimension beyond this one.. I described it in 2015 in a blog post. https://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/my-dream-translated-i-just-had-to-share/
      If I do decide to enter your writing challenge Barbara.. I can only expand on this experience with what I feel is now shaping our lives..
      Much love and thank you again dear Friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Barbara Franken
        Feb 21, 2019 @ 16:14:44

        Well there you are… that would be great to share this… as there is no time only now❤️ it’s really about sharing more potential outcomes to give others hope❤️ happy weekend to you and your family too sue 😘

        Liked by 1 person


  55. Barbara Franken
    Feb 21, 2019 @ 16:38:41

    ❤️ no pressure😘🌈💃🏼

    Liked by 1 person


  56. prenin
    Feb 25, 2019 @ 15:02:22

    Just catching up Sue Love!!! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be!!! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person


  57. Ben Naga
    Apr 17, 2019 @ 14:58:53

    “Through my meditations, I realised further, that as we perceive time as speeding …”

    Have you seen this Video, Sue? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYoxFcDAmqQ

    It’s about time (speeding up}.

    And if not …

    It’s about time.

    😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person


  58. simplywendi
    Sep 19, 2019 @ 04:10:58

    “We should never be afraid to start afresh and try something new, “……….these words really stood out for me Sue, thank you!

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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