Diving into The Realms of Infinite Possibilities

Dream~Love Song~ Link to Original Dream

The woman entered the silence once more, as she dived deeper into the realms of possibilities.  The pieces of the Jigsaw she had gathered from the past, now jumped into view to be re-jiggled before her eyes.

One by one they reassembled in front of her inner eye as she saw them laid out in front of her vision. One by one they slotted themselves together, each piece made more sense as they rearranged themselves before her, as they stretched out onto the horizon of her gaze.   

This time their colours were sharper, their edges cleaner and clearer, as she rebuilt the picture standing on the inside, the picture was reassembled from the outside in.

She sat within the space yet to be filled by the missing pieces,

and yet the void was filled with LOVE.

There were now only Seven more pieces missing. Instinctively she knew each piece that was missing also represented a year. Was that the years left for her? She was unsure, yet she knew they meant years into the future.  The Woman instinctively knew that when these final pieces were found and placed in position, that would signal the time foretold long ago of  the Total Re-birthing of  Gaia, and a reshaping of the Galaxy, as she saw the Stars fly in all directions. As Gaia transcended into her own higher vibration. 

Jigsaw Art.


 The picture was magnificent, almost completed.  A pang of memory flooded her mind, as she understood the urgency to complete the whole picture.  Time was no longer running in the linear. She took a deep breath… She smiled to herself… She had all the time she needed, for had she not completed all she had set out to do?…. Almost!

For years she had been gathering each piece, and now here she sat, crossed legged upon the ground as the pieces all flew into place, creating a Kaleidoscope of colour, each piece a different image.   

Time ticks as the earth watches wait.

She saw the hands on the clock within her vision, the Tick-Tock of Time ticking, speeding its pace, she understood why it was people sensed Time was speeding faster. There was hardly any more time left. We were already standing on the 11th hour of the clock.  And there was no time left to fix what was already destroyed. 


The only thing left is to fix is ourselves!

The woman’s journey had taken many life times to propel her into the one she now found herself living in.

Some of these lives she remembered, some she did not. But each one the essence of her higher-self had travelled with whomever she had elected to be. Whether it be Boy or Girl.  The bad guy or the good guy.

She saw the piece representing the boy she remembered, as he sat all day long weaving cloth of many colours in intricate patterns. Knowledge of which was passed down throughout the male generations father to son.  The loom would be worked back and forth with bare feet as the shuttle was passed through by hand.  The boy took his transition sitting as he normally did at the loom, as the building collapsed around him as the Earth shuddered.

She saw how we all weaved our different threads into the Matrix of the Universe, each thread separated, yet all the colours, all the various strengths, be is Silk, Cotton, Wool, ALL were woven together in the Blanket of Life. 

Another life was set among the slave ships, a life well-remembered, one which although traumatic in its memory, brought great healing forward into this life the woman now held.

Then there was the girl, the one with the young baby that cried no more. Such grief held as she walked from the wagon carrying the hand-made shawl into the blizzard, never to be found.

So many lives, so many lessons, each one propelling her into the Now.  The woman saw the pieces of her lives slotting together, knowing beyond knowing that this was her final Earth Incarnation.

This beautiful planet was destined long ago to evolve, transform and transcend to take its rightful place among the stars

Monday‎, ‎16‎ ‎October‎ ‎2017 11:54 am. above our home.

No longer would Earth be held as jailer to those held as prisoners.

The Truth would soon set them Free!

Gaia had repeatedly tried to warn the masses, but only those waking up began to heed her repeated warnings. Now something greater was about to unfold. Something everyone would have to take notice of. She paused in her centre, as she shuddered at the thought. But each soul had agreed to play their part. 

All was as it should Be… Nothing would alter the path already set.. The only path we could alter was our own, and alter our own ways of Being. She wondered how many would wake up to themselves?  A deep Sigh escaped her lips. But every action has a consequence.  And what had been put into motion Aeons ago, now had to be put into reverse..

All was written in the Stars, if one only dived deep enough!. 

The woman looked  at how she had originally discovered the pieces of her jigsaw, taking many years to collect, she had had to search for each one, picking them up, turning them over this way and that. So many pieces looked the same, until you delved deeper into each one.

A life time of gathering all the pieces of the puzzle. Trying to make sense of things she had at first dismissed as being fanciful. Yet the furthermore down the rabbit hole she travelled, more and more of the pieces backed each other up

The Truth is just waiting to be found if one turns over the right pieces to put them all together. She reached out picking over some of the pieces that had led her to gather many more.  Gaia herself had provided many clues, as had the stars and the Ancients teachers from Africa, to the Prophecies of the Hopi’s, echoed by Edgar Cayce,Nostradamus, Dragons and Red Dwarfs, Pyramids  and Hieroglyphs along with oh so many more.. 

Then as she got to the centre of her puzzle she saw how bright some of the pieces were as their names jumped up to greet her..

Discovering Self




Service to Others





The woman understood oh so much more than she once did. But how could she ever explain a Seven Billion Plus Jigsaw of which she was but one piece and yet part of the Whole.. 

She knew she never could.

Each now had to search and find their own Missing Pieces and learn how to slot them all together.

Coming to their own centres of understanding. No longer did we need to look outside, for all answers were to be found inside. If one dared to Dive deeper into the realms of Infinite Possibilities.

