Personal Responsibility



Today I have been looking for inspiration. I have taken it from a previous post which I published in 2008 before I transferred my whole blog over to WP 3 years ago..

Many of my oldest friends know that I am also a medium,I would often connect by channelling either direct to Spirit communicators or at times I had developed Automatic Writing skills..

This post I have updated to give the reader a better lay out than I did on my original post which can be found here. 

Spirit have once again led me to re read these words as nothing is ever a coincidence or by chance!.. So that I may listen well again to the content of my thoughts!

MAY 2006-05-04 the date this was channelled.

I Sat and poised my pen as I invited my guides to bring me some guidance at the time of writing.. My own thoughts wrote—Dear spirit friends, thank you all for the healing. I know I have been receiving some over the past few days.

Today I walked out in nature in the woods. It was very tranquil. And I was able to walk for what seemed miles. I know my strength is returning to me. ( I had been ill with a bad flare up of Fibromyalgia at the time )

Thank you for listening I know you are always at my side. And this I am truly grateful.

What follows bellow is what came back via my pen in answer to my question.. The punctuations were added later, as often the words would come joined together in one long stream as my pen flew across the paper at speed..

“Welcome to you, we bring felicitations to you this eventide.

What do you wish to know this night our little sister of new light? And we say that, as your light has grown since our last communication. The earth’s nature has agreed with you little one.

Shall we begin; the past communication with your self was to ask you to be strong and to continue with your daily meditations was it not? You have fell a little short of that, but have none the less shaken some of the negative vibration from around your field of energy. We can now see your light literally.

Tonight we wish to talk about your well know principal and that is the one of personal responsibility.

Many upon your plane of existence think that once they have put out a thought that is the end to it. We say to you that is far from the end of it.

In fact the simple act of sending out a thought is literally the beginning of it.

To create a thought requires your mind to collectively pull energy together. You jumble it around for a mille second and then a thought is created. Within that mille second you decide whether to continue with that thought or discard it. When you decide to continue with that thought it then becomes a train of thought. You add to it like the carriages of your vehicles of transportation you call trains. Do not your trains travel from destination point to another destination point?

Yes. ( I wrote back )

Well that is what happens to your thought. And the stronger that thought, the faster it will travel. Because you have put more energy behind that thought.

You are following us so far?


Good. Now personal responsibility starts not just from your actions. But also from your thoughts. The very instant you create the thought it’s your responsibility.

We say to you it is very important to be clear about your thoughts. For like most of your train journeys, your train comes back to the starting point does it not? Ready to set out again upon its next journey.

So too do your thoughts return to you. Not right away we might say. For like your trains, they make many stops upon their journey along the way. And like your trains they pick up passengers who want to go to the same destinations, and some passengers disembark when they have completed their journey do they not?

So too your thoughts are attracted to energies or destinations of similar form/(Vibration) are neutralized and disembark at the appropriate stations, while other stay on for a longer journey or ‘ride’.

If the thought is particularity powerful with a great deal of energy behind it. PhotobucketIt is like your ‘bullet’ trains, that speeds off to its destination making very few stops. Because that thought is directed and knows where it is going.

If the thought is mundane and is of a weak energy, and it knows not where it is travelling. It disembarks at the nearest familiar station so as it doesn’t get lost, and mixes with thoughts of a similar vibration so it feels at home. At these stations these thoughts band together for comfort, until they feel stronger, and wait until a train of thought similar to their own comes along. And Presto, ‘all aboard’ and onward they travel once more, travelling the track until they come back to their starting point, once again. ( The starting point being us their creator- emphasising ‘What goes around comes around’ ) Thoughts being Energy.. Energy can not be destroyed only transformed!.

You our sister have been fuelling the thoughts; you have been sat at your various stations of thought, waiting for a train to come along. And because you have been weakened, the stronger thoughts have jumped off at your station and banded around you. Escalating your train of thought to grow and grow. And they have travelled back along the track, to pull up in your home station. Where they have all pushed and pulled to make them selves heard.(Negative news which affected me and helped to pull me down)which affect our Mood Energy weighing heavily upon us..and ‘De-Pressing’ us! Depression.. Making Mountains out of Molehills!

And like most times when you are thronged and find yourself-surrounded by noise and disturbance. You retreat, and want to escape and find a quiet corner away from the milling crowd, so you can collect together a fresh set of thoughts. Do you not?

This is what has happened to you our sister. And all would have been avoidable, had you not checked your thoughts in the first instance, and not set them upon your train journey.

