Finding Ourselves by Detaching Ourselves.

We often may feel unsteady as we lose our Balance. But sometimes we need to fall over to pick ourselves up again. The World is needing to regain her balance to revolve and evolve back to where she needs to be..

While I have been detaching from many things recently, I have also been becoming acutely aware of other things, which one could say I stumbled upon, and yet I know I was guided to find them..

These things I may touch upon at a later date, they were things which were brought to my attention many years past, but I pushed them to one side as not happening within my life time. Yet here I am today seeing the Signs as they all fall into place as they grow closer, and the feelings of urgency rises within me to speak of them……….. But not today.  

The post written below I wrote all the way back in 2012. This journey is always moving us forward and back, like the tides controlled by the Moon. We ebb and flow in our emotional bodies rising and falling in our attempts at finding balance as we uncover the layers of deception we have been taught as truth. And as we peel back the lies we tell ourselves..

Awakening to who we really are is a continuous journey of self-discovery. And sometimes what we uncover we may find difficulty in accepting of both our world and ourselves..  But this journey is one of courage, and we who came to earth especially at this time, came knowing the challenges of our existence ,given we were all born with amnesia as we forgot our main mission.. 

My attention has been taken out into space recently As the Cosmic Energy is going to greatly affect our own.

Our Mission is one where we have to learn to detach from the programming of our material world to see our World from a different perspective. We are taught we are separate and we operate from a feeling of lack and Fear. I feel if we do not soon learn to detach from the greed of our material world of matter, our world will soon be teaching us lessons of detachment of her own. For I feel some major turbulence will be shaking us all free of the possessions we hold onto sometimes more dearly than the gift of life itself.. 

We are  all magnificent beings of light housed in a body of flesh and bone, and many of us have forgotten our potential.. The more we open our hearts the wider we reach out embracing others into our field of consciousness. We are finding Like attracts like, And as we do so, we find  also that there are those whose energy is not compatible with our own any more. So detaching and breaking the cords of such energies is now causing a reaction. So you may find yourself shutting doors, and starting anew, or you may find yourself withdrawing within as you no longer wish to have your energy drained by those whose energy no longer feels in tune with your own. We are all in this period of Change right now. 

We all have to have a little Chaos in the background before we put things in order. (Part of my painting in Acrylic,) each segment of our lives takes shape and form. And like brush strokes, each part needs our patience and attention.

Change comes in many forms.. We all of us are changing. And I too have found myself withdrawing deeper into needing space just to listen to the silence and beat of my own heart as I learn to take those deeper steps into aligning to create my Dreams… We all of us have them.. Yet how many really start to begin to put them into practice.. We continually put them off. Telling ourselves we will do it tomorrow. Well what if our tomorrows were numbered?…

This journey we are on is connecting many more of us, and as we each dig deeper into ourselves we each are finding our missing pieces. While I am finding many more of those pieces, it is sometimes difficult putting them in all  back in the right order. While it is making sense to me, to put into words that make sense to others, I  have not yet found the right words.

The poem at the end is the best I can come up with, and sometimes we have to solve riddles..  Written  in my journal in  2010. And the fun is searching for the clues often hidden in plain sight. 


We often read about enlightenment and yet do we really understand it? I have recently been reading a book by Eckhart Tolle, his experience was “a death of the sense of self”  as he viewed himself in terms of detachment.

I guess in a way that is what we have to do, detach from what is being put out there, i.e. especially as we are having our senses constantly bombarded with Negativity.. If any one watches the main stream News in any country, you will see how it replays over and over the same negative clips. After a while it ingrains into a person.. and we start to feel depressed and caught up within the traumas of others..As the Negative vibes penetrate our Energy bodies.. 

Some may think detachment means we do no care.. This couldn’t be Further from the Truth.. Those who know me, know I care a lot about our world and others.. But at the same time, I can do nothing sat in my armchair to help them.. And If I get caught up in the emotions of their Fears in Wars, Violence, and Hurting, and Anger.. Then all I do is add more Hurt to the Energy grids around our Earth, as I add my own Negative Fear.. This is why I avoid as much as possible the News and Newspapers. 

So If we focus on the NOW.. and send out LOVE to one another, Understanding that nothing is as it seems to be.. And pull in the Light of Positivity around us, we help create a more enlightened outlook. We have to understand that there are really only Two emotions.. We either act out of Love.. or Fear.. And like the Native American Indian and the story of the Wolf.. Its a matter of which one we Feed ! 