A Soul is a Soul no matter what gender no matter what race, no matter what religion.

She picked up the one marked Creation!

Who knows whatRevelationscould be discovered if one found all the pieces.


A muse of thoughts, from sitting in the Silence~

[Comments set for moderation and will approve ASAP]

Many thanks for reading and remember

Keep making the most of  your Now Moments!

Love and Blessings

❤ Sue ❤



153 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Aug 09, 2018 @ 20:36:23


    Liked by 2 people


  2. hiddenpositives
    Aug 09, 2018 @ 22:36:23

    This was wonderful! What an amazing read, I loved it😊💗



  3. thespiritkeeper
    Aug 09, 2018 @ 23:44:45

    Lovely post. I do as you do believer in the tapestry of life. Some look at the tapestry up close yet only see the pixels and not the whole. Others step back and see the whole image on the tapestry. I know you are one to step back and look at the whole picture. Once there is a snag in the tapestry it begins to degrade and unravel until the weaver comes again.
    Although what we have done to Gaia she keeps on giving I think she is an organism like others in the universe that will retaliate when attacked. I think we are seeing this but I also think she is entering the 4th dimension being birth there and according to some philosophies the shaft will be separated from the wheat. I am very peaceful nowadays feeling a lot of love. I know what can happen but it is out of my control. All I can do is send love out to the world.
    It is beautiful when some pieces of the puzzle come together and we have epiphanies. It is a journey of soul connection, a puzzled relationship that brings us to those epiphanies. And yes 7 billion puzzle pieces to connect. It is so simple yet man made it so complicated to achieve peace. Lovely post. This one hit home. Hope you are well my friend ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2018 @ 09:38:04

      You said it dear Joseph, Gaia is a living organism, a Living Library that was abused. As any organism under threat her cells react. We are seeing that happen now in the Cosmos, as once again Cycles return..

      Her New frequencies will separate the chaff from the wheat.
      And despite the ‘knowing’ we both I am sure have an inkling of, I too feel more at peace than ever before.. For nothing really matters except to keep sending Love out into the world..

      And yes this existence was once set to be so simple, yet it got mixed up and made so complicated by greed.
      May we continue to hold that Love and Peace dear Joseph.. We are on our last leg of the journey..
      And All feels well in my world..
      Sending Love and Blessings and hope all’s well with you in yours.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  4. House of Heart
    Aug 09, 2018 @ 23:54:36

    Wonderful and inspiring words. Thank you dear friend 🌹



  5. michnavs
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 00:15:27

    This piece calms my heart…it has a very soothing effect and made me wanna reflect on life..thank you Sue as always..



  6. rabirius
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 00:26:16

    Beautifully written and a lot to think about. Excellent post.



  7. litebeing
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 00:26:38

    Hi Sue,
    I was so transfixed by your story and I absolutely love it! Was some of it autobiographical ( about past lives) ? The photo with the 2 suns is astonishing. It is such a delight to find your tale here tonight. It really brings all the seemingly disparate details together, like the jigsaw.

    love to you,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2018 @ 10:37:48

      Thank you dear Linda, so pleased you enjoyed this tail.. The pieces we are all of us now picking up and turning over. We are all of us joining together now fitting them together, and making sense of the whole.. Many thanks to you dear friend for helping me fit certain pieces together along our journey together… So pleased our separate pieces fell within each others reach.. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Mark Lanesbury
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 01:12:51

    It is such a profound journey Sue even though we tend (as humans) to only look at our immediate surroundings. But as time goes by our wisdom begins to ‘see’ much further away and just what it does mean to be a soul on this journey. Well written kind lady ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2018 @ 09:30:25

      Indeed dear Mark, we ‘see’ much deeper and further than we ever dreamed possible, and a vision I had oh so many years ago now has been resurfacing in my mind to now be made more sense of.. I doubt I will share it here, people are not always ready for the truth, 🙂 but I am certain as time speeds its way forward, more truths will unfold that will leave people scratching their heads as to what our reality is..
      The Journey we have been on has taken us through many ups and downs and around some very long curves in our roads, but this past year has opened up yet more Vista’s to take in, looking no longer through the narrow gaze, when one sees the Whole nearly complete, it changes our perception of everything..
      I appreciate you dear Mark and your encouragement throughout these years, We are almost home!….
      Many Thanks my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Aug 11, 2018 @ 09:48:21

        Yes, and as you have done for me kind lady. That reinforcement, especially going through a ‘rebirth’ can be our saviours when we feel like we have had enough 😀
        May our time left be a little more gentle and our spirits integrations as smooth ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  9. dgkaye
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 02:41:10

    Wow, wow Sue! So powerful. You have written the scripture of the new dawn that is bestowed upon us. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the matriarch is taking hold of the reins. Thank you my dear friend ❤ Namaste and hold that peace ❤ xoxoxo I must share this on our Fey blog. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  10. simplywendi
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 02:57:46

    this is such a beautiful piece of writing Sue………it is full of hope and love, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. insearchofitall
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 03:44:36

    I’m going to read this again in the morning, Sue. It’s quite profound. The pieces are all there and have been. Do we want to understand?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2018 @ 16:11:09

