Things We Can’t Control


Many of us can get frustrated by the things we cannot control. I am often heard saying to people, Trust.. Trust in your instincts.. The idea of trusting the Universe is all right for those who understand the mechanisms behind energy, but many of us don’t know what this really means and we often have a hard time doing it, mainly because we worry over changes that we have no control over.

Mankind’s story is mostly portrayed to be about struggle, survival and control, instead of one of trust and co-operation within the Universe. And yet our lives are made up of both of these things.

I got into a debate on the net last evening on someone’s blog who supports something I do not… They had strong ideas as to why they supported this organisation, and I had strong views on why I thought it Controlling and uncaring. For every negative I could find as to why I so disliked Monsanto, they searched to find a positive and justification for their manipulative business behaviours such as saving the earth from starving. It was obvious they thought they were right and I thought I was right. Neither of us are either right or wrong, It’s all about our perspective.. And I could have gone deeper into the whys and wherefores.. But it’s no good me adding my energy or trying to control another’s views.. We are all of us entitled to perceive the world with the information we have gathered.

And that is what each of us do daily.. We are brought up within our perceptions of reality.. We build our societies and social infrastructure to help protect our communities and ourselves. This is how we grow and cultivate our civilization.. We create, build new technology and science develops ways and means of helping us evolve.. We have indeed made great strides in medicine.. And yes we live longer, both points my friend brought to my attention.. And yes there are many more mouths to feed.. But I still hold within my own perception that there are plenty of things we should not be meddling in , for when we medal within Nature we upset the natural balance. And GMO crops as I see from my perception are doing just that.

We all of us are contributing in creating the world via manifesting our dreams and visions in physical form with hard work and forethought. We do it every day through our endeavours of business enterprises, inventions, medical breakthroughs and Science. We need to take responsibility for the things in life that we create and control. And often it’s our Perceptions which we have been brought up with which need to be looked at deeper. For not all that we perceive is the Truth..

For me Monsanto is portrayed as the villain.. For the other person, they are the Hero’s..

I can take this analogy one step further as we see the battle between races, religions, nations. We each perceive them with the information we have had downloaded into our awareness..

There comes a point when we have to learn to step back from our Controlling minds instilling our beliefs upon others, and we must learn to TRUST and allow the Universe to take over. Requiring Trust requires us to let go of wanting them to turn out the way we expect, because sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t..

But one thing I have always found when I look back on my own experiences in Life.. We develop equanimity and grace as we learn to Trust that guiding force of the Universe. We need to let go of the Fear and Trust our own inner Peace to spread out into the world.

Qua Sera Sera, What will be will be.. And it will unfold exactly as it was meant to.

Let us learn tolerance.

For we are One!


Picture Source: Google Images.


84 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Katalina4
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 16:15:22

    Yes, but….. you were right. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


  2. BloomLisa
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:01:36

    Perspective does create our reality and when faced with a starving global population, priorities and the “big” picture easily get pushed aside. You are a peacemaker and loving soul. All good things to you. Lisa

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:17:50

      I think Lisa if the priorities of the starving population were the real driving force behind this corporation actions I could come to a compromise on its thinking.. But from the perspective I have come to understand their dealings with farmers, and those in India.. where farmers have committed suicide due to their practices…
      I used this incident to show how easily we take sides.. due to perspective.. And how we draw our own opinions,…
      I was very polite lol, but bit back much… 🙂

      Liked by 3 people


      • BloomLisa
        Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:06:07

        Good for you Sue. Speak your truth with love is always the best practice. I have seen too many documentaries outlining the practices of Monsanto and their dealings to ever side with them. Mother nature knows best and it is in our ability to work as a global team and do what is best for the whole rather the profit of a few that we can rise up and solve world hunger. Sadly, the chances of that happening don’t seem too likely. Yet there is always hope when there are people with open minds and hearts!!!

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:32:53

          GMO products are in many places now being looked upon twice and not acceptable… but its about bring awareness again to people who have not got a clue about their effects.. We are being used as guinea pigs in many respects and have no ideas how GMO, pesticides and chemicals are affecting our lives.. We see increased in Cancers, and allergies, Asthma and so on..

          Our modern day living in the fast lane is also fast tracking many into ill health, as they become dependant upon more chemicals as they take more pharmaceutical drugs ..

