Free Will to Choose.

The Healing Begins: ~Responsibility~

…….‘Our Free Will had been part of our demise, and yet it would be our ‘Free Will’ which would help heal Mother Gaia. And each were responsible for our thoughts and actions……..”

During one of the woman’s meditations with our Earth Mother, she had mentally asked about the ‘disease of mankind’ of his greed and how among such beauty had man chose his present path. Which had led to such pollution, destruction of habitats and species, and how can individuals help to change the world for the better?


The woman had sat focused upon the flame of a candle and the light of it showed her the beauty and purity of the Earth as it evolved. She saw how each of the species had chosen to be seeded and how those higher beings within creation had a master plan.

She saw the whole Universe breathe in and breathe out, as the vibration of creation moved as one. She saw the atoms spinning and was made to understand that each atom within its space was connected to the next.. And if one moved one atom then all other atoms had to move for one affected all, and that all were vibration.

She was shown how her DNA had been taken and fused and altered from its original intention. And she saw how those missing strands which had been taken, now trapped her within this Matrix by beings who long ago conquered this system for their own ends. 

Her vision then took her through her own body showing her the cells within her that died and were replaced.. Nothing was lost. The woman realised that she too was her own Universe forever being created a new. She felt the same, and yet her body was never the same for it was constantly changing constantly evolving… Renewing, Replenishing, Transforming.. She instinctively knew she could manipulate every living cell within her being if so desired. But we had lost this knowledge of BEing as our programming had been tampered with.   

She was shown how her thoughts through the years had created the blockages within her system.. The vortexes of light within her spinning chakras in some area’s now lacked the life force they should have. She understood how through the years this had affected her energies. Amplifying her  fears, affecting her  lack of self-love. Her  thoughts within creating her energy body causing illness and disease .. All came in a flash within her mind.

She was shown we were far from alone, and that we were still being guided and watched over, and that we each hold the ‘Key’ within us to help our Earth Mother. Our Free Will had been part of our demise, and yet it would be our ‘Free Will’ which would help heal Mother Gaia. And each were responsible for our thoughts and actions..

Sing your Song for the Trees of the Earth

Sing your Song for the Trees of the Earth It seems many are under attack right now. 

She was taken up high out of her body to sit in space above the blue planet. She was permitted to see the many Ley lines of energy which was a girth around the planet. She saw how some were strong while others had weakened and others appeared broken, disconnected, lifeless lines that although visible had no energy running through them. She saw how many military bases were now positioned along these ley lines and power points. Everything is revealed to those who open their eyes. 

The woman saw how many souls were still Earth bound, trapped within the perpetual cycles of Attachments of Desires, Greed, Guilt, Anger, Grief, held entrapped, held prisoners by the very same thing that had given them Freedom of choice.. ‘Freewill’…

Each soul/Cell weighed down in the density of matter affecting the whole of consciousness, which in turn fed thoughts within the creation of reality. As around and around they span..

Yet she saw too how change was spreading as more now were asking questions, and seeking answers from both science and their governments. No longer are people readily in acceptance of control, ‘Free-will’ was dictating the need of responsibility which was accelerating humanities desire for harmony and Unity. 

Acceleration was now a tangible feeling as Time it’s self seemed to spin ever faster and yet confusion was still within many as the energies tossed them around creating a feeling of anticipation yet it held so much fear, for many still had not awoken to themselves. And could not trust their intuitive inner Being.

The Woman now knew it was TIME… Time to take responsibility.. Time to Speak her Truth as she perceived it to be, understanding that many held their versions of the Truth within them. And collectively when all pieces of that truth came together, no one could deny that truth, because they too  would just know it to be True. 

 All we need,is to trust in the LOVE within.

And share it with one another, 




  This is a resurrected post from the past. which has been tweaked. 



