Growing inside and Out

“It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems”

This winter in the UK although so very mild has been one of the wettest on record and I have been very thankful for living on top of hill for a change, although that has its disadvantages when we get  lots of snow.

 Nature too is just as confused as we are. Winter is a time to rest and sleep…  I needed to retreat within the warmth of my inner shell for a time to replenish and nurture.

Reaching up, to be our best

Reaching up, to be our best

It seemed that my climbing rose forgot it was winter and I spied this bud peeking its way out of my evergreens  which it had climbed through it and the ivy.  

The day was a rare day, clear skies and sunny which was probably what made me look up as I walked under the arch  of greenery to the green house.

This photo was taken on the 28th January

This photo was taken on the 28th January

Reconnecting to my creative self allowed that total absorption to be centred within the moment. Each stitch of Knitting placed with care and attention allowed my thoughts to wander back to the days when my Grandmother would patently sit with me and teach me the basic stitches of knitting.

Each stitch, placed with thought. Each thought forming the shape of our lives.

Each stitch, placed with thought. Each thought forming the shape of our lives.

Something I am now doing with my own little granddaughter, who at the moment just likes winding the wool around the needle as I knit. But I think it important we do not lose these skills and we can produce some wonderful unique garments.. This little set cost me nothing to make, it was using up remnants of wool I had left over. And yes New life within my distant family circle is due in May time..  

New Life was also set to the tune of the Moon, another new project I am starting to do as I hope this year to follow the Luna Biodynamic Gardening methods.. My daughter provided me with a beautiful book for Christmas as I had told her my intentions so this is the result. My Gardening Post explains more here

I planted these onion seeds on the 21st January and 10 days later they are all growing fine.

Planting seeds to the Moon Rhythms.

Planting seeds to the Moon Rhythms.



I also planted my sweet-peas and within 4 days they were starting to show themselves to the light.

I have one more project that will probably be on going now throughout the rest of my Life. Its going slowly, I am not rushing it and I will reveal more on this on a future post.. So keep ‘Tuning’ in.

Life is Miraculous  when you think just how each seed contains within it has the knowledge to grow and mature into the perfect flower or Vegetable or Human Being. 

We are All of us Miraculous Beings. Maybe it is time to plant the seeds of our thoughts back into Good Mother Earth… To grow we need the right environment to nurture our Dreams.. I have come to understand within my silence that no matter how many humans try to taint our world.. We are all of us Gardeners.. Planting our thoughts, cultivating those next generations. And it is up to us to nurture the space we grow in.. 

And as we learn to weed out the excess baggage and plough in the skills and attitudes that help liberate and refine those future generations. To embrace  decisions that consider the consequences of our actions for the well being of our Whole Planet, not just the few upon her. 

For a Great Future awaits us.. It is up to each of us to acknowledge and be mindful of our responsibility within it. My seeds responded to the vibration of the Moon and I am sure my encouraging words of Love are helping them flourish. 

Spending time back within my thoughts reconnected me back to my Inner Child, those of us who are healers know that Love is the greatest healer of all.

That little girl in me reminded me that in our deepest wounds were the remnants of scars of the longings to be loved. She reminded me of the need to create a space in which to embrace the magic of my own creativity as I  learn how  to Play again and become the child I AM and that I always will be.

Me age 5

Me age 5

 Have a Blessed Weekend







Quote Source: Here 

129 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. sophiaschildren
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 15:45:04

    Very sweet five-year-old Sue Dreamwalker! Imbolc blessings to you and yours, Sue. xoxo Jamie

    Liked by 3 people


  2. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 15:57:19

    Growing stronger every day with fresh ideas and great enthusiasm. (like those sprouts) sending bushels of love, Eddie

    Liked by 3 people


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 16:02:32

    Cute photo Sue. I’m delighted that you are nurturing the child and seeds in you. I love the gardening analogies. We do need to nurture our dreams and spirit.

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Faraday's Candle
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 16:14:55

    You were adorable at age five!!
    Beautiful photos!

    “Planting seeds to the Moon Rhythms.”
    What a wonderful concept!

