All Things Connect!

I have been busy over the last few days…
Misty Morning on the Allotment Plot

Misty Morning on the Allotment Plot

And I will show you what I have been up too at a later date.
In the mean time others on the plot have been very busy weaving. 
Spiders Web 1

Woven Web beneath the raspberries

 The  many hundreds of spiders webs stand out on this misty morning.  

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.”

  “Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves”.

“ All Things are Bound Together”

and as Chief Seattle so wisely understood, he knew that what we do to  others will  ultimately affect ourselves.

Spiders web2

How beautiful is this giant web strung across the flower bed

 The mist allowed me to see the many hundreds of webs within our plot. What we see and do not see may just be a matter of perspective.

To the Caterpillar who crawls about the cabbage patch all day, his world is a maze of Cabbage leaves, he sees nothing much beyond.. It isn’t until he transforms and becomes the Butterfly that he then sees a whole new world from another perspective. So too as we transform and alter our way of perception we will see many new things and possibilities unfolding before our eyes. As we begin to understand our Reality is not what we perceive it to be.

We need to see the Web of Life we are building, and we need to start to understand that we are each of us connected to one another.

We need to see what we are doing to our World and ourselves.

Spiders Web 3

This one stretched right across the path to our neighbours plot..

“All things connect”

All things are bound together..such is the Matrix of life,I am often speaking about Energies, and how we are all of us connected within that Energy Grid.. Just like the Spiders Web, so too is our Earth connected via various Energy Grids, the Megaliths and Pyramids, Energy spots such as the Bermuda Triangle along with various other places are all now known scientifically to be connected via Grid ley lines around our Globe to specific points that are in line..

Spiders Web 4

You have got to love the ingenuity of Spiders, they know flies love fruit what better place to have your home hiding under curled Raspberry leaves

We need to see what we are doing to our World and ourselves.

Each of us is responsible for our thoughts and actions, for each thought along with our actions ripple out and affect the web of all those around us.  We are seeing the ripple effects now as we see the tide of people fleeing their homelands which are torn apart by war.. 

I hope as leaders gather together and unite in their bid to find solutions to the problems which ultimately were created some years ago to the refugee crisis they learn that we are all of us are held together in one web.. That each thread connects to another and that we all of us are part of the whole, as hearts open and affect the Mass Consciousness of the whole 

“Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves”.

“ All Things are Bound Together”

“All things connect”

Blanket Web

Blanket Web

We can all of us bury our heads under a blanket hoping that problems will sort themselves out..


Some spiders spin tunnels, and others weave their blanket webs.

But our Earth is a living planet, we have seen how our disrespect and callous behaviours have polluted and caused extinction of species.. In our Animal and Insect Kingdoms and in our own Human species.

All life is sacred. 


No wonder I was bitten the other week by one, I must have destroyed lots of their webs I didn’t see when picking raspberries

I often try to avoid destroying Spiders Webs in the garden.. sometimes its impossible, but I send a thought in their direction as I am mindful of the effort taken to build such an intricate web.

We should be mindful of how Nature evolves, And we too are evolving,  we need to work in harmony with each other.

Each spiders construction a wonderful engineering feat. built to withstand the rain, allowing the wind to blow through it. We too have come along way in technology, but it means nothing without our Earth Mother to sustain us.

Spiders have been popping up both in my home, hanging on threads from my hair as I garden, and even have been appearing within my dreams, over several months now.. And you may be interested in reading  their properties in the Spider Totem meaning..

  • “Patience
  • Receptivity
  • Feminine energy
  • Creativity
  • Weaver of life’s fate
  • Shadow self, dark aspects of life or personality

The spider as a spirit animal offers many interpretations. Its symbolism has both a dark and a light side, reflecting its connection with life’s many facets. More to be found HERE 

Maybe we now need to extent our own feminine energies by showing the world Love and Compassion, We need to show patience and tolerance, as we see played out the Dark and Light aspects of Human Nature throughout the world.

We are the weavers of our own Fate..


This web reached out about a foot. and its extending thread lines ran almost across a half of the plot securing it in position between the fruit shrubs.