99 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. creekrose
    Dec 02, 2018 @ 20:02:39

    Love this post Sue, there’s so much wisdom here. Feeling resonance with this:
    “Her vision then took her through her own body showing her the cells within her that died and were replaced.. Nothing was lost. The woman realised that she too was her own Universe forever being created a new. She felt the same, and yet her body was never the same for it was constantly changing constantly evolving… Renewing, Replenishing, Transforming..”
    There’s an interplay between freewill and responsibility isn’t there, as in freedom doesn’t mean free from the latter but to bring choice to it, choices rooted in love combined with wisdom and intelligence also; in a way . . . freedom flows from the ability to respond and is also a responsibility . . . thank you for sharing this meditation. ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 11:09:14

      Thank you Rose, Many thanks for your lovely comment, Indeed we all have personal responsibility and choice. We so need now to root our choices out of love rather than judgement .
      Many thanks for your lovely words ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  2. roseelaineblog
    Dec 02, 2018 @ 20:22:28


    Liked by 2 people


  3. David
    Dec 02, 2018 @ 20:34:13

    Dear Sue, beautifully put as always echoing the thoughts of your many followers I am sure. Many blessings to you dear one. Love, David

    Liked by 3 people


  4. Erika Kind
    Dec 02, 2018 @ 20:35:00

    This wake-up call is more than timely… unfortunately still. Thank you for sharing it again since it is so necessary that we understand and become aware that we have to take action… NOW!!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 11:15:26

      Indeed Erika.. The only moment is NOW my friend.. Though those now moments seem to have got away from me this week.. Its good that so many I feel now are beginning to view things from a different perspective.
      Good to be back on my blog, I felt the need to withdraw into my creations for a time, Sending love and well wishes.. We are all of us going to have to wake up to certain choices very soon I feel.. But those thoughts for another day 🙂 ❤
      Love and Blessings my friend

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Dec 07, 2018 @ 21:05:53

        Life never stands still but lately it seems to me that everything moves even faster and breaks are rare. The choices and decisions we have to make seem to increase in fact in frequent intervals.
        I have no doubt that there is much more you have to share and to wake up to, Sue. I am thankful for being connected. Thank you for all you do 💖

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 08, 2018 @ 15:47:04

          Likewise Erika.. the trouble sometimes is what to share that others would understand! Or think me a mad woman lol.. But I will just keep going within the flow ..
          Enjoy your weekend Erika.. ❤ Hugs 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Erika Kind
            Dec 09, 2018 @ 10:31:19

            That is the amazing thing! I don’t think that one can reach everybody. But since there are so many with their own way of expressing and sharing, they will reach at least a lot of people. That is why it is so important that everybody reaches out. Only reaching one soul an trigger a wonderful chain reaction!
            Thank you and have a wonderful weekend too, Sue 💖



  5. litebeing
    Dec 02, 2018 @ 21:10:41

    I love this Sue, so much wisdom pouring out of each word, syllable, letter, all interwoven. It feels channeled to me, but it does not matter. I can so relate to how my lifetime experiences now ( and probably others) have diminished my life force and physical body. I pray it is not too late, because sometimes my burdens seem too heavy for me to sustain.

    much love, litebeing

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 11:21:17

      You know Linda, sometimes I often wonder when reading back my posts as I often ponder upon how my tiny brain writes, I read back many a post or poem and marvel at its conception.
      But we are all of us channelers of some sort or another, be it art, poems, or using our intuitive gifts.
      I think my body did some purging this last week.. I had set time aside to finish some craft projects, then I got sick, and didn’t feel I had the energy to even go on line, instead I have done a lot of sleeping this week..
      So I went with the flow. Today I felt the urge to log into WP again and was amazed at the comments..
      So Thank you, sending love and well wishes my friend, and hope to catch up over the weekend.
      ❤ love your way .



  6. dgkaye
    Dec 02, 2018 @ 23:12:03

    Fantastic shared wisdom here Sue. A good lesson for those who forget to put their ‘free will’ into action. The time is now! 🙂 ❤ xxx Hugs to you ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 11:31:24

      Thank you Debby, I think many more very shortly will be looking to put their own free will into action. No wonder I have felt so ill this week, the energies flying here in the UK are intense and I have just wanted to escape the bombardment of ‘Brexit’ which comes at you from all sides if you are connected to any sort of media device..
      So in between sleeping, I have been creating…
      When you really begin to discover the ~truth~ of this world you see the spin which is being dictated, so the elite can line their pockets, while thinking the lay-person hasn’t a clue on the real games being played out.. and that is just scratching the surface..
      Makes you want to disappear to some desert island..
      Hope to catch up this weekend Debby..
      Many thanks my friend for your continued support and love..
      Mega Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. lorriebowden
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 00:09:54

    And it lives on with so much truth…so much beauty…so much love! Thank you, Sue. I felt like I was sitting above the planet and viewing it all unfold below me, and I felt the truth of your words pierce my heart. This is an incredible piece of writing that is obviously from your soul!

