Getting in Tune with Your Self

Silence of One

This Piece of writing I wrote in the middle of a sleepless night as I listened to the Silence .I have no doubts the words were inspirationally given in the early hours before Dawn, Below is what flowed from my pen….

Often we walk within libraries seeking knowledge from the pages of books. We tap into those words which seem to resonate within us as we walk upon our never ending journeys of seeking truth. The pioneers before us laying down those foundations of inspiration as they seem to have found those missing keys of which many of us still seek to unlock our own levels of understanding.

If you are one of those who are still seeking, and still piecing together those missing pieces of the puzzle of life. Now is the time to put your books down for a short while, take a break from another’s thoughts and sit in the silence of your own, and LISTEN. 

Listen not to the Mind and its ramblings, for your Ego will often take you along a false trail cluttered with debris of doubts, fear and pride. Listen instead to the Beat of your heart, and then listen to the silence between the beats. As you listen, really listen, become  then that silence, feel your blood flow through your veins, feel your pulse, feel it beating and understand we are all a beating pulse at our Earth Mother’s Heart.

Within each beat of her own living heart we vibrate within her being. We have forgotten to breathe in Mother Nature’s Magic. We have forgotten to breathe in her perfume, Listen to natures sounds and  really see her wonderful colours.

We have forgotten how to use Light and the Spectrum of colours of those beautiful rays which our Sunlight reveals to all.

Many of us do not see the Power contained within these Three Senses.

Perfume- Sound, and Colour.

How many of us have a memory stirred within a perfume, maybe its new mown grass, or roses, or the woodland. How many times can a scent evoke the memory of a loved one passed to Spirit?

Sound too with its vibration heals and soothes and lingers on long after the instruments have finished being played within the room and  it carries on playing within the corners of our minds replaying over and over again, long after the music has ceased playing.

Some Music may sound disjointed and Heavy, but even Heavy metal music has its part to play as it creates its own vibration in breaking down various mental conditions and clears a path for renewal. So too in life when we see Chaos, it all is helping clear out old patterns clearing the way for renewal, even the Ferocious Fires we are witnessing now out in Tasmania Australia as devastating as they are, nature always finds a way to regenerate and renew.

Pheonix and Change

~Out of the Ashes the Phoenix Rises~ Colours each are a vibration and like the musical notes on the scale each colour vibration works with the chakras of man’s own vibrational chart. You only need to look within our own changing aura’s to see how colours swirl and are constantly changing.  

If you could combine the colours with music you would see how each note produces its own colour vibration. Look to Nature and see her Beauty combination within the Sounds of the Ocean and the rushing of a waterfall. The Song of a Bird, and the Hum of an insect.

When we Sing we Vibrate at a Higher Level and we are all of us Energy Beings each of us held within our own level of attainment within the Physical Body

So each of us produce our own Notes, for we vibrate within our own level of Being- we produce our own individual sound/pulse/Energy. We send this Vibration out every day without even realising it. Through our Thought!. 

When a Musician tunes up his instrument prior to a performance it can sound anything but sweet as each player in the orchestra individually tunes up. And yet when all are in tune, and each understand and read the music before them what harmony they create as we listen to the masterpieces created by the Great musicians as they play as One. Have you heard of the Mozart Effect, I listen often to classical Music and for me it can transport you to another planet, to a realm of Peace.

Colourful Notes

As Individuals we have become ‘out of time’ with Nature, we have lost our Colour and forgotten the Music in our lives, We have forgotten to Sing and smell the perfume of the Roses.

This is why each of us needs to find our own Heart-Beat. And when we each learn to tune into our own Silent Vibration we then can once again resonate with the Whole.

We then become complete. No longer are we then the lone musician, we become the orchestra of Life as we join the Conscious Stream of our Harmonic Evolution.

A concert I truly need to be a part of, and one in which I need to be putting in as much practice as I can, ready for that day the Curtain Rises for the Performance of a Lifetime. So I need to pick my thought tunes carefully!

