The Puzzle of Life~ Part Two.


Now was the time  the woman needed to share her thoughts. Yet here was her dilemma. How to place all of those pieces that had taken years to gather so that others could make sense of them was almost impossible, unless they too had also been searching and gathering similar pieces to think ‘outside the box’ that so many found themselves encased within.

Some were not even remotely aware there were pieces to find, let alone go searching for them, while others would contentedly sit within their own picture never wanting to create a new landscape of other possibilities 

She knew her own pieces were making sense, but would they make sense to others. She dipped her hand yet again into the pile of scattered thoughts, to reshuffle them and turn them over into view.

She smiled at how the Truth was often held hidden in plain sight and she marvelled at the speed at which those synchronicities had jumped up at her long ago on her journey, nudging her ever forward, confirming she was on the right path.  

The very first piece that jumped out at her was when she was looking for a new job in the 80’s as the stress was getting to her, but instead of finding a new job. An advertisement jumped from the local paper. The print seeming larger than life….


are you wishing to de-stress, relax and learn how to meditate?

Then come along to our Meditation Group….

She thought back to that very first piece, it was the one that had started her journey to discover more about who she was and to seek answers to unanswerable questions.

That one piece had opened doors to a new world, as she began to view this world from a different perspective, as she began to see how this world told its stories. And how hidden within them were messages, if one cared to look at the hints which were thrown out. Yet all the while the Truth was distorted.   

It never ceased to amaze her how truth could be found at the core, even if well hidden. From Star Trek,in the God scene, to The Matrix, and our choices, as to which Pill we swallow!  To  Avatar in the scene the tree of voices as we connect with the light which permeates everything.  Even in the successful Cartoon epic of Frozen, as the words of the song Let it Go’ when we allow ourselves to be ourselves as we let go of fear, echoed in her memory. 

Yet she also knew what she had discovered was far from fiction. She was far from being on her own in fitting the pieces together.  For technology was also progressing, playing a vital role in allowing others to gather their own pieces together and connect. A.I. may well be gathering intelligence on the masses for its own ends, but the masses were also gathering their evidence and using their voices to unite.

 More were stirring from their slumbers as they began solving their own puzzles pieces.   And more and more were uniting, unifying, comparing their findings with others, and were beginning to see the larger picture take shape. And it wasn’t always what we had been taught. Uncovering such pieces could be disturbing, because it could shake the very foundations of our beliefs, but the more pieces of the puzzle she gathered. The more it started to make perfect sense.

The woman understood there would also be those who would never entertain sitting around a table, and have the patience to inspect each piece. They were content to sit in the boxes of their limited thoughts.  They wanted only their Piece only, and believed what they had been programmed to believe, for they thought only their piece mattered. So, it was up to others to fit in and around with them.

The woman had worked for many bosses of this nature, they would sit smugly in their office, while others did all the work. Showing little respect for the man-hours it took to build their empires, and they cared little of how each other piece had come to be in their box.

But wasn’t this the way of Life? As she thought of the Hierarchy at the top of their pyramids! They cared little for those who slaved away, so long as they reaped in their profits, they cared little as to how each struggled to maintain themselves.

And when those little pieces became self-assured and it looked as if their Lights were beginning to break through, as they united together to protest at their conditions or others well-being, suddenly new fears were created.

But Darkness, is only the lack of Knowledge, Light is knowledge,

Seeds, like the seeds she planted, needed darkness to grow.

Humanity she saw was pushing its way through the darkness into the light through knowledge..

And more and more were now coming to understand the way of the world and how Fear controlled. 

Fear kept Humanity enslaved.  The woman thought back throughout history, it shows us when we build, work hard and think things are going smoothly, something comes along to shock us, knock us back, and in one fell swoop economies could come crashing down, Wars would begin, just as people were beginning to climb back up, stock markets would crash. And people believed all were unavoidable.. But the woman had discovered how these pieces were especially contrived to create turmoil and chaos within the mass’s. Nothing was by chance.. 

And all the while those at the top of their pyramids would prosper rake in their rewards, the little people had the lid closed firmly down on them as they were kept in their boxes.  They were the ones who went to war, who came back disabled and shell shocked.  While others sat in their ivory towers pressing their buttons.  One only had to look at the repetitive cycles, of the past to see History is cyclic to view Historic events throughout the world repeat at various intervals.

