5G~ WiFi~ Radiation ~ Truth~

VIDEO: International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields, Martin Blank, PhD Spokesperson from ElectromagneticHealth.Org on Vimeo.


The above video is an old one, and yet it appears nothing is being done to address the harmful effects which science is now revealing is causing more and more cancers, especially in children whose cells are more at risk of being affected. 

Many of you may have noticed I have not been such a frequent visitor as I once was to your blogs, between posting my  Blog-posts and answering those of you who are my loyal followers, and trying to catch up, I turn off the modem often.

Since my internet provider upgraded my modem last year  to a WiFi device, although it is run from a cable, the WiFi now also connects to my TV,  which I hadn’t asked for, but was told that it was upgrading the system. Much like my 3G mobile connection was automatically upgraded with a new 4G sim-card for the same reasons.. 

But after this upgrade I noticed I was constantly getting a high pitch singing in my ears, and after spending several hours at a time, sometimes as many as four hour blocks or more sometimes on my blog and visiting and commenting. I would become extremely lethargic and tired. And the ringing in the ears is now constant.. And its not due to tinnitus. And I can only summarise I am more sensitive than perhaps others are..  But it is concerning me, and I am doing things to minimise these  health issues..

Understanding that our bodies are also vibrating at a frequency and have their own electrical ‘pulse’ it is not surprising that the waves now vibrating around our Earth with our Technology is affecting our bodies and minds..  

I found it very interesting in reading an article on the increase of Alzheimer’s Disease in Japan.. And one has to wonder if the increase in AD is not somehow linked to the increase in technology devices?  Knowing how Japan leads the way forward with such technology. 

Going out into nature away from such technology is my way of recharging and detoxifying my own energy from negative vibrations whether they be from the news media or from invisible wave lengths of micro-wave technology. The ringing in the ears subsides to not be so overpowering. 

Anyhow I began noticing a real difference, when the modem was turned off, ( even though and I am sure most of you are aware, when our devices start searching for our own shutdown WiFi, you see at least half a dozen or more other WiFi devices showing up to connect to if you had permissions.. 

So imagine the amount of invisible waves penetrating your home day and night.

Now if that is not bad enough I want you to listen to what is being said here in regard to 5G, now I realise I am asking you to spend some time listening to these video’s and these are just a few I found on the net, So if you go do your own research you can find lots more evidence that we are being used as guinea pigs. And no real research is being done about these stronger radiation frequencies affects given that the phone companies know the effects of 4G and WiFi.  And  we have no say in what they are wanting to do. 

Next year in our area, it is already being proposed that EE is rolling out its program of 5G in our area. Now listen to what the gentleman on the right who is a telecommunications expert is saying in the above video.. He and others are saying that these Towers which are more powerful will have shorter distances to be effective.. So they will have to put more towers, every Few hundred yards or so in your community on public causeways.. That could mean you have one right outside your front door.. This Link shows the Plan https://newsroom.ee.co.uk/ee-announces-5g-launch-locations-for-2019/ in the UK in our area. 


Now I don’t live in the USA, but those of you who do, Please Listen to what this Senator Patrick Colbeck is saying. As he explains that the radiation levels will be  extremely higher than safe levels of radiation.. As he speaks about a Bill 637.  He speaks frankly to show the risks and how in the USA  limits of radiation are way higher than in many other countries. 

Studies have shown that Cell Phone usage causes Carcinogenic effects. And  that 5G is far stronger radiation!… 

You owe it to yourselves to get educated in 5G and listen to what the Senator has to say as he is so concerned about  his community, as he shares the evidence of  Cancer tumours, Autism, and studies have shown that the most susceptible are the younger children whose cells are most effected.  His primary concern is the health of citizens. 

Please out of all the video’s if you live in the USA, you need to listen to what this Senator is saying!



Here are more links for you https://youtu.be/BwyDCHf5iCY Where Dr Devra Davis speaking about the TRUTH of Mobile Devices.. And she speaks in depth that Truth moves forward, it doesn’t stand still.. Once upon a time it was said it was safe to smoke tobacco! and now we know different.  We need to start asking the right questions on the health risks NOW, not when it’s too late.. 

Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.  She says the IPhone actually will tell you in its legal ( small print ) not to keep the phone in your pocket because it exceeds the Radiation Exposure. So if you have an IPhone, Go to Settings, then General, then About, and then click onto Legal and go into RF Exposure… There it will tell you how unsafe it it..  read for yourselves.. And ask yourself WHY it is hidden in the small print!.. 

One more links I have listed below and thank you Amy 🙂 


So if you are upgrading your phone, or buying one for a loved one as a gift this Christmas,  please make yourselves aware of the dangers especially to Children and while we all of us need communications, we also need to be aware of how it is affecting our health.. 

Much Love  

Wishing you All a Wonderful An Enlightening Week.





