Moving through the Changes

First I just wish to thank everyone of you who have sent your well wishes my way.. Your comments have really touched me, showing me just what a strong WP Family we have here. I am working my way first down my recent comments to repay your kind visits so if I have not visited you yet know I am on my way over the next few days..

I had written a few words in my journal ready to post, but having re-read them I have scrapped them, Why? well I want to focus upon moving through the Changes, not holding onto the past.. For we are experiencing Change ever faster in our lives.. So along with some poetry I previously wrote, my future posts will be covering some of these Changes we are going through both on personal levels and globally..

While I have had time out, I have spent time reading, chilling, meditating, and painting.. Those silent moments of going within takes us on a journey where we reconnect back to our soul. Maybe this is where we get the expression of ‘Soul Searching’ from.

Time out has allowed me to see how I needed to to step back and take time to nurture me. 

So below you will see what I have been up to some days… I have always had  love of horses.. from a young child as I begged to have riding lessons, which I had for a time.. And would love riding out on the moor with my riding class…My family would scrape together my lesson fee, and when the weeks wouldn’t allow a lesson, I would tag along with my farming friends to walk for miles as they would ride their ponies in the hopes I could have five minutes in the saddle.. 

This year too is the Year of the Horse.. and out of interest I looked up my birth year, and low and behold, Yes I was born in the year of the Horse..  and was interested in reading  some Astral Insights Here

Along with the painting of horses, I also did some flowers.. to brighten me up. So I hope you enjoy and I will catch up with you soon…

Love and Blessings



93 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. kp
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 17:18:55

    Beautiful paintings….enjoy your soul time!! Kim



    Feb 16, 2014 @ 17:34:40




  3. lindalitebeing
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 17:49:02

    Hi Sue,
    You are such an excellent artist! I especially loved the horses and it is cool that this is your year! Looking forward to your future posts and happy that you are finding more balance in your life.

    xx Linda



  4. Eclipse
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 18:10:27

    Wow Sue! Really lovely paintings! Good to hear from you again. Love & hugs//Eclipse



  5. David
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 18:50:28

    Wow! Such talent, beautiful Sue. Love David



  6. oawritingspoemspaintings
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 19:00:36

    I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing! You have such talent that is something you have hidden from us 😉
    You should do that more often it is in my experience very soothing & satisfying.
    I’m glad you are back on the saddle (!) & look forward to continue reading…
    Thanks for visiting & commenting.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:45:45

      Big smiles OAWPP, Yes I am back in the saddle and rearing my head chomping at the bit.. LOL… And I thought you must have seen my art pages?.. if not some of my art work is on my right hand side panel if you scroll down, you will see the animals etc I did .. 🙂 Much love and Gratitude back.. 🙂 xxx



  7. lorrena
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 19:34:40

    Lovely paintings Sue..And we all need time out to set our internal compass.Those who see and sense the changes can align this consciousness and dial into that my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:43:21

      Hi Lorrena, lovely to see you again.. 🙂 and yes time out re-connecting helps us put things into perspective.. We are each of us tuning into those silent spaces of thought to re-align with self.. Namaste dear friend..



  8. cat
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 19:51:29

    Beautiful paintings, Sue … I grew up with horses … remembering Sachalin … he looked just like the one you painted … had to leave him behind while on my quest for freedom back in 1972 … Love you, cat.



  9. jacksjottings
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 20:03:24

    Sue lovely iris, and the horse is a beauty. The foal has a real Chinese art style to it.
    Pauline had similar horse experiences when she was a girl.
    She may tell you about in her comment as I am sure she will comment on this post.
    The Force is with you when you paint.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:36:36

      I am pleased you noticed the Chinese flavour Jack… I have been trying mostly unsuccessfully to capture animals in the Chinese style.. this was the first one I felt worthy of a picture.. I am fascinated by how simple strokes of their brushes brings to life the animal in their art.. So I am most pleased you saw that.. I will look forward to Paulines visit.. and I feel the Force is with me too Jack when I paint.. haha. thank you so much Sue



  10. quarteracrelifestyle
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 20:20:49

    Beautiful work!!



