True Awakening Stories Part III ~ Puzzle of Life ~Final Pieces.

Barbara over at

has invited others and myself to take part in the continuation of our stories on our Awakening journey. She asks us to tell us where we are right now on our awakening journey.  

The posts of which are linked on Barbara’s Blog post entitled can find the ebooks on Barbara’s site or the bottom of my own

Part Three of my Awakening..  Fitting all of the Pieces Together  .

When does our true awakening begin? Looking back over time, there was no flash of inspiration, no NDE (Near Death Experience) that brought me to my awakened self. There was no Light bulb moment where I got some mystical revelation. 


We are never truly Complete, until each of those separate pieces wake up and return. Understanding we are all God Parts.

Like most of us who wake up, it can be gradual process, it’s not until you look back at the beauty of this orchestrated life, and see how one thing leads to another, and how people you meet, places you go, all lead you on the path you are meant to be on. Then you can look back and see how far you have come as all of those pieces of the puzzle came together. 

 It shows you how childhood was the learning ground that set you on your emotional journey of discovering yourself. I was lucky… I was guided and listened to my inner promptings …. Many are not. And it shows me again and again how we should all nurture our young children for they carry so much within their emotional bodies for the rest of their lives which shape their thinking and perception of the world about them and their own self-worth.

I don’t wish to repeat what I already shared in parts one and part two of Our Awakening process, for they can be found in Barbara’s eBooks.  But I can pin point a pivotal turning point that allowed me to travel along my own pathway of discoveries.  You know how sometimes, you just know you are being guided, Well that is how this ‘Sign’ jumped up at me, when searching for job vacancies, the advert a Meditation Class just JUMPED off the page. The first of many signs.  And if I had not seen it, I am certain I would not now be on this path. When you begin to wake up, to see how everything is connected you will see an escalation of ‘Signs’ Synchronicities, and you will start to notice numbers that keep repeating, and marvel at how once you open your mind how connected and orchestrated this Universe really is. Because we then begin to see how Thoughts are Energy. 

All seeds emerge from the darkness into the Light.

Where am I now in my awakening experience? Some would say I am deeper down the rabbit hole than ever before. And if I were to tell you of what I have discovered about the world and it’s history along the way many wouldn’t believe me, so I won’t even try..

What is important is your own soul journey, and waking up to all You can be.

The pieces of my puzzle have been coming together all of my life. We experience how the universal plan unfolds for all of us. And it’s only through our choices we live and learn. We were given Free Will after all!…  

Our waking up is not an easy journey, it takes work. It can be a painful process, there will be tears too. Painful memories which we think we have dealt with will often crop up again when you least expect it as something triggers a deeper subconscious memory deep within. Only recently at the beginning of the year, more digging deep  I had to do, as those childhood emotions of unworthiness  I had thought dealt with surfaced yet again. This time I looked at them not from my perspective, but I tried to look at the  reason why I kept hanging onto them.  So I revisited my childhood through my Mother’s perspective. And why she had perhaps not been able to show me and one of my sisters as much affection as she did my other three siblings. And I was able to extend more compassion out to her than before. And this time around I truly believe I forgave her treatment of me. And I was able to hold that inner child to reassure her she was loved by her Mother, but for what ever reasons, her Mother found it hard to give of herself.  

 Flower Petals created this bird each a separate piece to create the whole. Nature continues to create and just BE seeking no praise for doing so. 

It takes courage to dig deep to bring those hidden wounds to the surface. They’re many layers, and often many tears as raw wounds need to be dug out and exposed to the light of day.   

We have to Learn to forgive, and that is not just others, but we need learn to forgive ourselves and the guilt we so easily pile upon ourselves. Sometimes we discover it’s not just the guilt of this one life time. And after experiencing Past life Regression, I learnt I was carrying many things over from one life into the next.

And so it has to be with you, I cannot tell you how to awake, I can only tell you that you have to begin to trust a deeper ‘knowing’ Follow your intuition. Let go of old programming that holds you trapped within this ‘Matrix’. And as you begin to let go of the emotional baggage we carry around with us, you will also discover this world is not all that we have been programmed to believe it is. 

When you wake up you come to look at those who wound you in a different light, as you try to fathom what lessons did we learn and where it shaped our paths to take a different route. Some of our biggest enemies maybe are our greatest friends. As they perhaps agreed to be part of your wake-up call.

Creation is Constantly Evolving

All was meant to be, as I tried to unpick those childhood feelings of unworthiness which hung deep within.. And I would not then have learnt how to move blocked energy or delve into past life regression. Or read the books on Self healing. 

Solving the Puzzle is an ongoing process. We will never truly find all missing pieces, because we are all of us creating new experiences as we grow and evolve.

But to wake up, we don’t all need a spiritual path, we can come from ALL walks of life, From vagrants on the street, to Doctors and Scientists.  No one is higher or lower. We have all come to  Re-Remember who we Are as we raise our vibration and learn that we are Energy Beings,inside our Human shells. 