You our little one are responsible for your thoughts, and the direction they are given. If you allow your thoughts to travel with such speed, haven given them much energy, you would do well to send them to the brightest of destinations, for the destiny of thought returns tenfold back, as it is picking up passengers along route!.

Make sure little one you are responsible and send them out with a return ticket! For you want to return home safely! With no unexpected delays or detours enroot. Meaning make sure you send out positive thoughts and think bright thoughts, so that positive energy returns to you..

We smile and now leave you with our thoughts. And know that they have reached their destination. We trust you will endeavour to be more responsible on your future travels. And allow the correct destiny to travel back home to you.   Meaning Positive Energy to come back to you.

We leave you now as here ends the lesson for this evening.

God walks with you. And allow your light to grow, for although your trains travel upon their tracks. They still have illumination with in them. Farewell little one.

We your brethren say happy travelling!


I hope you enjoyed reading the wisdom of their words. And I have took on board again there Wisdom.  

Many thanks


75 Comments (+add yours?)

    Mar 01, 2015 @ 15:37:03

    Schöne Bilder. + eine gute Woche. LG. Wolfgang



  2. litebeing
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 15:40:25

    Great to see you back Sue. Your gifts are vast and powerful, yet your kindness eclipses them all! This channeling was very helpful to me. I still struggle with control of my thoughts. I am better at controlling what I say out loud, but not so much what I say silently. Meditation though is a tool that is slowly showing me a new way, a higher way, a view to an oasis that has often eluded me. Hopefully you can benefit from the wisdom that springs forth from you. practicing what one preaches can be tricky, but it is not impossible.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 18:22:20

      Many thanks Linda… Yes Meditation allows us to go within to access that higher self.. And I am so pleased this post was of help Linda.. I know that for many channelling is often ‘frowned’ upon. But there are many ways in which we channel 🙂 as you know.. ..It’s a difficult subject for often what isn’t explainable can scare people off.. And they avoid the subject altogether .. 🙂 And I am keeping busy at home and working my way back on WP to try and catch up :-).. Love and Hugs my lovely friend x



  3. prenin
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 15:44:09

    Very interesting Sue! 🙂

    Much love and hugs!!! 🙂




  4. Writing to Freedom
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 16:29:53

    Fun analogy. Thanks Sue. And I can’t help wondering if the heart is the power source and unifier. Where once we learn to live from heart, then our mind and will can line up with the tracks, be more clear and powerful as connected to the greater good and whole.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 16:52:17

    thoughts these days are more prolific as I peel away layers…
    as you are doing the same My Friend 🙂 I sometimes wonder what will be left….
    I think the world would be a lighter place if people took responsibility for the actions, their words…as well as the thoughts they send and someone can hear them… I am quilting this morning after walking with Molly and I am careful what thoughts I do ponder on as I know the rhythm as the needle and thread move within the fabric the constant movement carry those thoughts

    some days I won’t to give up and then I think how far I have come in these four years….and again Thank you for always being there for me…. 🙂

    your post is as always what I needed to hear this morning….
    I will write back tonight…I need to go for a ride, I am going stir crazy…and there is an estate sale at a vintage farmhouse not far from here… books are my weakness and fabrics 🙂
    which both are listed
    Thank you for sharing you and your gifts My Kindred Sister Sue….
    they make me smile as I walk through the thoughts
    Take Care…You Matter…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 18:26:42

      So pleased you read what you needed to hear Maryrose.. I hope you enjoyed your drive and found some books and fabric.. 🙂 as you cleared the cobwebs away… Looking forward to hearing from you.. Love and Blessings your way .. And Happy Quilting… My needles are busy clicking again as I make another item for myself :-).. Hugs and Love.. ❤ Sue xx



  6. Christy Birmingham
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 17:10:35

    I did not know you are also a medium, Sue! Although I must say it is a good fit with your soul, that much is clear xo I love that you continue to help people and share the wisdom. Much love to you for your Sunday and always ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 18:31:05

      Thank you Christy.. There are many past posts about my experiences under various categories.. I smile as even though I connect through this gift.. I still have to undergo my own learning curves and lessons.. 🙂 So good to have you drop by to read 🙂 Much love returned ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. suzicate
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 18:14:29

    Thanks for sharing this post. I know thoughts are powerful, and remind myself to keep positive.

