When the Universe Speaks I Listen ~Part 3.

“And, when you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

-Paulo Coelho-

Playfulness Art by Sue

Playfulness Art by Sue

Sometimes it maybe hard to see what is in front of us, especially if we turn a blind eye to the promptings of our inner selves..  As I read The Journey™ I was nodding along, thinking how I too had explored many avenues of self healing over the years.  Which can be found in amongst my Soul Journey series.. I no longer suffered from Raynauds disease, I was no long in constant fatigue or pain from Fibromyalgia. I had done a lot of healing work.. Plus I still had regular acupuncture as top ups  which concentrated upon problem area’s.. But even my therapist  had not helped my digestive issues heal completely..   

So was the Universe conspiring to show me how I still needed to work upon my inner self some more?  Having a digestion problem of acid reflux and discomfort, I wondered what was not sitting right with me.. What was it I was finding hard to digest? And why would I be reading this book right now?

The Universe had been helping, nudging me along since January if I’d really thought about it.. My Falling so hard on my Chin: I recognize my own true worth.- Sprained wrists: Louise L. Hay says Sprains represent anger and resistance, not wanting to move in a certain direction! What was I not grasping? as for weeks my wrists could not hold the weight of a pan without pain.. Was I angry? or was I resisting still my decision to retire?  I posed myself these internal Questions as I listened for the answers. 

 I had hospital tests done last year all proved negative so no worries there. So I had proceeded to altering my diet.. Cutting out Gluten and my diet got a boost in March as my daughter gifted me the Deliciously Ella Cook Book for Mother’s Day with lots of Goodies from her Health Food Store to get me started in cutting sugar out of my diet also..

So I began eating more Salads everyday for lunch, more fruit and Nuts, And my Veggies in the evenings with our evening meal we always had. Making  myself a healthy Green Smoothie most days using recipes from Ella’s book… And I truly did and do feel more energised because of it… Yet out of the blue the symptoms would worsen… And I couldn’t pin point it all the time to what I was eating..

So what was I thinking? What patterns were I repeating?…. I sat awake one night trying to do the exercise in The Journey™ book.. But would get stuck as my mind would get caught within the Drama’s of what I was revisiting.. Brandon Bays had said not to stay in the drama, but go down through the emotions it was bringing up..  So I just wrote and wrote, All the past as it flooded in.. all the drama’s I poured down which had caused me and others pain.. 

One of the Big issues it did bring up was ‘rejection’ Not only in the adult years from my mother.. But when I went down through those stories which brought up emotions from my childhood, of feeling alone.. Not loved, in some ways not worthy.  I had found myself trying to prove myself.. I realised I had done that throughout my career… Always nose to the grindstone.. Working my way up from age 15 from sewing machinist to – . N.V.Q. Assessor-External Verifier-Training Manager.  Then how even after my Career change how I still was climbing in getting my qualifications in Support Working with Learning Difficulties and Mental Health. Was I still seeking approval?

Is my blog still not a means of seeking approval?  How I need to try to visit posts all be it late of those who leave me their lovely comments…Was I still seeking external approval? And was I still wounding myself?

Then as I started reading through the various posts on other blog as the Synchronicities started again, as others too were revisiting old stuff.. Working to Let Go of emotional baggage. All was coming together

Watercolour Cat Moods Art by Sue

Watercolour Cat Moods Art by Sue


Is it a coincidence that as I at last got this post in my head on the 6th of April the anniversary of my Mother’s passing? Or that I went to bed last night after a beautiful day with my 4 yr old Granddaughter and wished my Mother a Happy Earth Birthday  which was yesterday on the 7th..  I don’t believe in coincidences.. For All is part of the Universal Plan. 

I can not say if my Inner work as got to the core issues.. But what I can say is I feel lighter, brighter in mind and spirit.. I am sure that my Inner healing will be on going throughout my life… None of us are given a manual in Life and Living.. But we are given the tools and guidance to explore the realms of our emotions which so often have such a lasting impact from the stories each of us have held onto .. Many suffer so much in traumatic events, especially in our young years…

Now all I need to work on is my aching muscles as I start the season of weeding and hoeing and digging in the allotments again… Practice as they say makes perfect.. I will  be getting plenty of that.

What we All have to realise is what many have kept buried deep within is also in need of being weeded and cast out as we let go of the buried pain we have kept hidden sometimes without even realising it. Which gets embedded within our bodies as cellular memory to appear later down the line. 

I thank you all who have managed to stay to course and read to the bottom of this post.. 