Each of us are on our own individual journey’s as we wake up to the world around us and as we discover the Universe is far beyond what any imagination could visualise. When you start digging deeper into searching for answers, you begin to uncover for yourselves that you are ALL so much more that we have ever been led to believe.

We are Powerful Eternal Beings who have been held trapped within this dimension for far too long. Held within our perpetual wheels of this merry-go-round. Now is the time to break this cycle. As we let go once and for all of this material realm, as we raise our vibration in love. 

Waking up means you have to be prepared to step out of your box, and you have to be prepared to be able to accept that which you find. For many things will take you outside of your comfort zones.  But you have to search to find yourself and your own answers, for its your journey, your awakening.

We are all hear to remember! That which we know, but which most of us forgot.

 We raise our vibration Through Love.  

To Love ourselves.

I learnt to let go of ALL of that which you think is important.

I Learnt to Let go of the past, the hurt, grief, guilt, judgement and open your heart

I learnt to live with what I have within my grasp right NOW.

We have to stop blaming the past, and try to stop worrying about the future

For the only Moment we live is in this moment of NOW.

And I learnt to embrace the peace and beauty,in the minutest details from micro flowers to ants.

You have to Learn to love that Inner Child again, Laugh, play, and enJOY.  

And as you do, as you let go of thinking that this material world is all that matters

You shed the bonds that have kept us captive via our own ego’s and the deep emotions we have held within us.. A new sense of Freedom suddenly surrounds you. 

We came back to remember, and when we do, when we really remember WHO it is we are, No fear can stop us, for we are Eternal BE-ings of Light.

All photos taken by Sue Dreamwalker  ~Flowers and birds are from a Well Dressing. 


129 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 00:42:09

    Nice reminders and signposts along the way Sue. Sometimes it seems we need to keep going deeper on the same old patterns. And it definitely takes work and commitment!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 11:19:06

      Agreed Brad, those same patterns repeat, often because it is the nature of the world, and we are all part of that world, learning the patterns of mistrust, insecurities, blame, guilt, and judgement.. Breaking free of these inbuilt emotions is not easy, and life will repeatedly keep on testing us through them. Because until we learn from them, they will keep on repeating .. Once we have learnt from what the experience came to teach us, we let it go and move forward. But yes, none of us find it easy. And I am certain there will be more lessons I have yet to experience and learn from, and so on it goes … 🙂 But learning to let go of the heaviness we carry really lightens our BE-ing, and the difference you feel from doing the work is life changing. For you truly then see there are no limits only that which we put on ourselves.. Many thanks Brad.. 🙂 💜

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Resa
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 00:45:49

    Wow, I have missed a lot!
    Still, no matter wherever, or whenever I check into your blog, so much meanig is happening! Many hugs your way! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  3. litebeing
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 00:51:46

    Hey Sue, I would believe what you discovered down the rabbit hole, lol!
    You have not had an easy road, but you sure have created so much love and beauty with all the resources within and without, at your disposal.

    I like what you said about never finding all the missing pieces, because we are continuing to evolve. Reminds me of what Michael said in his piece about the ripening fruit.

    We are more powerful together than stuck in duality and separation.

    love with hugs,

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 11:32:02

      Haha… I bet you would believe too Linda, lol None of us have had it easy I think Linda.. We wouldn’t be on this journey if we thought it was an easy ride.. In fact often I was told we came here because this is a very hard test we are passing through. But so many got trapped here within this dimension it is now time to leave. Learning to let go of the past karma, and present, is never going to be easy. And I don’t say I have succeeded, but my load is lighter for doing the work, and I understand more now than I once did. So the need to work deeper on ourselves by going within is a vital piece of the puzzle, for all answers we hold within, we just need to go searching for them.
      I think we both have been aware for much of our lives how once we open our awareness, how quickly the ‘Signs’ come. And if we open ourselves up to trust in them, they all are leading us on this ‘Re-awakening’ journey, for us to remember ALL that we Are, but we forgot how to tap into our inner-higher-selves, for we were manipulated long ago to forget.
      Now we are uniting, gathering our pieces, joining together and we are beginning to understand the Larger Picture of which we are from. And to which we want to transcend back into. ..
      I have not read Michael’s post as yet.. yesterday morning when I logged into Barbara’s the link wasn’t yet in place.. But I am slowly going down the list of contributing posts..
      Sending Huge Hugs your way and look forward to Novembers Challenge.. I will be posting next week with a link to your site.
      Love and Blessings Linda.. ❤ Take care my friend

      Liked by 1 person


  4. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 01:02:52

    Wow, that is quite the journey you have been on regarding your awakening and ascension. I agree with all that you say and yes we do not have to be awakened on a spiritual path but can come from different paths in life. Even a prostitute can be more spiritual than some people that think of themselves as spiritual but only feel from the head and not the heart

    Visiting the childhood past can hurt. I did this with coming back east to help my mother. At first, I helped her and did things right away. Then it was the hen pecking which became increasingly annoying. Then her forgetful mind or was it that she flung bills in front of me that I already paid. Inside I was struggling until I put two and two together and figured out she was throwing emotional abuse at me. Once I became aware of the abuse I said to myself I was an adult and I wasn’t going to step on eggshell. I am flying back out west where I call out west my home. There are other mitigating factors which told me it is time to leave the abuse behind and walk away dignified and graceful instead of 27 years ago I ran away. As in your case to me with what you wrote, it was the same type of emotional abuse but different.

