Natures Balance~My Muse today as the New Moon Brings New Beginnings

I close my eyes breathe in deep and drink in the fragrance of newly cut grass. The only sound is from a chorus of sparrows who are feeding their fledglings. Who with wings madly fluttering hop around after their parent begging for food.

Blackbirds nest

Above my head I hear the 2 baby blackbirds squeak out their call as their mother arrives with a fresh beak full  of grubs.

close up, of Blackbird chick

I breathe in even deeper as I let out a Sigh of contentment and gratitude for the Peace and tranquillity of my back garden haven.

Being out in amongst nature is so important. As it grounds us back into balance. We only need look a few feet from our homes to realise how perfect natures tune really is.

And yes there will be those that say and rightly so that Nature can also seem cruel. Survival often has to be. And left to her own devices nature sorts out  the weak from the strong. As  its natural selection  of the strongest survive to thrive. 

Yesterday my husband told me of a tree top drama which happened while I was at work. A great noise of birds cries  and flapping and screeching was heard from our blackbirds nesting tree. A Magpie had descended to try   and take the baby blackbirds. Both parents plus another 2 blackbirds were buzzing it and attacking it. As my hubby went to investigate they managed to scare it off.

I thought even in Nature there are those who look out for their own kind. As the other pair of blackbirds came to help..  I’m sure many will have heard the black birds warning cries, especially when a predator is about. This is repeated again and again in nature, with lookouts posted and those whose warning cries alert others as communities of various species live in harmony side by side. Often each dependant in some way in the food chain or habitat for their own evolution to grow and prosper.  

So I am sat with pen poised over my journal wondering where I am going with this. And just allowing my thoughts to ramble away. I do that all too often!

We also often  fail to Trust in the flow of life. Natures birds wake up with a song in their hearts, each dawn they delight us in their chorus as they greet each other and their day. I would love to be privy to what they say. ‘How’s your brood doing Mrs blackbird?’ -‘Oh mines fledged said Mr Thrush’. I can just imagine each saying where they found a juicy worm. ( Smiles)  Each trust that they will find enough food for their young each day.

My thoughts now turn to Mankind and his  habits. I doubt he could forage for his own food. And not many would survive without the present systems in place in today’s modern world. Cut that food supply chain and he would soon struggle.

I close my eyes again releasing another Deep Sigh as I let go of worry for the future outcomes of the World and try to centre myself back in my Now.

I have to Trust Creation and the creator to know what their doing. I know I can try my hardest to awaken others to the world.  But its up to each of us to wake up in our own time… More and more I hear humanity and empathise with their feelings, as I feel the energies change..  More of us are instinctively feeling this evolutionary change. But its not just about the World as a whole changing, its about recognising the process of changing ones self.

We each need to recognise Personal Responsibility ..

So as I sit in our Peaceful garden I know there are many places and many people in conflict right now. And I’m reminded how the world goes through various cycles when paradigms are seen to shift us to another phase in our evolution. 

I’ve read and been told the planets are in similar alignment to that of the 60’s.  When there was a revolution in Flower Power- and ‘ Make Love not War’ and people were seeking Freedom. All be in through mind altering drugs! 

In 2014 we are seeing once again Mass protests for Freedom. But Revolution is not coming from the Vibration of Love. Its coming from anger- oppression and poverty.

As individuals also many are either on a high or in low point in their lives. We are All of us sensitive to these energies as we seek out our own ways of re-balancing and expressing ourselves.

That’s why we must not buy into the Fear propaganda. I’m reminded of Neale Donald Walsch’s  book ‘ When Everything Changes- Change Everything’ where he played with the word Fear!

He turned FEAR~ into FeelingExcitedAndReady!  

As the New Moon is about to begin another phase of New beginnings I sit here in my garden full of thankful appreciation.

My own ME Time is setting me upon my own New pathway of thought. As I create and focus my intent.

I am Feeling excited and ready. And I Trust in the process that all is well in my world.