106 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eric Tonningsen
    Dec 16, 2018 @ 18:37:27

    Thoughtful, timely and critically important subject matter, Sue. Rarely do legislators, manufacturers or regulators tell us about looming product dangers. And they are real (the dangers, not the culprits). Thank you for sharing this and creating vital awareness for people to consider. And act upon.

    Liked by 4 people


  2. Denzil
    Dec 16, 2018 @ 18:56:46

    Thanks for posting this Sue. I believe insufficient research is being carried out on this topic. I have just read The Radium Girls, where big companies swept any health risks under the carpet.

    Liked by 2 people


  3. House of Heart
    Dec 16, 2018 @ 18:57:31

    So disturbing. I have kept my land line but my boy uses his cell phone for everything as do most of my friends. It’s frightening. thank you Sue! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Val Boyko
    Dec 16, 2018 @ 19:22:40

    This is huge … and I had no idea! Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and providing helpful resources. Awareness is the first step to bring about change. Thank you Sue 💕

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:07:30

      Thank you Val, yes being aware is the first step, whether we can do anything is another thing.. I plan to write to my local PM. to pose the question about it being installed in our area, though I doubt for much response. But like the Senator stated, they then quote the levels of radiation acceptable, but they are not the correct source, Like he says it is like the fox guarding the hen house.
      Sending well wishes for a great week Val.

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Erika Kind
    Dec 16, 2018 @ 19:47:06

    This is very scary, Sue! For a long time, I did not WiFI in the house. Once it was done, I did no longer think about it since it was normal that everybody has it. Your post truly alerts me. I will let my children know regarding the iPhone settings. Thank you so much for making the effort and putting this all together.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:15:01

      There is much more if one researches Erika, what is scary is that many now also have in their homes Alexa and other similar devices, while it may seem convenient and often funny as it records your commands.. What people are not aware of either is that it is recording ALL of the time… AI is listening in and gathering information.. When you start uncovering electronic devices, robots and much more, such as our health, vaccines etc, your perception to another world suddenly opens up a whole new perspective of how little value we humans are in the scheme of profitability. And how dismissive the human life is, in certain circles..
      I couldn’t just sit on this, and as I spoke in some of my earlier posts, When you start uncovering the Truth, of this world, it can turn your stomach over..
      Sending love and well wishes Erika.. Have a beautiful week.. It gets even more busier as countdown to Christmas gets closer..
      Take care my friend.. Big Hugs 😀

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Dec 17, 2018 @ 20:06:55

        I couldn’t agree more, Sue! I am very sceptic and don’t lke this whole Alexamania. I feel the devlopment about the whole AI more than threatening. I wrote a short post about it because I am really concerned. I think most people don’t realize what is going on here. It is anything but fun!
        I don’t know if you saw it but perhaps you are interestetd in this: https://erikakind.me/2018/04/14/just-a-thought-10/
        Anyway, sending you virtual hugs for now 😀



  6. Paul Handover
    Dec 16, 2018 @ 22:27:19

    Sue, you perform a very useful role in bringing this to our attention. I, too, use a house phone but we do have WiFi in the house. Luckily no children anywhere close.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:17:29

      Many thanks Paul, While I know we live in a modern world with modern conveniences etc and we need good connections and communication. I now only turn on when on the PC.. then it goes off again.
      Thank you for reading Paul, appreciate your comments 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  7. Renee Espriu
    Dec 16, 2018 @ 23:54:22

    Everything in moderation, my friend, even technology. My youngest daughter’s children spend most of their time outdoors and are only allowed a certain amount of time on computer or tablets but not all do that but then that is what makes the world full of unique individuals. Have progress enhanced by technology can be a catch ”22″…so to speak, but reigning it in is yet another challenge. Need it but wish you didn’t. I have had tinnitus for years but yes, there is a hum from the WiFi. It is always on so always there but like my ears I tend to ignore it as I am not always on my laptop. It is a shame that the younger generation might have health difficulties the older generation does not but it is there. I don’t agonize, stress or worry about it but adapt my own life according to what I know is best. Good you can get away and out to your garden, art or other avenues that are not in the fast track of the internet. I do hope you are well. Take care. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:19:36

      I agree, all in moderation, and when not in use, turn off.. Which is what I do.. My knitting needles have been causing sparks this last couple of weeks, as I finish things for gifts and things I promised to knit for myself..
      And yes thank goodness for Nature, and the garden..
      I hope you too are well Renee.. loved your comment.. Sending huge hugs and well wishes for a great Festive Season.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Renee Espriu
        Dec 17, 2018 @ 17:50:01

        I am sure you will get everything done and all will be beautiful and well received. I am finishing up some embroidery long neglected to give to a friend. Am not really doing gifts this year due to budget but will spend Christmas morning at my daughter’s house where I will move next Spring. Have a wonderful holiday. xoxox



