Cosmic Retrograde Challenge~ Letting Go

Having paid a visit to Linda’s Blog Litebeing Chronicles  in October, I joined in an interesting challenge.  Here’s the challenge: click to read in more detail.

1- Find an item you never use or never wear but you feel very drawn to. It could be an article of clothing like a hat or jeans, or a CD that you haven’t played in years. Hang up a poster or picture that is hiding in a closet. Prepare a few meals from an old favourite cookbook that’s been neglected. Reread an old novel. Wear that old hat. Play that album. Wear an old scent that you are fond of. Watch several episodes of an old television series. Find something old that still resonates for you NOW.

2- Wear the item or use the object or perform the activity repeatedly for a minimum of one week ; three weeks would be ideal.

3- Observe your thoughts and feelings to assess any significant changes.

4-Then journal or meditate on your experiences to gain more clarity.

5- Finally, blog about what you have discovered. Jet Cross 2

The object I wore was an old Whitby Jetcarved Cross which was bought in Whitby around about 18 yrs ago, and to be honest I can not remember wearing it much as I preferred another cross in silver with circular centre in Jet,  which I wore more often. But for some reason while looking through my trinket box with my granddaughter it had kept popping out as she would be drawn to it. You can read about Jet properties here. (interestingly again as those properties were telling me something ) 

Even before I had read Linda’s Challenge I had found myself seeking out Old CDs listening to music which had been shelved for years, partly due to Hubby and myself changing around our living room moving CD racks etc.

Ok so as not to go on and on.. The first day of wearing I found myself with more energy, and I needed a few bits from the shops. So as it was a sunny day, I thought I would walk, a walk around 20 minutes and folks I have not walked this way in years.. as when shopping I always go in the car! as I can not carry heavy items for long.

I found myself passing my old home where I used to live, and wondering who was there now, and if they got the same spooky visitors I had when living there! ( a story for another time perhaps). It sparked a lot of past memories as I walked past the old corner shop now no longer there. And I thought on the lovely couple who I know are now no longer in this realm, and how when first moving into the area how welcome they had made us feel.. Knowing each customer by name, they stocked everything from Food to Firewood, Paraffin  to Cough medicine and if they didn’t stock it they would get it for you. Thank you Mr and Mrs Wright for the service you gave us..

I wore the cross to sleep and my dreams for over a week brought up my relatives who had passed, my grandparents, those whom I had not thought about in years from my previous employments, colleagues, bosses, all in a mixed up mash of stories.

Analysing the dreams,  it was all about letting go, Going into them here would take far too long, and I am sure you are already clicking to your next WP posting! I found my waking day clearing out cupboards, cleaning the oven, and generally having a spring clean and clear out. As well as feeling like baking, preserving, and being the home-maker.. Even Hubby asked if I was feeling alright! as this new cleaning phase was not me! at this time of year at any rate.. 

The day job however got more intense.. And lets face it for those of us who understand how energies from the planets were affecting us, those same energies were  having  affects on everyone. My support work got quite stressful with challenging behaviours escalating to be  very intensive.

And lone working can be very hair-raising at times, as we support 24/7, working Long shifts with a sleep in was warring me down…  It got to the point I took my protective medicine pouch with me, and did my own protection exercises as those challenging behaviours escalated. And  I think for the first time in years I didn’t relish my Support worker role as I trod on eggshells around their own changing energy outbursts. 

After wearing the cross for just over a week, it fell from my neck, the ring near the cross had opened somehow and slipped the chain… On the second time it fell from my neck, I took it as a sign I was not to wear it any longer.. So its now back its box….

What I found very interesting as I looked more into this Mercury in Retrograde, was that people were posting about the energy cycles and how the past was being released and how moods were being affected. Vision Keeper reposted a blog from Renard  Moreau repost of5 steps to Prepare for the Eclipse Energy Gateway by Selaciawhere I was interested to read that the last time we had a Scorpio solar eclipse  was in November 1994.. Now in 1994 I had a nervous breakdown… which blew me away as that time shaped another turning point for me… you can read more about this in my Journey of Souls series. 

