Relaxing Days

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”


Hello again and many have been awaiting updates of my artwork and allotments, so today I will show you how I spent time painting. Below is a metal water jug which I painted.

Water Jug


Reverse Side

Another small milk churn I painted for outdoor use as a planter is here.. This was painted Green the I used acrylics which  when dried have then had two top coats treated with Clear varnish to weather proof the tins. 

Poppy Milk Churn

Back View

Back of churn with Mouse

Others I did previously are these..

ButterfliesMore DaisiesForgetmenots

 I am on the countdown now for the end of the month and it will seem very strange not working as I added up my work years to be 40.. So its time to enjoy and relax and pursue the hobbies I love which is painting and gardening.

You win some and you lose some.

Speaking of which  I will give you a picture update here now of the allotments and how things are coming along.. We have had some very heavy storms with flash flooding with heavy rains yesterday, and we have been told by the UK Met Office to brace ourselves for more storms and heavy down pours as the tail end of Hurricane Bertha will hit Sunday, today.

Due to the fluctuating weather of dry the wet, many of the allotment holders have suffered Potato Blight We spotted it as soon as it started to appear on the foliage so we cut the tops off to stop it spreading to the potatoes.The potatoes are fine underneath thank goodness.

Potatoes are still under here But the tops got potatoe blight so had to be cut off so as not to go back down and rot potatoes    Cabbages  Missed spaces due to cabbage root fly getting at them

The cabbages got hit too with root fly so you can see the missed spaces here under the netting.. The Cabbage White butterfly didn’t get to them but the Cabbage root fly did..  You win some and you lose some. That’s how it is when you grow your own.. We do not spray anything.. But next time we will remember to put a circle of card around the new plants as the fly lays its eggs at the base of the cabbage, the maggots then can’t  go down and eat the root as the eggs will often dry off and die.

  Onions and ShallotsThe onions and shallots have dried out beautifully and were left on top to finish off drying.. Unfortunately we missed not going down to the allotments for just one day, but someone obviously needed some extra onions that day and helped themselves to the biggest Onions across the rows…. ( I do not like to think of another allotmenteer  could do this, but we also had lots of garlic taken earlier this year. Some one likes their onions! Sad smile 

A success story though is our dwarf beans and runner beans.. loads have been frozen, and are now stored in the freezers. ( and yes we have a back up generator just in case of emergencies ) As we have had one or two unexpected power outages recently due to storms.. 

Drawf Beans        Runner Beans Had loads

The Sweet corn has gone to seed earlier than expected and many cobs are not fully mature, but having said that we have got quite a few large ones off already..Sweetcorn we won't have a much this year as going to seed It seems everything in the allotment this year is around a month early for harvesting. The Courgettes too have been abundant.

Courgettes have come out of our ears!

and we are just getting the Butternut squash forming.. This is a success too as we hadn’t tried growing this before..

Butternut squash just forming

We Raspberries now coming and doing wellalso have had lots of Raspberries too off the bushes and lots still to come on later flowering crops. So these have been made into delicious sweet deserts some  of these recipes I will add to my recipe pages later..  The Blackberries too have been yielding Pounds of fruit and I am keeping my eye out for the elderberries which are just about ready for turning on the trees.. I want to try my hand this year of making Elderberry Syrup which is good for keeping those colds and coughs at bay..


Above  are the Gladioli’s which I have grown to have as cut flowers  to display  indoors..

Well I hope you enjoyed my Relaxing Days, I started with the New Moon and my altering my Intentions and the Full Super Moon is going to be a super one too, so Enjoy! Click the links to find our more..

And Thank you for reading..

~Sue ~

81 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 13:52:49

    your art is full of nature, it seems it could be a real flower leaning on one of your pitchers 🙂
    Just Beautiful is your special gift…I do envy it 🙂
    wandering with your words, I am always amazed when someone is doing what they love, that feels right, it is work of the soul I think….even you get tired from the work in the gardens it is a good tired knowing a good day was done with the intentions of more good…
    I like that….
    I am staying at my daughters till Monday evening…I have enjoyed the quiet with just her Hannah( her wonderful companion, though she misses her family, she was so sad the first day, she just laid at the door looking to see if they came home)
    this morning we have been outside enjoying the sunrise…reading, alternating quilting…I could live high in the mountains with no civilization around… 🙂
    your energy is calmer than usual to me…deep thoughts of tomorrow I think…
    Wonderful post My Friend…( the onions will not taste good for whomever decided it was okay to just take them…(they will reap what the sow I believe)
    Take Care….You Matter….
    just me



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:05:55

      Dear, dear Maryrose, I am happy you are enjoying a peaceful Weekend at your daughters.. With Hannah a four legged friend.. I so agree about gardening being a sort of contented tired.. Some days when I have been to work for 8 hours I am home at 3 30pm, I have a drink and then off I go to the allotments to weed until 5.. It gives great satisfaction..

