Vibrations of Love over Fear.

For those who have been with me at Dreamwalker’s for some time  you will have heard me talk about the ‘Shift’ within our frequencies around our Earth and speak about the Earth Changes many times.

Science is now discovering more and more about the fields of energy which surround us all. They tell us that these large electromagnetic fields are generated by our heart, which when analysed show that emotions are encoded within it.


Often my more deeper posts will contain within them that ‘Thought Creates’.. If you doubt that thoughts create our reality then for one moment just look up from your computer screen and see the things about you.. All were once someone’s thought, which through ‘Intention’ was then created by ‘Action’ within this reality. 

The minute we are born our senses are imprinted with emotions, as we grow we take on board either love or fear which subsequently shapes our thinking and perceptions through our emotions.

When I look at what is surrounding our children and grandchildren today, I see constant ‘Negative Vibrations’ fed by TV News rooms, Films, Cartoons, Comics, and Newspapers of destructive darkness, destroying, Killing, and violence.

Is it any wonder the ‘Field’ of energy surrounding us is comprised mainly out of Fear, which we see escalating ever faster as our world appears to spin ever faster before our eyes into the abyss of Fear.  

“What we think We Create”

I wonder what would happen if those who wrote their dark plots about the destruction of earth and all within it decided to write a different script. And wrote instead of destruction, we were taught to embrace Love and Kindness, compassion and care. Embracing All of Nature and her species showing how nature heals, gives life, brings beauty and plenty for all. No one owning the land, but sharing and cooperating for the Unity and Good of ALL.

I chose the name Dreamwalker because I have a Dream. And I believe fervently if we who wish to see our world transform and ‘shift’, we have to start and bring our intentions into our hearts. We do this by sharing love, focusing on the beauty not the ‘beasts’ we see projected daily into our hearts of our living rooms via the media.

With our Intent we can impact upon this field of energy that science now recognises can be generated by our collective thoughts which mirror our emotions via our hearts. Discoveries show us that which ‘Lightworkers’ around the world are already aware of, that we are ONE, and that ALL living matter exists within one vast ‘soup’ called the Matrix or Quantum Physics  where everything is connected to everything else within the life force. ( I hope you ‘Observe’ the Quantum Physics video ) 

Our hearts need to beat as one, we can do this through our meditations, prayers and actions.


The Native American Indians have within their colours, Red, Yellow, Black and White. May we all come together in One Mind, One Spirit, One Heart and One People regardless of race or creed.

We all need to come back to our centre’s learning to find our inner Peace, Balance and Harmony 

We are One

Please take up this Drum, and Beat out your Love


And spread out our intentions to create a future of Harmony and Peace.



92 Comments (+add yours?)

    Aug 03, 2015 @ 20:35:34

    Guter Eintrag. Freundliche Grüße von uns. Wolfgang



  2. Dr. Rex
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 20:54:33

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Simply beautiful ….. may we come together somehow and become the ONE that we are!!



  3. Writing to Freedom
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 21:17:11

    Thanks for beating the drum of peace, harmony and love Sue!



  4. irenedesign2011
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 21:50:13

    This is beautiful Sue and it so very true. Love to you too ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Karin
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 21:57:21

    This is a very important point. Thoughts create reality. Thanks for this post and for sharing the video.

    Liked by 2 people


  6. kp
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 22:03:35

    Hi Sue…great video and lovely post. Thank you for holding the dream for all of us and for reminding each of us that we have the power to co-create the dream. Kim

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 14:19:10

      Hi Kim. 🙂 the Dream is within many of us I am sure 🙂 And yes we do, we ALL have that power to co-create and change our vibrations to bring in the positivity of Peace and Harmony simply by altering our way of thinking. 🙂 Lovely to see you again Kim. xx

      Liked by 1 person


  7. marina kanavaki
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 22:37:52

    Yes, my dear Sue…
    Sending all the love and hugs 🙂 xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Renard Moreau
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 23:07:22

    [ Smiles ] Love will always overpower fear.

    I enjoyed this post of yours!