Wolf Totem my Pastel sketch

We should instead send out our thoughts of PEACE and HARMONY.. within our Prayers and thoughts.. This is the best way forward in helping our Earth through the Changes…The more of us who can gather together in the name of Light and Love, the more we help heal our world. 

Enlightenment starts with ourselves.. And while ever we hold onto attachment to this material world, we  allow ourselves to be manipulated, as we hold onto to money, status, and self image, the Material things.. As we have forgotten the “Old Ways” of living in Love, Harmony, Community and Balance with Nature and each other. 

So once we detach from that, we in a sense free ourselves as attachments dissolve. Which allows us no longer to worry over the things this World has created . Which in the main is immaterial, for what would you choose your bank balance or your family?? If you had to protect them.

We all of us Hold the Keys to Enlightenment..  Below is a poem I wrote a while ago.. and thought I would repost it here..

Enjoy.. And Become Enlightened! 


Keepers of the Keys

From out of the mists of aeons past

Walk the keeper of the Keys

Holding their secrets locked within time

When all was one and No locks did bind

The Keepers knew our thoughts and held them Free

For they would speak Telepathically.

We were those Keepers of long ago

But we lost our way-now like sheep we go

Herded into Pen’s of Self

Condemned with Greed and thoughts of Wealth

We travel blindly led by fear

Losing our Roots with the passing of years

Listen now and Listen well

For our Ancestors once more do tell

Its time to open up all our Minds

And discover again the Key and find-

Within yourself a wealth of knowledge

Facts you’ll never find within any collage

Follow not blindly what you are told

Seek and find and soon you’ll behold-

A world you thought was real with fact

Was distorted and tainted,

Look for the Cracks

The Truth is out there, you all have the Key,

Just open your minds-look and see

Stop bleating your woes, and following the herd

Be Daring, Be Brave, let your voice be heard

Start looking back, trace the flower of Life

Look into the Apple, cut it open with knife

Take a bite, reveal the Real SIN,

Research beyond History, delve and look in

The Keepers return they watch and wait

To see who will awaken and open the gate

We all hold the Key- It’s held in the Mind

Look Beyond what you see

Seek and ye shall find…

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012-2018~ All rights reserved.

My thanks go to Erika who kindly used a portion of what I said in a reply comment to her as she created this wonderful Image of Balance for her Quote of the Day .. Erika gave me permission to use it here and if any one wishes to to use this particular image you are also free to do so.. Thank you again Erika.. ❤

98 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 15:27:01

    It sounds like you’re diving deep into your essence and dreams Sue. No doubt what we feed is what grows, yet I’m not sure that our minds have as much control or influence as all the books and pop gurus say. I guess time will tell. May we rise in love.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Sageleaf
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 15:29:52

    Such beautiful words, my dear Sue. I love this poem and reading about your journey. You have such a gift of wisdom and I’m so, so grateful you share it with us. You make me think about this world…and I *so* wish that people would understand how their actions really do impact everything around them. If they build a big, big house, sure, it’s interpreted as a sign of success in many places. But what if they took a step back and instead of building a big, big house (that takes so many trees and even animal sacrifice to make it happen, not to mention the energy consumption and resources required to maintain that large house), they only built what they needed? Sure, a few luxuries are okay: a cool hobbit-shaped doorway, a beautiful carving into the wall, and other treasures of whimsy. But then after you’ve built what you need, why not use the excess funds to care for others and for the planet? Why not donate to a rainforest reserve? Why not build a school for girls in a remote village? Why not spend money to educate others about how to care for each other and the planet?
    Ah…these are things I think about as I try to build my meditation-teaching business. I’ve always known that when I come into money beyond that which I need to make a living, that I would find a way to pay it forward to help this planet, and its people. Indeed, if we’re not in survival mode, it is our responsibility to be good stewards to others…and even to ourselves.
    I think so much of what is going on here, too, is that people think material things will help them realize their dreams. What they don’t realize is that they’ve never been taught to love themselves. To truly love themselves and honor the divine within.
    Namaste, my dear friend: the divine in me honors the divine in you. I hope you have an incredible week. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:06:41