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Dalo 2013
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 18:45:24

    This is a wonderful and insightful post Sue. You definitely have a gift for seeing through all the noise that this world throws at us every day, and makes living this simple spiritual life very difficult. Perhaps the most enlightening thought I walk away from this post is your saying that personal responsibility starts not from actions, but rather also from thoughts. Well done ~

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 18:44:55

      Yes Dalo.. our thoughts if you think about it, have created.. You just have to look around you right now.. And see the material things in front of your.. Your Computer, clothes, Cloth, paint on the walls, bricks.. was all once upon a time someone’s Thought..
      So in fact our ‘Thoughts’ do create our reality.. but deeper than that, on a Mass Conscious level, our thoughts once created are forms of energy.. This has been monitored scientifically Look up what happened around 9/11 🙂 And then think about the Arab Spring, We each of us affect the Whole. and the only way each of us can affect a change is to start with our own thoughts and change ourselves.. 🙂

      Revisiting this post was another reminder to ‘ Practice what I preach’ 😉
      Thank you Dalo.. I appreciate your visit and comments.. Many thanks Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Hariod Brawn
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 19:04:36

    So glad to hear that these messages from the past are continuing to assist you with your passage in this life Sue. May I ask of you, do you hear actual voices when you channel, and if so, what is their gender? H ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 19:54:36

      You may ask of course you may Hariod.. 🙂 and I will be pleased to try to explain.. Sometimes I need it explaining to myself..:-)

      First No I do not hear ‘Voices’ Even when I would conduct my spiritual services within the Spiritualist Centres and link in to give messages, I do not hear voices.. My gift in that field would be better described as Clairsentient. Meaning I sense, feel, and channel the thoughts given.
      I see in my minds eye the person who is communicating when giving messages.. I feel their personalities and statue, if they are taller, shorter etc.. and they put upon me any physical conditions of a passing such as a heart attack, I feel my heart pump and tighter around my chest..My guides and I have over the years built up a series of ‘Signs and Symbols’ they show me to enable more in-depth communication.. Which prompt me to say what I see in my minds eye.. I find I speak automatically not knowing what comes out of my mouth until I speak it.. I can often incorporate the mannerisms of the person I am channelling.. Even at times down to the accent .. I once gave a sentence in French.. I had no idea what it meant.. and it was from the persons Grandmother whom was French.. It happened to be an endearment she used to say..

      I have not linked in specifically for over a year or more Hariod to my Automatic writing.. It did not just happen.. but I would meditate long and clear my mind as much as possible.. And sit for ages with pen and paper.. When it first happened it would be only a few words in a sentence or two.. And the most profound messages I have had to raise my vibration higher meaning I needed to do some clearing exercises prior to sitting for these communications..
      When my pen/pencil starts its effortless, I do not even have to ‘think’ what the next word is as it forms.. for I doubt myself often. and would think my own mind had created the word formed.. To test this I have channelled, writing in darkness, feeling the pages edges with my hand..
      The words come without my thought, but as I see them upon the page complete.. I read them as for the first time.. and my mind forms the words as you would hear them as you read a book.. With your own internal voice echo.. 🙂 They come all joined together in my hand sometimes at other times they are in a different slant leaning to the left and more italic than my own looped style..

      Many thanks for asking.. I hope this goes to explain a little..

      More can be found under various categories Such as My life with Spirit. Trance Communications, And Paranormal

      love and Blessings.. Sue

      Liked by 3 people


    Mar 01, 2015 @ 19:17:33

    Thank you for this profound explanation with the train station. It is very true how far the thought travel to get back in the present moment…if ever. Love and Light Diane 😉

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Visionkeeper
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 19:21:01

    Again wonderful post DW….Thoughts are so very powerful. I was reading Shakti’s post today and he too was speaking of the power of thoughts, in his case context. I don’t quite understand why we find it so difficult to be in control of our thoughts. It seems reckless not to be and yet quite often we buck the system. Interesting. Perhaps it is the power of past training? I haven’t figured it out yet. Hope I do one day. Thanks for sharing your heart 🙂 Hugs…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 20:10:38

      Yes you would think VK knowing what we do.. we would have had our thoughts under control by now.. Seems we are still in need of some attuning to do 🙂 xxx Many thanks again VK and Shakti came by with a link I intent to visit his post soon 🙂 Hugs ❤



  12. Val Boyko
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 19:23:10

    Love the idea of sending out our thoughts with a return ticket Sue! The train is a great analogy!