So let us all at least try to Tune our thoughts into those Higher vibrations of Being as we embrace the Positive elements around us.. Allow yourself some space as your Tune up your own Instrument within your Conscious Thoughts, Let no other influence your Thought process, but go within and seek out the Knowledge that is found within No pages of a Book.. But Dig Deep within the recesses of your heart and Feel within your True self what is right for you.. And follow not your head, but your Gut so that it may lead you to a greater understanding of

Who you are…

as your Trust in the Orchestra of Life.  

Blessings ~Sue Dreamwalker

59 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 09, 2013 @ 15:04:18

    These are excellent suggestions Dreamwalker. They are most appreciated. Thank you for helping us find our way! Eddie



  2. Cat Forsley
    Jan 09, 2013 @ 15:56:33

    I love it —————- speaks to my heart >>>>>> direct line >>>>>>> xo



  3. prenin
    Jan 09, 2013 @ 16:34:21


    I use meditation to help me handle the stresses of my illness.

    What you have written here is pretty much part of what I do to find inner peace! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




  4. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Jan 09, 2013 @ 20:01:20

    Thank you once again for your guidance, Sue. I shall sit… and listen… later this evening! 😀



  5. Visionkeeper
    Jan 09, 2013 @ 20:34:15

    Wonderful message DW….Time to reconnect with who we are…Using our heartbeat is a great way to do this. Right on! Soon I hope we will find our music and colors again. It’s time, past time actually. Thanks for your late night thoughts. That’s the best time for thoughts sometimes…Have a happy….VK



  6. rickbraveheart
    Jan 09, 2013 @ 21:33:08

    Many many thanks Sue, for bringing into the world during 2012, so many inspiring, caring and thoughtful posts that speak to the inner being within us all. I send you my best wishes for a new year filled with great joy, good health, brilliant light and enlightening dreams. “Yeha-Noha” my friend (a Navajo wish for happiness). ~ Rick Brave Heart



  7. Eclipse
    Jan 10, 2013 @ 10:02:05

    Beautiful thoughts…. I’ve always felt colours within scents and music 🙂
    Have a lovely day dear Sue!



  8. Valentine Logar
    Jan 10, 2013 @ 10:25:41

    Strange, I went to my first acupuncture session with the new person and one of the discussions we had was meditation in combination with acupuncture. You are always directly in line with my hearts thoughts.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2013 @ 19:37:13

      Hi Val I truly hope that the acupuncture is helping… I have been having acupuncture now regular like every 3 to 4 weeks for several years and whole heartedly recommend it. Combined with relaxation and meditation you will soon notice the difference 🙂



  9. cat
    Jan 10, 2013 @ 16:17:41

    I have never mastered meditation yet, and I doubt I ever will … I do not accept teachings about anything easily … but I am listening to you, my friend … I appreciate your gentleness … Always,cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2013 @ 19:43:55

      There is no right or wrong way Cat to meditate.. sitting alone within your own thoughts listening to your breath is meditation as we contemplate life..
      Listening to the Ocean or a river flowing can be meditation, and we all do it our own way Cat.. .
      Love Sue xox



  10. nyparrot
    Jan 10, 2013 @ 17:15:59

    Happy, Inspiring and Prosperous 2013 to you and your family!:-)



  11. Jo Bryant
    Jan 10, 2013 @ 19:23:39

    I love the silence Sue…for there is so much to hear within it



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2013 @ 19:54:04

      Thank you Jo, yes there is, in fact once you really listen its full of sound… 🙂 keep your own thoughts a beating my friend xox



      • Jo Bryant
        Jan 10, 2013 @ 20:05:36

        It’s funny Sue – the things you hear when you are quiet. Yesterday I heard a conversation between two objects in a window. Just by standing there and listening…hehehe. It became my Small Stone #10



  12. europasicewolf
    Jan 10, 2013 @ 21:57:34

    Very interesting…a little time out needed now to absorb and mull over the words of wisdom 🙂 xx



  13. Andro
    Jan 10, 2013 @ 21:59:27

    A wonderful posting Sue 🙂
    I can still call in and read, also
    add comments but with no
    picture 😦