      Thank you Cynthia… yes we all of us have to live.. We live in a material world… I know exactly what you mean.. So many people thing material things will bring them happiness.. Yet happiness can not be bought its a state of being.
      It is my hope that we can move forward and see that if we keep feeding the fear, that is what we will receive.. I hope more will embrace their good and compassionate side and feed the good wolf and share and care..
      Many thanks Cynthia.. 🙂 I am so enjoying the journey travelling with your good self.. 🙂



      • Sageleaf
        Sep 23, 2018 @ 15:10:37

        I read something recently that was some good food for thought. It was a quote that basically said how we’re not supposed to be happy in this life – we’re here for a purpose, to exact change, to become a better version of ourselves. And that includes the struggles.
        It was so interesting and my mind went into overdrive things about all the possibilities and scenarios of that statement.
        In any case, here’s to compassion and love for all the world. And as a side note, I’m impressed with your commentation. Hehe. You have some incredible conversations here on your blog and in other places. I’m marveling at how you do it! hehe. Sending you big hugs and wishes for a wonderful week ahead!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 23, 2018 @ 18:32:18

          Thank you Cynthia.. I feel we are most definitely here to progress and learn.. I may not entirely agree with what you read that we are not supposed to be happy in this life.. Happiness is a state of BE-ing.. The problem is we have become entrapped in this system of the material world, thinking the more we achieve and accumulate in regards to wealth and possessions, the greater Be-ings we are…
          Our programming is ingrained so deep throughout centuries of indoctrination and we carry so much baggage around with us from one life to another, the wheel of life seemingly becomes a perpetual series of problem solving..
          So the JOY of what Life ‘Orignially’ was meant to be on Earth has long been forgotten.. For we have got so caught up in the fear of losing that which we have gained..
          It is easy for me to sit and type there should only be two emotions.. Fear or Love.. The greatest fear being of the perception we have about Death.. Many not willing to think or discuss it, and the fear of losing all that we own..

          So we are brought up by our parents who instil certain ideals into our thinking.. We are brought up thinking we have to strive to achieve.. ” There is no gain without Pain “…. If you fail to succeed, your a failure.. To be poor in monetary wealth, you are no one.. Yet if you have accumulated wealth.. You are SOME ONE.. So many things we each are conditioned to throughout our lives.. Like coming TOP of the class,, Winning at sports..
          I so wish Schools would teach life skills, instead they set our young students up with so much stress.. Setting targets to achieve, succeed and bring the top marks… Which set their compass for the adults they become…
          So life then becomes a series of struggles, as one sets targets to gain, gather and retain ‘Things’ that earn themselves Good Marks, the most ‘Likes’ in the social media for instance.
          Yet all the time, within themselves their confidence may be failing, as their low esteem of themselves perhaps diminishes. This in today’s world is reflected in the statistics of young teenager suicides… And Society asks themselves WHY?? When we pressurise and stigmatise with our labels and prejudices these exploring young minds..
          So Do not over think this too much my dear friend..
          For what we all of us forget and have forgotten in all of this.. Is the Spiritual Inner Self.. That True Divine Spark which we have continually extinguished and pushed to one side as we have allowed outside influences to overtake and control our way of thinking..
          We have lost that inner ability to know we are Soooo much more than we think.. That our Hearts and minds have Sooooo much more power than we know.. Because we have lost the ability to tap into its power.. Because we only use a portion of our brain power… But more than that.. Our Hearts are the key in unlocking the frequencies..
          So sorry to go off here on this verbal reply to what you read…
          We have to have both light,dark, happiness and sadness, two sides of everything, for us to experience ONE.. And understand the difference between Happiness and Sadness…
          But once we understand the difference.. We also have free will to choose which we wish to keep experiences… Learning to separate Fear and Love, and Victim and Predator.. 🙂 Which we both read about.. 🙂
          But those emotions have been tampered with, within our incarnations, and Amnesia, so breaking these cycles are not easy, not easy at all…
          Sending much love right back.. And hope you too have a wonderful new week my lovely friend.. Its great when each of us can air our thoughts this way… And thank you ( about the conversations ), often my fingers do the talking.. 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤



  3. Seenorway
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 15:44:15

    Well, dependig on where you’re at!
    Also in a wider sense, I guess. There are situations sin life where you need help to get back on your feet – if at all possible!



