Friday Facts~ Prayer- Emotion – Healing

Prayer Circles..

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Prayer Circles are now global phenomena and possibly the main means of bringing people together in unity for the purpose of healing and reconciliation.


I believe that the power of our thoughts/prayer works. Our thoughts in them selves are living energy, and if used in this collective way, can bring about an amazing energy shift to a person or situation it is then directed to.


If we could but realise, that surrounding what looks to us like empty space, are millions of tiny particles of energy which react and conform to the expectations and beliefs that we have about our world.

If we could all but realise that all of us are connected to this intelligent field of energy the Matrix.

And that by attuning our thoughts, or directing them, we then create our own reality. Which is our experience.


If we could all accept with out any doubt, that this energy surrounds all of us, Miracles Can Happen take a look here how Thought cured a Cancerous Tumour 


And if we could allow our thoughts to change from our perception of a world where we are limited in our beliefs of what is not possible, to one where anything is possible, we could change our lives, to become healthier, and fuller in every sense. By manifesting by that power of thought.


I now try very hard to manifest the positive into my life. This is the most difficult. For each of us are conditioned by our belief systems that have been indoctrinated into us since early childhood.

But scientists are now discovering that we are not limited to the laws of physics and biology as we know them today. And that our very DNA of life, is a code that may be changed by choice.




At this moment many places around our globe are in need of healing prayers. And at the forefront of my mind at the moment is to the People of Syria especially to the children who are suffering so much 

The next place is Egypt another volatile place for pending disaster to occur on a huge scale. 

Please send these places your love and compassionate thoughts as we ask for the healing of these lands and unity and stability as we ask for peace for their peoples and those of the whole world.

For we are not separate we are One  

 All of us are Connected 


Use the power of your own prayers, your thoughts, to bring about that change to your own, lives also which will  ultimately affect the whole world.


Peace and Health to you all and please spare some time to listen to Gregg Braden who shows us how on that terrible day of 911 our thoughts ALL Connected and Science saw how it affected the Energy of our World 


51 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. prenin
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 21:45:30

    There is much power in prayer and I too feel for the people of Syria and Egypt where there is much evil.

    I pray for peace across the world and for an end to these terrible events!

    Love and hugs!




  2. Gray Dawster
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 21:47:06

    This is a lifting thought Sue and one that we can all take a part in, all one needs is the positivity of thought and a belief that combined healing is a possibility to be harnessed, when everyone uses their healing vibes anything can happen.

    I hope that your weekend is a lovely one my sweet and great friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 20:26:28

      You hit the nail on its head there my friend when you said

      when everyone uses their healing vibes anything can happen.

      I know it can, when enough of us stand together and send out I know it will change… Thank you Andro for your visit and comment my friend Sue xox



  3. Alex Jones
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 21:54:55

    There is a desperate need for sacred places such as prayer circles in this fast stressful world.



  4. coastalcrone
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 22:11:27

    Excellent and timely post. I do believe our attitude changes outcomes. Peace to you and yours.



  5. marina kanavaki
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 23:36:49

    Ah, yes, we truly are connected. Maybe we will learn how to use those brilliant brains of ours for the good, instead of finding methods to destroy… some day!
    Have a beautiful weekend my dear, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 20:17:15

      Yes me too Marina, when this experiment is over I hope they look into our brains and tweak what needs tweaking!… And take out our self destruct mode which we seem hell bent on following!
      You too enjoy your Sunday, Much Love Sue xox



  6. europasicewolf
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 23:48:54

    We should all pray for Syria…it is being torn apart and the recent suspected chemical weapon useage is horrendous and frightening.
    And people wonder why a running total of around 80,000 people (up 30,000 since my last comment on the subject) currently wish to make a one-way trip to Mars to build a new life for the human race…In the meantime let us indeed hope that positivity and healing can change our world for the better and the suffering be alleviated 🙂 Peace xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 20:12:52