    I hope you are wel. Here’s to love in every form…every instance 💜💜

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 11:46:32

      Good to see you Lorrie. and so happy you felt you were rising above Mother Earth and viewing from above..
      I am well now.. 🙂 thank you, I had a bit of a dip mid week… A body purge or something..No one else was ill, so I slept and just kept off the internet and finished some of my crafting.
      I hope to catch up with everyone here over the weekend..
      Hope alls well with you too .. ❤ Hugs my friend ❤



      • lorriebowden
        Dec 07, 2018 @ 23:50:55

        Good to see you and feel your energy, Sue. Sending healing to you…and hope that whatever it was is out of your system.
        I am …trying hard to figure out which words I want to follow that. Those two words are so important…I will just say going through a very difficult time.
        Much love to you…we will both catch up 😉
        Sweet Blessings 💜



  8. simplywendi
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 00:11:57

    Sue……this is absolutely outstanding and so full of deep thoughts and wishes and desires for mankind. i will be printing this so i can read it over and over. sending love and peace and thankfulness……..

    Liked by 2 people


  9. Infinite Living
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 00:39:37

    I am left with a feeling of deep reverence reading this post Dear Sue. I wished to sit with this woman quietly – her energy and profound wisdom would ground me to the core, and with that wish I received inspiration to keep sitting with myself to awaken that woman in me. This is a beautiful time of integration for me to revisit what I ‘know’ and allow the refinement for the ability to be able to ‘live’ it to the fullest. Your post supports me in my intention.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 11:53:41

      The compliments you paid this woman I know are well received and held tightly within her heart dear friend.
      We are both now just following the flow, and being true to the light within our beings .. Hope to catch up with you this weekend, I have had an unintentional break from my blog this week..
      Sending Blessings my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  10. Betty Hayes Albright
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 01:37:57

    Beautiful spiritual visions, Sue. 💗

    Liked by 2 people


  11. dreamweaver333
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 03:19:30

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 2 people


  12. thespiritkeeper
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 05:46:44

    Yes, Gaia is a breathing living entity we call earth. Everything on earth and in the universe is inextricably bonded together making us all one. One pull at the thread unravels and we will not see the big picture again. We do have free will and look at what we have done to Gaia. I’m sure Spirit is screaming in dismay at one of its children.
    Gaia raising herself to look at herself speaks to me as she is getting ready to enter the fourth dimension.
    I think a separation will take place the chaff and the wheat.
    There is a palpable shift in humanity waking up. Hopefully, there will be enough to tip the scale in favor of an ascension. Either that or Gaia will get rid of us like fleas on a dog. Nice post as always.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 12:03:16

      Exactly Joseph, All are One, and yes through our greed and neglect we have upset the balance of nature, and she no doubt is screaming at us.

      Indeed Gaia is a living entity and is raising and realigning herself back to what she once was.
      There will be a tremendous amount of sorting Wheat from Chaff..
      And those who are not getting their own ‘house in order’ for the move’ may well be in for a shock as to the level of upheaval that is going to take place.

      I truly hope that by some miracle more wake up to themselves and understand that it is LOVE that tips the scales..

      Sending continued thoughts your way Joseph.. Apologies for the late reply, I have been a little under the weather and so just followed the flow, and as the News and every media device is buzzing with negative Brexit.. I just slept and did crafting this week.
      Only today have I felt the urge to log back into WP and see the wealth of comments awaiting replies..