  4. lorriebowden
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 16:27:46

    Ah! Such a sweet blessing to find you in my reader. And I also feel such synchronicity in what we have both posted today, Sue. I just had a discussion also, with Carol A. Hand…the three posts seem so connected!

    I have been trying to get into that silence that exists inside…that place where everything is connected and there is no harm or discord. I can get there (just watched two ducks come in for a landing in the pond in front of me 🙂 )…sometimes. And then there are the times where I don’t even remember that I haven’t been there for a while…hence my post of today.

    I am in a space where I need to dig deeper, like you said. I need to reach that place where I know there is a very deep message.

    I hope you are well. Summer is winding down so I imagine you have much work in your gardens. And I can also feel that you are working on something important. I hope that your soul is at peace and that love guides the way.

    Much love to you, Sue ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:16:20

      Sometimes we can try too hard Lorrie to reach that place and then it never arrives.. So like you lost yourself while watching ducks.. that is sometimes all we need to do… Lose ourselves in our gardens and our crafts.. So ENJOY ALL of it… And breatheeeeeee deeper into each moment… Then the Peace fills us up… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. David
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 16:44:47

    If anything Dear Sue, your post has come too early, since we were guided to choose our present home to be close to some, but also to detach from others who it seems what to re-attach. While this has been going on since we returned from our Spanish retreat, we are about to attach in an entirely new way in a form never entered before and we will have to see how it all pans out. Other than that I am going back into the past with a view to reinventing part of me as I did in the past, as you say, to get back on the Ascension/enlightenment pathway. Having spent the last 2 years in getting straight here in the UK it is time. Bless you for all that you do in awakening us to the reality that we should all embrace. Sorry if this sounds a bit nebulous, but that is the way it is for us right now as we wait for the mist to clear.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:20:09

      I wish you well David in your re-attachments my friend.. 🙂 and yes sometimes our own pathway gets neglected as we are so busy living life.. For me that time has come to work deeper upon my inner self.. And I am certain all is perfectly timed… For all is as it should be… Will be catching you up mid week my friend.. ❤ 🙂



  6. michnavs
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 16:50:14

    This is a very good read Sue…a much needed read actually..i also have detached myself to some things and some people; it wasnt easy i must admit but it was my only way to move forward….and in our lifetime though we need to look back our goal is always to move said that some of the signs we already have stumbled upon in the past yet its signigicance only unfolds recently…this is so true to me too….thank you for sharing this…it made me understand better the current state of my thoughts..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:22:10

      Hi dear Mich, so pleased that this post spoke to you on these various aspects that are within your own life right now.. I think often the ‘ Signs’ present themselves just when needed.. And we also take the signs that come in various forms.. Love and Blessings.. I am so pleased to see you returning again in WP … Much love.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • michnavs
        Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:28:07

        It did Sue…and i am so happy the know that my thoughts are your thoughts and that i am not the only one experiencing it….it is such a relief..

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:59:08

          Thank you Mich… Keep following your heart Mich… no matter what others think or say… I know it is often hard feeling we are on our own when no one understands us… It will be later we see the reasons for our move.. Love and Blessings.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  7. balroop2013
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 17:32:53

    Attachments are natural as we never make an effort to create them, they just happen till we come to the brink of detaching ourselves…sometimes I ask myself – Why this detachment? Why doesn’t it happen as naturally? And the journey of delving deep begins…a marathon! Enlightenment doesn’t dawn in a day Sue and your entreaties of opening our minds to know where we are going, to distinguish between the real and the mirage… “like sheep we go”…till we discover the secrets that lie within! It takes a full life to accept and acknowledge that we must look beyond.
    Thank you for the nudges dear friend. You inspire and awaken with your words. Love and hugs.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:28:30

      Yes indeed, why is that??? I guess because when attachments begin they start so pure, we take things and people at face value.. Yet further down the line we discover perhaps not all is as it should be.. Not All are what they may seem… But we then have added to that attachment with our emotions.. Its those ‘Emotions’ of which you speak so well in your own poetry Balroop that are the cords that take some breaking.. For then we begin to attach more emotions to them.. And then take blame.. guilt.. fear… regret.. these cords become strong and because of our conditioning take some breaking..
      When we truly begin to see we are eternal beings gathering material in our material world.. and it is our perceptions that we hold about others and ourselves which condition our own reactions… When we step back and step out of Self.. we begin to view life through a new lens.. When we Look Beyond…
      Thank you so very much Balroop.. I so appreciate your feed back my friend. ❤