    Liked by 1 person


  9. suzicate
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 23:10:16

    Love this post. I didn’t watch the video yet, but I plan to come back to it.
    I haven’t watched the news or read newspapers in years because of the negativity. I only occasionally watch a documentary or movie. Or even rarer, if I need some good laughs and watch old sitcoms!
    You have a lovely dream. I dream of inner and outer peace for all, and a world filled with love. Of course, once love wins there will be peace.
    Love, hugs, and blessings to you.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 14:23:29

      Hi Suzie, I hope you manage to find the time to view it.. some very interesting points. And you are wise to not watch the news.. I too try to avoid.. Not always possible with hubby 🙂 .. But I know more than myself hold this dream.. And yes you are perfectly correct.. it starts first by us finding inner peace before we can reflect it outwards into the world.. All starts with Self.. And so the snow-ball effect will be begin. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  10. Paul Handover
    Aug 03, 2015 @ 23:24:25

    Just loved this, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Mark Lanesbury
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 01:35:58

    Thank you Sue, great video. It took a little while for science to catch up but at least they are looking further and not being hampered by what they regarded as fantasy.
    I’ll give them this much, it takes a strong heart to go where none before dare look, and then see for themselves. Mark

    Liked by 2 people


  12. Ka
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 02:16:09

    Sue, I was playing my drum this afternoon as a little break…then I thought of you. Aren’t we so blessed to be connected… knowingly connected? I am thinking of our heart meditation connection. Thank you for reminding me… and the medicine wheel… ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  13. litebeing
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 02:57:32

    Sue, I was thinking of you today and I really like this post. It really matters what we take into our energy space and what we also put out into the world. Fighting negativity is not the way. This post leads us in the correct direction.

    love, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 14:52:39

      Hi Linda.. Ooooh I am so honoured that is two of my favourite lightworkers who thought of me yesterday 🙂 I am honoured Thank you. And many thanks for your compliments to my post Linda.. May we all beat our drum in the right direction.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  14. balroop2013
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 04:35:31

    Hi Sue,

    I love your beautiful thoughts…love, positivity, peace and harmony is all around us, it belongs to us as it emanates from each heart but we choose negativity and criticism just to feed our ego, probably that makes us superior or so people think!

    The brighter aspect of all this is that negative energy and thoughts too carry a profound lesson for all as their consequences have always revealed that we rush towards light, we embrace positive thoughts after traversing all those dark alleys and get back to basics…love and peace.

    Thanks for sharing a wonderful post.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 15:31:28

      Thank you so much for your own beautiful thoughts. We are all of us working together to create positive thoughts and healing for our world. And yes its often darkest before the dawn light.. before we can turn things around to embrace love and Peace once again.. Thank YOU for taking the time to leave me your thoughts..
      Blessings Sue ❤



  15. jacksjottings
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 06:05:21

    Sue Dreamwalker this is soothing music that I would put on the top of my hits parade.
    In other words Sue I am in tune with the wisdom you put so well in this post.
    You have made great points, everything is interconnected and our thoughts shape our life in every way and you mention how the media feeds us with fear, greed and violence.
    Indigenous people in the past had wisdom.
    I believe the empire building countries only had superior technology.
    We can not grieve over the past Sue we can only try and keep our minds free from the defilements of greed, hatred and ignorance.
    Love is the antidote to hate.
    It is pleasing reading the comments they echo your words.
    I am off to pay a few visits now to help me learn as I have learned from you._/\_

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 14:58:20

      Jack..It is always a pleasure to receive your kind thoughts that hold also much wisdom. I am so pleased I was Top of the Pops! 🙂 I agree Jack, we can only go forward letting go of prejudice, Greed, Anger, and yes so many are ignorant of how their thoughts and attitudes contribute to the ways of the world.. It is no good us wanting a better world if we do not start and put our own houses in order first..
      And you have left me big smiles Jack .. And I still have much to learn Jack.. but with your thoughts and posts I still too learn a great deal from You my friend.. Thank you _/\_

      Liked by 1 person


  16. kowkla123
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 12:51:12

    super schöne Schwingungen hat das bei mir erzeugt, einen super Tag wünsche ich

    Liked by 1 person


  17. chicasl10
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 12:56:37

    its so true Sue
    our media shows more and more negative sad disturbing news.
    we need to protect ourselves >Try to see the positive and delete ( if u can) the negative information. The world is going the bad way But seems this was also in the early days When we check the history
    so Sue Wish u awesome sunn days with positiv smiles.

