No Longer Fragmented. #Loveuary

 The words you see below I  wrote in 2012.. It may seem little has changed..


You only have to look at the Unity in Love and Reason now being shared in the face of adversity.  The Jigsaw painting is a very old one But I thought it appropriate to place here today.  For it is a symbol of us uniting in Love, as we all come together to make sense of the Bigger Picture in the world..

I also link this post to Ritu At her But I smile Anyway  Blog   and her #loveuary,

 Because we need to LOVE our Fellow Human Beings..

Below is Poem I wrote back then




I would ask that you look beyond that which you see, and seek out your own Inner Light, of Calmness and Balance.

Much is happening within our world and we  all need now more than ever to unite our thoughts in love and kindness..

We need to bring our world back into balance through living once again through our HEARTS…Not judging or condemning. But by bringing the Care and Kindness back into our thoughts.   

All through our lives we seek Love and need to feel love, Now is the time we need to share Love, we need to share our HEARTS…with each other. 

In all of our Scriptures on Earth we find many guidelines to help us accomplish our Mission, for a mission is what we came to achieve.

These rules were simply learning to obey the higher principles of the Goddess/God force and Life, your Higher Self.. And the main principle is to LOVE one another..

Within each of us is a spark of LIGHT which connects us to the Oneness our Creator This point of embodiment is the reason why we came to this planet, Its the life giving force of which we are All of us connected.

When we learn to connect to that Light within, as we experience through our senses, you will see that everything we experience in our Outer-world takes on a new meaning. 

When you discover for yourselves this truth exiting things begin to happen, Things thought to be coincidences take on a new meaning, and when you open your mind even further you then see you are indeed Co-creators, and you are the ones who has the power to change the world with your thoughts.. And Peace and Harmony will become the Norm, as we learn to shed the Fear of chaos and negativity.

We then can pull together the shattered pieces as they fall in a world that thinks itself as separate… We are far from separate …

We are One.. 

Fragmented Souls..

Shattered are the pieces as they fall

As fragmented souls scream and call

Can you not hear as they shout and plea

‘What is to become of me?’


Scattered to the winds I hear their minds

As each plea is for ‘Self’ to find

Peace so lost within tormented thought

As into the abyss of illusion they are caught


Fear takes their hearts, squeezing them dry

Leaving them hollow and too empty to cry

Tears turn to ice with hearts that grow cold

As sickness of greed comes to take hold


Like zombies they march along with the crowd

Will power forgotten and no longer proud

Their lights dimmed by possessions of wealth

Flickering flames in the wind of ill health


Fragments of Faith blown out with all creeds

Forgotten memories of simple needs

Ancient teachings swept away with the ark

A penitent symbol as we bow to the Dark


So gather your fragments to make a fight

Not to war, but be Warriors of Light.

Hold up your banners of love and truth,

Be an example to all our youth


It’s never too late to change but a thought

For your power is within you worry nought

Let in the Light and give as you receive..

As Warriors all we need do is breathe..


Allow each cell to open and mend

The Fragmented thoughts each of us send…

United we gather in strength across the land

As the power of LIGHT shall make its last stand.

© Sue Dreamwalker 2012-2017 

107 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 17:15:04

    It is truly heartening to see that adversity is bringing out the human in us all, and the Love and Unity…as you so eloquently write here. I firmly believe the catalyst brings needed change. It is never easy in the beginning chaos…but we WILL come through it to better times. And we can keep Hope alive and Shine by wonderful messages like this one. Thanks and Blessings!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2017 @ 17:18:23

      Yes it is my believe too… We sometimes need to be dragged out of our comfort zones in order for us to make changes in our lives.. And what is happening around the world right now is a sign that People are Waking up.. Even though those wake up calls a painful.. It is bringing those who have often stood on the sidelines into Unity to speak their thoughts.. And many now are standing up for the rights of other Human Beings..