      That is the Question dear Marlene… Uncovering the ‘Truth’ of things is not always an easy journey. As we uncover things which seem so way out we begin to question ours and others sanity..
      But when you keep turning over piece after piece that relate and confirm what other pieces have uncovered, there is no denying it..
      To be honest Marlene.. A new sense of Calm has overtaken me.. I think knowing now what I ‘Think’ I know, with NO FEAR, has shown me deeper still, that all of this was ordained to BE… Its how we perceive and handle what is to come..
      And not to create panic in others… I wish I had the words to speak that which I have seen in ‘visions’ So The Woman will keep on telling her stories in the hopes some will get to see the plot unfolding..
      Love to you dearest Marlene.. And THANK you for reading ❤

      Liked by 3 people


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Aug 10, 2018 @ 20:36:08

        An integrity begins to form where you realise that others are not ready yet, and to give out all that you now feel would only confuse or bring fear to others because all of ‘their’ pieces haven’t come together yet Sue, to understand as you now have. Just follow your heart kind lady, it is beginning to ‘settle’ nicely, even though there is much coming through ❤

        Liked by 1 person


      • insearchofitall
        Aug 13, 2018 @ 00:41:13

        I’m with you, Sue. I try to explain this is not an accident and things are as they should be. I understand your calm and glad you finally got there. So many want us to get caught up in their ain’t it awful scenario and I just can’t. It helps nothing. Each will be enlightened when they are ready. In the meantime, stay in that peaceful place and write. It’s the best thing you can do. Love and hugs, M

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 13, 2018 @ 09:05:47

          Yes its not an accident, yet there are those in control who are interfering, yet it will not stop the ultimate outcome. Nothing we can do to change that, Only change our own ways of BE-ing… and hope more wake up to themselves and what we are doing to our planet and future..
          Off out with our granddaughter today.. So yes we are in that peaceful zone.. Best place to be.. Take care and much love your way Marlene.. Hugs ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  12. Bela Johnson
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 04:11:36

    ” …. as she rebuilt the picture standing on the inside, the picture was reassembled from the outside in…” Mmmm-hmmm. If only more understood the importance of knowing this. But no matter. We share what we can, where we can. Gaia Is rising. It’s time. Aloha, sweet Sue. 😘

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2018 @ 15:28:11

      Yes its time, and for those of us who understand we have a deeper understanding to the consequences.. Which will get blamed on many other things other than they are.. So long as we keep on BE-ing what we are meant to be BE-ing, And going within to find deeper answers… While our pieces are coming together, despite the chaos externally I see escalating, in extremes of everything, including the weather, I feel a deep Peace like never before.. Hope that it remains..
      If we shared ALL we thought we Knew, no one would believe us anyway Bela.. But if we can put the pieces together, others may still slot more of their own to make sense of the world and themselves..
      Hold onto your hat!… Aloha dear Bela. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Bela Johnson
        Aug 11, 2018 @ 07:52:30

        Wouldn’t I love to sit with you over a cuppa, Sue, to compare notes, so to speak. Agreed totally with what you’ve said. Being yes, In nature; with our art … reinforcing our own template for existence, no attachment to what happens beyond our control; the unconscious future being collectively created that is so vastly different than the world our hearts envision. Well, language has its deficiencies. And the peace you are experiencing? For me, the same. And so we carry on, as your last paragraph states, holding our knowing as sacred, sharing only when moved. With you, soul sister. Right there with you. Aloha 🙏🏽💕💗

        Liked by 1 person


  13. Trackback: Diving Into the Realms of Infinite Possibilities – The Sisters of the Fey
  14. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 19:49:27

    Ist sicher eine VERWECHSLUNG: Ich bin der Wolfgang. (wer ist Klaus bitte?)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2018 @ 10:40:17

      Oh Liebes, ich habe es wieder getan, So leid, lieber Wolfgang, ich habe nur zwei deutsche Freunde und ich vermische dich ständig weiter. Vergib mir bitte meinen Fehler.
        Und komm nicht zu wütend auf mich. Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  15. -Eugenia
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 20:07:52

    An amazing and magical piece, Sue. Namaste.

    Liked by 1 person


  16. rijanjks
    Aug 10, 2018 @ 21:00:29

    What an incredibly beautiful post! It is so personal and yet so expansive.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. JoAnna
    Aug 11, 2018 @ 04:11:38

    This is comforting and exciting to glimpse the big picture, but also know we can choose our response. “…yet the void was filled with LOVE.” Love is something we can all give, even when we don’t understand or agree. Love is always a possibility.



  18. balroop2013
    Aug 11, 2018 @ 18:00:37

    I took that dive with you Sue and emerged dripping with the love and wisdom of your words dear friend. This is such a spiritual journey and I appreciate how you tread, one step at a time, guiding us not to get lost in the deep. 🙂 Thank you for lovely messages. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2018 @ 10:33:22

      Bless your heart dearest Balroop, one step at a time is all we can take, to jump to conclusions we would all get lost.. But fitting the pieces together is interesting and enlightening.. I just hope more and more people will start searching for their own missing pieces, and slot them together.. They will be surprised at the messages contained within them..
      Love and Hugs right back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. Erika Kind
    Aug 11, 2018 @ 20:48:16

    Wow, what an amazingly insightful story, Sue! Yes, we try to find puzzle piece over puzzle piece in order to understand but in the end, we only needed to look inside where everything lies we need to know.
    On a different note, can you speak German? I just saw the conversation with Wolfgang.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2018 @ 10:53:02