          There is always hope dear Lisa… We just have to keep opening ‘Minds and Hearts!’ LOL..

          Bless you.. ❤ Sue

          Liked by 1 person


  3. David
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:02:15

    I admire your trust Sue, but I have to say that just as man makes war and it is up to man to make peace there is no divine act from the Universe that will save us from Monsanto and its effects on the planet and on us. It is up to us to do all we can to stop Monsanto in its tracks for I believe that this is the one occasion when they are wrong to try to play the part that none us can presume to act and that is of God! Love, David

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:26:25

      My Trust is not in Monsanto that’s for sure David.. But I referred to Trusting in the Universe for not all is as it may seem to our perspective of events we see portrayed..

      The Universe is impartial and its our choices which determine which type of energy we feed into.. We either embrace Peace, or War… and on another level we either tolerate or discriminate..

      I too believe its wrong to meddle in genetic engineering
      I voiced this concern too.. 🙂

      Many are now taking up their ‘Pens’ to be mightier than the sword.. And its often through the chaos, tragedy that there in is born a new perspective as people are driven through diversity to join in unity..

      I am happy some countries are now not welcoming GMO products as they educate themselves about them…
      Many thanks David..

      Liked by 1 person


  4. Writing to Freedom
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:11:10

    Thoughtful post Sue. I’m still learning about trust and finding the flow in life. We certainly can’t control everything, even though we might want to. 🙂

    To more trust, cooperation, understanding and love….

    Liked by 3 people


  5. litebeing
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:12:21

    I so appreciate that you repeat your themes over and over, but with slightly different words so people like me can integrate it all internally. I for one would like to grasp intellectually how quantum physics works but my understanding is limited. Science is not one of the subjects that my brain master’s well. So then we go back to trust and I have decades of not trusting to circumvent. I do continue to notice my thoughts and change them when I am able. As I do resonate with the premise, even when my personal circumstances do not seem to match this process. practice practice practice and then some more..

    Regarding heated differences, I am a true Scorpio and can be as stubborn as the day is long ( when days seem long lol) but I have learned that most of the time it does not matter that people disagree with me. I have developed enough empathy to see that the other is just as passionate about where they stand as i am, or perhaps more! I no longer enjoy arguing, i find it futile and a waste of my energy.

    Great Great post Sue, please keep them coming!


    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:21:59

      Linda.. our vibration within our intention, is what we give out.. So our thoughts are energy, vibrate with our constant chatter.. So we draw to us that which we give out.. .. This is why I disengaged myself from the argument.. I did not wish my energy to go there.. Many thanks Linda for adding your thoughts.. It was a difficult post to write… ❤ ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Hariod Brawn
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:36:07

    I can trust the universe Sue, but I can’t trust Monsanto. Is there a contradiction in there? Perhaps, but it’s one I’m happy with. With your permission, I would like to include the wonderful film “Food Inc.” here within this comment. You and many other of your readers will doubtless have seen it, I know, but here it is for the benefit of those who may not have:

    Hariod ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:16:39

      No neither do I trust Monsanto Hariod. And I have some video’s similar upon my pages in the header..

      The Trust I speak of in the Universe is in our perceptions of tolerance and the way in which we perceive tragedy thinking of recent events in Paris for one.. Where on one side is the Villains and the other side are the heroes..

      I trust in the Universe that out of chaos comes an understanding that we have to learn to bring balance back.. And its already got a plan in motion…

      I will always stand up for Nature, and at the end of the day.. She will balance us all out.. Depending upon our choices whether mankind remains in control will be among the choices he will have to make… ❤

      Liked by 4 people


  7. narf77
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:12:30

    The secret is in agreeing to disagree. Once you get to that point you can move on. The problems with the world today all revolve around people who refuse to concede that their way isn’t the ONLY way.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:34:50

      Narf.. you have it in a nutshell…. Oh can I live at serendipity Pleeeeeeease!…. I would help bash the bottle tops! with a vengeance LOL 🙂 xx..



