Autumn Up date of Allotments ~ Grow your Own.

The weather here in the UK has taken a turn for the worse as Autumn is making her presence known. Last week we were basking in glorious Sun of temperatures in the 20’C  and this week its plummeted to average of around 14’C  going even colder at night.. So the jumpers are back on and the stew pot of veggies have been on the menu.   The weather really turned for the worse for those living just a few miles down the road from us.. As a Mini Twister tore roofs off homes in the Derbyshire town of Alfreton.  To see pictures of the damage caused the link is here....     These types of ‘Twisters’ are unusual in the UK..  We have been busy getting the allotments sorted and storing and freezing.. So lots have kept us busy. Below is a picture update.. 

The Allotments in October 2014 in Picture Format . 

Long view, Hubby walking towards the Sheds

Long view, Hubby walking towards the Sheds


Fruit Bushes, Black and Red currant and Raspberries,  this is the view from the sheds looking back up the garden.

Fruit Bushes, Black and Red currant and Raspberries, this is the view from the sheds looking back up the garden.

Leeks and Red onions.  Freshly weeded and raked. by Muwwwww.

Leeks and Red onions. Freshly weeded and raked. by Muwwwww.

Butternut Squash, we have now gathered in.. And stored,  Frozen some in cubes... Comes in handy for cooking that way

Butternut Squash, we have now gathered in.. And stored, Frozen some in cubes… Comes in handy for cooking that way

Parsnips and Purple sprouting Broccoli. These will be our over winter greens and veggies...

Parsnips and Purple sprouting Broccoli. These will be our over winter greens and veggies…

Brassica's Curly Kale, Swiss Chard.. Enjoy your Greens.. They are good for you

Brassica’s Curly Kale, Swiss Chard.. Enjoy your Greens.. They are good for you

Didn’t We weed Well! 

This is a new piece dug over next to the strawberry bed.. We are intending to plant some apple and pear trees along here.

This is a new piece dug over next to the strawberry bed.. We are intending to plant some apple and pear trees along here.

At the Back of the shed the old rubbish heap is going to be levelled. This is where we intend to grow our Butternut squash next year. As the allotment next to us just put his squash on old soil and left them.. They were 3 sizes bigger than ours.. So here they will have room to spread out to their hearts content :-)

At the Back of the shed the old rubbish heap is going to be levelled. This is where we intend to grow our Butternut squash next year. As the allotment next to us just put his squash on old soil and left them.. They were 3 sizes bigger than ours.. So here they will have room to spread out to their hearts content 🙂


Here is just some of the Garlic we harvested .

Here is just some of the Garlic we harvested .

And for anyone wanting a Wonderful Lemon Drizzle Cake recipe.. Then you can find one I baked and demolished earlier


Lemon Drizzle Cake

Lemon Drizzle Cake

96 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Trini
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 15:45:40

    Your garden is so beautiful!!! 🙂 I love it! 🙂 And now I feel like eating cake!! 🙂 And I feel like someone else should make it for me!! Hihihihihi 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


  2. David
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 15:51:04

    Well yes, you did weed well, I am so impressed. Well done to you and Hubby Sue. I was drooling over your lemon drizzle cake! Much Love, David

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 16:16:06

    I’m a little in awe of your garden Sue. You and your husband clearly have a talent. More flowers for me. I guess I’m too lazy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  4. starproms
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 17:26:41

    Your allotment looks perfect and so much produce. I was amazed to see the damage from the tornado. How frightening for the people in that street and in that end house in particular.
    We dug up our strawberry patch last week because it was threatening to take over!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 12:25:06

      Yes unfortunately for that particular home that was the most damaged it will have to be demolished and be rebuilt.. Such was the damage. Our strawberry patch we are thinning out to extend a little. I put far too many runners in too close together last year.. Although we got a lot of strawberries.. So did the slugs.. 🙂 But the blackberries and raspberries made up for it. 🙂



  5. Christy Birmingham
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 18:05:39

    You are busy in your allotment! My Mom has also been busy in her garden (at home) preparing it for the cold days to come. It seems your days are already turning cold! Glad you are keeping busy, dear Sue xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 12:32:37

      Yes the sudden drop in temp was a bit of a shock Christy as we were lulled by the warmth of a late Summer in Sept… Your Mum sounds to enjoy her garden also.. And yes we have to now cut shrubs and get things out of Mr Frosts way. 🙂



  6. Eric Tonningsen
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 18:14:22

    Lovely gardens, Sue. Such sustenance when it yields! 🙂 Your and your hubby’s work looks to be paying off. Congrats!