    You have eloquently taken us on your spiritual journey opening of yourself step by step to show us your awakening and ascending. Yes, the pieces of the puzzle when done looks great until one piece doesn’t fit anymore while another presents itself with a new perspective. I thought my puzzle was complete but with the passing of my partner those puzzle pieces are flying at me rapidly. Having said that I am at peace now and I do feel happiness and joy with leaving to go home. My time with my family showed me that I should have not been born in that family but I know we choose our parents etc. Just because they are my sisters and brothers and extended family doesn’t mean I have to love them as such but to love them for the journey they are on.

    Freedom is ours. I loved your post-Sue. It shows a true grace in verbalizing your pain and happiness as to where most people would keep this under wraps. To do so showed me a lot of courage on your part and before I write a book I’ll sign off as there is too much more to say. Thank you for being you. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 11:50:35

      Exactly Joseph, Did not ‘Jesus’ or ‘Yashua’ himself say he who is without sin cast the first stone.. None of us are ever going to be perfect, we wouldn’t be here otherwise working our way back. It is all about finding the ‘Christ’-Consciousness within, And I am not a bible-basher lol,I can take pieces of it, and its twisted in its many interpretations. But Christ’s words are said in parables so that we can take deeper meaning from them. And its all about LOVE, And finding that spark of divine which is hidden within each of us.
      Yet many cannot find that love within themselves, so they become who they are and blame the rest of us.
      It seems certain mothers can not stop themselves from hurling abuse..
      Its funny you said about us choosing our families, that is exactly what a great therapist said to me when I confided in her in a session when I had my breakdown..
      She said we chose the families we were born in to, and that I had to look at my coming to my mother, to try to help teach her about compassion and love. It was not my fault that she had not learnt, but it was her lesson to carry through.
      I remembered that often.. All we can do is give, it is up to others if they can not give back.. ❤
      I am so pleased that you are once again feeling inside that excitement and joy at the prospect of your new venture Joseph, its going to be wonderful, for you will make it so.
      I loved your comment Joseph, and I also know your partner is still right by your side guiding you in all you do.
      Many thanks for being part of my own journey, its wonderful when pieces that are thousand of miles apart connect via the Web of Life.
      Much Love.. 💙💜💙

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Oct 26, 2018 @ 13:56:14

        Ha I too love the teaching of Christ and I too am not a bible thumper. It is the Christ-Consciousness that we live by and can come into conflict within ourselves when we react to others slighting us. Yes, it is about compassion and love and that is why I am able to walk away with dignity from the family. I probably won’t see them again and I am OK with that. They have shown me how enlightened I had become. Ram dass has said that if you want to know how enlightened you are spend a week with you family. It is ok as to where families are concerned that I don’t have to put up with their abuse. I don’t have to engage but to unhook as I did noticing the abuse. I was then able to say goodbye on good terms.
        Yes moving to my spiritual home awaits great things for me as was delivered by spirit when I had made the decision to go back.
        YEs, my partner is always by my side. It is a relationship that I wrote about that is inextricably unamed but transcends eternity from this side to the other side and beyond. I am able to feel him again after the blinders were put on with my family.
        You’re welcome it is my pleasure as well that you are part of my journey and the puzzle pieces fit . Spirit let us find each other and I am grateful. ❤ ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 26, 2018 @ 22:48:54

          I feel you have already entered that good place Joseph, and its energy will match your own.. Likewise Joseph.. I feel the same to your last sentence..
          And All roads lead us home, when we find our way.. 😀 Stay Blessed 💚

          Liked by 1 person


  5. JanBeek
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 03:35:16

    Deeply introspective. Personal and poignant. You shared at so many levels! And as readers, as blogging friends from across many walk of life, we connect at many different levels. I especially connected with, “ you will start to notice numbers that keep repeating, and marvel at how once you open your mind how connected and orchestrated this Universe really is.“ The number that has repeated repeatedly in my latest decade is 7. This is the end of my 7th decade on earth. This is the 7th house my husband and I have lived in. Its mailbox number ends in a 77 and so does its phone number. We live at 7 Mallards Roost Rd. We have 7 grandchildren. Our first full year of living here was 2007. God’s number for completeness: Seven. On the 7th day He rested. Indeed, life is a puzzle… but isn’t it nice how the pieces fit together if we just look for the orchestration in the Universe and notice the connectivity of patterns?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 12:24:27