Each Web has a strong central point.. We too have within us a strong central point.. Its our Hearts.. When we learn to centre our hearts and join in love along the threads now being shown to us, we too can reach out further than we ever thought possible.. Joining together different creeds, numerous colours, various nationalities..

Our common Thread is LOVE 

May we All learn to Connect once again to our hearts..

And hold Love at our core for All on Mother Earth.

New Earth

New Earth

 All spiders web photo’s taken on our Allotment plot…

Love and Light 



146 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Val Boyko
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 19:53:44

    I hear you Sue. The spider’s web is a powerful metaphor for our interconnectedness.
    May your loving wisdom keep rippling out and touching more and more people 💛

    Liked by 2 people


  2. litebeing
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 19:59:26

    Beautiful photos Sue. The webs are so delicate and intricate. I am also being spiderfied lately. I think its the season and I have the bites to prove it. Unless mosquitoes are still around. We are all connected and the Pope kept this message going last week. Your post is a visual treat rich with lessons as well.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 15:15:02

      Hi Linda, so pleased that you enjoyed this posting.. and isn’t it amazing how our little friends give us a nudge to look a little closer, as we can see the lessons they teach us 🙂 .. So happy our connection is strong.. working upon my post for the 11th 🙂 and look forward to catching up with posts linked to the challenge.. 🙂
      Love and Hugs.. Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 20:06:28

    Great photos and connections Sue. Keep weaving those beautiful webs, bringing us together for peace and earth care. 🙂



    Sep 29, 2015 @ 20:09:20

    Das sind wieder schöne Fotos. L.G. Wolfgang



  5. Karin
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 20:29:22

    The picture of the spiderweb is beautiful. I like your reflections about the metaphors in nature, caterpillars and butterflies, and spiders and connectedness.

    Thanks for sharing the article about the shamanic meaning of the spider. I often see a spider when I get angry about the work situation. I always wonder what that could mean.


    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 15:18:36

      The world about us in nature never fails to teach us, and they often come with their ‘Signs’ for us to take notice of.. The Spider has many lessons to teach, And its lovely to have you come and visit this thread Karin.. 🙂 so lovely to see you, Thank you for your blessings.. Love and Hugs Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  6. prenin
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 20:29:24

    Love and hugs my friend! 🙂




  7. mother wintermoon
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 20:46:00

    Lovely web of interconnectivity you are weaving here my friend. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Brenda Davis Harsham
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 20:55:29

    I love how you celebrate and honor the webs, small and large. I hope the raspberries were delicious, too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Lois
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 21:03:53

    How different your allotment looks in the fog. I love going out early in the morning when the dew is still there to shine on the webs. We have these tent webs, maybe same as your blanket web, that are only seen when rain or dew clings to the web. I wonder often how many webs I have damaged by stepping on them because they were invisible to my eyes in the warmth of the afternoon.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 15:06:43

      Hi Lois, yes it looked very spooky, and the mist had cleared somewhat here.. It was very thick half an hour earlier. 🙂 but had cleared in a couple of hours to bright sunshine for the rest of the day and very warm for the end of Sept.. Oh I am sure I damage many webs Lois.. its only the dew which made them more visible.. I am always wiping cobwebs from my face as I weed, no wonder I got bitten the other week.. I am sure they were well fed up of being disturbed 🙂



  10. Hariod Brawn
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 21:54:30

    This is a marvellous concept Sue, and I love the analogies you weave into such a delicate and thoughtful philosophical web. Many congratulations on such a superb effort and also on the wonderful photography. Hariod ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 15:03:44

      Loved taking these photo snaps, which were just with my phone. Thank you dear Hariod for the praise.. I am delighted the threads reached out to you and you saw the messages contained within 🙂 Many thanks for always leaving your silken thoughts 🙂 Love and Blessings.. Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  11. Maria F.
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 22:56:04

    One of your best posts Sue; the photo is of extremely high quality! How fortunate to be witness to this beauty!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 15:00:16

      Thank you so much Maria.. and especially since you take excellent photos.. These were just off my mobile phone I had in my pocket and could’t resit the beauty of them.. I am so delighted that you enjoyed and will endeavour to catch up with your own amazing talents shortly 😀 xxx



  12. suzicate
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 23:20:12

    The web beneath the raspberries is amazingly beautiful!