      The onions well, we think we know the culprit, but you can never be sure. So we will not point fingers..

      The allotments are open but we all have a gate lock to the entire allotments.. All I can say, they must have needed them more than we…I wouldn’t have minded if they had helped themselves to the odd few of the smaller ones.. But they took a huge amount of some the size of a small melons.. We we so proud of those Bigger onions… Arrgh well.. no use blubbering over onions! LOL… I did tell hubby to put in the shed to dry off, due to the weather.. Maybe he will listen next year 🙂 ,,

      I am happy you can detect a change in my energy. there is.. And I am embracing change, and moving with the flow of it.. Reading the links to the Super moon link I put up, it seems I must be doing something right! 🙂

      Enjoy your Mountain air Maryrose and speak to you very soon.. 🙂 .xx Love Sue



  2. prenin
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:10:04

    Hi Sue! 🙂

    The comment box is acting up so I’m typing this (almost) blind!!! 😦

    Glad your allotment is doing so well, but look on the bright side: Your onion thief must have been desperate!!! 😦

    Love and huge squichy hugs!!! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:18:10

      Sorry to hear you can not see the comment box.. But yes our onion thief if it were whom we suspect didn’t grow any onions this year!.. I hope he enjoys them…… Sending you a big hug back Prenin.. xox



  3. Visionkeeper
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:22:17

    Sounds like it was a bit of a tough summer for growing. It was here as well. Most days of july and now August have been very cool and nights in the low 50’s! Unheard of…The garden really wanted the heat to get growing but never really got it. I am looking at my first yellow squash of the season if you can believe that! But the dark ones still aren’t winning…You’d think they would get bored with trying but they don’t. They’ve met their match this time though. The light is very powerful now. So glad you are doing well and yes, I’m counting down the days with you 🙂 Much love to you and btw, your artwork is beautiful…..VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:28:19

      Awww, thank you VK, Yes the weather has been dry here then Very wet and heavy dew at nights which has meant mildew too on somethings.
      The Dark ones have been throwing everything they can into the mix.. But this Energy War has already been won in the Higher Realms.. we are just awaiting it being played out here on the material… Keep in that Peace Zone.. My art and garden are helping me do just that.. 🙂



  4. Paul Handover
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:46:58

    You paint, pardon the pun, a delightful picture of grace and calmness. Oh, and our sweet corn here in Merlin have gone to seed! Beautiful post, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:52:54

      I hope you can salvage some of the cobs off your corn crop Paul.. I think I need to pay a visit to a lady who is taking a dip in a certain river today.. read the post on my phone earlier and have yet to see those photo’s.. Your Mother is one remarkable lady.. I hope she had a safe flight and comfortable journey back to the UK Paul.. 🙂
      Many thanks for you compliments



  5. pictimilitude
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 14:49:30

    Love, love, love!
    Your talents know no bounds. 🙂
    Love, love, love!
    Sorry I haven’t been around –
    I’m back to my old school stompin grounds.
    Know that I’m never far away
    Watching and waiting for the day
    When I’m finished and can continue on
    Teaching and helping and seeing a new dawn.
    Love, love, love!
    I find so much bliss here,
    Your sweetness and heart so sincere,
    Inspire me to go always and above,
    Love, love, love!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2014 @ 15:25:45

      Dear Cyndi, thank you so much for you inspired and much LOVED poetic response.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it too.. No worries about not being around, we all of us have lives to live.. And I know your students must be thrilled to have you as their teacher as you bring such enthusiasm and energy with you.. I am sure I am also a few of your own posts behind too.
      I am very pleased you love my blog and I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful comment.. I am honoured it came in verse.. 🙂 Love and Blessings Sue xox

      Liked by 1 person


  6. starproms
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 15:08:34

    Lovely pictures and thoughts Sue. The painted water vessels are gorgeous. When one grows vegetables, it is easy to see the turn of the seasons, isn’t it. I think you’ve done very well with the allotment. This year was the opposite of last year in that everything was early.



  7. inavukic
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 15:25:28

    Fabulous paintings, Sue, and the garden is giving back what you put in – lots of love and hard work. Life can be so rewarding when we let it and work at it 🙂



  8. Julianne Victoria
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 16:35:31

    So adorable! ❤



  9. Eric Tonningsen
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 19:22:07

    Nice to see your creativity flourishing, Sue! I can almost sense the enjoyment you derive from co-creating with your right brain. 🙂

    To this phenomena “rain” to which you speak, such a problem to have. Where we live in the New Mexico High Desert, we are painfully beyond parched. While hues of brown make for beautiful panoramas, they do little to nourish nature’s beauty and keep our water tables from evaporating.

