Healing and Balancing our Energies.

The Careful Balance between silence and words, withdrawal and involvement, distance and closeness, solitude and community forms a good basis for a wonderful shared Life ” 

Quote by J.C. Geike.

The above quote I came across this morning as I searched among some of my books for a little inspiration, I found it in a small book called Wisdom of Words that I have had since it was published in the 90’s.

In it are a collection of quotations, all to inspire and uplift.   I often find myself juggling my blogs, garden and quite time, and had been feeling a little guilty of neglecting my WordPress family.. Yes I know I shouldn’t, but I am human, and our conditioning of a life time often creeps in, for at my core I do not like letting people down.. Yet its impossible to visit every single post others publish especially those of you who post more than one post per week.   You all know the score.. 

So when I flicked open the book this morning  and this was at the top of the page, it jumped out at me.. Teaching me yet again that those invisible friends of mine were listening, and were confirming to me its ok to take time out and enjoy.. 


 Slowly some of you will notice I am getting there in catching up as I have managed to visit, In the mean time I would ask you to join me in sending continued Healing out into the world, if you have a loved one, friend,or situation you wish healed, please remember to ask  the Higher Realms for that healing as well as sending healing thoughts out to them and the situation which surrounds them. 

 My own little healing alter that I use to send healing out to friends.. I am also so pleased to say that Irene, whom you may remember I asked you to send healing to, is recovering well, all be it very slowly.. I have many friends here on WP who have been both in my prayers and thoughts and their names I have added to my healing book.

The power of our united thoughts reach out far and wide.. So while I may not have got around to visiting your actual blog, know I am working my way around. and you are all within my thoughts.  


 ” Working upon our inner self is the most important thing we can do to help the outer world. We do so by nurturing ourselves, knowing that we are all connected. And that our Hearts are key players in unifying our energies..

The world acts as a mirror.. and reflects back to us what what we put out there.

Even Nature is a reflection of the whole. And she is speaking to us Constantly, yet we are failing to Listen.

For we are each a Part of the Whole..

We are ONE.”

I wrote the above on a post entitled What Energy are we Transmitting,

Love and Blessings  Sue 💖

133 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Paul Handover
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 14:35:19

    Well here’s one reader and follower who doesn’t feel neglected!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Writing to Freedom
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 14:47:59

    I love the first quote and the dance between inner and outer work. And great news about Irene! I feel supported and connected by you Sue. May we continue to share love and healing energy with the world. Thanks! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Nihar Pradhan
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 14:49:46

    Sue, this post of yours on healing and balancing our energy is such a empowering post. Life is so much more than what we are able to do, yes we all love that little space and time for ourselves, just ourselves. There is so much things happening around and we are always caught in something or the other. We are hounded and we are encircled. We want to break free.

    I agree Blogging is one such activity but with deep involvement it demands so much from us and with growing friends we find ourselves tough to be there and do what we have doing so well for so long. We all need that break and we all need that time to pause and reflect on things we have neglected for long or also may not be aware of or we just have skipped out of sheer ignorance.

    Indeed we all a connected world and each of our soul is somewhere or other connected with a common invisible thread and there is that universal energy that we all share and derive the power for our work and living an active life. Yes, before we could help others we should be helping ourselves and also looking inside and putting the energy inside in proper place before we could venture out and provide the energy for the well-being of others and the betterment of the society at large.

    Life is a paradox where we have to keep balancing between the two ends of the same spectrum…yes between the silence and the voice, the attachment and the detachment, the distance and the proximity, and between solitude and the community we belong to. This is perhaps is about the art of living and living life is not easy if we take it lightly and allow to meander recklessly and leading a life without meaning and setting a purpose in place. We all need that healing touch and when the healing power of collective consciousness is generated it acts like a cosmic power from the Almighty which can cure and correct any form of ailment and elevate us from any such calamities.

    But it has to be connected with the nature and it has to be felt from within and building a bridge between the believers and nor-believers, and it is the faith of humanity that comes as a connector in such chasm in our thoughts and thinking around the world.The world acts as a mirror so true and what we think is what see around us and the behavior of nature is outcome of activity and the engagement we are having with self and the community around us.

