So Where Do we go from here?

The Planet is in our Hands

So, where do we go from here?

Quiet simply the world is in our hands.. Its all about our choices, not our neighbours or our governments, Its about the choices We make which make a difference.

My own thoughts are that we have to start and embrace a simpler way of living, we have to stop ‘Wanting’ all the time.. We Want what is ‘best for our children’, We want the ‘best Money can Buy’ We Want the ‘Best Education’ We Want the ‘Best Health Care’.. We Want ‘Peace’ We Want ‘Better Lifestyles’  We Want ‘our Freedom’! We want! Want! and Want! .And yet none of these are relevant if we haven’t the Planet on which to live and enjoy these Wants..  

I don’t propose we go back to primitive lifestyles, But we need to look at all the waste  products we create, What we buy, how we recycle. What foods we Eat. 

We can no longer bury our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away..We all need to rethink the way we each live our lives.. We are going to all have to take stock about what we Want for our future generations to come, and we are all of us in the future are going to have to adjust to living simpler life styles as the changes on our planet take effect. 

Our World is Changing before our eyes, we are all of us witnessing the ‘Shift’ in our awareness as we link into the mass consciousness of like minded thinking..

But how do we Change?

Where do we go from here to create these changes?

We need to start thinking differently about ourselves, we need to start and Live Consciously within our daily lives.. Those choices we make every day- We the consumer have impact in our societies,and we impact globally..  Its already happening Here  and Here it starts small, but its happening.

How many of us have seen our communities die as Big supermarkets come to town,.. We all want to buy cheapest, but at what cost.. Did you really look at your labels and did you support your local community? Do we really think about recycling  the paper and plastic we buy and throw away? What ways are we helping our environment and local communities? Did you look around your own Towns lately and see just how many boarded up shops are on the high street?   

I was so pleased with the responses from my last post The Domino Effect and all the comments. This post broke my record of the most likes in one day of 40 likes, and the comments were remarkable..

I want to share some of those comments here with you…

Livingsimplyfree Said—-….”If each of us took a stand for what we really believe in, staying true to our values, as I am trying to do I think we could make huge changes that the government and those corporations would have to listen to. For instance, my local grocer has listened to us ask for local and organic foods. During our growing season you will find the vast majority of the produce section set out with the signs telling you exactly which farm (and location) the food came from. That’s a huge difference from past years. I will only buy what I need from the local farmers in the store when available. That’s staying true to my values.

Duma Key  Said…………“The system is fundamentally flawed and the links are missing, the whole thing set out to provide and protect as become so lost, that it no longer knows what it is.
Its crazy that in this day and age, people struggle to feed their families, struggle to heat there homes….and yet day by day we churn out more and more rubbish that we don’t need………..”

DavidTenn Said ….” This internal change is only the start and once we have changed ourselves the world will begin to follow. As you say Sue when 100 of us monkeys come together in like mind Wow! Watch out world! Here we come.”

beverley Said … “There is so much noise in the world today that too many people do no feel or hear the rhythm of life that is going on all around us……………”

penpusherpen Said…..  “the choice is definitely ours, Sue, and some days it’s hits you like a smack in the face that things are not right, will never be right ’til we all face up to our responsibilities…….”

Bodhirose Said…… “I hardly pay attention to the news and media blitzes any more because what you place your attention on is what will expand in your consciousness. I’ve realized that I need only be the best that I can be..the most positive in my own life and that will trickle out by that domino effect and reach out into the world. I believe every vibration that we emit goes onward and outward into infinity. That’s all and the best I can do……………”

andrewmstevenson said…..  “………………It is possible, if desired, to live a simpler life. We lack only the will. I do believe there is a shift globally to put the future in more capable hands: our own!…..”

These are just some of a few selected comments, you can read them all in full and my replies on my Post. So what do we do and Where do we go from here? Have you  even stopped to think about it and see ways in which you too can help change our environment and ways of living with recycling and creating ways to make your earnings go further? I know many out there are now sharing ways in which they are doing just that.

As you know I am a great advocate of our Minds over Matter, and our thoughts DO have a huge impact as we send out our vibrations into the world.. I resonated deeply with Bodhirose’s comment in what we place our attention on it will expand in consciousness..

If we Fear the changes we see taking place as the Crisis’s seemingly escalate around our world then Fear is what we will draw to us and chaos will reign .. But if we embrace these changes and do things in our own lives to help sustain and benefit not only our own lives but our local communities we are sending out a ripple to open up our hearts to each other..

We need now to stop fearing and start once again to trusting in each other, instead we huddle in our homes, locking doors behind us, no longer do we even know our neighbours, We need now to pull together..

That is why sometimes it takes a disaster in our lives to bring the community together again.. Lets not wait for a disaster to do that.. But reach out with your hearts now…. Even a Smile to a stranger is a start..

Its the intent that you send out with your minds that ripple out into that domino effect.. Let them be positive and full of love….

So My Question is.. Where Do We Go from Here?

And I would love to hear your Answers..