  8. Jane Sturgeon
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 18:15:33

    ❤ Sue ❤ I withdrew from the news a long time ago, it is so filled with fear. We choose what we let into our energy field and I agree, it doesn't mean we don't care. I love your artwork. Your wolf is sublime. ❤



  9. Erika Kind
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 19:50:00

    Dear Sue, thank you very much for the mention. I still feel honored that you allowed me to use your quote. Again, I am happy you liked how I created the meme.
    But now to your post which is another amazingly deep one. It is crazy how many dramatic changes have been happening in my life and in myself over the past 10 years. Sometimes I am questioning myself if I cause the changes or if I simply follow the change. As we know, whatever happens, happens for a reason. Every change is also a chance and every end a new beginning. We need to accept change as a part of our development and also see the signs since we mustn’t ignore them.
    Yes, mother earth calls us to listen and to take action… to change something in our behavior. Let’s look at the signs, and re-align with the love inside of us to heal this world together as one world.
    Wonderful and moving post, Sue 💖



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:39:11

      I think Erika.. we are on this journey to find ourselves.. And that means making changes.. and realigning our ways of being and our thoughts and looking at our actions.. I know I have looked back, pondered upon some decisions made that wounded people I love.. But then I also know if I had not made those decisions then life would not have evolved to where it is today.. So All things are meant to be, both sides of coin.. And also if others had not acted as they did to me.. making me aware of my own feelings of unworthiness in the past.. Then I would also not be who I am today.. For each and every action has a reaction.. Just like our thoughts are living things which create outcomes in the future..
      So Change is constantly evolving both outwardly and inwardly…
      I think we are Blessed because we have come to look objectively at life and situations from a different perspective than many .. And we step outside of ourselves and look back in… We question ourselves I would think more than most.. But we have also become experts and LISTENING.. Not only to others.. But to ourselves…
      Here is a vital key when it comes to unlocking our hearts… We need to listen to our hearts.. and our gut instincts will lead us along the right path..
      Happy travels my dear Erika… I am so pleased we have met along this juncture on our road.. And no.. Thank YOU my friend for that beautiful poster you created..
      Love and Blessings.. ❤ Sue

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Sep 17, 2018 @ 19:56:00

        Dear Sue, I read your wonderful reply twice because I think this is what I had to hear exactly now. I am standing at a cross roads and no matter which way I decide to go it will hurt someone and no matter what direction I choose it will hurt myself too. My gut feeling… so difficult right now. I am standing in front of those two streets and I am not able to move anywhere… so afraid. And also I am afraid that the decision I DID NOT make will haunt me for the rest of my life. I know which decision ever I make it will destroy lives. Yes, that change will help to evolve everybody but I am so scared that I have to be the one deciding over this all.
        After all I know or seem to know, I feel like a little kid right now which only wants to simply close its eyes and when it opens them up again, all is well again.
        I am sorry that I leave this all here but I am sure you felt something and therefore left this long and detailed reply. It means so much to me and I cannot thank you enough for taking the time. Thank you for all the love you are sharing here, Sue 💖

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 17, 2018 @ 21:17:36

          Yes I felt you Erika.. And here’s the real thing.. This cross roads.. You are tossing up other people’s reactions to the decision you make, thinking of which not to hurt the most?
          Well here is the thing that most of us who are empathic struggle with the most.. Because we do ‘feel’ for others we often neglect ourselves and therefore we often make choices not really our own choices because our decisions are based on making other people’s lives easier as the result of our choice.. So we are basically pleasing them, rather than ourselves…

          So at this cross roads as difficult as it may be… You have to put other people for one moment aside.. And you have to listen to your heart and ask yourself what is it YOU want??? What are my needs..

          And if people really understand you and see you made your choices based on what YOU want out of life.. If they truly love and understand you they will come to understand WHY you made that choice..

          And you also have to remember that it is WE who choose to hurt.. So it’s their choice to take on the hurt…
          We have to understand CHANGE is not going to suit everyone.. Not everyone is going to get their slice of the cake exactly as they want it with the icing on top..