      I hope you too are improved my friend and sending continued thoughts and Blessings your way..
      Love and Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Dec 08, 2018 @ 05:05:58

        My flu is gone thank the universe. That was a nasty one. I am grateful for my health back. All negative in the world I send love as this may awaken people. I also send love to earth’s population to awaken them also If they are not willing to listen to the message when it is in front of them then they are at a place where they are not ready to hear it. Yes, those left behind will have a tough go of it. I feel amazing within myself. I hope you are well and I haven’t forgotten about the books. Will get on them next week. ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  13. Mabel Kwong
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 09:13:50

    A philosophical peace, Sue. So true that the world is built upon greed, and on competition too as so many of us seek to outdo each other. When we slow down and maybe reflect as we do during meditation, we learn so much about what’s going on around us – which is what you wrote through the protagonist here. We are indeed all atoms and energy, all the same as one. Your energy is my energy. Free will comes from recognising ourselves as we are and realising we have the choice to listen to ourselves. Responsibility to take care of ourselves might be harder than the responsibility of taking care of others…for the former, we need to realise that we are important and need to give ourselves time to love ourselves and then give that love away again and again. Hugs your way ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 17:19:51

      Yes I hope we learn to listen and choose responsibly. Seeing that we have to start to change our ways and learn to respect and care for others.
      Well said dear Mabel. ❤ And thank you



    • thespiritkeeper
      Dec 08, 2018 @ 05:05:30

      My flu is gone thank the universe. That was a nasty one. I am grateful for my health back. All negative in the world I send love as this may awaken people. I also send love to earth’s population to awaken them also If they are not willing to listen to the message when it is in front of them then they are at a place where they are not ready to hear it. Yes, those left behind will have a tough go of it. I feel amazing within myself. I hope you are well and I haven’t forgotten about the books. Will get on them next week. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  14. inavukic
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 10:37:57

    ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  15. Eddie Two Hawks
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 11:29:41

    I loved reading this! Full of love and happiness and peace, a message that needs to be spread far and wide! Have a most beautiful day dear Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  16. -Eugenia
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 14:46:10

    Beautiful post, Sue, and I am delighted you brought these thoughts back to life! Hugs 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  17. robbiesinspiration
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 17:51:54

    Ah, a brilliant post, Sue. Just at the right time for me as I am starting to think there is very little kindness left in humanity there are so many bad things happening. I think you are right, there is a time for everything and it is darkest just before the dawn. Hugs.

    Liked by 2 people


  18. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Dec 03, 2018 @ 19:01:09

    A beautiful post Sue. I believe all healing, whether it is for Mother earth or ourselves, is rooted in love. It is important for us as a collective to take responsibility for our own health. I find nature is healing! When we can receive and give to mother earth, we are truly in balance. Many blessings! xx

    Liked by 2 people


  19. da-AL
    Dec 04, 2018 @ 01:25:30

    indeed, free will & fate are always a balance…

    Liked by 1 person


  20. Bela Johnson
    Dec 04, 2018 @ 01:47:07

    This is interesting, Sue. The DNA thing sparked my eye. I had a psychic reading (supposed to be 4 Windows, but it was more free-form) from a double-Phd my daughter recommended to me. He’s a rocket scientist who was in the Doctoral program with said daughter in Traditional Chinese Medicine. He told me when young and raised in Hong Kong, he used be in hot demand to do psychic readings as a young kid. So anyhow, one of the things he told me – and with the language thing, I didn’t want to probe too much, but it was that my DNA had been rearranged at birth somehow. That it was a large part of why I felt so alone as a kid, and have had so many issues adapting this sensitive body to life on earth. (Better now.) Anyhow, thought I’d share that. Now I have to dig that reading back up and revisit it. Somewhere on my hard drive. SO interesting how our paths – yours and mine – keep intersecting in the most interesting ways. Aloha, sweetie. Have a good week! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 17:40:51

      How very interesting. But not surprising given your gifts.. I relate to that lone feeling as a child..
      I hope you find that reading again Bela. Maybe now is the right time to re-read it again.
      Thank you for your well wishes for my week, I have had better ones, lol.. I think my body did some purging or something. As I have been a little under the weather this week..
      But slept lots, and stayed away from the internet, as I felt the energies intense this week.. So just followed the flow.. And I am taking answering comments in bite size pieces .
      I have composed an email which still is in my drafts.. 🙂 It will arrive when its meant to. LOL..
      I find it fascinating how our connections have touched similar lines.. 🙂 All meant to spark us to the next phases I am sure..