      • narf77
        Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:38:55

        Lol…I think I need to make a lagerphone like that less than stellar example of the antipodes (who is currently languishing in jail and who I am VERY glad decided to move to the U.K.) whom I shall NOT name made. We can shake the heck out of it and scare the possums away at the same time 😉

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:50:04

          Lol… when I was in school oh way back when!!! lol.. we made a stick with lots of metal bottle tops on it for percussion instruments… I can bring my Drum! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • narf77
            Jan 17, 2015 @ 18:52:26

            Drums are good. Stevie-boy has 13 guitars, 3 bass guitars, a banjo, a ukelele, a clarinet, an Irish tin whistle, an old trumpet and a tamborine as well as a buckled old bugle. I recon we could have several people rock up and form an impromptu musical “event”. I doubt that it would sound like much but WHAT A JOYOUS NOISE! 😉



  8. ptero9
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:28:40

    Dear Sue,

    If I resist someone else’s arguments long enough, I find myself needing to consider them all the more. Even if takes me a few years, I have changed my mind more times than I can count, and that’s okay for me, even if sometimes difficult, or confusing, for the people in my life.


    P.S. I have come to despise Monsanto, and other corporations that have monopolized the way we do business through the use of strong arming governments. How can you patent a seed?

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 18:45:18

      Yes Debra.. how indeed can they patent a seed?? but they have and do, and are holding people to ransom..

      I once wrote a post about Truth.. What is our truth today may change tomorrow… As our perceptions alter, for instance we once upon a time thought the world flat.. and we would sail over the edge.. so called scientists of the day warned us.. 🙂

      But as we expand our awareness our world expands as does our knowledge and our perceptions change..

      Nature changes too.. as it too grows and evolves, and it needs no helping had from man, whose motive is far from saving the planet but controlling it..
      Nature has managed to adapt to change.. And when ever we interfere in natures domain we upset that balance.. Creating more problems for animals, environment and ourselves…

      Many thanks Debra for your input here… and I try to avoid arguments at all costs……

      Bless you.. Sue x ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  9. Grace
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 20:24:50

    This reminds me of the famous quote: We don’t see things as they are, we see it as we are. I’ve had this same discussion over the years…Monsanto, with their frankenfood, and how they “help” the starving in third world nations. To have a President who willingly and with full knowledge put a Monsanto exec as the head of the FDA is enraging – it’s all that special interest money, and paybacks. How sad it is that we have to be so diligent, about something so basic and necessary – food. I fear for my children and grandchild, at times…until I TRUST that we each – with full agreement and participation – decided that this was the perfect time to come to Earth. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 20:35:41

      Thank you Grace… Yes we did agree to come to Earth at this time.. And we are participating in the changes needed.. Even though often because of the way the Media keeps us in Fear!’ we do not see how we are helping heal it.. But believe me many are now awakening to this Monster and others.. And we are helping bring about Change..
      Many thanks Grace for participating in the discussion.. >3



  10. Christy Birmingham
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 20:32:05

    Hi Sue, It’s not easy to stay patient sometimes when someone else has a difference of opinion. I think you are so intelligent and speak wise words here. I read a post this morning that I didn’t agree with and wrote in the comments that I “respectfully disagreed” and why I thought differently than the writer. I figure if we are respectful in our discussions then we can agree to disagree. You always have great insights in your posts!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2015 @ 20:45:22

      You too are wise dear Christy.. Agreeing to disagree is the best option.. I could see it was not worth arguing the point.. 🙂 I maybe could have saved myself more time by just doing as you did.. 🙂
      Many thanks for adding your thoughts dear Christy.. ❤



  11. Mark Lanesbury
    Jan 15, 2015 @ 23:27:59

    Very well said Sue. And so very true. It took me a very long time to finally realise that I should just Trust…let it all go and know that the Universe will guide us on our journey, and it is our path to learn the grace of Trusting that we will be enlightened by.
    A lifetime of distrust with our walls of fear have to be slowly torn down to be replaced by the beauty of the wisdom that we gain.
    I even kept looking for healing situations to help people and occasionally people would become offended, which felt uncomfortable, because ‘I was only trying to help’ 🙂
    Now I understand that the Universe will guide us all and when my (and their) gift is required, it will bring us together to understand the wisdom and love that it will show for us both.
    Long journey, but like them all, gives great love to our understanding.
    Thank you for a share Sue that is very important in the journey’s that we all take. Namaste

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2015 @ 11:11:48

      You are right Mark.. Yes its amazing when we look back in life how those synchronicities pulled us in the right direction, and we do meet and greet those whom we are meant to find along our pathway.. Many thanks for you visit and wise comment Mark…
      Namaste my friend..