As some of you know I have been a practising Medium serving the spiritualist churches for the last 23 yrs . Each year as the bookings come in I have been saying I will cut back. At one time I would be going out every Sunday baring holidays to various venues to conduct a divine services. But as Hubby retired two years ago, we were wanting to spend more free weekends without being tied to travelling.

So this was to be my last year of conducting demonstrations of this kind. Little did I realise until last week, that my last service was due on the Sunday 3rd November, the actual day of the Hybrid Solar Eclipse…

Blue candle HealingSo Sunday the day of my last service and the Day of the Eclipse, I planned a quiet day of contemplation, doing a meditation and asking for Healing for the earth and all upon it..

So I lit a blue candle and surrounded it with my Willow figures representing various things to me the Seasons, Gratitude, Healing , Peace, The Universe. Along with my Amethyst carved Angel as I went down asking for Peace for the World.

The Meditation  although not deep was very interesting… I found myself floating above the Earth and then sinking back down, the ground seemingly disappearing as a mist of violet, blues, and mauves surrounded me.. A light started to radiate out from the centre of the swirls and as I focused I saw growing as if alive Huge crystals. Such was its beauty after the meditation I spent  the best part of a couple of hours trying to recreate what I had seen in my pastels, and below is what I drew.. And smiled as I had been wanting more time to do paintings or pastel drawings and without thinking had been drawn to create this way.

Crystals Inner Earth

My Spiritual service went well, despite me having the onset of a sore throat, I asked for this to be taken away, and promptly forgot about it while speaking my philosophy(which incorporated how I had first found myself upon this path and how we each influence our lives by the way we think) I then gave my demonstration of Mediumship.    Lots of laughter as well as tears were shed as I brought evidence through from loved ones in the spirit realm…. And tears were also shed not only by those receiving messages from loved ones, but by myself as the Church centre clapped and presented me with two beautiful bouquets of flowers and Chocolates along with a thank you card for the services I had given them and others over the years..

And so another chapter ends, as another cycle has come to completion as I close this door and let go, and await what needs to now come in…  I have no idea what will fill the gap, but I trust in the process and know as one door closes it allows us to open others..

As a foot note to this post, Tuesday saw my flu-like symptoms kick in, and it didn’t surprise me.. As I took this as another clearing out of that which now no longer serves, as I make way for new energies to come in..

We are each of us treading upon new ground as the uncertainty of our times surround us all.. We see how the weather patterns are altering affecting our way of life, We see also how the Monetary systems problems are escalating as the cost of living spirals and the uncertainties of futures are no longer as secure in lives across the world..

People are feeling unsettled and restless as the Governing bodies push their people to their limits and protests are on the increase around our globe..

We have to learn to let go of old ways of being to allow new ways to come into existence, and often this can be chaotic and painful. The Retrograde Challenge is showing me on a personal level what is happening on a global level, That we have to let go of the old to make way for the new…

Enjoy your journey, we are in for a very interesting Ride!

Thank you Linda, I enjoyed this challenge… To follow those who have taken part in this Challenge click the links below, for their experiences.

The next one to follow mine is  Barbara on November 15th The list of those taking part is below.

November 9 – Julianne

November 10 – Heidi

November 11 – Shree

November 12 – Karen

November 13 – Sindy

November 14 – Sue

November 15 – Barbara

November 16 – Lehua

November 17 – Linda

Thank you for reading Sue


Photo Credits

63 Comments (+add yours?)

    Nov 14, 2013 @ 10:40:01

    Freundliche Grüße, Wolfgang



  2. mimisscratch
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 10:43:19

    Buonissima giornata!