      Love and Hugs Dear Mar.. xxx ❤ Thank you

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Writing to Freedom
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 17:20:55

    Thanks for the encouragement Sue. Even though I understand the concept, I don’t seem very good at making decisions and living from the heart/love/spirit.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2017 @ 17:29:17

      Brad my friend.. You do not know the strength of your own energetic blue print.. You oooze love from the very pores of your BEing.. Sometimes we spend too much time worrying about what kind of decisions to make and then worry we made the wrong ones..
      I have over the years often questioned myself.. The best decisions I think looking back were the ones that came out of the Blue and to which just felt right to follow.. Our gut instincts and first impressions are the best ones to follow.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Heartafire
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 18:15:37

    We need to leave our comfort zone, we are being forced out now. Silence is the equivalent of approval. Thank you so much Sue for putting to words what we all need to contemplate. Have a beautiful day dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. balroop2013
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 18:34:41

    We are connected with that spark of light you talk so often Sue and I am glad hope keeps flickering in many hearts despite the growing darkness. Darker times have always woken mankind, inspired them to march ahead and accomplish their goals. Nobody has ever lived in darkness, fragments could never disintegrate societies and hatred could never annihilate love…the golden pages of history vouch for these truths and despite all the lies, truth shall always prevail.
    Peace and love dear friend. Thanks for spreading it through your beautiful words. Stay blessed!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 11:44:12

      I agree with you Balroop, throughout history those darker times have had to be experienced before changes were made to make us alter and become better. And no matter how we perceive our world yes the TRUTH will always prevail and find its way through the maze of lies. We cannot escape Natural Laws even if mankind lays down a thousand of his own..
      Many thanks for your wisdom Balroop.. Love and Blessings back. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Erika Kind
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 18:55:27

    I love your post so very much and couldn’t agree more. We need love and to share love so much these days. That transformation process of our world is picking up pace that’s why so many confusing and scary things seem to happen all at once. The analogy of the puzzle piece couldn’t be more fitting that way since (as you said it) things fall apart but also into place.
    And we all are puzzle pieces. We all haver our specific place in this world. I love to use the analogy too regarding this. Because you only feel comfortable in your life when you are filling our destined place. In trying to be someone else it will never work and also your place will remain empty!
    Also, what you said about coincidences. So, so true! Once we are aware that we are part of one big picture and put our puzzle piece into the destined place, we are connected to a source of power and wisdom. We start to see all that happens in a greater context. It is incredible to understand that one happening connects many destinies in exactly the way they need it. What a concept?!
    Gosh, see? Your inspiration does the same with me… haha!



    Feb 06, 2017 @ 19:57:36

    Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. ~ Barack Obama

    When you have balance in your life, work becomes an entirely different experience. There is a passion that moves you to a whole new level of fulfillment and gratitude, and that’s when you can do your best… for yourself and for others. ~ Cara Delevingne

    Magnificent writing Sue. 🙂



  7. peggyjoan42
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 20:14:36

    Very interesting post. We all need to spread love and kindness in this world. Funny how time goes by, but the same problems plague the world (with different people being involved in those problems). Love your poem.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 12:35:26

      Yes it is Peggy.. I dare say if we look back in history our ancestors would say nothing much has moved on within our world. There is still oppression, slavery, poverty, starvation, and lack where ever we choose to look..
      Until we open our eyes and really SEE the abundance we have surrounding us, it lies not in our pockets and bank accounts, or within the positions of power or control.. The abundance we are all in lack of is our forgetting who we are and from whence we came.. And to the source to which all of us will return.
      I so thank you Peggy for reading my poem.. I am so happy you enjoyed it.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 20:35:20

    The words are still relevant. I, too, believe, love, positivity, optimism and unity shall show up a new horizon… ❤



  9. vanbytheriver
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 20:41:28

    Now that is a piece that is timeless, Sue.❤️ 💛 💚 2012 or today…no matter.