    Still, we try to make the best of what we’re given. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2014 @ 19:47:41

      We never seem to have that balance right do we Eric.. Either too much rain or not enough.. But like you say Eric.. we all make the best of what we are given… And there are far many more people around the world much worse off than we will ever be.. Many thanks for your much appreciated visit.. Thank you 🙂



  10. Mélanie
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 19:32:22

    very nice and relaxing, indeed, Sue, but I don’t have “green hands”… 🙂 btw, I’ve just spent 10 days in the French-Italian Alps – cool and super-relaxing! 🙂 have a pleasant evening and thanx for stopping by my playground… HHH = huge heartfelt hugs… ❤



  11. narf77
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 19:58:18

    Poppies on pots and gladi’s in the garden, this HAS been a productive post. You are right, you win some and you lose some but it keeps you keen for more and that’s the gardening bug for you ;).



  12. Maria F.
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 20:13:55

    I really love the quote by Buddha, and I just love everything about that philosophy. I wonder if I’ll ever become a practicing Buddhist, but I just don’t know as of now since I’ve not devoted myself to any religion at all (although I was baptised Catholic), I’ve not really practiced a religion, and I don’t know how I feel about worshipping a God, though I worship Mother Nature, I don’t know about the “God” part. I don’t know that I’m an atheist either, so I suppose only time will tell. I never asked you if you were religious in that sense. I do believe there are spiritual masters and all religions are of equal value. I love the Gladiolas and your painted jugs. I’m sorry for some of your crop losses.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Maria F.
      Aug 10, 2014 @ 21:50:59

      My father was an atheist and I know he missed out on spiritual growth. (Spiritual growth as in meaning “personal, emotional growth”). My father was a scholar and of all the arguments scholars have against God, the biggest one is that of redemption. Many scholars who cannot believe in God but only trust the empirical methods of science claim that only Humans are responsible for what they’ve done, so they cannot “succumb” to God for “forgiveness” because they must respond for their own actions, not God. Yet, spiritual growth according to the Buddha, has to do with “mindfulness” and how much you can develop this skill in a whole lifetime. Whether atheists miss out on “spiritual growth”, I can’t really say.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2014 @ 19:58:29

      Thank you Maria.. I am happy you enjoyed this post.. and thought the Gladioli’s would catch your expert eye 🙂



  13. Writing to Freedom
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 20:33:40

    Amazing harvest Sue. Clearly you have a talent for gardening. Glad to hear you’re enjoying your “retirement”. blessings, Brad



  14. quarteracrelifestyle
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 20:52:37

    Yes, you will be on the countdown and isn’t it funny how time seems to slow down when you are waiting it out 🙂 Love your art Sue and that quote of Buddha’s is one of my favourites. We are also looking at ways to earn from our talents in the future rather than outside employment, doing what we love so well that others love it too.

    Your garden looks wonderful but yes, there are always great harvests coupled with disappointments. Mother Nature will do her own thing regardless of our plans..and I quite like that despite the frustrations 🙂

    Have a lovely week xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 13:47:15

      That’s so true Wendy.. about Mother Nature.. but that as you say adds to the seasons never being the same.. And each year our harvests surprise in one way or another We are thrilled with our fruit, this year, raspberries and blackberries, and the Brussels look to be going well too where as last year they were eaten alive by caterpillars .. So all in all we have done well..

      I hope you both do start to earn from your amazing talents.. Oh to be that bit nearer LOl.. I would have that soap off you in a shot.. and I could easily see us sharing a craft stall lol.. I know you will be successful.. but I will wish you luck anyway.. 🙂 xxx You too enjoy your week xx Hugs Sue



  15. cat
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 21:42:53

    Your art work warms my heart, and so does your garden, Sue … things are growing in my garden like crazy now … by the end of August growing season is over here … and night frost will arrive ready to kill, what ever didn’t “make it”. Love, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 13:39:15

      You growing season is really a short one.. I know you said before its only 100 days.. its far shorter than ours.. I hope Cat you manage to get lots of produce before the frost gets to it.. and Hugs back.. And many thanks for your most welcome comment Cat.. xxx Love you loads back.. Sue



