Seeds of Alignment

This last few days have been busy in the Dreamwalker household.. Especially for my Hubby who has been busy weeding, digging and planting, while I have been spending some free time painting and baking, and having some Me time in between working the day job.  But I have been planting a few seeds too! 

If we could only all do that, plant a few seeds within our own minds too and water them…. We allow so many weeds of others thoughts and negative  vibrations to swamp our minds we often do not allow our own seeds positive thoughts to grow… We water and feed so many other peoples thoughts as our own.. Not understanding how we are allowing our own thoughts to be bombarded by others perspective . And those good grain of thoughts we had, we allow them to get swallowed and strangled by the weeds and vines of others confining views and opinions  which we allow to live within our minds which then drag us down to a point of despair or depression.

So as April begins and we have to align our thoughts.. This is  an interesting month of renewal and energy growth, not only for our plants, but within our hearts also, as we have the heavens align us to a New Moon which is connecting us to new starts and showing us how to initiate  to new projects.. 

I have not been immune from feeling sensitive from feeling the tension mount these last few weeks, as I have found myself swamped in emotion and I realised in part I was allowing the world at large and those I connect with in daily life to water my own emotional Seeds.. 

I  recently read this could be due to the forthcoming  eclipses of April 15th and 28/29th .. So make sure you align in intension to your highest good. Bringing in the positive energy into your being.. Aligning to our highest intentions as we each of us use the very God given gifts of thought to manifest that which we want to align with in life. Plant your seeds now with intention! ..  

So I will show you what We have been up to and why I have been so quiet on WordPress this last week..

Click onto the Photos to take you a larger view.. 

Enjoy April, And Happy Planting both kinds of seeds in your Life.

A Natures Angel, I painted this for my Granddaughters room..

A Natures Angel, I painted this for my Granddaughters room..

Below you will see the green house and the seedlings being grown.. 

And here you will see how the allotment looks right now. 

Helping Granddad is another of Natures little Angels.. now 3 our Granddaughter is never happier than digging in the Earth..

Helping Granddad is another of Natures little Angels.. now 3 our Granddaughter is never happier than digging in the Earth..


Enjoy your Together Time Its so precious and Plant your Intentions into the Universe..

Love and Blessings 

83 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eddie Two Hawks
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 17:22:16

    most excellent suggestions Dreamwalker, for now and always as you illustrate once again how important it is maintaining proper focus. thank you dear friend!
    love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 19:03:06

      Dear Eddie, Thank you Nature should always hold our focus my good friend, And thank you so much for leaving your footprint here as we each love our gardens 🙂 xxx Thank you so much



  2. penpusherpen
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 17:22:49

    Wonderful to catch up Sue, with your life and your thoughts too, … as you say, ’tis far too easy to become bogged down with negative thoughts… Like you I find so much to help me garden-wise. Spring growth, renews our outlook… The Angel painting is so beautiful and a wonderful guardian for your grandaughter… I have a good feeling about April, a wonderful feeling, due mainly to two Birthdays in my family, get togethers always underline what we all to be thankful for,…. have a great week my friend, Love and light, to you and your loved ones. xPenx.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:45:33

      Pen its always a pleasure to read your wonderful comments on Dreamwalker’s and I enjoyed my ME time .. I have a wonderful feeling about April, in that I am going to Make more ME time to enjoy its energy… xxx You too enjoy every moment.. xxx Hugs back xxx Love Sue xxxx



  3. prenin
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 17:44:08

    Love the pictures Sue! 🙂

    Your granddaughter is growing so fast I cannot help but envy you your times together! 🙂

    The happiest times of my life were with Pat and Neil’s kids as with them I had the family my father denied me.