      Indeed the pieces are already laid out inside of us, we but need to go within to find them.. ( as for my German, I have a few German followers and whom I follow their sites, I am picking up lots of phrases, but no, I do not speak it, and rely heavily upon Google translate, then translate it back into English, as I have found it’s not always accurate… I am always getting Wolfgang and Klaus mixed up, its not the first time I have cross reference their names.. lol.. ❤ But I was forgiven.. ❤ 😀

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Aug 12, 2018 @ 11:03:43

        LOL… no it is not always working well with the Google translator and I can tell when it was used… haha. But it is a really good help and it conveys the meaning mostly. I think it is awesome that you actually make the effort, Sue. Because those who follow you definitely speak English. I am sure they appreciate it a lot!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 12, 2018 @ 11:11:06

          I try…. I have a few Spanish too.. I try to leave their language comments upon their blogs and I also appreciate it when they leave their comments in English.. 🙂 And yes Sometimes if you do not double check google, I have found it can sound all wrong.. I juggle with their interpretation until it sounds similar to what I was saying.. 🙂 ❤ Thank you dear Erika ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Erika Kind
            Aug 12, 2018 @ 14:52:44

            German is not one of the easiest languages. So, whenever it sounds funny… we’d understand anyway and as I said, your effort is appreciated for sure! I would like to learn Spanish and at times I used leo.org to check some single expressions I commented. That platform is very good, btw.

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 12, 2018 @ 14:56:34

              Thank you I will jot that one down.. My sisters granddaughter speaks excellent Spanish she took it at school and is very fluent.. We had lots of old CDs when we attempted at one time to learn… I gave up. lol… But we got a few words down when holidaying in Spain.. 🙂 I think those of us in England are mainly very lazy at learning another language, but back in my day at school we did not take another language unless you were in Grammar School… I was not that clever.. lol.. 🙂 Thank you 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Aug 12, 2018 @ 15:01:49

              Yes, those whose mother tongue is English may not feel that need to learn other languages. Over here we have to. I learned French, a bit Italian, and of course English.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 12, 2018 @ 15:04:46

              You speak it perfectly may I add and write it beautifully.. I admire that you have perfected it so well… And unless I had not heard your interview tapes some time ago,, I loved your accent in your voice by the way… I would never have known English was not your mother tongue.. 😀

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Aug 12, 2018 @ 15:08:54

              Wow, that is such a great compliment, Sue. I know I am far away from speaking it like my mother tongue but what you said really makes me happy that it is good enough. For sure I improved it a lot because of my blog. Again, thank you, that made my Sunday🌞🌞

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 12, 2018 @ 15:10:16

              Big smiles, you made mine… Enjoy what is left of it… Happy Sunday.. ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika Kind
              Aug 12, 2018 @ 15:43:25

              I will and you too 💖

              Liked by 1 person

  20. Aquileana
    Aug 11, 2018 @ 22:37:20

    Beautiful post, dear Sue…
    Yes, many things are written in the stars… others are more a product of our freedom and choices (but I am not sure this excludes the fact that they might be also trascendent…. 🦄). Feeling that the whole picture makes sense, putting all the pieces of the puzzle together and making sense of it all; I love that… even if that could happen in a less general or complete way, I am sure we have all experienced that. When things seem to be part of a major scheme or plan. It is a moment of enlightenment, for sure.
    A very moving article, my friend. Thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend. Love and hugs, across the miles 😘💛😘

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2018 @ 11:35:47

      Thank you Aquileana, so pleased you came along to read..Yes when we start to look up within the Star systems and look back in Ancient history, consult the constellations, and look into prophecy.. from many different sources… And when all of that starts to align… Then we can say for certain the pieces are now fitting…
      I look forward to seeing your next post dear friend.. Love and Blessings to you also ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. stephensmustang1
    Aug 12, 2018 @ 00:50:29

    Lovely and inspiring. 😉
    Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


  22. robbiesinspiration
    Aug 12, 2018 @ 13:37:14

    This is a very beautiful and inspiring piece of writing, Sue. I enjoyed your likening life to a puzzle with people trying get the pieces to fit together and make the right picture for humanity.

    Liked by 1 person


  23. aussieian2011
    Aug 12, 2018 @ 15:09:33

    Absolutely unbelievable writing Sue, then again that is not writing, that is Wisdom of the Universe, each piece a story on its own, a story of all Humanity individually told.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2018 @ 15:12:35

      Arrgh… thank you Ian for saying all the right things.. And yes sometimes I am given the words, they just come… This post was such a one.. My next is a poem given in the same way.. And if we follow the clues within it maybe some will open their eyes further afield..
      🙂 Who knows… But the Universe is wanting us to wake up to ourselves..
      Love and Light dear friend.

