Shaking Ourselves Awake.

Being  a sensitive often renders me to retreat for a while as I gather my thoughts and energies. Spending time walking, painting, and reading still doesn’t remove this underlying feeling of a world on the edge of erupting. Much like Mount Etna at the moment as she vents her energy from within, I also feel at times like erupting and screaming my heart out over the many injustices within this world.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed at the divide in this world of the haves and have-not’s.  Here in the UK on the 15th March was Red-Nose Day, This event has been taking place now every year for 25yrs in a bid to raise money and awareness of those who need help. From children dying every second from lack of clean water and malaria to homelessness and poverty,disease and war landmine victims. 

Many different causes both abroad and here in the UK are helped. and yet in 25 yrs not a lot has changed. 

I was still witnessing those same upsetting images as I saw how Mothers loose their children and babies, and how children loose their parents and how in many of these countries citizens struggle just to survive, as children forage on rubbish tips for things to make enough money just to eat.The Dandora dumping site in Nairobi. (Simon Maina, AFP) And yet ask any of these children a simple question and most will say all they want is to be able to go to school and be educated ..

Click the photo for  news report on this image.

And those lucky enough to afford to go to school some walk for 2 hours from dawn just to get to their classroom, and 2 hrs back along rough terrain in scorching heat.

Most who read my posts know I try to keep my posts positive, because what we think we create!.. But sometimes I just need to vent and bleed my heart to the world.

Because all that we have gathered together in our spiritual awareness needs to be put to good use right now.. Not in the future… In 25 yrs down the line nothing has changed for these people..  Its time we saw the Truth of our society and how those in the seats of Power control and will continue to exploit the have-nots.

There are two subjects we are always told to steer clear of and that’s Religion and Politics .. Well since I last posted we have seen a new Pope elected and he chose the name Francis, a name to reflect the Church of the Poor.. Well I hope this new Pope can not just be a name and figure head, but I hope he can be an ambassador for the poor.. As the Church can well afford to help the needy..

We all know the economic situation around the world but just how bad does it get when the EU start to take your savings from out of your Bank account without your permission. Well that is what is happening in Cyprus  as a Tax levy is being introduced. And the Banks doors have been closed until Thursday!.. while their parliament decides to vote .

We will begin to see a shift yet again very soon and this time it will be the ordinary people in our streets who will be shaking themselves awake to the manipulations of those in Power. We are waking up to the Truth of our reality where Corruption is rife, where our Political arena’s lie to the public and to themselves 

When People stand up in their power, it Does count even if it may seem an immediate result isn’t forthcoming.

Collectively we are waking up!.

We need to now WAKE UP! in more ways than one. We need to wake up to what is real and what is not. Awakening means to discern with  your own intuition. We will all know deep down when to act and when to bide our time. We will know we have to change our ways and clean up our habits of a lifetime. That is the challenge that all this consciousness evolution may have been preparing us for. We now need to take a closer look at our ways of Being!

These are trying times which are testing many souls, but if we approach the changes wisely, consciously and positively in unity and harmony we may also see the future evolve to the World we have collectively been working towards creating.

Are your shook up enough to see the real world?


58 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Alex Jones
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 17:38:04

    I have one eye on the world. The Cyprus development small as it appears is creating vast ripples that is unsettling everyone. I have a post planned on this.

    Nothing I can do about all those changes, but it is useful to be aware of them so to prepare and adapt for the changes those events bring.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 19:05:09

      Hi Alex, I am forever in catch up mode in the blog world, and awareness is being part of the change .. For the people of the world are no longer led in blindness of believing everything they are told. They are now aware and are finding their voices.. This is all part of that change.. And those changes are going to be monumental.. And we are all of us going to need to gather our thoughts together in seeing our way forward to a more unified world .. Many thanks for your contribution here 🙂