  11. Renee Espriu
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 20:57:31

    Thank you for the inspiration as always. I have been ill this last week with a nasty flu virus and missed work because of it. I hope to try to get back to my writing gradually. Hope your time off went well.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:25:56

      Renee, so sorry to hear you have been under the weather and not well… there have been so many nasty new virus’s about here too in the UK, my little granddaughter has had several in succession, and been run down by them.. My time went well thank you.. I hope you don’t over do things either and take time to rest up and not rush to do too much too soon… Hugs Sue xox



  12. marina kanavaki
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 23:46:46

    Beautiful and very creative nurturing, my dear Sue. Thank you for this breath of life. Your paintings are radiating light and beauty! A big big smile and a hug from me. 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 11:54:42

      Marina, thank you so much.. From such a talented artist such as your good self, this brings a huge smile to my face.. Many thanks.. take care and enjoy your week too.. 🙂 Hugs Sue xx



  13. Paul Handover
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 01:20:10

    Now there’s another link between us – horses. Read tomorrow’s LfD post. And, yes, you are right to use the word ‘family’ about us funny wordpress bloggers – it really feels like one (even if I’m old enough to be everyone’s grandfather!).



  14. shreejacob
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 03:22:42 seems quite a few of us have taken a break. I hope you are well, dear Sue and seeing your lovely painting was wonderful 🙂
    I wish I could say that I had used my time off blogging for some soul time…but then again…maybe I have..maybe I haven’t…I seem to feel I haven’t! hehe. Naughty, naughty.

    Hope to see you around 🙂 *hugs*



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:12:59

      Shree, I kept popping over to see if you were back, I hope your time out was productive too… I think a change of habit what ever that is does us good.. You will definitely see me around 🙂 xxx Hugs back



  15. prenin
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 03:39:09

    You really are quite talented as an artist Sue! 🙂

    It is good to take time out for other things! 🙂

    I used to ride until I could no longer afford it, but I have some good memories! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:10:11

      I didnt know that Prenin, that you too rode.. how wonderful.. Yes riding is expensive.. and my parents were not well off so I was privileged when funds allowed for my riding lessons.. Its good to have some good memories.. 🙂



  16. Lucy
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 04:05:18

    Dear Sue, I’m so heartened to read that you have had some ‘stillness and silence’ and time to reconnect with yourself and your soul :)) And what beauty you have created! I so enjoyed seeing the love radiate from your work, Sue. Very touching 🙂

    With gratitude
    ps thank you so much for support xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:07:53

      Yes Lucy, time out with the PC switched off has been great.. I think at times even though I love connecting Technology can become too addictive at the expense of other things… So I set out my intent to make time for my hobby for a change.. Many thanks for your kind words Lucy, they are much appreciated.. xx Sue



  17. Aneesh
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 05:11:29




  18. penpusherpen
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 10:02:28

    You’ve been very productive, reflective and are obviously recharging those internal batteries. Sue, love all the paintings, especially the Iris cluster, now that just calls to me. (I keep scrolling back to view it) Year of the horse, seems to rely on instinct, ‘go getting’ type of thing, full of the energy you associate with horses. Many thanks for your lovely comments, a hand outstretched, , and as you so rightly say above, I too ‘feel’ the WP family, pulling together and each a part of a whole, community wise. Keep beating that drum Sue, for all to hear, ’tis a thrum that can reach even the darkest places. Love and light to you xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 18:45:05

      Dear Pen, yes we have a close community of friendships here, and I so thank you too for yours.. I am pleased you enjoyed the Iris.. I can not wait for Spring and the blooming of flowers.. And my hand is always held out.. 🙂 always.. Hugs xxx



  19. Crowing Crone Joss
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 11:11:41

    What wondrous creativity has flowed through you during this time. There is such healing to be found in “time out”. We don’t do this often enough and not only do we suffer for it, but so does our world. Namaste my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 18:42:10

      Joss, thank you, yes time out is something we seldom do.. As its in our nature to be there for others.. Thats why I so love your Nurturing Thursdays you share with others.. We owe it to ourselves at times to take time out and care for ourselves.. Many thanks dear Joss.. xxx Hugs Sue



  20. beverley
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 13:39:01

    What wonderful art. It is a gift i have always wanted but do not have naturally.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 18:40:10

      My Dad was always good at art.. Self taught.. as am I… I wanted to go to art college.. But as things were in those days, I was needed to go to work to help bring in some income for my parents..I put it on the back burner for years, but now feel the urge again to paint.. 🙂