  13. Julianne Victoria
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 23:40:49

    Beautiful photos too!



  14. europasicewolf
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 00:08:52

    Well that certainly gives me a whole new outlook on the humble spider! lol 😉



  15. stillsearching2
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 03:38:58

    Inspirational post. The picture of the webs are fantastic!



  16. balroop2013
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 04:23:46

    Lovely pictures of webs but lovelier is the concern and the shout to understand how we all are connected in the web of life…the earth, the flora and fauna, which we exploit for our own needs. The stings come to us in various forms!

    Thank you Sue, you are awesome!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 14:15:17

      I agree Balroop, all has a ripple effect upon the whole.. May our own webs of love start to travel along compassionate roads to the heart of those whose lives are filled with shadows.. ❤ Many thanks dear one.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  17. David
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 06:54:05

    Of course it is that time of year and here also in Spain where things grow to great size! Beautifully put Sue and thanks for the Spirit connections and meanings. Love David



  18. maskednative
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 08:21:24

    Wonderful photos Sue, shown in the misty mornings at this time of year, spider webs are simply amazing. The changing season shows us so much of what is beautiful and precious, we strive to connect and protect.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 14:12:41

      I agree Teri.. the seasons bring out so many different species and nature herself shows us how entwined our invisible worlds are .. Without the Mists we would not get to see so clearly these wonderful web creations.. So too in life. without our tears we would not see how good it is to laugh.. 🙂 Love and Blessings 🙂 Sue xxx



  19. The Emu
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 11:21:54

    Two things in your post actually makes me nostalgic Sue, a morning with the mist hovering over the pastures with the awakening of cows beneath, and the spider webs that seem to paint a picture of life in it’s most basic form.
    Great post Sue, thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Liked by 1 person


  20. becca givens
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 12:08:08

    Wonderful message and photos! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  21. inavukic
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 12:40:59

    Yes I too hope, Sue, that the EU finally weaves a web that’ll bring more help in solving the refugee crisis – there are good signs but also those that worry so let’s think that those that worry become like tiny dead flies trapped in a web and reason and compassion win.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 13:15:31

      Let us hope the web does not turn into a trap and and an excuse to escalate what is within some agenda’s for political gain in the games played out by leaders of the world dear Ina.. I hope our own Threads will keep pulling upon the many hearts for Compassion and reason to win as as you so rightly say.. xxx Love your way Ina ❤



  22. megdekorne
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 13:58:14

    Dear One , I love the words of Chief Seattle and your beautiful thoughts transcend with majesty sue as I sit at my writing table watching the sun rise on this cool autumn day ….your photos of the silken threaded spider webs have put me in a lovely meditative trance ….thankyou for your gift , your soul sings ….blessings of love , megxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 13:02:56

      Yes Meg Chief Seattle was a very wise man.. and has made some astonishingly wonderful quotes.. So pleased you are enjoying the Autumn sun.. today its misty again here and although the sun came out for about half and hour, its slipped behind the thick cloud again.. But your comment has brought its own warmth and loads of smiles.. Love and Hugs dear Meg.. ❤ And I thank you for your love and blessings .. Sue ❤



  23. Visionkeeper
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 14:12:18

    Spider medicine…You have a journey ahead of you DW…Love the pics. They sure have been busy spinning. Perhaps we too should get busy spinning our own webs. Lots of hidden messages to uncover. This should keep you busy for a while. Must be hard to work the garden and not disturb the webs… VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 12:50:03

      Yes and since posting this, I have had a spider come into my kitchen window inside and create a web.. One on the outer winder of my dinning room, and one on the outer window of my bedroom.. You could say I am surrounded 🙂 ALL good though.. Lets keep spinning together dear VK and see what else is within the threads that surround us 🙂 ❤ Hugs Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  24. Enigma
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 14:58:35