    Have a lovely rest of evening 🙂

    Andro xxx



  14. Deb
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 01:25:12

    You always have such great and helpful ideas, Sue!…thank you! 🙂
    Have a great evening! 🙂 xxx



  15. Angelwings6
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 09:10:00

    I get a good vibration whenever I’m here reading your blogs Sue…



  16. giselzitrone
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 09:46:46

    Hallo liebe Sue da kann man mal sehen was so schlaflose Nächte alles bringen.Schöne Gedanken die sie schreiben und man kann so viel davon lernen Danke nochmals liebe Sue und für deine liebeFreundschaft,wieder ein schöner Bericht.Wünsche dir ein schönes glückliches weekend mit Liebe und Glück Gruß und Freundschaft Gislinde.



  17. bibuji
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 11:16:42

    When God speaks to you, He will use your own voice – thus I think recently. Celebrate we took a step to the new year together.



  18. Christy Birmingham
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 17:57:19

    I understand the Mozart Effect and also the effect of having to get up in the middle of the night to put words to paper… I think your post is eloquent and so glad you decided to share your words with us as you stepped away from sleep xx



  19. Oceanwaves
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 23:25:21

    Just reading the title of your post…..brings me much peace Sue 🙂
    Everything you write….what you write about and how you point it out so naturally.. simpley amazing hun, thankyou for that.
    Was really good to read from you, thankyou for your kind and sweet words.
    Have a great weekend Sue love
    hugs Traceyxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2013 @ 12:17:27

      Tracey I am so pleased this post brought with it a sense of Peace to you, My intention is that we can only try to share our experiences and I hope that as I continue to share my words and thoughts I can bring about that sense of Peace within others.. IF I do that with just One person, then my job is done.. Love and Hugs to yourself and I hope that you are well my friend… ~Sue



  20. simonsundarajkeun
    Jan 12, 2013 @ 04:32:47

    Reblogged this on Simon Sundaraj-Keun.



  21. lorrena
    Jan 12, 2013 @ 11:47:11

    Wonderful post and all the serendipity of a consciousness on the rise as you show my friend..I know as you see it is not about time ,space,nor the mass and material of this is the reawakening of this ancient conscious spiritual energy earth holds in concert with the Cosmos were we will begin to grow and flourish …Divide from it all as vibrations through a myriad of colors and frequency bask us and enlighten the cellular structure within..We awaken again to a brave new world and cast that which had to be aside as we regain the function of this same myriad of senses ,the essence of life.Each of us holds an instrument within and needs to begin to learn that it is all these frequencies that endear us onwards as beings .
    Namaste my friend



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2013 @ 12:57:49

      Yes my friend, we each hold that instrument… all we need do is to get in tune with it.. and Listen to our Inner Beings and understand we are all of us part of that Orchestra of Life.. Each of us an intricate part of the melody… We only need to re-awaken and understand each of our thought frequencies are playing a huge part in the Mass Consciousness of this Planet… When we find that Peace within ourselves only then will we see the Planet as a whole find that Unity of Peace… What we think we create…. and we each need to find that space within our Hearts to love and serve our fellow human BEings again…. Let it BE and so it Is…. 🙂



  22. Michelle
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 20:55:24

    Thank you, Sue. I love what flows from your pen.

    Today, I was thinking, and yesterday, how my son and I need this silence. It feels like we are alone with the decision about our dog, and it hurts. He isn’t feeling so well. I think we’ll take a drive out to talk with the man who dug the grave not long ago. He did say he would be there if we needed him. But, really, it is in silence, and some music too, that we might know we aren’t truly alone. I thought I’d share that with you.

    I like an Italian Violinist CD that my friend gave me. There’s so much noise in the mind, and then the TV, etc., Today I was trying to hear the birds and it was hard not to hear the road noise instead. One day, I hope to live where I can hear all the birds.

    Thank you for your many drumbeats and prayers you have sent my way. You are a special friend.

    I actually came by again to read the Cabbage recipe. I bought a head so hopefully, we will make it tonight.

    Sending you positive healing thoughts and energy. Hope your family all got better from the flu.

