Pressing the Reset Button


Reset Life

Most if not all of us have a TV set, and most people switch on the News.. My own home is no different, but one of the reasons I do not like watching the news is because 99% of the time it only reports Negative News items. These do not get shown once or twice throughout the day, but many times in one news programme as it repeats it over and over , ingraining in us those negative thoughts, which in turn affects our own vibration.

We all fall victim to the pressures our lifestyles demand, as we see the world under population pressures, economical collapse and we all know that our natural resources are running out.

On the surface it would seem the World is falling apart, as yet more troubles are reported in Egypt and yet more peace talks are on the agenda.. Wars and conflicts everywhere we turn. We hear all the time about natural disasters causing havoc, and we are all commenting upon our various weird weather changes as ever increasing storms ravage parts of the world bringing destruction and tragedy.

Are you depressed yet?

Have you switched off already from listening to me go on and on??

That’s why I reach for the remote and press the Off button to news, Not that I am not insensitive to the plight of the world, but because I choose not to dwell in the negative flow which bombards our homes hourly as we absorb and listen to the ever constant flow of tales of woe. When I know many Positives in fact far more are happening everywhere in every moment..

Every period in history when you look back has allowed us to alter our ways and change.. Many periods saw civil wars, plagues, world wars, and natural disasters on a scale that altered the weather patterns that brought about mini ice-ages .. Because we have achieved heights in technology does not mean we are super human beings immune to changes . Our world and the Universe runs in cycles, its constantly changing and so are we… 

We are now nearly towards another end of a cycle during which our planets and our Earth change position in space . The Moon for example in its last cycle drew ever closer in orbit around us. Changes are also taking place in relationship to the Sun, as science is intent on watching what happens as solar flares erupt . All of which are having effects upon our planet which will ultimately lead to our weather and effect how we grow our own food, as places become dryer and others become wetter.

It’s not by chance in my opinion that the monetary collapsing of systems is also under threat. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to understand that we cannot live on credit. And all these number crunching figures are generated by computer with no real monetary value behind them.. So would it really make a difference if the world debt slate was wiped clean? One has to ask oneself just where and who are reaping in the rewards of global finance, when countries and states collapse and go bankrupt.

We have based our modern day lives on competing with each other , Bigger Profits, Under cutting, We only think “ What’s in it for us”, “ What can we get out of it” We have to be Winners or Losers… But what happened to equality, or sharing? Why cannot the Haves give more to the have nots?

My feelings are that we are each of us through our various experiences being given opportunities to alter our set ways.

We can if we want, choose to Press the Reset Button of our lives

People are now seeing this way of living cannot carry on. People are standing up for the Freedom and rights.. Woman’s rights are at long last being addressed and exposed as the Feminine Energies are released again as more corruption and injustices are revealed.. The Male energies which have dominated are now fighting back for survival as the Feminine cycle is about to come into its own.

We are becoming more health conscious, people are beginning to adapt and alter their life styles instinctively wanting simpler lives as interest again is being shown in growing our own food. Even schools now are teaching infants and encouraging and embracing nature within their curriculum. We are at last beginning to see how important recycling is and conserving energy.

We each of us have an opportunity to look at our choices and ask ourselves some serious questions.

 What effects are my choices having on the world?

I keep saying it, WE are not separate, thinking we are alone, what affects one, affects another.

We have to understand everything is connected to everything else. One TV programme I do like watching is BBC 2 ‘A Night with the Stars’ Back in one episode Physicist  Brian Cox shows us a diamond and explained that when rubbed, it shifted the atoms within it into different energy levels. He said

Every Atom in the Universe shifts as the diamond heats up’ so in fact every time an atom’s energy level changes and that happens all the time. ALL the atoms in the Universe change energy levels.. We are all connected via the Universal Laws. Bringing home to us the law of Cause and Effect.

Interconnectivity Brian Cox.. Video just One and a Half minutes long folks!

What effect are our choices having, and how can we help heal the world?

Instead of those thoughts of “ What’s in it for me”, How about Resetting your thoughts to “ What can I contribute to it”. When we help someone else we help ourselves.

We all need to look at our life styles and we each have to take a deep look in the mirror.

Don’t wait for tomorrow or for someone else to change..

BE the Change

When we give out, so too do we receive.