          We are only responsible for our own selves, for our own actions… Reactions to our choices will always have a ripple effect… But when we make choices through a point of love, ( and love of one’s own self too ) to make a choice for our own peace of mind, or our own future happiness, or if it’s only a promotion that others think they should have got… Your decision on whatever, needs to be made from what YOU really want… Deep Down within the core of your being that you know is right…
          Your Gut…

          Whenever I have gone against that gut instinct.. Things have fallen apart and not worked out..
          So just LISTEN within and if still in doubt what to do.. Leave it alone for a while.. And ALL will unfold as it should without you forcing it…
          And I am so pleased my words were able to help.. I only hope these extra ones have not confused you further..
          Much love back… Sue ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Erika Kind
            Sep 18, 2018 @ 20:24:57

            Sue, you are truly an angel humanly dressed. You said everything in the most clear and at the same time loving words which I basically know deep inside. But as you said, sometimes it is worse to feel the pain of others than our own pain and we step aside for the sake of those others. I still have to learn to be selfish and have faith that all happens for a reason and in the end, for the best for everyone. Yes, we all influence each other and therefore affect each other’s evolution. Sometimes we do it as the good guy and sometimes we need to be the bad guy.

            You have not confused me more, you confirmed what I know but pushed aside.
            I thank you for the line where you say that if I am not sure what my gut feeling tells me I should leave it alone… yes, that is what I am basically doing. Often I am feeling like a leave in the wind… blown from left to right. One day, I think left is the right way and then I think right is what I have to choose…. thank you for reminding me that I have to lay it aside without stressing myself out that I need to know. If others can wait… fine, then the decision is easier for me.

            I really wish that we meet one day. It what be amazing to sit and talk to you. Thank you for leaving so much love and light for us. I appreciate it so much what you did and do here. Thank you from my heart which feels a lot lighter for now 💖



  10. dgkaye
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 00:37:05

    So amazingly spot on Sue. I am seriously feeling a purge around me. Things I’ve known for so long, swept under the carpet are beginning to resurface, reminding it’s time to sweet out. New beginnings are on their way! ❤ Buckle up! Lol 🙂 ❤ xx



  11. Renee Espriu
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 01:16:00

    Hope you are well, Sue, traveling on your ongoing journey. I have been unable as late to write much, thinking of all the changes that must and will occur in the coming months. I am one (probably as most are) who needs to take time to adjust to the changes that always seem to upend me in my life so I do a lot of thinking of many things, always in my effort to let go and to be prepared as much as I can to move forward and embrace the new. Lovely write as always my friend. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:43:42

      I can only imagine Renee… You dear friend know all about Letting go and detaching… You are not alone.. And yes life needs to take its time in adjusting to these changes both on a personal level and a global level.. Change is rapidly revolving and spinning many heads right now..
      I know you will be given the strength to move forward.. The New is an exciting time of exploring.. Sending much love right back to you my friend.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  12. The Coastal Crone
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 02:21:29

    “Look for the Cracks…you all have the Key”- I like those lines.



  13. simplywendi
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 03:05:40

    this post is so beautiful and made me sit back and really think………..”And as we peel back the lies we tell ourselves………Awakening to who we really are is a continuous journey of self-discovery.”………….so profound………thank you Sue for making a difference through your words, for so many people.



  14. Soul Gifts
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 03:50:10

    Nice to see you here again, Sue. As you know, your post resonates strongly with me. I must admit, I do watch and read the news. But as I do so, I detach myself from the negativity, focusing instead on sending out love, peace and harmony to all those affected by the chaos and fear. It is what I am led to do. We each tread our own paths in how we serve. I hope you are keeping well x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:54:13

      Yes sending out love into the world and situations is very important Raili. And an important service in healing our world.. I am well thank you and good to see you too Raili.. Sending continued well wishes.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. -Eugenia
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:03:13

    “Stop bleating your woes, and following the herd” Love this line, Sue. We need to make it a point to move forward. Sending hugs. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:57:33

      Glad you picked that line up Eugenia.. So many people ‘bleat’ about their problems, yet do nothing to change them… So they are rutted in their own groove like a record with the needle stuck… You can only lead a horse to water, you cannot make it drink… The choice is theirs…. 🙂 Many thanks again Eugenia… Take care my friend and Much Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. stephensmustang1
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 19:07:06

    Your post makes me always.
    I think we all forget we are spirit in a flesh body. When we remember that, we handle things and think about things differently.
    love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2018 @ 21:22:13