      Many thanks Jan for sharing that amazing synchronicity of your number sequences, Life is really amazing isn’t and becomes even more so when we notice how it all works, And that we are all of us connected together in ways we may yet not even conceive is possible. Throughout time History has repeated patterns, and we are about to see another cycle complete. I love how you said God’s number for completeness.
      Thank you Jan, for adding your own pieces here to show how numbers often repeat, and hold meaning. And so pleased we have met. ❤
      Have a Blessed Day. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Bela Johnson
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 04:09:33

    Agreed on synchronicities for sure. As I said, I never found a teacher that was pure enough for me, other than Source. Given my own childhood, trust was a huge issue. And even then, even with the incredible things that I “saw” and the revelations that spilled forth, I still harbored a corner of disbelief. But back to synchronicities. I would literally have books jumped off the shelf that bookstores. Animals would appear at times and in places that was completely out of character to them. People would say things that were not typical of them at all, as if the gods were speaking through them in answer to a question that had been on my mind. Someone would suggest I get bodywork by this practitioner, and the work would result in unchaining some part of my being

    Liked by 1 person


    • Bela Johnson
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 04:11:55

      Oh, I do love writing comments on an iPhone. Anyhow to complete my thought, I just wanted to say that this awakening process is ongoing. And yes the skeptic within me remains just a little bit, perhaps enough to keep my ego at bay. Thanks for offering your stories, Sue. I am sure you will find several who can well relate to them. Big love to you, my friend. ❤️💕



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 12:36:00

      I am smiling at how life for many of us who have yet again connected in this moment of time, have had similar synchronicities. I recently watched the film, a friend lent me of Shirley MacLaine’s own life, Out on a Limb Books also fell from shelves for her to read.. She was another brave lady who risked her reputation to expose the truth of her awakening. Life is full of wonders.. They never fail to amaze!… 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


      • Bela Johnson
        Oct 26, 2018 @ 20:37:04

        Truly! And again, I am sorry that the content of my message might’ve been a little difficult to figure out, though I’m sure we’re all familiar with text speak these days! (groan) Yes, I neglected to mention that Shirley MacLaine’s first book, I believe it was Out on a Limb, was part of my own awakening as well. We are blessed to know so many others who can speak freely of their experiences in awakening. Because when we were younger, and I don’t mean to presume to speak for you, we would have been called crazy. I well remember riding horses by a mental institution with people out in a yard with a 20 foot high chain link fence. They would walk up to the fence and grab it and plead with me to help get them out of there. All these decades later, I can call that visual to mind. That certainly could’ve been me, were I born 20 years earlier. I shudder to think. Big love to you Sue, and have a blessed weekend. ❤️

        Liked by 1 person


  7. balroop2013
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 04:34:17

    I am glad you found all the pieces Sue…looking within to accept the hurts and pains, accepting that they were not deliberate and even if they were, the person who caused them didn’t know any better or was probably passing on his/her own afflictions, letting go all the anguish and anger, welcoming forgiveness (which is the most difficult part) working on that forgiveness even if the perpetrator doesn’t want to be a part of our healing…Oh!! it is a long process, a lifetime project…does it ever end?
    I had an encounter with death and got that moment of enlightenment on a platter when I got another life, all ego melted and the transformation of my mind started but very less has been accomplished. Thank you for such wonderful posts on true awakening. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 13:18:52

      Yes its a long process and it means we often have to change our perception and awareness as to why such lessons are needed.. But learning to turn around our view points and see life from out of another’s shoe is often revealing.
      Having had that NDE you speak of Balroop must have been a profound experience in finding such ego melt away. A goal to work towards for myself, for ego is relentless in its grip, so I constantly recheck my thinking habits.
      No Thank YOU Balroop for a wonderful response and I love our conversations… I learn so much from yourself..
      Love and Blessings.. Sue ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • balroop2013
        Oct 26, 2018 @ 17:04:53

        I have tried the trick of turning around and have understood the behavior of people many times, yet condoning them for hurting others just because they couldn’t deal with their wounds …that comes very slowly by changing our perception, as you say. Thank you for such a meaningful conversation dear friend. Stay blessed.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 26, 2018 @ 23:00:08

          Yes, its not easy, this road no matter which way you look at it.. learning acceptance and viewing life through a different lens is sometimes all we can do. While trying to be the best we can be, given our own set of experiences.. Love and Hugs right back. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  8. simplywendi
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 05:44:31

    Sue, this is such a wonderful post……..I so enjoy reading all you have to say and what you said is so beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Soul Gifts
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 06:57:12

    And so our journey continues, Sue. Onward and ever upward!
    Can you please go to this link on my blog – and from there also click on the link Soul Gifting October 2018 at the end of the post. Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  10. derrickjknight
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 10:13:38

    And so, as you say, it continues…..