      Sending continued love and well wishes Bela..
      Take care my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Bela Johnson
        Dec 07, 2018 @ 17:54:23

        You as well, Sue. Yes, it was an intense week! My energy was super low. Bodywork yesterday, acupuncture today. Enough said! I only say this so you know you were not alone by any means. Other sensitive women I know – as I am not sure about the men – had similar reactions. I also had some intense dreams. So take good care and rest when you need to. Of course you know this already! 🥰❤️😘

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 07, 2018 @ 18:28:52

          I do Bela.. but its always good to get these energy bursts confirmed that we are not alone in them..
          One thing my insides should be squeaky clean.. 😀 🙂 Dreams!!… off the scale… Meeting and greeting so many old colleagues I used to work with this week, Trying to fix things.. climbing, hauling my self up.. lol.. Squeezing through holes I shouldn’t fit through. But I emerged in tact.. lol 🙂
          I took it to mean this phase is going to be a struggle, but we will get there.. ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙂 thank you for sharing that Bela.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  21. Sageleaf
    Dec 06, 2018 @ 13:36:22

    Trust the love within. I love that. 🙂 As I read, I thought about that Zingdad book I read – how we each chose the specific time period and life to occupy while here on earth – to learn and experience. I think I may need to read it again in the near future. There was so much information and so much wisdom that I know I didn’t get it all the first time.
    Then my mind wandered to what it would have been like to live in the time of Atlantis…or in the centuries immediately following…when people were more in tune with their intuition and they coexisted with Earth.
    We have lost that connection, for the most part. And just like any mum, our Earth Mother will remind us that we need to be respectful. When she does, I just hope that enough will understand, be open, and use intuition to guide humanity to make better decisions.
    I was reading the story of the Magus of Java. Now, his story has to do with neikung, which incorporates k’ung fu (meaning “hard work” I found out), and some of chi’kung…(not to be confused with qi gong). The epilogue was talking about how we have so much yang energy right now, that yin is going to have to counterbalance at some point soon.This yang energy is causing us to lose touch with our planet and to be greedy, and never saying, “I have enough.”
    That said, it’s easy to focus on what’s wrong…when there are a lot of things going right. There is still lots of beautiful love, lots of people who are awakening, lots of people who are trying to make a difference and urge the rest of us humans to respect our Mother…
    Ah…I love your posts for how much they make me think and go on these mind tangents and explore the possibilities…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 07, 2018 @ 17:48:29

      Yes Zingdad, spelt out many things which made perfect sense to me Cynthia, And I am sure Altantis was a time where souls were evolved to that level where telepathy had been mastered. But Who really knows.
      I think we all of us throughout time have evolved to a certain stage of our evolution and then Greed seems to swamp all reasoning.

      We live through various cycles which come around periodically and it is said that during this cycles our vibrations alter.. Causing periods of War, along with periods of Peace.
      Seems we never seem to learn.
      But I do believe if we can master our hearts and enough of us manage to spread love energy throughout the earth we can influence the energies to swing from hate to love..

      Consciousness will flow where our intention drives it. So I pray we all choose via our free will. Love and Peace. ❤

      Love and Blessings my friend.



      • Sageleaf
        Dec 16, 2018 @ 17:16:57

        Ah…perhaps there will be enough of us who choose a higher consciousness to create a ripple effect to elevate others who are not yet there.
        Ah…Atlantis. To exist as I image they existed. Wow.
        You know…I’ve begun doing some Chi Kung exercises, which I found out is a derivative of Qi Gong. I have been “standing like a tree” during part of my meditation and “holding a balloon” for 20 minutes each day. I’ve been doing this as part of my morning meditation along with my Tibetans. I’m starting to feel this incredible inner energy. I hope to channel that chi energy into something good. Hehe.
        I read the Magus of Java and it was really neat to read about John Chang and how he uses his chi energy to do amazing things – like remote sensing and healing. Wow. I keep thinking, “I just want to see how far I can get with all this amazingness!” Hehe.
        I hope this Sunday finds you well. Sending you hugs! xo

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 16, 2018 @ 18:11:20

          Yes, generating inner energy is amazing, And so happy you are finding so much in these practices.. I often hold an imaginary balloon and rotate it left and right. I have found in half light when doing this you can see through squinted eyes energy coming from your finger tips.. Try it.. You will be amazed!.. 🙂