The question is, are we going to allow those same mistakes of the past?

 Are we brave enough to envision a New Earth, one of Peace and Co-operation?

Or are we going to allow Fear to rule?

The Media of News, Films, and advertising is used as a tool to constantly mind control.So that we begin to believe this world is darker than dark, and as we do, we slowly let go of vital pieces of ourselves. While companies pile on more pressures to the workforce, cutting people for more profit, we find ourselves crumbling under pressure. The woman had experienced first hand, that crumbling, and taking those prescribed little pills she thought would aid her depression..

It happens in our education system too. Pile on the pressure to our young children, some schools, not all, agenda’s are mainly about Statistics, good grades, as schools promote themselves in Ofsted’s Marking system in Schools. Is it any wonder that in the UK the number of children prescribed  anti-depression drugs has increased by 50% in the last seven years according to the World Health Organisation!.

So we turn to what we think are creative games…. Alternative escapism, and its all part of the ‘grand design’, as smart phones are used as another tool to de-sensitise the mind. As its jingles and tones pings your brain, with its gambling additives, You WIN! Free Game, sprats to catch a mackerel!  or Zap! your dead, Game Over!!  all alter our senses.

We are unaware Vibration is altering our Psych, while computer games and films teach us Killing and torture is normal.  And people no longer seem to care or feel disturbed by it, because its being streamed into our lives, into our very homes.

So, as we join the herd mentality, many now are throwing in the towel. They want to escape, but don’t understand what it is they are escaping from. They just feel out of place, and so is it any wonder suicides are on the increase. Because to be different means you get singled out and labelled.  We so easily point the finger and label, So, we conform and we no longer think for ourselves, because we have Alexa and Cortana to think for us.

But the woman knew this was all part of the Illusion, The Grand Deception. This was what we were all of us creating within our reality. If one believed this was real!

But what was real, and what of other realities, and other dimensions, how did these pieces fit?

108 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. derrickjknight
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 13:33:21

    Some puzzle

    Liked by 1 person


  2. New Bloggy Cat
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 14:16:40

    Thought-provoking post, dear Sue. I enjoy reading part 2 of this puzzle of life. I’m still searching for those missing pieces in my life and I’m slowly getting there. Sending you much love and hugs, (*´ ˘ `*).。oO ( ♡♡♡ )

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 21, 2018 @ 14:23:19

      It will come… Letting Go of our preconditioned thought systems is not easy, And we are all of us works in progress, No right or wrong way.. For we are each learning from each other, And like those seeds that germinate in darkness.. We all have evolved through our own layers as we each reach up to the light of truth…
      And what is truth today, may well change tomorrow, because nothing ever stands still or the same.. 😀
      Opening our minds is like opening our hearts.. We are all of us Searching for Answers.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  3. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 14:37:55

    The matrix is a movie I love and had so many thoughts that were my thoughts as well that were discovered while watching the movie. The pieces of the puzzle some fitting just sitting there and others that fit has been continuous on my spiritual journey. We are unique in our thoughts like a fingerprint and some people will not understand but when you meet someone that does the validation is rewarding in a sense. It is interesting that the one piece is pivotal in people’s lives to start them on their spiritual journey such as your piece did. As I read your journey it is similar to mine with small differences. Instead of yoga, I picked up Louise’s Hays book You can heal your life. That was a pivotal piece on my spiritual journey. Most of what you say I am aware of. It is hard to find people that are like minded. In the end all puzzle fit. Beautiful post and one to awaken people to begin their spiritual journey. My spiritual journey, I don’t mean religious. I have included the definition is what journey I am on.
    What is a spiritual journey definition?
    A spiritual journey is a journey you would take to find out who you are, what your problems are in life, and how to come to peace with the world. The purpose of a spiritual journey is rare to find an answer; rather, it is a process of continually asking questions.

    Look forward to more posts. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 21, 2018 @ 14:52:36

      Indeed Joseph, our spiritual journey is indeed one of discovering Self.. Louise Hay Book came later to aid in my recovery of the breakdown from a number of factors that all came to a head.
      But had I not first followed that first piece, I would not have met or been on the road where by I would even be aware of alternative healing methods or of Mind over Matter..
      So as you say, each piece leads to another and when they fit, another comes along and so we continue building, growing and expanding, while containing within more knowledge of who we are and why we are here.