    Liked by 2 people


  11. smilecalm
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 17:32:10

    paying attention
    going with the flow
    making resilient
    puzzle grow 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  12. dreamweaver333
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 18:01:18

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 2 people


  13. dreamweaver333
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 18:05:38

    Thank you dear Sue.for very insightful and timely post. Gratitude

    Liked by 2 people


  14. roseelaineblog
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 18:28:54

    I can understand all what you have written about the awakening process. I try to remember to think of each event in my life as a blessing, good or bad it has taught me what I needed to know. It also helped me to empathise with others who are struggling down their own path, therefore giving me the gift of helping 🎁

    The word that once again springs into my mind is ACCEPTANCE, we can’t change the past we can’t predict the future, but we can live in the moment because that is truly living. 🌹

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Barbara Franken
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 18:57:38

    I feel so honoured you revealed the final piece of life’s mystery… here in our writing challenge Sue. AND it all begins with giving ourselves time to observe self, to dive deep within… and then deeper for everything to be revealed. I must admit in the beginning I didn’t think I had to do the work… it would all be revealed somehow… but later I realized that’s all it about! Observing self, becoming aware as life reveals itself… and yes it never stops… so we might as well enjoy the journey. Thankyou so much for sharing your most personal story. Much love Barbara x

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 23:14:42

      Many thanks Barbara, yes it is all about us going within and doing the work, on ourselves.. its a journey that is constantly being challenged with each experience.. But I hope this to be my last visit here as much as I love Gaia, I think Gaia and many are moving forward… I only hope I can do enough.. by being the best I know how.. Much love ❤ right back

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Infinite Living
    Oct 27, 2018 @ 00:24:01

    Just wow how you put it all together my dear friend! All the parts of me that needed validation and affirming have received just that. Young children seem all the more precious now that we are aware how much we carried until now. All I can say is it just so so perfectly designed – the joyful and the painful. It feels truly fortunate to be gifted to live this life while so fully awake. Just so much to hold in awe and sacredness.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. New Bloggy Cat
    Oct 27, 2018 @ 09:27:23

    What a beautiful final ‘peace’ post, Sue. I’m truly enlightened. May we all be awakened, forgive ourselves and others and be free, no longer prisoners of our own negative emotions. Have a lovely weekend, my friend. Much love & hugz

    Liked by 1 person


  18. SuperDuque
    Oct 27, 2018 @ 12:56:08

    Why not?,,,

    Liked by 1 person


  19. Renee Espriu
    Oct 27, 2018 @ 19:20:59

    It is so true…at least for me and yourself…that there is no awakening, ah ha moment or epiphany. I have found that to be so throughout my life but the realization of it did not come until I was older (before now). Exquisite works of art, Sue. Did you do these and if so, what medium are you using. Looks to be of some sort of fabric? Thank you for these writes. Hope you are well. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 29, 2018 @ 10:36:04

      I agree Renee, there is often no light bulb moment, just the gradual awakening that we gain and learn, those pieces come gradually at first and then they often will fly right in one after the other, as those synchronicities start to work harder to awaken us to the truth of the world and of ourselves..
      As for the art These were pictures taken from a well dressing.. From my old village I lived at as a child.. I go back often, and each year there is a well dressing, done in many villages, This art is pressing petals into clay to make pictures.
      So these birds and flowers were all made from flower petals and seeds, and real feathers.
      I will see if I can post a picture link here so you can see the whole picture I know I posted about it a few years ago.
      So happy you enjoyed this series Renee.. ❤
      More about well dressings may be found at my post link here

      Much love right back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Renee Espriu
        Oct 29, 2018 @ 21:11:50

        I do remember the well dressings and found them to be unique and with their own special beauty. I wish your friend well with the challenge you just posted. I am rather a very private person so will not join in but I hope your contribution will be one that is reflective, once again, of who you are and that will touch people in that way you have. xoxox



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 01, 2018 @ 18:05:15

          Thanks Renee, my friend has not had any takers I don’t think since me trying to boost more to join her challenge, But as you say, many are not ready to open themselves up. And I can fully appreciated that. Glad you remembered the Well Dressings.. They are unique. ❤ I have had a wonderful time with our granddaughter over the last couple of days.. Sending LOVE your way ❤ and big hugs. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  20. dgkaye
    Oct 27, 2018 @ 21:54:33

    This is gorgeous and spot on Sue. This is exactly what I did, looked deeper into analyzing what caused my mother to become the way she did. This ultimately led to my forgiving her too, which helped to forgive myself. And so my book was born – P.S. I Forgive you. ❤
    This was a beautiful series Sue. Thank you! Hugs! xoxo ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 29, 2018 @ 10:51:28

      It is amazing how many of us had these similar experiences as a child Debby, and how many here have shared their hearts to me in the past and present, as to how they too have learnt to forgive… Your Book I am certain will help many more come to understand the process of learning to forgive is all part of our learning to let go as we wake-up and learn to see from a new perspective and begin to nurture and love our inner child that felt so wounded and neglected..
      Many thanks dearest Debby, for reading, and for sharing, and adding your own light within this series.. ❤
      Love and Blessings ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. The Coastal Crone
    Oct 28, 2018 @ 17:12:02

    I am glad that you have found compassion and peace along with your own energy and light. Sending good thoughts your way!