      Liked by 1 person


  12. New Bloggy Cat
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 02:05:25

    I’m beside you on this, Sue! We just have to trust our common sense. ≧◠ᴥ◠≦



  13. oxherder
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 12:43:59

    Yes, letting go of our fear is so important. It allows us to be free. Thank you Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. becca givens
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 12:56:12

    A visit with you is enlightening and uplifting … thank you for this! Have a blessed weekend, Sue! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  15. iamcayenne
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 18:32:19

    ……”Requiring Trust requires us to let go of wanting them to turn out the way we expect, because sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t”……..hmm….I’ve always feared that



  16. Visionkeeper
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 19:06:33

    Time to end all battles and join together. This is getting old and we should be much further along than this. The deceit of mainstream media has severely slowed our journey, for many people do not know the truth. So very frustrating, but as we have all learned, everything happens in its own timing and that is yet one more thing we cannot control but must place our trust in……Blessings…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2015 @ 19:11:11

      Yes it is VK.. and we need patience, But our trust in that from where we both now view the Universal plan as being perfect order.. We know even though its chaotic that throughout history one change leads to another within our evolution.. Let us hope its not too long before more see the light .. xxx



      • Visionkeeper
        Jan 16, 2015 @ 19:16:18

        I’m thinking DW that if we don’t see the light yet, if our eyes and hearts are not yet open, they won’t be any time soon because I feel we are at the end and those standing on the front line are ready for the final battle. Our time of getting ready is over, now the rubber meets the road so to speak. It is time to “CHARGE!!!!!” VK 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  17. Paul Handover
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 21:09:14

    The more intimate one becomes with nature, the more that everything makes sense. I had the great honour to sail single-handed from Gibraltar to The Azores; many years ago, I should add.

    After settling in to the whole rhythm of being alone at sea, I discovered a calmness and peace that has never been duplicated anytime since. To be so close to the natural world was breathtakingly beautiful. At night, to see the stars in the night sky come right down to the horizon in every single direction was beyond description.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2015 @ 22:03:09

      Yes Paul Nature brings back our balance and peace.. And especially when one is alone in nature you attune to its vibration even more so..

      Many thanks for leaving me your comment Paul…
      Sue 🙂



  18. europasicewolf
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 22:13:23

    Funny…I wonder how many of us think we have controlling minds? Not many if any I should think, and yet it’s likely very true. Quite an alarming thought if you don’t want to think of yourself that way – which most of us wouldn’t! Food for thought in this post Sue, we probably all need to take a good, honest look at our innermost thoughts and wonder! 🙂 xx



  19. Aquileana
    Jan 17, 2015 @ 01:29:17

    Empowering post Sue… ⭐
    I pretty much agree with you when you say that (quoting you!)
    “The idea of trusting the Universe is all right for those who understand the mechanisms behind energy, but many of us don’t know what this really means and we often have a hard time doing it, mainly because we worry over changes that we have no control over”… So true… I think my major achievements (thus those actions which involved considerable benefits were those in which my choices were somehow led by Intuition… I’ say it is a voice that comes from within… You can also call it a Sixth sense if you wish… Whichever way, I think that being rational is not always a guarantee of making good choices at the end!… There are so many things that we just can’t control, I think!.. Life is such a fleeting thing which exceeds us (little mortals we are!) … Maybe that’s the main reason why we feel overwhelmed at times. Thanks for the great reading, dear friend. Sending you hugs!. Aquileana 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2015 @ 21:52:59

      Yes you are right Aquileana, listening to that Inner voice and our intuition and yes sixth sense. I recommend.. 🙂

      There are so many things that we just can’t control, I think!.. Life is such a fleeting thing which exceeds us (little mortals we are!)