  8. simplywendi
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 00:54:33

    thank you so much Sue for this post. i am trying to get out of the house more and i have made the comment over and over that i feel better outside than inside, now i think i know why 🙂 sending you love and peace and heaps of thanks!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:24:05

      Good to know you feel the benefits of being outdoors Wendi.. So pleased you do.. If you have a WiFi and its not being used, you can always turn off until you need it.. This is what I do now. And I limit my time on the internet.. Not that I need to data wise. just that if I don’t I know I can spend hours on blogs etc..
      Understanding it was causing my tiredness, and I felt drained.. I did a little experiment one day and I am now certain its the WiFi which drains my energy.. I am not perfect.. I have days I am on it longer.. then other days I don’t turn it on at all.. 🙂 But being aware is the main thing. Especially if small children are using it often. 😀
      Sending mega Hugs your way too ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Miriam
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 00:59:10

    Such an important post Sue, it’s frightening to think of the dangers that over exposure to technology poses for all of us. Everything in balance and moderation I think, unfortunately these days it’s not always as easy as it once was. Thank you for posting this and making us aware. Now it’s time for me to go out in my garden! Take care Sue xx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:28:34

      Yes I try to balance my usage and time on Technology etc.. But one of the key factors in 5G is the amount of tower type posts which will be placed it said to get into perspective every two to ten homes in distance.. Now that means every two homes more or less in ten will have one of these towers right next to them.. Now that can not be good.. And I most certainly wouldn’t move next to a telephone tower using the current 4G, or be near a overhead power line.. But looking at the data when this is rolled out, it means no escaping it.
      Enjoy your Garden… Wonderful you have Summer there, while we were shivering today lol.. 🙂
      Love and Blessings Miriam and thank you so much for your comment and reading ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Miriam
        Dec 17, 2018 @ 21:07:10

        Yes, it’s scary to think of how prominent those towers will be. I remember decades ago when we were looking to buy property we always stayed away from the ones that were located near the telephone towers, and that was even before the internet was such a big deal. Brrr. Stay warm over there Sue and take care. Love and blessings to you too ❤️ xx



  10. dgkaye
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 02:20:49

    Excellent information Sue. I believe technology has gone far beyond what we need it for. Human life is becoming disregarding, let alone the diminished jobs for people because of AI taking over everything. Very scary stuff. 😦

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:42:05

      Yes, agreed there Debby, Profits before people.. or the environment.
      I belong to the Woodland Trust here in the UK and I just got my quarterly news magazine, Here in the UK there is to be a new railway line across the UK to relieve the already congested and poor service of the existing rail connections from North to South of the country, its called the HS2 project.. Not only was it sold to the government as being Way under budget of what it will eventually cost the tax payer, It will be millions over what it was said to cost.. 56 Billion Pounds.. So goodness knows the end cost..
      In the process 19 ancient woodlands are facing devastation from the latest plans, which will cause huge loss of habitat fro many species..
      So yes Human life is cheap, and these things are just the tip of the iceberg ..
      Many thanks again Debby and for sharing.. Sending well wishes my friend, enjoy your week 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • dgkaye
        Dec 17, 2018 @ 17:27:12

        Oh Sue, we have similar stuff going on here with our pipelines so I know of what you speak. It’s awful and all the politicians do is lie about everything and in the end the tax payers are choked even more. Let us focus on peace and that the universe will somehow right itself. Happy holidays to you my friend. ❤ xxx



  11. dreamweaver333
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 03:24:54

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 2 people


  12. thespiritkeeper
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 04:57:49

    Wow! Who would have thought that we have become a self annihaltion civilization. I believe it. It makes no sense that all these studies against these radiation emitting devices and towers would be heard on deaf ears. There is so much now that can kill us. I think that the emf and electrical frequency which is found throughout the universe.is affecting the normal emf found in the earth. I also wonder if this is creating a pole shif and birds and animals and sea creatures to die. Informative videos and post as usual. The world is going mad. Hope you are having an amazing week, ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:53:50

      Yes, the more we learn, the more appalled I become.. Yes the Schumann residence is massively altering https://youtu.be/7xSv6GFa9RA we are having more storms etc and so yes I agree about the magnetic poles altering. And these magnetic lines must be confusing birds and Dolphin and whales etc.. I put you a link to listen too from the Higher Self Channel.. Makes sense to what we have been clearing out recently.. 🙂
      Keep Sane… 🙂 lol.. Enjoy your editing… And you too enjoy your week.. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  13. The Belmont Rooster
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 07:02:36

    GREAT POST! I don’t have a cell phone but I do use Wi-Fi with my internet now. Before I had a phone line in my bedroom, but when I moved to the other bedroom, then again to another bedroom, I have been using Wi-Fi. I would rather be using the wire. So, since reading this post and watching the videos… More reasons to get rid of the Wi-Fi and continue not to have a cell phone. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2018 @ 13:57:44

      My pleasure Mr R being informed is forewarned etc and while we all need our communication devices, understanding more about their affects can only be helpful, so I am pleased you found this informative 😀