      Big smiles.. Yes Elizabeth.. We often forget that, and when we do remember it puts a different take on our present… And knowing we are eternal we have to realise that this is only a temporary state of being.. All this as we will, We will Transcend.. 🙂
      Love and Mega hugs back.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Superduque777
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 23:18:22


  18. Infinite Living
    Sep 17, 2018 @ 23:43:04

    Your post has yet again immersed me in this deep thoughtful silence as your words soothe me in affirmation of all that I am feeling and seeking. I can relate to the ebb and flow you talk about – it is like I am in and out of being with my truest sense of self detached from all definitions and continually learning to relate to the world around, while guarding against frequencies that are draining me. And then there are those around me that I care about and are struggling, stuck in their perspectives not seeing any light. I am unable to detach from them and required to show tough love of distance while holding all the love in my heart. I do feel the change, the transition, the transformation.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 19, 2018 @ 22:14:51

      I understand Pragalbha.. Its difficult helping others who struggle with what we instinctively Know.. In the end we all of us have to be true to ourselves.. And like we came to such knowledge and understanding in our own time, We can only guide others, we can not make them change their own views.. But like all things in this world.. There is no right or wrong way.. But if we hold love in our hearts for all to one day understand… I am certain one day they too will transcend at their own time relative to their level of attainment to progress to their rightful place.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. robbiesinspiration
    Sep 18, 2018 @ 05:53:14

    I think you did a rather beautiful job with this poem, Sue. I agree with you that it is our minds that hold the key to our own happiness and well being. To achieve happiness as an individual, I believe we need to look beyond ourselves and reach out to others. To much inward reflection becomes a negative and self focused thing. Have a lovely day, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 19, 2018 @ 22:19:38

      Awww thank you Robbie.. So pleased you enjoyed the poem.. And yes I have spent many years reaching out to others.. Serving others too.. But I think now also is the time for me to pour back a little of that love into Self.. As we learn to love our Inner self .. And stop feeling the emotions one was taught as a child… At least in my case.. So Loving my self this way is no way self indulgent.. But more like medicine for the soul.. 🙂 ❤ 🙂



  20. kowkla123
    Sep 18, 2018 @ 11:29:41

    Liebe Sue, möge es für uns ein guter Tag werden.



  21. gageier
    Sep 18, 2018 @ 15:01:32

    Liebe Sue ja ich muss aus dem tiefen Tal heraus kommen es sind ja schon über 14 Monate her aber Abends das alleine sein ist so schwer am Tag geht es ja mache auch 3 mal in der Woche Sport und das tut gut aber es sind die Erinnerungen die einem zu schaffen machen und man fragt sich warum musste sie so früh gehen hab einen schönen sonnigen Dienstag Klaus in Freundschaft



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 19, 2018 @ 22:25:08

      Wundervoll dich zu sehen, Klaus .. Und ja ich kann nicht glauben, dass es schon 14 Monate ist … Ich vermisse unsere Interaktion .. Und oft sehe ich ihr Gesicht immer noch im Profil, als ich WordPress bereise.
      Es ist gut zu wissen, dass Sie beschäftigt sind und Ihren Verstand beschäftigen.
      Ich sende meinen aufrichtigen und guten Willen Klaus und danke dir nochmals meinen Freund für die Antwort.
      Pass auf..



  22. House of Heart
    Sep 18, 2018 @ 16:29:58

    We need these words of wisdom Sue. To detach from negativity is not being indifferent but recognizing that as you so succinctly say avoiding the abyss of disturbing changes that we can do nothing about but add to the misery it has created. Thank you dear Sue ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  23. insearchofitall
    Sep 19, 2018 @ 17:01:25

    I wanted a good block of time and a fresh mind to read this, Sue. It’s been open for days as I’ve cleared out distractions. I’ve read a couple of Eckhart Tolle’s books. Took his online class on “A New Earth”. We are on such similar paths so I’m happy to have a kindred spirit along the path.

    I must admit the best answers I’ve found to all of this has come from the Abraham Hicks material. They have answered questions that resonate with me more than any other.