The Indigenous Peoples have long known we are all one… They have long known how to balance within Nature. Now it’s time to once again Honour each other, We may not be able to change how another thinks or acts.. But it’s time to Honour ourselves and learn to Reset our own Lives to live less separately but more interconnectively  as we bring our communities to be more caring and united in their common goals of sharing with each other to sustainable projects that help bring us together, not drive us apart.

Is your Finger on your Reset Button?

~Blessings Sue~

53 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Visionkeeper
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 16:54:33

    Right on DW….Along with all you said I would like to add for others to think about, that what we watch on television is not only depressing and negative, but rarely is it the truth! That is the true and inherent danger of television! Being programmed with news that are not facts in and of themselves, but rather grand lies designed to get us to see the news from their perspective, not ours! It is all so evil. Return to simple lives we must. Thanks for getting your wonderful thoughts out to others that they might awaken…..Blessings to you friend….VK 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 12:44:18

      Yes VK there is that as well, We have to sift through it to find the truth, but once our eyes are open then it becomes blatantly obvious to those who SEE beyond the lies of deception being portrayed so often.. But I KNOW in my heart of hearts we are Winning as more Light is spreading outwards creating ripples.. 🙂 Many thanks for your thoughts and visit.. Together we keep keeping on 😉 xxx DW



  2. SeaInTheAir
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 18:02:42

    Thank you for your enlightening thoughts on changing for the positive. I agree with you VK. Not only can you not believe everything you watch on the television, but you only hear what “they” want you to hear. Everything around us is tied together. The negative, greed…. prompts others to action. And there you have the cause and effect syndrome.
    To be satisfied with what you have, eliminates greed and selfishness. Thank you for opening my eyes a little more about the cause and effect of the negativity around me and how I can change that within myself starting now. Take care. Beth



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 14:06:09

      Beth thank you for that wonderful reply, and I will forward your reply to VK ..its always good to hear we are not on our own in our thinking…
      Wishing you a Peaceful week 🙂
      Sue xox



  3. marina kanavaki
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 18:38:02

    Inspirational and insightful post, Sue! Our tv is mainly used to watch animals or films [and if that because we only watch an hour per day!]. News are not on our menu. Have a wonderful Monday and new week!



  4. giselzitrone
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 19:45:38

    Wünsche dir einen schönen Abend liebe Sue wieder ein schöner Beitrag immer wieder so schöne Gedanken,aber ob der Mensch sich wirklich mal ändern wird ich glaube die Gier ist zu groß bei manchen,wenn ich sehe was so alles in den Nachrichten passiert ist sehr schlimm und man fragt sie wo leben wir Eigentlich.Wünsche dir eine glückliche und gute Woche liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 12:47:42

      Ich stimme Gislinde ist die Nachrichten Bad, und noch viele Orte, wie Sie sagen, sind glücklich .. Gut zu wissen, dass, wo Sie leben, ist ein glücklicher Ort zu …
      Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit in das Lesen meiner Beiträge mein Freund ..
      Ich wünsche Ihnen auch eine schöne Woche …
      Umarmungen und Liebe
      Sue xox



  5. prenin
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 20:25:29

    Hi hun! 🙂

    I read the news on and so much of it is bad news it makes you feel unsafe – which is what they want us to be! 😦

    If we fear each other we do not act together – divide and rule!!! 😦

    Love and squishy hugs!


    Let’s see if this darned thing posts!!! 🙂

    WordPress seem to be sloooowly improving…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 12:50:15

      You have hit the nail yet again on its head Prenin, spot on with the wanting us to feel fearful.. thats its intention… Live in Fear and you are easily controlled! .. Glad to hear your problems with WP are now getting better… I now trawl through my Spam box looking for any unintended victims that have been wrongly cast into the Dungeon LOL..
      Hugs Sue xox



  6. Alex Jones
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 21:12:14

    Reset is a good idea, starting with throwing out the television. There has always been cycles of wars and breakdown, this era is different. Too many people chasing too few resources in an unsustainable way creates a unique challenge in the history of human evolution. My question, are we up to the challenge? A reset is needed.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 12:55:04

      Agreed on all counts with you Alex, Are we up for the challenge.. Yes I think many are starting to voice their opinions and challenge the establishment… We have only to see the number of increased petitions on the go, as people form their own groups… We are even though its not so obvious, gradually altering our mind sets, for those of us who are awake, maybe its not quite quick enough, But many are yawning and stretching and opening their eyes to the truth at last… Lets hope many more Alex put their fingers on the button! 🙂



  7. livingsimplyfree
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 21:55:05

