Ravens and Dragons

Two souls within a crowded city, sit and ponder to unfurl 

The way of people who rush around, in illusionary worlds.

Dreamers of another age, they sit on bench, in vision engage   

Invisible to all who walk on by, their minds within another age.


An age of Knights, and Ravens wings, when crest of honour were true

Finding lodgings now in a world of  make, mend, and do.

Wandering hearts and friends for life, whose blankets are the stars

No one stopping to ask how deeply go their scars.


A life of walking through concrete and glass, they escape all that  the world enslaves

A Camelot Castle in cardboard built, to shelter in Merlin’s Cave

Their quest to venture and wander, in a land that never sleeps

Did it ever occur, just how many more have wandering feet?


In a world of Progress, as the Earth cries her many showers

In a world of unseeing eyes, in their high raised towers

The two on bench, oblivious to all,  look above city blocks

As  the Raven Crows and  arches, as Beyond this realm they look


Heaven smiles down, never missing a beat

As a Rainbow lake descends right before their seat

No crock of Gold, except for in hearts Raven’s Song

A Standard flying, showing  where the Rainbows Warriors Belong.


Musing  in a world of both present and past

No longer  held prisoner within  high walls of glass

Dragons return no longer slain, fly  high in their new formed freedom

As two dreamers Dream, creating their own Magical Kingdom

The two images were a creation using PowerPoint to add the silhouettes and alter the the images digitally, A first for me.

©   Sue Dreamwalker 2017

The above poem  I wrote is an introduction to GallyBloggers~ Scarecrows One and All.

Some of my blogging friends already know Dewin. He introduced me to this collaboration of Raven’s 12 of which he is part. 

GallyBloggers shares poems and thoughts written and shared on this site by the homeless upon the streets of the UK.

A plight so many are finding themselves in more and more on many shores around the globe. 

Please be enthralled, enchanted and motivated, by the poetry written upon their blog. As I hope you go and support them .. None of us ever know when we ourselves will face Crisis in our lives .

 Homelessness is on the increase, and within our own town I see many who are living on the streets.. So next time you pass by a homeless person, please do not just look the other way.. Each has a story, and there but for the Grace of our circumstances, we could all find ourselves in Crisis and Homeless.

Image result for crisis logo

Love and Blessings 


175 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Paul Handover
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 15:41:27

    Oh Sue, you do write some beautiful poems. Wow! Going to read it out aloud to Jeannie this very minute.

    Liked by 4 people


  2. Writing to Freedom
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 15:43:12

    Lovely poem and imagination Sue. I just started re-reading the Mists of Avalon. It must be fun to live in the land of Lancelot, King Arthur, fairies, and dragons. I’ll check out Dewin’s blog too. Thanks.

    Liked by 3 people


  3. JoAnna
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 15:57:21

    I love this! It took me to a place long ago and far away from the “progress” of this realm our bodies inhabit. We need this escape from time to time. That’s one reason I have allowed so many trees to grow around my little urban cottage.

    Liked by 3 people


  4. Kourtney Heintz
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 16:32:54

    What a beautiful poem and a way of shining light on homelessness. Well done, Sue!

    Liked by 3 people


  5. creekrose
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 16:57:11

    Lovely poem and art Sue . . . at first I thought the top one was a gouache/india ink resist. Stay inspired 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


  6. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 17:15:55

    Beautiful!! I love the timelessness of this piece. And the message, as always, is profound. Blessings and Love to you!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2017 @ 17:28:51

      Thank you dear Mar.. We are so lucky having a roof over our heads.. Anything that can bring awareness to the plight of many.. I know a friend whom I speak on WP said where she lives in the USA, whole families are homeless, living out of cars.. and how things got so bad in 2008.. When mortgages foreclosed and many were turned out of their homes..

      Here in the UK we send millions of pounds in oversea aid.. Yet fail to support our own.. We live in a crazy world.. ❤ xxx

      Liked by 2 people


  7. robbiesinspiration
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 18:28:29

    You have a beautiful soul, Sue, and this wonderful poem reflects that. My homeland of South Africa is in crisis at the moment. Please pray for peace tomorrow.