      It’s a fascinating journey we are on Joseph, and I am delighted that you and I find ourselves connecting the dots along our pathways..

      I have so many I need to catch up with, but know their posts are waiting when I arrive…

      Many thanks again Joseph.. 😀

      Liked by 2 people


  4. Jane Sturgeon
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 15:11:36

    Lovely piece, Sue. It takes courage to step out of the accepted and just be with new discoveries. All the pieces have their place.

    Some build a cage with their patterns. We can all do that.

    What I find from your shared wisdom, is it brings a gift of added perspectives. Whatever others choose to do, we can observe and then gently look at what is caging us. I felt that with the ‘rabbit hole’ on your last post, where a soul felt the need to own ‘words’. Divine energy is there for all, as we are all connected. I was going to comment, but my phone wouldn’t give me the option. So I took this opportunity. You handled it with loving grace.

    It’s a lifelong journey and I am grateful for you. And knitting… Oohhh, let us not forget the joy of knitting.

    Hugs and much 💗 and thank you. Xxx 💕

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 21, 2018 @ 15:19:56

      Indeed, shared perspectives, knowledge and truths, All of us view life from our various perceptions, and we all of us can choose what to accept or not…
      And yes, I had written this post way before that particular soul came to visit, while re-reading my script, I thought I wonder if certain aspects that soul may think is referred to herself, in the Limited Thinking paragraph..
      I closed comments on that post and the next, For enough energy was spent in that direction, I needed to cut it off and let it go! 🙂
      Knitting, yes, I have to get back, to my next project now started for my granddaughter… 🙂 Time just speeds by while we are having Fun!! 🙂
      Love and Hugs Jane.. Thank you my friend

      Liked by 2 people


  5. Tom Merriman
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 15:42:59

    Fascinating yet again, Sue.
    When the pieces finally slot into place and the ‘light’ goes on, the feeling of awe and that sudden realisation is second to none… but not far away is another space waiting to be filled with its own ‘a-ha!’ moment. Truly magical. Each piece holds its own space and time, and is found in its own space and time when we eventually align ourselves with it.
    Small steps and ever forwards.
    Waiting patiently for the next part!

    Liked by 2 people


  6. litebeing
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 16:56:33

    Sad but true. Looking forward to the next installment, hoping for a happy ending.

    love, Linda



  7. michnavs
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 17:23:50

    As always ….very inspirational Sue…yes we all have pieces of jigsaw puzzle that we need to put together and i hope in time we find it…



  8. InfiniteZip
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 17:36:48

    Your post leaves me in deep thoughts, looking back at each of my pieces and I’m thinking I would have to write it all down, filling a tome of memory and still not done adding. The best move recently was the realizing how much time could be lost trying to “win” a game and I did a mighty sweep and deleted each and every one of them. I find more time now to be strong and tend to my inner garden, knowing the harvest I will reap when done 🙂 your words give me strength my friend, thank you ❤



  9. smilecalm
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 17:53:45

    touching introspection
    on your journey into freedom
    & fearlessness, dear Sue!
    wishing you continued
    heartfelt success 🙂



  10. Renee Espriu
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 19:41:03

    I am really enjoying these latest writes, Sue. I have always enjoyed crossword puzzles since I was a child and still do them. Perhaps, always looking to see where I fit it but over the years the complexity of who I am has told me that although I do seem to be somewhere in the puzzle ‘of life’, it is my very own puzzle to which I keep adding the pieces. One that will not be complete until I am gone. That is alright too as the story continues, as it were. I am diversely complex to begin with…seven different ethnicities and at age 40 I changed lifestyles. So, being a woman of such complex nature has taught me many things and I am still learning. Some days are better than others…as it should be…but when I read what you have written at times, it reminds me that how I perceive things is what causes my own puzzle to be uniquely me…different than others but the same as some others as well. Keep on doing what you are doing as yes, you reach so many others that ‘puzzle’ over their own puzzling life. Be well. xoxox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 22, 2018 @ 21:01:37