  2. Visionkeeper
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 18:36:00

    Glad to see you back and glad you are in one piece…Things are certainly crazy in the world and it is difficult to deal with the insanity. Changes are afoot though DW and I think very soon we shall see these changes unfold. We are on the super highway to better times! Be well my friend and take good care….Love and hugs..VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 19:08:26

      Yes in one piece! LOL just!… and need to get caught up.. I think we are definitely in for interesting times especially in Europe over the next few weeks.. Many thanks for your encouragement and support



  3. starproms
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 18:51:05

    yes but you’re preaching to the converted. How can we get through to the people who can actually do something about it? The trouble seems to be politics, whether it’s in the church or in the parliaments. Once people get a taste of power, they change. They become nasty and look to their own selves, forgetting the people they should be helping. An example of this is the politicians who promise the earth when they’re trying to get elected, then forget their promises once they’re in power. The church is no better. Probably the real reason for the last pope stepping aside is that he was disgusted with all the corruption around him, didn’t know how to deal with it, decided he was too old and frail anyway and stepped down and I don’t blame him.
    A thoughtful post Sue. I don’t think you alone in your thoughts. No way!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 19:14:43

      Hi Oma, yes I agree, with all you say here Oma, and came to those same conclusions about the resignation myself..some things you just need to let out and let them go.. although they are not just going to disappear until we address them .. and change them.. Many thanks Sue



      • starproms
        Mar 19, 2013 @ 08:56:13

        I read both your comments on here and on my ‘frog’ post and wanted to come back here just to say that yes, your post was stirring. It made me cross to see the picture you put on there. I’ve seen similar before and video reports of children and adults foraging on rubbish tips for whatever they can find. It makes me livid! WHY is this happening today? WHY are so many people very rich and millions SO poor. I feel with you on this one but WHAT can we do? We give our money – it’s never enough. We give our time – it’s never enough. When we see the ‘results’ it just makes us feel hopeless. Perhaps there will always be poor but when I look at those pictures, I see the face of my dear little grandson looking back at me. It’s hard to sleep at night isn’t it! No wonder you suffer from insomnia sometimes.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:28:53

          The problem is Oma, is that we have been brought up in a world where we have been conditioned to see the poor in the world.. We are so used to seeing those in Africa starving to death.. as the next appeal goes out for us to help them .. The little old age pensioner digs deep into her purse to give.. But what are those governments doing to help their own people.. Not a lot.. And yet we as the UK give millions in foreign aid to help this countries and we hear of them spending on Arms for wars, … There are many Dark rulers in this world Oma, who feed off the plight of others, who sit in their ivory towers who reap their indirect rewards..
          You need to look at the Pharmaceutical companies, Those who control Seeds… like Monsanto ..Once we open our eyes to some of these truths I think then we may wish we were asleep!



          • starproms
            Mar 21, 2013 @ 10:34:57

            Yes all true and now that I am coming to the end of my life, I look back with a sense of disappointment. What did I do? What could I have done? What time is there left to do anything worthwhile? Would I have been any different if I had got into a position of power. I have watched Obama through his presidency and sometimes I see a look of disenchantment on his face. He is sometimes disheartened because whatever he tries to do, he is thwarted by the other side. Here is a very powerful man but he is challenged daily… I look at people like Ang Sang Sue Chi (sorry about the spelling) and I see a woman who gave up the joys of family life to follow a cause but to me bringing up a family was the most important thing in my life. I wanted to do it right. My sacrifice was not to work for 15 years so I could concentrate wholeheartedly on the family and its needs. She, on the other hand, ‘neglected’ her family to follow a higher cause.
            I like what Mrs. Thatcher said, all those years ago. It went something like ‘If you can manage your own purse, then you can manage a small business and if you can manage a small business, you could manage a larger business and if you can manage a larger business, then you could manage the country.’
            We all have to start somewhere. The question for me is , did I do it right? I managed my own family and a small business. I stopped there because to do any more would have been to neglect what I already had.
            We put our trust in leaders, assuming that they will make the right choices but often we and they are disappointed. Sometimes it is the smallest things we do that change the world.