Love and Blessings


PS… I forgot to add.. My Laptop was returned with new keyboard and all data in tact.. Now maybe that also was telling me something 🙂


94 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. bwcarey
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 19:09:34

    i have been on a journey, and the universe is doing all it can, divine love is amazing



  2. kerlund74
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 19:19:47

    I wonder if this is something that is our generations curse… The hunting for love and approval. Trying to show how good we are and work with these thoughts as our fuel. Long way to walk from that to doing things just for us and just because we want to. But I think we have the benefit to be aware of our issues and that we work with them and are healing. Slowly but we are:) Hugs

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 18:26:00

      Maybe our generation need to learn to go through these emotions my friend in order to help the world also shed the layers which we have built up over the centuries.. I agree we are working through our issues and WE are Healing!.. Here’s our Healing Journey xxx ❤ Much love. x

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Barbara Franken
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 19:35:06

    Aren’t we all very human sue on our unique journey through life… Questioning ourselves to discern what is truly ours or not. Being aware of everything and living our life as best and compassionately as we can is everything…. Except knowing that we have great friends close by, walking with us… Thank you sue for being you and sharing your genuine journey… Love Barbara x

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 18:23:02

      Its good to have such a community of friends Barbara, our journey is never ending as we constantly are questioning ourselves and learning how to shed our skins and let go of that which we no longer need,.. Many thanks for being part of our shared journey of discovery x ❤ Hugs Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  4. David
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 20:09:01

    My heart goes out to you Sue from the UK at the moment would you believe? So not at home and trying to help daughter No2 who is in constant pain. More when I get home mid April all being well. Love, David



  5. narf77
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 21:01:02

    Working through personal issues is never easy but is always rewarding. Don’t forget, when you start eating differently, you are going to detox a bit so some of those “symptoms” are really just what you have been eating in the past detoxing out of your system. Knowing when to let go is the start of the healing process. Your mum, my dad, I live in the house where he passed away. I said to Steve “If I can even FEEL him here I can’t live here…” He wasn’t here. He did visit though, on the first anniversary of his death I could smell cigarette smoke in the kitchen. I didn’t even think about it being the day that he died, but I followed the scent as it got stronger and stronger till I was standing on the exact spot where he died. Life has a way of reminding us that it is cyclical and that what we hold onto makes us what we are. Learning to let go of old hurts and wounds and to let them scab over and heal is vital to our own health. Setting hurts free allows you to heal. You don’t have to forget to forgive, you just have to be willing to step back from the pain and head off in another direction. Easy to say, not so easy to do. Glad you are working through it all and that your life is moving forwards. With you completely on the sore muscles! I am SO glad I was a gym junky last century as moving tonnes of wood under the deck has rendered me knackered to my bones but knowing that Brunhilda will be fed all winter long is one of those primal moments of the deepest satisfaction. Food, water, air, shelter and fire. How lucky are we? 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 18:12:00

      Narf, thank you so much for all of your wonderful advice, I so appreciate the thoughtfulness and time spent here… Yes I agree with all you said.. And I am so pleased Brunhilda will be fed with an abundance of all your hard labours… Muscles not so sore today, I spent the day in the Greenhouse pricking out seedlings… Back aches a little from stooping!.. But I know how lucky I am.. And like you appreciate the basics in life as essentials… I can very easily leave the luxuries behind.. 🙂 “Food, water, air, shelter and fire.” Yes How Lucky WE are 😀 xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • narf77
        Apr 10, 2015 @ 19:30:27

        I was moving pots from the glasshouse over to Stevie-boys shed and onto a heat pad as they had germinated but were struggling a bit with our very short summer (almost British summer 😉 ) and the early onset of cold. They are sugar apple/custard apple seedlings and I am trying an experiment on Serendipity Farm. One day I want a food forest with all kinds of weird and wonderful food trees mingled into it’s midst. I am amassing my “weird and wonderful” through growing my own. Just had a mango seed germinate as well! I am blessed that I have a glasshouse where they can overwinter. Isn’t gardening amazing, and SO rewarding 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 10, 2015 @ 19:35:35

          Sounds like you have also been very busy as usual!! 🙂 And yes Gardening is AMAZING… and made all the more so with growing and germinating seeds ourselves.. Sounds a wonderful plan of action to have food trees and delights… Hubby planted the potatoes today 🙂 SPRING has SPRUNG! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • narf77
            Apr 10, 2015 @ 20:02:47

            I planted out a bag of overshot spuds just to fill up a new garden bed that we made late last year and they went mental. Not sure if there are many spuds under that mound as it was comprised of straight rotted horse manure and oak leaves but there was plenty of purest “GREEN!” which was what I wanted. It crowded out all of the weeds that I didn’t want to pull out of the heap so I may even get a bonus crop from my green mulch 😉

            Liked by 1 person


  6. Writing to Freedom
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 21:11:57

    I honor you and your path Sue. I can relate to wanting more love and approval. I am finally at a place of giving it myself. “Working on myself” to improve and grow really hasn’t worked for me. I’m at a point where offering self-love, self-compassion and acceptance seems the most important thing to do. I resonate with the teachings of Matt Kahn who I’ve mentioned a few times on my blog.

    May you find your path to peace and love my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 18:04:36

      Bless you Brad, ” “Working on myself” to improve and grow really hasn’t worked for me.”,,, As I see it Brad, you give of your self, to all who come via your way… “I’m at a point where offering self-love, self-compassion and acceptance seems the most important thing to do” It shows, and I thank you for your continued support of myself and others… But you also need to remember to save some of all that you give to love and nurture yourself.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • Writing to Freedom
        Apr 10, 2015 @ 20:38:11

        Thanks for your kind and heartfelt words Sue. You’re right that I’m learning to give to myself as well. And I feel that love and compassion bless all, whether offered inwardly or outwardly.
        Hugs and blessings my friend. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