      I think those pieces continue throughout life, and I doubt any of us ever complete the puzzle Renee.. I think Renee, we all of us learn as we grow, and many of us are put through some tough times that often cloud our perception. We can all in hindsight stand back and think differently now, but those pieces we struggled with, were all meant to be placed so we could place others further down our roads..
      much love Renee.. I am delighted you are enjoying this series.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  11. Ka Malana -
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 21:44:09

    Sue, I admire your focus and courage in standing your ground. I admire your big heart and your openness and doing the real work of Self-discovery through your process and through the stages. It will be a delight to read part 3. You have inspired so much support around you, and it’s really beautiful to witness. You generously give of your self to be present with others in their shares. Patient with each piece of the puzzle as it lives it own in worth and time. Bless you dear heart, Ka



  12. Jennie
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 01:50:01

    Very thought provoking, Sue. Life will always have missing pieces. We need to be strong and mindful, yet not overthink or over worry – that is a trap we set for ourselves. Mother Nature is always the best place to be to think and to put the important things in perspective.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. simplywendi
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 02:21:30

    Sue…………….your posts are all amazing and this one is no exception. you have been there to encourage me to think differently and to have confidence in doing so. I so appreciate you taking the time to write as they are a blessing to me and so many people. sending you love and peace and smiles! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 22, 2018 @ 21:23:11

      Bless your heart Wendi, I am delighted we met, and that you have found that confidence to explore new realms of thinking.. When we understand our thoughts create our reality, and so many of our past thinking has conditioned our mind and bodies to behave and react. When we begin our inner journey, healing from within, we then find our outward bodies heal.
      It doesn’t happen over night. But if we focus our intent in the right direction, our healing journey begins.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • simplywendi
        Oct 22, 2018 @ 21:26:01

        Sue, seriously, you have helped change my life. I am working so very hard at changing my life and it is so very hard when you feel poorly but I am not going to give up so I want to thank you for your posts and your kind and encouraging words spoken out of love and knowledge. thank you, thank you, thank you. I am sending love and hugs to you my dear.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 22, 2018 @ 21:48:36

          Aww, thank you Wendi, I know only too well what that feels like.. Having once been in pain, and at another time so depressed in a nervous breakdown, Being at our lowest ebb, takes Lots more energy to get our mind sets in gear to pull ourselves up and put into practice certain programmes whether that be altering our thinking, or taking steps to heal our bodies, it takes greater courage… So I applaud you for your intention to BE WELL… that is the most important positive first steps, Your Intention… And to keep placing that intention in the present tense.. Not I will be healed, Or I hope I will heal, but I AM HEALED… even on bad day, see yourself fully mobile, joyous, within, and that will reflect and begin the healing process..
          Many thanks for sharing, and anytime if you have a question, you have my email address in your comments in your dashboard..
          Love ❤ and hugs back.

          Liked by 1 person


  14. balroop2013
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 04:26:22

    We have our own moments of enlightenment, which glow only when we pay attention albeit it is difficult to arrange them in proper order. It’s nice to hear about your journey, Sue. I hope all those pieces jumping up would fit in the right places. I agree dear friend, the way of life is exactly what you are hinting at…nobody cares for what you do for them or even for yourself. We have to face the façade, the hypocrisy and keep going with self-belief. Looking forward to how you put this puzzle together! Stay blessed.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 22, 2018 @ 21:33:28

      Bless you Balroop, Yes there is a big facade, we all have to keep going.. And we will keep on following our own moments of enlightenment as you say,and I am pleased you read what I was hinting at dear Balroop. This world of ours is full of hypocrisy..
      Love and warm well wishes.. ❤



  15. inavukic
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 08:28:53

    When greed abandons all the world has a chance, when cooperation means Win/Win not Win/Struggle then the world might have a chance. In the meantime it is good to be different, at least in some aspects of life, despite the labels…harsh life indeed



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 22, 2018 @ 22:04:49

      I like that answer Ina… When Cooperation means Win-Win, not Win-Struggle… yes there is a difference.. And yes, different is good, individual we all are in our own unique ways, and I have always been an independent thinker.. Sending Love and well wishes in all you undertake to expose as your wish for unity peace and justice to prevail… Love and Hugs.. Love your new picture too by the way Ina… You look lovely.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • inavukic
        Oct 23, 2018 @ 10:07:03