  3. Visionkeeper
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 11:44:59

    That’s very cool DW….Love that idea. I will do it as well. There certainly is a great deal of releasing going on! Thanks for sharing your journey. Very interesting. Glad you are feeling better now and I know you will discover a wonderful new way of experiencing your life now that you freed up space. Blessings to you dear friend. Sending love and hugs….VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 13:39:46

      Yes lots of releasing thats for sure VK, I am sure that I will be soon doing something or other to fill in the gaps my friend… Love and Blessings to you, and a big Cosmic Hug xoxox



  4. penpusherpen
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 12:20:24

    Just as VK says Sue, a lovely idea, and one which I will try to complete. Thoroughly enjoyed the read my friend, following your journey into the past and experiencing the awakening to old and new ideas. May our journeys teach us all we need to know to continue along our paths in this wonderful World of ours. Love and light and so, so good to be back (and I hope the flu is waving ‘bye soon) xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 13:41:42

      Lovely to see you again Pen after your long Summer absence, I hope all is now well with your own journey.. And yes thank you I am feeling much brighter than I was 🙂 Big hugs to you xox Sue



  5. marina kanavaki
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 14:00:18

    That sounded like a beautiful challenge, Sue. I can see how this can lead to clearing the path for the new. I will try it. Thank you for sharing your experience with it and I love your painted vision – amazing!
    Wishing you a clear clear path [flu included!] for all good things new to come! 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 13:43:54

      🙂 Thank you Marina, its often a path of discovery I am led as we see how all things are interconnected.. And others experiences have been of a similar nature as they release parts needed for their continued journey.. Thank you for liking my crystals in pastels.. 🙂



  6. David
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 15:52:05

    I would like to wish you a happy retirement but knowing you and the Lord I have a feeling you will be just as busy in a slightly different way. Anyway enjoy! Love, David



  7. ruchira
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 17:36:59

    Wow! I am delighted at the way your awareness worked when you pulled out old stuff from your trunk. I might give this a try, Sue.
    Want to know if I will be as sensitive to the signs as you were..
    Wishing you well, always!



  8. reikiheidi
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 17:59:52

    wow Sue, your post has touched me deeply, so beautiful. Jewellry seems to be a common theme in this challenge, doesn’t it?… as well as release/letting go/clearing. very interesting. And I was talking to my partner earlier today about ‘Letting Go’ too… some other interesting things have happened with me along these lines, which I hope to be posting about later.
    I wish you Joy & Success in whatever future endeavour(s) present themselves to you 🙂
    Light & Blessings x x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 13:51:24

      Hi Heidi, yes the jewellery theme seems to have bitten one or two of us in the challenge.. Letting Go it appears to be that time within the Cosmic Calendar I hope to catch up with your interesting things which have happened shortly my friend 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to visit and your comments are much appreciated thank you



  9. Renard Moreau
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 18:38:32

    [ Smiles ] I can relate well to what you wrote, Sue.



  10. lindalitebeing
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 20:27:10

    What a rich post Sue, like a trifle with colorful sweet layers! This said froma woman who never ate trifle or been to the UK 🙂

    There is so much to comment on ,but I will try to stay succinct. I immediately went to your links about this Whitby Jet cross. I had never heard of it. Look what I captured here ~
    Not only does it draw off negative vibrations, but Jet can help the victim of these vibes to understand their original purpose and the lesson to be learned. Sensitives or empaths who suffer from exposure to negativity in the environment should carry a piece of Jet with them while exposed.

    Jet is known to work synergistically with Moldavite, and can assist those who are trying to do void meditation work. Jet is a great ally to all on the spiritual path, due to its perfect combination of protective vibrations. Jet can facilitate the release of negative behavior patterns and old emotional attachments, freeing the individual for rapid personal growth.

    What a perfect fit for you! and see the Moldavite connection – Shree as you know chose Moldavite for her challenge. I love how we come together, than individuate, then come together, like a circlular folk dance.