101 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Visionkeeper
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 12:20:05

    Amen to all you you said DW…Great post my friend. When I am dealing with a problem, I like to break it down and take it all the way back the source that is shared by everything surrounding the problem. I think if you take everything we are doing wrong back to the source you come up against one major thing: “Disconnection from life”….A lot of it is Governments fault, but a great deal of it is our fault as well! Interacting with our lives on a daily basis became too much of a task for us as we grew lazy. If one is disconnected, one has lost their awareness as well. Without awareness we are totally unaware of the consequences of our actions. It is time for the world to plug itself back into source and wake up! Thanks for this post DW…Thankfully I think we are heading in that direction, it is just painfully slow right now…Hang in there friend….Blessings and love…VK



  2. cat
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 12:27:46

    Travelling around Amsterdam at the moment, my friend … Just read your article in this lovely internet café … and got stuck when you mentioned not to go back to “primitive lifestyles” … I wish you would elaborate on that … I live off my own piece of land and raise my own cattle in Canada … make my own cheese … bake my own bread … even make my own moonshine … I really do not know what you mean by “primitive” …



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2013 @ 12:45:41

      How lovely Cat you caught me post in Amsterdam… I mean my Not going back to the primitive as in we are now within a technological age, and within this age we have many wonderful life-saving technologies and gadgets that I would not like to see disappear.. I mean to think as you have done in sustaining ourselves and living in harmony within the land.. Growing our own food again, and like you are doing their own livestock etc..
      Im using technology right now.. in communicating devices.. And those things we have progressed with..

      But I also feel we have taken a step backwards in regards to how we see each other..We now no longer trust each other.. We live in Fear of each other.. Our neighbourhoods are no longer safe places for us to walk the streets at nights.. And we have used technology to help create those fears..

      The Media thrives upon violence, our Film industry thrives upon Violence, The News both on TV and in our Papers.. Thrive upon Violence…….

      We are all so trapped in our ‘THINKING’ we take it as norm and just accept now the violence we see and we no longer are shocked by it or appalled. We just shrug our shoulders and say that’s life!

      I just think Cat that we can make our lives much more richer when we stop thinking we Need THINGS…. and embrace a more wholesome way of being by nurturing ourselves and our families and living within our means and not thinking we NEED to keep up with our neighbours or the latest fashion trends or the latest gadgets etc.. Thats what I meant … We can all live with much less, but we do not have to go back to bare basics .. if that makes sense ?



  3. andrewmstevenson
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 12:50:58

    Thank you Sue, for your vital message.
    So often crises occur because of failure to engage in dialogue, at the most important level: family and friends. I do not think Nation Governments are ‘switched on’ enough to see the event before it becomes critical. We must be the eyes and ears to the environmental threat from commerce, others with no concern for what they do.
    We are more than capable when we come together to address most of what nature can through at us.Now is the time to stop Us from harming nature any more than we have. If politics is not up to the job, then we Must step in at the local level, everywhere. And it starts with each and everyone of us. We don’t need that ‘essential’ kit we promised ourselves. I’ll buy local, support petitions. Shout out loud till it hurts “Do something!”
    You have my love and gratitude for bringing these issues to light.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2013 @ 13:00:07

      Thank you Andrew for your support, and I see so many now who are altering their way of being… Here in the UK in recent weeks a big scare on Fast food products and what was put in them has led many I am sure to look at just what they ingest and although we have all of us bought convenience foods it shows us we really have no idea what we are eating.. if the the Big companies are not aware as to what is in their products..
      This goes without saying all the preservatives and additives which are added some which in some countries have been banned for health reasons and yet here still many products contain them..
      I bake most my own bread, and buy fresh produce but we grow much of our own and freeze it..
      I am also pleased to say that Allotments now have waiting lists for people who are wanting to grow their own..
      A change is happening in our thinking and we are all of us contributing to those changes with those small choices… The choice is always ours to make.. 🙂 Thank you ~Sue



      • andrewmstevenson
        Mar 06, 2013 @ 14:16:15

        It’s good to grow your own, Sue, I know.We produce as much as we can in my earth sheltered passive solar greenhouse(made from scrap) and allotment.We have half of one,but have made the fullest use of it.Sadly, on our own site,many who have waited years for one,then realise,well, It’s full of Weeds! And they give up,let it get worse and then may think about telling the council.I’m not exaggerating Sue, I’ll bet it happens on a lot of sites. We need answers to this Problem.
        Any way, what of the future community.Well here’s two I’d like to spend the rest of my days in:
        If you aren’t aware of them, I’d appreciate if you would look them over.You might want to mention them in your blog.
        Love to you, Andrew.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 06, 2013 @ 14:26:13

          We have an allotment association and they oversee the whole allotment, they are allotment keepers themselves on the site, and if they see an allotment holder not keeping their plot up to scratch, then they are warned and if you do not dig it or attempt to plant, then the allotment is taken off you..Due consideration given if allotment holder unwell for a period of time etc..
          Yes Love Findhorn and Ive saved Tamera link to look at more closely soon.. You can see our own plot in Grow Your Own Pages in the top Bar under the header.. Thank you again for your contribution ~Sue



  4. prenin
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 12:59:29

    I guess as long as Big Business runs the world, then our voices can be lost in the roar of full-on consumerism.

    I try to minimise my footprint on the world, but even so I am appalled at what I have to throw away as it can’t be recycled due to the risk of the recycling bins being set alight by our local teenagers…

    Even our recyclable bins have become targets for vandalism and fly-tipping!

    People have lost their respect for each other and now live in fear of roving gangs of teenagers who see us as prey that the law and Police are unable to protect – or even want to!

    Ten years ago I knew everyone in the block and we looked after each other.