        Thanks re picture too Sue, it was taken a couple of weeks ago when having a happy lunch with a girlfriend here in Sydney – and I always think when with her (and some other): wouldn’t the world be a wonderful place if all we saw were true friendships. Hugs Sue and much love



  16. David
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 08:53:09

    You are one wise lady, dear Sue, and you put into words what we all know, but are sometimes at a loss to speak, and which the young in particular feel so pressurised by. Fascinating that you have incorporated many feelings into your story of the lady. Looking forward to the next episode. Love, David xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 22, 2018 @ 22:06:42

      Thank you David, the episode will be out midweek with the final connected to Barbara’s on Friday the 26th.. Sending huge hugs and much gratitude for you kindness and support David. ❤



  17. kowkla123
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 12:24:06

    echt topp, liebe Sue, beste Grüße kommen von der Müritz zu dir.



  18. Soul Gifts
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 14:26:58

    Walking alongside you, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  19. -Eugenia
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 15:58:21

    Mind-stirring piece, Sue. “But Darkness, is only the lack of Knowledge, Light is knowledge” – I agree with this, Sue, and lack of knowledge may not be caused by what one doesn’t know, but what one is brain-washed to know.

    What we hear and learn via the media and our educational institutions is not always in our favor. It’s what we take away from it that matters.

    I look forward to your next part.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 22, 2018 @ 22:17:23

      Exactly about the ‘Brain-washing’ Eugenia.. There is a pattern to what is taught, and not taught.. And even though science had made new discoveries that have made old science facts obsolete.. still the old scientific principles are being taught.. Thank you for reading Eugenia, and you will have part three in a couple of days.. ❤ Big hugs.

      Liked by 1 person


  20. dgkaye
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 23:02:51

    Wow, I’m not sure where to begin with this one Sue because you’ve tied up what’s going in perfectly. Sadly, there are many lost sheep who will never find their way, following the path of machines and forgetting human empathy. When I look around at my outside world I continue to shake my head at empty faces buried in their phones, often oblivious to their surroundings. The lost art of communication with actual dialogue it seems, and the lost minds of the believers believing all the rhetoric running rampant in the world has turned the world into a new dimension – one I’d rather not walk in.
    As you said, “They were content to sit in the boxes of their limited thoughts.” A very scary thought indeed. Let us keep sharing your words of wisdom and awakening, and just maybe we will come closer to a re-birth. ❤ xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 23, 2018 @ 13:57:17

      Thank you Debby, your comment is very good for any ones ‘Ego’ lol.. 🙂
      Yes my head shakes all the time Debby, and still people do not see what is happening ..
      Communication in speaking to one another is becoming almost obsolete in some quarters..
      I see it all the time, Young mothers with babies and young children in tow, not holding their hands and interacting with them, just hands on phone head in the clouds…
      It is an addiction that people cannot see is mind altering.
      You are right also, many lost sheep will never find their way home..
      But there are those of us who keep trying to steer a few into looking from a different perspective.. At the end of the day, we are all pieces in our own puzzles, each solving our own particular piece.

      Each are held within their own particular pictures… Some will have patience to complete it, others will scrap it give up.. While others will never open the box at all..
      We are all responsible for the pieces we create…
      Love and Thank you so so much .. ❤
      Hugs.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. Pijus Magnificus
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 23:39:43



  22. insearchofitall
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 23:47:16

    I have been on this journey since I was 7 years old. The day I looked at my parents and asked “don’t you remember where you came from”? They didn’t, I did. I’m coming to the close of this dream and hope I have found enough of the pieces to move forward in the next dream. It is all an illusion. I know that now. I always thought myself odd and dropped on the wrong planet. I still do not fit anywhere. I’ve tried very hard to be a part of the community but they are part of the herd. I’m listening to a different voice so I’ll always be on the wrong planet. Glad you are on it with me.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 23, 2018 @ 14:11:52