    I adore your painting! What a lovely demonstration of your meditation, You are truly a renaissance woman. Would it be ok for me to use it on one of my retrograde challenge posts as one of the images- with a link back to you of course? It feels right for it to be a symbol of the work we are doing here ( let me know your thoughts on this)

    So much for being succinct…Thank you for taking this on and sharing so much of your self with the world. I see that many readers are inspired by these posts and eager to do their own experiments, which really makes me smile!


    xx Linda



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 14:37:32

      Your words are like the icing on top of the cake Linda, so thank you.. Yes, I had forgotten the meaning of Jet, and was not surprised at all at why I had been drawn to pick up Jet in the first instance and buy it all those years ago.. And it was very apt again now in its meaning for me. I was so intrigued with Shree’s Modavite as I had read the Jets connection with the stone.. I Need to catch up with the rest of the challenges, as sometimes is our best intentions I was not able to get on the Web yesterday, so need to catch up with Barbara and the others to see their posts.

      Thank you for your lovely feedback, and of course you can use the image for a link back.. And its great as you say that others are inspired to do something similar..
      Wishing you Blessings my Friend..
      Love to you Sue xoxox



  11. Tom Merriman
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 20:50:29

    That does sound like a good challenge, Sue. I really enjoyed reading about your experiences. I have to say though, that as you are wondering about what will fill your time, you will find out soon enough! We don’t tend to have spare time for very long! 😉 There will always be something to do!
    Change is good, although tiring at times! I’m absolutely shattered right now. I’m sleeping well, and dreaming well, but can I find inspiration to write? Nope! Not at all! Ah well. A little rest is good as well!
    Enjoy your free time, Sue! See you soon!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 14:19:00

      Tom sorry to hear you have been feeling tired and less inspired than normal in your writing.. To be honest I am well behind so many posts of others I need to seriously catch up with you and others..
      I have to say this virus although shaken, leaves one feeling very easily tired and I could at the moment sleep for England at the drop of hat… So when I have had a couple of hours t typing on the laptop, my eyelids start to close, and I have been getting my head down for afternoon naps!… So I hope you soon regain your energy.. And thank you again for your kind thoughts and comment



  12. Julianne Victoria
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 21:34:11

    What a beautiful, and cleansing, retrograde challenge it’s been for you! May you blossom even more in this new cycle! Namaste _/l\_



  13. morristownmemos by Ronnie Hammer
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 22:24:58

    This is a wonderful exercise, and one that could surely lead to a great story, as yours about the jet cross was. But I am not a keeper of old things; my house wouldn’t tolerate lots of unused possessions. But I am a generous donator of object I no longer use. They move on to good homes where they will be appreciated all over again.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 14:13:54

      Over the years I have hoarded quite a few trinkets, and I can see in the not too distant future I will be lightening my loads via my children and grandchild.. You are so right not to hang onto things no longer needed..
      We loan them all when all is said and done.. For we take none of them with us upon our final journey…. Only that which we carry in our hearts 🙂



  14. Lois Field
    Nov 14, 2013 @ 22:26:30

    No, Sue I had no thought of leaving your post. 🙂 I very much enjoyed reading about your experience with your cross and the meditation which followed. I love the art you created of your vision. I would like to believe the growing crystals mean we will rise up from what is pulling us down right now, although the crystals do appear sharp, as they should, which also tells me it will be a bumpy transition to get there. Now I am off to read a few of the other posts in this series while I let a coat of paint dry. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 14:29:54

      Thank you for reading Lois, And Happy you enjoyed the crystal art.. Yes the bumpy transition I am certain is on its way, but I am also a big believer that its needed… And that despite the chaos to come, we will learn to be more harmonious beings embracing more peace as we learn to live in peace with ourselves more and alongside nature… This is my hope… I hope more of our younger generations see this way to make our future their reality for their own living.
      I hope you paint dried well, and you got lots done this weekend to your project 🙂 xxx



      • Lois Field
        Nov 16, 2013 @ 22:09:34

        Sue, I am again getting some computer time in while I watch more paint dry. 🙂 I am getting plenty done around here which is good.

        About the chaos, I agree. There are many who are not awake and would return to the way things are now if it weren’t bumpy.