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 21, 2013 @ 14:55:05

              What a thoughtful reply Oma,
              You did what you did as we all do at the time of our choices.. We made them based upon the things that are around us at the time…
              I went out to work when my youngest was 3 because at the time my husband had been made redundant in his job. It was easier for me to get employed in the factories than for him to find a job.
              We each of us make choices for the circumstances we each are in…
              But your last sentence says it all for me Oma

              Sometimes it is the smallest things we do that change the world.

              And if we all just make a small change to the way we think it goes a long way in making those changes we all need in this world Oma.. Thank you 🙂 ~Sue


  4. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 20:04:38

    Hi Sue, I’m starting to feel like a sponge right now, and every piece of negative news I read seems to be sticking with me. I think I’m reaching the stage where enough is enough… I can’t take it all in. I also think I may need to take myself away for a while to gather my thoughts as well.
    I was thinking the same as you with regards to the Red Nose Day event, how they still have to do it after all these years. The amount of money they raised also shows the money is out there, and available… so if we can stop focusing on the lack of money that should start to help some way with one of the world’s problems. The thing is, we’re bombarded by images of this lack everywhere we look so the wrong message is getting through.
    So, as I said, enough is enough! Here’s to good times in the immediate and long term future. My thoughts are now directed towards a change for the better for all.
    Sorry that this comment is slightly negative, Sue… but hopefully, I’ve been able to water down that negativity.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 20:12:50

      Tom, this is why I felt I needed a break from the world.. But I needed to get out my thoughts.. So many give, me included to Red Nose Day.. and over 75million pounds raised shows the money is out there..
      We can change the world with positive intent.. But at times people need to wake up to the facts! which so often are right under their noses.. And we cannot continue the way we are heading.. Something has to give..
      Like you, it was my sensitivity that caved in, and that is why I bury myself in painting and walking.. trying to find some inner peace…
      But being a sensitive we absorb the feelings of others often without realising … And it can drag us down..
      I hope that out of all the chaos Tom we can see a new world emerging which is brighter and better for ALL.. Not just the Few…
      Many thanks Tom and I will be catching up with you on your own great posts 🙂



  5. Nina
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 20:08:02

    Hi Sue~. Great post. I am totally shook up! Everyday I hear about these atrocities. Breaks my heart. They say it is always darkest before the dawn. Well we are certainly headed towards a new dawn. The kingdom of light is within us and when we remember this we are more conscious in our thoughts and deeds. Loving one another the best way we know how. Much love to you. Nina



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 20:25:07

      Hi Nina…. So pleased you took the time to add your thoughts here… really I am…
      Yes my heart broke in several pieces several times to what is wrong with the world.. I am a great believer in its always darkest before the dawn light.
      The new Dawn often is heralded in by chaos… but sometimes chaos brings clarity.
      I KNOW we can turn our world around.. I know it.. but it will come with some sacrifices.. which many now around the world are already in the throws as they try to break free and make changes within their own societies …
      Much love in return and don’t be a stranger…. for your thoughts are much appreciated ..



  6. jennygoth666
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 21:01:50

    hi dreamer just called in to say hello big hug xjen



  7. Duma Key
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 21:43:27

    These are very dangerous times, It always puzzles me how so few can justify taking so muh and leaving so little for everyone else.
    The system is fighting to maintain itself and oppressing the everyday working folk…..give a man a gun he can rob a bank get 10 years…..give a man a bank he can rob the world and get a bonus……stuff……useless pointless stuff…..we build and we build…..crap for the sake of it…….buy now pay next year……but it still has to be paid for…..when does it end……the laws change to meet the needs of those that create them…..was never what the social system was about…….Marx was right in his thoughts about revolution……but just not in his way of it happening.
    Enough is enough, when everyday working people cant feed there children or pay there bills……something is so so so wrong.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 14:11:51

      Hi Duma, yes many are beginning to see how the system is stacked and while there are right ways and wrong ways in which to react… I feel that People are now beginning to question the Big corporations and the Fat Cats of this world… And I am certain that there are now many more questioning how we are governed and our communities are being run… People are stretching at the seams and are seeing they need alternative solutions.. And we no longer believe in all we are told..