      Hey Wolfie, good to see your howls here my friend, I still have to have a howl back though, and say if Man had not made such a hash of this world he wouldn’t be looking to live on Mars…. 🙂 Sending you a double Big Hug back and yes lets hope that positivity and healing can help alter its vibration … Love to you Wolfie…. xxx



  7. kp
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 02:13:20

    Beautiful post Sue…and very interesting video….I love when science affirms our spiritual truths and knowings!!! Thanks for sharing…Kim



  8. Dilip
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 05:25:15

    I too pray for the people of Syria and Egypt that ‘this too shall pass’. And yes when we do spiritual activities such as praying together the collective energy increases many times.
    Beautiful post Sue



  9. shreejacob
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 06:47:20

    So absolutely LOVED and agree with what you said Sue! And it’s great that this is exactly what I learned in a class last week! Reading it today was like a revision..hehe.

    We can’t escape the fact that everything *is* energy…even our thoughts and ultimately we can’t “blame” anyone or any thing …the responsibility falls on us, each and every time. The collective unconscious is so strong and it’s so strange that we have completely no idea or sense of the power we hold!

    Though positivity is so important, I’ve recently realized that there will be times when I’m not as positive…frustration, anger…I just feel it! I ask myself WHY? and usually there isn’t an answer…I just feel it. And it’s okay. I feel it’s okay. It’s not okay to dwell on it, expand it and give it power, but it is okay to acknowledge it, feel it and then just let it go as an emotional experience 🙂 What are your thoughts on that?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 20:06:23

      If you have a look at another reply I have made here in response to Beverley’s comment, I touched upon the Positive and Negative aspect… In order for us to experience we need Both, We can not experience Good without the Bad, we hold inside of each of us this Duality of both. And we have been given ‘Free Will’ to follow either. This world is to experience through our Emotions, Feelings, and to experience what it is to be ‘Matter’ through our experiencing the Material World. The positive in my own opinion is to embrace the Good, the ‘Light’ as we do we ‘Lighten’ our vibration as we live through Love, caring, so we vibrate ever closer to the source as we grew higher in our consciousness. Or as some choose to embrace their darker side, as the Negative takes hold….
      This world was not meant to be as it is…. We have got trapped within the Karmic Debt Wheel as we have fallen into the density of Matter being pulled ever further by materialism ..
      You are I think are fully aware Shree, of our pathway and the paths we need to tread which is now slowly emerging.. As we join our vibrations together in solidarity of intent …
      We need to acknowledge within that it is ok to Feel the negative, for without it we would not know the positive forces…. But knowing what is in balance is the key.. Like I said in Beverley’s reply, Nature is both Beautiful and Cruel, but she is always in Balance for that is how the two energies compliment each other .. But we are NOT in Balance with many things in the world right now, And that Shree is why I think Nature is taking things back within her own hands again… as we complete yet another cycle here on Earth..
      Love and Blessings Sue xox



      • shreejacob
        Aug 25, 2013 @ 01:36:36

        It’s amazing how you and others whose blogs I follow can say profound things SO well without rambling!! I love that and one day hope to do so too!!! 😀 Thank you and thank you for taking the time to write out the whole reply even though you had already replied to Beverly 🙂

        I’ll make it a point the next time to read the comments as well 😛




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 25, 2013 @ 10:28:02

          Shree, you do yourself an injustice, you explain yourself and your subjects extremely well, And I don’t expect you to read everyone’s comments, lol, just thought as I had got on my soap box you could see where I was coming from :-).. And I love to exchange ideas and perceptions this way, this is how we expand our awareness of reality 🙂 Big Hugs back xxx



  10. ruchira
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 06:53:36

    Oh yes, I believe in the power of collective prayers.

    In Reiki we have a day alloted for a world peace day where we practitioners all over the world pray/send in PE for peace and happiness.