        I look around and see all these huge houses being built again, no one learned from the recession to live within their means or to reduce their footprints. Yes, it needs to get bad so this time we may get it right.

        I do see more of the younger generations making vastly different choices. I am shocked at how many are foregoing even getting a driver’s license and want no part of owning a car. They are starting blogs and writing wonderful content from a scientific point of view on the ecology of the earth. They may be our next version of the 60s hippies who tried to change the world.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 17, 2013 @ 11:50:52

          The same here as new houses are being built, all just connected to the grid of electricity,, No thought to solar panels or eco friendly savings.. And each way too high in price for the first time home owners to afford.. Many houses stand empty as do the Industrial estates as the euro plough millions into their construction to lure small businesses with cheap rents for the first year, only to charge higher there after, so no one stays long… Crazy as the industrial estates already built are only half filled, with many empty units.. And still they build on land creating more…
          The 60’s was a time when Minds started to think differently, I think we will see within these next few years and insurgent of new thinking as people will be voicing more their concerns and protesting more…. Chaos needs to shake the rest awake to what we are doing, and bring out those bright Free Thinkers who were born to re-shape the world xx



          • Lois Field
            Nov 17, 2013 @ 17:27:53

            Yes, same here. The construction business is one of the main indicators of whether or not we are in a period of growth, so they build and build just to create some jobs. I can’t help wishing they would take that money to create more bike paths, fix failing bridges before people get hurt and basically do what is needed to protect the health and safety of the people. But I’m not in a position to change things.

            Have you ever read Tegan is I believe now just 19 and in her second year of university in the UK. She is one of the ones I am counting on to make that difference. She is so intelligent and knowledgeable about the environmental concerns. Her dedication and commitment is what I turn to when I begin to doubt the abilities of the youth.



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Nov 19, 2013 @ 21:33:03

              Lois, thank you for Earth Babies blog, I have joined as a follower:-) Its late tonight I hope to visit you tomorrow.. I was so pleased to read you are all ok as the tornadoes went by your area.. I didnt know quite where you lived until you posted and I read in my email… Let us hope the youth of today take up the banner for the Earth… She is certainly a great advocate! 🙂


            • Lois Field
              Nov 20, 2013 @ 05:01:55

              Sue, Tegan is wonderful and so dedicated. I am amazed by her young age and have followed her for more than a year now. She restores my faith in the future.

              Yes, we are fine. I didn’t mean to worry anyone, but the Monday post on frugality at Christmas I have been so consistent at getting published on time I wanted to explain why I might not this week. My power was restored and I was able, in the end, to get it up a bit early before I lost power again.

              Have a good night.


  15. shreejacob
    Nov 15, 2013 @ 12:40:19

    Oh Sue! Firstly I loved your post! It’s awesome that you were able to use this time to do a lot of clearing..even some cleaning hehe.
    I didn’t know you were a medium! That’s really cool!
    I’m sure you’ll find beautiful things to do now that you’re a litte free-er in the weekends..hehe
    I also have no idea how I missed two of your posts before this 😦 I don’t think it appeared in my reader!

    Loved that crystal drawing and also your description of the meditation process.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 14:11:13

      Hi Shree, I am pleased you like my drawing, and I thought you knew I connected this way to spirit!.. Well I will be resting that particular muscle for a while, I want to try more channelled inspirational writing and see what is given to my brain-waves… We will see…
      I found it very interesting as your post linked with Moldavite .. If you look at the Jet properties you will see they too connect with modavite so I found what Linda said in her comment very interesting as we each of us are connected with similar releasing exercises
      Many thanks for your comment, I know how busy your schedule is this month so I appreciate your time Hugs and Laughter over the cleaning… 🙂 the dust is gathering as I speak! 😉



  16. giselzitrone
    Nov 15, 2013 @ 12:51:20

    Einen schönen Freitag liebe Sue wieder ein guter Beitrag von dem ich immer wieder was lernen kann.Ich wünsche dir ein schönes und glückliches Wochenende liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  17. becca givens
    Nov 15, 2013 @ 13:04:17

