Transcending Through

Light shaft over a loch in Scotland

How does one start to express one’s thoughts except to say them as they tumble from the mind

A mind that has for years reached out searching, never really understanding what it is that it yearns for but knowing without doubt it’s incomplete.  But then, are we not all incomplete? Are we not all that lonely spark of light searching to grow brighter as we try to cast a beam of light into the world. And when we do, do we not feel ‘lighter’ in Spirit?

I wrote these words contained within a small room. A room within my mind, the one where no one enters, where only I have the Key.. 

Locked within this room, are thoughts and dreams, promises, and desires, joy and sadness, hope and despair. And love and emptiness… Strange that these two I should pen the last, ‘Love and Emptiness’, for if one has love, how can one feel empty?

Sometimes I have wondered if I, this lonely spark of Light, who still gazes through those self-same childhood five-year-old eyes  yearns too much, to belong, to go ‘Home’ to all that is.  To become One with ALL.. Maybe I have always been wishing for this beautiful feeling to wash over me for so long, that I actually repel it, by my own very thoughts of ‘Wanting’… so here I stay,  ……. Wanting…. Yet  I reach out,  grasping the Moment.. The Only Moment there is.. Now!.. 


To understand that I’m an infinite being of light, that no possible harm may befall me, that I am my own true light within. For I am free to travel the Universe, touch the stars and dance on the Moon, leaving behind shadows of doubt, the past and the future. I open my arms wide to embrace like minds, who also travel the Universe in search of that Spark of Light, holding hands with faith and that which we call the Divine Spirit of Life Eternal, Creator of all life.

And so we dance in our searching to uncover the truth of our existence, we seek knowledge, ‘out there’.. Yet seldom do we realise that ALL knowledge is held within. Each question we ask, when we learn to turn the key within the right lock. All answers come forth.  Yet often we are too afraid to go within, to sit within our Silent Space, and LISTEN..  Because we then might have to face what we find.. 

Each of us searching, each of us reaching out in the hope of understanding our existence as we fathom the depths of human failures. And pondering upon our cruelty and greed.

Fate works her magic, never ceasing to amaze, as the tangled webs are woven pulling us in, tightly entwining her threads of knowledge, encasing us in her wisdom.

And Yet the more I learn, the less I know, for so many possibilities then come into focus. So I hang there….. Softer than silk…… Dormant…… Struggling to break free, I wait…………… and wait..and wait.

My silken coat hardens, protecting me from the turbulent emotions, as I neither feel, nor know, who or what I am or what it is I search for.. I lay dormant…. Hanging by a thread……. Encased in the masks we all wear, We all of us are blown by the wind..  A thread of Life..

Until one day I felt a stirring within, and slowly over time the struggle begins. As slowly little by little I struggle to free myself. To break free of the threads that once bound me, I pull and push, I pause to gather strength…. and start once more to break free of the cocoon that has held me tightly over the years. Seeing how this reality is not all that is seems. So as each thread breaks I look through new eyes from a different perspective.

I see the Old Earth decaying, falling away, as we who hold light within hold a vision of A New Earth, as we spread our Love and Compassion to help bind and heal the cracks we have created.

The Highlands of Scotland

I know what I am, I’m almost there, yet so far away.. As I emerge to spread out my wings I first need to rest… I need to gather more strength before I flex my shimmering wings… Basking in the sunlight of discovery…… I fly……

And so…….. I close my eyes……..

I feel the wind beneath my wings and I’m lifted up into another realm of thought. Whereby I’m transported to another world. One where I’m no longer confined or suffocated by the cocoon which shielded me. But where I am free to explore my feelings that I have buried deep within for so long.

To write the words upon the paper to give them life and see them dance like shafts of light each word then dances in delight like ripples upon the water, as at last they too are free.

The words are now given voice to those inner most secret desires where one is able to create a world where dreams come true.

I want to remember and ‘Feel’ who I am… I want to come to know the child, that five-year-old, the child within, I want to once again get behind her eyes to see the world once more as a world of Freedom and Love in innocent expression. And to express both love and joy and the emotions that I’ve kept locked within for so long. 

We each have the Key to open up that small room we have all dwelt in for so long…

Now all we need is the courage to take that key, place it within the lock of our hearts and open the door to the emotions within, trusting in ourselves to break free of the confines of Earth.

And so, this is the beginning.

As I go forward within my own journey of words into a realm of our united thoughts…..

 I stop now…..

But I will turn the pages again tomorrow, and tomorrow, and all our tomorrows. 

I  will start the next chapter of my journey. Until then.

Stay Blessed

Note: Photos of Scotland taken this year, Other sky photos taken above my home. Keep looking Up!

A Muse of thoughts as we go deeper within Self.. And Meditate upon Life.

200 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. PlantsandBeyond
    May 28, 2018 @ 00:54:54

    Just Beautiful and dreamy, Sue. I also look at the world through my 5 years old eyes 🙂 Thank you for your love and share

    Liked by 1 person


  2. balroop2013
    May 28, 2018 @ 01:00:37

    Hi Sue, as you go deeper into yourself, gathering your reflections in the light that guides us, as you try to open that small room, sifting through your emotions to unlock them, the picture that emerges, seems to me like an abstract painting, with various colors thrown in, open to interpretation…to be viewed again and again as a special delight is embedded in it. Love this profoundly philosophical piece, stirring my thoughts, craving for wings to fly along with your words. Thank you for a beautiful post. Love and hugs dear friend. Stay blessed!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 09:58:04

      Oh dearest Balroop.. I read your comment over and over my friend, and it echoed its own lyrical music to my ears my friend. Thank you so very much for your thoughtful response to my thoughts. I think we just have to at times write what comes and not give thought to the words too much. This was one such occasion where mind was allowed free will. And I was pleased with what landed on the paper.. 🙂
      Many thanks dear friend.. You too stay blessed in all you do. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  3. thespiritkeeper
    May 28, 2018 @ 01:02:14