      Liked by 1 person


  24. Lynz Real Cooking
    Aug 12, 2018 @ 16:50:46

    You always put things into perspective and help to sort things out! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Paul Handover
    Aug 12, 2018 @ 19:57:12

    Wow! Let me repeat that: Wow!! And that closing track from Pink Floyd is a classic. Thank you, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  26. inavukic
    Aug 13, 2018 @ 00:25:59

    So true, we spend a lifetime looking for answers and solutions from outside and yet they are within us all the while…it’s a matter of courage to look within. I enjoyed reading this piece Sue, very much…reading it one can see themselves in Gaia ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2018 @ 09:08:32

      I am always delighted Ina when you visit my friend, I have learnt more in silent spaces than ever within the pages of books.. And learning to go deeper within oneself reveals the cracks we have often papered over.. 🙂 LOVE and Blessings.. ❤ and thank you again. ❤



  27. kowkla123
    Aug 13, 2018 @ 11:00:20

    möge es eine gute Woche werden.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. roughwighting
    Aug 13, 2018 @ 11:45:24

    I’ve read and re-read this post several times, and gather new elements from it each time. It’s so enlightening and enlivening to see that many others can read your words of hope/love/soul-searching/karmic answers/soul-reincarnation and understand at least part of what you’re experiencing and explaining. I delve into your words with love and hope and a big resounding…. Y E S!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 16, 2018 @ 10:44:54

      Brilliant dear Pam.. So pleased you enjoyed and were able to put some of the pieces together yourself to make that resounding Y..E..S… My friend.. We each have to search to find our own truth… Love and Blessings and many thanks for your comment.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  29. Miriam
    Aug 13, 2018 @ 11:49:44

    What an incredibly profound post Sue, full of deep thoughts and each word a wonderment of our inner most being. Sending peace, love and light your way. xx ❤️



  30. dilipnaidu
    Aug 13, 2018 @ 12:24:26

    So powerful so perfect! Thank you dear Sue for unraveling the beauty of silence within us. Liked the song too.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 16, 2018 @ 10:47:07

      Bless you dear Dilip, so pleased you enjoyed the Song too… I thought it apt… I often find things fall into place, like those jigsaw pieces, when we least expect, and this video jumped into my vision just at the right time.. 🙂 Have a lovely weekend to come.. 🙂



  31. AmyRose🌹
    Aug 13, 2018 @ 14:43:49

    Through your “prophetic words” I feel deeply the Peace found here that resonates within my Soul. I was taken away by this post, softly, gently, sensing the profound Truth woven within each and every word. I too have found Peace as if this world as I have known it no longer exists. Time as well is fading. When I do interact with abrasive souls who are still fighting against the New World, at first shock is felt within my every cell. Then later I send that person Love. Unquestionably, the time that has been foretold has arrived. It is in the very essence of every molecule of Life. Bless you for this magnificent pen of Peace. Bless you, dear friend. (((HUGS))) Amy🌹



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 14, 2018 @ 21:12:08

      I am delighted Amy that my post resonated with you my friend.. The only way is to keep sending love, even to those whom we may see as having totally lost their way. That TIME has now arrived and is closer than many may think.. Which is why every Cell of our being is calling out to us to be creative as we dive deeper into the core of self.. The Core of Which is unconditional LOVE.. From the Source of ALL Creation from which we came..
      Many thanks dearest Amy..
      Sending you much love my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  32. linda moran
    Aug 13, 2018 @ 20:41:42

    I needed this today as I’ve been very microscopic about very narrow issues lately and its NOT serving me well since it makes me feel isolated from existance. It was sad to read but wise too. Maybe some of us suffer with Gaia because we are so deeply rooted to her core. I promise to send love out too. Thank you dearest Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Jane Sturgeon
    Aug 16, 2018 @ 09:18:43

    Sue, your drum beats are heartfelt. ❤ This is a beautiful piece of writing and shines a clear light into the dawning. Thank you ❤ xXx ❤



  34. kowkla123
    Aug 16, 2018 @ 11:13:26

    beste Grüße von mir zu dir.

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Hannah Kaminsky
    Aug 16, 2018 @ 18:03:57

    I know I can always find fresh inspiration from you, every time I visit. Your beautiful words and thoughtful sentiments don’t disappoint. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  36. Renee Espriu
    Aug 17, 2018 @ 04:34:43

    Love your words and your jig saw art piece! Hope you are doing well my friend. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Maria Wind Talker
    Aug 17, 2018 @ 10:21:40

    Sue this awesome. I was totally seeing/feeling this!!! I love the 7 pieces being individual years. Much food for thought here. Thank you. Sharing. ❤ xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 19, 2018 @ 15:40:35

      Thank you dear Maria.. Yes.. I feel time is ever shorter on our journey.. And these next few years will have us all re-thinking our selves.. That I am certain of.. Much love back Maria.. I hope all is well with you also.. Sending HUGE Hugs your way.. ❤



  38. Maria Wind Talker
    Aug 17, 2018 @ 10:22:24

    Reblogged this on Maria Wind Talker and commented:
    So profound. Thank you Sue ❤



  39. kowkla123
    Aug 18, 2018 @ 11:14:01

    genieße diesen Tag mit viel Humor.

    Liked by 1 person


  40. Nihar Pradhan
    Aug 19, 2018 @ 06:11:18

    A mesmerizing piece of story and yes dear Sue we all have our tale to tell. Each tale is saga by itself. Only that we are so much entangled in our own self imposed mesh we miss out seeing the infinite possibilities outside us. It is an infinite horizon of the universe and the beautiful world we are part of. The more we think of the world and the more we are at wonder.

    Our existence in this vast landscape of time is infinitely minuscule but we get carried away with awe and wonder when we land on this beautiful planet. Difficult to fathom the fascinating nature around us. Millions of years have gone by and billions of souls have landed and then taken off after their tenure, so much to do and so much to reflect but time is the true essence and putting the intricate jigsaw puzzle in its proper place is never easy. As we walk the journey of life we have multiple things to face, some good and some bad, so many different lives cross our way and we have only the memories when we sit down and look back the path and people we have encountered.