  14. -Eugenia
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 17:30:30

    This is concerning! Thank you for educating your followers, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  15. SuperDuque
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 20:14:17

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 20, 2018 @ 11:48:41

      Thank you for that most excellent informative video my friend Gracias por ese excelente video informativo mi amigo
      Los mejores deseos para la temporada festiva. Enviando pensamientos a tu manera. Cuídate Antonio Bendiciendo
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Infinite Living
    Dec 17, 2018 @ 22:56:42

    Nature calls me too often, yet I am more on my screens – guilty as much as I want better for the next generation! Your post really is thought provoking and a wake up call – I wonder if we all could get addicted to nature as much as to all else.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 20, 2018 @ 11:56:09

      Once thing is for certain, I will be more addicted to nature next year than to my blog, that is for certain… I try now to limit the amount of time I spend with the WiFi turned on.
      There is always a reason we feel we must follow the ‘Flow’ and while I love my blog and my beautiful WordPress Family of light. Sometimes we need to listen to that inner guidance which comes to speak to us for a reason..

      I have much yet to communicate here on my blog.. But I follow over 300 many who hardly ever visit here.. So its time rethink my blogging time.. 🙂

      Enjoy your break away dear friend.. sending So much love your way.. ❤ Take care and Blessings ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  17. aFrankAngle
    Dec 18, 2018 @ 16:17:05

    Always an important message.

    Liked by 2 people


  18. Jane Sturgeon
    Dec 19, 2018 @ 11:24:15

    Dear Sue, thank you so much for sharing this information. I have been shying away from using my laptop, wanting to be in spaces where there is no technology and craving simplicity more and more. This validates how I have been feeling. It’s scary how greed for money flips so easily into manipulation and misinformation. Wrapping you in much ❤ and blessings for the soul food of creativity. Hugs ❤ xXx ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  19. JoAnn Chateau
    Dec 19, 2018 @ 14:29:29

    Thanks for the info, Sue. A serious situation. Poison in the airwaves.

    Like so many industries, wi-fi and cell manufacturers know about the dangers of their wares. If only the spirit of innovation would lead them to develop safe products and service.

    Liked by 2 people


  20. JoAnna
    Dec 20, 2018 @ 03:36:30

    Thank you for bringing this to us. Occasionally I feel very tired of the computer with a feeling of that reminds me of contempt or mild revulsion. Now, this makes more sense along with a craving for nature.

    Liked by 2 people


  21. roughwighting
    Dec 20, 2018 @ 12:48:45

    Interesting disturbing information here, Sue. Thank you for sharing it! I can’t look at all the links/videos. Since my concussion, I’m discouraged from spending a lot of time on computer/phone/TV screens, which is limiting for my blogging, but much better for my brain! I DO have tinnitus, and so keep soft classical music in the background as much as possible, which helps deflect the ringing, The idea of higher tech/radiation waves affecting our hearing/cells is too realistic to ignore. I wish this info and warnings were spread wide and far. Take care!

    Liked by 2 people


  22. AmyRose🌹
    Dec 20, 2018 @ 19:48:10

    I am SO relieved to see you went ahead with this post, Sue! We in this house are now hardwired but yet the ringing in my ears continues. Even in the woods or deep in a forest it takes a while to stop the ringing in my ears. I both feel and see the difference in our house, yet we are surrounded by homes using Wi-Fi and next door to us are huge transformers and what looks to be a cell tower. It is horrible what this radiation is doing to us as a species. Example … I spoke to my next door neighbor just yesterday and she told me she has an 8 month wait to get in to see an arthritis specialist. That right there tells ME how sick this nation is! Can you imagine an 8 month waiting list to see a doctor?

    I have no wifi on my phone and will only use data when I transfer pics for my blog. My vision has improved vastly since I am not using wifi. My cats are SO much calmer.

    This information EVERYONE needs to hear. And yet people will still stick their heads in the sand cuz they just love their phones too much. Bless you for this post! I pray people start waking up. I know for a FACT 5G is already being used in the states. I can actually “feel” the difference in vibration. And it is NOT good.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 21, 2018 @ 10:26:09

      Thank you dear Amy and for those wonderful links which led me on my own trail of researching current information.. Its a big worry, as they are rolling out 5G in our area next year, and not a word about the health hazards already with WiFi and 4G..
      I am seriously considering writing to my local MP. Though what good it will do, but it will make me feel I have done something.
      That is the only trouble with neighbours WiFi penetrating our homes too,
      I am always so grateful for our own NHS Health service here in the UK, we may moan the waiting times, but you get treatment and you don’t have to remortgage your home to pay for it..
      Like you the ringing is still there, but in nature is less.. Their is so much happening in this time scale, planetary wise… But if I were to go there, many would disbelieve, so I don’t.. Just make the most of your NOW moments Amy.. Live, love and laugh… For I see many changes which will affect us all..
      Love to you dear friend.. And Thank you again for being YOU.. ❤
      Hugs and Happy Christmas.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • AmyRose🌹
        Dec 21, 2018 @ 15:05:32