    Trandcendescence! What a beautiful word that is descriptive of life itself. We do transcend for those who choose to walk our journey on our Spiritual path. Although we do not have oneness on earth at the moment when we cross over and our energy is one in Oneness although we can individualize ourselves. Something to savour. I often hear the call of the Ancients and it tugs at my heart with the wantonness of going home. That drum is getting louder for me. What a beautiful and thought-provoking post you have chosen for a feast to the soul and the crunch to the brain. Be well.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 10:07:09

      Dear Joseph. Very true we do not have oneness ‘at the moment’ And no doubt it will be a while before those of us who envision such a moment of oneness in time will happen. But it is through our own visualisations that we steer the world with our thought processes. It all begins within ourselves. ‘Home’ is a place for me I know holds peace, and while I know I have still many things yet to achieve here within this mere moment of what we call ‘Time on Earth’ As each turning of the earths rotation and each moon phase, I know each of us that chose to be here, have purpose, who are encoding more light frequencies into this realm as the changes now we see unfold both celestial and within our material manifestations.
      The Earth as we know it is changing.. Change is always Constant, it is how we adapt to those changes that counts.. Something we all do as we traverse our earth life.
      Love and Blessings Joseph.. Many thanks dear friend. 🙂 and hope to have some gardening photos up on the garden blog soon.. We are topside of it more or less at last.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        May 31, 2018 @ 13:19:18

        Yes I agree with you. Oneness is coming with every incarnation. You are right through our visualizations and actions primarily we will reach a state of oneness. It is up to each individualto garnish this stately essence.
        I feel this is my llast incarnation upon earth. When never knows what place we will incarnate next.. I have the longing to go home. Earth is beautiful but I never felt this to be home.
        Hope you have a great weekend and that you can enjoy some leisure time but I know how demanding the garden can be. ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 31, 2018 @ 13:27:30

          I too was told this would be my last Earth Incarnation oh some years ago now,, Several Spirit side sources confirmed it for me.. And I know of others too who have had the same said to them.. So you saying also Joseph confirms to me yet again..
          And like you, while earth is a wealth of beauty in the heart of nature, I know there are many other places within the Universe with beauty not of the material we see and experience.. This is but the stepping stone we travel by.. 🙂
          The garden is mainly good,, rain has done good going deep down, but its humid with showers and storms today.. So a PC day.. And trying at last to catchup with my comments.. 🙂 💚

          Liked by 1 person


  4. House of Heart
    May 28, 2018 @ 01:11:45

    Dear Sue this us one of your most beautiful and inspiring train of thoughts that flows like a silver ribbon of mercury, rises,descends, reaches crescendos that echo through the mind and heart. I love reading this Sue I love the photographs that reveal this beautiful universe. Thank dear lady for sharing these amazing revelations. ♥️

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Superduque777
    May 28, 2018 @ 01:20:03

    Liked by 1 person


    May 28, 2018 @ 02:06:05

    Stunning images amongst good writing.

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Geneviève
    May 28, 2018 @ 02:33:05

    “Sometimes I have wondered if I, this lonely spark of Light, who still gazes through those self-same childhood five-year-old eyes yearns too much, to belong, to go ‘Home’ to all that is.”

    Well penned, Angel. ❤️



  8. dgkaye
    May 28, 2018 @ 03:12:18

    Oh Sue, you have certainly captured the present state of this earth, and indeed, a new day is working its way in, we just have to adjust the change of winds, and it’s alright to go to that small little place with ourselves to retreat, as long as we remember we hold the key. Just beautiful. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 10:18:15

      Dearest Debby, I agree my friend.. And we who ‘know’ feel the need now and again to know just when to retreat, and when to turn the key and open up more doors.. The fun is walking through new corridors and seeing what is awaiting us behind those doors left ajar.. We will never know unless we give them a push.. 🙂 lol.. Thank you Debby for ALL of your encouragement I truly appreciate you my friend. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Wendell A. Brown
    May 28, 2018 @ 03:18:16

    Your selfless spirit is always so inspiring and its thoughts are always treasures! You made my day with the living blessings you share! Spiritual hugs and blessings Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 10:19:58

      Oh dear, dear Wendell, such a joy it is when ever you grace my blog my friend.. I truly love your wisdom and your endless love that pours forth through every fibre of your being as you embrace all that is Good in the world.. Thank you so very much for your kind words and for your own blessing my friend.. Stay well and Keep safe.. Much love my friend.. ❤



  10. New World Ascending
    May 28, 2018 @ 03:28:28

    As you’ve pointed out the world that is inside is the world that is outside. If we yearn for a home then we hold the key to that home, if we have the courage to enter with that 5 year old mentality, knowing that all is okay.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 10:30:00

      Exactly, what we create within will eventually be recreated out there.. People seldom understand we manifest the world OUT There by first our thoughts in HERE.. When we see the world through eyes of a child, yet our children are no longer being allowed to be children anymore, everyone want them to grow up too fast.. I was watching a documentary only last evening about the amount of antidepressant drugs given to children in the UK alone.. It amounted to over 60,000 in year if I heard correctly.While there was really no evidence that long term antidepressants worked.. Yet suicides were on the increase, as side effects of the drugs overtook advantages.. Another subject perhaps for another day.. But it brought home to me, how Children are being numbed and suppressed and how more children who have ADHD are being drugged up, with drugs which can also stunt their growth hormones.. Crazy when you look into statistics. And where you see where Big Pharma is taking us..
      Many thanks for your lovely comment.. I really appreciate you reading.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • New World Ascending
        May 31, 2018 @ 15:41:48

        I’m even unsure if it is ADHD or increased gifting. My brother, who is super intelligent btw, was diagnosed as ADHD back in a day when it was virtually unheard of. He was just bored, because he was so far ahead of the other children of his age. He took his freshman year of high school, dropped out, and came back to get his GED his senior year and passed without a hitch, without the last three years of schooling.