    Today I only know Doug and Tony, Doug a parasitic alcoholic and Tony a druggy who is currently AWOL with the Police coming in to look for him…

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2013 @ 13:05:50

      Dear Prenin, you hit the nail on its head with Fear, and how once upon a time we would know everyone on our streets…
      The lack of respect is a huge problem,… and underlies a lot of the problems within our youth especially… And again the culture in which our teenager population see’s the world is through the eyes of the TV and Film industries and their Computer Games as they BLAST each other to bits with their Lazar guns.. ,, I rest my case..



  5. kp
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 13:39:20

    Great post Sue. I am sure that we all focus on different areas in our lives. For me, it has been buying energy efficient appliances for my home, buying electricity from renewable sources even though it costs more, driving a small and energy efficient car, using public transit whenever I travel long distances, recycling and composting vigorously, buying from local farmers when I can, and shopping in local shops whenever I can. If and when I move, I want to move to a smaller home that is in a walkable neighbourhood so I can do more of my errands on foot.

    I would like it if my community provided better infrastructure for bikes (i.e. bike lanes) so we could do more of our local travel by bike and if we had better public transit in southern Ontario….so these are issues I work on in my volunteer time.

    I feel sad that we have lost so many good manufacturing jobs in Canada with free trade agreements making it hard to buy goods that support our neighbours any more. It also disturbs me that many of the inexpensive goods we buy are made by people working under horrible working conditions. I am not sure how to deal with these issues…and am open to suggestions others.

    Thanks for getting us all to think and talk about these issues.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2013 @ 13:55:06

      You sound Kim you are already doing much in helping your Environment and consciously thinking about it. Yes We have put in energy efficient light bulbs, and are conscious of energy savings.. I also look at Fair-Trade labels for at least if we do buy we can look to help those who are exploited around the world get a fairer deal.



  6. Debaroon
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 14:16:05

    Exactly, we need to live it simple..stop wanting everythin n anythin….

    Great thoughts…keep inspiring…



  7. prenin
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 14:20:12

    Hi hun! 🙂

    Thanks for the visit and comment! 🙂

    Sounds pretty grim hun – we get fog sometimes and had it earlier in the year, but only for one day full-on.

    Yep, the scammers are getting smarter and the fact he was Asian allowed him to claim to be a genuine IT support worker as we get so many overseas call centres!

    When he asked me to access a third party technical support service I immediately smelt a rat and put the phone down! 😦

    Even so my paranoia kicked in and I spent 25 hours scanning my PC for fellow travellers just in case, but I was clean! 🙂

    Love and squishy hugs!




  8. Paul Handover
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 14:29:33

    Sue, your post is timely as today I published my review of Guy Mcpherson’s book Walking Away from Empire. Guy makes it clear that changes in lifestyle are too little, too late.

    We have to abandon modern life totally. Which is almost impossible for the majority of the western world. We are already in free-fall.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2013 @ 14:35:59

      Hi Paul I have alot of posts in which to catch up on my friend.. Sounds like someone who knows what he is talking about..
      I am sure we are in free-fall Paul, but lets hope we can cushion our landing and make it less painful… If we are aware now and can adjust our life-styles accordingly then when the crunch comes it will not be such a bitter pill to swallow..
      I will be over to take a look,
      And don’t you think it wonderful how synchronisity is working and how many now are coming together SEEing the changes and realising We ALL of us have to alter our ways.. I find it fascinating how we are becoming of like minded thoughts joining to together 🙂
      Many thanks for adding your thoughts Paul



  9. Eddie Two Hawks
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 15:36:42

    In answering to your question… I would personally love to some how create a more positive relationship with my immediate neighbors. The ones living on the one side of me thinks I’m a “spy” for the owner of the house they are renting. They have almost never talk to me in the 3 years of living there and avoid me if possible. I told the ower I won’t spy for him and could care less what they do but this has not changed things….this might be an impossible task!
    Some things will just have to work themselves out in there own time…



  10. David Tenneson
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 16:03:02

    Having read the comments to your great post Sue there seems to be a lot of losing heart and blaming of government and the big corporations. Can I take this small space to ask all not to lose heart, but to concentrate on what we all want and also sending love and understanding to those who still do not understand. Think about what heals and not what hurts! Love, David



  11. Cat Forsley
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 16:27:12

    amazing 🙂 yes it’s up to us – as individuals and United 🙂 all for one – one for all 🙂 love the hand with the TREE 🙂 XO



  12. natswans
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 17:01:04

    We need to change simple I would go for that, health happiness each of us are nothing without it. A skylark high in the sky so beautiful and in tune. This for one made my day , if all of us could enjoy and understand the beauty around us Sue.
    Enjoy your week.
    Hugs Sheila x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2013 @ 19:51:03

      Hi Sheila, good to see you here, and yes nothing like Nature and getting in tune with it. Nothing beats it.. I love Sky-larks Sheila and their song as the soar higher and higher.. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder…..Enjoy your week too my friend.. xox Love Sue



  13. beverley
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 17:07:37

    You are right it begins with thought. We need to start thinking about ourselves differently because thought brings action and then we need to live in a way that is pleasing unto us and accept that not all people will be happy with it and that sometimes it will just be tough.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2013 @ 20:08:46

      Very true words spoken here Beverley, often we are pressured by others, and we are so often afraid of speaking up and speaking our minds in fear of what others may or may not think of us.. Being True to ourselves is often fraught with obstacles and sometimes it can be tough. But sometimes we need to put our thoughts out there because as you rightly say our Thoughts Create. and Action is needed in so many area’s of wrongs in our world.. Thank you for adding your thoughts 🙂