      Likewise dear Marlene… Seven is I think my earliest memory.. I told my parents neighbours boy who was then 14 one day I would marry him.. He laughed.. Some Thirteen years Later I did.. 🙂 And I would see worlds within worlds but not always understand what it was I was seeing back then, Then we grow, we get told its nonsense and we lose our dream.. I was lucky, I refound myself.. .. I am delighted Marlene we dropped back into this planet again and bumped into each other again my friend.. :-D.. The journey is never over.. 🙂 And may next time around we land somewhere more peaceful.. ❤ ❤ ❤ .. LOVE to you dear friend.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • insearchofitall
        Oct 23, 2018 @ 14:44:07

        Loved reading this about you. You can always e-mail me at ….. I’m ready to land somewhere more peaceful but the big lessons come from the most contrast. I guess I have a lot to learn. ;( Love and hugs to you my friend.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 23, 2018 @ 15:04:23

          Thank you Marlene… I have your email and may just do that my friend… I deleted it from your comment in case you didn’t want it made public.. I have it safe… ❤ I think we never stop growing and learning Marlene… as we keep expanding.. Big Hugs back.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  23. Infinite Living
    Oct 23, 2018 @ 03:56:29

    I allowed your voice to become my inner voice unknowingly. Apart from some details you mentioned it seemed as if you were clearly speaking of me. I remember the sheer shock and marvel at the synchronicity in life. The incredible clarity that didn’t seem to fit anywhere in the practical physical world. And slowly I learned to pick up the pieces around me and make it into a picture that made sense to me …and kept hoping to find that it made sense to another mortal. I don’t think I am done integrating and putting all the pieces back together. I am so humbled and grateful to read your post!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 23, 2018 @ 14:20:15

      Dear Pragalbha, I doubt any of us will ever be done fitting the pieces together, but its understanding that piece which we presently hold that counts.. Yes it is a tremendous shock to discover this reality is not what we have been programmed to believe it to be.. I say programmed, because this has been on going throughout history as far back as our records began..
      And there are those holding records which prove otherwise. Its a complex puzzle, as we find where we fit into the picture. But with patience and by learning to step back and look again at what we have been taught through a different perspective, we begin to see another reality entirely..
      So I am so pleased our paths crossed so we can share our own particular views… 😀
      Love and Blessings..
      Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Infinite Living
        Oct 23, 2018 @ 20:19:50

        “understanding that piece which we presently hold that counts” – This is a precious knowing to be able to slow down and identify exactly where we are called to play a role, to fit into that perfect nook of the puzzle effortlessly. Requires so much of skillful presence so we don’t go through much of the turmoil of this journey.
        I am absolutely thrilled and grateful to have crossed paths with you and to have this amazing exchange 🙂



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 24, 2018 @ 13:53:49

          Yes indeed we are all of us playing a role, I often think as this world as a giant Play, The Illusion is what we are held within. All of us programmed to adhere to certain scripts… Yet once in a while we get so rouge actors who want to break free of this Illusion that was created for other’s entertainment . We do that by breaking free of the fear, and learning to live from our hearts in love and compassion, not anger and judgement. There are a billions of different ‘plays’ being run simultaneously, each telling their stories, with their own lessons to experience… When we learn to break away from the script, and think on our own, ‘outside of those tiny boxes’ we can then begin to expand and remember who we are, and how we came to be trapped in this 3D world, as we were re-programmed and altered via our codings Aeons ago via our DNA strands… and that is why its our time now to transcend as we remember that which we always held within.. Always so good to hold conversations with you Pragalbha my friend, you are one stitched on lady. Love and Light my friend ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Infinite Living
            Oct 24, 2018 @ 19:47:43

            Sue – I am deeply moved by this description of yours. I think very unknowingly but ‘Knowingly’ I have always looked at all the familial set up around me as a play of mental conditioning. And as far I can see, I have consistently attempted not to get defined or trapped in each of the roles that I got compelled to play. I have crashed and broken down to pieces at times trying to keep up – but then gathered and found myself again and again. Now I am feeling ever so determined and surrendered to only follow that voice within. I don’t yet feel all stitched together but I feel I am on the way. So amazing and grateful yet again to have this conversation!