    Sue just enjoy your break and not to worry for reading so many posts and writing the comments. We are all there and we love the way you bring that spiritual and natural healing power through your interpretations and analysis.
    Take Care!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 23, 2017 @ 14:55:24

      Dearest Nihar.. my great friend with such wisdom within each paragraph.. Always your thoughts resonate with my own.. And I thank you for that wonderful insight..
      I hope many more who visit here read what you have said, and understand indeed that the world is indeed a Mirror. And that what we reflect out comes back.. Looking forward to savouring your latest wisdom when I catch up Nihar..
      Many thanks my good friend
      And you too take care along your busy week.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Jul 23, 2017 @ 15:33:06

        Always such pleasure reading your lovely nuggets of wisdom…healing and balancing our energies is what we need as routine doze of spiritual medicine. I was just looking for a spiritual break and this post of yours just provided me with that break away from induced stress.
        I can understand how much efforts is required from your side in reading so many diverse thoughts and different perspective and then able to provide a balanced view.
        Not to worry Sue and take your time and take care!!!
        Thanks so much.



  4. Tom Merriman
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 14:55:05

    No worries, Sue. Enjoy your time however you spend it.
    I love your healing book, what a great idea; I think I shall create a healing space of my own.
    And great news on Irene.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 23, 2017 @ 15:00:17

      Thank you Tom.. And yes great news on Irene.. And I hope you do create a healing space… I found ten minutes with lighted candle, a few prayers and some Omms to chant also reflect back within and heal our own inner spirit as well.. 🙂



  5. litebeing
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 15:22:13

    This particular post seems quite timely and divinely inspired. I sometimes miss your more frequent presence, but know that you are doing what brings you joy and balance for your own healing and peace of mind. I doubt anyone but you in any way begrudges you to live at your own pace!

    Your altar is beautiful and appears quite powerful too.
    I wish you a blessed Leo new moon and invite you to email me if you would like to stay in touch.

    hugs with love,

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Erika Kind
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 15:28:30

    Isn’t it such a blessing to see Irene recovering so well? I have no doubt that the concentrated love and healing thoughts we all sent to her is big part responsible for this. I am in awe of the healing power we all have and that’s what should teach us: We have the power to heal the world. We only need to send out healing vibes instead of thoughts of revenge and resistance.
    I love the idea of the healing book. I never thought of it but will also start one and create a healing place too. Thank you for this wonderful impulse! 💖

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 23, 2017 @ 16:35:35

      Yes It is so wonderful that Irene is recovering, and the power of collective healing thoughts is I know beyond anything we could imagine, if only we could all hold that intent and belief that we can heal as well as unite our world..
      And I agree dear Erika, if only we could concentrate the amount of energy into the Positive as much as we do the negative, and the whole world would soon be a very different place..
      And I am happy found the healing book inspiring.. Its something I carried with me from my Spiritualist Days in Church.. 🙂 Where by names would be read out in church on the healing nights.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  7. IreneDesign2011
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 15:31:51

    Lovely post, dear Sue ❤
    I feel sure, that all the energy and love, as have been sent my way, have helped me to find way back to life, while it was very critical, if I would survive at all.
    Thank you for being you.

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Val Boyko
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 17:15:41

    Your energy and love is always here Sue. I feel it whether you are active on WP or not. Keep nurturing yourself. It’s an inspiration 💕

    Liked by 1 person


  9. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 17:36:48

    You are such a kind and thoughtful person, Sue. Lovely to have you dropping in from time to time and I am really glad that you are making the most of the lovely summer. That is as it should be. I was pleased to read that Irene is doing better.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Infinite Living
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 18:26:20

    The energy and peace from your post really speaks to me. I too sometimes juggle with the pull to go internal and yet the pull of where I am ‘supposed’ to be or do. Just following my heart helps …and your post is kind of a permission to each to do so.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Hariod Brawn
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 18:37:24