    A very interesting challenge, Sue with intriguing results … mindfulness on full alert! Wishing you a blessed weekend!

    xoxo becca



  18. europasicewolf
    Nov 15, 2013 @ 13:35:05

    Very interesting post 🙂 and lovely artwork. Cant see you being short of things to do for long, life isn’t like that! For most of us free time a rare luxury so don’t worry about that!! Have a great weekend:) xx



  19. Alex Jones
    Nov 15, 2013 @ 19:53:26

    Do you find that the challenging events happen in cycles, followed by cycles where everything seems to go right?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 13:59:50

      Interesting you should say that Alex.. Yes Throughout my life I have had periods of events which for me seem to go in cycles.. Every 7 yrs for me is significant .. But if I do hit a bad period, its short lived thankfully and followed by a period of calm.. I think if we get a shake up every once in a while to make sure we are still in the game! and to show us that sometimes we need to see just how lucky we are! .. I have been extremely fortunate throughout my life compared to many around the world with their life paths. So I Give thanks with Gratitude for all the blessings bestowed upon me on my own journey xox



  20. bluebutterfliesandme
    Nov 16, 2013 @ 01:57:08

    Hey Sue! Great post. Wow I am so behind. I have so much to say, yet not the time to say it. A lot of commonalities. I will be back to comment.
    ✿ღ✿ღ.¸¸ღ♫*¨`*•..¸ƸӜƷ ✿ღ ✫❀
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    *✿*.` •.¸.•´*✿*• .¸¸.`•´¯✿



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2013 @ 13:54:44

      Isn’t that just the way, good to see you anyhows Sindy, and I read your post in email earlier, seems you need to write up an assignment, So first things first! LOL and your study time comes first always!… Loved the collection of butterflies and hearts and flowers ~ Many thanks xox



  21. Gede Prama
    Nov 16, 2013 @ 18:14:59

    Thank you for writing which is quite good and best wishes always, and greetings



  22. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Nov 17, 2013 @ 03:52:57

    Sue, a fantastic, unique post! Not clicking to my next WP post at all – this was great!

    it seemed to have immediate effect with you. I am so intrigued. I am going to look about, see what draws me. It may be a challenge as I have discarded so much along my way, but I will see what I can come up with.

    Oh Sue, loved this post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2013 @ 11:59:15

      Thank you Noeleen, I am happy this post resonated with you, and pleased you read to the end LOL, and it captivated you enough to think of doing the same.. Its amazing when you track your thoughts and see the ‘Signs’ that open up for us to follow…
      Big Hugs to you xoxo 🙂



  23. Marko
    Nov 17, 2013 @ 06:05:53

    Witaj Sue! Życzę miłej niedzieli i udanego nowego tygodnia.



  24. pictimilitude
    Nov 17, 2013 @ 23:22:01

    All the purples and amethyst…reminds me of the Crown Chakra…spiritual awakening. And you know, like you said, your illness coincided with some momentous events…hmmm…it was like your body and mind were really cleansing and preparing for a new chapter. You’re amazing, you know. 🙂 Like I said before: I get such a rush of warmth and love coming over here. You always make me smile just so. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2013 @ 11:51:16

      Awww Thank you so much Cyndi , Yes the cleansing still going on I think!.. The future yet to be revealed, but looking forward to what is about to come in 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful day also.. 🙂 xxx



  25. lavendermoongirlblog
    Nov 18, 2013 @ 20:09:23

    Thank you Sue for such an interesting post. Whenever I visit your blog, I find exactly what I have been needing; in this case to help
    A friend.
    I hope you enjoy your free Sundays and the new chapter in your life. Hugs and smiles xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 19, 2013 @ 20:46:22