  16. marina kanavaki
    Aug 10, 2014 @ 22:41:42

    My dear Sue, I’m so happy to hear you are taking your pace and relaxing! Your artwork on those jugs is so beautiful!!! 🙂
    Happy Full moon and a creative and joyful week ahead! 🙂 hugs and xxxxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 13:11:08

      Lovely to see you Marina.. I hope also you enjoyed your break and was happy to see you refreshed.. IThat Moon was a beautiful sight.. I tried taking a photo, but my little camera didn’t do it justice 🙂 xx Hugs back x



  17. ptero9
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 02:03:14

    I can sympathize. We have a small garden. Every year we get a decent harvest, but not always what we expect. It’s always worth the work and the gamble.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 12:23:48

      Yes is certainly is Debra.. you never know from one year to the next which crop will be more successful, But its working alongside nature that for me is so enjoyable..
      You should have seen me soaking the raspberries and blackberries and rescuing tiny beetles that swam for their lives.. lol and putting them outside.. Hubby raises his eyebrows! lol.. We always have plenty, and end up giving lots away.. So we have a more than enough… Life is good.. 🙂



  18. Red
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 05:19:53

    What a delightful walk through your arts! Visually appealing and equally appetizing.
    ❤ Much love, Sweet Sue.



  19. bluebutterfliesandme
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 09:12:04

    Cute garden art sis.



  20. beverley
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 10:43:06

    My dad always use to plant onions between carrots and cabbages as the flies from each other didn’t like each other and so went somewhere else for dinner. Many years ago we had a steep garden slope that most neighbours either left to weeds or cleared and mowed but we dug terraces into it and planted vegetables. Then one night it rained and rained and rained and the following morning it appeared that most of the produce had been washed to the bottom of the slope and we though everything was dead and decided to walk away and try again the following year. But out of the water clogged soil some weeks later we noticed green shoots, and although much did not survive we did get some potatoes and root veg and peas and beans. As for others taking what you have grown it is a little mean. I like to presume that they need it more than i do and send them a blessing as well.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 12:17:31

      aww what a shame the garden did a landslide.. but as you say Beverley its remarkable what will grow and Nature will always try to find a way..
      Yes the onion Thief must have needed them more than we.. I remember when my son who was only 18 at the time in his pride and joy first banger of a car.. Who had fitted out a nice little radio cassette player in it.. Had his car broken into one night as we had all gone to the cinema and parked in the parking lot there.. We came back to the car with a police sticker aware on the windscreen as someone had smashed his side window and took his radio… I was gutted for him.. But he just turned around and said.. ” Well mum, they must been in more desperate need than I “… I was so proud of him that day… And what’s an onion or two among ‘Friends’ lol.. 😀



  21. marja
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 10:46:43

    oh the jugs are absolutely gorgeous with the pretty butterflies and the beautiful butterflies. Would love one in my garden. Seems you had a good harvest. We grow most of them in summer as well. Spring starts here soon so than slowly we
    get everything ready again We usually have heaps of gladiolis as well 🙂
    Love the abundance of colour. Love the quote too Letting go is a hard one I think



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 12:12:26

      Yes Gladiola’s come in such a lovely range of colours. We planted in tubs but intend to move them to the top end of the allotment in the ground for next year as they got a little dried out in the tubs too quickly.
      I bet you are looking forward to your Spring.. I hear its been colder than usual in parts where you are? Lovely to see you Marja.. xxx Hugs to you in NZ..



  22. Alex Jones
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 10:55:31

    I like your beautiful and useful works art. Growing anything comes with its challenges, wisdom comes from finding sustainable solutions in harmony with nature.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 12:08:25

      I totally agree Alex.. Each year is different, both with how things grow and with climate. I am never truly disappointed for there are so many happy surprises that are mixed in 🙂



  23. aFrankAngle
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 12:16:57

    I didn’t realize your artistic side until now. Cheers to your organic efforts in the garden.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2014 @ 12:25:39

      Thank you Frank… if you scroll down enough on my site Frank you can see my art Gallery.. these are my paintings.. All on Nature and animals.. 🙂 Thank you… 😀 your comment is very much appreciated 🙂



  24. Ben Naga
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 13:23:13

    Your painted metalware reminded me of the years I spent living by the Leeds to Liverpool canal and the year I walked its length.



  25. Chrissy Faery
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 15:04:28

    Wonderful, the jug and milk churn you painted are beautiful! 🙂 I hope Bertha didn’t cause too much damage! My veggies were doing great earlier in the year, I had some wonderful half-grown broccoflowers (spikey cauliflowers) but they disappeared literally over night! I still can’t figure it out! 🙂

    Your blog is so inspiring, I’ve just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Bloggers Award! Have a wonderful day! xxx



  26. Valentine Logar
    Aug 11, 2014 @ 18:17:16

    Everything is so beautiful, fruitful and bountiful. I don’t know whether to be envious or just hie myself off to the farmers market.