    Liked by 3 people


  25. Eddie Two Hawks
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 16:08:45

    I often apologize to spiders if I accidentally walk through their web at night and it’s all over my face. I feel bad cause they worked so hard and I know they are just doing me a service by being there. Nature will always look after us if we give it a chance. Thank you for your wonderful post Sue. smiles, love, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 12:46:38

      I am glad it’s not just me lol who talks away saying sorry all the time Eddie LOL.. 🙂 Yes the effort they take is unbelievable and they rid our garden of unwelcome pests and if we didn’t have spiders just think how many more flies there would be 🙂 And Nature is one huge circular web as we know Eddie.. 🙂 Thank you Eddie for your lovely comment.. Love and Blessings my dear friend x Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Genie
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 16:27:28

    I must have these photos for my collection of spiders webs, paleese send them to me, Angel.
    Or you could hyperlink the photos, WP has made it so complicated now that it took me 2 weeks to figure it out and 3 ‘happiness engineers’, however, I’ve simplified the ‘how to’ of hyperlinking photos so if you need my advice as to hyperlink them just ask, I’de be happy to tell you how to do that.

    Love, love, love this post, MedicineWoman, WiseWoman. 🐩 I know it’s silly to leave a dolled up poodle, but I love poodles, bizarre haircuts and all!



  27. Baydreamer
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 16:33:43

    Sue, 15 years ago, these webs would’ve given me goosebumps, but I have come a long way with my arachnophobia and now can admit that they are a beautiful work of art in nature. In my class, we’ve read a few essays about this very topic and they’ve been fascinating. Wonderful post, as always, my friend..sending hugs, L ♥

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 12:41:07

      So pleased Lauren you over came your fear.. Phobia’s are real and can be very traumatic.. And I have overcome my fear of them some time ago now… Always lovely to see you and LOVE your new photo logo too 🙂 xxx Hugs Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  28. stephensmustang1
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 20:19:46

    LOVE the pictures. My husband is terrified of spiders but, like you, I try not to kill them. I really try not to kill any living thing unless they pose an immediate threat. Each living thing has it’s purpose for something else.
    Hope you are having a great week. love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 12:38:58

      Yes once upon a time so was I.. but over the years I lost my fear of them, and now we have mutual respect for each other 🙂 .. And I must destroy many webs in the allotments, the mist enabled me to see hundreds I would most probably not see when I am picking Raspberries 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  29. IreneDesign2011
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 21:27:48

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts here Sue. We are all connected 😉
    Wish you a wonderful week.
    Love, Irene

    Liked by 1 person


  30. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 21:39:07

    Hey Sue,
    First of all, may I just say that those are my most favorite spider web photographs ever! You must have some beautiful and huge orb weavers! I love the background colors. So many colors seemed the webs themselves.
    I have a deep connection with spiders. I was frightened of them as a child, maybe because my mother was. First I made friends with daddy longlegs as a kid. As an adult, I have had many relationships with many different kinds. They teach so much. Orb weavers have been closest, with a close second being wolf. We have nice house spiders here. I know where they all live in the house..all their wee hiding places. Haha. Do you have black widows there? One of the webs looked like one, I thought. They usually stay in one place.
    I loved your metaphors of connectedness.
    We are all connected. I love how you said, “That each thread connects to another and that we all of us are part of the whole, as hearts open and affect the Mass Consciousness of the whole.
    Namaste Sue. I’m glad to have this spider connection with you. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 12:03:52

      Hi Mary, and lovely that you were caught within the Web of WP and we found each other :-).. First thank you, the snap shots I took with my little mobile phone and I too am always amazed at the quality of them.. I did take them early morning when the mist and dew upon them made them stand out.. and I took them at angles which I intentionally wanted the colours of Autumn to stand out.. And was very pleased how they came out..
      Black Widows I do not think are here in Britain, all though I could be mistaken, many species are being introduced which are not native here, and thankfully if a native spider decided to bite you it would only give some irritation or if unlucky an infection..