    As we are at the eleventh hour our eyes and ears become more sharper. It is an irony but we start seeing things in a different perspective and we start hearing things that we have been ignoring. Our eyes are strained but we can see the color clearly, our ears are constrained but we listen the music of silence. We all are desperately wanting to back into the past and make the course correction and chart a new course for our life. The lessons of life are learned and we are never given the same space and time to put that lessons learned into practice but we are given a new landscape. We need to learn the art of tailoring that learning to meaningful use. Thank you so much Dear Sue for a deeply soul searching piece of puzzle we keep facing in our life.

    Just see the irony that has hit the state of southern most state of Kerala in India, a God’s own country has been badly savaged by the fury of flood. We are all praying for a speedy recovery and our hearts are with every family member there.
    Hope you are having a great time in the glory of nature.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 20, 2018 @ 15:44:20

      My thoughts are with all the people of Kerala dear Nihar.. So many things happening that are taking life now in greater numbers as we see more floods, earthquakes and fires around the world..
      I enjoyed your wise words my friend when you said
      Difficult to fathom the fascinating nature around us. Millions of years have gone by and billions of souls have landed and then taken off after their tenure, so much to do and so much to reflect but time is the true essence and putting the intricate jigsaw puzzle in its proper place is never easy.
      I agree, we often get distracted and we stray often from our intended course.. But when we do get back on track, we are often given insights along the way.. Which lead us to follow a different route.. Each new road adds to our road map.. And we delight in finding the pieces which highlight our journey…
      As well as fitting together the bigger picture of which we are all part.. I think those pieces of the puzzle are always the most interesting when we turn them over in our hands and they light up a long lost forgotten memory that then makes perfect sense..
      No puzzle is meant to be easy, or it wouldn’t be a puzzle.. And if we were given it completed, where is the fun in that? lol

      Many thanks my wise friend.. Our existence is a remarkable story… One that I never tire of exploring..
      Blessings your way Nihar and prayers to your fellow countrymen and women in Kerala.

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Aug 21, 2018 @ 07:57:12

        I fully agree, the joy of life is very much in the mystery and puzzle of living our life. The unstructured environment to the uncertainty surrounding us that keeps us on the hook. We keep encountering newer situations and we are developing newer ways to handle the different scenes.

        Look at the forest fire in USA to the flood in India and hurricanes hitting so frequently across different parts of world and with all the technology at our disposal we are still helpless. Nature is supreme, the ultimate power and we need to be humble and bow down rather than becoming more arrogant and abrasive in our approach to living our life. Development at what and whose cost?

        We are mere speck in the vast spectrum of the life and living on this wonderful planet, it is very important to realize our limitation and not get unduly swayed by our significant presence.

        Things have improved in Kerala with rain taking a break and good wishes of all.
        Thanks so much dear Sue and a beautiful week ahead.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 22, 2018 @ 09:58:21

          I am pleased to learn the rain is abating Nihar..
          And yes ‘Development at what Cost?’ I agree..
          I can not for the life of me wonder why we are not more forward thinking about our environment.. Or sustainability and self sufficiency.
          I see in the not too distant future if the seasons and weather are disrupted and violent storms and earthquakes become the norm.. As extreme weather continues through the ‘Cycles’ of planetary motion, no one in the media is discussing. That crops are going to fail, and world wide famine is going to be an issue..
          Our own little veggie plot would soon be raided as would the stores soon be emptied and real Chaos would then be a reality.
          But I can also see this as mans wake up call.. But we are so missing the alarms that have been going off over the years.. Ignoring the main issues of our Mother Earth and the environment.. Instead Mans Greed has overtaken and overruled everything else. Leaving what mess he is creating for future generations..
          Wouldn’t he be surprised to learn that the mess is perhaps not going to be in future generations but in this one..
          You only have to look in the last five years how our world weather in fire, flood and storms have escalated, along with volcanic activity and earthquakes, which I feel we are going to see a Huge increase in the very near future which will affect thousands on the planet..
          Intuition which as I search out information on the www. is confirming what I know..
          A big sigh escapes as I write this.. And I try within my writings to convey some of these intuitive feelings Nihar, Without causing alarm..
          I am but an ant in the scheme of things, we all are.. And that is why I say, we are already on the eleventh hour.. And its too late to fix any of it.. For what is to come has been prophesied to come throughout all corners of the world many years ago..
          So all we can do is fix ourselves, alter our own ways of being, and live in the Now of Moments, enjoying family and what Nature provides…
          The Deeper I Dive my friend, the higher I fly.. if that makes sense..
          Its always good to air my thoughts here with you Nihar..
          Many thanks again.. I so enjoy our conversations.. Weird as they may seem to some.. 🙂
          Take care dear Nihar.. 🙂 Sue

          Liked by 1 person


          • Nihar Pradhan
            Aug 24, 2018 @ 07:02:48

            So true dear Sue, I couldn’t have put it any better. When I sit back and reflect on the development that is happening around us and the race we are all running, perhaps blindfolded, it appears so foolish and grossly meaningless. What for all these accumulation of wealth, to satiate our ego and destruction for construction, a paradox, for whose good. If in the ultimate analysis we all need peace and happiness, then why this fight and competition and mad race to win and reach the top of the ladder, and then realize it is a zero sum game. Everything comes crashing down in a hip.