      Hi Lavender Girl, thank you, arrgh my first free Sunday I took a late shift at work wouldn’t you know! but I know the space will soon be filled.. And I am so pleased you enjoy your visits here… Likewise to your poems and wonderful photos 🙂 xxx



  26. cynt5525
    Nov 19, 2013 @ 18:55:05

    Hi sue, I was visiting Linda’s blog and saw your beautiful pastel drawing, I love it !!! 🙂 *Cynthia



  27. Lizzie Bellotto
    Nov 19, 2013 @ 20:27:44

    Very interesting post..It is so good to get some time to come to your Dreamwalker Sanctuary…much needed…I look forward to explore this special place more often when possible:) xx



  28. litebeing
    Sep 26, 2020 @ 23:39:34

    Hi Sue,
    I was taking this intro to channeling class today with Lorie Ladd online and this image of purple crystals painting entered my awareness. I could not let it go and wondered what it was and where had I seen it and I thought of you. So I searched your blog for artwork and it wasn’t there. Then I searched my blog and it was not there. Then I searched my media library and found it , a painting you made back in 2013! I have no idea why I was visited by this image that I could not shake, but when I read about your mediumship I thought maybe that connected with my opening up to channeling? It is such a striking painting and figured yoy might be interested in this experience.

    Enjoy your sunday, Linda ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 28, 2020 @ 22:13:00

      Amazing you even found it again after all of this time Linda.. So Kudos to you my friend..
      And thank you so much for relaying that information…. Its amazing how Spirit work and get our attentions… I hope the start to your week is going well my friend.. I have been keeping busy in our veggie plot… and hope to post a garden post on my garden blog soon…. Though to be honest with you, my heart in blog land at the moment is not focused… And I have have numerous attempts of getting a post together only to delete them…
      There is so much going on in the Earth right now, that some days my head just spins, and my natural instinct is to shut down and just sleep…. As I feel I may just go into overload and blow and fuse.. 🙂 So my ‘Power Naps’ have been on the increase lol..
      I have been asking for my own Higher guidance.. and its been unusually quiet.. as if I should heed the silence, and clear more inner space for peace and calm… For what is to come..
      And yet at the same time, I know instinctively ALL will be well because this is why we are here.. But the energies, of mind control are very strong and manipulative to those surrounding us, it can be difficult to stay neutral… Especially when you understand the ‘Deeper State’ of things in Motion..
      So I will take Crow’s advice…. 🙂 All will come when needed… and I know Spirit stand firm and they are letting me find my own way through this Time period as I choose my words and path carefully 🙂
      Much love dear Linda. Have a beautiful week ahead ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • litebeing
        Sep 30, 2020 @ 22:08:37

        Hi again Sue, I understand your struggle about communicating. I often wake up and do not recognize the world anymore and how crazy and chaotic it is, but yet I sense this will take us where most want to go, to an existence of love, peace, and harmony for all. How? Not so sure, but I imagine it to be the 2nd act of a 3 act play and the plot will get us to the 3rd act eventually. LOve to you on this glorious fall like sunny Wednesday from the regressive USA. ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 02, 2020 @ 21:38:15

          Yes it is a crazy world right now Linda… One which is being changed daily by those whose narrative has dominated 24/7 almost all the media platforms that continually hold the majority within the grip of fear..
          I have been facing my own fears this week, as I summon the courage to speak my truth as I feel it… So I have stayed silent longer as I ponder deeper.. Knowing the right words at the right time will present themselves to be spoken… And those who read will make of them what they will, for to keep silent any longer at what is bursting forth in my heart to be heard will no longer stay still… I wrote long into the night the other evening, pouring out my thoughts into my journal… And I have spent a few days re reading, editing, and condensing that which I need to say and typing up .. So watch this space… 🙂
          Sending Love and well wishes… and apologies I have not been a regular visitor as normal…. I haven’t forgotten the Challenge either Linda…. I need to refresh myself on what it was you requested… I know it was about Changes…. We have certainly seen a few of those this year!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Dates Dreamwalker Beat Her Drum

November 2013

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