I look up and see the blackbird tirelessly feed her young. She is Singing even now as her mate is waiting with another beak full for their growing chicks.

It occurred how so many of us have lost the art of Singing and dancing, just for the sheer joy of living! 

Maybe we should all be like the blackbird and get back in tune with our Hearts Song. 

We all have so much love to give. Let us remember to nurture ourselves and our families. And share in the joys we take for granted. As we breathe and Dance in nature as one.

Remember our time is NOW…   Let us remember to Live it.. 

Love and blessings  to you ALL…

and I have two days where I hope to acknowledge those beautiful comments on my last blog post and get back to you all in due course, Please bare with me. as I get back to you all..

And welcome to all my new subscribers I hope you enjoy browsing. 


86 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Tom Merriman
    Jun 26, 2014 @ 20:38:11

    Thanks for sharing a moment of your Now time, Sue.
    Balance is needed, most definitely, and I’m going to see if there’s anything I can do, utilising the New Moon’s energies, tomorrow. Anything will be a start.
    Hope you have a good weekend, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:51:01

      I hope the New Moons energies Tom is bringing New Beginnings your way…. 🙂 thank you for stopping by and leaving the Mansion Tom…. Hope all is well within its walls… 🙂 xxx



  2. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jun 26, 2014 @ 21:51:29

    Plants of all sorts, flowers, critters, life outdoors; are so illuminating to the eyes of those who see natures charm and grace. Your beautiful words today reminds me of the special and unique qualities that we are surrounded with.
    sending love and blessings, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:37:48

      Eddie thank you, your thoughts are always appreciated here… And yes the world is full of special qualities we often overlook in our busy material lives… Nature is bountiful and beautiful, and she gives us so many gifts to enjoy… Its time more stopped and gave thanks to her treasures and stopped plundering them… Love and Blessings.. Sue~ Dreamwalker



    Jun 26, 2014 @ 22:30:48

    Liebe Grüße von uns. Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Dolly Piper (Steam Trunk Doll)
    Jun 26, 2014 @ 23:00:36

    Lovely Sue! Silly me, I just subscribed to your blog today… not sure what happened, thought I had already done that, LOL! Anyway, now I won’t miss anything, (~8 TYVM for sharing!



  5. Sharon Harris
    Jun 26, 2014 @ 23:11:34

    I enjoy when you share your thought’s Sue. We have a minor tiff going on between the Blue Jays and the Blackbirds. Both species are very vocal. Just as you express it is always comforting to be out within nature to find our peace.

    Blessings of Love and Peace

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:32:06

      Don’t you just love watching and listening to the birds though Sharon.. I smile often as the sparrows often fall out over territory and squabble madly… They but no blood is shed! 🙂 thankfully.. We can learn a lot from Birds! 🙂



  6. Roberto Cardenas
    Jun 26, 2014 @ 23:12:56

    I enjoyed this.



  7. marina kanavaki
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 00:36:48

    So right, my dear Sue – our time is now and we should live our lives responsibly!
    Beautiful post, my dear friend!
    Happy Thursday [or rather… dawning Friday!]
    love + xxxx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Paul Handover
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 00:59:40

    Wise words, indeed, my lovely lady.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. prenin
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 03:05:57

    Right on the money as usual Sue! 😉

    Each of can do something, even if what we do is so little! 🙂

    Love and hugs sweetheart!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:27:09

      Dear Prenin, my loyal and sweet friend…. a little is better than nothing Prenin, I so agree… I hope you have recovered from your horrid cold… sending a (( Hug )) your way.. enjoy your weekend..
      Hugs Sue



  10. BloomLisa
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 04:10:37

    Hi Sue, I have been missing you. I loved this thoughtful and eloquently written post. I know what you mean about keeping the faith and what a challenge it can be. So many species are already doomed due to man. It feels like the seasons are inspiring many of my blogger friends to write about the sensitivities of nature. The miracle of life is so precious. Man selfishly thinks we deserve special treatment. I fear we are about to pay dearly for this error in judgement. I believe that each person makes a difference and we can heal one choice at a time. Light & love sweet Sue and thank you for the inspiration.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:25:45