    Love, your friend,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 14, 2013 @ 12:06:25

      Bless you Michelle, I so hope that you find your answers in the silence about Tiny.. and that you feel when it the right time to act upon your thoughts .. As difficult a time this is.. Its never easy.. So my thoughts are with you Michelle..
      I hope that the recipe comes out fine .. I have to say I do love red cabbage cooked this way and it freezers well too…

      Today is a bad snow storm here in the Middle of the UK.. and I have to go to work in a couple of hours and dont come home until tomorrow, so I am hoping that it will stop snowing soon as I have a half hour drive…
      Already we have a couple of inches,
      Sending you and your Son my healing thoughts and you are all within my prayers Michelle…
      Hugs and Blessings
      Sue xox



  23. Renee Espriu
    Jan 15, 2013 @ 00:11:10

    How beautiful and how well you have written this down. I so agree and too often I am overly tired and cannot function well enough to connect to the things I love, two of which are music and nature. Tonight I will need to get more sleep as last night was filled with the pain that comes from simply living and I don’t believe that I will ever stop doing that. It will be better tonight and your writing lifts my spirit up and tired though I may be I can feel it begin to soar. Thank You!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2013 @ 10:59:26

      I so hope that your pain-levels have receded Renee, I often used to suffer those painful nights with FMS.. but since the continued acupuncture treatments ever 3 to 4 weeks over the last 3 yrs in particular the pain has been much reduced, Although I still do get muscles spasms which can be excruciatingly painful..
      I know if I over do things especially in the summer when I garden in the allotments I can pay for it, if I do not pace myself..
      Thank you for saying your spirits were lifted.. It makes my own sleepless nights of insomnia worth it as I often write when I cant sleep!
      Take care of You Renee..
      Blessings Sue xox



  24. aussieian2011
    Jan 15, 2013 @ 22:35:56

    A great writing Sue and I wholeheartedly concur with your words.
    I understand what you mean about perfume as a power for evoking a memory. Sometimes on a hot summer day when I am just relaxing, a scent slowly covers me and my mind goes back to 35 years ago and It brings back memories of hot asian days in Saigon, with the scent of the market places along the Mekong river, the rubbish in the water, the steamy asian cooking wafting over the city, hot and sweaty rickshaw drivers pedalling furiously through the chaotic traffic, dodging in and out of military vehicles. A simple perfume or scent triggers powerful vivid memories.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2013 @ 11:07:57

      Yes Ian, it certainly can trigger such powerful memories, and obviously they are still held close within your being as they are brought forward .. I was almost there with you my friend as I could almost witness the scenes you were seeing within your mind…
      Thank you for sharing your experience Ian..
      Blessings Sue



  25. Bodhirose
    Jan 18, 2013 @ 00:23:43

    What came to mind while reading this is my experience with chanting and how that can raise my vibration…another way to “tune” into a higher sound wave that can lift my mood and consciousness. Sound is powerful…either negatively or positively. Even babies start wiggling their little bodies when they hear music. We know these things very young. Thanks for sharing a beautiful stream of awareness that came through on that sleepless night.
    Gayle xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2013 @ 15:33:22

      Hi Gayle, lovely to see you, Yes Sound Vibration is one of the best forms of healing for it resonates within and works on the energy body..
      I have a wonderful Gregorian chant CD and this makes for wonderful energy …. I often play it or other meditation music softly on a sleepless night..
      So good to see you here Gayle 🙂
      Enjoy your weekend.. xxx



  26. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jan 18, 2013 @ 18:03:56

    This is a stunning inspiration, Sue. How amazing, tossing about in bed, able to rest only once you’ve laid these words down.

    This is timely to me, as I bought a book recently ‘Life Alignment’, but have only just opened it. I had it about 3 weeks, as when I have free time these days I do often simply still – you know, if not writing.

    I remember clearly the smell of the orphanage, and faintly, just faintly, I imagine I recall the perfume of my mother’s breast.

    Excellent read, Sue. It’s 5.03 a.m. Saturday 19th Jan here, & this was my morning meditation. Thank you!



    Feb 07, 2013 @ 15:24:25

    Danke für Deinen Besuch.
    Gruß, Wolfgang



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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