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Hariod Brawn
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 18:24:32

    I will echo David’s comment and compliment you on your very thorough weeding Sue! And my goodness, how on earth do you find time for all your writing and other creative activities when you have such a demanding life as a gardener? I am indeed impressed!

    Hariod ❤

    P.S. I could 'demolish' that entire Lemon Drizzle Cake in no time myself.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 12:14:55

      Thank you Hariod.. We have a method going on now between us.. And during the Summer Hubby would spend a couple of hours in the morning.. And I would go along most afternoons and give a helping hoe to keep the weeds down.. 🙂 And smiling at the Dizzle cake.. it really is light and tangy delicious.. Needless to say I bought more lemons for another bake this weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Visionkeeper
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 18:34:18

    Send hubby over when he’s done with your garden. I need all the help I can get 🙂 It gets old when you always do everything alone…Looking good DW. Well kept indeed….VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 12:11:29

      Thanks VK… Hubby sends his smiles… 🙂 I think I am keeping him well busy since my retirement LOL… As I come up with various plans.. We are in the middle of the front drive being restructured and so the garden there is looking like a building site.. The thing We have found with keeping weeds down is to hoe regular.. ( Not always possible when you feel a little out of sorts I know ).. But we now have a method going between us.. 🙂



  9. narf77
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 18:55:50

    A lovely veggie soaked post Sue. Your allotment is HUGE. I dare say you can provide yourselves with pretty much all of the veggies that you need from that plot. Lovely to read about your veggie garden 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 12:07:56

      Yes Narf.. the veggies last us throughout Summer and winter.. and what is in abundance we freeze.. Many thanks for your visit.. I know I think I owe you a couple of catch up ones.. 🙂 See you soon. 🙂



      • narf77
        Oct 11, 2014 @ 19:00:31

        🙂 Most of my latest posts are mostly pictures. I try to put a lot of images of what we are doing as I know that most of my dear constant readers are in a rush and can’t sit there for ages reading my epics so if they can skim through the photos they get a pretty good idea of what we have been doing over the last week 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 12, 2014 @ 10:16:08

          You the very next one on my list today.. And I love your posts even if they are lengthy.. You pour so much into them and I smile nearly all the way through reading them as your sense of humour hit the mark with me every time.. 🙂

          Oh I so love my Blogging friends .. 🙂 see you in a moment or two haha. 🙂



  10. prenin
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 18:58:21

    Well done as always my friend! 🙂

    Love and hugs to you and the hubby!!! 🙂




  11. Ines
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 19:58:54

    Beautiful Sue. You must explain to me what allotment means. Is this something you are given to use or your garden is called the allotment? We have more rain than sunshine this summer and now we are into 25C people still swimming, with the rains come mushrooms and different types of mosses I have never seen here, everything is changing…this is why I made most of the beds into hoophouses so that if we get too much rain I can cover them. Great garden, I love how it’s so organized and balanced.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 11:59:32

      An allotment Ines is a piece a land designated to allow people to grow crops on it.. Our own particular allotment was left specifically for that purpose by the Duke of Portland.. This is special ‘Allotted Space’ Our own allotments is a very large one with around 150 plots on it.. You can see more Here about the length of our own plot.. We pay a yearly rent for it to the local council.. We are lucky in that the land had been left for this reason.. or the council would have long sold it to build houses on.. But allotments are becoming more popular as they want to grow their own organic produce that isn’t smothered in chemical or contains GMO.. 🙂
      Heres the link..

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Eddie Two Hawks
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 20:19:27

    Let’s start with the drizzle cake, In fact, let’s just pull up a stool and have some of that tasty looking treat OK? A garden always great with the amount of hard work that you put into it! Thanks for the tour Dreamwalker. enjoy that food, Eddie



  13. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 21:59:58

    So lovely to see these updates and glimpse a little of your hard work and your lovely, and hard working, husband. The weather has certainly changed Sue, I wonder what sort of winter we are in for?! Sending you lots of love xxxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 15:59:45

      Ruth, yes you are right.. Hubby deserves most of the credit here for his long hours he puts in on the allotment.. And the weather always a subject we talk about,,, Either too hot, too cold, too wet or dry… I think the plummet in temp’s though was so sudden it shocked our system as we had lovely warm late Sept days..