            We are concerned what will happen to nature if we don’t take care of nature, more appropriate to put the other way what will happen to us, nature knows how to manage itself, it has seen the millions of years of journey and it has adopted and navigates the web of destruction we as human being are inflicting on it, over and over again. Yes it is already late and the nature has given us enough red signals and repeated warnings, the number of flood to hurricane that has hit us in the last decade is a defining testimony to the imminent danger lurking in front of us. Clear, present and danger…

            Intuition is the right word, we can sense it but we don’t know what to do and how to act in the right manner to correct the colossal damage already done. I fully endorse your prophecy that we are dangling at the eleventh hour and we are left with no choice and perhaps it is the way it is destined for us as a generation to face the music of the noise we have created for nature.

            O! not weird at all,, it is always wonderful. It is such a delight and fortunate to have such fascinating conversations and this is the very essence of life where such meaningful engagement with profound thoughts and powerful topics makes us more purposeful and joyful in our life. These little things make the big difference in our living and perspective towards life.
            You too take care and dear Sue have a lovely lovely weekend.



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 24, 2018 @ 14:47:25

              Yes Nihar, a paradox for whose good indeed..
              I think nature has given us plenty of warnings, now comes her real shake ups to mankind.. I feel it in my bones as they say.. And we can not even begin to imagine the power of her might when she really wants to get our attention..
              The unfortunate thing is that so many people are unaware of her signals..
              Thinking we are somehow super human and immune from destruction..

              I was looking at someones photo of a huge mountain range the other day and a little hamlet nestled in the valley below.. I had a horrendous feeling in that moment that mountains would soon be crashing down around us..
              Yes clear and present danger…
              I hope more of us learn to tap into our intuitive sides we are all of us going to perhaps need to rely upon them in the not too distant future..

              Many thanks again my friend.. Take care and enjoy your weekend. Sue 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Nihar Pradhan
              Aug 25, 2018 @ 16:22:35

              Indeed we are deeply entangled in the paradox of development and destruction. It has happened in many parts of India, there are these valleys where so many temples have come up near the river beds and also down hill the stretches of valley, and these cloud burst and landslides have wiped away everything…
              Many of us are either are ignorant or have taken things for granted and we are playing with the nature though the nature is generously playful but needs the protection and preservation. The signals are there and also the warning keeps coming only that we have turned a deaf ear makes it very dangerous.
              Sunday is such a relaxing time for me, I just look forward to the much needed weekend break.
              Thank you dear Sue and you too have a joyful and blissful Sunday.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 25, 2018 @ 17:31:14

              🙂 🙏

              Liked by 1 person

  41. Sageleaf
    Aug 19, 2018 @ 15:16:48

    Sweet Sue. There’s so much to say here. First, I noticed you updated your photo in the sidebar. You are a beautiful soul and your image is distinctive. Second, that painting at the top. Such beauty and vibrance. I noticed, too, that it looks as if the woman is centered over Europe/Africa. I just realized that we often will place the look of the planet according to where we are. I want to see some artwork of the earth from a person in Australia. Hehe.
    And then the content of what you say here. You know, in my 20s, I taught students the mechanics of Spanish. In my 30s, I’ve sort of gone “within”: journaling, blogging, working from home, cultivating my spirituality. I wasn’t active in helping to volunteer at a lot of places, and I haven’t been able to donate the monetary amounts I’d eventually like to do. But there was something that told me I needed to look within. That I couldn’t fix the world out there and that I had to find the light within myself. There will come a day when I get back out into the world and do more acts of charity, but I think this decade was one of spiritual exploration and inner work. I’m not “awakened,” (not yet, anyways) and I have a long way to go on my journey to Absolute Love. But my 30s represent the decade where it all really began. I’m on my 39th revolution around the sun. My 40s are going to represent a love of movement and awakening, I’m sure. I relate this because I love what you say here. I love how the story of the journey here represents that journey within. I think everyone needs to spend a lot of time on that inner journey so that they can then go out into the world as so many sages have done (not that I’m a sage…not in the least) and taken their journey to Love and spread the word far and wide. I do know that when I touch Love, it will be time to invite others on that journey, too. In the meantime, I’ll still cultivate the stillness, mindfulness, and try to get out of my headspace and into my heartspace. ❤ Sending you big hugs on this Sunday. I hope you are well, dear friend. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 20, 2018 @ 15:29:46

      Dearest Cynthia.. I think we all of us who find ourselves connected especially to this path we have chosen, go through stages.. For me it has always been in increments of seven year cycles.. And I smile to myself as I type that, as I think of the seven years I referred to in my writings as years yet to come.. Who knows the next cycle after that??
      But the best thing any of us can do for the world firstly is cultivate our inner selves, self awareness, peace and harmony within.. As we let go of the debris that we have clung onto throughout our life times and perhaps way beyond before this earth incarnation..
      I can honestly say, that by doing this I have never felt such great peace as I do now.. Even when the world seems to be falling apart.. I feel centred and whole, more than I have ever felt before..
      So keep seeking out your own heartspace dear Cynthia.. And know that what ever it is you are doing in the now moments of your life, they are exactly what you should be doing, or else you would not be doing them.. Its as simple as that..