  14. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 20:53:50

    I was looking at all of the boarded up shops on the high street the other day, Sue, and found myself thinking of maybe incorporating it into a post… and here you have already done it! We can’t carry on down the same pathway we are going, can we?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2013 @ 20:13:16

      Hi Tom, Yes so many empty shops in every town and city. No the writing is on the wall and we really have got to open our eyes and see what is going on in this world.. Thank you for adding your thoughts



  15. John Hayden
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 23:08:25

    Reblogged this on WORK IN PROGRESS and commented:
    Sue Dreamwalker is on a roll. Every one of her recent posts has been an inspiration to look at our lives and change. Simplicity, food, environmental awareness. — John



  16. giselzitrone
    Mar 06, 2013 @ 23:23:46

    Hallo liebe Sue noch ein lieber Gruß zur späten Stunde aber so konnte ich deinen Bericht in Ruhe lesen,ein schöner Bericht,ja die Regierung macht schon was mit uns.Bist du den mit deinen Karten schon was weiter,es ist viel viel Arbeit aber wenn er fertig ist wird du ihn lieben.Ich wünsche dir Morgen einen schönen Tag,und das bei euch bald besseres Wetter kommt.Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  17. dave
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 00:36:57

    Proposing is easy, doing is another matter. There are many trying who do not write about it just do it. The idea you can shake off the greed that perpetuates the luxurious lives we live with computers, pads and telephones is beyond understanding of most!
    Having more than enough is now normal so recent deprivations or coming loss of basics like electricity are to be a shock to many.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2013 @ 17:55:43

      I propose only we take a look dave at the choices we each make.. each of us live in a material world, I am using those same gadgets as you, this world is what we have made it, by our choices and actions we have created the present world with all its wonders and all its faults..

      But this world can not carry on in the same vein as it has done, because we can not sustain the amount of pollution and destruction to our planet and animal kingdom..

      The Signs are there for us to see, but many can not because they do not see the ‘Real’ world, they only see the consumerism of their ‘wants’.. Their need for more.. and the Big corporations are consumed by it.. Greed for more profit.. And the people are being pulled into this pool where-by getting into debt is a means to have now and pay later.. Advertisements for instant pay-day loans and extortionate interest rates which people who take out those kinds of loans often find themselves caught in a downward trap of more poverty..People are sucked into thinking they are being helped and yet they are being exploited even more..

      I write about it dave because this is a blog .. But I also DO… and yes in the not to distant future alternatives of Electricity will need to be found.And yes there will be black-outs. But there are many alternatives already here.. Cheaper alternatives, which we all could tap into.. But its the few Big corporations who keep control because its not about providing cheaper alternatives, its about making Huge amounts of profit



  18. livingsimplyfree
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 00:46:00

    Simple is the only way to try to hold on to what is left. I can’t agree more with your list of wants but outside of wanting free health care, the majority are within our power to have. Peace, it starts with getting to know each other and having tolerance for our differences. If we want it we can make it at least in our little corners. When it came to what was lacking in my children’s education I supplemented it. I got involved with the school with volunteering in the classrooms and working on the PTO. Later I home schooled them.

    When it comes to corporations having the power, I say we take it away from them. My daughter-in-law mentioned today her daughter asked what she wanted for her birthday, next week, she told her a necklace. She figured her husband could take her to the local Walmart to find one. I asked her if she ever went into the local jeweler. She had forgotten about that store. It’s locally-owned by a resident who shops auctions and then sells what he finds. He has some unusual items, but so many beautiful things. We can’t tell people to shop the locally owned stores, but we can remind them they are there. We do have the power if we want to take it.



  19. livingsimplyfree
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 00:48:44

    I forgot to mention, I loved the video on growing food all over town. What a great idea. I can just see people strolling through town stopping to pick something to eat.



  20. Jo Bryant
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 09:32:56

    i wish I knew…all I know is what i can do and hope that others also think about these things



  21. Valentine Logar
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 11:24:32

    I think Sue it is striking the balance we have failed to do. When we hear one thing, we think another. Certainly the problem exists in the US today, when we hear for example investing in sustainable energy source we think, giving up our cars and our heat and our air conditioning. We also think, more taxes and higher prices.

    Keeping in mind, prices are already terribly high. Many people can’t afford their cars, their home heating bills and certainly not their air conditioning. This is just one example.

    When I say, I never step foot in Wal-Mart. People ask why and I tell them, then I tell them where I find all my great and fun stuff (all local). I carry business cards from a number of local stores and markets in my purse all the time.

    When someone like me says de-criminalize industrial hemp, replace all petroleum based products or at least 90% of them. People think, you just want to smoke dope. No, I want to replace plastic and paper products. I want to stop filling landfills. The problem? Big business doesn’t want this to happen and we don’t have enough educated people.

    There are so many things we could do right now. We don’t do them because we don’t know enough.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2013 @ 16:51:15

      You are so right, Val, so many get the wrong Idea about hemp and the only reason in my own opinion that is was made an illegal substance is because of its value in so many other things, not only in healing and pain-relief, but you can make so many products from it and cheaply too… But its the Big boys at the top all the time and its all about their profit margins nothing else.. as is the big pharmaceutical industries its not just about healing its about getting hooked and one pill means you take two more to stop the side effects..