        But same thing, he was told he was attention deficit. No, he was attention way past everyone else. I wonder what would have happened if they would have taken him aside and given him some really difficult problems, something that he could sink his teeth into, something that could hold his attention for more than a brief second?

        Anyway, this generation is gifted, and not without purpose. So many are way above average. The world’s solution: dumb them down.

        But some of us aren’t being waylaid. Were taking this where it is headed in its natural progression. 😉

        Liked by 1 person


  11. Dalo 2013
    May 28, 2018 @ 03:58:48

    It is fascinating how we all continue to search in life, when as you note above ~ the answers do lie within. Those moments in life where we feel something new, a breakthrough of sorts are so valuable, and your thoughts of breaking those threads to find the ‘new’ is so rare…and exciting to read. Those untied thoughts are what keep us moving along, that lonely spark of light you wrote at the beginning of this post. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 10:39:49

      Yes the answers are there, often hidden, lurking beneath the inner chatter that is all too often present.. It is only when we quieten the mind and still our thoughts that those answers surface.. We then begin to see the layers we have continually build around ourselves to shield us from ‘Thinking Too Deeply’ Because we are afraid often of what is lurking in the depth of our thoughts..
      And yes, alot of debris drifts up at first.. Many things have to float away perhaps on oceans of tears as we dive deeper into the abyss to what lurks beneath. But over time, as we drag the inner realm of all that we have carried over life times.. We then see the crystal waters and the light begins to penetrate the depths and lights up our way..
      I have found people are often awoken by a sudden shake, or they gradually awaken to themselves.. or a bit of both.. Either way, we gradually unravel and untie the threads that have kept us in the dark..
      And we all feel freer and lighter when we finally let go..
      Keep flying too dear Randall… Have a most beautiful week also.. 🙂



  12. Bela Johnson
    May 28, 2018 @ 04:12:24

    You know, there are those who wish they could read another’s mind. I am not one of them. Our minds are so so vast, and what goes on inside of them boggles the imagination. That we are able to unscramble the chaos that lies within and offer it to others as a gift for their own ponderings can be a wonderful thing, as you have done here. And I love the photographs too, so apt for each collection of thought frames.

    Yet often we are too afraid to go within, to sit within our Silent Space, and LISTEN..  Because we then might have to face what we find.. “… As one who goes within more often than not, I know the truth in this statement. So many remain distracted because they fear the kinds of paradoxes you mention throughout this piece. Yet is that not the very nature of existence here on earth? Yet the levels of denial that many indulge seen comforting somehow to them. I’d rather look at what’s real, but I respect that many just cannot go there.

    One thing I really value about your writing Sue, is that it is honest and thoughtful. I can feel for your struggles and your desire for redemption from even your darkest times. sending you love, always. ❤️🌹🤗

    Liked by 3 people


    • Paul Handover
      May 28, 2018 @ 05:44:29

      I’m leaving my thoughts to your profoundly beautiful post, dear Sue, as a reply to Bela’s response. For Bela has articulated so well what I was thinking when reading your post. It truly underlines the power of the most incredible journey of discovery that we can take: the journey within!

      Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 10:50:04

      Bless your heart dearest Bela, And yes our Silent Space is a place I no longer fear, but look forward to what next is to be revealed. 🙂 But the unscrambling of emotions is never easy, as once we feel we have managed to conquer one, another will often jump in to take its place.. So the process is ongoing, for we are not perfect, if we were, we would not be working our way through the layers we were placed in.
      But I am thankful of like minds Bela, such as your good self, as we often bounce and echo off each others thoughts.
      We see deeper than most.. Understanding the process means at times at least for me, I do not always like what I understand as the truth..But also see this too has to be played out. That often grips me with dread.. But at the same time, I know the old ways have to go, and only via their unravelling, as in times past, can we shift as a whole.
      Many thanks dear friend.. I so enjoy our conversations. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  13. Renee Espriu
    May 28, 2018 @ 04:59:38

    A beautiful write my friend. So much truth in what you say. Be well. xoxo



  14. Mark Lanesbury
    May 28, 2018 @ 05:10:24

    Very beautiful Sue. Those words hold much power, all gained from experiencing them and trusting their truth as you test your path. You have reached a place that is very unique in what you have become…that emerging from your cocoon to touch something very new, unsure of its purpose but knowing it is like all else, having faith within that it is what you have become and your path is true.
    Much love and light dear lady, just be gentle as it does take considerable time to breathe that oxygen into your wings so that they will have strength to glide through this next part of your journey ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 10:57:16

      Thank you Mark, and to your patience, The journey is always on going, but faith within is what keeps me walking the path I tread.. And thank you for those words of advice my friend.. I rush nothing much these days.. Even your comments have been pending. As I needed to be in nature and savour the moment of her days in the Sun.. lol
      We who have met here for a reason know how much at times this journey has been a struggle.. Yet we are all of us beginning to flex our wings more or less in sync as I travel around WP and those whom are mutual friends seem to be experiencing the flow of the NOW even more..
      Thank you Mark.. For your encouragement and your support.. I value your wisdom.. Hugs Sue 🙂 💙

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Lorna
    May 28, 2018 @ 05:41:42

    The light workers journey. The contrast of the outer world with the beautiful inner world waiting to express. You captured me with your poetic visions.