  27. IdealisticRebel
    Aug 12, 2014 @ 05:37:53

    I loved your art. And your quote. You must enjoy your gardens. It is hard to believe it is August all ready. I agree with Valentine, off to the farmer’s market. Hugs, Barbara

    Liked by 1 person


  28. chicasl10
    Aug 12, 2014 @ 12:21:32

    after we got married and had a new house we started a small garden/and of coruse we planted potatoes. We got some kind of Colorado potato beetle My dad came to find that out.haha well we never planted potatoes again Still dont know why.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2014 @ 19:19:46

      The Colorado beetle when it arrived we had to report it to the Ministry of Agriculture, according to my hubby, this was back in the 60’s.. as it devastated potato crops. Maybe that was a reason..
      Good to see you Mj, and hope all is going well in your part of the world this Summer too 🙂



  29. natswans
    Aug 12, 2014 @ 18:48:48

    Hi Sue your art work is really lovely, what a talent.
    The Allotment has paid dividends Wow that looks so rewarding. Everything looks so good apart from your wandering Onions , mm.
    Good to hear your having finally some time to relax .
    Hugs Sheila …well done xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2014 @ 19:16:05

      Thank you Sheila.. Yes Summer has paid dividends,and thank you so much for your comment.. I have enjoyed my time both painting and gardening.. And yes so looking forward to more relax Me time too 🙂



  30. Aquileana
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 00:17:46

    Cool post dear Sue … I love your pots and your prolific organic garden.
    Also that quote by Buddha you have chosen is great, very wise words.

    All my very best wishes to you,
    Aquileana 😛



  31. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 12:28:46

    So lovely to see your crafting Sue – what cheer it must give you to use those things in your garden. What a bad business to have crops stolen – not nice at all. I’m so glad you have lots of other treats to enjoy. Much love to you my friend – any chance of a blackberry and apple crumble? 🙂 xx 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2014 @ 13:52:01

      Thank you Ruth.. Something usually gets taken from our garden, at least our shed has not been broken into, which happens occasionally despite the locked gates to the allotments.. We each all have a key.. Some get Rotavators stolen and tools.. So a few onions is nothing .. Funny you should mention the crumble Ruth!.. Would you believe that is on the menu for tonight with custard. I froze a few more pounds of blackberries this morning and raspberries along with some rhubarb, Beans, parsnips,.. Any time you wish you pop in LOL… 🙂 loved your visit Ruth.. xox Bug hugs Sue xx



  32. Tom Merriman
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 20:31:58

    Very productive, Sue… well done. I bet the person who took your onions thinks so as well.
    The reds and greens on the churn go well together, don’t they? The flowers really stand out. And so do your red Gladis as well, for that matter!
    Keep enjoying your creative days, Sue. I’m trying not to be envious (but I am!) 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:40:09

      Yes I loved the poppies on the green.. and I have had my mouse bucket out all Summer in the heat and Sun and the colours beneath the varnish have not faded so I can definitely recommend them being weather proof, And believe me when its rained its rained buckets too 🙂

      Thank you for your compliments Tom 🙂



  33. Christy Birmingham
    Aug 14, 2014 @ 20:03:53

    Ahhh relaxing days 🙂 I think your painted churn and water jug are lovely! You gave me an idea for future present for someone…!!



  34. Bodhirose
    Aug 15, 2014 @ 20:42:56

    Really enjoyed your relaxing days post, Sue, of which you will soon have many more! You are talented in so many ways. And how right you are…you win some and you lose some. It all seems to balance out in the end though. 🙂 xoxo



  35. aishasoasis
    Aug 15, 2014 @ 23:16:52

    What a great post, Sue! Beautiful painting, gardens and flowers! Sorry about those cabbages, but it sure has been a good year for beans here, too! ♥♥♥ ;^)



  36. The Emu
    Aug 24, 2014 @ 11:25:29

    Enjoyed that update on your allotment Sue, Ana plants a certain flower around our green vegetables, it keeps the white butterfly away, cant remember what its called.
    You have had a few failures this season by the look of it, but overall Sue, your allotment is a success, you have had a lot of pleasure and relaxation with your piece of mother natures earth.
    Love the milk churn.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2014 @ 15:36:38

      Its probably Marigolds Emu.. as we plant them and its helped a bit.. Yes a few but various successes we didn’t expect so can no grumble.. you win some and lose some to Mother Nature.. But she usually balances things out.. we are happy. 🙂



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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