      LOVE and Blessings.. and Mega Hugs returned 🙏😁💛



  42. kowkla123
    Aug 22, 2018 @ 11:18:03

    hab einen guten Tag.

    Liked by 1 person


  43. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Aug 22, 2018 @ 16:42:20

    Sue, I’m swept away. (And you can’t imagine how badly I needed to be swept!) Such powerful writing here. Well done, my friend. Thanks for sharing your beautiful art along with your lovely words. “Who knows what ‘Revelations’ could be discovered if one found all the pieces.” indeed!
    By the way, I love your new profile pic. Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Dalo 2013
    Aug 22, 2018 @ 18:54:03

    The title alone made me understand this was going to be an epic post for me to read 🙂 “Diving into The Realms of Infinite Possibilities” has such a beautiful, powerful and optimistic thought and words throughout this post. The journey you take the reader on is a spectacular trip, and while life can appear to be so complicated and chaos increases as we age ~ you manage to make sense of it and reduce it down. Always relying on outside stimulus for answers, you are so right, “…all answers were to be found inside. If one dared to Dive deeper into the realms of Infinite Possibilities.” Wonderful post, 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2018 @ 19:05:16

      Thank you Randall…I am indeed honoured you should think so.. It seems reading between the lines of both our recent posts we have both been diving deeper.. And this journey of ours is about to get even more interesting.. Age for me has been waiting for me to discover which piece fits where… And when we get to turn some of the pieces over that make sense of the world.. Well, the Puzzle then begins to unfold as you see the game rules which have long been applied..
      Loved your own post Randall very much.. Take care..



  45. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Aug 22, 2018 @ 21:35:01

    In the world of baseball, one would say, ‘You knocked this one out of the ballpark!’
    Homerun, Grand Slam! No kidding, this is surely a ‘tapping into your true genius,’ and by far is my favorite of all you’ve ever written.

    It deserves a huge audience… there are many who grasp, understand, are on that path.. and there are others who might read this and have the ‘Eureka’ moment.

    Excellence, Amiga.. You tapped into and presented ‘Excellence’ to all of us!

    Liked by 1 person


  46. colettebytes
    Aug 24, 2018 @ 12:18:54

    Such a soothing and beautiful post Sue and one that I shall come back to time and again, when angst rises in my world.
    Everything for a reason and we can find harmony despite discord around us! Many thanks.



  47. lavendermoongirl
    Aug 26, 2018 @ 20:33:50

    Wonderful Sue. I feel really peaceful now! I love your artwork too. Thanks for this amazing post. Hugs. Love and light alwaysXx

    Liked by 1 person


  48. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Aug 31, 2018 @ 23:31:21

    I agree, Sue. Life is not what we look just around us, it’s a vast surrounding and consists of each small thing that matters. Mother Nature tries each time to make us understand that but we are ignoring her, more and more with each passing day. We are just nothing in comparison to her.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful words… reading it is like diving in a deep, spiritual lake ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  49. Superduque777
    Sep 02, 2018 @ 23:27:58



  50. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Sep 07, 2018 @ 19:39:10

    Lovely read. Interesting to see the words that completed the woman’s jigsaw puzzle. Yes, each of us has to find the pieces of their own puzzle. The answers lie right within us. Thank you, Sue, for urging us to dive deeper.



  51. Barbara Franken
    Sep 16, 2018 @ 09:36:54

    Such a beautiful story sue… so inspiring! Love your updated photo too… enjoy everything you are creating😘 love Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 16, 2018 @ 13:24:42

      Thank you kindly Barbara.. I tried to leave a comment on your AI verses Consciousness post.. But the post comment wouldn’t activate to commit my comment..
      So I will leave you what I wrote here Barbara..
      ((Dear Barbara, this is a most concerning topic of conversation I have had myself with various members of our WP community as well as with others within my family circle.. And it does indeed raise many questions as to where and to what effects it will impact globally in the not too distant future.
      I was reading an article myself only the other month and I was quite shocked to learn how some of this AI is being directed. And as your conversation between the two scientists state.. It all depends who and what motives those heading these innovative ‘Robots’ motives are.
      I will consider your offer Barbara of contributing, but as yet will not say for definite I will submit a guest post.. As I am not at the moment putting my self under any due pressures to do anything.. 🙂 Learning to detach and step back into my own creative zone and not feel obligated to any time-table is where I am at, at this moment in time..

      But I have to say Barbara, I really enjoyed reading your well written and thoughtout post on this controversial subject.
      And I agree with you, about no judgement or Fear for the future..
      Its understanding that its our own interpretation and thoughts of the future, is what is creating it. So if we are fearful and expect an army of robots controlling humans, then that is what in affect we will manifest…
      My own vision of the future right now are concentrating on healing our Earth.. We are about to experience some major turbulence I feel.. She needs all our thoughts of Love right now.. And so Love and Harmony, Balance and Peace, Unity and Equality, are what I am projecting forward..
      Plus working more internally to raise my own frequency and let go of more layers that keep surfacing..

      I so admire you Barbara, for what you have achieved and the Light you bring with you where ever you are..
      If I do decide to write a piece.. I will let you know in the next couple of weeks.. 🙂 So as not to keep you hanging..

      Much love your way, Love and Blessings ❤
      Sue ❤ ))

      Hope you get to read this back.. Much love and many thanks again Barbara..

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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