  16. pendantry
    May 28, 2018 @ 09:48:51

    Beautifully expressed, Sue 🙂



  17. derrickjknight
    May 28, 2018 @ 09:55:15

    Moving reflections, and moody photography



  18. insearchofitall
    May 28, 2018 @ 10:13:39

    There is so much here that is under the words. I wander there myself but never articulate it. Your words express much of what is going though my thoughts these days. Transcending, transitioning, it’s all very forward moving. I’m not sure of the exact direction yet but my mind is still very much where yours is these days. Thanks for putting words to it.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. inavukic
    May 28, 2018 @ 10:39:10

    Profound! And yes, Sue, that little room is in all of us and almost all delay turning the key for we fret we will need to face that for which we are not ready…just yet…God bless

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 12:01:15

      I agree with you Ina.. The doors soon to open my startle everyone.. And I feel many new doors are soon to be pushed open to reveal many things that have been kept hidden.. Then people will really begin to wake up. But for those of us who already hold such keys, we understand each key must be turned at just the right time.. To reveal Truth.. Thank you dear Ina… I so appreciate you taking time out to read my friend. 🙂



  20. Mabel Kwong
    May 28, 2018 @ 10:46:48

    This was such a brave post to write, Sue. Admitting that we are lost or even the least bit struggling is not the easier thing to do. Yet you do it with such honestly, just like how some of the others have said. It is true that a struggle within us can drag on with no end in sight, definitely agree with you on that. It is so easy to dwell on negative thoughts – and it is a rightful state of mind and often you just can’t help it as the mind thinks what it wants to think, and you feel what you feel.

    Also agree with you that many of us are afraid to go within. Maybe we really are afraid of what we will discover about ourselves, and end up hating ourselves. But that is where lies potential to be something bigger or better than we’ve always been. It can be confronting reflecting on ourselves but in the long run we learn so much about what makes us tick. Lovely selection of shots from your trip. Each one a shining winner 🙂 Hugs ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 13:07:24

      What a lovely comment Mabel.. And yes going within is not always easy.. For we can often find much about ourselves we do not always like.. Each of us are made up of many layers. Layers that have been built up over time and coloured especially during our upbringing and childhood, that it is not until we start to peel them away we see the vulnerability of self and see how we have placed around ourselves the layers, ( the cocoon ) to protect us from more hurt.. And yes it takes courage, but once you peel these layers away,, A little like the onion, tears often fall with each new layer revealed.. Until we are left again with our purity.. The innocence of childhood.. And look afresh through child like eyes and things become clearer in their perspective..
      It is only we Humans who have made life and living so complicated and troublesome.
      So pleased you enjoyed my post and photos Mabel.. I meant to say on your post too how much I enjoyed all of the graphic designs you used to emphasise your script on discrimination. Beautifully done.. And my comment stayed and did not disappear this time Yeah…. ❤ Much Love and Many Blessings xx



      • Mabel Kwong
        Jun 01, 2018 @ 12:51:39

        We might not like a part of ourselves, but we can accept that or we can change that. Neither is wrong but both possibilities are possible, and it’s our choice.

        I like your onion analogy. We are indeed so many layers, some to shield us, some to show off, some that are just a part of our skin. Every layer has a lesson to be learnt.

        Script…what a compliment. Thank you so much, Sue 😊 Looking forward to catching up on more of your recent posts. Hope all has been well and the stars have been showing you the way. Many hugs ❤❤❤

        Liked by 1 person


  21. Writing to Freedom
    May 28, 2018 @ 14:00:33

    Beautiful words of encouragement Sue. Thanks for following your heart and showing us the way.

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Jennie
    May 28, 2018 @ 14:56:55

    Beautiful pondering, Sue. A pleasure to read.



  23. -Eugenia
    May 28, 2018 @ 15:06:42

    Sue, what a lovely and inspiring post and as you stated: “keep looking up”. 💖



  24. Jane Sturgeon
    May 28, 2018 @ 15:36:42

    ❤ for all our inner five year olds, who keep looking up and feel the joy of now. < for you Sue. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  25. InfiniteZip
    May 28, 2018 @ 18:05:09

    this touched me on so many levels Sue, feeling as if i could have penned them from the depths of my soul. What a calming sensation, floating along with you as we meander through searching, someday we will lay claim to the peace and spread it as far as the eyes and mind can see, till then, we will keep on keeping on ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 13:49:44

      Indeed we will Kim.. And reading your poetry it seems like we have been floating in the same space.. Sending LOVE and thank you for your lovely comment and compliment Kim.. xx ❤



  26. The Coastal Crone
    May 28, 2018 @ 19:19:13

    May you find light and yourself as you turn each page!



  27. Resa
    May 28, 2018 @ 22:15:06

    Sue, I don’t know what to say, except I echo House of Heart’s thoughts.
    This blog is one gorgeous garden.
    This new policy of privacy is great. However, I keep visiting blogs where when I click on the Close and Accept on the Cookies banner it keeps coming back up. Yours is one of those blogs. I think I’ll send a message to WP asking why?
    Stay beautiful!!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 14:00:28

      Resa, you said it beautifully, Thank you so much, and I hope I have solved the repetitive Cookie logo popping back up,, I got in touch with WP experts and because I had installed their widget on cookies, and they had recently installed a default Cookie bar because of the new EU rules on all free sites, they clashed and so They told me to remove my widget cookie bar and all now seems well.. ( fingers crossed. ) I logged out to log in and it disappeared on me when I clicked it.. So hopefully the annoying habit has now been removed.. Thank you so much for alerting me . ❤ xxx LOVE and Hugs.. xx



  28. thinkinkadia
    May 28, 2018 @ 22:29:29

    Being. Thought. Feelings.
    Beautiful moments of the journey into our Being!
    No thoughts and feelings matter, as we flutter by each other.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 14:01:49

      So true. may we continue to flutter on by my friend.. and keep flexing our wings.. ❤ Hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 14:07:10

      I don’t know if my comments upon your blog are going into spam.. But I leave them and they disappear.. Hope you may look to see where they might be landing.. Its frustrating as I have been spammed on several blogs … So hope to be rescued.. ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • thinkinkadia
        Jun 01, 2018 @ 05:13:51

        Sorry to hear about that! I answered that in anticipation of such a concern yesterday itself on my post.
        I hope the spamming gets sorted out. Hugs