    Sue, this was wonderfully worded. I agree it’s time to be the example and reset the way things are being done. I happened to notice at the store the other day two magazines I’ve never seen before. Both were on canning foods. While I don’t buy many magazines, I do look to see what’s popular now. To see 2 publications on the same subject says to me that preserving foods is becoming a huge trend again. We are starting to embrace those simpler ways and learn what our grandparents knew. On the TV, I don’t own one, there is nothing worth watching any more.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 13:05:55

      Yes Lois I have also noticed the trend here in the UK for learning those home-skills again.. I agree nothing worth watching and apart from the odd programme the TV stays off for most of the time… I love to listen to music more.. but going back to noticing home-skills being adopted again.. A TV programme a few months ago was a competition on dress making skills as people entered from all walks of life to be given challenges to create various garments and show off their skills in sewing.. I took particular interest in this programme with my own background knowledge in Textiles and sewing, as i used to make many dresses for my daughter and skirts, blouses and dresses for myself.. That coupled with vegetable gardening and cooking programmes and DIY It seems that some are at least starting to see the need to get back to teaching what for me in my school days was the norm, as we were lucky as we spent 6 weeks in our last year of schooling learning how to run and budget a home.. a group of 6 girls at a time literally went to school daily in a small cottage. where we would cook, clean, budget, buy food etc, and prepare meals for our invited teachers to sample….( I did most of these chores already at home ) but for some girls it taught them valuable skills for the future… 🙂



      • livingsimplyfree
        Jul 31, 2013 @ 16:04:43

        Sue, I love the idea of more people having that experience of running a home, how fortunate you were to have a school that taught what was important in life. I find it sad that after 12 years of mandatory education here student graduate without the slightest idea of the things they will need to know to life life.

        You have such a varied background!! I am relatively new to sewing, much to my grandmothers frustration, but find it to be very rewarding. I am considering picking up a couple of patterns to create clothes and pajamas as Christmas gifts for the grandchildren this year. I have purchased a couple of dresses from Etsy for the little ones who love them, and their parents love the idea of a handmade article of clothing which is unique rather than mass produced.

        Yes, if you look for it you will find some good programming on basic skills. I used to watch, longingly, the quilting programs on the PBS channel wishing I could quilt a well. Finally I decided I had absorbed all I could and took to creating a few. My quilts would never win award, but they are loved.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 31, 2013 @ 16:28:25

          And that Lois is all that matters, that we love the things we create.. Quilting We did at school but only as samplers, in homecraft we learned not only how to cook but how to smock and to inset piping for covering chairs, we did box pleats and I remember well with smile on my face a dress I made one term in the Flower-Power splash patterns of the 60’s in vivid Pinks and Lime Greens… Yuk in to days world,.. But I thought I was the Bee’s Knees in it.. 😀



  8. coastalcrone
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 22:07:36

    I watch little TV these days and the news and shows are often negative and useless. Thanks for the reminder to hit the reset button. Peace comes within.



  9. Adamsart
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 22:40:16

    We rarely watch the new in our house for those very reasons you gave.
    Great post, Sue!



  10. Crowing Crone Joss
    Jul 30, 2013 @ 01:55:24

    what a beautiful peace filled post. So much seems to be realigning these days and as the planets shift, times are truly changing. I sense we are ushering in a new/old world. A time of giving and receiving, of supporting and encouraging, of living simply and with open hearts to all that Mother Earth waits to teach us. As we turn away from media and advertizing, as we examine our own way of being and living on this planet, we are changing, changing our perspective, changing our ways. It’s truly an amazing time to be here, to be present.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 13:44:26

      These are indeed exciting times to be here Joss, and we are witnessing many changes which are happening right now before our eyes, And a simpler way of living we have to start to embrace as we blend with Mother Nature.. For not to do so will bring only more heart ache… Many thanks for your most welcome thoughts Joss



  11. inspiringyourspirit
    Jul 30, 2013 @ 06:52:13

    Ah my dear friend Sue, thank you for bringing me to this fine article and yes it is so interesting we both uploaded very similar posts almost at the same time 🙂 It’s the Divine Matrix working in perfect harmony again; and making sure we get this very important message out to the world via our humble blogging platforms. I really enjoyed your post and my finger is now seated firmly on the ‘Reset’ button because; we, as members of humanity need to do something to change our world, and as we have said many times before…It starts with one voice 🙂
    Namaste with Love