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 24, 2018 @ 20:30:53

              Unfortunately many cannot see how this world is set up for mental conditioning. we are all programmed to one degree or another via our upbringing and education systems… Now I see this programming taking on new dimensions as its continually reformed to shape young minds via their mobile devices and films etc.
              Learning to break free of the roles expected of us are never easy. In fact we can then be singled out, targeted as causing problems. But it is necessary we learn to step back, think for ourselves, and not just take everything we are told at face value..
              Learning to delve deeper means uncovering systems that have been in place to keep us controlled and unaware of who we really are. I know your own discoveries will at times distress, but we have to understand we are here right now, so that past wrongs may be rectified. They say the Truth will set us Free… The truth is slowly but surely surfacing..
              Take care dear friend and I am also so pleased we can have these conversations. ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Infinite Living
              Oct 24, 2018 @ 20:36:16

              I hear you very clearly – I witnessing the growth of my 2 boys in this world and I am doing just that witnessing – They have to experience their own reality and find their own yearning and way. Otherwise I run the risk of giving them too much of a contrasting perspective. It is safest they find it on their own gradually.
              “The truth is slowly but surely surfacing…” True that.


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 24, 2018 @ 20:48:01

              One can guide, but not control… it is a fine balance to which we find ourselves when we are bringing up young minds. But I am certain you will find that right balance Pragalbha.. And your boys will grow up well balanced too. 😀

              Liked by 1 person

  24. kowkla123
    Oct 23, 2018 @ 16:09:29

    bei uns stürmt und regnet es, aber wir bleiben fröhlich

    Liked by 1 person


  25. AmyRose🌹
    Oct 23, 2018 @ 22:09:19

    I have been thinking about this post for a couple of days, Sue. There is just so much to digest! We are on such a complicated Journey and those of us who dare to continue, have gotten pretty wiped out and discouraged. At least I know I have. Yet I keep picking up pieces to put in the right place of the puzzle as I get “messages” through dreams, thoughts, signs in numbers and Mother, whispers that cross me gently …. and so much more. I keep coming back to the main question I have which is … How is it even possible to become whole and healed when too much was broken in me as a child? And then … How is it possible to eliminate all the wrong, all the damage that has been done to me? I’ve concluded that it isn’t possible and I will carry wounds throughout my entire life. But!! It depends on ME how I proceed with those wounds and what I do with them that counts.

    Take last night for example … I was given a dream that all tributaries, all rivers, all lakes, ALL bodies of water eventually lead to the oceans and seas. What does this have to do with me? Good question. Somehow in this vast and complex array of atoms and neurons and memories everything is connected and will all lead to ONENESS. How? That I don’t know.

    Absolutely LOVED this post which really got me to think. Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and how you are progressing on our own Life Journey. Safe Passage, my friend, as you continue to discover new Lands and New Life. Much Love to you! 💞💞💞



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:00:42

      I relate to so many of your own life story lessons Amy, both of us with our ‘mother’ experiences.
      But that is the thing… And it will be revealed in my last chapter in this series, although I have spoken of it before.. Its about digging out that little girl and telling her she was no way to blame. And then aligning that little girl with your mother’s little girl… to see why she felt the need to be as she was.

      Yes it is all about our choices, and our perceptions and our ability to accept there is no right or wrong, just choices and experiences. And what we do with them, how we react, and how we learn to forgive others and ourselves and let it go..
      No two pieces are ever the same, but each piece connects us to another as we assemble ourselves in the grand design. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. robbiesinspiration
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 05:24:37

    You and I are very aligned in our thinking about how the ordinary people are manipulated by corporates and government. I wrote this poem about it:

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life.
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 22:28:20

    A very profound post Sue. Part of our issues today stem from our lack of self-sufficiency physically, mentally and emotionally. We look to others to fulfill our needs, hopes and our happiness. Instant gratification is instilled in our young people and reality shows tell them that you only have to behave outrageously to be considered a star. I agree about our education system not preparing the young for the world academically or in life skills. Most leave at a loss on how to care for themselves and they are easily led down the path of accepting handouts and the comfort of herd mentality. I have been a nomad all my life from early childhood, adapting and absorbing the good things associated with different cultures, languages and accepting others belief systems in ten countries. Even for those who do not physically live in other countries we now have access to a global network never before experienced by previous generations. It is so much easier to find like-minded people you get you, and that you can communicate and learn from. Like-minded does not mean herd mentality, it does mean that you can access an extraordinary power for good and change. It may not be this time around but going forward into the future, I do believe that the ability to raise millions of voices is something that those in power cannot control or deny. thank you for raising everyone’s awareness.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 25, 2018 @ 22:57:21

      Dear Sally,
      So lovely that you enjoyed this piece, and it resonated with you,
      Yes it is sad that we become so blind to the various ‘Traps’ that dumb down, control and give rise to stress.