      I think that Major changes will have to occur in such a way we will have to restructure our way of living, and eventually the local markets will come back into their own, because there will no longer be any business’s out there or jobs, so local communities will be pooling their resources and skills and food…



  22. CMSmith
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 14:14:14

    I admire the way you post about and follow your passion for a better world. I sadly, may be one of the people you are trying to get moving. There are so many things to concern ourselves with in this life, so many wrongs to be righted, it all can become overwhelming at times. Right now I’m just trying to take one day at a time and keep moving forward.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 23, 2013 @ 13:45:46

      Christine I think you have more than enough to think about at this time.. Just sending you a big Hug your way and apologies only just saw this unanswered comment You have my thoughts and thank you for taking the time to contribute here 🙂 Sue



  23. penpusherpen
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 16:32:04

    and therein lies the million dollar question Sue, where do we go from here?… With Governments paying lip service to being green and setting targets which local councils try to meet. I think a rule that manufacturers should only use recyclable plastics for packaging, so we know for sure that ALL plastics can go into the Green Bin,.. This changing rule depending which area you live is laughable, ‘n no wonder some don’t bother to sort out their rubbish correctly. How many of us have polystyrene mountains growing in the shed?.. I’ve typed my fingers sore trying to find internet suggestions for ways of using it… We’re a throw away society, and I hang my head in shame whenever I need to replace an old ‘friend’ who’s coughed their last, (my old microwave for one, many a time he’s heated my sleepless night cup of milk,… and kept me company!! 😉 ) … The future pays for all the litter dropped, the plastic thrown, Fridge’s replaced, ad infinitum as the list has grown… Cooking Oil (from fish shops etc…) is a case in point, I heard of a project where it could be used as car fuel… (what a great smell too, as the car travels along with a fishy/chip aroma instead of petrol/diesel!!) … We can all do our best, and keep trying to do better methinks… (I remember that comment so often in my school reports,,.)… Great thought provoking post again my friend. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2013 @ 17:09:31

      In the ‘old days’ Pen when I first got married there was no such thing as throw it away.. When a kettle stopped working we bought a new element, In fact most electrical goods you could get repaired and replacement parts.You bought which you didn’t need to be Houdini to get through all the vacuum packed plastic outer-layers before you could get to your item..

      Now-a-days they make them goods so they don’t last and no one thinks of getting things repaired as the repair job can cost more than a new item. We are a throw away society … Now Cooking Oil is being used by some I believe in helping car fuel go further.. There are many alternatives out there to be explored to both save on energy and our environment.. But then it is often made illegal 🙂

      But its like the Energy Bills at the moment Sky high and then even today I heard one party of government saying they wanted to take the Winter fuel allowances off pensioners…Talking of means testing!… Their increase in income has already been swallowed up 10 fold in the increases of Energy bills… The problem is that those who are in these main corporations are making Billions of profit, and yet they are still putting their prices up at higher than inflation rates. saying they are reinvesting.. They have been saying that for years and still we the consumer are paying through the nose and still the profits soar…. I could go on and on and on dear Pen, but you are right we are all just doing our best but could do alot better 🙂



  24. gingerfightback
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 17:35:22

    Spot on Sue – simplicity is happiness is peace.



  25. chicasl10
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 18:00:07

    Most of the things we cant choose.Others do for us. Its not in our hands.Other ppl decide what we get and what we will have next years. We can do our best to make the world better and the things we can choose… we have to make the best choice
    Thats why we can do small things. and thats whats important
    be well



  26. becca givens
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 22:39:30

    Sue — in your most loving way – you gives us serious ponder material … thank you for doing so!! You are a beacon of inspiration and calm!! xoxo becca



  27. dreamingthruthetwilight
    Mar 08, 2013 @ 15:12:23

    Recycling used to be so much a a part of life in India. It still is in the villages and perforce in the weaker sections of society. But the upwardly mobile middle class have got entrenched in the use and throw -away culture. We cannot keep shifting the onus to the Govt. or to the system. The main culprit is our pattern of consumerism. I use kitchen towels that I keep washing ;my daughter uses quite a lot of cleaning tissues. For babies we used to have re-usable cloth it’s an endless heap of not easily degradable diapers. Bottles that jams or pickles came in used to be washed and reused to store something. Now they are just thrown away. Everything finally adds up , isn’t it? Yes we have to make personal choices of using less resources, less electricity ,less water. The future generations are otherwise going to have it really bad and they will hold our waywardness responsible for their plight. As usual thought -provoking post Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2013 @ 17:19:27

      Nadira, I so agree with you, so many items we throw away, so much packaging we do not need, I too only used cloth nappies for both my children, I use kitchen cloth towels…and even today we pickle and we do wash out jam jars and re-use them etc.. There are many things we can do, and yet the whole system today is set up to throw it away…. I pity our future generations Nadira and what mess they will be left to clear up after us, if that is we leave them a planet suitable for habitation to live on in the future!