    Liked by 2 people


  18. Visionkeeper
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 13:12:59

    Could not agree more. Our thoughts so often connect DW…It is getting way more difficult each day( at least here in the states) as the negativity builds up towards a crescendo, as they so frantically try to pull us down and under. The propaganda has increased ten fold and the lies are almost more than one can stand to hear any longer. It is overwhelming! We must stay closer together and keep the remembrance of the light first and foremost in our hearts despite what evils swirl around us. We must not feel ashamed to say we need help fighting this battle, for we have been at it now for a very long time. Fatigue is a very real thing. A few words of encouragement is all it takes to help one another stay the course. This is part of why we are here….Be well friend. Hugs and love to you…VK

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 15:16:14

      Thank you for that dear VK.. and I know many of our hearts over time have at times become despondent and at times we have been worn down, drained and felt wrung out. But it has often been you along with others dear VK that has kept me going when I was at a low ebb.. And I hope also you will call upon me when you ever need an energy booster LOL.. For we are ALL of us here for one another.. As we remember why we came. and what it is we still have to achieve.. ❤ xxx Mega Hugs ❤ DW

      Liked by 1 person


  19. Enigma
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 14:01:13



  20. Val Boyko
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 14:40:46

    My heart is beating in tune with yours Sue. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  21. dilip
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 16:18:49

    A very inspiring post dear Sue. Yes it is indeed worrisome that children too are growing in a world of negativity. Unless large doses of positive vibes and thoughts are infused all around the future would be so full of strife. And you Sue are doing a great service to humanity by spreading empowering and uplifting thoughts.

    Cheers and best of everything.:)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 18:16:58

      Bless you dear Dilip.. thank you so much for your thoughts. Here’s hoping we can all start a ripple effect Dilip to spread the love and peace around. Many thanks for you compliments my friend.. Have a wonderful week.. Sue



  22. leroywatson4
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 16:49:34

    Great post Sue. Highly empowering to feel connected to all. Just got my copy of Phoenix rising and enjoying the wonderful ‘No Eyes’. Hope the sun is shining. Peace and Light, leex

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 18:10:52

      Brilliant Lee.. 😀 so pleased you are enjoying.. 🙂 ‘No Eyes’ has a wonderful energy that oozes from the pages 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope all is well within you both.. Blessings Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  23. Rajagopal
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 19:41:08

    Loved your refreshing observations on thought-intention-action, and the great need to fill hearts with love, duly eliminating negative energy causing thoughts. I will only add following beat to the drum, Sue, by quoting Christina Rossetti’s lines, “all is small save love, / for love is all in all”….best wishes… Raj.

    Liked by 2 people


  24. stephensmustang1
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 20:39:58

    The world would be a much better place if we all tried to help each other out and live in peace as much as possible.

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Maria F.
    Aug 05, 2015 @ 04:37:28

    How refreshing in a very spiritual manner Sue, thanks for sharing this video!



  26. Superduque777
    Aug 05, 2015 @ 05:45:36



  27. europasicewolf
    Aug 05, 2015 @ 15:21:08

    It’s always good to strive towards improving ourselves and considering the needs of others before our own 🙂 Thank you for sharing 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person


  28. lorriebowden
    Aug 05, 2015 @ 16:05:40

    Sue…I love this post so much and I know in the deepest place in my heart that we can change this energy!!! I am saddened when I see all the negative things that are reported on the daily news…I said to someone the other day that it is like the networks are in a major competition to see who can come up with the worst news stories. If they looked that hard for kind, uplifting stories of love and gratitude imagine how quickly we could change the world!! Much love to you, Sue. I’m so happy to have connected with you!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2015 @ 17:03:22

      Hi Lorrie.. Yes it wouldn’t take long I assure you if more adopted a positive outlook on life.. And created the ‘Feel-Good Factor’ instead of the woe is me one.. Where by we absorb the energy projected..
      I am so pleased you enjoyed this post.. and I do not remember who found who Lorrie.. but I too am so very pleased to have you within my special WP circle of friends.. 🙂 much love your way… Sue x ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  29. Tom Merriman
    Aug 05, 2015 @ 21:14:30

    Very true, Sue. We’re always being made aware of this battle against negativity, or dark force, which is automatically making us think more of it. Switching off and getting away from any of these external sources is a good way to clear the thoughts, and focus on the good instead. Just the good. Nothing else. Even for a couple of minutes a day such thoughts create improvement. Always a good thing!