        There is not much any of us can do, Sue, which is not a good feeling to have, but nonetheless true. My Guidance is telling me to BE in the MOMENT now and to be out in Nature as much as possible. Even though it is a very overcast day out I go to the forest to rejuvenate. I pray those changes you “see” will effect us positively. For the most part, we, especially the Sensitives, are just about at our rope’s end. I have never ever been so bombarded with nasty energy like I am today. It takes a LOT for me to neutralize and Balance out. Gone are the days I felt Bliss all the time. OH how I long to have those days back!!

        Love to you, dear Sue. I in turn thank YOU for being you! No compromise! I LOVE it! (((HUGS))) 💞💞💞

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 23, 2018 @ 15:16:51

          I agree with you Amy, follow your intuition and Nature.. The NOW Moments so very important.. I have a gut feeling this world is about to experience things no one could envisage. So keep those moments of Peace dear Amy and try to keep balanced as much as is possible..
          I too will be quieter after my next post for a while..
          Happy Holidays Amy.. ❤ ❤ ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  23. Hannah Kaminsky
    Dec 21, 2018 @ 04:15:48

    It’s terrifying to think about the implications of being immersed in this technology without knowing what the true repercussions could be later on. It’s unavoidable, and so out of control.

    Liked by 2 people


  24. laurabruno
    Dec 21, 2018 @ 15:06:08

    I’ve tried to raise local awareness about this issue. Here in Michigan, we have it particularly tricky, as it’s so tech/internet friendly here. They get right of way and can basically do anything they want, regardless of local laws or ordinances. So far we haven’t gotten 5G in our part of Kalamazoo, but Kalamazoo was one of the test cities last year. I assume it went “well,” according to testers looking to make it a go.

    For my part, I use orgone pucks and Aires Tech shields. We have orgone all over our house, especially by the wifi router and smart meter, both behind my desk. 😦 Aires Tech reached out to me with some samples for cell phone protection and body support when near the EMF’s. I felt a huge difference with their products — really noticeable. I asked them if they have solutions to put on 5G transmitters in case we can’t fight them off. They just recommended the products for wearing on the body. It’s not ideal, but at least it’s something. https://www.airestech.com/

    (I get no compensation from Aires Tech … just raising awareness. My favorite orgone supplier is Bo at https://orgonia.bigcartel.com/ (Also no compensation, just sharing some support for sensitive people.)

    Thanks for raising awareness about this important issue. Much love! Laura

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 23, 2018 @ 16:11:34

      Thank you Laura for the links.. My daughter supplied me with something similar for protection which I have near the WiFi and around our home.. they look very similar to the muffin shapes in your link.. I also program crystals too.. Hoping that will aid in protection..
      Its sad that those in charge of Health and Safety to our environment turn a blind eye and allow products not fully tested on humans..
      Yet rates of Cancers are increasing all the time..
      Many thanks again for taking the time to read and bring your links.. I hope others here will take a look at them..

      Wishing you a Blessed Christmas Laura.. I will be taking a blogging break over the festivities ..
      Love and Blessings to you… ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. rabirius
    Dec 21, 2018 @ 18:32:14

    Very interesting post, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  26. Mark Lanesbury
    Dec 21, 2018 @ 20:47:35

    I too have been a little quiet over here Sue, I still can’t do much with my site and I’m afraid I may have to re-build. Regardless spirit has me a little busy at the moment so I am just ‘going with the flow’ 😀
    Great post and so very like the attitude that our governments, regardless of where we are, see the money and not the suffering.
    Merry Christmas kind lady, may there always be blessings among those whose hearts have learnt to shine ❤ 😀

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 23, 2018 @ 15:25:05

      Thank you kindly dear Mark.. Yes, it is sad that Profit always comes before People.. Unless the People raise their awareness, nothing much will change..
      Thank you for your visit my friend, Good to see you.. And when the time is right, all things will fall into place again with your blog..
      Other thing were needing your energy..
      Have a lovely Christmas.. ENJOY and Stay Blessed..
      Sue 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  27. smilecalm
    Dec 22, 2018 @ 19:52:14

    thank you for caring so much, Sue!
    may we pull the plug on this addiction
    and stop being part of a terrible
    experiment in virtual miscommunication!
    while i’m at it,
    wishing you a sweet, happy holiday
    with the real presence of loved ones 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 23, 2018 @ 15:28:03

      Thank you David, and well wishes your way too.. I will be over to your post on traffic cones over the holidays .. In the mean time you too have a beautiful Holiday and enjoy the Festivities..
      Love and Blessings.. Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  28. Sageleaf
    Dec 22, 2018 @ 22:23:33