    Liked by 2 people


  13. kp
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 19:41:35

    Hi Sue….that sounds like a very powerful experience. I do believe that our thoughts shape our experience of life, but I also believe that our thoughts are shaped by our experience in the world. So, while I think it is empowering to know that we can shape our reality by shifting our thinking, I feel that we need to be gentle with our human selves when we slip into negative thinking that is shaped by our human emotions and experiences. I feel that part of the lesson of being here, in these bodies on this planet, is to learn to be compassionate and gentle with each other and our selves. Sending you virtual hugs…..Kim

    Liked by 3 people


  14. PreciousRhymes
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 20:54:54

    To be guided with an experience such as you have shared is a gift that few have access to. I had the chance to meet someone who introduced me to the world of Akashic Records a few years ago and I couldn’t understand how the guides were communicating all they did in the one meeting we had. I did not pursue the experience any further but feel that it cannot be understood by a logically inclined mind. I feel its a gift, and you dear Sue are blessed! I close with a hug 💚

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 20:24:19

      Dear Precious.. I agree, trying to explain it at times I can not…

      Many do not want it explaining.. as its beyond what many perceive within their realm of experience.. So it then becomes a taboo subject which people skirt around and dismiss as some psychotic episode or delusional experience..

      The Akashic Records is a high privilege to the selected few.. 🙂 Many thanks for reading Precious, and I appreciate your comments much love.. Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  15. marina kanavaki
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 22:31:38

    So happy to hear you’re on board again, my dear Sue [although, I believe you always were on that path! 😉 ] Hugs and love xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  16. Maria F.
    Mar 01, 2015 @ 23:10:18

    Great writing Sue. I’ve found that the older I get, the sooner my negative thoughts begin to wither and dry up and fall, like leaves from a tree. I get negative thoughts, but they don’t wander off too far, as I no longer have the energy, nor expectations I had when younger. I can get very angry, but as soon as I get away from the “source” (the self), the thoughts drop off like withered flowers, for there will be many “selves’ doing the same thing, sending negative thoughts by the hundreds, or thousands. We must allow them to blossom in their own way, and wither also, and the way I do that is to become “selfless” and “neutral”. To become “selfless” or “neutral” means to be mindful, to simply wait, so that becoming “someone” again, occurs at the right place and time. Great writing!

    Liked by 2 people


  17. Fiestaestrella
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 04:59:54

    Dear Sue,
    Wow. I can just imagine how you must have felt when you first started receiving these very clear messages from your guides – voices that were distinctly not your own. What a kind and loving gift from the Universe, so beautiful that you can trust in them, take comfort and find guidance and direction. Thank you so for sharing this passage of automatic writing from 2006, and the wisdom herein.
    Love, Ka

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 20:40:44

      It took a lot longer to trust the communications via written form than my linking into give Clairvoyant type messages with the help of my guides. I would test these written Automatic messages often. And it was a long while before these more profound messages came through.. Thank you for the WOW Ka.. so pleased you enjoyed this resurrected piece 🙂 Hugs and Love.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Fiestaestrella
        Mar 02, 2015 @ 22:19:36

        You are welcome, Sue. To trust and test is a very faithful and devoted process. The WOW is because I can almost appreciate/understand/know how that must have been for you, based on my own experiences, but it’s still astonishing to me: Your experience. Yes, thank you for sharing a little bit more in your reply. You have to be open enough for that kind of direct communication. That requires a lot of bravery, and malleable mind. Will there be more messages? Is this something we know in advance? Looking forward to learning more from you. xoxo Ka

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 02, 2015 @ 22:39:24

          I have not linked into this kind of question and answer Automatic writing for a while now Ka… However, should you read my poetry I write that often in the middle of the night.. I wake. I always keep pen and paper with my journal at my bedside.. If I feel inspired I just wait, and the words flow.. Often my best poems come this way.. they rhyme.. I do not alter them or play around with them.. It often astonishes me.. even when I read them back the next morning that I wrote them.. Well.. maybe I didn’t.. I often refer to my poems as being Spirit inspired and channelled.. 🙂 We all of us channel if we think about it.. 🙂

          Love and Light and I so thank you Ka for understanding the trust it takes. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  18. Gray Dawster
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 08:34:09

    An oldie but goodie
    as they always say 🙂
    I thought that it was
    more than three years
    in WP but you would
    know better than me
    my sweet friend 🙂

    Have a lovely Monday Sue 🙂

    Andro xxx



  19. jacksjottings
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 08:51:19

    Sue I have no experience with the supernatural, so will not comment on gods or spirits.
    With an open mind I could see the wisdom of positive thoughts and being responsible for our thoughts also the importance of experiencing the tranquility and medicinal properties found in nature.
    The train of thought and the metofors in your writing made its a pleasure to read.
    Sue I do not beleive in fairies but I do enjoy a good fairy story full of good thoughts. You are positively back on track is most important._/\_