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Sageleaf
    Oct 28, 2018 @ 17:12:12

    Sweet Sue – So funny… I never had a lightbulb moment, either. I do know it’s been a lifelong calling, but it has looked different at different times (when I was young, I was heavily involved in the Catholic church, even contemplating sisterhood and praying the rosary everyday…but then it became “not enough”). But I love how you encouraged us to look back in this post. Because that journey ultimately led to the one I am on now. That need for deep spirituality never left, but when I was younger, the tool of organized religion is what anchored me and kept me out of trouble so I would complete my studies and stay on my truest path.
    But oh how I love mystery and mysticism. I love exploring the depths of the universe and seeing what “superpowers” I can unlock with my mind. It’s glorious and beautiful and ancient and divine and feminine and…all the things.
    And oh if you had not discovered that meditation class….
    …I still think you would have somehow found this path anyways. 🙂 But it’s so true…through meditation I have confronted some hard truths from my past. Things that have brought such deep hurts to the surface. And I’ve found forgiveness – in others and in myself. I’ve also learned to be so much kinder to myself. When a berating thought comes my way, I squash it with love – love of self.
    To be sure, I want to help the “outer” world more. To share my gift of teaching. But all in due time. For now, this inner work – this transformational inner work – is what’s allowing me to prepare myself for the moment when I break out of the chrysalis and emerge as a butterfly. I’m still a caterpillar, but building my cocoon in preparation.
    I have asked my angels and relations to continue guiding me and providing light on my journey. To help me when I feel discouraged. To provide a voice when I need one. To shield me from the brunt of life’s darker forces…
    I so love this post, Sue. It resonates so much. But then again, you’re on the OM frequency and I have tuned in…
    Sending much love to you, dear friend. Namaste.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 29, 2018 @ 11:15:29

      Oh I am certain that your path too was meant to take the course it did… Religion too my childhood ‘grounding’ in that I digested the New Testament and the words of Jesus were deeply ingrained. While other parts of the bible, I never did get to grips with.
      So when you said
      “But oh how I love mystery and mysticism. I love exploring the depths of the universe and seeing what “superpowers” I can unlock with my mind. It’s glorious and beautiful and ancient and divine and feminine and…all the things.
      That too was something I was always wanting to explore, right from seeing my Nun as a child walk across our landing. I knew other things were meant to be uncovered..
      We are all of us in that cocoon I think, unwrapping the silken threads that bound us… The metamorphism now ripe for our emergence as we spread out our wings to fly..
      Bless your heart for that compliment of the OM frequency, OM means more than you will ever know… ❤
      Much love right back.. ❤



  23. insearchofitall
    Oct 28, 2018 @ 17:57:13

    Beautiful, Sue. It’s interesting that the more spiritually aware and awake of my friends all had lack of parental love in common. I think it drives us to figure out why. I know way too many that have had much kinder lives but seem asleep with little thought to who they are. (or none at all) I started becoming awake at 7 and have continued to learn since then. Many things I’ve learned have gone by the wayside but they were stepping stones to where I am now. I listened to the video you put on your last post and watched it twice. You keep opening more doors for me. Maybe by the time I transition, I’ll be aware enough to make it easy. I wish I could read all that’s out there but I have to pick and choose. You help me weed out. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 29, 2018 @ 11:26:55

      You know Marlene, I have met so many people here in the WP Community who have had similar experiences of being that child you and I know about. It is the same with many who go on to become spiritual teachers.. Wayne Dyer was another with his relationship with his father, others who have reached rock bottom, to become homeless on the streets, who rise and wake up to the bigger picture and themselves.

      I think life is orchestrated and I see now that the many shadows, and pitfalls of life came to teach us, like those stepping stones you speak of. The Matrix, video I am pleased you enjoyed that excerpt, There are many within the film. That take us into the labyrinth of understanding how this realm is designed.
      I know that what we are meant to come across we will, I know I have still more to learn, I am looking into this video and teachings more at this time… You may also find it interesting. when you have a couple of hours to spare and listen to the film.. The emerald tablets in themselves are made out of a substance not of this world. It is about the decoding of the Emerald Tablets.. 🙂 hope this also helps unlock more codes within..
      Sending HUGE HUGS Marlene.. ❤ Love and Blessings ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  24. Jennie
    Oct 28, 2018 @ 18:03:25

    Wow! You penned this beautifully. It is all looking back that we can see where one step led to the next, and so on. Rarely is it a thunderbolt experience. Perhaps that is why I feel passionate about getting children off on to a good, emotionally healthy start. Wonderful post, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 29, 2018 @ 11:31:05

      Jennie what you are doing with your young students my friend is remarkable.. You see within each of them their true potential and you guide and teach them in ways which brings our their creativity. This is a most important start to any child’s education. To express themselves by using their imagination…
      If ALL teachers were like you my friend, our young children would have grown into a more emotionally stable adults..
      And I love your passionate approach in allowing them their freedom of expression to be themselves… ❤
      Thank YOU, for all those young minds you encourage.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Jennie
        Oct 29, 2018 @ 12:41:47

        My goodness, Sue. If that isn’t the nicest and most profound statement. Thank you!! You truly understand that it all begins in childhood…and yes, this is what I do. Whenever there is a shooting, I immediately think, “What was he like as a four year old?”