      • beverley
        Feb 18, 2014 @ 09:07:23

        My dad was a children’s story writer and wrote stories for us and then read them to us because money was tight and books were scarce. He taught me to love books and i still have that love today.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 19, 2014 @ 11:40:38

          Isn’t is amazing Beverley how those things as a young child stick with us.. For me My Granddad and Dad taught me the love of gardening and growing veggies… So that love has always been with me too… I too loved books, but I used books in school to escape.. I was always a bit of a loner.. and found it difficult to mix.. as I was so skinny and would be wearing a home made uniform that didn’t look like the rest.. So Books I could hide behind and live in a world of make-believe.. I am so pleased you have still the passion for Books your Dad taught you through his own childrens stories. We never forget those precious times do we? xx Sue



  21. Visionkeeper
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 14:40:43

    Ah DW…..Such wonderful expressions you have created. Your talent is astounding! As I mentioned before I am so glad you are taking time for yourself. So necessary. I too have been absent for quite some time now. I hope my absence doesn’t grow so much I fade away. I guess I am just not feeling the words at the moment. I hope they return soon. I think? Who knows. I am just floating along in the flow of life, being buffeted about by circumstances, trying to stand firm in my own presence. It is all part of the journey I guess. Sending you much love and my thoughts as always….Hugs…VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2014 @ 18:38:23

      Dear VK, thank you, Yes time out has been well spent.. and I feel less stressed out.. And I am pacing myself more… so on the days I work, I am chilling out more instead of catching up on WP.. Floating along sounds good to me… Sometimes VK its better to have our heads up in the clouds, for when we view reality, I really at times want to fly off world.. But I will watch my thoughts, as I know I have much yet to do.. The journey is far from over and we need to be here to hold things together… For I feel we are only just touching upon the worlds emotions as we tap into the consciousness of thoughts.. So good to hear from you dear friend.. and I am sure the words will come when needed… Hugs Sue xox



  22. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 17:58:10

    Lovely paintings Sue! I need to find the time to get back to drawing too. It is good to see that your time in the “silence” is doing well with you. Wishing you Magic and Peace…and look forward to your future posts. Blessings!



  23. oxherder
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 20:18:03

    This is great stuff Sue. thank you.



  24. Aquileana
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 01:12:33

    Sue …
    How are you sweetie?.
    Your paintings are beautiful… And you know what : I am horse in the chinese horoscope, Does it increase my possibilities of making this year of the horse almost “mine” 🙂 ?…
    Oh dear, your words are wise and you always leave me thinking with your magical insights. Good to read you, as per usual Sue,
    Have a great week xo, Aquileana 😉




  25. Christy Birmingham
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 03:23:41

    What lovely artwork, Sue! Truly lovely – as it matches with your wonderful spirit! I agree that those silent moments are needed sometimes… good for you for taking time to yourself. I am happy to see the outpouring of love for you here and please know you are very special to me xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 11:43:53

      Dear Christy, thank you, your visits are so welcome.. Yes I feel I have neglected many, but I know that you fully understand… And yes those silent spaces bring us renewed energy.. So I feel recharged after my absence around visiting WP… Many thanks Christy, you too are one special lady with so so much talent… Have a great week… 🙂 Hugs Sue xxx



  26. cheryoncake
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 09:29:19

    Beautiful paintings – especially the flowers. What a wonderful talent to be able to use when things are difficult. I’m sorry it has been a tough few weeks but I guess part of that is because you clearly have a huge,open,generous heart and so it’s probably likely that it will get more bruised than those of us who keep our hearts hidden away for fear of getting hurt…but in return, they don’t get anything like the love that can be seen on this blog for you. Take good care of yourself



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 11:31:55

      Awww thank you Chery so much for that wonderful comment.. Lovely to see you here again.. Painting helps relax me, I don’t ‘Think’ as much when painting.. As I have an over active imagination at the best of times, and being Empathic and sensitive well, I can be my own worse enemy at times.. Knowing when to call time out is the key.. Fortunately past experience has taught me well, And I saw only to well the tell tale signs that I needed some Me time out.. I think we all should learn to nurture ourselves a little more.. I am coming up to one of my Big Birthdays this year… I am a decade in front of your good self.. so this too believe it or not I think is a major at the moment, as I toy with various options of my future.. I fully understood your own feelings when faced with another Big O Birthday…
      Many thanks for your continued support Its always so nice when you drop by… 🙂 Thank you xx Sue