      Yes I too was scared of them as a child and adult.. but over the years I have become less afraid and now speak to them lol, so hopefully the Insect Diva’s will also be listening, as we respect our own spaces..
      It seems this last few months they have decided to make their presence felt more around my home.. Maybe as I brought lots of cut Dahlia’s indoors which no doubt hid many.. 🙂 I try to take back outdoors if possible, the outdoor varieties.. But have a few corners I leave beneath the skirting boards where I know they come out at night.. 🙂 and in the past have had Huge ones which only a pint glass would just cover the length of legs lol come from under the hearth 🙂 And when I had my old cat, she jumped at least a foot in the air as it ran across the carpet.. So funny I still see that image today 🙂 I caught it and put it out saying sorry, but he was too big to make a home here 🙂
      May we both keep Weaving.. 🙂 Love and Blessings to you Mary
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Paul Handover
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 22:50:39

    Late on parade! Wonderful, incredible pictures, Sue. The list of animals and creatures that we humans can learn from is endless!

    Liked by 1 person


  32. valentinelogar
    Sep 30, 2015 @ 23:07:25

    Wonderful webs Sue. I had two beautiful garden spiders in my Lavender this year, I will somehow have to weave them into one of my rages soon. You are so right, they are wonderful creatures and their webs so beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 01, 2015 @ 10:58:23

      Hi Val, yes I have lots of spiders as you can see, and I am sure ‘Spider’ will give you plenty of scope to weave with, after all she has amazing abilities, she has tremendous patience, and she spins and wraps everything up so neatly.. I am sure you will be inspired 🙂 Love and Hugs xxx



  33. lorriebowden
    Oct 01, 2015 @ 03:11:01

    Ah! Sue! What a wonderful post…super message and the photos are just …AMAZING!! Thank you so much for sharing this…and yes…I pray for all of this!! ♡♡

    Liked by 1 person


    Oct 01, 2015 @ 12:14:54




  35. Kev
    Oct 01, 2015 @ 16:05:16

    Love those webs… so intricate!



  36. New Bloggy Cat
    Oct 01, 2015 @ 16:25:34




  37. Karuna
    Oct 01, 2015 @ 16:36:57

    Your spider pictures are incredible. May I use some of them in our next PNW GreenFriends newsletter? You can see examples of previous newsletters at:



  38. Trackback: Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary | Random thoughts from midlife
  39. CMSmith
    Oct 01, 2015 @ 16:43:11

    Of course this post touched a nerve with me. Although I didn’t reblog it (is that still possible anymore?) I did blog about it and share a link today. I really am working on my arachnophobia. And I thought your message of connection was point-on.



  40. D.G.Kaye
    Oct 02, 2015 @ 03:40:40

    Wow Sue, those pictures are Magnificent! And I love the metaphors you used connected the woven webs to humanity. xoxo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  41. marjablom
    Oct 02, 2015 @ 08:37:05

    Hi Sue What a wonderful inspirational post. I so believe that everything is connected and also that we have more impact in the world then we think by the way we use our words, smile etc It gives a good feeling to be here again.
    Love the spiderweb photos They are beautiful
    Arohanui (lots of love)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2015 @ 14:10:36

      Thank you Marja, so soooo good to see you and I am so happy the news is so positive for your hubby also.. 🙂 And I am thrilled you are here again.. Love and big BIG hugs.. Enjoy your weekend.. Love and Blessings.. xxx



  42. beverley
    Oct 02, 2015 @ 10:43:09

    I think spider’s webs are amazing, unfortunately I don’t think spiders are – i make a pact with them though, that if they leave me alone I promise to leave them alone, however walking across the bedroom floor when i am about to go to sleep does not count – sorry spider you had to go.