      Yes Mortals we are, but we are each of us a spark off the Divine Source.. So maybe we are all Mini Gods… If we just remembered the power within we have to change things.. 😉 ❤ ❤ ❤ 😀



  20. bluebutterfliesandme
    Jan 17, 2015 @ 17:11:12

    Serenity prayer time. ❤ 😀



  21. Rajagopal
    Jan 17, 2015 @ 20:07:03

    A lot of wisdom comes from trust, trusting your instincts and proceeding accordingly. The world has enough to satisfy everyone’s need but falls short when it comes to greed. Some amount of hybridisation and genetic modification to arrive at superior high-yielding varieties of seeds may be desirable to increase output in keeping with demand. The entry of too many corporates into farming, and most of them, Mosanto included, actuated by urge to make a fast buck, will surely upset the demand-supply balance driving prices down to unviable levels and driving poor farmers to suicide (a frequent happening in India when prices of onions, tomatoes, chillies, sugarcane etc crash due to over-supply). We need to draw the line at our individual levels on mindless consumerism, Sue; and start living sustainably. For the same reason, I decided to become a total vegetarian some ten years ago and I am perfectly fine consuming simple vegetarian fare even in the company of non-vegetarians (I do not feel any craving for the non-veg stuff); there is reliable statistics to substantiate that if the entire world turns vegetarian, it can have a salutary effect on environment by making the available food grain to cater to a larger number of people; so it is a question of controlling our greed to put the mosantos in their place and preserve the balance for future generations….best wishes…. Raj.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2015 @ 21:14:42

      Excellent response Raj.. and yes its appalling what has been happening in India.. I also mentioned that too in my responses to the said blog post.. And had followed the terrible situation Monsanto has left many families and farmers with that has resulted in many suicides ..
      What you say makes a lot of sense my friend..
      Blessings Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  22. Maria F.
    Jan 17, 2015 @ 20:55:30

    Poignant post Sue, as it’s the energy one decides is worth investing in. Can I change this? No. Is my energy worth investing in a cause I cannot change, and must conserve my energy for issues that at the moment I could change. Society, groups of two, or three that embody an opinion of a whole corporation? Radicalism must be subtle then (if one is going to be radical). It must “sneak in” though the backdoor, as both Greenpeace and PETA have done. But no one likes these extremes!!



    • Maria F.
      Jan 17, 2015 @ 20:57:28

      Yet these are the ones that put up the fight!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2015 @ 20:49:33

      Extremism has been labelled also in the wrong way.. I guess once upon a time ‘The Suffragettes’ would have been once called Extremists.. As they had to go to great lengths to get the Woman the Vote… They also changed society eventually.. But over 100 yrs later its taken a lot to get equal rights noticed.. And still in some countries this is still ignored and also within Large corporations where Men rule. Woman are still treated less than equal..

      Its not always easy to change opinions until the Truth is revealed . Its good that in some places GMO is now being questioned and exposed .. Many thanks Maria.. xxx



      • Maria F.
        Jan 21, 2015 @ 15:04:06

        I know Greenpeace and other activists still use “passive resistance” for example, and camp out precisely on the oil drilling sites to protest the actions. The same principle Gandhi used. I give them a bit of money every year, and to PETA also, although not many agree with their ways of protesting, at least with that little bit of money can buy lunch for a young and energetic protester. I see “passive resistance” as perhaps one of the weapons against the GMO crops at Monsanto, but the “activism” of Greenpeace against the whaling industry is also crucial, IMOHO.



  23. D.G.Kaye
    Jan 19, 2015 @ 00:59:56

    Ahh, a controversial topic. I am 100% with you on the GMO stuff Sue. Many don’t understand the repercussions. It’s easy enough to say we live longer, but even those statistics seem almost not so true as I have buried too many friends and family in this recent year. One has to wonder what’s behind all the fake stuff in food and the alarming rate of people dying at ridiculously young ages from rampant cancers. When I was a child, I never even knew the word cancer or anyone who suffered it. Now we cannot know one person who doesn’t know someone who has suffered he disease. Just a thought.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2015 @ 20:17:52

      Thanks Deb.. So many things have been fast tracked and not enough research has been carried out on the long term effects.. like you I too have lost family and friends to Cancer.. And its alarming how many young children are now falling ill with this disease.. When you consider the many things such as additives, radiations, phones, pollution, pesticides,herbicides etc…
      Also the nutritional value on foods that food crops are producing is drastically being reduced, to the amount of chemicals now in the soil.. So the food is not giving the energy.. Our bodies were not designed to cope with the influx of chemicals.. And then when our health goes haywire we are bombarded again with more chemicals from the pharmaceutical industries…

      That’s why we grow organic food, and do not use any pesticides or herbicides… It is a true saying.. ‘We are what we eat’..
      Thank you Deborah I so appreciate you stopping by to leave me your thoughts. .. xxx Sue