    I like how the Senator starts out with “I’m a techie at heart.” Me, too. Mee, too. That said, I was thinking of you when we were doing our Winter Program. I help handle the computer stuff: slideshows, sound, microphones, lights, and the like from the soundbooth in the auditorium.
    More often than not, I get terrible headaches after spending more than say half an hour near all that tech. I know it’s all the blue light and EM radiation. And we turned down living in a beautiful house because it was near an electric station. I couldn’t physically feel the energy just then, but intuitively I knew that living there would be a bad idea. No one had to tell me.
    As for my cell phone, I avoid having it in my pocket as much as I can. Intuitively I have always thought – even without knowing the fine print – that having a machine next to your body is a bad idea.
    Where tech gets the best of me is that so much of my job and my blogging require that I be on a computer. For eight hours a day. I often think about that screen time that I’m exposed to.
    And because I’ve been working on creating my meditation course since September, I know I’m imbalanced: getting out in nature has taken a step back to me trying to get this done. I’m doing the course online because I know that’s where young people are, but…the goal will eventually be to get people AWAY and on a retreat with me.
    As for shutting off the modem, I do not have a practice of doing that. But I think that’s a good idea and I would love to do more research about what they’re putting out.
    In the meantime, I’m going to drink WAY more green tea, eat more tofu and other blood-alkalizing foods and drinks for their anti-cancer properties and benefits. Wowza!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 23, 2018 @ 15:40:07

      Dear Cynthia, I know how hard you work and your job requires lots of technical time on line etc..
      I think so long as we are aware and use our equipment responsibly and we cleanse our selves of toxins… I have several items, I forget their name places around our home, which my daughter got us, which are supposed to help with the effects of WiFi etc… I know you can buy certain things for mobile phones too.. I also place crystals which I have programmed too, and wear one now that I have programmed to act as filter of sorts..

      Diet too plays an important part and understanding what is good to detox and act as antioxidants.

      I know once you have created your online Meditation to your satisfaction, I have no doubts at all that you will attract a wonderful clientele to your classes.. I can already visualise your Meditation Centre.. Can’t YOU.. 🙂

      Wishing you a Wonderful Happy Holiday.. LOVE and Blessings my friend.. ENJOY your break.. And I know all will fall in place as it is meant to..
      LOVE and Best Wishes..
      ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Sageleaf
        Dec 26, 2018 @ 20:41:04

        Sue – your response here brought tears to my eyes. I read it as soon as it came in, but didn’t have a chance to respond due to the holiday goings-on. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for an incredible New Year.
        The meditation centre. Leading retreats. You know my exact intentions. 🙂 When I was working with my coach, her recommendation was to create the online course. Be writing about meditation. Then…eventually I’ll be able to get the space for a meditation center. Give talks. And lead retreats that I would hope would calm and inspire…
        And so…tech has its place, until we can gently let it go, as the tool that helped bring a lot of folks together…
        This is why you made me tear up: out of the joy in what you have seen. It means so much to me. Thank you sweet friend. Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 29, 2018 @ 14:56:23

          You know Cynthia, you can and will do anything you put your mind too my friend.. I can see it, so I know you can visualise it and know its waiting for you..
          I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.. Only just today logging back into my blog.. and have a ton of comments on both blogs.. So taking them in my stride.. I haven’t a hurry in me lol… Know I send you love and well wishes especially for 2019 .. Mega Hugs dear friend ❤



  29. Sageleaf
    Dec 22, 2018 @ 22:26:26

    PS – I feel like, in the future, once I am good and established with teaching meditation and such, then I will be able to dial it all back and get online less often. That has been my plan all along…

    Liked by 1 person


  30. stephensmustang1
    Dec 23, 2018 @ 05:05:46

    Shocking and scary…Gotta make some changes.
    Love and hugs

    Liked by 2 people


  31. da-AL
    Dec 23, 2018 @ 05:28:08

    thanks for great post – very important issue that as you say needs more attention

    Liked by 1 person


  32. kowkla123
    Dec 23, 2018 @ 11:57:19

    Liebe Sue, ich wünsche ein friedliches Fest, wir lesen uns nach dem Fest wieder, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  33. InfiniteZip
    Dec 24, 2018 @ 18:38:28

    scary stuff Sue…thanks for the heads up, this is all new to me 😦

    Liked by 1 person


  34. insearchofitall
    Dec 25, 2018 @ 00:34:01

    Happy Christmas, Sue. It’s taken me too long to finish reading this post. Maybe I wanted to stay in denial longer. My devices keep me from being totally isolated so I’m quite dependent on them. But I have always known there is a cost. Just sitting here for the amount of time it took me to read the post, comments and write one is truly longer than we should spend in front of the screen. There is nowhere to hide from these radiation waves. We can go outside but they are everywhere. As long as enough people are making SO MUCH money from this, there will be no going back. My daughter is sitting next to me reading a real book. It’s lovely but we don’t converse while reading. It’s still isolating. I think that’s why I love my embroidery so much. Hand work of any kind also lends itself to conversation where reading does not. If we are out working in the garden in spring and summer, people will stop by and talk on occasion. In winter, I see almost no one so I sit with TV or computer on to reach the rest of the world. I wish there was a solution or anyone cared to create one. You are so wise to keep taking time away to protect your health. Thanks for fishing me out of the river…of denial. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 30, 2018 @ 14:19:33