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Visionkeeper
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 16:15:17

    She’s off and running again, creating at warp speed…You truly do amaze me DW. So glad we are close to the time for seeds and weeds and produce again 🙂 And of course the flowers that thrill our senses with their colors…..So ready to get dirty hands!!! Love the sweater outfit. Lucky grandchildren!!!! Have a super happy weekend my friend…Love to you…VK ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2016 @ 14:30:16

      Yes I love planting and sowing, 🙂 and so enjoyed creating this little outfit.. You can not keep a Dreamwalker down for long 🙂 before she is off at warp speed again 🙂 Mega Hugs dear VK.. hope all is well with you xx

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Trini Lind
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 16:25:54

    Lovely post! 💖💖. And lovely little Sue 🌸🌸🙋🏼🌸🌸

    Liked by 2 people


  7. silentlyheardonce
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 16:37:09

    Sue your words are so soothing. Your world so peaceful and content. You are connected to the world and every word in this post is a link to that connection. Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts and your continued activities as you live fully and completely.

    Liked by 3 people


  8. Ka
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 16:37:47

    Hi Sue,
    Reading, I feel like a seed tucked inside the moist, warm, earth. I feel the warmth of the sun, and the light of the moon enchants me into vibratory growing winged cotyledons. I see purples and greens and everything’s nice.


    Love that you are planting with the moon; it’s on my list, too! Gosh, I love us.
    Little Sue ❤ and little Ka are playmates, no doubt! Beautiful knit!
    Sweet growing to you my friend,

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2016 @ 14:50:38

      🙂 Yes I think maybe our Earth Mother is perhaps drawing us all together to remember how to reconnect again to those skills our ancestors used all the time.. It feels right at this time.. 🙂 Mega Hugs right back Ka..

      Liked by 2 people


  9. nonsmokingladybug
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 17:03:49

    What a cute picture, thank you for sharing. Growing up is mandatory, I hope part of me will always be a child.

    Liked by 2 people


  10. suzicate
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 17:20:49

    The weather has been quite fickle here…we are in shorts one day and sweaters and hats the next!
    I love what you say of each of us being gardeners, so true.
    I love the little knit sweater and hat set, so cute.

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Spiritual Warrior
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 17:31:39

    “All the world’s problems can be solved in a garden” –Geoff Lawton Blessings to you Sister Sue, Miigwetch for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people


  12. Karin
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 18:07:16

    Love picture of you at age five and the rose in winter! Great to see that you are doing so many creative projects with knitting and planting. The resting in winter gives new strength.
    Peace and blessings,

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2016 @ 15:25:50

      🙂 Big smiles Karin.. I do not have many photo’s of myself when younger, and this one is torn and damaged.. I often look into my 5 yr old eyes and wonder what she is thinking, but then I often look into my reflection and see that self same 5 yr old looking back.. Telling me to think less.. 🙂 and Love myself more.. 🙂 Lovely to see you today Karin.. Enjoy your weekend xx ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  13. Tom Merriman
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 19:20:33

    We seem to be having all seasons in one day at present, Sue, don’t we? Everything’s confused. Do you think it may have something to do with the Sun being lower? I haven’t had chance to look into that yet, but the connection just sprung to mind as I was typing this. Hmmm…
    Hope you have a good weekend, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  14. IreneDesign2011
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 19:52:07

    Beautiful post as always Sue 😀
    I love your idea about biodynamic gardening, so much more natural choice.
    Thank you for always being an inspiration dear friend.
    Wish you a beautiful weekend.
    Love, Irene

    Liked by 3 people


  15. Paul Handover
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 20:50:46

    Sue, loved this post of yours. You have a peaceful and joyful weekend.