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 01, 2018 @ 07:25:32

          I checked on the post on your blog and my comment is not there. The only way I escape is if you fish me out of your comment spam box in your dashboard on your blog.
          Or each time I come and leave more comments I will get spammed again.
          Do I hope you find me to unspam me please. Believe me I’ve been down this route before. Then I get classed as spam on more blogs .
          Thank you . In love and hope 😆💜

          Liked by 1 person


  29. simplywendi
    May 28, 2018 @ 23:17:04

    wow! how in the world you are able to express yourself so beautifully is beyond my comprehension……….but I am so thankful you are………thank YOU for shedding light.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. Tina Frisco
    May 29, 2018 @ 04:26:08

    This is the path to enlightenment, dear Sue, the push and pull within ourselves that moves us in and out of the Now, challenging us to remember who we are, and allowing us to forget so that we might learn yet one more lesson to grow our spirits. How well I know that yearning to go home! It has haunted and driven me for as far back as I can remember. What keeps me going is the vision of the new day that will dawn and the light that will fill the world. I’m so grateful that we’re on this journey together. Love and light to you, my stalwart friend ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 14:30:38

      Agreed Tina.. It is a perpetual challenge that at times holds us in its grasp, then we suddenly make a leap and we find ourselves catapulted skyward, lol.. Breaking free of the snags can leave is torn and drained, but through each stage I come through I find time to ‘bask’ as you say, and the Light of the Sun refreshes our spirit as we gather momentum for our next phase of flight.
      Many thanks Tina for reading, and more importantly understanding.. We are indeed upon this journey together.. May we soon reach our destination in love and Light.. Sue xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  31. JoAnna
    May 29, 2018 @ 04:43:33

    Every time I read your posts, I find comfort. This time, I feel deeply comforted and not alone in my struggles and my hope. My thoughts move from hope to confusion, dip toward despair, but always return to hope which is strengthened by your posts. Your words: “I’m almost there, yet so far away.. As I emerge to spread out my wings I first need to rest… I need to gather more strength before I flex my shimmering wings…” help clarify that I need to watch out for snags that drain my energy so that I can bask “in the sunlight of discovery…… I fly……” May all the love and comfort you send into the world be multiplied and come back to you. Wishing you peace, joy, and a beautiful day! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  32. David
    May 29, 2018 @ 09:41:11

    Dearest Sue, your thoughts are an echo that most of your readers must have felt within themselves if they are willing to look within and admit that they too have those swings between the opposites that invade our sometime mindful meanderings.
    It is so difficult to latch on to the opportunities which this kind of inner searching presents for us to catch the side of the swing that takes us forward into the realms of the desires, seeing their positive outcome alone just as we feel alone and then the understanding comes that we are not alone being One with all there is. seeing the positive outcome is indeed the only way forward for us all as this is the motivating mechanism that fuels the revolution and the evolution of the Universe. Many blessings Sue. Love, David x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 14:38:10

      We have to keep seeing the positive, for not to, is only adding to the negative which is dragging us down.. To break free we need to see beyond and envision a world of love and Peace.. Often i am told that will not happen.. Yet I say this, It is up to us to make it happen, by changing thought process, by showing that what we think we create into being, into this reality.. So we keep on focusing on the positive and projecting love where there is hate.. ❤ Many thanks David for your kind thoughts my friend.. LOVE and Blessings.



  33. Ka Malana -
    May 29, 2018 @ 15:11:09

    Shimmering beauty ~❤️~
    These images you’ve composed are like music for the soul,
    your words the strings of instruments, delicately and skillfully
    maneuvering, opening the doors of the still small space where every sound is heard, welcomed, and embraced. Simply beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person


  34. nhpureandsimple
    May 29, 2018 @ 17:41:09

    This is beautiful! Pure thoughts and images. You make your readers soar high with you, Sue. Thanks for sharing.



  35. stephensmustang1
    May 29, 2018 @ 19:49:51

    Deep and lovely thoughts.



  36. Tom Merriman
    May 29, 2018 @ 20:14:07

    Very nice thoughts, Sue. Forwards ever forwards we go, through a multitude of questions… yet we keep going and the questions keep coming. Quite awesome, really!



  37. Annika Perry
    May 29, 2018 @ 20:31:37

    Sue, an incredible essay, full of power, insight and reflection. I absorbed the whole and yet could discuss each point in depth … there is much to identify with, many thoughts to ponder. By letting go, the answers come easier … we all start our chapters of our journeys from the moment we are born – how we see them changes over time. Thank you for the beautiful and thought-provoking words and photos. Much love & hugs, Annika xx 🌺🌻



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2018 @ 15:37:50

      Many thanks dear Annika for you lovely supportive comment.. And I am happy you could identify with my thoughts.. And so true, our journey is on going from birth.. Until our last breath.. Happy you enjoyed my post and photos.. Thank you so much.. Hugs Sue xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  38. Val Boyko
    May 30, 2018 @ 02:04:26

    Others have shared what is in my heart and soul. Thank you Sue for this profound and loving post. The light in the Highlands goes beyond the ordinary and into the divine. Thank you for taking us there in such a profound way 💛



  39. Infinite Living
    May 30, 2018 @ 06:38:23

    Thank you for allowing us into your room full of such profoundness and depth. I felt immersed and indulged in the universal forces of awareness. Each paragraph I felt I arrived into one of my own rooms – some familiar corners and some unexplored, unacknowledged corners. And then you continued to take me through the richness of how a seeker experiences this ebb and flow – taking me deeper and deeper, all your descriptions offering a clear view of my own experience as if …simply amazing to get to read this post dear Sue!