      Liked by 2 people


      • D.G.Kaye
        Jan 19, 2015 @ 20:43:41

        It’s a vicious cycle Sue with the food chain. Of course we aren’t getting the nutrients from long ago in our soils, they are all depleted and contaminated. Remember when we were kids we’d eat snacks with our dirty hands that were previously digging dirt. Those were the soils that built up our immune systems – something kids don’t get anymore either. Food for thought is a very loaded phrase. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 19, 2015 @ 20:54:31

          Yes I totally agree with you Deb.. That is why I encourage our Granddaughter in our allotment garden.. to dig, plant and play.. She loves it.. But so many children growing up not even seeing where veggies grow.. they think they come ready packed in plastic!!,, And yes ‘Food for thought’ is loaded!… x



  24. Nihar Pradhan
    Jan 20, 2015 @ 04:29:22

    Things in life… many inspires us and so many that frustrates us. Yes, out of these things many which we don’t have any control, it is these which keeps us dragging back, nagging us, we find ourselves helpless, we don’t find an answer to it and attribute it to injustice and we get annoyed with self…

    Here is where we need the confidence and the trust on our instincts and the universe at large…our focus should shift to things that is in our control and how to do it better and rest to be left to the guide and grace of almighty…everything eventually falls in place if we belief and repose our faith on the good of humanity.

    Yes, there is no perfect right or wrong answer, for anything point of view may change and changes with context and changes with person to person, arguments has no end unless someone accepts the other’s point of view and always one may not be the one whose perspective gets accepted by others, we have to be open and some time better to look from others point of view.

    Perception plays an important role in such situations, perception in fact is a very important aspect in addressing the problems we face in reality, we need to change our perception by acquiring more knowledge and better insight of things…

    Yes, we should trust our instincts and also accept multiple perspectives…focus on which we can control is the important and we shouldn’t meddle with nature and try to change the nature of nature….

    Let’s nurture nature…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2015 @ 12:09:40

      Nihar… your comment is a wonderful response..

      And Yes our perception is often what blinds us to many things, For we only perceive things based upon the level of our understanding, or information we have gathered often via the thoughts of others who have perceived the answers, and proclaimed them to be Truth…

      Loved your ‘Perspective’ upon this post Nihar 🙂 Many thanks..

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Jan 21, 2015 @ 05:07:36

        Yes Sue…The source of information and the degree of exposure defines our understanding creates our perception of life and reality…many things in life are not black and white, these are in shades of gray which needs perception to play its role…finally it is the truth that counts and makes the real difference rest other things are mere illusions.



  25. beverley
    Jan 22, 2015 @ 12:01:57

    I do not know who Montano is, but i have looked them up and know what they do – a little. GMO foods have been around since the second world war and in some areas they are helping to feed the starving, but what could have been good has now turned into a money making business as usual.

    Take soya! Soya was sown in empty fields to enrich the soil and allow it to rest, then some bright spark decided to feed it to cattle and then an idiot decided to feed it to humans. What began as a good idea turned into something bad.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:16:17

      Yes Beverley… trouble is there are too many ‘Bright Sparks’ that help to DIM the world… and you will often find that Profit and Greed are what keeps their Lights a flicker.. 😦 I hope all is well with you my friend? x x



      • beverley
        Jan 25, 2015 @ 15:00:17

        We have been given the resources to help those who are truly in need but you are right it always comes down to money. I don’t have a problem with money – because i really don’t have much spare but it’s nice to have enough for the things i need and a little of what i want.
        Not too bad this weekend thank you. I hope you are well too xx

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 25, 2015 @ 15:04:54

          I am Beverley.. apart from a fall this morning… But just bruised and shaken… and a chin 3 sizes larger than normal where I hit my head on the concrete LOL.. but I am fine…. hurts to type as I jarred my wrists….. Silly me… fell over my feet as there was really nothing to trip me.. xx Glad you are feeling reasonable too… Big hugs your way xxx ❤



          • beverley
            Jan 25, 2015 @ 17:34:49

            That’s not good!! Grown ups are not supposed to fall. Just make you haven’t broken anything and don’t forget to rest some as well xxx

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jan 25, 2015 @ 18:02:51

              My wrists are hurting the worse.. Yet my chin is nice and black and swollen. LOL.. I was hoping typing would help stop my wrists cease up.. Not working out quite as planned… Ouch! LOL..