    Liked by 1 person


    Oct 02, 2015 @ 10:52:15

    Mysteriously appealing your misty morning image,dear Sue!I’m fortunate the sun dispersed the fog and enabled me to admire the spider’s art work and read your thoughts on our wonderful world and nature.Spiders,these tiny creatures,might work silently,but they produce masterful work displaying symmetry and harmony while others Big and Mighty come and go,meet,discuss and they accomplish nothing and all their efforts fall apart.Where is the League of Nations?High the price of Peace and Freedom,dear Sue.You are so sensitive,you respect even the little spiders,you don’t want to destroy their artwork and their efforts to survive,but others dare to exterminate nations,innocentsouls,monuments,civilisationsBeautiful your spider images and your thoughts on “Connectedness”!Enjoy your weekend!Love and Light back to you 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2015 @ 14:07:44

      And Beautiful are your thoughts dear Doda… And I thank you.. Already I have been speaking with spiders, as I brushed past some in my front garden.. A great huge wolf spider had her numerous eyes upon me today,, As she looked on from the shrub I was near planting out Wallflowers and Sweetwilliams in the front of our house.. ( we had grown these in the allotments).. But I assured her I meant no harm and she went back in :-).

      Yes the world is a callous place if we see the destruction we create. Let us hope we all learn to weave with threads of LOVE!.. Enjoy your weekend dear Doda, and I loved your wonderful Paragraph! with all of its symmetry 🙂 Love and Hugs Enjoy your weekend also xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


    Oct 02, 2015 @ 11:10:02

    Could you please connect my “last but three and four sentences?I want them to show well-connected and with symmetry like the web of the spider.Thaaank YOU 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    Oct 02, 2015 @ 11:24:31

    Hoffe ihr hattet eine gute Ernte. Eigenes ist immer besser und schmeckt besonders gut. Freundliche Grüße, Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  46. Debby Carroll
    Oct 02, 2015 @ 13:03:46

    These images are stunning and your weaving together of webs and meaning is beyond beautiful. We are all connected. Today I’m grateful to be connected to you.

    Liked by 1 person


  47. belasbrightideas
    Oct 02, 2015 @ 19:20:41

    Yes, often people believe that what they see is ‘real.’ But it’s only our perspective that impresses it into the mind, then into memory. On another note, I love spiders. All of them, from tiny to huge. I do not kill them, even if they are in the house – I help them to the outside. Even centipedes are captured and released out of doors. When fear rules our hearts, there is generally nothing good that can come of it.

    Sweet piece, Sue. Love the photos of Ariadne’s web 😉 Peace. Have a gentle weekend!<3



  48. Tom Merriman
    Oct 03, 2015 @ 20:48:58

    Amazing photos, Sue. And words.
    I love how perfectly formed spider’s webs are… and how delicate.

    Liked by 1 person


  49. Trackback: The Sunday Wrap: October 4, 2015 | The Seeker's Dungeon
  50. Sreejit Poole
    Oct 04, 2015 @ 05:58:23

    A beautiful post.



  51. Kev
    Oct 04, 2015 @ 12:54:27

    Reblogged this on Kev's Great Indie Authors and commented:
    “Oh what tangled web we weave…” That’s Sir Walter Scott btw, not, Shakespeare as it is most commonly, erroneously attributed to. 😉

    Liked by 1 person


  52. natswans
    Oct 04, 2015 @ 13:35:34

    Amazing pictures Sue good captures. Your words linked with these web’s , are perfect. It takes my breath away sometime , with all the Beauty around us. Taking time to look and take everything in no matter how small.
    Enjoy your Sunday Sue.



  53. jacksjottings
    Oct 08, 2015 @ 02:25:34

    Those misty mornings are wondrous, soft ghostly fading aerial perspective.
    Dewdrops and spider webs Sue you captures the magic morning beautifully.
    Your wise words accompanying the visual splendour should help the sun shine through, as it does on those foggy mornings, that is the promise of a foggy morning.
    You show It all connects in this post. _/\_



  54. JoAnn Chateau
    Oct 10, 2015 @ 02:47:28

    Amazing, beautiful webs. Your garden has so many. You must attract them, wonderful Connecter and Weaver that you are…!