  8. livingsimplyfree
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 22:04:11

    Hi Sue, I too am finding it hard to keep quiet with what I see around me. I happen to live in a beautiful small town but that town is very divided by the very wealthy and the very poor. It’s sad to see, when one family is struggling to figure out how to pay the few bills they have another is lamenting the clogged plumbing in his master bathroom and which of the other 4 bathrooms to use for his shower. The one thing I see is if they wealthy lose what they have they will have a much harder time adjusting to the changes than those who are accustomed to the struggle. Those children and many others like them (for instance in China who wade through our e-waste) make me want to cry, I can only look for so long as a result. I know my actions aren’t doing much to help them and wish I could save them all.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 14:33:24

      I agree with you there LSF, the wealthy will certainly find the adjustments much harder .. I was thinking the other day if all the banks closed and the electronic cards failed.. just how the Rich would survive…In difficulty I think..
      Our actions on the surface may appear not much, but they are when more and more start to follow those simple ways of being and understand we can manage and live on much less.. Compassion is all we can give to many with our thoughts.. But its a good start in the pond of consciousness 🙂



  9. Cat Forsley
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 22:21:45

    Totally feeling You Sue sue x retreat is a good thing – focusing on the highest frequency possible – ………….and i think to get there – is to just stay in the place that makes us feel the best – heart wise – then we can radiate it out – ………………………. and when it’s retreat time – it’s retreat time ……….:) totally got you on that x lots and lots of love xx C



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 14:37:34

      Yes I retreat quite often, and its good to focus upon other things for a while Cat.. And I am painting again… Trees have been on my mind for weeks and so I painted one.. ‘again’ … we are like trees, with our roots buried deep keeping us grounded, we are always stretching up to the light.. expanding out in various branches of our lives, each of us growing ever upwards as we evolve… 🙂 Love and Hugs 100 fold xx



  10. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 22:27:41

    Hi Sue, I too am constantly shaken by all these things. The Cyprus situation is appalling – it is pure and simple theft! I do struggle though with Red Nose Day and similar things. I often hear people say: ‘It’s good we’ve raised all this money and enjoyed ourselves at the same time.’ There is something wrong in this – I feel very strongly about it. Must people ‘enjoy’ themselves on fun runs etc., before they will help others? Also that sense of ‘charity’ rather than human beings who have entitlements. I think a lot of charity reinforces the ‘us’ and ‘them.’ I hope you don’t mind me airing this. When will people do good just for its own sake, with no reward for themselves? These things shake and trouble me a lot. Thanks so much for your post. Much love to you Sue and thanks for your lovely visit earlier – I did so appreciate it. xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 14:45:28

      Well we will have to wait now and see what Thursday brings.. I so understand your thoughts on charities, I often get annoyed at the amount of things which fall on my doormat which could have been far better spent at the source of the charity.. Instead of sprats to catch a mackerel.. I give to charities, and I gave to Red Nose day too… But some of these things in Africa are terrible for we as a country do give foreign aid and yet those in charge often filter it for war and arms.. These are the things which is so wrong.. as those in the positions of power have everything while others starve.



  11. kp
    Mar 18, 2013 @ 22:45:28

    Hi Sue: Great post… I think many people do care about the injustices in the world, they just don’t know what to do about it, and so they kind of tune out and focus on their own lives. I feel like I vacillate between feeling overwhelmed by problems the many problems that seem so far beyond my influence, and tuning out on the big picture so I can focus on the small problems that are within my influence. I find it hard to hold both realities at once. Kim



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 14:53:18

      I agree, yes they do care and its what to do about it as you say. awareness is a start.. Many are struggling I agree with increasing costs of living and facing their own problems,.. Starting with altering our selves in the ways we make our own judgements in the world is one. Having more respect and honouring each other in our own communities is another way.. Pooling ideas and resources… We may all need a friendly neighbour and family member…. Starting at home and with self is the first port of call.. I agree..