            • beverley
              Jan 25, 2015 @ 22:46:38

              Well being a nurse and a friend i guess i should say have you seen a Dr? And if not, then why not? Ouch!

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jan 26, 2015 @ 10:22:05

              Bless you Beverley… I have to say I was more than a little sore during the night.. But I took a couple of pain killers and I think its just a sprain wrists, its not swollen enough for anything else, and I can still move my fingers, just can’t grip very well… And the Drs have more to do than look at me… Although looking through the mirror this morning, I do look like my chin has had a knock out blow from Mike Tyson, LOL.. but a bit of make up will soon cover it..:-) Many thanks Bev for you kind concern my friend.. 🙂 xxx


            • beverley
              Jan 26, 2015 @ 15:11:04

              You are always welcome xxx


  26. manicartist89
    Jan 24, 2015 @ 00:41:35

    Thank You for your lovely commentary on personal responsibility, on perspective, and most of all on Trust. It’s when we finally learn to Accept OurSelves, Warts and All, that we learn Trust Un Ourselves; when that occurs, we then are able (Enabled) to (Unconditionally) Trust Everyone Else; after that Stage is attained, we then Learn TRUST, pure sad simple. The kind of Trust that Requires us to be so very Sure of it, we can Maintain It, in Spite of all appearances to tge contrary. That’s When our Trusting has reached the Level of Trust in that Inefable, Indescribable Feeling: “It’s just as it is, and tgat’s that!”

    You may either Accept or reject it, the Nature of the Demand for Our Trust will not change. It is Us, ours “Learning Selves,” who must adapt and Change, In To that Timeless Trust. Without Trust yhere can be no Love, without Love, we have nothing!

    Liked by 1 person


  27. manicartist89
    Jan 24, 2015 @ 00:48:46

    To Everyone Concerned about GMO Anything: “There’s an App fir That!” Really, at least for the iOS, it’s available even w/o WiFi, as Its Db is downloaded into your Device, not just a “cloud” somewhere. It’s updated frequently. And it’s free!



  28. Gray Dawster
    Jan 26, 2015 @ 09:44:55

    I had to take the lift down here Sue
    but it’s worth it just to say how awesome
    your postings are 🙂 This one is certainly
    interesting reading, especially as your
    insight is always so perfectly offered 🙂

    Have a really nice start to your Monday
    Sue and thank you for being patient, I am
    not much of a visitor anywhere on WP
    these days my lovely friend but soon I
    will be adding posts and visiting more,
    I hope 🙂 lol

    Andro xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2015 @ 10:44:02

      So pleased you took the lift Andro… and you know you are welcome any time… I am sure you will be back when you are ready my friend.. Sending thoughts your way .. I have not been on google much either 🙂 Have a great week.. Hugs Sue



  29. Lois Field
    Jan 27, 2015 @ 06:58:58

    Nope, Sue you were right. There is so much propaganda out there telling people this is how we are going to prevent starvation but those gm seeds are destroying the ecosystem we need for our survival so the seeds won’t be worth anything if we don’t have the insects pollinate for us or our heath to enjoy life. Monsanto, Bill Gates and anyone else who believes these lies only need to look at the failures of these crops and the resultant suicides in places like India from the gm seeds.

    On our perceptions, I told my children that there is no black and white that there is a lot of gray in between the two extremes. I referred to it as our “opinions” and raised them to respect everyone’s opinions. That as an opinion, there is no right or wrong, only possibly a different set of circumstances in a person’s life that led them to have a particular opinion. That or lack of education, but either way, opinions are something that fall in that gray area. It’s hard though isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2015 @ 14:32:53

      Yes our perceptions are often very different, depending upon which side of the fence we sit upon… I think Lois we are firmly seated with Mother Earth and the Insect life .. And I only hope others can open their own awareness to how GM seeds are destroying the eco system around the world… And poor India is a prime example..



  30. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 29, 2015 @ 17:30:35

    May kindness and good fortune following you all your days.
    peace and blessings always, Eddie



  31. aussieian2011
    Feb 01, 2015 @ 03:00:56

    A very honest opinion and appraisal Sue, justification for the perceived good of mankind ,does not imply that this should be gained through foul means, by foul means I refer to changing or altering the food chain, by ways that are contrary to the natural order of nature.



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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