    Liked by 4 people


  8. thespiritkeeper
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 18:43:57

    Beautiful rhyming poem and yes we dream in our imagination and create the world we want which transcends adults as well as children. Here is too dreaming on.

    Liked by 2 people


  9. Erika Kind
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 19:15:08

    This is a poem that makes takes you far away into spheres only the mind can see. Beautiful, Sue!

    Liked by 3 people


  10. alison111111
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 19:46:46

    Beautiful poem my lovely friend.

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Brenda Davis Harsham
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 20:02:23

    Lovely. One person’s falling-apart hovel is another’s castle of dreams. Good point. Here, a lot of homelessness is from the failure of the state to help those with mental illness, placing the burden on families who can ill afford the expense, having their own issues. Some people can’t rely on their families.

    Liked by 4 people


  12. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 20:42:26

    I really enjoyed this poem, Sue, and wonderful support to Dewin and to our homeless friends. ❤ Much Love, Ka

    Liked by 3 people


  13. Tom Merriman
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 21:21:43

    A really nice poem, Sue, that does indeed make you look within the minds of homeless people and see them for the humans that they are, and not just something/one to walk passed.
    And well done on those PowerPoint creations! I love them. It’s a fiddly way of doing things, but a fun way to pass the time! It’s still part of the creative process which makes the time spent worthwhile.
    Hope you have a good evening, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2017 @ 15:24:12

      All thanks to your suggestions Tom, not half as good as your creations.. But I had fun doing them for sure..
      And thank you, yes, each person has a story and its costs nothing on our part to reach out, smile to pass the time of day, if nothing else.

      Liked by 1 person


  14. IreneDesign2011
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 21:36:02

    Really a beautiful post, dear Sue, and important to show all, what it is about to be homeless. This can happen for all of us, but mostly don’t care, before it is too late.
    I will visit Dewin’s site too.
    Much love ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  15. Hariod Brawn
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 23:21:54

    I always feel emotional when my mind turns to the homeless, dear Sue. These two lines really chimed with me: “Wandering hearts and friends for life, whose blankets are the stars. No one stopping to ask how deeply go their scars.” — that’s just the thing, everyone has a story, and we have learn to look behind our preconceptions and appearances to see the whole picture, to engage and find the person. H ❤

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2017 @ 15:48:18

      Thank you Dear Hariod.. I remember one time in our time several years ago now when I was working.. Stopping to ask a young man who was sat with his dog, chatting to him to ask where he was from.. He said he had traveled from Manchester. He was playing a mouth organ.. I didn’t put money into his cap.. I walked on into the shop to do my shopping. But on my way out I dropped into his lap the bought sandwiches and crisps and a canned cold drink. and a pull ring can of dog food.., His smile and grateful thanks were my reward..
      I always buy The Big Issue and over the years a man who regularly sold it in our town got back on his feet again.. Now there is a lady from Romania who doesn’t speak much English, but her smile is solid gold..
      Thank you dear Hariod.. Your presence here is always greatly appreciated <3.. Much Love..

      Liked by 3 people


  16. belasbrightideas
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 23:40:28

    Fun poem and I loved what you did with the images. ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  17. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 23:57:24

    Beautiful poem, Sue. It depicts both the agony and the joy so tenderly. I especially loved the last two paragraphs emitting rays of hope and optimism..gliding between past and present, making a rainbow world of their own… 🙂

    The PP illustration are perfectly done…one of your many talents…kudos… ❤ ❤

    I'll check Dewin's blog soon… 🙂

    Liked by 4 people


  18. dgkaye
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 00:38:26

    Stunning post Sue, for the poem, the message and the art. Just beautiful. ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  19. michnavs
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 09:12:13

    I love the image you created…and the poem is bound to leave a message that will be usefull even for the generation to come…this is a kind of poem which speaks a universal language and that can transcend over time…