      I think Winter may well be a harsh one this year.. I think I am going with my instincts this year. I even told hubby to make sure he had fuel in for the generator in case we get Electric Power cuts.. as I now have 4 freezers overflowing to last through the winter 🙂
      Soooo Good to see you Ruth… I hope you are feeling brighter and well… Lots of Love your way Always.. Sue x



  14. Crowing Crone
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 01:51:07

    I have so missed having a garden this year and much enjoyed seeing the fruits of your labour here! And garlic – something I never had any success in growing.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Mark Lanesbury
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 05:33:53

    Looks like a lovely harvest has been completed Sue. Time to snuggle and enjoy that garden produce.
    We are now about mid spring and enjoying 25’C temps…beautiful. It’s when summer hits it gets a bit hotter. Regular 32’C with the occasional 40’C thrown in to make you appreciate those cooler lovely days. Thanks for sharing your garden. Mark

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 15:52:18

      Thank you Mark.. I am pleased your Spring is on its way into Summer.. always nice to know somewhere its shinning lol.. Yes the harvest has been good this year,.. Just not as many potatoes, as they were not as big this year.. but for the rest its been very good.. Your Spring temps are like a Good Summer for us.. I doubt if I could stand 40’C .. I think I would roast! 🙂
      Many thanks for reading.. And leaving me your valued comment Mark…
      Blessings Sue x



  16. shamanictracker
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 08:16:04

    You guys have done a great job! Seems like a lot of hard work… And your yields are incredible. You are smart to stock up on greens, they r so essential to our good health. I committed to using them in a meal or green juice at least once per day – and it’s the rule for the whole family 😉 But hey, I have been inventive with the ways to use them (it involves a little bit more than just standing there threatening with the wooden spoon I just cooked with haha) and everybody seems pretty happy. xox

    Liked by 1 person


  17. silentlyheardonce
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 13:19:57

    A beautiful garden and healthy eating. I just learned the wonders of butternut squash. I need more recipes because I do like the taste.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 15:29:04

      Yes we too are learning more about Butternut Squash.. This is our first growing season.. But my daughter has been cooking with them for a while.. and has one or two recipes she uses.. So I know where to go 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  18. aFrankAngle
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 13:36:05

    Oh my gosh … that is one heck of a garden, and obviously your pride and joy! Seeing the Swiss Chard and reading about the changing temperatures (which is happening here too), I think about the day when I may one of my favorite cool weather soups. … Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person


  19. Binky
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 20:17:07

    That’s a pretty sizable garden. But it’s too bad you couldn’t grow lemon drizzle cake as well.



  20. Maria F.
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 02:48:02

    There’s so much variety, did you learn all this variety on your own?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 15:22:00

      Its been a tradition within both our families as our Father’s would grow their own veggies in their allotment plots…Mostly people used to grow just potatoes and Greens, carrots and Beans, Parsnips, onions and Turnips… But over the years varieties such as Squash and pumpkin and peppers as well as swiss chard, and Sweetcorn etc are now growing popular and can grow in the English climate. :-).. So its an a culmination of trial and error over the years what works and what doesn’t we are still learning 🙂



  21. Dilip
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 04:29:28

    Sue you are a great inspiration and hubby too. Your beautiful garden makes me want to experiment on a few more different herbs in my gardeni Thank you and hope to keep in touch with your allotment.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 11:51:29

      Thank you Dilip, I have it seems lost your link with your own ‘Farm post’ So would be grateful if you left me a link here to your Farm Blog Dilip.. I know you are very busy also… I planted a few more herbs too this year. Unfortunately some do not like the Frost.. So I have already put the tubs with them in the greenhouse for cover. As we have been forecast a frost tonight.. Sending Greetings to you and yours.. 🙂 Sue



  22. giselzitrone
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 09:36:19

    Schöne Bilder vom Karten ich wünsche dir ein gutes und glückliches wee-kend liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  23. Paul Handover
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 14:58:51

    Great pictures that go a long way to explaining your loving approach to this crazy world. Apologies for the delay in leaving a comment; we had a 30-hour internet outage.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 16:07:09

      Paul please no need to apologise.. Look how long I take to come around and visit LOL… sometimes its weeks… Thank you for your encouraging comment Paul.. It helps to get lost in your garden and we weed out not only the garden weeds,, But it allows the weeding out of those negative thoughts we get bombarded with from the world..
      Enjoy your weekend, and I hope your internet stays connected .. 🙂



  24. Billybuc
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 16:07:02

    It was a wonderful growing season here in our section of the States. A bountiful crop for sure, and I’m already planning for next season. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 16:08:47

      Bill thats so good to know.. So too are we.. Already have the seed catalogue and I am planning where to rotate our next years crops..
      Its Good to Grow our Own Veggies isn’t it.. 🙂 Thank YOU!