      Dear Lisa, thank you most kindly, We all take nature for granted at times, and there are many miracles in nature which happen daily .. Also much tragedy at the hands of man.. We have to start now and look to our future and learn to re-balance and put right the wrongs we are inflicting.. Or yes Man may yet pay dearly for his actions… The choice is ours to choose… Love and Light Lisa.. xox Sue xxx



  11. Joe Bradshaw
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 04:43:26

    Loved the post Sue… It is always so good to hear from you! 🙂



  12. Dilip
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 05:53:55

    I can feel the vibrancy of nature’s play flowing from your words. A quiet moment and deep awareness is all that it takes to be content and in bliss.
    Many thanks dear Sue for the beautiful inspiration.



  13. Line
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 05:55:43

    Such a beautiful post Sue!! 🙂 Yes, sing for Love, dance for Love, write for Love, create for Love and live for Love!! 🙂 I think we need to be more like children, not always so concerned with achieving, with the end-result, but rather the joy of doing, of creating 🙂 That is what animals teach me you know, to be still, to live for life and not for sucess or to conquer. I believe with my whole heart that the world will change, and become beautiful, I just know it, and we have to believe in it. If we just do our little part, make sure we share and give Love, that we live from our souls, from Love, that I think, is all it takes 🙂 Love-energy is so pure, it will draw people and animals and even nature in, it is that little life-force whispering withn : Grow, Grow! 🙂 We all conncet so well to it when we are children, we are so curious, want to learn and explore and expand, we wake up in wonder, excited for a new day, excited to learn more, to get to know someone new 🙂 I think we should carry this energy with us througout life, this joy for life, this Love, innocent and pure and powerful 🙂 You know, horses, when you put a little baby-human next to them, they will remain completely still, not move, but rather take care of the little one. Even if the rider is a child, they will be so careful 🙂 IThey pick up on that innocent energy 🙂 Let us all be like children again, embracing life, each day, waking up excited like a small child on Christmad Day, ready to explore life, to learn, to grow and to expand 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:20:51

      Yes Line we live and Trust that Love will conquer all, and One day, hopefully not to far in the distance, we pray that we will learn from our mistakes and see how each of us are all interconnected within Nature… What we do to the web.. ( the Earth ) we do to ourselves… I wish more could be as you Line, and open their hearts and embrace and love all our creatures… They would see if they learnt how to.. Just how much more intelligent is our animal kingdom …
      Let us hope we all learn before its too late.. xxx Hugs back dear Line.. Sue xxx



  14. gingerfightback
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 09:07:24

    We are all responsible for and to each other



  15. summerrain63
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 09:25:15

    Such a lovely post….I do enjoy hearing your thoughts as you find meaning in so many things around us….even the birds….love the pics by the way…I do feel we all have responsibility also….nothing can change in our lives unless we choose to change them…hopefully when people do that…the effects will spread all around us…

    Now, did I mention how I hate to garden….and are you available next week to help with mine….lol….enjoy your week



  16. David
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 12:07:29

    I love the blackbird’s warning calls which we were drawn too as their baby they had cared for, a young cuckoo fell out of the nest and our Siamese stalked it as an easy, tasty snack. Mum and Dad had other ideas and set up a warning calling dance to successfully drive him away with no help from us.
    Dearest Sue you echo my call for personal responsibility which, if we only look, we can see all around us in nature. Much Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:13:40

      David, the warning calls of Blackbirds were always in our ears when we had our Cats.. Now we are petless apart from Fish! in the pond and tropical ones.. And Cats will be Cats unfortunately its in their nature… our Cat had her share,, and its so frustrating when they have a full belly.. But they follow their instincts,which I wish more of us Humans did.. 🙂 thank you for your delightful visit..