  40. bwcarey
    May 30, 2018 @ 15:17:10

    serious truth, I saw the light, and found an inspiration that is a fire, great set of words, escaping the material for being there today, today is creativity day, so the radio said, and you have words that are a step towards the eternal, well done sue, blessings



  41. Lynz Real Cooking
    May 30, 2018 @ 16:44:56

    This is gorgeous Sue, so vivid and so dreamy! Your words float through my mind and make me feel things and think many thoughts bigger than just this simple life! Lovely xoxo



  42. Steve's Organic Veg & Art
    May 30, 2018 @ 17:19:17

    very thought provoking sue, deep and meaning full..



  43. theburningheart
    May 30, 2018 @ 17:58:17

    Thank you for your beautiful, inspiring post Sue. 🙂



  44. Teagan R. Geneviene
    May 30, 2018 @ 18:54:36

    Ah, Sue… this is beautiful. I’m so glad you are you. Hugs on the wing!



  45. Dewin Nefol
    May 31, 2018 @ 23:02:00

    Namaste Sue, how are you?

    Woven with dexterity on your loom, a weave weaving a meandering path to a place called wonder 🙂

    There’s a wonderful balance of energy set against a backdrop of peacefulness and calmness in the words you write Sue that is also reflected in your photographs, which exude a quality of tranquillity and rest but yet are in truth dynamic, ephemeral, elemental, constantly changing, dissolving, evolving, adapting, advancing. I was somehow put in mind of Anthony Gormley’s ‘Another Place’ – an art installation comprised of 100 cast-iron, life-size figures spread across three kilometres of shoreline and into the sea. It is an installation that reduces me to an elemental state of being – stripped bare to my core, exposed, vulnerable, gazing at life with constant wonder and fear whilst I exist, persist, resist and just be flowing with life naturally.

    It would seem the positive impact of your Highland holiday lingers on-and-on within, as if nestled there as a second home, always with you, held close, decorating your special space inside: I imagine it is reflective and reflecting of all the moments when you’ve unlocked that door and been aged 5 again, wide eyed in wonder whilst feeling safe and at peace 🙂 Your secret space in a hidden place might then be a paradise of sorts – one that is ever-changing at the whim of your playful whimsy. Might you then pass your day curiously fascinated by everything, overwhelmed perhaps by rushing sensations, left dreamlike and sleepy at day’s end but yet eager for the next wonderful day of adventure to arrive so you can do it all again. Isn’t this when we remember magic and enchantment innate in life, and always there despite the layers we wear? 🙂

    A nicely woven weave Sue, thank you. Don’t lose that key 🙂

    Have a wonder-filled weekend. Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2018 @ 14:48:37

      Thank you dear Dewin for always finding exquisite words. You manged to find all of these dynamic, ephemeral, elemental, constantly changing, dissolving, evolving, adapting, advancing. And In TRUTH, All captivated how Scotlands landscape affects me..
      You can stand in one spot and in a matter of moments the clouds form, or the mist descends and the light is different.. Especially on the Lochs.. But then again I am sure the Welch mountains also offer the same dynamic feelings.. 🙂
      I was so pleased you were able to find time to visit my muse and reflections Dewin.. Scotland like the the Dales in Derbyshire hold Magic in every piece of moorland, heather and stream..
      And yes, each day holds its own experience and it is up to each of us to bring our own magic into each moment of it..
      Many thanks my friend..
      Blessings my friend and Thank you again for taking the time here.. 😀



      • Dewin Nefol
        Jun 01, 2018 @ 19:18:55

        Hey Sue, Namaste 🙂

        It’s always a pleasure to be here Sue 🙂 I enjoy the reading as much the photographs: your posts are a banquet full and overflowing like a picnic hamper where-in lies your truth. I know from reading your blog how Scotland’s landscape calms and inspires you, and how you bring its experience home each time you leave it behind.

        You mention the variable weather, and indeed it changes so very quickly in the highlands…where one minute mist and fog shrouds the view whilst at the very next moment blue skies shimmer and sunlight dances on the lochs. The Welsh hills – those that are favourites through having visited – are similar in that beneath the play of light they change their appearance, their mood, and grow evermore impressionistic, presenting different facets of their beauty. It’s been a while since I last took off for a wander…perhaps when warmer months return soon, I’ll be out and about far more frequently.

        I enjoy musing your words Sue: having spent time in both Scotland and Derby, I can relate in some way to what you discuss in your blog. The magic is in the beauty of the landscape where Nature never disappoints the eye or fails to impress.

        Every day is magic: everyday is enchanting. All we have to do is allow that beauty to fill us inside and lead us to a better place: one to call our spiritual home.

        Enjoy your weekend. Happy creating – I hope words flow. Take care.

        Namaste 🙂




  46. inavukic
    Jun 01, 2018 @ 07:05:45

    Courage to feel our own emotions is the ingredient of progress 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  47. robbiesinspiration
    Jun 01, 2018 @ 17:47:42

    It is a lovely idea to be able to regain, as an adult, the freedom of a child and the ability to see everything through fresh and new eyes.



  48. Erika Kind
    Jun 01, 2018 @ 21:14:59

    Such a deep statement and what a wonderful way you expressed it. The moment of realizing that we are an infinite being only here to explore, that we have the power to create, to manifest, and that nothing ever can harm this being. We have come here to enjoy ourselves in a way only the physical world provides. But still, who we are is that immortal light that wants to shine. If we don’t shine we are acting against our nature.
    So let’s enjoy who we are the way we are and expand into the world around us for everybody’s joy.
    Thank you for this inspiring post and the beautiful photos, Sue 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  49. mother wintermoon
    Jun 02, 2018 @ 01:10:30

    Missed you sweet Sue! What a pleasure it is to be here in safe sanctuary with you.