      I too am enjoying more and more my hand crafts, be it knitting or painting or model making lol..
      I so understand, today’s world is connected to technology and our communication systems are connected via this web that has been created…
      And I fully appreciate the time spend here reading, So I truly DO appreciate you doing so..
      I am taking even answering comments in bite size pieces, of a couple of hours. any longer and I have to turn off.
      I spent the morning walking and felt invigorated.. Now my eyes are closing and my ears are buzzing..
      I am going to have to rethink how I interact with my blog in the New Year.. I know I am spending far too much time in these electromagnetic fields of energy. So I am just following the FLOW of when to call time, and when to log on..
      Enjoy your New Year Celebrations Marlene.. May it bring you Happiness and Joy.. ❤ LOVE Sue 3

      Liked by 1 person


  35. prenin
    Dec 25, 2018 @ 01:38:12

    Hi Sue! 🙂 ❤

    I use a pay as you go phone which I use only if I have no other choice to call taxi's etc.

    The first thing I did when I got my new Wi-Fi router was disable the Wi-Fi via Windows 10.

    I have hands free landline phones, but they are on a different frequency and a much lower output when in use.

    My PC generates a lot of RF interference, but only affects my radio/alarm which is sat on top of its casing when the PC is running.

    AND I NEVER open my microwave while it is operation – 800w is a lot of juice!

    So much so in fact that the Jodrell Bank scientists found that, when their microwave was opened before it turned off it blinded the Lovell Telescope!!!

    These days their microwave is inside a Faraday cage which blocks all radio signals and the cage is only opened once the microwave oven has finished its task.

    Quite a thought hummmm? 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be!


    Liked by 1 person


  36. Sophia's Children
    Dec 26, 2018 @ 15:31:47

    Thanks for sharing this reminder and update, Sue. I’ve also noticed the effects of the tron-overload and the high-pitched ‘singing’ sound, at certain times anyway (likely when the energy cocktail is just right) due to the wifi (and it streams in from all directions, as we notice when we look at available wifi connections … it’s not just our own!). Like you, I too have made adjustments for more non-tech time to ‘de-tron’ and also pay more attention to how I feel (and thus when it’s time to take a little break). I do appreciate the tech (it’s allowing me to visit your wonderful musing right now, and allows me to reach and be in touch with my Sophia’s Children readers and most of my clients who are elsewhere in the u.s./world). Even so, the energy hygiene is super important. Holy Day blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 30, 2018 @ 13:09:28

      I agree Jamie, the technology is allowing our communications and friendships to happen on line etc.. But I am seriously curbing my time on the internet, just going with the flow of what my own energy body is telling me and shutting down and taking time out in nature to detox from it for a time..
      Wishing you a Wonderful Happy New Earth Year to you Jamie..
      Love and Blessings.. ❤



  37. Barbara Franken
    Dec 29, 2018 @ 15:44:53

    An awesomely informative post sue… it is good we are all aware of how the matrix world works… trying to kill us. Sometimes I wonder why they do, cause shortly they’re won’t be anyone left!😐 This helps us to be mindful of how we live our life. In Nature, eat good food, drink lots of water and enjoy ourselves no matter this. We can’t fight or stop it, we can only allow these new realizations to open our heart, allow the natural incoming light to help balance and transform our body/mind/spirit, erasing all fear and beliefs we are powerless and realise as light being we can rise above the game.

    Upon our commitment to be love incarnate, shining our light around us in everything we are, our light protects us… no darkness can see us as we actually start to vibrate beyond! This is why even when we are near harmful things, poisons etc we are no longer affected… we just know we are safe. AND welcome to hearing the sounds in the ears as your vibration rises you hear the higher tones… enjoy them. I have actually just wrote more in depth about this in my post… how are you allowing energy to serve you? Keep well dear Sue and here’s to our continued ascension… rising above the mundane (cause that’s never going to change and just maybe it’s not meant to, we’re not meant to fix anything, only realise we are the light and nothing can ever harm us. Love Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 30, 2018 @ 12:44:27

      You are right of course Barbara. I will look forward to reading your in depth post about higher tones..
      I am not so much worried for myself as the young who seem especially hooked within their devices..
      And I am finding myself instinctively withdrawing more and more from the internet and just enjoying BE-ing in the moment of creative pursuits..
      While we have tried waking others up, we are only meant to fix ourselves.. As we come to understand who we really are.. So yes, that is all that matters,
      Sending love and Blessings for the NEW Earth Year Barbara.. Many thanks again for your kind words to gently remind me of our own Power Within.. ❤ Love and Hugs.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Barbara Franken
        Dec 30, 2018 @ 17:31:55