  17. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 13:55:53

    Great post Sue…wise words. Your reference to the 60’s is interesting because my thoughts have strayed there too. And, I have noticed that the fashion of the 60’s is coming back this year. I have seen bell bottoms and paisley prints and tie dye…oh my! The fashion of the era I grew up in. If some of the values we had then came back into the world, that is good. But…you are right…it is not coming from Love this time, but Anger…and we must change that. We must find the Love in our hearts and souls to change the world. Your messages help in that. Keep it up! Blessings and Love to you!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:11:19

      Yes Mar, those fashions I too have noticed are coming back, the mini and maxi skirts with the flower-power bright designs… and oh I just loved to tie dye my teashirts and jeans.. LOL.. Brings back a few dye disaster moments too lol 🙂 Let us hope Mar that the LOVE vibration can hold up and Compassion help to bring balance along with the feminine energies back into alignment… Thank you for your sweet compliments, they mean a lot.. Thank you xox Sue



  18. amandaseesdreams
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 14:12:18

    Hi Sue… I’ve been missing you too! ❤ The ray of light that is Dreamwalker 🙂 New Moons have always been a rough time for me …I guess I just miss Her light…but as you say, there are always cycles! Today especially I so appreciate your message of Personal Responsibility and recognizing the joy of the blackbird within! 🙂 Thank you for shining so brightly here.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:07:49

      Hi Amanda, Lovely to see you here.. And working my way around you all, Bless you for such compliments Amanda, Keep chirping and cheeping and know the MOON light is only obscured by shadows.. So Keep your Inner Light Bright… All is well in your world… Love and Blessings, It may be tomorrow I make it to your Dreamy place… I have to go out shortly.. xxx Hugs back.. Sue



  19. lscotthoughts
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 15:59:18

    Loved the post, Sue, and I will be singing and dancing this weekend! 🙂 I also love the FEAR motto, that is so wonderful and it may end up on my frig. Thanks for sharing your inspiring and lovely thoughts, my friend, and have a wonderful weekend! Sending hugs, light and love your way…xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 27, 2014 @ 16:54:57

      Glad you will be Singing and Dancing Lauren, and yes please put on your Fridge door…. As you tackle your day… Feeling Excited And Ready for all that comes your way… A great way of dealing with those New situations and uncertainties … Love and Light back my dear friend xox
      Sue xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 16:04:26

      Thank you Lauren, Hope you enjoy Singing and Dancing this weekend… Hugs back, and Enjoy! xxx Love Sue



  20. cat
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 17:19:09

    Singing and dancing for a different reason theses days … but still singing and dancing … always singing and dancing … Love you, Sue … cat.



  21. Aquileana
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 18:38:22

    Hi Sue ❤

    Beautiful and wise as always…

    I loved the first four lines of the post.. so touching !..

    I also think that it is wonderful that you have found that nest on the tree with the birdies… Black-birdies, to be more precise like the well known song, by the Beatles..

    You are right as to the "Fear propaganda"… I 'd like to say don't believe in those conspiracy theories either (if we are allowed to called them theories, which I doubt)…

    Finally, thank you, Sue, for bringing Neale Donald Walsch’s book ‘ When Everything Changes- Change Everything’ with regard to this latest topic as I have never heard of it and sounds really interesting…

    Best wishes and hugs to you my friend, Aquileana 😀



  22. Christy Birmingham
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 23:07:45

    What amazing ponderings you have here, Sue. Trusting in the ebb and flow of life sounds at first easy to do yet many people don’t how to do it or don’t trust themselves enough to give it a try… once they do though they’ll find quite the secret (and I’ll leave it to them to find out what the secret is!). When you talk about nature and looking out for one another – as the birds did – I found myself nodding so much. We need to see beyond ourselves and help others in need xo Thanks for such encouraging words here in this post and I’m so glad you penned it!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 15:50:36