      We can learn a lot, I agree Sally if we study other cultures,
      And yes I know what you meant about like-minded and not the herd mentality, there is a difference between sheep and shepherds lol.. 😀
      And I feel while much of technology is driven to dumb and mind control via gaming, gambling etc..
      We have this WWW that is at our fingertips, to explore knowledge like never before… Sharing our voices in unison born out of love.
      If we only knew the power which each of us held within our thought system all any of us would need to do would be send our vibration through love, and it really would raise awareness much more rapidly around the globe…

      Sadly the media uses it to ignite fear, to control the masses, but that is another subject for another day..

      Many thanks again Sally, I really appreciate hearing your thoughts.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life.
        Oct 25, 2018 @ 23:17:38

        I agree Sue, unfortunately being outspoken or talking about changing the status quo takes courage. We have all seen what happens to those who expose the truth. It makes people feel exposed especially when everything we say and do online is so visible. But, moderate and constructive ideas can find their way given a chance… hugs ♥



  28. Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life.
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 22:33:04

    Reblogged this on Smorgasbord Blog Magazine and commented:
    I will leave you tonight with a thought provoking post from Sue Dreamwalker. If we are to change the way the world is being driven we also need to change the way we live, interact and communicate as part of society.. Here is a short excerpt and I do recommend that you head over and read the entire post…..”Now was the time the woman needed to share her thoughts. Yet here was her dilemma. How to place all of those pieces that had taken years to gather so that others could make sense of them was almost impossible, unless they too had also been searching and gathering similar pieces to think ‘outside the box’ that so many found themselves encased within.

    Some were not even remotely aware there were pieces to find, let alone go searching for them, while others would contentedly sit within their own picture never wanting to create a new landscape of other possibilities

    She knew her own pieces were making sense, but would they make sense to others. She dipped her hand yet again into the pile of scattered thoughts, to reshuffle them and turn them over into view”



  29. Val Boyko
    Oct 29, 2018 @ 20:48:39

    I’m catching up Sue … and am excited to hear about how your pieces have come about and where they come together in your puzzle. Such a thoughtful piece.(pun).
    I’m looking forward to discovering more in the next part.
    There’s also a part of me that thinks … if only one or two people who are the leaders can recognize the light, then they can lead those in darkness into it. The “downtrodden” of the past industrial age would be truly in the past, and we would waken to an era of intercommunication and global consciousness. 💕🙏🌈



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2018 @ 17:57:20

      Oh for that day to arrive dear Val, Thank you so much for taking time to read this series Val, I appreciate you doing so.. I have been concentrating on our granddaughter the last couple of days, so my own intended catch up is still pending, lol… But I know the community we both have surrounding us is patient… Sending LOVE ❤



  30. Maria Wind Talker
    Oct 30, 2018 @ 19:11:39

    We really ned a love button on here. Sharing on FB. ❤ xx



  31. IreneDesign2011
    Oct 30, 2018 @ 19:42:29

    Fascinating thoughts, dear Sue. As I see life, we are all living much more inside our own minds, than mostly are aware of. If we wish to view the greater perspective, we need to open our minds to learn by, what is going on and then allow ourselves to think too. Instead of being controlled by others, just as you wrote.
    Much love to you ❤



  32. Erika Kind
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 17:20:05

    This is so true. So often we don’t even notice that some pieces or ourselves or what we need to “understand” are still hidden. But there is a reason that we don’t see them or that we don’t miss them. Either we would not understand the context or we simply are not ready so that we couldn’t see them anyway, even though they may already lie in front of our feet (which all of them probably do!).

    I agree totally. Modern technology keeps us from aligning with ourselves rather than supporting our alignment. We don’t need to think, we can send a text instead of talking to each other which is not the same.

    Sorry for being so late to read your posts. But I wanted to take my time for it. Trying to catch up now.

    Sending you big hugs, Sue 💖



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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