  12. lavendermoongirlblog
    Jul 30, 2013 @ 08:52:40

    I didn’t have a TV for nearly two years which resulted in life feeling much calmer even though people thought we were strange. We’ve just bought one to watch selected documentaries because we missed them.
    I believe we’re all connected and responsible for what is happening to the planet. A great post Sue, thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 13:48:42

      lavendergirl, yes we are most definitely connected and we as you rightly say are ALL responsible for our planet and can all help so much more in its conservation… I am pleased you enjoyed 🙂 Sue



  13. David Tenneson
    Jul 30, 2013 @ 12:39:57

    Well said Sue. If only we could all realise that we are One! Love as always, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 13:50:18

      It is my hope David that through our ‘Oneness’ that we all will come to eventually see that we need to alter our ways of being upon this planet.. No longer can we keep taking without giving back… Thank you my friend Sue



  14. europasicewolf
    Jul 30, 2013 @ 14:07:41

    Hmm…haven’t had tv at all for last couple of years but who needs it anyway! It’s not worrh its sky high license fee 🙂 News feeds on the phone and anytime anywhere internet provide all and more!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 13:53:12

      Sky high indeed Wolfie and even if you watch on your PC you are still subject to pay the TV licence….. They have you any which way you turn.. Sending you howls and don’t get not ideas about putting your paw marks down for that next trip to Mars 😉 Love and hugs Sue x



      • europasicewolf
        Aug 01, 2013 @ 15:40:57

        What makes you think I haven’t already done so 🙂 – re Mars. Online tv only needs a license I’d you’re watching live, as in at the same time as its being aired on tv. Wolfie hugs 🙂



  15. Cat Forsley
    Jul 30, 2013 @ 17:26:46

    pardon my crazy language ..LOL
    ^*())__+_*^%$%&*())))___++) amazing sue sue ……..
    exactly how i have been feeling
    every day is NEW
    all moments are FRESH
    Living In the NOW
    is = for me – the ONLY way xxx
    love You = enjoying my life (wink)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 13:55:27

      Always sending you back Cat, and your language us fine with me LOL… And your Now is about to get even more exciting! 🙂 LOTS and you heard it from me way back.. Love to you 10 fold.. xoxoxoxox 😀 xxx



  16. Tom Merriman
    Jul 30, 2013 @ 20:18:52

    Hi Sue, I love the idea of every atom in the Universe altering to accommodate a change in another atom… it adds yet another viewpoint to the vastness of the expanding Universe! AND the fact that it shows how connected every single item is, cause and effect really stands out on its own. Fascinating.
    So, in watching the doom and gloom of the news, we’re altering our energy levels, dragging them downwards… and the Universe falls into alignment around us… likewise, when we feel good, and boost our energies and become more positive, the Universe does the same.
    That’s the kind of reset button I like!
    I just need another one for my WordPress problems and all will be well!
    Thanks for a great post, and I hope this comment reaches you without error!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 13:58:14

      The comment was safely delivered Tom no errors this time around… And so pleased your own thoughts aligned with this post too. And I hope that your WP problems are sorting themselves out and your are now able to navigate around more with out so much stress…. Move over atoms!… Tom is Back 🙂
      Hope your week is a good one 🙂 Sue



  17. ruchira
    Jul 31, 2013 @ 01:28:26

    Agree with ya, Sue.

    News can be very gripping. Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

    Happy Tuesday!



  18. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jul 31, 2013 @ 05:53:37

    I got shivers with the video’s thoughts….
    you always bring the positive out of the most negative
    I do not watch TV…I turn it on for Zoro my parrot,
    when I walk by I always want to throw it out the window….
    lately I just stay in the shadows within my space….I figure if all I can do
    is want to throw something, it won’t accomplish much…just another mess to clean up and we have enough….
    a wonderful post Sue…but then it always is….( what was glowing on his table in the video, I get seeing a blue starlike energy that glowed…just curious as usual)
    Take Care…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2013 @ 14:02:30

      Now you have me curious Maryrose as I need to look again at the video… smiling at your TV for your parrot I take it he likes the TV to watch! rather than music to listen too….. So pleased you enjoyed the post 🙂