    Liked by 2 people


    Apr 07, 2017 @ 10:40:53

    Amei 😀
    Super perfeito. 😀

    Liked by 1 person


  21. Eddie Two Hawks
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 12:30:57

    Sad situations appear daily where people have lost employment, health, home, and even family. Putting their life back together is no easy task. Time spent ‘on the street’ searching for answers grows longer and longer and then becomes a way of life for some. There are countless homeless in the world. Some have just given up searching for help and no longer believe it will work for them.
    Thank you for the kindness you offer these dear souls and all peoples.
    Many blessings to them and you dear Sue, Eddie

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2017 @ 17:27:25

      Many thanks Dear Eddie… I do very little.. But there are organisations out there that do.. And yes it is very sad that many find themselves in these situations often through no real fault of their own.. Many thanks my friend

      Liked by 1 person


  22. Soul Gifts
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 13:36:48

    Universal issues – so much is emerging into the light for healing. On another note, this is the second site where images have been *doctored* on PP – I really must set aside some play time !

    Liked by 2 people


  23. Mabel Kwong
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 14:07:18

    Such a meaningful piece of poetry, and I love you brought together and collided both modern and medieval words so flawlessly. “Wandering hearts and friends for life, whose blankets are the stars” Is my favourite line. Something about it just screams cozy to me. Who doesn’t like a cozy blanket no matter which bed we sleep in, and a good blanket is like one of a kind, just like how each star is one of a kind and unique 🙂

    Brenda mentioned a good point, where someone’s fortune is another’s gain and vice-versa. How true. No two of us will be on the same continuum. Some of us might be still be learning lessons of the past, while others finding their path forging ahead, and some of just simply kicking back and enjoying the present. And so we are all different dreamers but we all still live in this one world and make it all the more beautiful and colourful together 🙂

    Hope you are having a good time outdoors with the garden and soil and the plants. Make the most of the good weather. We are having one last gasp of summer here in Australia, and I am lapping it all up. Take care 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2017 @ 17:45:42

      Such a wonderful reply Mabel.. 🙂 Big smiles, and I so agree with this paragraph
      Some of us might be still be learning lessons of the past, while others finding their path forging ahead, and some of just simply kicking back and enjoying the present. And so we are all different dreamers but we all still live in this one world and make it all the more beautiful and colourful together
      Many thanks my friend..
      And yes, the weather here is unusually warm.. and is set to get warmer for the weekend.. We went into the allotments this morning.. More I will post on my garden blog soon.. The weekend I indeed to relax and take a walk.. (Yes that relaxes lol )
      Glad your Summer is hanging on before you move into Autumn.
      And thank you for your Wonderful visit.. 🙂 xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mabel Kwong
        Apr 09, 2017 @ 02:49:08

        Hope you have a relaxing weekend. That is what weekends should be about 😀 Time for yourself, and time to think about what you have done and what you still wan to do.

        I saw your garden post in my reader earlier while still lounging in bed. Will pop over soon to see how your garden is doing 🙂

        It has finally turned cold here 😦 But should be forecast for a few more warmer days ahead 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 10, 2017 @ 11:51:43

          🙂 Thank you Mabel. yes I had a most relaxing weekend..Spent time with my granddaughter outdoors playing.. And went to visit relatives in my home village I grew up in Yesterday.. I spent the afternoon on my garden swing reading.. A perfect Weekend.. .. Thank YOU.. Love and Hugs xxx



          • Mabel Kwong
            Apr 10, 2017 @ 14:11:32

            Sitting on the swing and reading. I wonder how that actually goes…I don’t think I’d be able to focus reading 😀

            Liked by 2 people


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Apr 10, 2017 @ 14:14:21

              Haha… its a large seat.. you can recline back in.. I sit usually with my back to one end.. and my foot tapping the floor to keep me swinging lol.. Very soothing … Next I want a hammock. lol except I doubt I would be able to climb in it hahaha… Just the thought of it has me laughing out loud.. :-)..