    They were turned against me by my tormentors, but still love me as much as I love them! 🙂

    Love and huge hugs! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:43:33

      Yes she is Prenin, she is a little chatter box too, and knows far more than my children did at her age.. . I am so pleased you have retained some nice memories too of your own families children Prenin.. they are precious memories to keep .. So concentrate on those and let the bad ones go my friend.. Keep smiling! and well done with your paint brushes today xox



  4. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 17:49:31

    such seeds you plant for us Sue, always heirloom and organic with no tampering from manmade bits and pieces…I like that very much…
    Y’all have been busy, me too, two gardens turned under, beautiful compost added
    and ready to plant, I will start tomorrow, as today I am putting my corner shelves
    together (fingers crossed that it turns out like I image LOLs)
    Your granddaughter is a beautiful earth angel…she looks very comfortable and part of her surroundings…
    your art is reflects you as always beautiful inside as well as the outside…
    Thank you for sharing your world…
    Take Care…You Matter…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:41:32

      yes thats right Maryrose, all organic and healthy eating, Sounds as if great minds think alike with your own gardening spree Maryrose… Forgive my absence but I will catch up with you this week… And I hope your corner shelves turned out Just so.. 😉 Big HUGS to you my lovely friend .. And your thoughts and words mean so much more to me than you know.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Alex Jones
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 17:50:30

    I am waiting to see if the acorns I planted last year will manifest as oak saplings. Good luck on your planting.



  6. David
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 17:51:47

    – NO DIGGING appeals to me! All looks pretty vcelan and ready for planting though. Love, David



  7. starproms
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 17:58:14

    Yes we could all do with some positive energy now and being outside is definitely the best therapy. Your allotment looks very neat and tidy. Impressive. Your grand-daughter is gorgeous – her beautiful hair! Happy Spring Sue. Blessings x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:36:32

      Oma, I still have to catch up to comment upon your update of Dylan I will shortly, Our grandchildren bring us so much joy, and yes she can turn heads now, so heaven help us when she gets older 🙂 😉 xxx Garden therapy is Magic isn’t it.. xxx



  8. Joe Bradshaw
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 20:21:23

    Sue what an awesome post and awesome inspiration for us all as you share some water on our own seeds with such positive energy. The painting is beautiful and has much loving energy flowing from it and as beautiful as it is it is not even in the same realm as the beauty of your little granddaughter.. An Angel indeed! Thank you so for the wonderful thoughts energy and smiles you have shared in this post! 🙂 🙂
    With love and peace,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:34:53

      Joe, always good to have you visit and I am especially pleased you enjoyed the painting, being an artist yourself.. Its only a fantasy one, not like my animals or pastel art.. But I so enjoyed painting it and loosing myself in it for a while.. As I did the garden.. As for my Granddaughter, Yes she is a treasure and a little Angel in our lives.. xxx Thank you 🙂



  9. lindalitebeing
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 21:04:37

    just glorious Sue! I had been wondering about the ” fruits of your leisure” and here they are for the world to see! I love your artwork and your grandchild is so precious!

    Your thoughts on thoughts and intentions are really useful and what I needed today! I once felt shamed or diminished by others about my artistic leanings, especially as a youth. I am so glad that the dreams never died, they waited for me. I consider myself blessed and grateful that I did not lose them….

    thanks for being you and doing what you do 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:32:41

      Linda I am pleased you got some inspiration from my post.. and the thing is we often hold so much from our youth we still carry as baggage.. So I am well pleased you hung onto your Dreams and are putting out your thoughts now to bring them into your own alignment of manifestation .. And I will be in touch this week.. Hugs back big time and no Thank you for being a friend xxx Love Sue xox



  10. Jo Bryant
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 22:19:30

    thank you again Sue…this really came at such a good time for me



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:30:03

      Jo just pleased you found something to take with you.. and I am always amazed at how when we are in need the ‘Signs’ often present themselves in various forms.. Hugs back to you xox



  11. Crowing Crone
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 22:48:40

    so much creativity and gentle grace to help heal our minds from too much busyness.



