Calling on ALL your Support ~ Fukushima Healing!

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Isn’t it amazing how the Universe gathers like minds together to carry its message to those who wish to listen?

Over the past few days I had been thinking on Fukushima Nuclear Power plant disaster which happened back March 2011 after the devastating earthquake with the tsunami that followed.

The universe never ceases to amaze as we tap into the Collective consciousness of the planet as I browsed around several of the blogs I followed I was not surprised to see several had posts relating to Fukushima and the plight of the Japanese citizens caught up within the terrible events. Which led me to write my poem yesterday Hanging by a Thread.

As the Radiation leaks out into their atmosphere, contaminating Japan’s air, water, crops, and themselves as the Plant itself still spews out hundreds of tons of contaminated water into the sea which hasn’t stopped in over two years contaminating the Ocean. Not to mention the suffering of those people still living in temporary shelter and who are suffering the effects of Radiation Poisoning such as nose bleeds both in adults and children, which we all know will lead to more deadly disease in the future. 

The more I have looked into the events of Fukushima, the more I am appalled how we in the UK can give the go ahead for building a new reactor here in the U.K. link Here, How can we say Nuclear Power is Safe? With no control over the deadly waste products or the potential lethal Atom bomb materials we strive to stop others going Nuclear for fear of their misuse of plutonium.


The Earth is a water clothed planet and our oceans are the soup from which life emerges. The waters of the Earth connect and encompass all organic and inorganic processes.

We as humans consist of at least 70% of water, and 30% of the Minerals of the Earth.. We are in fact ONE with the Earth.

When we pollute these oceans and waterways we are ultimately poisoning ourselves. There is NO escape!. The oceans teems with life which through the very plankton goes up through the food chain whereby we sit on top..

Once this delicate balance is destroyed we have no idea how to repair this intricate delicately balanced web.

We are not being taught by those ‘in the know’ that our Oceans are dying, nor are we being told of the reality of Fukushima and that the massive injection of toxins into our oceans not just from this horrendous and deadly radioactive spill from the reactors. It seems the media has swept much under the ocean as  to  what the consequences would be to the world should see the worst scenario  happen in Japan.   

Within my posts over the years I have touched upon Water and Crystals often. Here I spoke of Dr Emoto’s experiments with Water and Thoughts that change the structure of water crystals, and our own Self Healing!

You who know how our Thought processes work also know that Love is the Highest Energy of All, We all of us send out our Heartfelt Love and compassion to those in need, and Know the Power of Healing via the Energy grids work.. By the same token so do our thoughts penetrate and change the structure of Water Soluble and solid in Crystal  form contain information. We each have such in our computers Lets not forget!.

So imagine my delight to see the Universe at work as my daughter told me how she had been in contact again with Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther  We had both along with my Hubby been to see her when she visited Wales in 2010. A post relating to this visit can be read Here as she did a Crystal Healing Workshop to help the World in its Earth Changes. 

My Daughter had some of her stock of Crystals from her and her partners Health food store which having read Little Grandmothers Facebook page and Video which I will add for viewing at the bottom, they decided to send to scientists working with crystals In Fukushima. So they dedicated Last Sunday in cleansing and charging the crystals to be sent and gathered them up in the shape of Japan

Crystals for Fukushima

Crystals Boxed ready for collectionBefore Boxing them to this address to be sent to help the Radioactivity in the Plant.

It is as Keisha – Little Grandmother says, We came here as tribes of Many Colours to make a difference in the world..

This is our time now to send the greatest of powers via our thoughts to Fukushima. Yesterday Monday, Workers at Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have begun removing fuel rods from a storage pond at the Unit 4 reactor building as they started the delicate operation manually which normally is done by a computer system accurate to the millimetre, The BBC World on line News did a report HERE.. So Please join your thoughts and prayers and send your love, charge your crystals and if you can not afford to send any, then know each crystal connects to the vast Earth Grid via our Collective Consciousness..

I will leave you with Little Grandmothers Video and message and the address to send any crystals can be found onLittle Grandmothers Web page Here and say a BIG Thank you for all your Energy and Thoughts of Love sent to ALL places, The Philippines included who need so much Help also

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Quote from Dr Emoto.

“When we are alive, the human body is at approximately 36 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature of the fluids in the body. When we die, this goes to zero degrees Celsius. When we die and go to the other side, crossing the river, we are no longer able to move our bodies. But the crystalline structure of our soul emerges. It’s like water. When water turns to ice, the crystalline structure becomes visible, but it also becomes immobile. So ”crystal” equals ”spirit”.”

~Blessings Sue~ 


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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