              Liked by 1 person

  24. -Eugenia
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 15:49:53


    Liked by 3 people


  25. Val Boyko
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 17:40:52

    Moving words to bring more love and understanding into the world. Thank you Sue for sharing the plight of the homeless in such a beautiful way. 💛

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2017 @ 17:48:56

      Thank you Val.. There are so many now in need of shelter.. And I often wonder too what happened to all of those Refugees, and wonder as they got moved to camps of tents, are their lives any better.. It is a sad world for many.. And often we walk on by not seeing what is right upon our own towns and cities streets.. ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  26. peggyjoan42
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 18:05:52

    Lovely poem. Like the pictures very much. Great post Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  27. rabirius
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 18:39:17


    Liked by 2 people


  28. balroop2013
    Apr 07, 2017 @ 20:16:19

    When I started reading this poem Sue, I thought it is going to be about love and dreams of the ‘two souls’ but the way it proceeds to unleash the agony of those who yearn for the warmth of a home is indeed touching… ‘No one stops’ sums up the dilemma of modern era. The scars don’t move anybody any more…that is the price we have to pay for modernization and so-called civilized progress!
    Lovely images dear friend and they go so well with your reflections. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2017 @ 21:39:47

      Dear Balroop.. Yes so many stories, so many scars… And today’s modern world is rushing around so busy within themselves they fail to stop and see… Yet I do know that despite outward appearances.. Many now are beginning to question.. And that is a first step. To the opening of hearts.. I so thank you for your views and perspectives here Balroop.. From one whom I know will have perhaps witnessed more than most when it comes to homelessness..
      ❤ xxx LOVE and Blessings dear friend xx



  29. Dewin Nefol
    Apr 08, 2017 @ 04:16:16

    Hey Sue,

    Hungry having flown northwards, I and Raven’s 12 were eager to be sated by a feast of words. We were not at all disappointed, your table is a rich and sumptuous banquet. Thank you, we knew it would be 🙂

    ‘Wandering hearts and friends for life, whose blankets are the stars.’ Elegantly descriptive. There is such beauty in the tragedy of homelessness.

    Wonderfully penned, imaginative, poignant, sincere and loving, it is a poem of encouragement and support. An artful and creative narrative foregrounding heart felt emotion with truth. The story you tell reflects far deeper truths and real concerns at the very heart of society, issues affecting both individuals and far larger groups. Sadly many still feel marginalised, remain unsupported, and often exist adrift dispersed to the margins of life living on breadcrumbs. Some cannot help themselves change their personal circumstance, whilst others, a minority choose to live independently, whether because it I all they have really known and trust, or because they value freedom far more than convention.

    We are very grateful to have you introduce Raven’s 12 and acknowledge Galybloggers, thank you Sue, your kindness and generosity is always very much appreciated. supportive and expressive of your own concerns. Raven’s 12 seek only to give a small presence to the voices emanating as words from the hearts of its contributors. Each contributor is homeless, the exception being myself. I frequent their company, spend time with them individually and do what I am able to encourage them to write. In return for their companionship and friendship, I provide a little artwork for the blog and administrate it, give up my time freely and willingly, offer cups of sweetly sugared coffee and share a sausage roll or two.

    Very quickly, I have come to readily appreciate and value their acquaintance, and feel enriched by the life stories they share. They are wonderful people although not always the easiest to meet up with, but I hope Gallybloggers will expand as a site as contributions become more frequent

    For those who have already been encouraged to visit Gallybloggers, may I extend my personal thank you. And on behalf of Raven’s 12 say ‘welcome’ and thank you for supporting our honest intentions. Your visit is gratefully appreciated.

    Perhaps the wider world is also damaged, also adrift existing evolving on the ragged margins of common sense. The World feels ill-conceived, convoluted, inequitable, unfair, unjust, and largely ill-fitting for this ‘modern’ world. Governments appear all too frequently to pander to capitalists and bankers at the expense of their people, whilst American Presidents toy with their people as a resource for commercial enterprise and exploitation. How affecting will Trumps vile policies be on the lives of millions?