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 20:46:36

      Jack that is fine by me… LOL.. And don’t you just love the Word.. Super-Natural!… Because ‘Natural’ is what it is.. 🙂 And I am so pleased you have an open mind.. Because that’s all that counts in my book.. I am just pleased you enjoyed reading and travelled to the end of the line with my words.. 🙂 And so loved your comment.. Yes back on TRACK! my good friend.. _/\_



  20. giselzitrone
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 08:55:47

    Einen schönen Montag liebe Sue schöner Beitrag ja Gedanken können mächtig sein man muss nur daran glauben,und dann können sie auch helfen jetzt haben wir schon März aber es ist noch ziemlich Kalt aber es wird schon werden.Wünsche dir eine glückliche gesunde Woche Grüße und Freundschaft Gislinde

    Liked by 1 person


  21. Shakti Ghosal
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 09:50:07

    Dear Sue,

    Great post, even though I have yet to experience the power of mediums and therefore would desist from commenting on that aspect of what you have written.

    Do we control our thoughts? We would like to think so but I am not so sure. If we cannot control our thoughts, what is their genesis? What I have realised is that there exists a strong correlation between how a situation occurs for us and our thoughts and actions. It is not really a Cause- Effect situation; rather both sides arise together, as in a dance together. So what is it that influences our occurring? It is really a function who we have wound up being, based on our life’s conditioning, the perceptions, beliefs and prejudices that we carry with us. So to change our thoughts and actions, we need to be able to shift our occurring of a situation. One way of doing this is to change the context viz. the meaning making structure we unknowingly interweave into a situation to be able to make sense of it.

    Interestingly I too have blogged on this aspect yesterday and am happy to share it here should you, or any of your other readers, like to have a look.

    My Context uses me.

    I remain convinced that the path to higher empowerment in life is by making the transition from ” Our thoughts have us” to ” We have our thoughts”.



    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 22:22:54

      Such is the power of Mass Conciousness Shakti as we all of us tap into the Universal Mind.. 🙂 It is often no surprise as themes of thought often spiral along similar lines… And I enjoyed your own ‘Context’ immensely 🙂 We are all of us upon our own individual journeys, travelling along our own tracks within our own train of thought to decipher the meaning of life, and Our thoughts within them.. Its good we stop off at each others stations and take on board other peoples opinions, and look beyond our own windows at the wider world.. There are many tracks that criss-cross, some travel huge distances making great discoveries along their journey.. While others become de-railed..
      But even those whose lives appear to be unbalanced as their derailed behaviours disrupt others along their journeys are all just perhaps as important..
      For it is only by error, lessons are learned and improvements can then be made..

      All of my own lapses off track have helped build a stronger engine to pull me further along the track of life. My own questions within myself serve to ground me, and let me know I still have much to learn from this Earth Life.. I think if we had total control of our thoughts! we would no longer need the lessons our Material Physical life here brings us to learn and grow from..

      Many thanks dear friend for your own thoughtful thoughts… We live, Learn, and Progress…
      Blessings Sue



  22. gageier
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 12:16:21

    Liebe Sue heute ein so schöner sonniger Frühlingstag von mir aus so kann er bleiben wünsche dir viele sonnige Grüße in Freundschaft Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  23. IdealisticRebel
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 14:42:43

    I did not know you were a medium. I have some psychic abilities. This was very interesting. You have a wonderful gift. Hugs, Barbara

    Liked by 1 person


  24. kerlund74
    Mar 02, 2015 @ 20:37:47

    So much wisdom, I’m glad I had the opportunity to read this.
    And somehow I guess that thoughts works like many other things, the thoughts we “feed” grows and the others don’t. And that is why it’s so important to be the master of our own thoughts, and not feeding the negative once…
    Thank you, great text and I’m grateful that you shared it once more.
    Have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2015 @ 23:01:37

      Yes we often as you say ‘Feed’ our thoughts and its often the negative ones which we seem to water… Learning to discard the negative thoughts when they arise is important but not always easy to master..
      I am so pleased you enjoyed reading this post and I am pleased now I was prompted to repost it again 🙂 Many thanks and enjoy your new week also ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. beverley
    Mar 03, 2015 @ 13:11:57