  10. Mark Lanesbury
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 21:09:55

    Beautifully written Sue. It is a path as old as time, even though we occasionally step off it, that too has purpose, it changes the beauty within and before us 😀
    Thank you for sharing your heart my friend, it is this guidance that helps us all ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 12:42:49

      Many thanks Mark.. Yes each path is a different walk, yet all roads lead us home even if detours take place. Your encouragement here is warmly appreciated .. Our paths are one which I will never tire of walking, for each day I learn anew and I get to walk with some beautiful souls along the way.. Thank you for being part of this journey. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  11. insearchofitall
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 00:41:04

    Well said, Sue. You are always so eloquent and thoughtful in your approach to fostering kindness and inclusiveness.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. dgkaye
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 01:11:24

    I believe all of our messages are uniting us all Sue. Let us keep sharing the love. ❤ xo

    Liked by 1 person


  13. belasbrightideas
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 01:29:44

    It’s funny, but I’m rereading, updating and/or reposting some of my much earlier writing these days. We are still having to remember the same things; some themes are repeating as well. It’s an interesting time to be alive. And this is a great post/reminder of some basic truths. Aloha, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 12:52:07

      Yes Bela.. sometimes as I look back through my archives I ponder upon the words and how I could have easily written them yesterday, as the subject matter in our world is repeating over and over… Which my Elder Tree has spoken upon lol in the cycles that keep perpetuating . I wonder when it will be that we break the cycles of Tyranny and Greed?? .. Or do we pay the ultimate price as a species intent on controlling our very environments in which we live..
      If we cannot find it within ourselves to learn from Natures warnings, then the repeating of past cycles of periods of floods and ice-ages will I am sure sort out the wheat from the chaff.. If the Sun does not blind us with her light first.. 🙂 and I am sure you get my drift..
      Thank you Bela.. you are a wise soul.. And we may yet witness the start of the changes we came to set in motion.. 😉

      Liked by 1 person


      • belasbrightideas
        Feb 07, 2017 @ 16:37:54

        Sue, I *do* get your drift; we both realize nature will take her course, making fools of all who build their empires on shifting sands. And I trust Mother Nature, as I know you do, to do what must. Aloha, dear one – another lovely day on the horizon, if I but let it be … the subject of today’s post, matter of fact 😉 ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  14. laura kilty
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 04:42:15

    Thanks for sharing your unifying message in such an eloquent and powerful way Sue. “It’s never too late to change but a thought” is a line I am going to write out and hang on my wall- empowering and potent! Much love.xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 13:13:31

      Thank you Laura.. Yes our thoughts are our first points of power. Thoughts are ENERGY pure and simple.. and the moment we think something its given that energy power.. That thought then gains power when we put that thought into ACTION.. That Action then causes reactions.. and affects every other thing.. Because Energy moves. Energy cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed.. So it continues its motion gaining momentum attracting like minded energy of its vibration as it goes out.. So positive attracting Positive, Negative attracting Neg and so on..
      Energy is ENERGY and it does not differentiate between GOOD energy or BAD energy.. Energy is Energy.
      So WHAT WE THINK WE CREATE.. When you get that concept, you then see how important it is not to hold onto the FEAR being generated or to Negative outcomes..
      Even if we repeat we DONT want something to happen to us.. If the focus of our Intent is putting more energy into what we don’t want then we are in fact attracting what we don’t want into our energy fields..
      So changing how we think and perceive things is great… If we understand that what we are thinking mostly about is what we are going to attract..
      Which is why Mass Consciousness is generating momentum.. For its a concentration of Energy Vibrations of THOUGHTS.. 🙂
      Many thanks for your lovely gesture.. Keep thinking LOVE and PEACE .. Hugs and Blessings

      Liked by 2 people


  15. Voulaah
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 08:43:34

    Dear Sue, Thank you so much for the encouragement through this post
    I really want to live everyday life with love and ❤
    have a very nice day

    Liked by 2 people


  16. David
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 09:27:06

    So eloquently put dear Sue, the opportunities that adversity provides for us to show that we are made of the right stuff, to use our gifts and talents to shine our lights of compassion to the world as the new Warriors of Light. Why is it that we do not trust that first thought from the Soul Gift of Consciousness, synonymous with Mind and Spirit? In my experience it is so often the first thought that is the right one and whatever comes from it is right no matter where it takes us for it is meant to be so.
    And so it is! Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 13:25:25