  7. suzicate
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 22:15:41

    We are each gifted tools to dig through our pain and pave our way through the journey. It is all in what we “see” and how we choose to “use” the tools we are gifted. Some are able to see the synchronicities and life lessons before us and are guided while others choose to feel victimized and wait for someone else to take action. People who think and feel deeply (like you) examine and reflect are usually making choices to be led where they need to be. Blessing to you! XOXO

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 17:58:54

      Thank you Suzie your comment is greatly appreciated I am so please my journey gave me awareness into using the tools we have been gifted with.. And I thank you so so much for your support and yes its all about our choices.. xxxx .. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Katalina4
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 23:21:46

    Love those kitty cats… and I’m not sure we’re ever totally finished growing into being better humans… 🙂 Kat



  9. Katalina4
    Apr 08, 2015 @ 23:21:46

    Love those kitty cats… and I’m not sure we’re ever totally finished growing into being better humans… 🙂 Kat

    Liked by 1 person


    Apr 08, 2015 @ 23:53:10

    I once had acid reflux in my 20’s Sue. On a physical level I was eating too much acid food not enough alkaline. I tested my level of acidity on a PH Paper and I was around 4 very acid…it took a long time to increase to 7.5 alkaline. Back then I didn’t know…now in my 40’s I know on the emotional and mental is pretty much letting go of negative karma/belief when these thoughts gets in your cellular memories drama sets in your illusion of suffering. It is a journey and each one of us have a story to tell. Love and Light! Diane

    Liked by 1 person


  11. PreciousRhymes
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 00:33:28

    Saw shades of myself in this writing Sue. I wonder as I get to know you more, if the compassion and care that spills out from your writings could have been possible without the experience of living your experiences. I say this because I know that for myself, had this journey taken me elsewhere, this heart would’ve probably not been able to feel a lot that it can today. You’ve used your pain (as I’m sure the joyful experiences) in a transformative way to heal not only your own heart but to spread this healing light to many others, and as you continue to heal I hope the light will continue to spread.
    As for the comments, its always such a pleasant joy to see you drop by; always brings a smile to my heart :), so you may want to think of it as you lighting other bloghomes with your light instead of it having to do with seeking approval. Much Love!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 17:46:38

      I know PR.. I too as I visit others as the Synchronisities came in, was not surprised at how many others are working on themselves right now.
      I agree that if it were not for my past experiences PR my breakdown in the 90’s I would not be who I am today.
      I thank you for your observations, I don’t consciously see myself as seeking approval.. but it did strike me that was the reason behind why I got the guilty pangs when I missed visiting for a while.. And then instead of just leaving one comment upon their blog, I felt the need to back track so much through past posts. Even though I do enjoy catching up with posts this way.. ( maybe its also thinking I am missing out on something LOL too)..
      What ever the reason, I am pleased our paths crossed on WP PR.. and I am pleased you see me lighting other blog homes what a lovely thing to say… Many thanks xxxx Hugs Sue xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Michael
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 01:24:13

    Hi Sue,

    I’ve seen these themes floating through the blogosphere and my own thought patterns of late as well. (By the way, Part 3 came out beautifully!) It is so easy to doubt ourselves. to have our positive intentions undergo distortions. Sometimes I think getting to the bottom of things requires a deep acceptance of who we are. Not so much a fixing of it, as a letting it be. Hard to explain I guess, because I don’t mean letting the pain remain in tact, but I do mean knowing we’re complete and we’re whole and the emotional ups and downs and doubts don’t really matter in the grand scheme.

    Also, knowing it’s okay and good to enjoy relatedness and connection with others, particularly those who respond to communications from the heart… I need that as much as any vitamin or nutrient…


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 17:22:43

      No you explained it well Michael.. Letting it be.. is I think a good description.. Its learning what we have held onto emotionally which have got ingrained deep. Which we have not always realised were there.. Its these deeply buried emotions which can be the cause of illness and Personality Traits , Once we do see what we have done to ourselves, and Let go of them.. I agree they do not matter in the grand scheme.. But until we let them go, for the memory of trauma can often then be held in the cellular memory of our bodies.. ( I am reminded of Dr Emoto and the work he did with water and emotions..) As we are water based its no wonder our emotions can alter our cellular structure also .. So its fascinating to see once our thoughts release them our cells our illness’s then can also heal.

      Many thank, for your vitamin boost here upon my own Blog Michael.. I hope to be around to bring my own nourishment to your own posts shortly 😀
      Many thanks for a wonderful reply.. Sue

      Liked by 2 people


  13. Paul Handover
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 01:54:27

    It is such a truism to say that it is all about relationships. But it is! And the most important relationship of all is the one we have with ourself.