  27. Gray Dawster
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 09:48:01

    i have always loved your artistry Sue and these are just more of your excellent work being offered here for all of us to enjoy 🙂 Wow your time out has already produced these amazing paintings and I know that you will be adding a lot more over the years to come my sweet friend 🙂 Have a lovely Tuesday Sue 🙂 😉

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 11:17:13

      Andro, thank you, I hope you are feeling recovered now also from your ‘Man-flu’ we all need time out and painting allows my mind to concentrate on nothing else which distresses me 🙂 into that Calm zone we each need from time to time.. Thank you Sue xxx



      • Gray Dawster
        Feb 20, 2014 @ 09:09:26

        Yes I am okay now thank you 🙂
        I know what you mean about finding
        tranquility, and painting is definitely
        a good source for calmness 🙂

        Have a restful Thursday my dear friend…

        Andro xxxx



  28. Colleen Costello
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 11:01:14

    Very beautiful Sue and thank you so much for your beautiful comments you gave me on my blog. I love horses sooo much, they are magnificent creatures! Have a wonderful day Sue, love and light Colleen.



  29. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 16:34:11

    Very lovely work Sue! “Me” time should be in everyone’s agenda as it is necessary to recharge. (I try to do it every day) This is an overwhelmingly demanding world we live in; not to mention the demands we put on our own self!
    enjoy life daily, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 10:55:42

      I must say Eddie, for a time I thought I was an Ever-Ready Battery… 😀 but you are so right.. We do need to recharge, and I am now making more time each day to meditate and have space for me.. And I forgot for a while that I am important too 🙂 xxx Many thanks dear Eddie for your lovely comment… Hugs Sue xox



  30. starproms
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 18:33:40

    Lovely pictures Sue. I particularly like the iris. We are all welcoming change at the end of this winter. Soon may it come.



  31. The Emu
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 22:50:11

    Lovely paintings Sue, I can sense the calmness and serenity you must feel as you paint, your paintings are much like your words, beautiful.



  32. europasicewolf
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 23:24:27

    Beautiful paintings Sue, obviously your time out sessions are good for you! I would love some time out myself but life’s demands are making that a precious commodity that is hard to find. I will get my next blog post done though! I will! I will!!! Maybe….lol 😉 Anyway, good to see you back 🙂 Must run now…another wolf is howling for attention…it is a very demanding howl and I won’t get any peace till I deal with it!! Wolfie hugs and look forward to seeing you here again soon 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 10:31:34

      LOL, I hope you do not burn yourself out Wolfie, You seem to be running your little paws off at the moment… Its good to be back here though :-).. I hope your can find your own ‘Me’ time soon and will look forward to your next post.. The Winter Olympics have been special though haven’t they? I have loved the Half-pipe, and all the snow boarding, and even got right into Curling! haha…. Fingers crossed for the semi’s today 🙂 xx



  33. Professions for PEACE
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 03:26:46

    These are all gorgeous Sue! I adore your style. Thanks so much for sharing them here with us. Beauty brightens the soul. 🙂 With love, your friend Gina xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 10:06:14

      Thank you Gina, I don’t know that I have a particular style LOL as I just paint either what’s in my head of from sketches, I aspire to those great works of art I see around me… But never had any formal training, so just go with what I feel. and often get it wrong… But most are for my own pleasure or for gifts, so I’m happy with them even though I pull out the faults in them 😉 .. I am so happy you like them… There is Beauty in a blade of grass if we take the trouble to really look… Sad that so many people miss the beauty which surrounds them every day… Thank you Gina your comments always brighten my day.. Big Hugs and smiles.. 😀 xxx



  34. Lois Field
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 06:04:25

    Sue, your paintings are beautiful. I too have had a strong connection to horses all my life. I think my favorite of these is the sketch of the horse lying down. It sounds like you have had some wonderful days and it’s been helping to ground you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 09:44:25

      Isn’t it strange how many things we have in common, and yes I find simple is often the best Lois 😀 and although I was at work yesterday and this afternoon and tonight, I have 4 more free days looming in which to dabble with my paint brushes again 🙂 so big smiles all around.. xx