    The world is shattered and shattering, administered and managed by unwitting souls eager to self-efface, unwilling to listen, absorb, synthesise into effective policy making the voices speaking loudly from the heart of real communities and cardboard cities. The World needs to radically change if it is to be inclusive and progress universally, if it is to ever stop turning on an axis of fool’s gold spun by the false hand of wealth. The evil that is perpetuated under the banner of civilised politics is essentially a propensity to greed, wealth and power and the preservation of fiefdoms of power. The Internet appears alive with people expressing contempt and dissatisfaction. One wonders when politicians will ever begin to actually listen to the people who vote them into power?

    Well Sue, sitting back to perch on my napping branch with a full stomach readily nourished, my mind mindful and contemplative, I await the coming dawn from a quiet treetop in woodland edging your blog. At sunrise, Raven’s 12 and I return to a land of red Dragons and black Ravens. Thank you for your hospitality.

    Thank you also for an excellent poem, thoroughly enjoyed….and excellent artwork! Seems you are a digital wizard as well as drummer, strummer and dreamwalker! Such gifts Sue, always so blessed.

    Namaste 🙂

    DN and Raven’s 12

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2017 @ 10:35:18

      Thank you Dewin for that wonderful response.. I hope others here read what you have said.. I thought that was the case as you host those who find themselves beneath the stars… And an Earth Angel works in many ways through the wings of compassionate service to helping others see their true worth.
      I do not think politicians ever listen,and they certainly never answer a question. 😉 with a straight answer.. 🙂
      As for the digital wizard.. my new found artwork was fun in the production of.. But I much sooner enjoy the paints and brushes, much less stressful as at least things are put where you intend them and they do not disappear lol 🙂
      Thank you again Dewin for your most appreciated visit and educational comment.. Thoughts many share around our globe right now.. As people are waking up to the real world around them.

      Blessings to you and Raven’s 12.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Apr 08, 2017 @ 11:04:13

        Our pleasure Sue. Thank you for a kind reply.

        We relish the fact people are waking up and feeling more able to readily express themselves assertively. Certainly the Internet has opened up avenues of purposeful enquiry so that discerning minds can approach truth seeking from may different perspectives. A balanced approach is essential in a diverse world of varied opinion and constant media incited rhetoric: harmony cannot ever really be harmonious without balance.

        As Dewin Nefol I have enjoyed digital artworking for many years. I find it provides me with opportunity to work, rework and rework again the same image without ever having to start again. I rely on a process that allows the image to develop organically. I am not certain I’d have the ability to use paint, pencil and paper in the same way. I am not a good draftsperson, much better with form than detail, and not patient enough…digital art is instant.

        Thanks again Sue. Have a great weekend. Look after you and enjoy the Derbyshire peaks. Perfect weather for a wander.

        Namaste 🙂

        DN and Raven’s 12

        Liked by 2 people


  30. stephensmustang1
    Apr 08, 2017 @ 04:54:09

    Love the poem–there is much homelessness here in the USA as well. It’s something that remains on my family’s hearts as do other issues such as poverty, human trafficking, etc. Never am I as proud when I see my sons helping a homeless person..There but for the grace of God, go I.
    Love and hugs

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2017 @ 09:55:10

      Yes exactly that Elizabeth, there for the Grace of God go I.. so true.. Many thanks and my thoughts are sent out to you and your Mom and Dad.. Hope both are getting stronger.. I will call by to catch up later xxx Hugs and much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Dewin Nefol
    Apr 08, 2017 @ 04:57:16

    Hey Sue,

    Hoping you’ll not mind a second comment, it is relevant from a distance 🙂

    With regards to Politics, the state of the world and ambiguous disinformation being fed to the people by governments, a good friend introduced me to this former Canadian Cabinet Minister Paul Hellyer: http://www.paulhellyerweb.com/

    Aged 92 he has little to lose revealing his truth to the world regarding the corruption and scandal of the World’s banking systems together with other commentaries on governments presented by video links. Interestingly Paul Hellyer is also the highest ranking government official to come forward stating categorically that America are in possession of alien technologies, sourced, given and engineered by other worldly entities. I find this fascinating because Paul Hellyer was a former Defence Minister.