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 21:55:13

    What a lovely little 5 year old!! She makes me feel 5, and want to ask her to come out and play. 🙂 Love your little knitted outfit and new plants venturing out from seed.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2016 @ 15:42:45

      Bless you Mary.. 🙂 My skipping rope is a bit frayed and my jump may not be as high.. but my enthusiasm is just as strong.. When ever you come a knocking Mary, I will perhaps pick up my hoola hoop instead.. safer 🙂 LOL.. Enjoy you weekend and thank you so much for reading xx Hugs Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Eric Tonningsen
    Feb 05, 2016 @ 23:05:02

    Go, onion seeds, go! 🙂 Warming post, Sue. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


  18. lindamartha
    Feb 06, 2016 @ 05:53:44

    You were an adorable child who looked like you knew the secret to life! Great knitting and I am so pleased to see your seeds sprouting. The shaman believe that we create our reality by dreaming and have called for universal dreaming of happier, healthier, safer and peaceful futures. I think it can work.

    Liked by 2 people


  19. Mark Lanesbury
    Feb 06, 2016 @ 07:41:05

    And one can no better love, than the love of self Sue. That journey will take us home 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  20. prenin
    Feb 06, 2016 @ 09:53:16

    It sure has been a strange winter! :/

    Yes, we all need to plant and nurture seeds within ourselves in order to grow.

    Love and hugs! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person


  21. New Bloggy Cat
    Feb 06, 2016 @ 14:21:36

    Thank you for showing the way to reconnect with myself and mother nature. And you look bright and beautiful when you were 5! Have a restful weekend, my friend! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Liked by 2 people


  22. litebeing
    Feb 06, 2016 @ 15:50:06

    Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. This is soooo true. Perhaps you are the rose in Winter, growing and sharing beauty despite adverse and unusual conditions. Maybe that is the path of humanity.

    I adore 5 year old Sue and I wonder if you notice her in the eyes of your granddaughter.

    much love and light,

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2016 @ 21:31:45

      Linda thank you for your lovely compliment.. and may I recognise her not so much in my Granddaughters eyes, but in the tilt of her head 🙂 .. And so loved your analogy of the rose.. Many thanks for saying so xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  23. dgkaye
    Feb 07, 2016 @ 05:54:10

    Beautiful words of encouragement Sue. I’m sure your loving, encouraging words did aid in the seed’s growth. And I also remember a few winters with inconsistent weather that fooled the poor plants; they’re not sure if it’s there time to flourish, and sadly many end up dying at the next freeze. But hope floats. xo ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  24. Rajagopal
    Feb 07, 2016 @ 08:39:34

    Thanks for your winter thoughts and pics. Part of the larger miracle, we are gardeners all, sowing seeds of thoughts and intentions and reaping harvests of hope and despair. May the world continue to regenerate the interest it held for that cute five year old in you to further nurture your youthful spirit.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2016 @ 18:46:53

      Many thanks Raj, Yes we are all gardeners and all responsible for the seeds we sow in life.. Our ‘thoughts and intentions of reaping harvests of hope and despair’ so true.. We do reap what we sow..
      Many thanks Raj for your wisdom.

      Liked by 1 person


  25. natswans
    Feb 07, 2016 @ 12:17:24

    Lovely post Sue that little girl was to grow into an amazing woman .
    The baby out fit is cute and Confratulations to you and your family.
    Have a lovely weeek ahead Sue
    Sheila hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person


  26. insearchofitall
    Feb 07, 2016 @ 15:38:55

    That need to be loved and create are so ingrained in each of us that we can sense it at the earliest of ages. I have a picture of my 5 year old self as well and she was as serious looking as yours. Funny how we never took the world so lightly as others. Your art work just amazes me. I see so much of it as I scroll down through the comments. All of that beauty comes from inside you! Where do you store it all? Have a peaceful Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2016 @ 19:16:56

      Bless you Marlene.. Yes a very serious looking 5 yr old, 🙂 I know I must have been joyous, with laughter and giggles and I remember so many wonderful times.. But I think my 5 yr old eyes saw as your 5 yr old eyes saw.. Something Beyond our vision..
      And thank you for that Massive Compliment dear Marlene.. Hope to share more of those talents with you soon..
      Love to you.. Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  27. lorriebowden
    Feb 07, 2016 @ 18:50:05

    I love your creativity, Sue!! Your knitting is beautiful and looks like it could be sold in a store! I am with you…this creative passion connects us to Source…there is no doubt in my mind!! Much love and many blessings friend ♡ And your rose is also beautiful…I had a bush that bloomed 4 times in one year…and one time was the dead of winter…snow on the ground! I believe there is a message there 😉 ♡♡♡