    Beautiful thoughts, Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 19:37:47

      How beautiful you have a special day whereby you can send out collectively into the world for peace.. Many thanks Ruchira for your contribution in helping Heal the world.. Blessings Sue xox



  11. Valentine Logar
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 10:33:28

    So very true, we are collective in both our positive drives and how we can affect the world. Very timely Sue.

    Much peace and love.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 19:36:15

      Val thank you, our Collective needs now more than ever to join their thoughts as one in uniting our world through positive vibrations that can help bring back the balance of Peace and Love to our world… Love to you Sue xox



  12. beverley
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 11:24:59

    You seem to have missed God out, Sue! It is through our faith in Him that we pray and receive healing. I have seen miracles in others lives and experienced them in my own, but in the end all we can say is Oh God bless these people, but thy will be done.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 19:17:40

      You may not like my answer Beverley, and no matter which way I try to explain my answer will not satisfy you, but please understand I do not mean to offend. For I know you have your own devout views on ‘God’ seeing ‘Him/her’ as a being, and to pick up upon your own sentence when you said “but thy will be done”.. In this world it’s not God’s will, but Man’s will. We were given ‘Free Will’, our choices, our actions, which have consequences and re-actions/Karma.

      We are ALL part of God, the ‘Devine Matrix,’ ‘Energy’, ‘Chi’, ‘God Force’, and whatever name you wish to call your God/Goddess by for she/he goes by many names among many various religions.

      What we have lost along the way is our connection with this ‘Energy’ ‘God-Force’, ‘Chi’, and the understanding that we create our reality via our thoughts just like ‘God’ whom we are a Divine spark of. We do not realise that we manifest through intent/Emotions/feelings, via our thoughts.

      It would take an essay here to explain fully and I feel one coming along! So apologies in advance Beverley , but I mean only to explain my thoughts as you have your beliefs and I have my own. ‘Free Will’ again!.. 🙂
      For each of us have our own understanding of what we have been taught about God. Like you I was brought up with religion, learning God was judgemental, our sins punished, and yet at the same time was told God was all forgiving! Which contradicts.. I did Bible study classes and I am not disputing the stories in the Bible, and you can quote me passage after passage. God did not write the Bible Men did, and throughout the ages those words have been distorted and the truth bent of the original teachings to be used as a means to control and conform.

      Man is all powerful, would he realise the power given him by our Creator, for we are eternal Beings of Light. But we are not following the ‘Light’, we are caught within this trap whereby the denseness of Matter/the Material holds us.
      When enough of us come to understand that reaching the ‘Light’ of ‘God’, means reaching our own INNER awareness as we lighten our load and move through the density of Matter/ this Material World to alter our own Inner Light of Vibration as we become aware of our Inner Light and that is through LOVE, Compassion, Kindness.

      LOVE was the message from the Messiah Jesus, as he pointed the way to evolve through our higher Consciousness. And again I could find quote after quote which would back this up,all I can think of is at the moment is “ To Thine Own SELF be True”’
      Love is what is Missing, we have forgotten not only how to love one another, but we have forgotten how to Love ourselves, and I care not what another man’s religion is, Religion is but a name for a belief. What I do care about is how we treat one another and too many wars over History have been termed ‘Holy’ Wars, fought in the name of their Gods, when really they mean it is being fought by their religious views.

      Energy to be experienced needs to be Both Positive AND Negative, we cannot experience Good without knowing what is Bad. This is our Learning Ground in which we evolve from. This is why we are upon Earth to EXPERIENCE the Material Realm along with FEELINGS and EMOTIONS.
      This is why I said in my post right at the beginning saying

      “ This is the Most Difficult, For each of us are conditioned by our Belief systems that have been indoctrinated into us since early Childhood. “

      I pray to the Divine Creator whose Energy surrounds each and everyone, regardless of Creed or colour, for we are linked through our Mass Conscious, via our Thoughts, Thoughts which are Energy within the Cosmos which permeates ALL things. Energy is neither knows it’s good or Bad it just is either Positive or Negative. But we are no longer in Balance, Nature knows how to balance, it’s both beautiful and cruel, But always it’s in Balance. Mankind has upset the Balance and we need to join our collective energies into helping re-align that balance once again.