  35. natswans
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 12:52:45

    So love these paintings Sue what a Talent! Horse are such beautiful creatures , dream of riding along the beach. Enjoy your time relaxing and doing what you want to do.
    Hugs Sheila have a good week Sue xx Oh and that Iris is so pretty to.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 12:59:03

      Two of my greatest loves here Sheila.. Horses, and Flowers!.. And oh to be young again and ride along a beach.. Now that is one Dream of mine too… But I got to canter across the Derbyshire Peak.. which is the nest best thing LOL… Hugs Sue xxx



  36. lavendermoongirlblog
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 21:22:00

    Your painting Sue are fabulous! I love the gentle face of the white horse. The little blue iris is a favourite of mine, so pretty. -:) xx



  37. Brenda Guarisma
    Feb 20, 2014 @ 06:48:05

    Overly Beautiful Your Art DREAMWALKER!!! 🙂

    WoW. . . You Are Horse In the Chinese Astrology!!! Super Excellent. . . Then Congratulations Because This Is Your YEAR!!! 🙂

    ALL the BEST for You SUE Today and Forever!!! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 20, 2014 @ 11:52:52

      Brenda, how lovely to see you my long time friend upon my post.. Yes this is going to be MY Year lol.. Big smiles sent your way and I hope all is still well with you… Your lovely Smile is a beautiful as ever.. Hugs Back to you xox Sue



  38. Valentine Logar
    Feb 20, 2014 @ 13:58:53

    The fast and furious changes Sue, perhaps now it is time for the those changes to roll more slowly more peacefully over us. Do you think if we embrace and welcome them it is easier? I am beginning to wonder. I do as always wish you wellness and peace, just as I get when I read your words.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 20, 2014 @ 14:13:16

      Val as I see it we can turn the tide both ways.. Its up to us as to which way those changes happen… We just need to ask ourselves one question.. Do we want peace or do we wish to continue fighting?…
      The changes have always been happening, but we had less in the past to measure them by, thats why change appeared to be slower in the past.. In my Grandfathers day nothing much changed for 30 to 40 yrs… In my parents day 20 to 30 yrs.. I my Day 10 to 15 yrs and in my Granddaughters time it will be every couple of years.. We feel Change because those things we measure Change by are altering our perceptions about the world ever faster.. As technology alters so quickly.. So too are we witness weather, But only because we see weather changes reported around our globe ever faster…
      Change is a good thing, it means we are flowing, we are not static… But as humans we fear Change because it takes us out of our comfort zones, so we fight it.. and the more we fight it, the more pain we experience.. Because Change is only moving us along to our next phase in life.. on a personal and planetary phase..
      I hope Val my dear Sweet friend, that as you embrace your own changes in life, they bring you the calmness and security and peace you wish for.. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow in order to settle where we are meant to land..

      Hugs and so much love sent your way.. Sue xxxxx



  39. Michael Genford
    Feb 20, 2014 @ 20:12:26

    Truly beautiful works, Sue. I was especially drawn to the foal.



  40. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Mar 03, 2014 @ 12:54:17

    Your artwork is just brilliant Sue and I adore the horses. I’m so glad you took time out to refresh and reconnect and that it yielded such beauty too. It is absolutely essential to everything. We are fully on the same page with these things. Keep looking after yourself my lovely friend, love Ruth xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2014 @ 19:28:35

      Ruth its so good to see you up and about commenting again too.. Yes the page we sing off I have had to turn again.. As work got hectic again so I needed some chill out time and the PC and Blog land had to take second seat for a time again.. So good to see you though Ruth and know you are feeling better and sending thoughts your way to you and yours.. Hugs.. Sue xox



    Mar 10, 2014 @ 21:05:18

    Gut gemacht.
    LG. Wolfgang



  42. InfiniteZip
    Mar 12, 2014 @ 00:13:12

    Your past will always be a part of you, but will not define who you are now. Embrace, acknowledge , and set free. Burning sage clearing. Love the artwork, horses…mmmm. Love the earth smell sweat and hay. Life. Awesome:)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 13, 2014 @ 12:44:07

      I agree We each need to keep on clearing and not taking on board the negative… I can not tell you the amount of Sage that I have burnt lol 🙂 over the years.. :-D.. and I thank you so much for your feedback.. and I am so pleased you enjoyed my art.. 🙂 Blessings Sue xox



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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