      Many thanks for taking time to comment 🙂



  28. Red
    Mar 08, 2013 @ 18:47:52

    Up. One person at a time, we have to join hands and hearts to educate in the ways of sustainable living and stop raping our planet. She provides more than we need and more than we should ever want.
    Excellent, thought-provoking call to action, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2013 @ 17:23:01

      Red thank you, and that is my hope that more and more can join in hearts and see a new way of living in harmony with our earth and sustaining ourselves so that we all are provided for, not the haves and have-nots.. We all of us will soon enough be addressing these issues if we do not stop and think where our future is taking us. Big Hugs ~Sue



  29. Sabina Brave
    Mar 09, 2013 @ 12:22:28

    Hello Sue.
    I agree, that all changes should start within us. I noticed interesting thing – since I learned to ‘want’ less I get more. And for sure I am more peaceful. Still long way before me, but it’s worthy hard work.
    Thank you for your thoughfull posts always, and for reminding, what matters the most in life.
    Love, and hugs,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2013 @ 17:26:45

      Sabina, starting from within- and yes the less we want the less wanting we require.. The Universe often gives us that which we need, and if we are constantly ‘wanting’ it gives us exactly that.. Wanting… Letting go of want allows the flow of energy to come into our lives meaning abundance can then start to flow for you no longer are in want.. 🙂 Happy you are here Sabina… Enjoy your weekend my friend Sue



  30. Kenny2dogs
    Mar 09, 2013 @ 18:32:07

    “Wanting”, Sounds to me precisely the desire of man that Nature instilled in him. Nothing we do or say can destroy mans wants, for without them man can not keep evolving as a species. These desires are inbuilt within our genetic makeup. Yes anyone wishing to become a monk or a hermit is fine by me. But for all of Humanity to forego their desire to “want” perplexes me.
    Peace love and happiness is all I WANT.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2013 @ 14:11:52

      Hi Kenny I agree with evolution , But its the cost of his ‘wanting’ and mainly in today’s world it isn’t just about wanting to progress, its all about Wanting Profit . We are not just satisfied with enough.. We Want More.. that’s the problem.

      We no longer share with each other… We Want and we Get and then we Throw it away and want and get some more..And tough if you are the have nots because you’re not getting any of mine.. Thats the society we live in..

      We have forgotten about balance and have lost our way in our greed for ‘Things’ which when you add them all up are worthless unless we have our health and our environment in which to live and experience them.

      Peace is what many a leader of a country says he/she wants and yet Peace is still being sort and fought for… Why is that? Peace doesn’t create profit… War does..



  31. Alex Jones
    Mar 10, 2013 @ 11:30:28

    Change starts with self, then family and then community. Beyond community the world can look after itself. Choice is beautiful and should be protected.



  32. lorrena
    Mar 10, 2013 @ 17:07:48

    There is “Free Will” and there is those who “Determine” where they go,To those who understand the “Predestiny” of it all.Those who will within the great will of humanity .They will find that the truth has never been further then a heartbeat away and they will not determine an outcome,they will simply let it flow as it should be.
    Free Will is accepting yourself and accepting it was all written before .consciousness is separate from time,space and this material world.Thankyou my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2013 @ 14:19:23

      I am sure Lorrena, that pre-destiny has ordained the future and our souls have played their parts using our Free Will to determine the journey we each encounter. I pray that our collective thoughts help shape the consciousness into a more balanced future filled with harmony and peace..
      Namaste my dear Lorrena..



  33. Christy Birmingham
    Mar 11, 2013 @ 03:18:51

    Change begins with each one of us. Many people think that it’s the job of someone else but I agree with you that we each have to take responsibility for our actions. I am recycling and walking more and oh yes spreading kindness whenever I can. Sending hugs and thank-you for the wonderful work you do here on this site xx



  34. Shakti Ghosal
    Mar 11, 2013 @ 09:21:15

    Hi Sue,

    Just got back from travelling in the cold climes of Germany and UK and hence the delay in my responding here. Did I miss much? But there is always this trade-off in life, is there not? As I remained away from WordPress and the lovely inspirations that meander here, I gained some unique perspectives while observing and musing on my own.

    As I read this post and sift through all the great comments, I wonder if it really is about what we want. What is it really that makes us want all that we want? You say ( and rightly so) that We Want what is ‘best for our children’, We want the ‘best Money can Buy’ We Want the ‘Best Education’ We Want the ‘Best Health Care’……. What is really at the core of our wanting this “best” aspect in everything? What is it that does not allow us to settle for the second best option available even though it may perfectly satisfy our needs? Could it be that this really has nothing about our needs or wants but all about our need to WIN versus the rest?

    You know what Sue. You have now given me a germ of an idea for my next post. So thank you for your inspiration, as always!





    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2013 @ 14:51:20

      Always glad to give You food for thought Shakti 🙂 and hope you have now thawed out from the colder climes of Europe.

      You may have a point there, we compete and again I think our instincts have been in our upbringing … To be the best.. ‘To Achieve’.. ‘Work Hard and succeed…’ to not succeed is deemed a ‘Failure’ we are so indoctrinated in our cultured upbringing to succeed..
      And yet if one were to perhaps go spend time with an undiscovered lets say an Amazon-Tribe!.. What would their aims be I wonder… It would not be on Self.. But the whole.. for they would need to rely upon each other for survival..

      We have lost that respect for the whole in favour of our pursuits of the Self as we think in separate mode from Earth and All other life forms.. And yet we are all of us interconnected.. This is why we have to change or Nature is going to give us some reminders on just who is boss and remind us all also of those Basic wants we all need.. Such as Food- Water and Shelter..