      Much love to you, and so this was my view and please feel free to return with yours which I will respect, for to all be the same would make for a boring world would it not. … Blessings Sue x



      • beverley
        Aug 25, 2013 @ 09:00:49

        I would like to write back to you but i feel a long answer would be better via email. Would it be possible to have your email please or you can contact me.

        love always Bev xx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 25, 2013 @ 10:24:16

          Emailing will be fine Beverley, you should have my email as we have corresponded before, I have taken the liberty of removing your email address from public view as there are so many spammers about I thought it best. You can find my email at the side of my comments upon your comments page in WP on both of your January to December Blog and your Pioneering Spirit one where I have left my comments previously. Looking forward to hearing from you, Much love back and have an enjoyable Sunday Sue xox



  13. Lizzie Bellotto
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 14:13:23

    Hi Sue, beautiful post!!! thank you so much for sharing important information …we need collective evolution of consciousness to make the world we are in a better place:) I would love to share more of your posts (lately out in remote places and mobile device not working great:( )
    Keep on shining and help supporting more energy!

    Have a fab weekend

    Love and light
    Lizzie xx



  14. Deb
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 15:26:17

    I agree with you, Sue. We can all offer so much when we join in prayer or meditation.
    Have a great weekend!
    Love and hugs xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 19:28:00

      Yes the power of Unity through Thought and Intent is indeed a most powerful Energy, Let us hope Deb that our thoughts help bring the positive to the fore through our compassion and prayers



  15. David Tenneson
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 16:07:47

    This takes me back to the Fountain Groups that when they began to meet reduced the amount of crime in cities round the world. When two or three are gathered … we are now appreciating from a scientific perspective the reasons why we influence the world around us. Great stuff Sue. Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 19:24:27

      Yes exactly David, “What I can do, you can do also” and pray groups such as these are so powerful even the Police noted in certain areas the reduction of crime when thoughts united…. Let us unite as ONE! … Much Love Sue



  16. chicasl10
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 16:21:30

    Sue I think No i believe that when u have positiv thoughts it helps with the cure.
    And indeed Syria and Egypt. This weeks news made the world standing still But but What are we doing?? closing our eyes again Afraid to start WW3 or so.
    Well i think that UN needs to act and Rusia needs to open the eyes. How can they say we dont interfere?? UN needs to ask Rusia WHY WHY



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 19:21:08

      Yes WHAT are we doing to ourselves and the world Mj, we stand by and watch, similar to the beginnings of WW2 until it came upon our doorsteps and a threat….At what cost to we put a Human Life? Why why indeed…



  17. Marko
    Aug 25, 2013 @ 06:49:22

    Thank you for your nice visit and comment my photos. I greet and wish you a nice day.



  18. giselzitrone
    Aug 25, 2013 @ 12:42:32

    Hallo liebe Sue Danke für deinen lieben Besuch wünsche dir einen schönen Nachmittag,ja es ist schrecklich was in der Welt passiert chemische Waffen man kann nur hoffen das die jeniegen wer es auch immer war, seine gerechte Straffe bekommt.So viel unschuldige Menschen müssen Sterben,ich weiß nicht was in einen Kopf von so einen Menschen vorgeht Ich wünsche dir einen guten Wochenstart lieber Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  19. lscotthoughts
    Aug 25, 2013 @ 19:43:20

    This is truly a beautiful, uplifting, and compassionate post, Sue, and I, too, believe in the power of prayer. The line that “stuck” with me was “And that our very DNA of life, is a code that may be changed by choice.” “Choice” is a Big word and it’s up to us to make it a positive one. My heart breaks for all the violence and evil happening all over the world, but I will keep Syria and Egypt in my prayers, as well, along with the other endless prayers continuing..
    Sending you love and hugs and thank for sharing this! Have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 27, 2013 @ 18:46:53