  12. marina kanavaki
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 00:23:25

    Ah, it’s always a joy reading your posts, Sue.
    Wishing you an aligned and beautiful April, my friend.
    Oh, and watch out for April Fools’!!! 😉 xxxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:28:10

      Lucky for me I didnt get caught out this year.. So maybe I am getting wiser LOL or maybe there are not as many ‘Fools around hehe!!.. Lovely that you dropped in too.. Enjoy your evening xxx 🙂



  13. Unsungpoet
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 00:35:43

    Very lovely, all of it! XOXO



  14. beverley
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 11:18:30

    Yes this month is beginning with a feeling of newness xx



  15. jacksjottings
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 11:30:29

    You are teaching your little angle by example.
    How to tickel the earth and make it laugh.
    With vegatables and flowers.
    A good thing for her would be suspend a sweet potato in a glass with water.
    They can make a nice indoor plant.
    Just a something Sue, you may like to do, that would intrest a three year old.



  16. aFrankAngle
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 13:19:02

    Cheers to the peace of mind gardening brings to you.



  17. Professions for PEACE
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 16:01:30

    Thank you for this loving reminder for us all to ensure we have set clear intentions this month (well, and always). And thanks for the delightful glimpse into your world right now. Your Granddaughter is absolutely precious. How excellent for her to happily dig in the dirt. Healing all around! Big hugs my friend, and Happy April!!
    xox Gina



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2014 @ 17:15:50

      Dear Gina, thank you for your lovely visit and comment.. Life is busy with the allotments and I need to make a start on clearing up the home flower garden too.. The weather is warming up more this week and the Sun is out making you want to be outdoors more.. And so I have given WP a miss for a brief time… Healing is the right word.. as Nature makes us all feel so so much better.. 🙂 xxxxx Hugs Sue



  18. aishasoasis
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 18:58:45

    Beautiful blog, and wonderful gardening! Greetings from my garden in Egypt!



  19. Tom Merriman
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 20:38:08

    Hi Sue! I like your thought of planting seeds of thought… it gives me more to focus on, rather than doing what I usually do and forget about it! I’m keeping most of the negativity at bay right now, which is good, so an extra barrier will become very useful, thinks I!
    I’m not at all green-fingered, but I can see that your allotment is coming on well, isn’t it? And I love your angel. Hope you have a good week, Sue…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:38:53

      Thanks Tom, it certainly leaves less time for allowing those negative thoughts to creep in that’s for sure.. And I am so pleased you are experiencing a better ‘Feel good factor’ feeling of late too.. Enjoy your Wednesday and thank you for your compliments… 🙂 Take care in the Mansion… its good to see the Vortex is allowing you out 🙂 😉



  20. Kourtney Heintz
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 01:44:35

    Your granddaughter is adorable. I love seeing all these seeds sprouting makes me believe spring is finally here!



  21. Lois Field
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 04:36:13

    Sue, this was lovely and your angel painting gorgeous. Your little one is in her element again which is good. Your allotment never ceases to amaze me by its sheer size and I see the pots you used to warm your greenhouse. 🙂

    We have had a few days we could get out and hung bird houses, watching for the daffodils, and cleaning up. Today my grandson was on a mission to pick up all trash he could find while my granddaughter had to hold her own burial for worms she found that hadn’t survived our winter. While indoors we’ve started seeds, the children excitedly water them regularly and today ran in to tell me the tomato seeds they started and took home had started to sprout. Tomorrow we are going on our first long walk of the season. I better remember to take extra bags for trash as I’m sure we will find plenty this time of year.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 02, 2014 @ 09:41:13

      You are an inspiration, and I am so pleased you are at last being able to get out and about in your own area again and plant seeds… Nothing more exciting than watching the seeds sprout and the enthusiasm of the young ones as they watch them grow..
      You are teaching your young ones some wonderful values of appreciation of nature Lois.. ..
      Yes my Granddaughter and Daddy came on the day I took that photo, We keep wellies and her allotment coat here lol and she was the one who asked to go and walk to the allotments..
      She asked her granddad for the trowel and plant pot so she could dig, while her Granddad showed our Son the allotment and dug up some parsnips and leeks for him to take home.. She loves it…..
      Enjoy your walk and clean up spree in the hedgerows xxx
      Blessings back