    All of which is a preamble to say that you, Sue, offer wonderful inspiration and evidence to show that the journey unto self is brimful of rewards.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. New Bloggy Cat
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 03:06:02

    I just love the cat painting! Thanks for sharing your ‘journey’. Sometimes, I do wish there’s a manual in life and living. I too am still working on the emotional baggage department. May the Universe helps us all find joy and inner peace! (⊙︡‿⊙︠)✌



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 17:09:00

      Would be good if we did get a Life Manual.. But they would we learn anything if we had a book to go by.. 🙂 … Seems many are working upon themselves at the moment my friend.. and Nice to know you enjoyed my paintings x

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Grace
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 05:58:31

    What beautiful art you make :-). Thank you for stopping by to comment…I’m not on the blogs much at all any more but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I love it that you ask yourself such pointed questions. I know for myself it has been true that what started as cathartic blogging many years ago where “audience” wasn’t even on my radar, changed to become a way of seeking affirmation, connection and approval. That was in the old days when blogging was a priority and took a lot of my time…I had so many commentors, etc. and it did feed that need inside of me. Not sure that is always a bad thing. I believe much has to do with our intentions. That being said, I like the freedom of not being so energetically tied to Blogland any more. For the very reason that my virtual “life” was consuming my “real time” life in ways that were out if balance. I am happy to read about your fulfillment and joy…..and that your own healing journey is continuing. Blessings!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 17:05:04

      Dear Grace…. I am most grateful that you took time out to visit. Knowing the journey you are on at the moment, makes my own seem very insignificant.. Yes I started out blogging quite by accident on Windows Live.. I tentatively posted a few poems and others found me and the journey of Blog land started I transferred here to WP when Windows Live closed.. They offered everyone a chance to transfer to blogger or WP.. I Have never regretted the move and have met the most Wonderful people here on WP.
      I think speaking for myself, I get caught up in the ‘Feel Guilty’ mode if I neglect to visit others.. I do try to visit those who visit me, as much as is possible.. But as you say.. We have to balance our virtual lives with our Real Time lives…

      You really should if you get a chance read The Journey by Brandon Bays.. it has exercises in the back to do..

      I send you lots of healing vibes over the ocean Grace.. sending lots of love for Perfect health for you xxx Love Sue xxx



  16. BloomLisa
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 08:00:08

    I wish you well on this journey into health, healing and releasing all that no longer serves you. I too find that synchronicity; it feels that many in our community, self included, are in need of some deeper healing to become the healers for the BIG job at hand on our planet. The ego works in mysterious & relentless ways doesn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:56:41

      I agree.. I know many have been working deeper upon their Inner selves Lisa.. and as we do so too we help heal the world.. For are we not all of us connected? so as we release that which we no longer need.. we send a ripple effect around and out.. My wish is that in doing so as you have said, we can help create a healed world of harmony and more peace, as we discover it within.. 🙂 Many thanks Lisa.. Mega Hugs x

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Val Boyko
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 08:18:04

    Thank you for sharing this part of your journey Sue! Spring growth and weeding go together in our outer and inner worlds.
    May you find peace within and outer healing 🙏



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:53:10

      Val I thank you… the inner weeding has been revealing.. I have set about my outer weeding lol literally in my allotment this week.. making hay while the sun shines as they say.. I thank you very much for reading and taking the time to comment.. 🙂 Hugs back x

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Karin
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 10:42:58

    Thanks for sharing this, Sue. These are great observations.

    I can relate to that. The awakening process is a shift of the self-image. It entails a letting go of the former self-image. And this brings up old wounds and hurts. They are revisited , and then we need to let them go.

    Also, I got the impression that life sends us events which will purposefully disturb our former self-image. This is in order to bring our attachments to our former self-definition into our consciousness. So, every set of self-definitions which we hold dear will be brought to light so that we can let go of it.

    Here, I am always thinking of the story of Adyashanti who defined himself as a super biking athlete. For his awakening process, he needed to be weaned from this self-definition. The universe accomplished this weaning by putting him to bed with several illnesses for several months in a row – twice! After that, he said that it is hard to define yourself as a super athlete if you are as weak as a puppy.

    That is exactly how it works. It is painful. But if we know why these things happen, then it is much easier to accept them.

    I wish you all the best for your remaining health problems and hope they will be better soon.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:50:45

      Dear Karin.
      Many thanks for you observations.. I am with your all the way on this one as you said~
      “Also, I got the impression that life sends us events which will purposefully disturb our former self-image. This is in order to bring our attachments to our former self-definition into our consciousness. So, every set of self-definitions which we hold dear will be brought to light so that we can let go of it.”
      Hopefully the more work I can do upon myself in this regard the lighter my vibration, and closer to source we become.. I thank you so much Karin for your in-depth analysis, and thank you very much for reading and commenting.. I am feeling Much much better thank you xox

      Liked by 1 person


  19. Visionkeeper
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 14:01:59

    The never ending work of self realization…Becoming who we are TRULY meant to be and letting go of all that is not. I believe it is ongoing DW and we will be at it when we pass on. This tells me we are fulfilling our mission here on earth, to be the best that we can be but doesn’t that really come when we decide to accept ourselves just they way we are? I think part of the illusion we are residing in is the belief we need fixing! We are who we are, we do what we do and that should be all we need to love and believe in ourselves and end the relentless search to be better….It is a tough one to get past, but if we just live from a place of integrity all the other stuff falls into place…..Hugs to you my friend. Love the art work. VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:33:46

      Oh I so hope so VK… seems like a ‘Never Ending Story’ as another layer looms and we peel it away.. You said

      I think part of the illusion we are residing in is the belief we need fixing!