  19. penpusherpen
    Aug 01, 2013 @ 11:53:11

    I haven’t sat and watched the News for ages Sue, for as you say, even though we’re both conscious of the outside World and it’s happenings, for there’s no way to be completely be cut off nowadays, I will not be bombarded by the choice of the News Editors as to what we’re shown. I’ve watched Dr Brian Cox’s programmes and fully enjoyed his open enthusiasm for his subject and the way he explains things, I hope we can all press the ‘reset’ button before we’re all dragged down by the negativity which seems to be surrounding us at the moment. Choice is the word we need, choice to be and do what we feel is right in our hearts. Love and light my friend. xPenx



  20. shreejacob
    Aug 01, 2013 @ 13:19:13

    Loved this post…I get what you mean. Don’t watch the news, don’t read the newspapers, skip through all the FB posts that are political and the like…but once in a while when I *do* pause…I regret it 😛

    The Hindu yogis believed that there are 4 great phases before a new cycle begins..I can’t remember what each is called except for the last, The Time of Kali..and we have been at the tail end of it since years ago…

    I sometimes wonder…how would we go on…what if the earth just collapses with all the atrocities that we do to ourselves…it makes my mind kinda freeze up!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2013 @ 11:32:28

      Well one thing Shree, I know that Nature will survive, we may not!.. But this world hasnt been here for Billions of years without these cycles coming and going, for its part of evolution.. We too are on our pathway as we evolve as a species,, And I would think we are perhaps in the embryo stage as far as our enlightened ways are concerned.. with MUCH more still to learn as we evolve and progress throughout the Cosmos.. Earth I feel is just one of many Schools we stop to experience in our progression back to the source.. 🙂 Thank you for your wonderful comment



  21. Valentine Logar
    Aug 01, 2013 @ 13:31:52

    Well you know me, I am a wonk (politics US and world) I always have been and this is unlikely to change much. I also to much love to try and see how history connects us to what is happening today. I think though, I am able to turn it off now and again and I am getting better at it the older I get.

    You my friend remind me how important it is to get out and connect in the real world. Thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2013 @ 11:27:14

      Bless you Val always love your honesty 🙂 and nothing wrong with how your view your world.. You tell it as you see it.. which is the truth of it.. While those in power often just tell it as they want us to hear it!… Big Difference! …. And I will be around this weekend to catch up with your own thoughts xox



  22. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 00:30:06

    ‘Be the change,’ so right Sue. The image you put forward of the reset button is such a good one. Also, on the negativity of the news – it’s well known that people with depression are told not to watch the news as it is so harmful to their mental health. I do think we need to see what is going on in the world and feel the sadness of peoples’ plight but this is quite different from being depressed by it and feeling hopeless and thinking that we can’t affect anything (the voyeristic style of news media seems, to me, to encourage this hopelessnes in us.). We need to see more balanced news, I think, which shows a much more accurate picture of the good that many are doing. I think this would then inspire more to follow this path rather than feel defeated and negative. Love to you Sue and thanks for your excellent post. I hope the weekend is a good one for you. Much love xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2013 @ 11:20:06

      Yes ‘Bad for our mental health’ and often I feel thats why we are so bombarded with more of the same….. I SO agree with you we DO need a more balanced view of the GOOD NEWS of the World.. not just the negative all the time .. Thank you for your well wishes Ruth.. I hope you too enjoy your weekend …I know I am going to chill.. and probably do more knitting. 🙂



  23. Sabina Brave
    Aug 02, 2013 @ 16:52:37

    It’s true, that all changes we should start from ourselves…



  24. lscotthoughts
    Aug 03, 2013 @ 17:39:04

    Great post, Sue…I don’t watch the news anymore, in fact, I watch very little t.v. because I’m either working, taking care of the house, walking Copper, spending time with family, then of course, blogging and writing! 🙂 I don’t watch it for the reasons you stated. It’s not that I don’t want to know what’s going on, but my hubby will clue me in on important stuff. He likes to keep up with it, but tries not to focus on the bad stuff. We need to try to keep peace within ourselves and try to stay positive in the midst of the chaos surrounding us in this world…sending much love and peace your way…xx



  25. Shakti Ghosal
    Aug 04, 2013 @ 11:02:55

    Yes Sue, the choice is ours. Whether to see the glass half empty or half full. But is that where it all ends? Just by gaining the consciousness that we need the positives in our circumstances only supports us. But what about all the negativity around.? What are we doing to stop folks from wallowing in that? What responsibility are we willing to take to spread the message of positivity? What could we do to bring in positivity amongst the less fortunate?

    The day we start gaining answers to these questions is the day when you and I can shout from the rooftops, ” I am Legend”. Not before……





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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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