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 29, 2018 @ 13:04:58

          Yes, you dear Jennie are one ‘Enlightened’ BEing my friend… we can all trace many wounds back to childhood, this is why it is so important to cultivate and nurture that ‘child within’ for what happens in childhood affects the rest of their lives..NO Thank YOU, for being that Wonderful teacher… You inspire me with every post I read at what you teach your classroom of young minds.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  25. Jane Sturgeon
    Oct 28, 2018 @ 19:15:42

    This is a wonderful post, Sue and I feel heart touched that you share so deeply. Sometimes it takes many years for a piece of the puzzle to make sense, yet we also learn not to measure, especially in time. Wrapping you in much love. I think of you as I go to my knitting basket. Your creativity nestled in this post is beautiful. ❤ xXx ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 29, 2018 @ 11:34:01

      Big smiles, my knitting basking is beckoning me towards it also LOL.. only one more sleeve to knit now, I had a good session over the weekend with it… I am delighted you enjoyed this post and series Jane… Thank you for the blanket of Love… Sending huge hugs back ❤



  26. Trackback: And The Journey Continues… A Selection of True Awakening Experiences Part III | The Long Way Home
  27. Val Boyko
    Oct 29, 2018 @ 21:24:33

    How wonderful Sue. 🌟 Thank you for shining your light and bearing it for others to open their eyes and see. The artwork is beautiful ❤️
    Comfortable people simply don’t wake up! We must have challenges in our lives in order to grow and see things from outside our conditioned zone.
    I do love how your pieces have come together in moments of synchronicity.
    For me, the steps were clear. It was when I realized my thinking was out of step with my family, that I started being curious about other people. Moving to the US took me out of my comfort zone, and made me face some of the cultural norms that I had taken for granted. The next step was changing my career and embracing differences and my fear of public speaking. Then came yoga as a way to support giving up cigarettes. Who knew it would take me on this path! I have moments when I feel overwhelmed with such love. It that rises from deep within and moves through my body like a radiating waves, releasing in precious tears of appreciation. People ask what’s wrong. The answer is all is right.
    We light bearers are here for a reason. Keep shining Sue.
    Thank you for letting me share with you. Hugs to you. Make it a long one 💞

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2018 @ 18:16:37

      Dear Val, thank you for sharing a little light on your own pathway, I understand those waves of tears in appreciation there are many whose love and light radiates such emotions. I admire your courage in taking those steps to break away and start a new life my friend. And each of our pieces have led us to this moment of reflection in our communications with each other over the Pond.. 🙂 I love how those we are meant to meet we do… 🙂 Sending much love and many thanks ❤



  28. JoAnna
    Oct 30, 2018 @ 04:27:48

    “…you come to look at those who wound you in a different light, as you try to fathom what lessons did we learn and where it shaped our paths to take a different route….” It has taken 18 years for me to begin to realize the aching betrayal I suffered from divorce led to painful lessons of losing myself, then finding myself, and receiving unimagined blessings. Now, Gratitude seems to be the key to forgiveness.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2018 @ 18:20:39

      Yes JoAnna, we often come full circle, learning as we climb back up that those wounds were indeed the key to being who we are today. And being grateful for their lessons as we learn the greatest gift of forgiveness..
      Sending much love and gratitude your way JoAnna, thank you for reading.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  29. Annika Perry
    Nov 01, 2018 @ 09:12:44

    Sue, thank you for sharing your journey of awakening… a path of hardship and enlightenment. Your heart, love and wisdom shines out, a beacon for us all. I feel certain if you hadn’t seen that advert another sign would have come its way to you. I’m glad you have found reconciliation and peace with your childhood feelings and an understanding and true forgiveness of your mother…such pain, anguish is hard to bear, suffocating advancement. How true that it is imperative for us to care for the young with warm, kindness, love and consideration … these early years affect their whole lives. My son, when he was very young, and I once saw (well, have many times but this occasion stays with me) a father viciously verbally abusing his young daughter in a car park. My son and I froze, in deep shock, retreated to our car and I just hugged him. I hated myself for being a coward and not intervened, thought of the poor girl and what she faces at home. My son still recalls this day.