      Yes I know what you mean… the problem is all the conditioning we have had.. And our emotional bodies have taken hold of such a lot of debris which has been dished out to us over the years… We end up wearing our various masks which disguise our true feelings, because often we do not dare say what really is on our minds.
      If you condense it further you can see how many white lies we can often tell… so as not to hurt other’s feelings, which we know in Business the lies just grow.. We look even further to our Governing bodies and exposure is only now just peeling back the layers of their own Big lies throughout the years..
      Is it all part and parcel of us as a whole discovering who we are..
      I so agree if we all lived from that place of Integrity, how easier life would be for all.. But we have grown up in Fear.. They say Truth Hurts. it does, especially when we do not admit it to ourselves..
      I hope as we become more aware VK we can peel yet more layers away.. I hope the world soon wakes up to its own illness’s too VK.. And starts fixing what needs fixing instead of destroying itself..



  20. beverley
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 14:59:46

    I think the need for approval from others is something we need as a protection, which as been left with since the beginning of human civilisation and is one of the reasons why we need others and others keep us safe.
    I think since i have been diagnosed with FMS and the rest i have often tried to find an inner reason for why and the only conclusion i have come up with is that some times our body is telling us to stop and if we do not stop then eventually it makes us stop. With me, it was first the migraine and the depression, with reason for either and now it’s hell and until i get myself into a better place physically, hell is my daily companion.
    It is nice to have aching muscles when you have actually physically done something, so enjoy your gardening and the sunshine. xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:20:09

      Yes I know how far I have come Beverley in comparison to your daily suffering of pain with the symptoms of FMS.. And It seems Migraine and depression are also among the symptoms…
      I have the Feel Good Factor today… Spent most of the day in the Greenhouse, pricking out all the seedlings into trays..and the ache in my back is one that is there for bending over 🙂 I rested too and picked up a book to read in the Sun.. 🙂 so pacing myself.. Big Hugs your way my friend xxx



  21. Karen Wan
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 15:07:37

    Sue, I can relate to your post in many ways. Thanks for sharing your journey with questioning self-approval concerns. I too get caught up in worrying about whether I am responsive enough to other people’s blogs. There is a limited amount of time for all of us to do that. I try to allow intuition and resonance to guide me in commenting on other blogs.

    I have had a lot of stuff coming up lately with my health and my mom’s recent illness, which has been causing me to dig deeper into who I am becoming now, and weed out some issues that have been stifling me for a while. I have been so busy changing that I haven’t been blogging much, but I am planning on writing about some of what’s been up in my life soon. In my case, the universe has been sending me the message that life is short, and it’s important to surround yourself with people that support and love you.

    Hugs and be kind to yourself Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:14:31

      Thank you Karen for that lovely advice.. and sorry to hear you too have had some health issues along with coping with your Mom’s illness… Seems at times the Universe throws us a mixed bag of tricks to sort out all at once.. But I also believe we are being shown and given these ‘Signs’ and Symptoms as we align better with who we really are.. As our energies shift, so too our Mind and Body have to align into that frequency. Which can bring up painful memories as well as illness, aches and pains.. I am being extremely kind to myself, Thank you

      Remember to be Kind to your self.. And I hope to catch up with your postings soon.. 🙂 x



  22. europasicewolf
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 15:29:51

    It’s natural to want approval! Approval as we learn as children is a very handy tool for getting us what we want 😉 As women too we seem to lack the confidence in ourselves to not need outside approval of some sort to validify us. It’s sad. It shows once again that our mentality still focuses on the inaccurate notion that we are not worthy. That we are not enough in our right and somehow we must be far more even than maybe we want to be.Just to be approved of and feel valid and meaningful…and all the time those we are aiming to please and gain approval and validation from are in fact likely to be in the same place themselves!! Time to give ourselves a big self hug and start enjoying who and what we are without the constant nagging doubts and anxieties that so often hold us back. 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:06:00

      I guess if you take it one stage further you can say that women in general have had to face that burden of unworthiness throughout the centuries.. Maybe now the feminine energies are at last getting stronger.. Giving myself a BIG Self Hug Wolfie… as you suggest.. Arrrrggggh… Yes I feel much more loved.. Lol and who can fail not to after your lovely waggie tails visit 🙂 Hugs my dear Wolfie.. PS… I hope you are taking in ALL that advice too.. and putting some self hugging into practice.. 😀 …

      Liked by 1 person


  23. TamrahJo
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 15:55:19

    Whatever your ‘motivations’ I’m very grateful you write, visit and chat! 🙂



  24. Eddie Two Hawks
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 19:52:48

    Beat the drum slowly, slowly, slowly. It’s your rhythm joining the time less rhythm of eternity. Beat softly and hear your own heartbeat joining the crying, laughing, and singing. All life has struggled to find its own identity. Your greatest strength is to know your self. Walk this road and you will never be lost.

    with admiration and love for all that you have given myself and others,
    thank you, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 16:00:34

      Dear Eddie, my drum is indeed beating back in tune once more to the Rhythm of Life.. And you know Eddie what surprises me even more, is the discovery of another piece of myself 🙂 as each layer is peeled away. :-D.. Bless you for your continued support and love Eddie. Your friendship throughout the years has been of enormous support and encouragement along my Journey of Discovery of myself! ❤ _/\_

      Liked by 1 person


  25. stephensmustang1
    Apr 09, 2015 @ 20:18:54

    Holding on to baggage is detrimental to us all. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re holding on to anything–

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Dalo 2013
    Apr 10, 2015 @ 01:07:48

    Wise and beautiful words Sue ~ “buried pain we have kept hidden sometimes without even realising it. Which gets embedded within our bodies as cellular memory to appear later down the line…”

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Christy Birmingham
    Apr 10, 2015 @ 01:15:21

    Thank you Sue for sharing with us so openly what your heart is feeling right now. I think we all on some level want acceptance, and that is particularly true of our parents. I believe the universe is nudging you toward inner healing and I think you are taking the path with dignity that I have such respect for. I send you much love, dear friend xo



  28. Lois
    Apr 10, 2015 @ 02:51:59

    Sue, I am sorry you have been struggling so with your health. I too have digestive problems and while I eat raw nuts and seeds I find I digest them better if I soak them first. (in case you want to give that a try).