    I quite understand the matter you point to, dear Sue, in respect to the allocation of one’s energies, and in attending as considerately as one is able to, to one’s community of bloggers. I too feel a bit awkward if I’m not able to absorb others’ offerings in a bid to learn more about them and their ideas, and in a reciprocal manner to that which they extend towards me. I’m struggling particularly, at the moment, as I’m doing some more long form writing (as I mentioned to you on my own blog), and it’s really very demanding. Today’s a New Moon, and I’m fuzzy headed as a result, so having a meander around the blogosphere trying to type intelligent comments. And failing! Much love, as always, Hariod. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  12. thespiritkeeper
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 18:50:39

    It is good to hear that Irene is healing on her journey with the help of vibrations from others. Yes we must take a little space for ourselves as when we don’t then we become spent and are not good to anybody else not even ourselves. That is where healing and balancing comes in. Many live on Gaia but many neglect her and what she has to offer without giving thanks every day for what she provided for us in terms of food, shelter, beauty etc. Perhaps a post in sending healing to Gaia would be something that can be done. She keeps on giving and providing for us and we keep on destroying her day by day for money. It is not the way it should be we should balance this out as well as there are lots of energy free modules we could be using and other inventions we could us that would benefit Gaia but they are not coming to the forefront all due to economy. I think Gaia will have her last say with divine economy. ❤ continuing for Irene

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2017 @ 09:16:34

      That would be a wonderful idea, I have done posts similar to sending to Mother Gaia myself in the past.. Most needed right now I feel, as she is starting to rumble beneath in ever more increasing circles. And yes, mankind puts his own profit agenda first instead of her environment and conservation. She will make herself known shortly, I feel, in her power and glory. I hope more pay heed to her needs, and understand she can quite easily survive and much better so without our species upon her back.
      I was watching a live nature programme from Alaska last evening of the wait for the Salmon to come back up the rivers from the ocean, Showing bears, Eagles, Beavers, Otters, Birds, and the People who fish. All dependant upon one species to survive.. And how finely everything is balanced. I hope we all learn to find balance in All things.. But like you say Joseph, I feel Nature is about to have her last say..
      Love and Blessings my friend and thank you for your continued support 🙂 💙

      Liked by 1 person


  13. Visionkeeper
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 20:33:31

    Loved your words and thoughts DW…There is so much we can do for each other with our thoughts and prayers if we only would realize it. In time I guess…Love your alter my friend. Very calming and peaceful. Stay connected to the earth DW, it brings out the very best in you 🙂 Hugs to you and love…..VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2017 @ 09:26:50

      Thank you dear VK… 🙂 yes, I wish more could understand the power of their thoughts, not only in the positive ways they can do good. But also how damaging their negative thoughts are to themselves and to the collective.. We keep on keeping on though.. 🙂 love and Light my friend xx

      Liked by 1 person


  14. Superduque777
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 21:17:07

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Sageleaf
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 23:08:17

    I love your quartz mini obelisks, and your beautiful altar. You’re so inspiring! I love that you’ve been keeping sweet Irene in your thoughts and how you are so generous with your heart, time, and love. You are a special person, dear Sue. That quote you shared could be my motto – especially this month. I have camped out for the better part of three weeks and met some of the most unusual and amazing people and saw some of the most beautiful places! It’s been a cathartic journey, one in which my heart and inner self have grown…so much. I will be revising the journal I’ve been keeping and will post it as a PDF – it became so meditative, they became like little meditations each day. Sending you so many hugs and light! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2017 @ 14:26:15

      So happy you have had an amazing three weeks Cyndi, and it is a great quote isn’t it. And it is wonderful what emerges from our journals 🙂 Sending huge hugs right on back xx ❤



  16. ravenhawks magazine
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 23:14:22

    It is good to see and hear from you here. I agree that working on our inner self is extremely important and that time is need for that above all else.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. insearchofitall
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 23:27:32

    First off, I’m glad your friend, Irene is better. Second, I’m 101 posts behind in my reading. I barely get 2 a month written as I’m sure so many have better things to do with their time than read my bit. So I get what you are saying. We all have lives that need to be lived and can only do so much. I love hearing from you and many others but I get it. It’s summer and there is work to do. I do check up on those that stop posting for awhile to make sure they are ok. You never know. I’m going to take a break from other areas of my life to spend more time here and with my personal writing. It is calling me to do it. I liked the quote and yes, I think the balance is imperative. Enjoy your days.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2017 @ 14:36:51