    I hope people will give Paul Hellyer a little time and space. His commentary is a meta-narrative for the symptoms we see at see at street level such as homelessness and disquiet, of corruption and government agendas that are failed. I find his thoughts an invaluable resource and mention him freely to others when discussing processes undermining the harmony of our world

    Thank you Sue for space to mention this. Enjoy a wonderful weekend…perhaps allotment free with chance to linger longer creating artwork with new toys?

    Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2017 @ 11:01:09

      Dewin I so thank you for this link.. And I look forward to reading more of its content.. And a good video for you to watch when you have time if not already seen is on my Wake UP page here https://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com/wake-up-page-2/
      And yes in regards to the state of the world.. It often makes me have a wiley smile.. I see a lot beneath the workings of this illusionary world Dewin.. You will see on my pages the shares of videos etc.. Though they often get taken down from their source, and I am often trying to find replacements to put in there place..
      Many do not believe in the conspiratory theories, and you can in this world of labels soon find yourself labelled a crazy..
      But I am used to being thought a little crazy.. Through my mediumistic days 😉 .. For it means we are not sheep, shepherded into pens of boxed thinking 🙂

      Again thank you Dewin. I appreciate the link, 🙂
      Have a peaceful weekend

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Apr 08, 2017 @ 11:22:59

        My pleasure Sue, thank you for space to share. I find Paul Hellyer very convincing and think you will find interest in what he has to say.

        And thank you for the link above…I will try to find time to watch over the weekend. Other videos you have included within posts have always proven of interest. Thank you for those. It is disappointing when videos are taken-down but by the time that happens most of the interested world have already seen it…the Internet is a powerful medium for expression, a powerful weapon if wielded wisely by those with honest, sincere, and truthful intentions. Curiously the more complex the laws become regarding media, publishing, and censorship, the longer it seems to take to go through legal processes to have them removed. Mostly that involves convoluted nonsense and high earnings for lawyers. Months later when resolution is arrived at, it is too late. Crazy.

        Indeed Sue, we live in a world of make-believe, fairy-tale, illusion, delusion, story, and fantasy. It is a stage upon which we play a part, and personally I think it better to choose the character we want to play than have life choose it for us. Never sheep Sue, Snow Leopards, Lionesses, Eagles, Visionaries and Seers. And proud to be uniquely different. Me, I love being a little crazy 🙂

        Namaste 🙂


        Liked by 1 person


  32. prenin
    Apr 08, 2017 @ 07:18:03

    To dream of Dragons is to dream of magic! 🙂

    Love and hugs my friend!!! 🙂


    Liked by 2 people


  33. Christy B
    Apr 08, 2017 @ 17:47:18

    Oh Sue, I like how this poem takes me to a land of fantasy and dragons, while also speaking to the inward soul – it’s like there’s the two themes playing off one another! Wonderful poem 😀 ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  34. David
    Apr 08, 2017 @ 19:36:18

    Well, what can I say that has not been said about your beautiful poem Sue? Except perhaps to add that we now live back in the land of Arthur and Merlin, so, not far from conscious thought in remembrance of a time when I shared the same space as they did, which I happen to believe is just a stones throw down the road from our little cottage. Needless to caution that dragons took on a different beingness which we would have no difficulty in recognising today. 🙂 Love, David

    Liked by 2 people


  35. AmyRose🌹
    Apr 08, 2017 @ 20:14:34

    Powerful poem, Sue! Meanings within meanings …. wow!!! And your first attempt at a digital manipulation …. awesome indeed!!! NICE!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2017 @ 10:11:01

      Thank you Amy… to both.. Yes a first in digital art.. I think I prefer my brushes though So much less stressful than trying to put something where it doesn’t want to sit.. LOL But I was happy with the results for the purpose of the poem.. ❤ Big Hugs xxx and SMILES xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Sageleaf
    Apr 09, 2017 @ 16:04:18