  25. lscotthoughts
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 16:47:16

    What a lovely and huge allotment, Sue, and my mouth is watering for that lemon cake, too! Glad you’ve enjoying your gardens and lovely to share with us, too. Happy weekend and sending love and hugs! ♥

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 16:52:37

      Dear Lauren.. Thank you .. Yes they are large… aprox 160 ft long by 45ft wide.. and thats only up the front of the shed.. we are now extending behind the shed which was the huge compost area..And that cake is a great bake.. Thank you.. You too enjoy Lauren… And thank you so so much for adding your smiles here.. Love Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Valentine Logar
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 17:40:05

    Oh Sue, terrible you all are getting our weather! Sorry for those who lost property. Thankfully no lives lost.

    Your allotment is so wonderful. I envy you though I know I could never do the work, I envy what comes out of it.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 12, 2014 @ 10:24:51

      Hi Val.. No, no lost lives thankfully.. But the weather here is certainly changing, as it is all the way around the world.. The rain just Drops in torrents, and the whirl winds although rare here are being seen more, even if they are only small ones… Such is Change.. As the Earth is also always on the move.. 🙂
      Val you would be surprised at what you could do if you had a mind to put your energy into gardening.. If I look back at how my muscles used to protest at the slightest thing in 2002 when I had full blown Fibromyalgia.. then I would have said I couldn’t have contemplated ever getting back into our garden..
      But here I am.. And loving it.. 🙂 ❤ xxx



  27. aishasoasis
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 20:27:58

    Wow, Sue, what a serious change in the weather! I can understand it got you scrambling in the garden. Everything looks wonderful, the broccoli especially, I just love it! That garlic is awesome, too – bravo to you and your hubby! Time to sit down and enjoy your cake after all that excellent weeding! ♥♥♥;^)

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Karen Wan
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 22:26:52

    Your garden looks beautiful. I was out cleaning mine up a bit, preparing for the colder weather here. I saw some frost on the grass this morning. I know colder weather is on its way. Some day I hope to have a garden as extensive and lovely as yours.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 12, 2014 @ 10:06:52

      Thank you Karen.. The weather is turning now to that Autumnal nip in the air in the mornings.. Which I like.. I think there is nothing nicer than a woodland walk in Autumn when the leaves are falling and golden and crunch underfoot with a sprinkle of frosting on top that glistens in the Sun light..
      Happy Gardening 🙂 xx



  29. lorriebowden
    Oct 11, 2014 @ 23:28:20

    Wow, Sue!!! I am so impressed with your garden!! Beautiful. ..thanks for sharing. I have the utmost respect for your hard work 🙂 ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 12, 2014 @ 10:04:43

      Thank you Lorrie.. but its not just my hard work.. the majority is hubbies.. He puts a couple of hours in most days.. He does the heavy digging.. I do the hoeing between veggies and regular hoeing and raking to keep the weeds down.. Its a team effort 🙂 … I am so happy you enjoyed the photo shots. xx

      Liked by 1 person


  30. Fiestaestrella
    Oct 12, 2014 @ 01:41:22

    Lovely garden, Sue! Lemon drizzle! I got good vibes from looking at these pictures. What a treat that you share this with us all. I’m inspired to dig into my work before me. Thank you! xoxo ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Wendell A. Brown
    Oct 12, 2014 @ 22:35:34

    It is always wonderful to be able to feed yourself…at least you know that it will be so natural and healthy. May you always be blessed with an abundance by your efforts!



  32. beverley
    Oct 13, 2014 @ 09:03:40

    I am way behind on my post reading and so this is old new now but the one thing i always loved pulling out of the ground was potatoes, because you would never know what you would get until you uprooted the plant from the ground and they taste so much better than shop ones.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 14, 2014 @ 09:13:58

      Beverley, please never worry about being behind.. I am ALWAYS behind Behind everybody.. Yes potatoes are always a surprise. The One potato we put in the glass jar for our granddaughter to show her how it grew roots and knew how to send green leaves upwards we planted in a bucket for her.. She emptied it out the other week and to her delight saw the many ( Babies ) it had had Lol.. Enough for a boiling.. I gave them her Mum to have for their dinner.. 🙂



  33. marja
    Oct 14, 2014 @ 09:19:47

    Sue you have done a great job. Your vegie garden has lots of treasures and is very tidy. You will eat well over the winter. Here it is slowly getting warmer