      Christy I am always delighted when you too leave me your thoughts… And even more delighted you nodded along with some of mine… Your comments bring their own inspiration to keep writing.. so Thank you!… and your encouragement.. it means a lot in a Dreamwalker’s world.. xxx Sue



  23. lindalitebeing
    Jun 28, 2014 @ 00:47:45

    What a wonderful post Sue. You are such a light for the world. I think as you continue to take good care of you, your mood and outlook will continue to shine. These times are like the Sixties ( which are being featured on CNN now, no coincidence!) They are similar, but not identical. There may be more awareness now mixed in with the polarity of fear.
    But love always wins in the end.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2014 @ 15:48:47

      Dear Linda, its always a delight when I see you here.. and yes the fashions even have been returning as they do from time to time.. I trust that the power of LOVE will override the Hate and anger that is brewing.. And I hope as we wake up even further people will open their eyes to the reality of what is going on in the the world.. Light and Love will always outshine the darkness and hate.. .. xxx Much love your way.. Sue xxx



  24. marja
    Jun 28, 2014 @ 08:59:53

    I love the meaning given to fear Feeling excited and ready , which makes you trust whatever comes up. We can learn a lot of nature like from these blackbirds who keep singing even if they went through a trauma and who help each other.
    A beautiful and inspiring post dear sue



  25. Valentine Logar
    Jun 28, 2014 @ 17:34:55

    I continue to kick myself for being late and delayed in reading, then I realize I read exactly what I need when I need it.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 30, 2014 @ 13:49:48

      Val you will be black and blue if you keep on kicking yourself.. 🙂 so stop that right now! 😀 .. I have neglected you and many more while I have had my ME time… YOu should know by now that you come here when synchronisities dictate .. 🙂 and so love it when you do 🙂 xxxx Hugs Sue



  26. narf77
    Jun 28, 2014 @ 21:36:43

    When we say that “nature is cruel” what we are really saying is that nature is real. We humans pull ourselves away from anything unpleasant or raw where we might have to deal with our emotions on an up-front basis. In so doing, we distance ourselves from the real world. We need to be willing to be hurt, to be shocked, to be embarrassed, to feel pain in order to live a life well lived. That old saying “It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all” is SO true when it comes down to brass tacks.

    I had the glorious privilege of being able to hear the early morning song of about 200 starlings the other day. Earl and I were off on our early morning walk and as it was winter solstice, the sun was just rising when we crested the end of our road. There is a large ex vineyard now a lovely old homestead at the end of our road and they have planted swaths of bamboo around the place. The starlings LOVE bamboo (must remind them of the old country 😉 ) and both Earl and I just stood in awe and wonder at the magnitude of nature’s pure bliss that was echoing out of that stand of bamboo…as they became aware of our presence they started to leave the bamboo in groups of about 20 at a time. It was a magical moment, first hearing that song and then watching them and hearing them leave en masse to start their day. I felt extremely blessed and privileged to have heard that simple cacophony of pure exaltation at the beginning of my day.

    I remember walking a 10km route back when I lived in Western Australia. I got up at 5am and just walked through the quiet city streets and down to the sea, along a lovely ocean hugging boardwalk and then back home via the lower part of the city that was just starting to wake up and smell most deliciously of coffee and baked things as I trundled my way through it. I remember, most poignantly, that every morning, I would get to a certain spot where an old building had a little niche where a window must have been bricked up in the past and a magpie would be sitting there. Our magpies are not like your magpies, ours warble the most glorious of songs and every morning, that little magpie and I would share something special. I would stand and bask in the glory of his simple little greeting to the day and he would sing his heart out for another chance to simply be alive. WHAT bliss! The sad thing was that no-one else even noticed this little man…we are so caught up in running from here to there that we don’t remember that life is in the little moments, the processes, the choices, we bypass life in order to gain a bit of “time” and “speed” but at what cost and what on EARTH are we running towards?!!!