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Val Boyko
    Feb 07, 2016 @ 19:51:14

    You are in a wonderful place, and its so good to share your energy Sue. Keep creating, growing and inspiring us all 💛

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Lynz Real Cooking
    Feb 07, 2016 @ 21:43:08

    the rose is beautiful and amazing to see it’s beauty at this time of the year. Your knitting is so lovely and the memories are sweet. Another post that reminds us to relax and do things that we enjoy and that make us feel whole. Love this Sue xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  30. europasicewolf
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 00:25:13

    Good to find you sounding so positive Sue! Weather’s been horrible here tonight and it looks like we’re set to freeze next! Oh joy :)xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2016 @ 15:44:18

      Yes its been very wild here too.. and none stop rain for 2 days now.. Again! … Roll on Spring!.. ❤ and hope all is well with you.. I keep looking in on you for a new post. So one should be due anytime soon 🙂 😉



  31. Maria F.
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 03:19:20

    Great post Sue! I love the title, it relates to everything in nature, one has to go to the innermost core in order to understand the rest. Beautifully written!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2016 @ 15:52:28

      Thank you dear Maria, so pleased you enjoyed this post. Of course I thought of our Spiritual selves growing inside out.. It wasn’t until I chose the title .. I realised how apt it was, not only for seeds growing, but how that rose had grown through the evergreen tree-inside out.,, Which made me smile even more.. Many thanks again Maria xx

      Liked by 1 person


  32. Crowing Crone
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 03:57:30

    it is up to us to nurture the space we grow in – thank you for your nurturing ways, you bless this planet, and us, with your presence here.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Sam Red
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 10:12:04

    Dear Sue, your excellent and uplifting post made me think about education – a theme I broached recently with another blogger. Focusing on the inner child – our unique abilities, joys, etc. (notwithstanding what mainstream society says is good/bad); creative pursuits like knitting, which are also a channel for recycling; respecting Mother Earth and the cycles of nature through biodynamic gardening; seeing our place in the “greater scheme” by considering our actions in relation to the Earth and future generations. Is there any schooling system that focuses on these kinds of things? Btw: mega cute photo of you as a girl! Love & blessings, Sam 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  34. Beverley
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 10:12:50

    Yes, nature is confused. I think the birds are beginning to nest, which could be disastrous if they have chicks and it freezes again.
    I have been knitting also shall show and tell soon.
    I am computer less as mine went to be mended but came back broken somewhere else, so it had to go back again, not back till weds now. Having to work on my small kindle is useful but comes with difficulties too. Have a wonderful week Sue, you deserve it xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Maria Wind Talker
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 12:42:26

    Sue what a wonderful post. I too have been marvelling at the mild winter and how my arden has stayed in bloom all year, inspite of the torrential rain, high winds and few days of snow.

    I potted up early this year too and so far have broad beans, Betroot, Spring onions and Lettuce through. The earth has tilted and we have to adjust to the new rythm as the plant world has, for us to continue to grow and evolve.

    Congrats on your impending new arrival too, another soul you can nurture in traditional ways 🙂 This is also close to my heart too, unfortunately my daughter is too hooked on easy street aka technology but she will come to it all later so I have been told 🙂

    Your 5yr old self looks a very wise old soul, I can see the love and confusion in your eyes. it eminded me of me at a young age. So much empathy and confusion at how others just didnt feel it too and were cruel in ways they coul not comprehend.

    You are a blessing to us all Sue, I am so honoured to have found you here.