        It was because of my grandson that I became quite concerned about everything that was around him… then in a quiet moment I remembered my focus had best stay on myself, enjoying my life, blogging and creating awareness for how each person is so magnificently powerful and allowing my grandson the freedom of experience in 3D trusting he remembers his grandmas whisper of how wonderful and powerful he is and his own light will always keep him safe💥 Thankyou sue for your being who you are and my beautiful divine sister😘 love Barbara x

        Liked by 1 person


  38. robbiesinspiration
    Dec 31, 2018 @ 12:27:15

    A frightening article, Sue. I am aware of a lot of this and it is so difficult to keep young people off their phones and electronic devices, especially when the weather is bad. Wishing you a very happy 2019.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 31, 2018 @ 12:50:29

      Yes the young seem oblivious.. Our authorities should seek more information out befor the 5G is rolled out.. We are set for 5G in our area to start next year. And no one has a say in it.
      Thank you Robbie for reading, Hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful 2019 and Beyond my friend

      Liked by 1 person


  39. thetruthaboutmentalhealth
    Jan 07, 2019 @ 07:25:33

    Woah this sounds like trouble! I’ve heard a few people mention the potential dangers of 5G which is a real concern. I avoided wifi for years convincing my housemates years back to keep using Ethernet cords! That house was really peaceful and we all wondered what all the wifi and devices would be doing to us. Now it’s everywhere and unavoidable so what can you do but like you just put your devices on airplane mode or off at night and when you can.. as well as staying healthy in other ways. … its been a while since I stopped by your blog but saw a like pop up from you today which reminded me! I always enjoyed reading your blog.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 07, 2019 @ 11:42:11

      Thank you for dropping in, I too have not been visiting as many as I have been busy crafting, So just been communicating to those I see when I am here in WP etc.. So pleased you spotted my like and came to read this post.. Its an important one, and I do not have the WiFi on all that long these days only to use my laptop etc when needed.. You were wise to advice to keep using the Ethernet..
      And thank you for your compliments.. I trust all is well with you and you have a wonderful and Happy New Earth Year ❤



  40. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Jan 27, 2019 @ 15:54:39

    Great post, Sue, and sometimes maybe it’s better to have long periods of silence, as people are really ‘tweaked’ to attention when a beloved one shares serious thoughts.

    I am so grateful that my internal compass nudged me to the equator, and to areas where there are few or zero signals that reach the places I live. It’s inconvenient, and I stay behind on ‘things cyber’ — yet I feel very lucky that invisible high-tech currents are not bombarding my body and brain all day and night. And that I can stay focused on whatever I want – even if it’s sitting on a log and barely moving, yet observing the nuances of nature!

    I’ve not had a cell phone – any phone – in almost 20 years! Drives my phone-friends nuts, but it’s one less responsibility as well as what is often a distraction. There are times when it would be of great use, but I remain happy without one.

    The last time in the USA I was introduced to Alexa (?) the all-knowing/hearing device that plays music you requests, etc. Down here friends have a different option which tells them what time it is or when 8 minutes is up to take the bread from the oven etc etc… My entire ‘being’ whispered, ‘no no no….’

    Another concern of mine is that we are giving away our powers – the ability to add a column of numbers (or multiply/divide) or to know how to navigate by the sun – which way is west – so easy (if the sun is shining) yet people use the gps or again – little computers that tell them to turn right or left or make a 180 —- i do worry about the human brain becoming weaker…

    I have veered from your subject, but also know that these issues worry you as well.

    would you believe that this has been on the screen since you wrote it — and finally I am replying! (off line to send tomorrow!)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 17:49:08

      Dear Lisa,
      So wonderful to see you hear my friend, a lovely treat to have you visit..
      I know your internet time is limited and I enjoyed my long catch up last time I bet there are more beautiful birds waiting for me to discover 🙂

      Yes it is frightening prospect about technology and AI .. I was horrified when our granddaughter asked her phone if it had remembered her name, then the name of her pet and what her favourite colour was.. It answered her on Google talk..
      Very scary!! A simple tool gathering information .. And don’t get me started on Alexa, These devices are Listening in ALL the time.

      And you are right it is giving away our powers, I was brought up when mental arithmetic was taught and tested in our maths lessons ever math lesson..
      None of the calculators etc. Even shop assistants cannot give correct change from a till unless the till tells them the amount to give back..

      You haven’t veered from the subject Lisa. These are concerns I too hold.
      And no worries at all about the delay in your comment.. Just so pleased to see you.
      And I too have not been spending as much time online or on WP.
      The painting bug is biting again, the knitting bug just left.. LOL..
      Take care dear Lisa.. And much love your way ❤



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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