    I would rather stop and listen to the magpies, the starlings, watch that insect trundling along the deck rail and pick up the worms from the road that are about to be squished by log trucks even if Earl has to roll his eyes multiple times 😉 Here’s to a communal awakening to nature, to the world around us and to our place in it and to a growing ethos of caring and sharing because that’s the only way that we are ever going to find true happiness 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 30, 2014 @ 13:42:53

      Narf…. what a glorious comment, you have had me walking with you listening to the starlings and the Magpie and YOU were there to witness his song.. so maybe it was all just for you!..
      I love early morning as the bird kingdom wakes and everywhere is still and the only sound is bird song.. Nothing beats it…
      And yes you are so right as we rush here there and everywhere. Dashing about our Mad daily lives in this modern day world of gadgets and debt that people get caught up in the 9 till 5 jobs that bore the pants off of them, so they can earn money to buy what? Things they really do not need… It often makes me smile Narf as I think how sad.. they tie themselves up in huge debt for cars and Things!.. and have never really lived…
      While I still work, I don’t work as many hours as I did, And I hope in my Support Work I am giving back,
      Nature gives me so so much pleasure, I can not help but paint it and write poems, because these are the true treasures in life.. Not the metal jewels of the material world..
      Have a fantastic Week… Hugs Sue xox



      • narf77
        Jun 30, 2014 @ 19:24:37

        Big hugs right back atcha Sue 🙂 When my dad died and left us Serendipity Farm (and another house in the city where my kids live) he allowed us to be debt free. He might not have been a very good dad but he made up for it when he left us this chance. I get to stop and smell the roses in my simple life and enjoy every minute of it 🙂



  27. giselzitrone
    Jun 28, 2014 @ 22:33:53

    Danke liebe Sue bin wieder aus dem Krankenhaus hatte eine Niren O.P.Grüße und ein gutes und schönes Wochenende.Freundschaft.Gislinde



  28. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Jun 29, 2014 @ 16:01:53

    I love to hear about those blackbirds Sue. I can see many birds from my window and watch the adults feed their young – such a precious thing to see and hear. Lovely post Sue and I hope that you’re doing well and out tending to your plants or painting a lovely picture. Much love my friend xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 30, 2014 @ 13:30:45

      Ruth, so good to see you …Today I am just catching up with a few house-hold chores and have just sat down to my lunch and popped on here to catch up for a while… Good news is that one of the blackbirds fledged and I have been watching his Dad give him some meal-worms off of our bird table this morning.. The other is still in the nest… and being fed my Mum.. So all looking well…. We watched it fly to the garage roof so hopefully it can escape any of our neighbours cats.. We are on Bird watch guard just in case, as our back garden is a shortcut for several cats ..
      Love and Blessings and Hope you are feeling ok… and enjoying some Summer Sunshine.. xxx Love Sue



  29. aishasoasis
    Jun 29, 2014 @ 16:17:02

    Such a lovely post, Sue! Welcome to the Holy month of Ramadan, it began last night with the arrival of this new moon! I think you are feeling it! ♥♥♥ ;^)



  30. Kourtney Heintz
    Jun 29, 2014 @ 16:56:42

    I miss riding in the car alone and singing my head off. 😉 Or just breaking into dance in my room cause I can. I’ll definitely fit some of that in this week. Thanks for always inspiring!



  31. Fantasyharper
    Jun 29, 2014 @ 20:44:40

    Thanks so much dear Sue for reminding met to get back and attune to Nature! It is so important for well-being and balance… have a lovely summer evening, Wendy



  32. pictimilitude
    Jun 29, 2014 @ 22:20:04

    I admit I sing in the shower. Hehe.
    But I don’t do it often enough. I also love your words about Paradigm Shifts – oh, my goodness, daily I hope that a shift happens here in the US – we badly, badly need one. My hope is that we will all become stewards of the planet. I try to lead by example, but I know it is not enough. I try to do what I can.
    Sending you hugs, dear One and hope you have a wonderful day!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 30, 2014 @ 11:45:17