    Liked by 1 person


  50. Sageleaf
    Jun 02, 2018 @ 14:02:46

    Beautiful words. It reads almost like an outer body experience…or something that you might have experienced in meditation. I love it when that happens! But it’s so poetic and hauntingly beautiful. The line about “I see the Old Earth decaying, falling away, as we who hold light within hold a vision of A New Earth, as we spread our Love and Compassion to help bind and heal the cracks we have created,” is so poignant and true.
    I have grappled some with the idea that it is “selfish” to do all the inner work that I’m doing. But somewhere along the line I realized a few things: that monks in the Far East do the same thing. They work on themselves and then often emerge to the world to bring about positive change. Focusing on learning how to be present, to see every human as love (and I don’t…I am working on that, but there are humans that do make it difficult to see past their flaws and see them as love), to learn how to draw on inner wisdom and strength…ultimately doing this becomes the greatest gift we can give to the world.
    And so it is with you: going within is exactly what allows you to create and share the incredible gifts you share with us. Your works of art. Your poetry. Your beautiful meditations on that which is. Your beautiful stories. All these are spiritual works that bring about positive change in the world.
    I love your stories. I love your poems. I love your meditations (I consider this post of yours a “meditation”), I love your works of art. I love you. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 03, 2018 @ 12:59:28

      Dearest Cynthia, doing our ‘inner work’ is far from selfish, and I feel it is only by working upon our selves by working upon our inner worlds that we help our outer worlds progress.
      When we go within to feel peace we exhale that peace outwardly and that is what our Earth is in need of right now, So keep following your own flow my friend, doing what feels natural to you.
      And Likewies Cyndi we are great fans of each other, Thank you so much.
      But we are each of us gradually up-grading ourselves.. LOL.. A bit like our computer programmes haha.. Our Software needs to be in alignment with the new frequencies now coming to Earth.. So keep on keeping on doing what is needed my friend..
      Love and Blessings ❤



  51. litebeing
    Jun 02, 2018 @ 15:22:42

    The journey is continuous, yet always resides in the NOW. A dear friend told me we are reborn in every day and in every breath.

    love to you,

    Liked by 1 person


  52. smilecalm
    Jun 02, 2018 @ 18:25:08

    my heart & mind
    express gratitude
    for this seeking & knowing, dear Sue!
    such freshness expressed
    in your ancient quest.
    with each calm breath
    may you experience
    interbeing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  53. rabirius
    Jun 03, 2018 @ 10:36:39

    Excellent and inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person


  54. kowkla123
    Jun 03, 2018 @ 12:38:03

    einen wunderschönen Sonntag wünsche ich, Klaus



  55. simplywendi
    Jun 03, 2018 @ 16:41:24
    I have nominated you for the 3 day – 3 quotes…………if you are able, otherwise, just know that I thought of you.

    Liked by 1 person


  56. AmyRose🌹
    Jun 03, 2018 @ 18:48:33

    I don’t have the words …. I just don’t, Sue. How your words flow forth from a Source so Pure that they wrapped themselves around my Soul bringing tears to these eyes. The Stillness, the Truth, the diving deep then resurfacing …. OH to hold that 5-year old tight, never letting go. Creating a world after the ONE we yearn so deeply for is key to how to live in Heaven while on earth. This post has got to be your best yet and leaves me aching for more. For in your words I feel HOME and the innocence of that 5 year old who has been locked away for so long. That same 5 year old who comes to life with flowers and forests and play. Bless you, dear sister, for the powerful post you have written here. My words have been so quiet, not forthcoming, yet my spirit is being fed on levels that have yet to make it to my pen. BIG HUGS!!! And so Much Love to you! 💝💝💝



  57. IreneDesign2011
    Jun 03, 2018 @ 20:17:52

    Dear Sue, you are so brave to walk this walk and in same time able to express yourself so beautiful.
    Much love to you ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 04, 2018 @ 15:59:07

      No not brave.. Just ‘Present’ in that we begin to see the road we have walked and appreciate it for the lessons it has taught us..
      So good to see you Irene.. I was worried about you as I felt you needed energy.. So I am so pleased to see you here today… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • IreneDesign2011
        Jun 04, 2018 @ 19:42:07

        I see you as brave, dear Sue. It demands courage to see the road walked and learn to appreciate the lessons too.
        Yes, I do need energy and a lot of it. I stay much outside in my garden and enjoy a little work and appreciate it is possible to be so much outdoor again ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  58. lorriebowden
    Jun 03, 2018 @ 22:26:54

    Ah! Sue!! This is amazing…I can feel that it just came out of you…from the deepest parts of your soul…the truth of the expression of you! I found myself saying…YES….YES!! So much said…yet so much left to say…to create…to experience!!
    Thank you for this wonderful journey, my friend 💜 Sweet blessings!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 04, 2018 @ 15:57:10

      Oh Bless you Lorrie.. Yes this journey of ours is endless, in that we continually seek and find, and do battle then feel the peace.. And each obstacle we navigate we create maps that others may see they are not alone..
      And that we are ‘Transcending Through.. ‘ And we will emerge Lighter and more Illuminated by the end of our travels..
      Thank you Lorrie.. I have yet to catch up with your blog.. But you know I get there eventually.. ❤ xxx Love to you my friend



      • lorriebowden
        Jun 04, 2018 @ 18:34:31

        No worries, Sue. It’s good to connect…I feel your energy so clearly…and lovingly 😁
        I love it when I am in the “lighter and more illuminated” phases. The most amazing thing is how you can convey that energy to us through your words and it is almost as if I borrow your illumination!
        Sweet Blessings, dearest Sue. May your week be filled with lots of love 💜

        Liked by 1 person


  59. annell4
    Jun 04, 2018 @ 20:01:06

    You have written what seems a very honest write, a write many would not be capable of. Thank you for sharing. And keep turning pages.