  22. Jacqueline King
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 09:32:41

    You describe the process I’ve been going through so well, Sue ~ I’ve allowed others and their opinions to overwhelm my own and the effort it takes to resist that has robbed me of creative energy for far too long. Time for me to set firm intentions, in other words to start living life for me and for those in alignment, letting the others go, with love. Your Granddaughter is gorgeous ~ I agree that this new generation have been born with knowledge that has taken me decades to realise, and which their parents don’t appear to have learned yet! Thank you for an uplifting and inspiring post, my friend! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:25:57

      Yes Jacqueline, the problem with many of us at the moment I feel is that we are allowing ourselves to get caught up within others emotions.. We are being bombarded via the media at every point on the dial of some negative energy happening.. The world at large is seemingly going through an emotional turmoil as the energy cycles rotate the grids affecting our moods… So I just knew I needed to shake off the feelings I knew deep within were not all my own… So being creative and altering our own mind seeds is the key.. We need to start and align our thoughts to feeling better within ourselves and not hang onto the gloom others put out there.. We need to align to our own world of thought.. And shake off the negative and dig out the debris/weeds from our own over-grown garden of thought.. Once we do that Jacqueline we then enable our own vibrations to resonate higher, so we allow ourselves to feel better..
      The younger generations of our granddchildren are already ahead in their thinking!.. and far out way the level my own children were at at their age..
      Evolution is for ever expanding and that goes for the Minds of our Grandchildren too… Thank you most kindly for your visit and your compliments, I so appreciate your visit 🙂 and hope you will soon dig out your own weeds as you plant your new seeds of creation and get out the paints to plant your own new creative world… 🙂 Hugs to you xxx



      • Jacqueline King
        Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:42:18

        Wow! That’s the affirmation and motivation I can use right now, Sue! I agree with all you say but thought I was out of line and selfish thinking it. So thank you for this great reply ~ I’ll refer back to it when my confidence wavers! I’m going to start by taking all the old clothes I’ve clung to to Friends of the Animals, which is just down the road! 🙂



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:46:29

          Brilliant..! .. And remember.. YOU are the most important person… we so often do things for others and put ourselves out for others we neglect the important person.. Self.. its not selfish to put self first… for if we do not look after and please ourselves how can we look after others?… Go for it! and have a great time clearing out the old.. for it allows the NEW to come in.. 🙂 HUGS!!!! and Big Smiles 😀



  23. Jacqueline King
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 09:37:04

    P.S. Your lovely painting encourages me to experiment with my own art ~ a space where all is well and I can express myself. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:27:25

      I am so happy that this post has sparked off the desire to paint within you Jacqueline.. Enjoy the Freedom of it.. Love and well wishes to you.. and I hope you post it when you have finished it.. 🙂 xxx



  24. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 09:41:35

    Sue, it’s wonderful to see your pictures and see the beginnings of growth. What a great metaphor about the seeds in our mind and what we are watering them with. Much love to you and do keep taking care of you. I am late here to your posts but I always get here eventually and throughly enjoy my visit!! 🙂 xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:13:55

      Ruth, thank you most kindly for your wonderful visit this morning… Loved all your comments here today… yes we need to keep the right seeds in our mind and not feed the wrong ones.. Never worry about your lateness.. I know how things are Ruth, and come when you feel able.. What matters is that you are well, and I so appreciate your time and energy spent here reading.. Much love Dear Ruth xox Sue



  25. Valentine Logar
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 13:02:48

    I love this time of year, when you share your garden. I wish I had the wherewithall and frankly the green thumb. Me? I am going to put in more Lavender this year, I will get more bees and butterflies, I am happy with that outcome.