      On the surface Cyndi it may appear that we are going backwards at times, as the last ditch attempt to cause havoc and more chaos in the world continues to unfold in the War drama’s being contrived to bring Fear and more control.. But I know deep within my being that there are more of us who ‘Sing’ from our hearts the tune of LOVE than that of Anger and Hate… So the shift will move us in the right direction… 🙂
      Keep singing my good friend, and so good to see you … xxx Love Sue xox



  33. Ruchira Khanna
    Jun 30, 2014 @ 23:55:34

    Since I practise Reiki, I feel the energy of the moon esp the full moon. Your detailed version was so apt 🙂



  34. Visionkeeper
    Jul 02, 2014 @ 13:16:05

    Inspiring piece DW…You hit on so many areas perfectly. Nature may be cruel it seems at times, but the difference is it can be cruel, but out of necessity, NOT with any evil intent. They know no evil. Sadly man does….Thanks for sharing this post. Very good my friend….Blessings and love flying your way! VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 02, 2014 @ 20:09:08

      Yes exactly VK, The more I hear about the evils man can do the more Respect I have for Nature, The human race has much yet to learn about himself and He is in many cases worse than any that we call animal, for to call him an animal is an insult to the four legged..



  35. Writing to Freedom
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 16:26:25

    Hi Sue, I like your site and this post resonates as we are both nature lovers! This is a very wise and thoughtful look at how we need to be responsible and choose from love, not fear. Hopefully, we are learning to live more in harmony with the larger energies of nature and spirit. blessings, Brad



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 16:35:53

      🙂 thank you Brad, nice to meet you, and yes Nature is our healer as well as sanctuary… I often retreat within her arms when feeling stressed with the antics of the world.. Fear is destroying us, as its mechanics are about control .. so thank you for taking the time to browse, I enjoyed my read over at your blog.. We need to keep sending out the messages of Peace, love and Hope..
      Thank you



  36. Maria F.
    Jul 06, 2014 @ 18:17:45

    When we see new life, we learn so much, it’s something that we should know, something Nature is trying to say to us. A new, but fragile beginning….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 06, 2014 @ 18:33:08

      Yes, true Maria, that connection is what so many people miss these days, As they live in big cities, Stressed out rushing around in their busy lives. So learning to look at nature and how she balances things, Makes you take stock and a deep breath… Everything is fragile,, the insects that are food for the birds, the Bee’s being vulnerable to pesticides people use, and we too, each at any moment life could change in an instant.. So learning to appreciate the now and how everything fits together puts life into perspective.. 🙂
      Thank you so much for reading xox



  37. aussieian2011
    Jul 08, 2014 @ 14:22:17

    Thanks for sharing that magical moment in Natures world Sue.
    Unfortunately I have to travel to feel the emotions you find in your own back yard.
    Suburbia and circumstances in life have me now living in a sterile natureless environment.
    Maybe thats why I tend to travel and love my expeditions, the wide Australian outback, rocks, red soil and changing scenery with a kaleidoscope of natures wonders.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2014 @ 21:30:13

      Hi Ian, thank you too my friend for your visit and comment,.Its good that you can still access Nature in the raw so to speak and get back to the earth in your brother’s digs.. Nature sure is a Kaleidoscope with its Magical colour and wonders Ian.. Enjoy your week… I may be quite for a time.. xox Hugs Sue



  38. The Emu
    Jul 19, 2014 @ 12:16:28

    A beautiful descriptive narrative of Nature beauty,
    The scenario is a virtual orchestra of Natures natural harmony.



  39. Robert Matthew Goldstein
    Jun 28, 2017 @ 22:00:47

    Solid post. I especially liked turning FEAR~ into Feeling– Excited– And– Ready! This past Sunday at San Francisco Pride felt as much like a political action as it did a celebration.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Dates Dreamwalker Beat Her Drum

June 2014

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


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