    This is beautiful, sweet Sue! I realize I’m a little late to the comment box – eep! hehe – but I love how you call attention to that which is unseen and the symbolism of the Raven. The Raven and the smaller crow have flourished “invisibly” because they have learned to blend in as a matter of survival. But, they’re there if you look hard enough. The symbolism between the subject matter of your poem and that of the raven is incredibly parallel and powerful! You are incredible with your word, metaphor and thinking. Sending you big hugs and wishes for a wonderful, wonderful week! xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2017 @ 15:22:23

      Never worry about ever being late.. when I turn up often two weeks late.. 🙂
      Thank you so much for reading and SEEING also the meanings between lines.. Have a wonderful new week.. 🙂



  37. voulaah
    Apr 10, 2017 @ 08:00:32

    Lovely poem and very creative, thank you so much for sharing dear Sue
    Kisses back to you

    Liked by 1 person


  38. itsacrazycatladything
    Apr 10, 2017 @ 16:06:10

    I love this line…… A life of walking through concrete and glass, they escape all that the world enslaves. Your words make me stop and ponder on life which is a gift, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


  39. Inese Poga Art plus Life
    Apr 10, 2017 @ 17:39:35

    Well, with Canadian average home prices in the million and up range, we will soon be seeing not only dreamers out there. While it is so that we have the social support looking after us, in fact, many people fall through the cracks and they are completely unprotected and forgotten. Mental health as if receives more support now, but it is a big issue. There are so many potential threats that don’t allow the human mind to thrive, but make it weaker and weaker. My personal opinion is that mental illnesses originate in the same place where all other illnesses do: in the 100% chemical and polluted environment and food.
    It felt there is a small bit of nostalgia in your poem. I feel like that sometimes, too. We have lost something along the way. Something big, important and irrevocable. I would not try to define it, but we are not always on the right path.
    The dragons that fly free is a good symbol. Yes, we have been boxed in ahead of time.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2017 @ 18:17:20

      Glad you see the lines in my poem Inese.. and yes, its the same here.. Less paid in the Mental health.. And now it is being re addressed and more funds being made available but its had a knock on affect.. Many thanks for you in-depth response Inese.. xxx



  40. Lynz Real Cooking
    Apr 10, 2017 @ 18:30:20

    You write so beautifully!!!

    Liked by 2 people


  41. europasicewolf
    Apr 11, 2017 @ 01:01:04

    Brilliant poem Sue, I think that has to be one of my top favourites 🙂 I also am a dreamer from another age…one that has not yet happened, at least here on Earth 😉 Your pictures are excellent and your forays into the workings of PowerPoint are very impressive. It’s amazing just what you can do with PP when you delve a little. I used it for a long time before I moved onto photo-editing software 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2017 @ 20:01:41

      Thanks Wolfie.. Your compliments mean a lot.. And that PP was harder than I thought LOL.. But the results were what I wanted.. 🙂 And yes.. I know you are from another Moon dear Wolfie.. 🙂 haha… Hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person


  42. Trackback: DARK RAVEN | TINA FRISCO
  43. Visionkeeper
    Apr 11, 2017 @ 18:20:37

    Hey DW…Have saved this for reading later. My brain is fried and refuses to take anymore in right now. lol. Crazy times to navigate but enlightening…Hugs…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  44. D. Wallace Peach
    Apr 12, 2017 @ 02:49:39

    Amazing poetry. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful art and what a lovely project. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  45. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Apr 13, 2017 @ 07:46:53

    Loved reading the poem, Sue. It is beautiful and so thoughtful in the way you have delved into the world of homeless people, who like the ravens are oblivious to all, though they happen to be very much a part of the system.
    I have not at all been on the blog for some time. I intended to catch up today and this is the first post I read, and am so happy that I did so. Love & Regards, Somali

    Liked by 3 people


  46. voulaah
    Apr 13, 2017 @ 14:38:04

    Have a very nice day dear Sue, I hope you are very fine
    Kisses back to you, waiting for new one

    Liked by 2 people


  47. thinkinkadia
    Apr 14, 2017 @ 15:35:49

    Lots of interesting elements here. Eloquently discussed the wandering feet and broadest minds, missing nothing that goes on in the city theater; between the magical skies and selfish homes.
    Please consider visiting my blog, and i would love your views on some of the social issues I’m exploring.
    Happy Easter n have a good time with the family.