    I can completely relate to your feelings of unworthiness. I wasn’t accepted by my parents and was then raised by my grandparents who feeling they did something wrong raising my mother doubled their efforts with me and let me know what they expected me to be, do and how to act. It was a hard journey to live and after years of trying so hard to be what they wanted and still not feeling the love I craved I gave up and embraced the real me hiding deep inside all those years. Even once I decided to be honest with myself and let the world see that person I still found myself trying to prove I was good enough. What a horrible burden we have to carry when we aren’t loved for who we are.

    Much Love, I hope you are feeling better.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 10, 2015 @ 15:49:34

      I remember you telling part of your story Lois, and thank you for that tip.. I am I think at that stage in my life when the baggage I held onto subconsciously is now ready to be peeled back and discarded.. I am fine Lois, much lighter and Brighter of spirit… And I have my Garden now to get my hands dirty in.. 🙂 Love this time of year, even if its hard work.. 🙂 Much love sent Lois x



  29. litebeing
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 01:09:33

    Hi Sue,
    This post is very profound and moving to me.

    What we All have to realise is what many have kept buried deep within is also in need of being weeded and cast out as we let go of the buried pain we have kept hidden sometimes without even realising it. Which gets embedded within our bodies as cellular memory to appear later down the line.

    This is so true for me, especially now as I just came home after a 3 day hospital stay and I am not out of the woods yet (diverticulitis). I am really tired of this process and am not sure why there is so much more to release. GI tract has to do with waste and I see how this relates to both of us.

    Thanks for displaying your vulnerability and taking us on this 3 part odyssey.

    love and hugs,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 11, 2015 @ 18:24:50

      My dear Linda, I am so sorry to hear you have been so ill you have been in hospital… I had thought myself to be suffering along the same lines with bloating and at times stomach pains.. But fingers crossed I have found lots of relief in the alteration of my diet.. Including cutting out Gluten as much as I can and dairy I too have cut back on.
      We are all on this journey together in regards to shedding our skins and lightening our loads as we learn to finally let go of what we hold within. We are on the last leg I feel of our Human Journey and I intend to Listen well to what both the Universe throws out my way in Signs and Synchronisities and to what my body is telling me.. 🙂 Sending Special Hugs your way xxx



  30. quarteracrelifestyle
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 04:45:52

    Sue, well done 🙂 xx From the comments here it’s not a solo journey but it’s an isolative and intensely personal one. I thank all those others who have gone before and written of their journeys, it gives us so much more understanding and knowledge of what our own must entail. I have been doing a similar thing for myself and it’s never easy so I know what you have been through with it xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 11, 2015 @ 18:30:35

      Agreed Wendy its far from a solo journey we are gathering I feel uniting stronger than ever as we share our thoughts via this web. Which brings a whole new meaning to the Quote from Chief Seattle

      “Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does
      to the web, he does to himself.”

      We are all of us at times thinking of ourselves as separate and yet here we are, all joined together sharing our thoughts and all at some point in our lives experiencing similar emotions as we learn to let go of the past and come into our own New BEing .. Love and Hugs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • quarteracrelifestyle
        Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:53:03

        Yes indeed, and I like that quote 🙂 I am reading a book at the moment I am enjoying very much and getting such alot out of, a book on Shamanism but very different to others I have read like it. The Four Fold Way: Walking the Path of the Warrior, Healer, Visionary and Teacher. The archetypes and shadow aspects of all – some very good insight and understanding I am benefitting from! xx



  31. irenedesign2011
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 13:19:56

    I love your cat pictures, they are really beautiful Sue 😀
    Great that I found this post of yours today, you gave me hope and inspiration for my future here. I do have Raynards, Osteoarthritis and maybe also Lupus or very close to, awaiting for results.
    I have long thought about what to do to have a chance to get rid of some of these. As all others I also carry my baggage even I thought that I had been through most of it, there must be much more to come for.
    Thank you for giving me hope.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 11, 2015 @ 17:46:09

      Irene… many thanks for making yourself known, and for following Dreamwalker’s.. If you look on my previous posting to this Part 2 you will see a link to a book. The Journey.. By Brandon Bays… Please look her up she is on YouTube also.. She cured herself of Cancer.. and her clients also cured themselves of many debilitating diseases. Yes there is HOPE.. and it starts with ourselves as we explore further what created our illness’s in the first place.. Many thanks for adding your thoughts here..
      Blessings Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  32. Jacqueline King
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:48:33