    I’m happy the pieces of your life jigsaw have slotted into place, Sue … your post and pictures are a thought-provoking read. Wishing you a lovely start to November … rain and all! 😀❤️

    Ps. I saw your comment on Sammy’s video … he loved it and thank you! 😊

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2018 @ 18:34:47

      Thank you Annika, You are most probably right, another sign would no doubt have presented itself.. Yes the forgiveness comes, and when it does, it really does turn a switch within you.
      As for the car park incident, I know it is hard to swallow that so many little children suffer verbal and worse abuse. But what that also showed both of you was the love in which you surround your family in.
      I know your memory also sparked a similar one of my own only a few months ago.. My husband and I had arrived early before a shop opened and it was sunny so we sat with car windows wound down. We heard a young toddler crying, really sobbing, and as we then both got out of the car, I saw a father chastising his young son of about two, to stop crying he was roughly grabbing him as we opened the car door, ( he obviously didnt know any one was in the car park ) While I did not say anything either too him I gave him a look that probably could turn him to stone, lol… He then changed tack and hugged the child who clung to him sobbing.. He put him in the pushchair and pushed him into the same shop.. ALL that child needed was love… I see it time and time again though, young parents have no patience and expect young children to behave like adults.. Sigh…..

      You have a wonderful Son Annika, and one who is very talented.. Yes rain today, but it held off last evening for Halloween I had the pleasure of taking our granddaughter trick or treating… We have had a fabulous couple of days.. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  30. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Nov 02, 2018 @ 20:56:10

    Looks like I’ve missed a lot. But, after a short hiatus, reading this post made me smile. When all the pieces of life come together, we feel complete. And, from that point, the life begins because that feeling of completeness helps us to venture out of our comfort zone.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Baydreamer
    Nov 03, 2018 @ 00:04:39

    You offer so much to think about, Sue, and in such a beautiful way.What struck me is when you mentioned forgiveness, which is difficult to attain. In some aspects of life, this is a work-in-progress. And in other ways, I’m still finding myself, especially entering into a new phase of parenting, or I should say, parenting-finished. 🙂
    I haven’t had any near death experiences either, but I don’t know what my test this month is going to show. I’m not worried, but in a way I am. I think my point, though, is that when something tragic happens in life, it definitely shines light on what truly counts, what we should really focus on. Not that I need that reminder, but I’m sure we all stray from logic at some time or another. Anyway, sending big hugs and lots of love your way. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2018 @ 13:40:05

      I agree with you Lauren, often things come along to shake our tree a little, and its often only times we are shaken from taking things for granted, we see just how it puts life and all the trivia we would normally worry about into perspective..
      Life then becomes more focused upon the things that really matter.. And the little things that maybe would have got under our skin, we no longer see them, for they are unimportant…
      My thoughts are with you Lauren for Positive test results my friend… You have the right mind-set to shine your light on what ‘truly counts’ as you rightly say..
      As for Parenting-Finished.. Believe me it never finishes… My Children are in their forties, and the Parenting never stops even when they leave the nest and have families of their own. When they fly its harder for us parents to adjust I think than them.. For they are on a new adventure in their lives, while we may be feeling a little redundant .. 😀
      Love and Hugs right back Lauren and thank you.. ❤



  32. Betty Hayes Albright
    Nov 03, 2018 @ 20:38:17

    Sue, just catching up on your posts and resonating with all you’ve experienced on your journey. Thank you for sharing your own story. We never stop evolving…. onwards into the light! Love to you. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  33. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 13:01:46

    You do write such beautifully uplifting posts, Sue. I was sorry to read that your mother was not equal in her treatment of her children. I am one of four girls and I had a step father. I never even knew until I was 16 that Dean was not my Dad. You would never, ever know. My Mother says that is why I am so devoted to him but who wouldn’t be?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 04, 2018 @ 16:11:51

      Those who are blessed in love are blessed indeed Robbie, and its wonderful to know your Step Dad loved you as his own… And I am so happy you had such a loving family…
      Many thanks Robbie for reading in depth I thank you kindly for doing so as I know how busy you are… Wishing you and your family a wonderful week…
      Love and Blessings..



  34. Erika Kind
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 17:29:10

    I so love this puzzle analogy. In some way, we could already use the blockchain technology as well. One thing leads to each other and each new experience builds up on the last one. If only one incident, one encounter would be missed it would not be as it is today. And all we experienced in our childhood, how we were taught to think and act, and how we put it together in our own mind led us to so many experiences which again helped to unveil the misunderstandings.
    We can truly break this wall. If only one brick is taken away and we see the light coming in we get intrigued. We understand that there is more about life than we might have thought … breakthrough over breakthrough.

    What an inspiring and insightful post again, Sue! So powerful too!

    Thank you for this 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Tania Marie's Blog
    Nov 05, 2018 @ 14:57:31

    Beautiful share Sue. Thank you for your loving words. Experience seems to be a spiral where we revisit things from different perspectives each time as we expand and deepen our hearts even more. Much love to you.

    Liked by 2 people


  36. da-AL
    Nov 11, 2018 @ 23:25:16

    Sue, thanks much for this post — this is the sort of information that makes the world a better place for all ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Trackback: A Selection of True Awakening/Ascension Experiences... Part III - Me, My Magnificent SelfMe, My Magnificent Self

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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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