  22. SuperDuque
    Dec 06, 2018 @ 18:59:14

    Liked by 1 person


  23. JoAnna
    Dec 07, 2018 @ 04:43:44

    This has been very helpful to me tonight as I needed to be reminded and awakened to the bigger picture of the universe breathing, then to look at my own free will and how I respond in relation to this bigger picture, recognizing we are all connected.
    The perspective makes the individual challenges I fretted over earlier in the day much smaller. There is so much more to be and experience when I reach out across time to the universe and realize the connections. Blessings to you, Sue. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  24. rabirius
    Dec 07, 2018 @ 14:02:16

    Lovely post, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Sue Dreamwalker
    Dec 07, 2018 @ 17:52:04

    Many thanks Rabirius.. Sending LOVE your way 🙂



  26. bwcarey
    Dec 07, 2018 @ 18:04:57

    timely reminder, with so many changes afoot, blessings

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Ben Naga
    Dec 07, 2018 @ 19:45:04

    This seems relevant here:

    Lust In Disguise

    Liked by 1 person


  28. SuperDuque
    Dec 08, 2018 @ 00:11:18



  29. kowkla123
    Dec 08, 2018 @ 12:06:09

    hab einen schönes Wochenende auch wenn das Wetter nicht so toll ist.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. smilecalm
    Dec 08, 2018 @ 16:35:48

    i’m very grateful experiencing
    this deep examination
    & healing prayer’s intention, dear Sue!
    i, too, remain hopeful
    that responsible actions
    will ensure heart’s resilience 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 09, 2018 @ 14:20:37

      Thank you David, for reading. We have to hold onto hope as we inject love into the world, as we eliminate Fear . Understanding Each of us are responsible for our thoughts and actions.
      I loved your post on Change.. Indeed Change is constant… I feel change is happening rapidly and we will have to learn to adapt quickly…
      Nature is undergoing a tremendous change, and knowing what I do, see how these ‘Cycles’ of change are often not spoken of, and if they are, people do not wish to address them. Thinking they will some how go away if we don’t pay them any attention..
      But it needs our attention..

      By the way, loved your nature photo’s David, and the one of ‘Fang’… 15 seasons a great age..
      Love and Blessings my friend ❤



  31. AmyRose🌹
    Dec 08, 2018 @ 23:14:09

    As I came along with the woman my spirit soared and became very still. For it has found the Truth of your visions as we embark upon this healing road. I will remain ever hopeful that for the purpose I was born will be known and experienced and that I shall not fail upon return to HOME. Bless you, Sue, for bringing my Wise Woman to the surface. Bless you for this most Sacred Post. 🌹🌹🌹



  32. Resa
    Dec 09, 2018 @ 02:05:55

    Makes sense to me, through similarities. Thank you for taking the time to write this out!

    Liked by 1 person


  33. prenin
    Dec 11, 2018 @ 18:26:59

    We have two years left to get our shit together, but the USA, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are trying to block the report the scientists produced. :/

    Looks like the feedback loop is practically inevitable… :/

    Blessed Be. 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person


  34. Nihar Pradhan
    Dec 15, 2018 @ 14:12:55

    Indeed dear Sue, we are haplessly trapped in our little world of work and imprisoned with a body of hackneyed thoughts. We are all desperately caught up in the vicious cycle of greed to guilt to fear to favor to anger to angst…it is ruling of the negative forces our Planet. And we are frantically searching for meaningful ways and means to liberate our hammered soul from such jagged thoughts.

    There is a micro world and there is that macro world and we all live in that little micro world, we get lost and we can better appreciate our little world when we lift ourselves and look at the world from a higher platform we develop a fresh perspective on life. She elevated herself into the top of the world, she can see an all together different world. That’s what matter in holistic analysis of life we live. It is all in the body of matter and energy, and we are all connected and it is this universal interconnections that drives the the world. Each one of us through our positive energy and that trigger of vibration transmits far and wide and we generate harmony and peace when more of us start thinking constructively and deconstruct the fractured world.

    The power of life is so much there in the power of recognizing our just being the person we are. We are a thinking creature and we quickly gravitate into that messy world of complicated thinking and plunge into doing things and we keep doing things, and we are caught in that circle of circus of life; not pausing and doing a bit of reflection. It is the machine of thinking that makes us its controlled slave and we are fighting the malady of slavery in our thoughts that is dragging us down and we invariably are out. We need to fight for our freedom and the essence of freedom resides in the way we let go things and the way we embrace the naturalness and the beauty in the nature, it is there is abundance and it is there to nurtured.