  30. The Emu
    Aug 06, 2015 @ 12:58:05

    Beautiful Sue, if one could truly read, understand and believe in the words you have written, then mankind is on the road to recovery and enlightenment.
    I look forward to seeing the results of your work, in my next level of Spiritual development.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2015 @ 13:40:03

      Bless you Ian… we are all upon our roads of enlightenment.. even the darkness that permeates various places and individuals all help push us to understanding Love is of a higher vibration and as such we are all of us at various stages along this road of discovery. Each one pulling another up from the depths so to speak.. Each of us are on the journey towards returning back to the source of all Love.. 🙂 that which we were created from within the Stars 🙂 as your poems so often speak of. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  31. The Emu
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 14:04:03

    Not sure Sue, but we must appreciate the fact that a lot of Indigenous peoples around the world, seem to remember and respect aspects of life an existence that are beyond our modern comprehension.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. valentinelogar
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 23:36:36

    This is what I am trying to remember and hold on too right now Sue. For healing, for peace for security of heart and mind. This. thank you for the direction.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Maria Wind Talker
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 23:47:05

    Mitakuye Oyasin xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  34. Eric
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 04:30:55

    One of the many studies of this past year of my work, I concentrate on some programming that Gregg did. One of these days I will finish it and get it posted at my wordpress page. Gregg’s videos on mirror work are outstanding. I combine it with a couple of other techniques for inner work — and the rest I’ll tell on my page eventually. 🙂
    ❤ Sue
    ~ Eric

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Emma Sarah Tennant
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 21:49:32

    Yes, if we all wrote more about how much we enjoy nature rather than our fears for her destruction, perhaps we would start to treat nature better too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:19:53

      In total agreement Emma. 🙂 and if more of us looked after Nature and realised nature and we are one.. then how better still the world would be 🙂 I so appreciate your thoughts and comments.. 🙂 Thank you



  36. Kourtney Heintz
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 01:30:26

    Fascinating stuff. I can’t watch anything dark before bed because it disturbs my dreams. I definitely think the energy we put out gets absorbed.

    Liked by 1 person


  37. D.G.Kaye
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 02:18:01

    Beautiful Sue. Keep spreading the word. If we all share (and of course I have) eventually we may start a ring of positivity. We get what we focus on, so why not make it beautiful and positive. xo ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:41:43

      Hi Deb.. apologies for only just getting around to moderate. but I have had some family time out time.. Enjoying some vacation togetherness 🙂 .. I am sure that Ring of positivity is well on its way to creating ‘Ripples’ 🙂 Love and Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  38. Sangeeta Pradhan RD, CDE
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 19:35:13

    Dear Sue, your lovely post struck a chord in me as it did in all who strive for a peaceful co-existence. I agree with you. Positive thoughts create positive vibrations ,and this positive, all powerful, cosmic energy that we tap into consciously or otherwise, gives rise to the to the materialistic reality as we know it, This might sound grandiose, but by unconditionally loving and accepting others, as you so correctly put it, we will all start vibrating at a higher frequency and elevate our collective cosmic consciousness, thus having a ripple effect on all creation,I hope. Please continue to spread your message of love and enlightenment. Thank you so much:)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 15:01:07

      Dear Sangeeta
      How lovely to have you visit and leave me this lovely positive comment. I am delighted to meet you.. I am in total agreement with you. I thank you most kindly for leaving me your thoughts and apologies for the delay in answering.. I have been absent from WP for a few days.. I hope to repay the compliment and visit you shortly .. Blessings Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. Robyn Cabral
    Aug 11, 2015 @ 08:46:35

    Hey Sue Glad to come in and see your fabulous post! Love Gregg Braden! lots of like minds here connected ! fabulous!

    Liked by 1 person


  40. Sangeeta Pradhan RD, CDE
    Aug 13, 2015 @ 17:49:10

    Dear Sue,
    So happy I found your blog. I love blogs that are “uplifting” like your!
    Thank you😊



  41. Unsungpoet
    Aug 17, 2015 @ 08:43:24




  42. Wendy Gillissen
    Aug 19, 2015 @ 11:03:58

    Beautifully spoken, Sue… I truly believe this is the one thing that will save our planet… choosing Love over Fear! My heart beats along with the drum! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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