      Many thanks for your continued support Shakti and I hope you had a pleasant Trip while visiting the UK 🙂



  35. iamforchange
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 00:37:11

    A well expressed thought or two thank you Sue! You are indeed an inspiration and a creator of change! 🙂



  36. Cat Forsley
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 15:49:42

    Lots of Hugs to You Sue – from across the pond with a Huge amount of sunshine 🙂 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoC



  37. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 19:35:27

    Hi Sue, I’m just catching up on my blogs! I really agree with you about wanting vs needing. It brings to mind the Queen song: ‘I want it all and I want it now.’ That seems to summarise quite a prevalent view. One of the problems is that the things people ‘want’ don’t often make them happy. It is all consumer led and ‘keeping up with the Jones,’ media hype etc. It must surely start with how we train the young amongst us? It is hard for them to run against the tide of peer pressure and not be drawn into materialism and selfishness – it is possible, though, as I know of many that manage it. I think of the school curriculum and wonder if changes there could help? So little of what I did at school really taught me about life. A lovely post Sue and thought provoking. Sending warm thoughts your way and hopefully we’ll soon be experiencing some warmer weather. Take care my friend, Ruth 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 12, 2013 @ 19:45:33

      Hi Ruth many thanks for adding your thoughts yes I agree with the wanting vs need.. The days I spent in school did at least teach us ‘Home-crafts’ and budgeting cooking, sewing, quilting, smocking, dress-making.. skills like algebra I never used and to be honest never got the point of. Thats not saying its not useful.
      But we learn from our parents, and peers and our cultural upbringing, This day and age is about technology.. but its separating families. No longer to they sit around a table to eat and meal.. They watch TV, play Video games, and have ready-meals on their laps while texting on their Iphones..

      Many thanks for your thoughts Ruth and yes the weather is bitter cold and snowy yet again.. Roll on Spring time.. You too take care Hugs Sue xxx



  38. marja
    Mar 13, 2013 @ 06:34:46

    Great post and thans for the video’s I liked the idea with the corks and showed it to my husband
    Where do we go from here? Step by step in the right direction as a ripple as you said. The earthquake has speeded up things here a bit. Suddenly we have farmers markets vegie coops, timebanking, groups of people helping each other to make a vegie gardens.
    The more people join the bigger the ripple. The young people are aware. My daughter always talks about sustainability, my son is becoming a gardener. They are the future. They will have to make revolution. We will have to. You do dreamwalker. Thums up Arohanui



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 13, 2013 @ 10:20:41

      Hi Marja, its great news that your community is pulling together this way, and that your younger generation are now becoming more aware of sustainability, its such a shame it takes disasters to make people stop and think though and become closer.. Our younger generation ARE our future Marja, and we need to be teaching them these kind of skills. Many thanks Marja for adding your thoughts… Step by step we WILL make a difference 🙂



  39. Gray Dawster
    Mar 13, 2013 @ 17:07:22

    I have been reading some of the replies
    here and this one is to you my great friend…

    You are right Sue, the utility companies are boasting high profits, no surprises there then as everyone shivers, it is an absolute disgrace that we the consumer pays these ridiculously high fuel bills, but the look at the price of petrol soaring to £1.40 per litre, I remember years ago saying that if petrol reached a pound a gallon then I would give up driving, well unfortunately we are almost hitting £7.00 per gallon now and like everyone else I am driving around wondering when it will be a tenner?

    What a crap system, though the rich can always afford it so who cares is their motto… You are correct, we could go on and on and on with these for instances but will it get us anywhere? NO it won’t… Once the technology for wind farms and the like have been fully explored we will be still paying through the nose and they will be blaming it on something else, it is a vicious circle my great friend 😦 xxx

    Hey have a nice evening and turn up
    the heat it’s freezing tonight 😦 Brrrrrrrr



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 13, 2013 @ 20:40:37

      Yes I know only too well the costs are spiralling, putting in petrol to get around in my job.. and no allowances either.. but while ever we keep paying the costs they will keep soaring! We do have the power to change things, but the ripples need to spread outward.. Unity! … But then again we have become passive in these things almost zombie like L0L. Maybe its something in our water!Eh!.. Many thanks for your comment 🙂



  40. Colleen Costello
    Mar 15, 2013 @ 13:11:24

    Your writings are wonderful Sue! We have separated and strayed from the sacred way. We must come back together in compassion, love and honour so we may heal Mother Earth Gaia and each other and it is here we can learn to value oneness, instead of separation and fear, and help towards peace. Look forward to talking soon



  41. intuitivejuliemarie
    Mar 15, 2013 @ 16:41:36

    The energy is definitely out there. We have but to activate it with our intention. I am paring down my world and moving towards simplicity even as I write this. I came here to visit after catching your comment to my post this morning. I felt the urge to write today, but haven’t had copious amounts of spare time to surf the waves in the blogosphere due to the aforementioned paring down. I pop in here, and find you are talking about the same thing I was pondering this day. No surprise there.
    Imagine my delight at seeing the tsunami of consciousness that is carrying this beautiful world to Her Truth, Her Lightbody…
    Thank you so much, Sue, for your continued support. I stand with you and your Dream, and will continue to do my utmost best to bring that collective vision forward.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 15, 2013 @ 16:57:34

      Yes Julie more and more are uniting together and opening their eyes to the ‘Truth’ and Nature is speaking to many. And many now are speaking out and realising it is up to us to form that collective Vision .. 🙂 Thank you for dropping by and leaving your thoughts



  42. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Mar 17, 2013 @ 01:46:20

    Hope, Sue. I have only hope. Not much more, in this. Money means so much, to many.