      I love reading your posts and your skills in sewing Marlene.. as well as DIY in helping fit trailers with your Son lol..
      Yes Summer Sun too good to miss especially here in the UK.. Its back to good old normal now, rain, wind, and much cooler. 🙂
      And good luck with your personal writing.. May we all find the balance we need xx 🙂
      Sending LOVE and Hugs Marlene xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Mark Lanesbury
    Jul 23, 2017 @ 23:52:18

    I always ‘know’ you are there Sue, and I most certainly would not be happy if you neglected yourself. You cannot help another if your burnt out from trying to help all.
    Plus, your heart and its energy is always in the right place, most certainly enough for me, whether your on here, in your garden or painting to your hearts delight 😀 ❤



  19. Dr. Andrea Dinardo
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 01:17:21

    Balance is everything. Subtle nudges towards our centre – changes everything. Thank you for sharing your creativity & practice. Helps tremendously! 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  20. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 01:26:35

    Balance itself is a moving target, a concept that morphs over time and requires active maintenance. You can’t beat yourself up when you don’t quite hit it; as long as you’re aware and working towards that goal, you’re way ahead of the curve, if you ask me. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  21. dgkaye
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 03:15:04

    You’re aces my friend. Good for you for taking your breather and knowing we’re all still here. And so lovely to learn that Irene is on the mend. There is certainly power in prayers. Wishing you a beautiful week. ❤ Hugs xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Robert Matthew Goldstein
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 04:26:26

    I love that! A call to send out healing! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person


  23. kiwi
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 07:35:40

    What a beautiful alter and how inspirational to send out healing thoughts I will take on this habit 🙂 Love and peace to you

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2017 @ 15:01:17

      Hi Marja .. And I hope you do.. Their are many in the world in need of healing, even Mother Nature could do with a helping hand.. 🙂 in some parts of the world.. Lots of Love xx



  24. Soul Gifts
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 07:48:37

    What a beautiful crystal altar, Sue. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Sending you lots of Love and Light 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  25. David
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 08:15:09

    Dearest Sue, In the talk of mirrors, how we see ourselves and how we see the world, we need to remember that what we see and feel in this world is a reflection or better still a manifestation of spirit which precedes all of our physical experience. Experience is the key and I believe that you Sue have the balance about right. The energies of healing, where distance is no barrier, are most effective when the vibrations are a match between healer and recipient. Quiet times for me are when I bring my thoughts together, about me, about those I love and about those I wish to help. Why me first? I cannot give what I do not have and so I make sure that I am in the right place to offer help, support and healing to others. We have a fantastic opportunity in this life to multiply our natural compassion to encompass all that we see in every kingdom that surrounds us. Is compassion on the curriculum yet?
    Oh, one more thing: I do not have an altar any more but my crystals are spread around the house and workshop to bring gentle reminders no matter what I am doing, apart from those passed on to the grandchildren!
    Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2017 @ 15:04:12

      Thank you David for this, Balance is the key in most things we do.
      And I am sure your grandchildren will love your crystals too.. My alter dish is just a selection of but a few I have scattered about my home, and it also attracts the hands of a 6 yr old who loves to handle them. Many thanks David x



  26. Teagan Geneviene
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 12:46:46

    Dear Sue, thank you for this post. I needed it. I see that it already resonated with many in the comments here.
    “Working upon our inner self is the most important thing we can do to help the outer world.” You couldn’t be more right. I know this is an area where I need huge amounts of work. Worse, I knowingly neglect myself. It’s hard to overcome one’s upbringing, even at my age, and my parents successfully taught me that I had no value. So now, stuck in a place of such awful people, who have cost me everything I cared about… naturally I have a lot of self-blame.
    I don’t mean to be all “woe is me” — I only say those things to drive home how important this brief but effective post is. Thank you. Wishing you a week filled with wonder. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2017 @ 15:35:20