      Yes you are right David.. Within my own experience too my first thoughts have been the ones that If followed have led me along a smoother path.. Yet I have at times not listened well.. and instead followed my head.. Which has led me to overcoming some obstacles later on.. The Problem in today’s world is though David.. We have lost the art of ‘listening’ to our own intuition.. We have been brought up within a society whereby our thoughts are almost managed for us. We are told what to eat, what fashions to wear, what trends to buy.. And we are being pushed more and more to vote certain ways too..
      So is it any wonder we get labelled SHEEP.. 🙂 as we follow the Herd blindly not knowing where we are being led. 🙂 And then half way down the path we bolt as we see the slaughter house gates.. Sorry for that analogy David but we have really all got to wake up and speak our Truth and not Bleat about the Bush anymore.. 😀 😉
      And I know not where all that came from.. haha… lol.. 🙂 As I step off my Sheepbox xxx 🙂



  17. summerrain63
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 09:29:52

    I am a constant worrier….lol…but I do love everyone…

    Liked by 1 person


  18. Sageleaf
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 12:55:24

    You, my sweet Sue, are a Warrior of Light! You have been such an inspiration to me. And your poem/words made me think about how if we just all shared love – and made the choice to do so – the world’s problems would be solved. We wouldn’t need borders, we wouldn’t have refugees, everyone would have everything they needed. Because if we were all guided by LOVE, we’d share and not take more than what was fair for us to take, we’d communicate and we’d see everyone else as a beautiful being who is connected through spirit.
    I love your poems – you’re inspiring me there, too. Thank you sweet Sue! xo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 13:39:10

      Arrgh thank you Cynthia, your words mean a lot.. And yes WE have that Power, if enough of us thought that way, we could change the mass consciousness of the world and alter the vibration energy of our planet. I know you will find this video of Gregg Bradens Interesting especially with the meditation practice you are doing right now and brainwaves etc.. Much LOVE.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  19. -Eugenia
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 15:01:47

    Your poetry is beautiful, Sue. We are united, even though fragmented. Please check out my new blog site ThusNSuch –



  20. Barbara Franken
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 17:11:42

    Beautiful words sue x

    Liked by 1 person


  21. stephensmustang1
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 19:48:38

    I love this. It all boils down to love one another.
    Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 01:57:45

    I truly got chills reading this… I don’t think I can follow that with anything more meaningful than a heart-felt “thank you” for sharing such powerfully woven words.

    Liked by 1 person


  23. IreneDesign2011
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 05:14:12

    Lovely post Sue 🙂
    Your poem is absolutely just as actual, as back then in 2012. We need to stand united in love to overcome, whatever will be.
    Wish you a beautiful day, dear friend,
    ❤ Irene



  24. michnavs
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 13:44:37

    It is always a delight to stop by your blog and check what you have written…this one’s truely inspiring..change is inevitable….change is hard…change can be for good while at the same time it can break and tear us apart…

    I love that you never ceases to encourage peoplr at all times.

    Bless your heart Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Lynz Real Cooking
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 13:57:54

    Amazing words Sue xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Genie
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 16:11:14

    “all we need do is breathe”

    That’s true, Angel, when we breathe correctly, we become emotionally balanced, in fact, scientific studies have proven that correct breathing (diaphragmatic breath) aligns a person’s energy field with the cosmos, so that we become a part of the the All, I know, science is catching up with metaphysics. 🙂
    Love you. ❤️



  27. rabirius
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 17:51:42

    …yes, we are going around in circles.
    Excellent post.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Renee Espriu
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 19:41:59

    Your poetry is always like music with heart felt passion. I believe people will always be in need of reminding that caring for one another should be the basis of everything even in the midst of turmoil and angst. Hope you are well and that your daughter-in-law is recuperating from her surgery. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Teagan Geneviene
    Feb 09, 2017 @ 15:02:14

    It’s a lovely poem, Sue. Well worth re-sharing. Have a thriving Thursday. Mega hugs!