    Have a wonderful week. xxx

    going to check out your moon links now :~0 x

    Liked by 2 people


  36. kowkla123
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 13:21:40

    eine gute Woche soll es werden, liebe Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  37. gageier
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 13:49:16

    Liebe Sue es war Sturm angesagt aber hier in Köln wunderschöner Sonnenschein hab einen schönen Montag sei ganz lieb gegrüßt Klaus in Freundschaft

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2016 @ 16:31:20

      Danke Klaus .. Schön zu wissen, dass Sie Sonnenschein gehabt haben .. Hier haben wir einen schlechten Sturm haben .. Genießen Sie Ihren Woche mein Freund und ich danke Ihnen für Ihre anhaltende Freundschaft .. Sue



  38. Nihar Pradhan
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 16:11:49

    Sue, at the outset, your pic looks amazingly sweet and it is such a nostalgic feeling to check our childhood photos…

    The analogy of we are as gardener in real life and the seed we plant is such a wonderful way of looking at life and we always keep doing and never reflect on such fascinating aspects of our life…it is our thinking, it is our attitude, it is our perspectives and it is working that seeds the changes of future generation. Yes, if we keep nurturing nature and enjoy the engagement with nature and gardening is such a powerful relaxation exercise we can get meaningfully occupied for life whatever we may doing.
    Indeed “Love” is the best healer and the true peace is within and rightly said it inside outside…

    This line “It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing…” sums it all…
    Looking forward to seeing the seeds grow and cherish those little moments of real transformation of seeds into plants and fruits and vegetables…

    Have a lovely week ahead.
    Lots of Joy!!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2016 @ 16:22:00

      Dear Nihar, seems our paths are just crossing as I was just upon your site looking at your new posts.. As I found a link about the post of education to pass along to Sam on a comment upon this post.. 🙂
      You have been busy since my last visit, So I will enjoy my catch up with you my friend as I digest yet more wisdom you bring..
      Many thanks for your complimentary remarks.. I am very happy you enjoyed this post..
      You too enjoy your week ahead..
      Sue 🙂



  39. marina kanavaki
    Feb 08, 2016 @ 19:56:21

    That little girl is no different than the one I am addressing, full of beauty and love. So say the eyes. 🙂 A beautiful week to you, my kind friend and New Moon! 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  40. valentinelogar
    Feb 09, 2016 @ 00:40:39

    My inner child keeps biting me. As I continue to write in my journal, trying to remind myself of the necessary steps toward release, I find myself stumbling. Not hard, not horribly but stumbling nonetheless.

    I loved reading this one Sue. It was a good reminder.

    Liked by 1 person


  41. Sangeeta Pradhan RD, CDE
    Feb 09, 2016 @ 00:54:04

    Lovely analogies, Sue. Chronologically, we may get older, but that inner child needs to be nurtured and cared for, so we in turn can love and care for others. Thank you for sharing:)

    Liked by 1 person


  42. stephensmustang1
    Feb 09, 2016 @ 03:13:47

    Love the pics. Yes, we all need to nurture the child within us. Glad you are doing that.
    Love that ‘winter is for rest and sleep. New perspective.



  43. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Feb 09, 2016 @ 15:57:21

    My goodness, that knit sweater and cap set is the absolute sweetest, most beautiful gift! I always fall down when it comes to knitting wearables… Your granddaughter is a very lucky little girl, indeed!

    Liked by 1 person


  44. megdekorne
    Feb 10, 2016 @ 13:07:49

    I love that little photo of you Sue …it says so much …hugs , megxxx



  45. Cynthia
    Feb 11, 2016 @ 02:24:51

    Love this. All the miracles!
    I have often sort of joked, “I tolerate winter, so that I can have spring, summer and fall.” And in a sense, I’m not as unappreciative as it seems: winter makes me love the other seasons so much more. Hehe. That said, I do try to find the goodness in winter: a time of turning in, of hopefully being a little more chilled out.
    Thank you for this gentle reminder. Sending hugs!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2016 @ 11:42:20

      Yes I think this winter although not harsh or very cold like some we have had.. Has gone on since Autumn with relentless grey skies and torrential rain for weeks on end..
      But the last few days the Sun has shone and the skies have cleared and it is surprising how the Sun lifts our spirits .. No wonder we are told now in the Media to say out of the Sun and lather up well with creams.. Blocking out our contact with much needed Vit D.. They should look instead to what they spray in our skies and what is in the creams we put upon our skin! as to what is bad for our health.. 🙂 Love and Hugs dear Cyndi xxx