    Liked by 2 people


  48. litebeing
    Apr 15, 2017 @ 17:44:48

    Hi Sue,
    Thank you for such an enchanting poem. Sorry I missed it earlier. Keeping up with the blogs I follow has been challenging lately, but I keep at it. This poem conjures up my current obsession, Game of Thrones. While it is violent and cruel at times, the characters are exceptional and the otherworldly realms capture my imagination and longing for beauty and adventure. So glad you also introduced WP to Dewin’s new venture. I love what he has created, a novel way to help heal the sometimes forgotten in our society.

    Happy Easter with love, LInda

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 17, 2017 @ 14:51:07

      Hi Linda.. Hope your Easter was a peaceful one my friend.. and never worry about catching up.. we are all human at the end of the day.. And we do what we can when we can..
      But I am always delighted to see you my friend..
      Yes Dewin’s new venture will I am sure inspire others to do more to help the homeless. I hope so.. Far too many peoples lives are being torn within our world today..
      Love and Hugs my friend.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  49. Teagan Geneviene
    Apr 16, 2017 @ 17:55:55

    This is truly lovely, Sue, thoughts that were imperative to share. Mega hugs

    Liked by 1 person


  50. Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life.
    Apr 16, 2017 @ 18:20:03

    A beautiful poem Sue. Long ago I found myself in a very different place with too much baggage behind me and nothing it seemed in front of me. Someone reached out a hand thankfully otherwise I am not sure where I might have ended up. People find themselves homeless for so many reasons and their voices and words need to be heard.

    Liked by 1 person


  51. aussieian2011
    Apr 17, 2017 @ 12:15:01

    For me Sue that is a sad but very insightful writing, sad because it is true in so many ways, and insightful as it gives us a look into the the progress of Mankind whilst missing the very basics of our living, trapped in a progressive material world while leaving others behind.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 17, 2017 @ 14:32:56

      Yes agreed Ian… in our so called society.. In our town the local government said to the local press we did not have a homeless problem in our town.. Yet I saw at least 7 in one place sleeping rough.. those were late rises.. Sigh.. They, the local authorities even stopped a soup kitchen set up on the local market stalls at night, by volunteers, closing it saying it was a health and safety hazard .. While the other day I read £18,000 had been spent on a sculptured art.. Not in our town.. but just showing us how priorities have gone haywire and they would sooner spend on a piece of art than to help the homeless. Sad

      Liked by 3 people


  52. Marje @ Kyrosmagica
    Apr 18, 2017 @ 07:25:13

    I noticed a sad increase in homelessness on the streets in Cambridge. Wonderfully evocative poem thanks for sharing and bringing this massive problem to the forefront.

    Liked by 1 person


  53. Sariska Jeep Safari
    Apr 20, 2017 @ 09:49:39

    Gracious Sue, you do keep in touch with some wonderful sonnets. Goodness! Going to peruse it out so anyone might hear to Jeannie right now…



  54. Trackback: Ravens and Dragons | Site Title
  55. mariewilliams53
    May 01, 2017 @ 13:05:01

    Stunning pictures and heartfelt words, Sue or should that be heartfelt pictures and stunning words? Mmm… However profoundly and relevant issues are brought to our attention leaves no confusion in the mind. Thank you for sharing your beautifully eloquent imagination juxtaposed against harsh reality – it focuses the mind and shows us where our responsibilities lie – to take care of those who are in need and to pay attention to what surrounds us.
    ‘…whose blanket are stars ..’ – I love that!
    Love and blessings dear Sue..

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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