    Unfortunately we have become lazy and we have become so crazy in our thoughts, there is a false self of ours misguiding us and we are obsessed with that guidance. We have forced to fit into an unnatural world. We have changed the DNA of our thinking and literally changing the DNA of species, and this doesn’t augur well for the future as we have started playing at the heart of the matter, the life’s instruction book that has been written by the supreme authority. It is in this cell hidden are the healing power and we need no external intervention of cure subjected to matter that we are aware of our cell functioning and know how to take care of the cell that runs our life…not straining and put it in agonizing state and not listening to the voice of our cell and the atoms that keep spinning and playing all around. Just by being in physical space and being aware of our thoughts and observing the little things around us and then developing the ability to appreciating the greatness that is harboring in these small things…

    Dear Sue one more brilliant piece of thoughts and just can keep writing and writing, only that we need to take a break to restart the conversation I have paused here.
    Hope you have lovely week and wishing a joyful weekend.
    Take care, God Bless you…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2018 @ 12:47:44

      Wow dear Nihar, this comment just blew my mind also.. You are able to translate so well what the woman experienced as she travelled up into space to view the world as a whole..
      Indeed our bodies, our minds even our Spirits are being affected by the ‘waves’ of conscious thought which unknowingly many are trapped within, unaware that their minds are caught up within this negative web that wraps itself around us.
      Making each less sensitive, less caring, as the horrors of the world are played out in a game, a film, as killing becomes the norm..
      So when the media report on such matters, people pay little attention to it, so long as it is not disrupting their life.
      You are right about the alteration of DNA,
      People are no longer connecting via their hearts, but are becoming zombies to their devices which numb and dull their brain cells, little knowing the longer term side effects of radiation that is permeating their skin, and skull..
      Which is why I have to withdraw, shut down, and step away often from the internet and its devices.. As much as I love communication, it is not agreeing with me health wise.. So when you mentioned cells, in this paragraph,

      ” It is in this cell hidden are the healing power and we need no external intervention of cure subjected to matter that we are aware of our cell functioning and know how to take care of the cell that runs our life…not straining and put it in agonizing state and not listening to the voice of our cell and the atoms that keep spinning and playing all around. ”

      I understand totally the effects on our cells, these constant bombardments of negative energy, and the electronic energy that is also affecting our bodies, For we forget we as Humans are made up of energy,
      And have to understand a system of re-wiring our physic senses has been underway for many years, as our intuitive abilities are getting less and less.

      So thank you again Nihar, you presented me again with a whole new range of thought process..

      As a Healer of others and knowing I also healed my own illness, via the thought process of altering my own inner thinking and belief system in knowing we ALL can heal from within ourselves.
      I truly now focus on developing gratitude for the small things in life..
      We have so many Blessings of which to be thankful for..

      And I am ever thankful for our friendship, and I am grateful that our paths cross often 🙂
      Blessings my friend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Dec 17, 2018 @ 11:35:06

        Indeed dear Sue, the question of our existence. The reality that surrounds us. We are increasingly getting surrounded by the complexity of life. Instead of simplifying our life we are working hard to complicate the way we live our life. The things that we keep around us and the dependency that we have established with so many things we are trapped. This is no more about the mind that gets disturbed or distracted, it is the body that gets inflicted with number of ailments and we try to negate those ailments using the power of medicines which has its own chemical composition that sets the reaction in our body. We alter the way our body functions. The immune system is inadvertently compromised. When things go haywire we cling onto the spiritual pillar, we meditate but we fail to do so as we have made our body and mind to be equal partner in the crime of destruction and disease.

        We are marching ahead rapidly on the scientific front and there is one invention after the other and we have our body an experiment ground and little realizing that we are altering the foundation that can make the pillar crumble anytime. The healing is so much internal in its manifestation and we look outside for that healing touch. We end up coming up empty handed after the exploration…

        God ensures that good souls like us connect more often and share such beautiful thoughts that add a little bit of sense and augment the sensibilities of people around us getting distracted and looking for the path to liberation.
        I feel so blessed dear Sue to have our friendship grow and gain the strength with so much care and compassion.
        Take Care !!!



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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