      Bless you Teagan, yes, I also felt unworthiness from being a small child, what our parents instil in us lasts long into our adult lives.. I know you will keep working upon your own inner self, and you never come across as Woe is Me.. lol.. just the opposite..
      And You have such Talent.. I think coming from such a lonely place in ones childhood we try our best to please others as a form of recognition. Because I know from my own perspective I often felt left out and ignored. Being the eldest of 5 siblings.. I became the ‘Little Mother’ so to speak.. I have learnt through my break down in the 90’s that I am Worthy, and since those days have worked on healing the hidden scars.. So I can so so understand you my friend.. And happy this post gave you sort of permission to nurture yourself more.. Love and Hugs xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  27. -Eugenia
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 15:13:50

    I am glad to hear Irene is doing well and I love this post. Your attitude is so enlightening.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. marina kanavaki
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 19:28:25

    My dearest Sue, it is so important to take time in order to find the inner balance [I know! I’ve been away for quite some time as you know!]. Sometimes life tries to impose a certain speed which carries us off course before we know it, so stepping back is imperative to retrieve our unique pace. Sending you love and many many hugs, my sweet friend. 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 21:29:14

    “Working upon our inner self is the most important thing we can do to help the outer world.”- You nailed it, dear Sue. I just loved this post! Your very own healing alter looks beautiful, full of light and peace. Stay blessed… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  30. charliezero1.wordpress.com
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 22:37:38

    After reading this…I felt something that I need to do. The inner struggles needs its fight for a balance of the inner balance itself. If we fight the good fight of our free will vs the ego. The we’ve fully become centered in the eyes of the spiritual one and healer. Then will know the balance of our inner selves.

    Love this sue and sending hugs your way. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 26, 2017 @ 12:51:32

      I think Charlie, those inner battles we have often have to come to the surface to see daylight in order for them to be cleared away.. I do indeed hope this post helped in some way.. Continued thoughts being sent my friend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Tina Frisco
    Jul 25, 2017 @ 01:33:37

    Ah, Sue, such a beautiful and loving post. Your altar is exquisite in its simplicity and electrifying in its elements. You are ever in my prayers and heart, dear friend 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  32. InfiniteZip
    Jul 25, 2017 @ 16:27:38

    yes, a timely quote filled with so much truth. I never feel neglected for I always feel your energy around. Sending healing thoughts and prayers out daily to the world, I hope they feel it too ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 26, 2017 @ 14:31:36

      I am certain your healing energies are felt and utilised to merge within the healing grid being send out by so many in the world today to those in need.. Thank you dear Kim for that beautiful comment my friend xx ❤



  33. stephensmustang1
    Jul 25, 2017 @ 19:52:00

    I never feel neglected by you. You are always full of love and encouragement and i greatly appreciate that.
    So happy to hear of the good news of Irene.
    I have a pinterest board of saying and quotes that lift me up..as well as one that is just to make me laugh 😉
    Love and hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  34. JoAnna
    Jul 26, 2017 @ 06:03:40

    I never feel neglected either. And I can easily understand the challenge of keeping up with other blogs. (I don’t know how I have gotten into posting four times a week…..and not sure it it’s a good thing or not.) Anyway, just thinking about you and your loving energy soothes my soul.

    Liked by 1 person


  35. thetruthaboutmentalhealth
    Jul 26, 2017 @ 12:42:01

    I love your altar and that quote is perfect. so relevant to me at the moment too as I was trying to wrap my head around the idea of opposing forces recently . Thanks so much for visiting my blog so often but please never feel it is a obligation or anything..it’s all in perfect diving timing! .. you’re awesome.