    As always, love and peace.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 02, 2014 @ 13:46:23

      Yes so do I Val, Spring and the growing season makes my heart glow .. And I never cease to be amazed at how Nature captures all that knowing of cells in the tiny seeds to germinate.. Creation is Wondrous and Magical…
      Lavender is a lovely plant. so many uses….. I used to save as a child and put into little pillows of material to put under my pillow as a child… It still brings back those childhood memories 🙂 So good to see you here.. xxx Hugs Sue



    Apr 03, 2014 @ 03:41:58

    Dear Sue,what a brilliant post and a nice metaphor with the plant seeds and the spiritual seeds.It is a compelling read from every POV !!! I’m dead sure the seeds you plant will be very fertile …
    BTW,can’t thank you enough,my friend, for all your wonderful and praiseful comments.I do appreciate it 🙂
    Have a peaceful day, ((( hugs ))) & xxx
    Doda 🙂



    Apr 03, 2014 @ 14:27:18

    Hi again dear Sue ! Hope you are keeping well 🙂
    A WP blogger told me that my comments reach your inbox as spams.Please have a look to see if mine is under spams.It’s a problem with them.(WP),it is not that I diid something wrong.

    PS : I have answered all your wonderful comments and I am glad I spotted your blog and your exceptional work :).Thanks a million,my friend 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 03, 2014 @ 16:11:52

      I am thankful Doda that I always look in my Spam box.. its a habit I have got into even though its a task as I get lots of spams.. 89 just from yesterday!.. But I go through each time I log on for just this reason.. As it keeps happening to friends for no reason.. As they get sentences to the Spam Box! 😦 lol… So I was thankful I do and rescued you from its clutches.. 🙂 Wonderful to have met you too 🙂 X Sue



    Apr 03, 2014 @ 18:46:22

    How lovely,dear Sue !!! You did save my life 🙂 You know,it’s so disapponting to write a comment,to post it and to see it vanishing into thin air …
    Indeed,it is wise that you go through the spams so meticulously every day.Personally,what I do is just to delete them after roughly checking them out.
    I suppose,most of them are real spams.
    Have a peaceful day, ♥♥♥ & xxx Doda



  29. Dilip
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 07:19:05

    Nice to read of you getting set for April. I feel good seeing the pictures of the garden and the allotment. May I share my garden blog link for you to see?

    About Jugnoo Farms

    Cheers 🙂



  30. shreejacob
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 10:41:28

    Suuuuuuue! Hello 🙂
    Ah…I hope I don’t sound mean..I’m glad to find that I wasn’t the only one to feel a little…off. I didn’t really spend a lot of ME time…but then again…maybe in my own way I did…I don’t know…and you know what? I am now learning to love my “I don’t know”! It’s not a bad thing when I don’t really know…I don’t know…maybe there’s a better way of saying it? Like…”I’ll check in with myself and let you know?”

    Intention is SO important isn’t it? Thank you for sharing about the eclipse in April and also about the planting of seeds…isn’t Spring the time for planting seeds too?

    Sigh..I *have* missed my friends on WP. I know what I have to not make it stressful to me (which is a bad habit of mine). Loved the comment you left me too and I’m glad you didn’t feel bad for too long and have taken the time out for yourself 🙂 *big hugs* Sue 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 04, 2014 @ 10:51:12

      So good to see you Shree, and its ok to give ourselves permission not to know.. 🙂 😉 and when you find your knowing, you will then have found yourself! 🙂 hehe! xxxx BIG (( HUGS))) back.. Love Sue xox



  31. sagekateri
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 14:31:54

    What beautiful words. Perhaps you are right, part of the reason I feel so unsettled is the coming eclipse. Despite feeling unsettled, I am also rejuvenated as I awake from winter’s sleep. I am anxious for the coming weeks. So nice to be back on WordPress reading your insight again!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 04, 2014 @ 14:56:05

      Yes me too awake for Spring… But only last night as I laid awake I felt trepidation for some reason for the world, as if we are on the brink of something so big.. and yet as to what that is I do not know… Only Felt it as void last night..