      Thank you so much for adding your healing thoughts and prayers, yes we are each given a choice, and soon we are going to be faced to choose which way we wish the world to progress, Lovely to see you, and yes my Sunday was very busy but very enjoyable 🙂 Hugs back ~Sue xx



  20. Renee Espriu
    Aug 26, 2013 @ 03:35:29

    I believe we, ourselves, can generate positive energy for others. You do so for me, my friend, and although I do so try to do so for others there are times that it feels difficult to do. But, needless to say, I keep trying for the world is a harsh place in which to live so shouldn’t we put forth healing thoughts to others to help make it less so? I always so enjoy coming here. Thank You!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 27, 2013 @ 18:50:19

      Awww thank you Renee, I always love your visits too, and thank you so much for saying what you have… I will have more time Thursday now to catch up with your new theme, can’t wait, as I rush to moderate comments this evening, Love to you my friend xox



      • Renee Espriu
        Aug 28, 2013 @ 03:27:17

        No worries, my friend. I wanted so much to write something tonight and ideas are flitting about in my head but nothing is seeming to stick. Too many hours at work in front of a computer, I guess. Take care.



  21. marja
    Aug 26, 2013 @ 08:19:45

    What a beautiful post I do believe in the sending out of positive energy. Far and close If we meet a person it is sometimes quite easy to pick up their energy fields and it effects you for quite a while. I must admit that I not very often put an effort in of sending out energy to people in need. I promise I will tonight think of all the children and people in Syria and send them my love and blessings



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 27, 2013 @ 18:52:07

      Thank you Marja, yes our energy interacts with others and I am pleased you can feel and sense it… Showing us that we are far more than our bodies of mere flesh and bone! 🙂 xxx



  22. jacksjottings
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 13:28:30

    This is a good hypotheses that deserves looking into. As space is not empty, thoughts control actions and our attitude and. all things are interdependent.
    Love, caring kindness and compaction is a two way path to happiness practiced and applied it certainly would improve our life immensely.
    The is a Middle East a sorry place their problems stem from the way imperialists carved up their land without any regard for existing religion, race or politics.
    The Kurds now have no homeland they are worse of than the Jews were. There was another blunder the Zionists surrounded by Islamic countries.The Sunni, Shiite these Muslims are on as bad a terms as the Catholics and Protestant branches of Christianity. Then the USA lending applying their forces where ever the oil gushes. So perhaps the best one can do is pray and hope our sympathetic thoughts have some magic vibes. .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 01, 2013 @ 17:54:48

      Yes so agree with you Jack, all so unnecessary as we instil into our future generations our present prejudices and personal indoctrinations of views held throughout the centuries. There is no right way just the Good Way, living through our hearts, treating each other as we would wish to be treated. There is no Mine or your God, just Our Creator who brings all together in life. Each of us have within our own segments of views become so lost as to what we are about.. And through the process we not only are content on not agreeing, but killing each other along with our Planet…. We so need to embrace Love and Not Fear… and hope we help create a ripple among others thoughts too
      Blessings to you Jack, thank you



      • jacksjottings
        Sep 03, 2013 @ 06:37:37

        I would like you to have a cruse around Shantideva’s blog Life is but a dream. The post I know you will enjoy is Unending Love.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 03, 2013 @ 21:33:52

          I will have to have a look around your own blog tomorrow Jack to see if I can see a comment left by Shantideva so I can follow the link to their blog… Its a little late this evening as Im only logging in for an hour to catch up on comments, Its been a lovely long day with my little granddaughter and then this evening after she went home we spent time in the allotments digging out the weeds, Will catch up very soon my friend thank you 🙂 Oh and I am pleased you found Heartsongs Blog 🙂 xxxxx



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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