    You lift me up with your positive attitude. I love the artwork with the butterfly.Keep up the Light work. Giant hugs,m

    Liked by 1 person


  24. InfiniteZip
    Sep 19, 2018 @ 18:01:40

    so much truth to be found in your words, lessons we should all heed and follow to find enlightenment and self ❤ love, love love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Sep 20, 2018 @ 00:40:49

    An extraordinary post Sue. Are you familiar with Haanel’s Master Key? Written in 1916… it’s a very early positive thought text. Free on public domain.
    Anyway your words made me think… Enlightenment is the master key.
    Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2018 @ 16:16:36

      Hi dear Teagan, and no, I had not heard of Haanel’s Master Key, now you have me interested and I will look it up.. And yes Enlightenment is LOVE… So simple… when you find the lock to open yourself up to loving Unconditionally.. Starting with ourselves.. :-D.. Easy said, yet we humans find it so hard to achieve.. As we carry so much baggage around with us.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. JoAnna
    Sep 20, 2018 @ 03:35:11

    I always feel more balance when I read your posts and this is no exception. The images are beautiful. The one with the bird and butterfly and a little chaos in the background fits with my life having relocated temporarily to my deceased parents home right before the hurricane. I’ve been going through hundreds of old family photos, discarding and reorganizing, sometimes it feels like everything is a mess. But it’s all part of a bigger process. We’ve been without electricity for 7 days now, so very limited news and internet. Tonight I started reading your post then got distracted. A while later I went out in the backyard in the moonlight and found my center again. Thank you for affirming so much!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2018 @ 17:46:26

      Thank you dear JoAnna,, I am a great believer in that we come across that which we need when we are ready to receive it.. And I know I have felt the same with many of your own posts my friend.. Our paths cross when needed..
      And I know you have been on a journey and so pleased alls well with you after the Hurricane… I imagine being without power for so long was an experience in itself..
      Thank you about my art… Coming from you who is also a wonderful artists, I take that as a great compliment.. That you remembered the background from a previous post I included before I added the birds and butterflies, More will be revealed of the final picture at some point.. 😀
      I am just so happy this post resonated with you .. And I also hope you find many such nights of connecting with your centre under the light of the moon.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  27. JoAnna
    Sep 20, 2018 @ 03:37:19

    I meant to add that I finished reading your post when I came back in from bathing in the moonlight. It is a perfect way to end the day.



  28. kowkla123
    Sep 20, 2018 @ 10:37:12

    Liebe Sue, hoffe, es geht dir gut?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2018 @ 17:48:51

      Danke ja Klaus, der Wind ließ ein paar Bäume fallen, aber nichts auf unserem Grundstück oder in unserer Nähe. Heute Nacht und morgen noch eine Warnung für starke Winde. So stellen wir sicher, dass die Dinge sicher sind ..
      Pass auf dich auf, mein Freund .. 🙂



  29. Mabel Kwong
    Sep 20, 2018 @ 11:40:22

    These are some deep thoughts from our present and the past. There’s the saying the past catches up with us, and many of us don’t usually believe it until that actually happens. Trust in yourself to not talk about certain revelations now – maybe they need to fall more into place, need more reflections, or maybe now is just not the right time. I so agree with you that when we detach ourselves it’s not that we don’t care, but we do care and we care a lot. It can hurt too much to stay in the same place or thought or with someone – and it’s important for us to give ourselves space to reassess ourselves and what we believe in. I like how your poem from 10 years ago speaks of enthusiasm for discovery – for it is with discovery that we learn and learn to move forward. Sending you lots of hugs across the miles. Lots of love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2018 @ 17:53:52

      Yes that is true Mabel.. indeed, I think today Karma is returning faster, and catching with us for sure.. 🙂 And yes, great advice about not talking about revelations right now.. I think if I spoke of what I know,see, and have learnt, people wouldn’t believe me anyway.. But as time unfolds events will present themselves in the world that will have people seeking deeper answers…
      And thank you so much for your encouragement over my poetry.. I appreciate you taking time to read..

      Love and Mega hugs your way my friend.. Love Sue ❤



  30. smilecalm
    Sep 22, 2018 @ 22:28:05

    i’m grateful benefiting
    from your earth-affirming
    contemplation, Sue!
    may your day be well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Hannah Kaminsky
    Sep 26, 2018 @ 02:19:25

    Life is a constant journey towards balance… Exactly what that looks like is a moving target, and we don’t always hit it, but just striving for it put us ahead of the game.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 27, 2018 @ 19:33:10

      Exactly.. We just keep putting one step in front of the other following our hearts and trusting we are guided to make the right choices.. Thank you Hannah.. Loved your comment and visit my friend



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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