    Once again I’m aligned with so much of what you write about, Sue ~ have been juicing and detoxing and cutting out sugar lately; taking sour cherry juice extract for my aching muscles (arthritis and injury) and practising qigong self~healing techniques. I’ve also been looking closely at the recurring patterns in my life ~ from my birth father dying when I was 4; the suicide of my (then) 4 year old grandsons father two years ago and my daughters subsequent rejection of me. Our combined/ seoerately pain was simply too heavy for either of us to bear. But this is all in the Universal Plan and I’ve used this time to peel back even more layers and fully engage in deeper healing, discovering that I truly believe I am worth it! What a wonderful surprise!! Yes, this is a common theme among certain bloggers at the moment and we are here to help the World heal and to show a better way for us all to olive in harmony with Mother Nature and each other! Great post and beautiful playful artwork! ❤ 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:20:40

      Isn’t it brilliant when the Universe conspires to throw us to read and relate to similar things.. I felt the exact same as I started this 3 part series, as the synchronisities just kept pouring in.
      Qi-Gong I can recommend as you know that it was a big part in my own healing journey.. Isn’t it strange how life plays out and many seem to have near similar stories all be it various plots.. My mother, not speaking, and even to this day two sisters who don’t speak either. 🙂

      I am pleased you have been working upon yourself Jacqueline as it seems are many others who at this time their past hurts surface to be confronted and healed once and for all as we learn to ‘Shift’ our vibration and clear out that which is no longer needed. In readiness for the next phase of our Journey..
      Love and Blessings upon your own inner healing my friend.. I know we are all bound in this together.. or we would not have united as such.. x



  33. Jacqueline King
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:50:17

    * live* not olive ~ but I love those too! LOL!! 😉



  34. D.G.Kaye
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 02:02:17

    Sue I love coming here and reading about your wisdoms. Yet another thing we have in common is Louise Hayes! As we both have deep issues which stem from our mothers and childhoods, I think it’s a constant battle to stay on top of ourselves and continue to do and practice the things we are doing. I think I’ve told you I suffer from Crohn’s disease and have helped myself overcome the terrible medications with naturopathy and spirituality. I removed the dairy from my diet almost two decades ago as well as wheat and am wondering if you have taken them both out of your diet as they can be major disruptive culprits for those of us who suffer digestive orders. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 15:35:22

      Yes Deb I found her affirmations invaluable when I worked upon myself when I had my nervous breakdown in the 90’s.. We hold so much within as we wound so easily and yet if you are like me throughout the years we often don on our masks and smiles and to everyone else outside we put on a mask.. While inside we hurt.. That hurt/ wound has at some point got to manifest.. And Crhon’s I suspect is a result of all those irritations we shelve..
      Yes I have cut out gluten and nearly all dairy .. I bought some Spelt flour and made pastry out of it.. and cookies, that with more green smoothies and more raw live foods such as salads etc.. I feel better.. How ever yesterday I did end up having a sandwich I thought one will not hurt.. I wish I hadn’t for I became bloated and uncomfortable during the night so can only put it down to the bread! I am still experimenting, but I am not missing bread.. But do miss cheese… 🙂

      Thank you for reading and giving me such positive feedback x Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • D.G.Kaye
        Apr 12, 2015 @ 22:41:49

        Always happy to share what works. And there are many wonderful breads out there without gluten! I buy a beautiful one made from chia seeds and flax. Good fibre and no bloat! That’s what happens to me also. As soon as I eat off my plan, I look pregnant until the next day 😦



  35. aussieian2011
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 05:28:35

    Very enlightening self analysis post Sue, I see ups and downs during your walk of life, learning and absorbing as you go, a very diverse path which has led you to where you are now.
    The aching muscles you feel when weeding Sue, is Natures gentle reminder, that everything we do has a cost, a small price to pay when you see the beautiful results of your toil.Cheers.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 15:01:43

      Yes I think you are right Ian… the one good thing is that my muscles ache so much less now with exercise than some years ago with none.. 🙂 Many thanks for your feedback. its always so good to see you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  36. lavendermoongirlblog
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:14:46

    Lots of hugs Sue. I hope your new cookbook helps you to calm your digestive issues. Xxx:-)

    Liked by 1 person


  37. lavendermoongirlblog
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:37:25

    That’s good Sue. Food needs to be enjoyed. I find a hot water bottle on my tummy helps too, or massaging Rose and lavender oils. Sweet dreams xx