    Liked by 1 person


  60. aussieian2011
    Jun 06, 2018 @ 05:27:27

    Beautiful post Sue, I understand what you mean by that secret room and only your innermost being has the key.
    Sometimes doubts cross the mind, much like yearning or desiring something so badly, that when the actual time comes to receive that desire or dream, there is a sense of loss, mainly because the joy of learning was in the pursuit.
    Just a wandering thought of mine Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 06, 2018 @ 10:55:02

      Perfectly understood Ian.. thank you my friend.. And I appreciate the time you took in reading.. May we forever hold the key to the room, But never forget to unlock its contents.. To be revealed or not.. The choice is ours.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  61. Barbara Franken
    Jun 06, 2018 @ 07:08:36

    So vulnerable, so lost and free at the same time! Beautiful Sue… Allowing ourselves to transcend, to be one with all wherever we are. Like yourself I’m so grateful for the experience on Earth and know this is our last experience with her as she herself transcends into higher unity consciousness… enough has been enough and we can all now choose our next adventure as multidimensional beings… or not. Much love sue x barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


  62. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Jun 08, 2018 @ 00:23:07

    The words float like a dream here, effortlessly, really transcending to my deeper self. Exuberant bubbles of words heading upwards with wisdom, happiness and rationale. Wonderfully expressed…the thoughts are universal and so is the realization ❤

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of beautiful Scotland. Great clicks.
    Stay blessed, Sue and keep writing ❤ You are an inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person


  63. Miriam
    Jun 10, 2018 @ 12:54:15

    Your words are stirring and thought provoking Sue. You’re quite right, all the answers lie within but often we get pulled out and distracted and try and find the answers elsewhere. Thank you for sharing your light and love. Such a beautiful and peaceful post. Big hugs xo ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  64. colettebytes
    Jun 12, 2018 @ 11:47:52

    I love this post Sue and like many of your followers here, find it resonates so much. There is a huge awakening of light in a few of the population on earth. It contrasts so dramatically with political and religious situations playing out, as to be a beacon of hope. Polarisation of the population, yes, but that journey ‘home’ that you speak about is one of joy and beauty. Thank you so much for sharing it, for your message is one that brings all of us ‘light’ minded beings together. Namaste.🙏

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 12, 2018 @ 12:41:21

      Hi Colette.. Many thanks for reading and for taking time to comment.. I really appreciate that you did..
      Yes, we live in both trying and exiting times Colette. Where by Change is often viewed as unnerving and to be feared, Because we are a race of Beings who dislike change in any shape of form..
      But we are all of us Changing, as we morph into our new states of awareness and BE-ing, And I am happy people are resonating, and SEEing these changes are illuminating the way we think and act..
      Much of what we see being mirrored in society, the Anger and frustrations, are all part of the clearing process, So too with the Weather, the floods and storms.. All clearing and cleansing..
      Thank you again Colette, I really need to come over to visit your blog too.. Stargazing Futures, sounds just up my street.. 🙂 Hope to see you very soon.. ❤



      • colettebytes
        Jun 12, 2018 @ 12:47:04

        Ah, my blog is sporadic, but I use it to try to find a way through the mess of our modern lives to find answers. I believe that love is a universal requirement for all change to occur. In my blog I have tried to define where we are, and how to change the physical. I have barely touched on the spiritual as yet (Fractal Humanity is really the first post on that). My ideas are still sifting on that side. But I welcome you for a visit to my humble contributions.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 12, 2018 @ 13:10:19

          Dear Colette, I just paid a short read to your Fractal Humanity, and will come back to comment better in depth once i have watched the links provided.
          I read through some of the comments.. I wanted to chime in.. But need to read in full your post.
          But will say this about our Oneness.. People view Light and Dark as separate.. And for most part think themselves separate, especially in their ‘Lack’…
          We are both Light and Dark.. Positive and Negative in nature.. The two can not exist without each other at least here within this realm of existence, We are Energy BEings and so both Positive and Negatively Charged ( Like a Battery ).. We are always trying to Learn to live in Balance of the two.. Cause and Effect, Yin and Yang, As Energy always travels back to its source of creation, We are travelling back to our source.. 😀 But we have become so indoctrinated over ‘Time’ we have got caught within a loop..
          Two much swing one way or the other creates imbalance..
          I look forward to reading more of your thoughts Colette.. Thank you. 🙂
          Many thanks again for your lovely thoughts



  65. europasicewolf
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 20:58:02

    There’s always another tomorrow, a new now, just waiting hopefully for us to reach out and connect with it, and enjoy it with the innocence of a 5 yr old child…the one within each of us, if we just took the time to see through its eyes! xx

    Liked by 1 person


  66. Maria Wind Talker
    Jun 19, 2018 @ 19:40:54

    Wow, did you write this for me lol….seriously i so resonate with every word, often been told im naive because of my childlike innocent view of how the world should be, and the rest, im right there with you Sue. Snippy snippy, cut, release, evolve…repeat…ready to face a brand new day ❤
    Love you ❤ xxx



  67. macalder02
    Aug 12, 2018 @ 20:18:33

    has dado con el tema adecuado para levantar una ola de comentarios. Tu reflexión atrae por que expones de una manera magistral las tribulaciones de tu yo interior. Un camino sinuoso que lo vas superando adecuadamente. No puedo dejar de buscar tus escritos ya que me hacen pensar en mi vida. Tienes una facilidad increible para llegar a uno que solo tu lo puedes hacer de una manera tan sencilla, que llega. Saludos.



  68. macalder02
    Aug 12, 2018 @ 20:18:40

    You’ve come up with the right subject to raise a wave of comments. Your reflection attracts because you expose in a masterly way the tribulations of your inner self. A winding road that you will overcome adequately. I can not stop looking for your writings because they make me think about my life. You have an incredible facility to reach one that only you can do it in such a simple way that it arrives. regards

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 14, 2018 @ 19:16:33

      Qué hermoso cumplido ha pagado mis habilidades de escritura, gracias amablemente por su aliento y su entusiasmo. Es bueno saber que disfrutas mis escritos más profundos.
      What a beautiful compliment has paid my writing skills, thank you kindly for your encouragement and enthusiasm. It’s good to know that you enjoy my deeper writings.Thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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