      Lovely to have you back writing again too Sagekateri xxx



  32. europasicewolf
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 21:50:09

    HooOOOOWWWwwwLLLOooooo Sue! good to see your allottment hasn’t been blasted by the Sahara Desert smog!

    Knowing how much you enjoy awards, and being unable to think of anybody more well suited I am giving to you the award below 🙂 As you know I am hopeless when it comes to following the rules so I would like to pass this honour onto you. Below is the copy of the one sent to my blog post 🙂 Enjoy! xx

    “I would be delighted if you accept the “I am part of the Word Press Family Award”

    I am part of the WordPress Family Award

    This is a VERY EASY Award, just pick 10 people. I ask you keep the quote in.
    Should you not accept could you PLEASE pass it onto a friend who will…

    More love, less hate



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2014 @ 13:47:13

      Thank you Wolfie for the Honour… Its wonderful that you thought of me this way.. I did envision in my own mind this year I was having a none award year this year. Thinking I could just say sorry I have made my blog a none award zone! And yet find it so difficult to refuse them as people like yourself have put them selves out to think me worthy of them.. So I have a back log already and waiting.. I will have to make a real effort now and think where they left them all… And put them together…. Next week I have more time off work, so I promise to sort them all out. 🙂
      Love and Blessings.. And well done for being awarded the Family Award from Shaun…and Mavadelo.. We are Family! after all 🙂 😉 ❤
      Sue xoxox



  33. lavendermoongirlblog
    Apr 06, 2014 @ 09:56:00

    I love your angels Sue, so healing! I can imagine that you’ll have wonderful produce after such hard work. I look forward to following your progress. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2014 @ 11:14:25

      We do, Lavender Girl… if ever you are in Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary again you may like to take a trip to the top header where you will find the galleries of 2012/ 2013 produce and progress we did in our allotment .. 🙂 xxx Hugs and many thanks for stopping in to comment xxx



  34. kp
    Apr 06, 2014 @ 14:41:32

    Wow…you have been busy!! Beautiful art piece….great gardens….good reminders! Kim



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2014 @ 11:09:23

      Thank you Kim, yes Spring is always busy, digging for hubby and planting, You will find as the warmer weather springs into action so do we 🙂 and thank you so so much for adding your thoughts Kim… hope you are doing well too xoxox Love Sue



  35. shamanictracker
    Apr 07, 2014 @ 21:53:32

    What a great and inspiring family project and words. And the little angel… woooow full of bright light. I am sure her light fills even the greyest of days ♥ xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 09, 2014 @ 16:34:42

      Hi Shamanictracker. Yes her light is bright and her mind is ever inquisitive .. as only a 3 yr old can be… as she asks Why in every other sentence.. 🙂 .. The Sun is always out on the days she visits 🙂 xxxx 😀



  36. jussaraluna
    Apr 08, 2014 @ 05:53:26

    Hello Dreamwalker!
    wowwwww!! I love this post! Your little treasure is so beautiful 🙂
    Wonderful painting and wise words, my talented friend .
    Love and light to you and to sweet litte girl 🙂 hugs from my heart~~



  37. aussieian2011
    Apr 10, 2014 @ 13:08:51

    Beautiful invigorating blog Sue, your allotment always impresses me, it looks so alive and shows its potential.
    Lovely to see your little one learning to tune into, and appreciate the benefits the earths soils.



  38. barbarafranken
    Apr 15, 2014 @ 08:53:40

    There is no better way to come into your balance than handling the earth and allowing her to flow through us… Enjoy your spring Sue and your granddaughter is so enjoying being with her grandparents… embracing her own seeds of grandparent love and wisdom… take care, Barbara



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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