    Liked by 1 person


  30. Val Boyko
    Feb 09, 2017 @ 17:56:33

    Keep spreading your beautiful words Sue ❤️
    (I am still catching up from a weekend offline! I’m back enjoying a snow day)

    Liked by 1 person


  31. robbiesinspiration
    Feb 09, 2017 @ 18:13:38

    This is a wonderful poem and post, Sue. Thanks so much for sharing it. I tweeted it on @bakeandwrite.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Tom Merriman
    Feb 09, 2017 @ 23:21:22

    Here’s hoping for togetherness and balance, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. macalder02
    Feb 11, 2017 @ 05:23:32

    Words of encouragement always serve to see life differently. Being still is worthless.



  34. Joel F
    Feb 11, 2017 @ 13:08:48

    Thanks Sue for writing this inspiring heartwarming post. Yes, if only we look within, the inner light always shines and always will carry us through. ..Fragmented souls, very apt line of the poem. Beautiful.



  35. smilecalm
    Feb 11, 2017 @ 18:22:09

    sweet aspiration
    that our lights
    continue brightly
    into the dark future 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2017 @ 11:55:23

      Sometimes I think we have to have those darker futures, before we dare come out into the open and light our Lights to illuminate the minds of those who have slept within the shadows of lies for so long.. We are now I feel waking up to ourselves.. And its good to see so many now joining hands in Love and Unity for what is felt to be Right and Just.
      My hope will always burn brightly that our fragmented thoughts are now unifying in Love and Truth..
      Many thanks David for your continued support and beautiful words. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  36. New Bloggy Cat
    Feb 12, 2017 @ 05:05:50

    Lovely poem and so enlightening as always, Sue! ♡(ŐωŐ人)

    Liked by 1 person


  37. New Bloggy Cat
    Feb 12, 2017 @ 05:08:05

    And the jigsaw painting is awesome. Love that eagle on the painting. d=(´▽`)=b

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Maria Wind Talker
    Feb 16, 2017 @ 16:12:46

    The world is awakening NOW!! 🙂
    Beautiful poem and insights.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all.
    LOVE will never go out of fashion ❤ xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  39. Aquileana
    Feb 16, 2017 @ 21:00:28

    Hi there dear Sue… as always your words are touching an wise.
    You say: “You only have to look at the Unity in Love and Reason now being shared in the face of adversity”… I agree with you: Wholeness is a gift. But we tend to separate things and we ourselves might feel fragmented many times.
    I think recicprocity as a leading force when it comes to achieve Unity (not only with others but with ourselves). An act of kindness entails the same thing. If only we were able to “chain” our good acts things would be far better, I have no doubt.
    The poem is lovely. Not only you are a source of inspiration but a great poem and you inspire us with your verses my friend!.
    Thank you very much for everything!. Much love and hugs across the miles! 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2017 @ 12:53:31

      The tha nks is all mine dear Aquileana.. And I am blessed with your own wisdom. Yes I agree with you, if only we could see how our thoughts create and condition our mindsets.. And if we were to share our Joy, instead of all our doom and gloom.. The worlds vibrations would pick up accordingly and respond.. ‘Like Attracts Like’ And were we to have only Media who broadcast good news and shared only positive things.. That Feel good Factor would spread out..
      Instead we focus upon negativity, which hold our vibrations down.. But I do feel this world in which are now creating is also creating greater awareness. And as each new mind opens to new possibilities and begins to see through the Lies we are being told.. I have great Hope for a new generation of people who will bring the world together in the vibration of love and friendship. Tolerance and Equality..
      I see it within my granddaughters eyes, and others like her who have come to pick up the pieces we have so broken into fragments..
      For it is there generation who will have to be strong.. and pull together what we have torn apart.. ❤
      Wonderful Aquileana .. thank you so much for your wonderful comment xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  40. aussieian2011
    Feb 17, 2017 @ 06:58:15

    Excellent symbolic writings Sue, I don’t recall reading these words before.
    We are all pieces of a jigsaw, the shattered ones, the faded ones, yet when assembled and complete, we all form a bond in painting the overall picture of Humanity.
    Thank you for your lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2017 @ 12:41:53

      You have it in one Ian… And delighted that it appears fresh to your memory too 🙂 Sometimes I can re-read posts from years back, and think did I really write that?? it often makes me smile as its like reading again for the first time.. 🙂 😀 Hugs back my friend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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