    Liked by 1 person


    Apr 21, 2015 @ 19:04:55

    Hi my sweet friend Sue!
    I have just finished reading your well-written post that made me feel as if I were reading an excerpt from a psychology book.Many and intriguing the twists and bends of the paths and avenues in our soul,which demand skillful drivers to bring the journey to an end,where we meet with eternal happiness and peace …
    Our emphemeral life is like a flash,it doesn’t last for ages,but it seems unending to our eyes,especially when we experience difficulties.I set internal questions to myself too and try to contol and balance everything in my life.
    I can’t live without peace of mind and I always find solutions to soothe any unexpected “pain” … All is in our mind,we can even manipulate the pain centre in our brains.C.S.Lewis’ book “The Problem of Pain” which I read years and years ago,he really proves it.Strong the power of our will,but most of the times,we don’t know where to direct it in order to be productive and effectual …
    Why do we really need approval,external or internal,in our lives ? It might be a natural need or desire in our life in order to get the rewarding feeling that makes us feel that we have a basic role in our families,or societies … I don’t think that only rejection in our previous stages of our lives generates it.The more sensitive we are,the more we suffer even with little problems that other people never bothered to give them a second thought.Please stop me,I started rambling and discussing things that have no end …
    You are such a remarkable and talented person with many uplifting interests and unlimited potentiality in your life!I read your poems,I marvel at your wonderful paintings,I admire your gardening skills,your …. gripping writing in your posts and I admire you,I wonder where you find all this energy … Are you a perfectionist too ?
    Can’t beleve that you would be unable to handle anything in your life … even the pain in your wrists …Although we have to agree that some natural decay in our body’s strength is inevitable,but still we can delay it with our strong will which directs everything.Thank you so much for what you shared with us and especially for your spiritual and psychological anxities.Love your restless mind and the journeys of your soul that head for perfection and purification …
    Love & hugs to you,sorry for my ramblings … 🙂 ❤ xoxoxoxox 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 23, 2015 @ 18:00:32

      My dearest Doda, So so loved this reply.. so well thought out..
      You said

      Our emphemeral life is like a flash,it doesn’t last for ages,but it seems unending to our eyes,especially when we experience difficulties.I set internal questions to myself too and try to contol and balance everything in my life.

      Me too, often too much so sometimes.. I think that is half my problem.. I look in too deep instead of just Letting BE..
      You said

      Why do we really need approval,external or internal,in our lives ? It might be a natural need or desire in our life in order to get the rewarding feeling that makes us feel that we have a basic role in our families,or societies …”.. I think you are right.. From childhood we have ingrained within us to be Better, or we are told we are not good enough.. For me, Its been amazing at what crops up in my thoughts from my childhood. Simple things like getting told off by the head mistress for not having the correct uniform.. ( My mother made me a home made Gingham summer school term dress, which was not the correct school one.. I told someone else this recently, I would get singled out by the Head mistress at every opportunity to degrade me in front of assembly.. So did that trying to fit in, and feelings of not being worthy do they stem from simple things like this which have long got buried within our growing up years long forgotten.. …
      I guess looking on the positive side.. I have always never let any thing beat me.. I know deep down that I can achieve anything I put my mind to.. this is why I mastered Knitting, sewing and climbed the career ladder within the textile industry.. But the one thing out of this I always try to remember is that no one is better than I.. No one is lesser than I.. We are all of us equal.. I was fearless when speaking to my bosses, and earned respect from those whom I was in charge of.. For I believed and still do.. We need to treat each other as we ourselves would wish to be treated.. So.. Maybe I have those early experiences to Thank.. For did they perhaps not shape me into who I am today… Probably.. 🙂
      But I always know we are a ‘Work in Progress’ we can always refine our rough edges and work upon our inner selves.. And as we do, we open up our awareness to who we really are… And never apologise for your thoughts dear Doda.. Now look who has been rambling.. I have loved this comment you have made..
      Love and Hugs ❤ Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • DG MARYOGA
        Apr 23, 2015 @ 18:48:51

        Oh ,my sweet Sue,your reply to my comment is another insightful post,my friend!
        You so wisely said that ~From childhood we have ingrained within us to be Better, or we are told we are not good enough.. ~
        I absolute agree,but it has its positive side too,it made us more ambitious.
        However,I am shocked to hear that there were such educators at your school.Teachers are supposed to shape our characters by setting themselves as examples,apart from stuffing our brains with knowledge.
        Such behaviour traumatises the tender hearts of the children for ever …
        I so very much liked your wonderful point that we are a “Work in Progress”,yes,that’s what we are,and we gradually advance to perfection … where our souls will meet the Divine …
        Thank you so much for the lovely discussion we developed and for your friendship!
        Have a wonderful and peaceful evening 🙂 ❤ xxx

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 23, 2015 @ 18:57:10

          Thank you Doda…. I now have finally caught up with all my comments here, Now I need to repay visits.. which may take some time LOL..
          Yes My old head mistress was a MISS.. who was OLD School, one I attended from age 11 to 15 when I left to go to work.. and we were an ALL girls school.. she looked down upon me because I was not perhaps of her ‘Upper Class’.. Thankfully not all teachers in my school were like that.. There were some Nicer kinder ones.. And I ended up surprising her.. For she would take music as her subject if she needed to fill in for other teachers.. My regular Music/Math teacher was also a stickler lol.. But In my last year I won the speech day Prize, Top in Music! 🙂 so I guess I rained on her parade 🙂 hehe.. But I was never above average at maths LOL.. 🙂 Hugs your way Doda ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  39. Kourtney Heintz
    Apr 23, 2015 @ 00:25:04

    Sue it’s amazing that you find the time to keep up your blog and also visit other bloggers. You do your best and it shines through. It’s okay if you miss some posts here or there. I still feel your support! 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 23, 2015 @ 16:55:11

      This Week Kourtney I have been struggling to find the time to sit at my laptop.. Just so many other things to do in the day,, And by evening I have been too tired to concentrate for long, so I have not been on WP hardly this week 🙂 So lovely to see your many comments Kourtney, I hope all is going well with your new Book Promotion also 🙂 Big Hugs my friend.. 🙂 I so thank you for your support also Kourtney 🙂 Hugs back. Sue



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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