    Liked by 1 person


  55. Trackback: The Sunday Wrap: October 11, 2015 | The Seeker's Dungeon
  56. Barbara Franken
    Oct 11, 2015 @ 09:47:24

    Magnificent photos and words of love in nature… Barbara x



  57. Nihar Pradhan
    Aug 25, 2017 @ 03:39:18

    This is such interconnected world, what we do in one part of the world has an implication in some other part of the world. Nature is the connection and right from the air to water to the climate where we get to see the impact, the changing colors and the changing pattern indicates us how much we have inflicted the pain and many times we have no clue what we are doing to our surrounding, indeed we are so callous and reckless in our dealing with nature around us, we are so selfish of things we just don’t care what is in-store for the future, we do it for the present ignoring the future impact. The future is where our next generation is going to live their life…

    Yes, the spider represent the way we world gets connected and how such a wonderfully designed web protects the space and the way it withstands the wind and the rain without affecting plant on which they have formed the dwelling. So much goes into building that intricate web, there is a pattern and there is a thought that goes behind that working and we mindlessly destroy that wonderful work of nature when go into nature and see it as a threat to the existence of nature whereas in nature they all co-exist and they know how to deal and handle such interconnection, we as human beings are intruders. Spiders are a lovely metaphor of life.

    Indeed we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions, what we think and how we think comes from the way we look at things around us and how we are able to absorb the vagaries of nature and build a strong nature within us and that needs constant nurturing… in process we missed the Raspberries.

    This post and the post on “Matrix of Life” juxtaposes on each other and convey so much things about life and world we are building and there is profound message across the post. Thoroughly enjoyed the connection. Have a wonderful weekend Sue and the entire stretch of garden looks mystical. As if we have just landed from the dream and here it is..

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 25, 2017 @ 11:13:23

      So pleased you ‘Connected’ back to this post Nihar.. Yes and happy it showed up in the link to the Matrix Of Life.. the two go well together and its been a while since I read this and was happy that you refreshed my memory of all those spiders webs.. I came across a Huge spider among my Dahlias the other day, I say huge, it was in span about the width of a golf ball.. It was a Wolf Spider.. It was devouring a moth.. I had to move it from where it was, but made sure it also went with its dinner that it had already killed…
      Nature is always teaching us.. And the misty mornings of Autumn often reveal to us the hidden webs.. Just as often in life those things which happen which are not always clear to us as to why they should occur.. Often bring about us seeing things from a different perspective as we digest and understand only later why certain things in life occurred ..
      Many thanks Nihar.. Your thoughtful and careful reading of my posts always bring me much delight my friend..
      Enjoy your weekend..
      Love and Light..
      Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Aug 26, 2017 @ 03:57:30

        This has always kept me thinking when I see the tussle between the prey and the predator in the nature, though I enjoy watching the different episodes on the Discovery to National Geography channels…we want to save the prey but what is that the predator is going to eat and how is he going to live its life without the food. But the killing is something we hate to watch and the way the predator pounces and slaughters the innocent prey is difficult to absorb but that is how life is designed in the natural world and we look at it and are helpless watch the killing. This came to my mind when you narrated the moth and the spider.

        Indeed nature keep teaching us and so much things we get to pick from nature that we miss out what to do and where to focus…the more we are with nature and the more we observe things around us in a different perspective and we keep changing and building new landscape in our repository of perspectives.

        Take Care and enjoy a peaceful and profoundly joyful weekend.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 03, 2017 @ 15:30:42

          Yes I understand totally your thinking Nihar, about Natures Prey and Predator.. We Humans have it down to a fine art.. Mass slaughter that is delivered in plastic wrap to be bought in the supermarket.. The Human then not seeing the in-between,then dissociates the killing bit from there mind.. Seeing it just as slab of meat, a commodity,a food source.. .. And not the life it once was..
          I hope you got out into Nature and that you and your family are well..
          Blessings Sue 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Nihar Pradhan
            Sep 04, 2017 @ 02:35:48

            Yes Sue when miss the wood for the forest, just look at the mass slaughter that we do and indeed we detach from the background behind the packaged meat we eat and without realizing what has pain and inhuman act has gone behind.
            Yes Sue I managed to get time to walk my way through my favorite national park and enjoy my weekend dose of much pleasure walk and talk.
            Have a lovely start to this new week.

            Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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