    Yes, everything starts with a thought, no matter how brief, there is always a thought first before action, whether that action is verbal or physical. Yet there are times when we have to allow those negative thoughts to just be, exist. Not to let them pull us down, but to accept that they are there, because if we do not, then we will never know the joy and happiness of the upbeat that happens when we are ready for it to happen.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2015 @ 13:22:46

      Beverley, such a wise comment dear friend.. And I am once again finding my ‘UpBeat’ rhythm again Beverley, 🙂 And finding that joy once again.. Love and and Hugs your way.. x x x



    Mar 03, 2015 @ 17:19:04

    Here I am again,you know where I was and from where I am coming … Surprised?Was I quick to reach you again?No wonder,I got this bullet train that speeds off to its destinations.Indeed,quick the travel and full of energy thanks to the previous station,which was a well-equipped “Post” with plenty of thought-provoking tools to make the journey vivid and rewarding …
    Sorry Sue,I have to go back again,and start from where I left … to find a note that might be dropped there,please wait for me,I’ll gather my thoughts and be here again to catch the speedy train…
    I have read all about the procedure of a thought,how it is born,develops,where it travels,where it ends,its fellow-passengers along its journey … and its incredible Power.I’ll never forget the answer you gave to one of my comments:
    “Your thoughts are always heard … ”
    Thank you for this spiritual journey Sue Dear” ~ You are an inspiration ~
    Blessings & Love to you ❤ , Doda xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2015 @ 20:04:01

      So pleased you stopped off at this particular station Doda.. and big smiles.. We learn from one another dear friend… Enjoy your journeying and I so thank you for travelling with me.. Hugs back… Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  27. Maria Wind Talker
    Mar 03, 2015 @ 20:56:44

    Wise words 😊 ,x

    Liked by 1 person


  28. dilip
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 08:52:21

    Dear Sue I was not aware of your gift of being a medium. I read with renewed interest your post and learned something new and very interesting.

    Will keep track! With kind regards. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 15:27:05

      I am amazed so many didn’t know this information about myself… I know many newly subscribed would not, as I had not posted upon this side of me for a while.. Being a medium does not give me any personal advantages 🙂 I once asked the spirit realm, why was it I got nothing for me or my family yet I could often tell and see things for other people.. The answer was clear… I was told.. ‘If I was told what lessons were coming my way, would I not try to side step them?’ So I still have my own learning to do and these last two months are just another set of lessons I needed to take on board x 🙂



  29. Barbara Franken
    Mar 08, 2015 @ 08:55:03

    All our past selves are coming back and joining forces to who we are now… life is so much quicker now, the bullet train flies past in an instant… showing us without much delay that our questions are being answered and our creations made. Isn’t it wonderful to look back and be grateful for all our ‘remembering’ and inspire ourself anew… Thank you sue for sharing, in this way we inspire each other… Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 08, 2015 @ 13:48:57

      Thank you Barbara, yes I agree about our past selves and we are meeting so many more like-minded souls upon similar journeys right now.. We are joining together, gathering strength as we harmonise our thoughts.. We are living in important changes.. For We are the Change.. Love and Blessings… Hugs Sue x



  30. aussieian2011
    Mar 10, 2015 @ 01:55:24

    Very powerful messages from your Spirit guides Sue, you are fortunate to be able to receive these lessons, the analogy of thought to trains is quite simplistic and easy to understand, when related to the process of our thought system.
    I can recall having read this post before, thanks for allowing us the insight to your Spiritual haven.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. D.G.Kaye
    Mar 10, 2015 @ 04:01:28

    I loved this post Sue. First, it’s all about the laws of attractions – we receive what we remain focused on. But I was most interested because I remember wishing for years that I had the ability to work with automatic writing, it never happened. So I rely on my own writing and the pen moves with my transmission from brain to hand, with my own words, I can’t help but still wonder if this is a gift, automatic writing, or is it something we can teach ourselves to hone in on? ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2015 @ 18:15:47

      Where does ALL thought come from? It can happen more directly, or like those whose inventions are made, many tap into the Universal Consciousness at the same time, we see often inventions being created at similar times by people who are not in contact with each other at opposite ends of the world.. We are all of us I think at times channelling.. And we can all of us Tap into the Universal Mind of that I am sure 🙂 Many thanks for taking the time to read my post Deb… I very much appreciate your comment.. 🙂 Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  32. Kourtney Heintz
    Mar 28, 2015 @ 21:15:33

    Great insight into what personal responsibility really means and where it truly begins. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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