  43. rastelly
    Mar 17, 2013 @ 02:06:32

    Everything is louder – did you know that birds and animals in urban areas have started to raise their voices as well! We are actually causing the birds to sing
    louder. Nature is iltterally yelling at us – it would be funny if it wasen’t true.

    I actually believe that tecknology will help us win – with all this power – once you
    put a man on the moon you are no longer allowed to say impossible.

    Be careful with the locally produced food though – sometimes certin fruits and vegitables are forced to grow where they are not native.

    If you insist on having oranges but live in a desert, it is actually easier on the earth to import them from areas with better water reserves.

    You probably think farmers would know better – I did – but all buisiness owners understand is demand – not why your demanding something just that you are-



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 18:36:28

      You have brought something here Rastelly something I was unaware of, as to the Song of our birds becoming ever louder.. which again shows how we are all interconnected in having an affect upon each other… I do not think I will have a problem with oranges in the UK climate.. LOL.. But you are so right.. Many are forcing things which are un-natural such as the GMO produce ..



      • rastelly
        Mar 18, 2013 @ 19:34:45

        Nevada recently had to ban the farming of Almonds,
        because it consumed an amount of water innapproprite
        for Nevada’s climate. Certin exotic fruits have to be
        greenhoused in colder climates.

        I also wish seafood lovers woulden’t be so species
        specific. I’m tired of seeing the same tuna and salmon and cod and mackeral . . . there are lots of viable sustainable fish – not that tuna and such is in trouble –
        but when the whole world wants tuna and tuna only –
        there could be a problem . . .



  44. Teira Naahi
    Mar 17, 2013 @ 21:13:01

    We Go Forever Forward Wisdom Not Force…



  45. coastalcrone
    Mar 17, 2013 @ 23:26:49

    Excellent post! I am trying to simplify my life by wanting less. Peace is important!



  46. Angelwings6
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 03:52:55

    Sorry I’ve been missing your posts Sue, But I’ve finally had my much needed surgery and yes I’ve been cured and am now well again, They are thinking of fixing my Hernia now as from the accident five years ago a large portion of my stomach is between my lungs and it causes breathing problems for me,,,So I may go on to have further surgery..
    Yes! I do agree with what you have written here we do need to take better care of our planet and not to just take and take from our planets resources in harmful ways.. I’m glad you are so caring Sue and I tell you the Government here in New Zealand doesn’t really care about the planet etc, and I think that is very much a global problem with the Governments world wide, money, money that’s what’s on their minds… Take Care Sue and keep caring…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 18:53:40

      Hi Lady J I am just so pleased you are recovering and your surgery was a success.. Thank you for your comment and I hope that you can find relief from your other problem to help ease your discomfort.. And I agree with your last paragraph totally.. Hugs Sue



  47. morristownmemos by Ronnie Hammer
    Mar 23, 2013 @ 01:37:40

    Advertisements create the ideas of “needing” from childhood on. The best advice I received at our wedding came from my father-in-law, who told us never to go into debt. There were no such things as credit cards back then. That made it easier.

    Why do fashions change so quickly? One year hems are long, the next they’re short. Shoes have pointy toes and next year they’re round. There’s the handbag of the year that people pay and pay, and get onto waiting lists to buy. Fickle, spoiled and senseless values. We all could go on and on, but I have no idea how to join together and fight these forces that create feelings of need when there is no such need.

    Tell us, oh, guru; what should we do?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 23, 2013 @ 13:14:07

      Not to get caught up in the treads and adverts is one.. Ask yourself as you yearn for the latest fashion accessory or latest gadget.. ” Do I need it!?” Ask yourself have I enough clothes already? Ask yourself can I manage without.. Ask yourself whose pocket am I lining? Ask yourself am I contributing to saving energy? Am I contributing to the environment? What substances are your items you buy made of.. is it plastic, will it recycle, or is it polluting… Every think we do in our own immediate lives contribute to the whole.. I am no Guru.. and would never profess to be one, as I am a great believer in we should all of us make our own choices..

      millions of people are so unaware of how their very choices are affecting our environment and our health…. take Fast Foods for one.. very convenient for the busy working mum.. But take a closer look, Look at the amounts of Fat and Salt and E.Numbers of additives which are in them, ask yourself as you look around at the obese people who are addicted to fast foods WHY? and when you really investigate you will see additives which are addictive are added.. The adverts themselves lull people into a belief system whereby they have to follow the herd and not ‘Think’ for themselves….

      We need no gurus at all in this world.. While I admire the teachings of many if I told you or anyone else what to do.. I would then be in control… and that is what is and has happened throughout History as those seeking power over others lay down rules .. Some become religious leaders others become dictators others become heads of state..

      All we each need do is look to live our lives in less fickle ways… Looking to promote the local community… thinking about the impact we each have upon Nature and each other… We just dont need half the trappings we think we do… and so we make life hard for ourselves because of our Wants.. and many get in debt through wanting now and paying later.. .. Like you when I first got married what we couldn’t afford to buy outright we went without.. and most things we bought second hand.. Unlike today.. Newly weds want everything Brand New and Now.. and get into huge debt putting extra strain on their marriages as they work like crazy and end up loosing it all in through divorce…

      ALL you need do is look at ways in which to simplify your life.. and that makes a start Ronnie… So good to chat with you And thank you for your indepth comment.. I love interaction.. 🙂



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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