    Liked by 1 person


  36. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jul 26, 2017 @ 15:49:11

    Thank you so very much Sue for sharing your bountiful love and kindness
    with us through all these years of change. May you always be at peace, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


  37. valentinelogar
    Jul 27, 2017 @ 02:46:49

    Oh Sue, you offer so much of yourself to so many. I come here, infrequently to be certain, feel uplifted. Be well, be lifted. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  38. smilecalm
    Jul 27, 2017 @ 05:30:45

    thank you for the light
    & healing
    radiating out
    into the darkest
    realms & greatest needs, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  39. Bela Johnson
    Jul 27, 2017 @ 21:17:18

    I, too have been ‘off the grid’ for 3 weeks visiting on the mainland US, mostly without wifi. By the way, I never worry when I don’t see you – take care of your dear self! All else of course comes from that. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  40. kowkla123
    Jul 28, 2017 @ 11:46:36

    schönes Wochenende mit Sonnenschein soll uns erfreuen

    Liked by 1 person


  41. Artist Inese Poga
    Jul 29, 2017 @ 16:54:45

    Balance is everything.
    Healing with energies should work, however, my case might be different because it seems all I needed was timely applied appropriate treatment. That is a big issue in Canada where we have to wait for abnormally long time to get to see the doctor.
    I tried everything and when one is desperate nothing really works.
    Last night a terrible accident happened: I was so tired I took the fast acting day insulin instead of the slow acting night insulin. A large dose. At bed time. It’s good at least I noticed that. I had done injection automatically and only realized what I had dome when I looked at the syringe. They are different colors. So, I was sitting up all night watching the blood glucose go down and then slowly return as I was shoveling down 12 large glucose pills, lots of sugar when pills ended and orange juice on top of it. By 4 am it started to return to normal, but the feeling today is almost like I am fainting. So, I think watching the physical body is as important as turning to energy and renewing one’s potentially usable energy.
    My grandmother was a good healer, she could take off any pain and stop bleeding. We had never to use any medications while she was alive. She gave me the words, but I have used them only once. That comes with price, too.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2017 @ 20:56:19

      That was a very close call with the insulin, I supported severe diabetics who had to have insulin injections morning and night.. So keeping an eye on blood sugar levels was part of how I supported them.. If you had not noticed….. I dread to think.. Take time out to recover properly wont you.. Sending thoughts your way xx



  42. johnnyboy46
    Jul 30, 2017 @ 04:57:22

    Yes, I agree we as people or individual s as I would in this well have to of course figure what our healing balances is and somehow develop or form a sort of energy. So yes great work
    Keep it up.

    Liked by 1 person


  43. johnnyboy46
    Aug 02, 2017 @ 02:01:03

    I strongly agree.

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Anisha
    Aug 03, 2017 @ 09:05:21

    Beautiful Quote Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  45. europasicewolf
    Aug 04, 2017 @ 10:28:39

    Greetings from another blogger on perpetual catch up! You’re all here in my phone everyday but I’m still juggling too many interests at once lol😉 So don’t worry yourself in the least! Your crystals are lovely. They’ve always interested me. When I was younger I began buying a series of Crystal magazines intended to teach about Crystal healing and the properties I different crystals. They were forcivlybremoved from my possession by my landlady of the time, because her daughter wanted them and I was told I was being selfish having bought them for myself….my Crystal healing dream ended abruptly and painfully and for many years afterwards I never allowed myself opportunity to go near anything Crystal orientated. But the fascination of crystals never truly died and today I am excited to be reaching out to the all new opportunity to learn the ways of Crystal Healing for Animals ☺ Having recently covered Animal Reiki – curious subject this energy braking notion! – am hoping it will stand me in good stead for understanding the Crystal healing. Seeing as we are entrusted with the care and well being of Earth’s creatures, as well as responsibilities to one another are we not ☺



  46. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:06:00

    Hey Sue!
    I’m playing catch up as well. So nice to see you, Sue. I always love what you write, and this is no exception. I feel you here always, heart to heart. Much love to you!<3

    Liked by 1 person


  47. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 17:21:00

    Thank you, Sue, for telling us about the power of healing thoughts and how to use them for our loved ones and friends. Now, I understand better the importance of love and blessings that you always share with us.
    It is wonderful to know that Irene is recovering. May all the positive thoughts that people send her help her for a steady recovery. Love and Regards. xxoo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  48. mother wintermoon
    Aug 10, 2017 @ 02:06:41

    Much love and a big (((hug)))

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Free E-Book True Awakening Experiences ~ Download your copy here!

Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at http://memymagnificentself.wordpress.com/

Dates Dreamwalker Beat Her Drum

July 2017

Free E-Book to download.

Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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