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 14, 2014 @ 11:30:07

      Yes Marja, we will eat well…Its been a couple of days since I went to the allotments, as the weather has been awful .. But once it dries up a little it will not take us long to clear any new growth of weeds, I start one end with the hoe and Hubby is at the other end 🙂 Love the fact you are now entering your Summer time.. Lovely that the Sun is always warm some where 🙂 xxx



  34. Gray Dawster
    Oct 14, 2014 @ 11:01:54

    Love your allotment Sue, and it is well kept,
    I know some start off and do well, only to let
    their space get overrun with weeds and start
    the long downhill spiral, but yours is great 🙂

    I know what you mean about our weather, it
    is positively freezing today with the wind and
    rain coming down. Definitely time for Yorkshire
    stews and yummy homemade soups 🙂

    I like your Lemon Drizzle Cake, no I don’t…
    In fact I adore it and want at least two hefty
    slices of that delicious recipe 🙂 You never fail
    to please once you get into your kitchen 🙂

    Have a wonderful Tuesday my dear friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 14, 2014 @ 11:26:57

      Yes you are right Andro, so many start off with good intentions only to find out how hard it is and a constant battle in the clearing of weeds and the twitch which grows back into a field..
      I agree its soup weather and we had a stew on the go last week with all the produce we had grown.. Plus I make home made tomato soup with the abundance of tomatoes we had..
      Thank you for your visit Andro and for your comments.. Glad you are back posting in WP again.. 🙂
      Sue xox



  35. LadyPinkRose
    Oct 14, 2014 @ 16:58:31

    My goodness, Sue, it took me forever to get to the comment box. LOL What gorgeous gardens you have. I KNOW the work involved, and I honor you for honoring the Earth. The weather here is nuts …. hot, cool, windy, hot …… and then cool. And that cake, I will share that with you along with all others here. Thank you! (((HUGS)))

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 15, 2014 @ 13:19:20

      Thank you Amy. yes the weather here too doesn’t as yet know whether it’s coming or going.. 🙂 But at least today its a little brighter from the chilling wind and solid rain we have had for the last couple of days.. So pleased you hopped over 🙂 Big Hugs back xx



  36. Kourtney Heintz
    Oct 14, 2014 @ 21:25:13

    Wow your gardens are amazing. I love how you store food for the winter. Brilliant.

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Aquileana
    Oct 15, 2014 @ 02:29:18

    Great post and wonderful shots as per usual dear Sue…
    Well autumn might get cold there… But don’t you think that it is a beautiful season though?… ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun’ as John Keats would say…
    I hope the twisters get out off your way and just disappear from your surroundings… Everything is going to be alright, my friend!. I know it ❤
    Much love and big hugs, Aquileana 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 15, 2014 @ 13:48:19

      I love Autumn Aquileana, in fact I love each season on its different merits.. I love those Cold damp misty mornings, And the frosty crisp ones… The small twisters are very rare, although they are being reported to happen more often now in the UK…
      I know without a doubt dear Aquileana that Everything is Alright..
      And I am smiling all the more for seeing you here.. 🙂 Big Hugs back xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  38. bluebutterfliesandme
    Oct 15, 2014 @ 06:34:24

    What a beautiful and abundant garden. As above so below. As we reap what we sow <3.

    Liked by 1 person


  39. The Emu
    Oct 18, 2014 @ 03:56:30

    An enjoyable browse around your allotment Sue, a lot of work has gone into it, and you must be proud of it, and rightly so. Beautifully maintained and weed free.
    You prove that a loving care for the earth does reap its rewards.
    Love the amount of garlic you have cultivated.
    Thanks Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 18, 2014 @ 09:51:37

      Thank you Emu… glad you enjoyed your walk around our garden allotment.. Another update I am sure will be along soon… I hope to catch up with you this weekend too.. Enjoy your day and weekend.. 🙂



  40. Lois
    Oct 25, 2014 @ 15:31:19

    Sue, your allotment is looking good. You must spend a lot of your time weeding. 😉 I’m glad you weren’t affected by the twister I’ve seen my fair share and they can do some real damage. I’m currently in planning mode for my new gardens. 😉

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2014 @ 12:27:08

      Lois thank you. Yes fortunately we were fine and we here in England do not get them on the scale you do..
      Lovely to see you Lois and we have both been busy busy over the last couple of weeks.. Getting lots sorted and putting the garden to bed for winter.. both at home and in the allotments. I bet you can not wait for Spring to come as you plan your own new garden beds.. 🙂 xxx



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