  46. giselzitrone
    Feb 11, 2016 @ 12:19:43

    Danke liebe Sue auch einen schönen Donnerstag lieber Gruß und Umarmung Gislinde

    Liked by 1 person


  47. dilipnaidu
    Feb 13, 2016 @ 15:27:11

    Thank you Sue for sharing your beautiful childhood picture looking so cool and relaxed. And the Thich Nhat Hanh quote is so profound and yes we very much need to unwind and find our inner selves.
    Kindest regards 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  48. Dalo 2013
    Feb 16, 2016 @ 01:55:05

    Reconnecting with our inner selves, such an important piece of life we so often forget. With you, perhaps even more as you seem to give quite a bit of yourself to all those around you ~ wish you a great retreat back within the warmth of your inner shell ~ take care Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 18, 2016 @ 10:05:34

      Thank you Randall, you understood perfectly my need to retreat.. 🙂 I needed to regather those pieces I often leave here and there 🙂 and pull them back within my centre.. Sometimes you have to listen to what your heart is telling you.. And it needed the space to beat freely for a while 🙂 Many thanks my friend



    Feb 18, 2016 @ 13:47:37

    Hear hear !!!

    You so mindfully commune with nature and listen to all her whispers,dear Sue!Brilliant post ,the flawless blue skies on a sunny day and the early blossoms helped you bring out the deepest folds of your soul and see your better self,the innocent self of the little girl that still resides in your soul.Your moon-like face and your expressive stare betrayed the future kind Lady.I ‘ve told you again that you are a great gardener who knows how to spread the seeds not only on the allotments,but also on people’s souls.The stiches you put on your knitting announced that New life is on the way and the moon-methods of gardening brought New Life earlier.How harmoniously everything is interconnected,my friend!Our life’s steps are like the stiches and the seeds that should be on the right place.Smiles of gratitude to you,blessings,peace,happiness and love to you and your little St who sits next to you and copies the beautiful patterns of your knitting,of future healthy life 🙂 xxxl



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 18, 2016 @ 20:54:04

      So Love your descriptive comment dearest Doda… And your analogy of stitches and seeds I am very Blessed to have you dear Doda.. and so enjoyed your visiting and catching up today…
      I have my dear at last caught up with all who have commented here today… I can now settle knowing yet more seeds have been planted within the minds of others along with the real seeds sown two days ago which are already showing their heads.. 🙂 We truly do Grow.. Inside and Out.. Learning from each other as we walk our steps.. Thank you for being upon my pathway as we travel together in this Life’s experience..

      Love and Blessings Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  50. Kourtney Heintz
    Feb 18, 2016 @ 18:45:09

    We’ve had a very indecisive winter over here in New England. Some days it’s 50s and 60s and others it’s below zero. The trees and plants are completely befuddled. They aren’t being allowed to rest and keep getting mixed signals about when to spring back to life. I’ve tried to turn inward–more writing less travel.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 18, 2016 @ 21:19:01

      Same here Kourtney the same here.. Only now are the snow drops coming up,, they needed the cold to help bring them out.. Yet Daffodils crocus and blossoms on the trees are out in full bloom.. The birds too along with our fish in the pond all confused..

      Liked by 1 person


  51. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Feb 19, 2016 @ 15:57:11

    Hi Sue, Your words are very soothing and I appreciate the way you look up to the miracles of nature and have sown the seeds for creating the right environment to nurture the space for growth.I guess reconnecting with your 5 year old self keeps you ready to soak all the goodness from the environment around you.
    Have a lovely weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  52. lavendermoongirlblog
    Feb 24, 2016 @ 17:41:01

    Love your granddaughter’s cardie. You are very clever. Has she worn it yet? I agree about nurturing our inner child. I’ve been singing in a choir and practising wherever I feel like it! 🙂 hugsxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 26, 2016 @ 15:56:51

      It is for a step Grandchild yet to be born, and so no not worn yet.. 🙂 Singing is so so energising.. 🙂 I came across an old CD of Dolly Parton’s country songs last week.. I put it on and my 5 yr old granddaughter loved Little Sparrow and These Old Bones song.. so I have found myself singing these two tunes over and and over lately.. LOL… Song is Vibration and it lifts our spirits 🙂 Thank you LG.. xxx Good luck within your Choir 🙂



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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