  12. prenin
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 01:52:54

    The world is in a depression, despite all the effort made by the politicians to deny this!

    It is not a local problem, but a world problem, so we are forced to listen to the lies of politicians as the world staggers from one crisis to the next… 😦

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:02:50

      Yes a world wide problem, I am afraid I am all but deaf now to politicians as one party blames the other for the crisis its in… The problem is that the monetary system has been abused for so long now and can now no longer support the systems which have been in place within the perimeters it was never meant to support…. Borrowing Money to pay it back with huge interests. then pay our banks to get them out of the mess THEY got into, so they can then pay themselves Huge Bonus’s …. Many thanks for adding your thoughts here Prenin



  13. Renee Espriu
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 03:05:59

    A wonderful write, my friend. Sorry to have not come by but between work and concern I’ve been a bit more tired than I would like. Hope you are well.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:04:07

      Renee, I know you come by when you are able dear Renee, and you have had alot on your plate of late.. Yes I am well… thank you and I hope your energy soon picks back up.. Love and Hugs Sue



  14. marja
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 06:42:31

    These are trying times It is heart breaking to see such injustices. I feel you can only do little bits and I try to do it person to person as mother Theresa says but you still feel edgy about it all. I am happy to have you around as it builds on my strength for some reason



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:08:24

      Awww thanks Marja, its good to have you comment my friend, You have seen things change first hand in NZ since the Earthquake and you have witnessed how people are now rallying around each other and helping each other .. Its such a shame that it takes a disaster to do that.. I hope that more people will wake up to themselves and see there is still much we can each contribute in helping shape our world in caring more for each other .. Thank you



  15. giselzitrone
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 09:53:26

    Hallo liebe Sue wünsche dir einen schönen Tag,es so schlimm alles und so viel Ungerechtigkeiten,auf der Welt zu sehen.Ein schöner Bericht hast du wieder verfasst.Vieleich hilft ja der neue Papst etwas und er kann was kann nur hoffen und Betten.Lieber Gruß meine liebe Freundin alles Gute von mir.Gislinde



  16. Valentine Logar
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 10:29:13

    The world is spinning more slowly right now as what happens in small spots like Cyprus ripple worldwide. We, the people begin to open our eyes and I think some will battle to maintain the status quo while others will demand change for positive results. It is the positive results, these small changes one at a time that must begin at the grassroots and work outward, wining hearts and minds as they go. If not, we lose it all.

    Wonderfully done Sue. You bring me hope.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:40:28

      Val, thank you, this is a huge compliment, and we should all never give up on Hope.. But we all can no longer sit in silence either… and while I may only be a drop in the ocean, many more droplets are thinking the same way…. And like those in Cyprus who printed NO on their hands… a lot more are saying enough is enough… We each are starting to open up our eyes and ears and make our own choices.. This is what is needed… Many thanks again ~Sue



  17. penpusherpen
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 13:41:43

    I empathise Sue, totally, for sometimes it seems hardly a day goes by that we’re not hit in the face with another catastrophe facing us humans. I give to Charity, unable to ignore the painful pleas and pictures sent, but I dream of a day when Charity, the collecting of money for those without and in dire situations, will cease… that all needs are met and things are sorted out and not just papered over… seems to be the state of things now, throw money at the problem and the cracks won’t show. A total change is needed, in the way the Government shares out the money WE give them. Those at the top of the wealthy tree, the lucky ones with should share more with those who are without … An opening up of hearts and minds would help this world of ours, and a total change in the mindset of ” I’m alright, let those others take care of themselves” … I so hope that a new day dawns when Red Nose Day, Children In Need, and all other Charities are a thing of the past… with the root causes found and obliterated. … Now that would bring a smile to my face… luv ‘n hugs.. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:44:53

      Hi Pen, yes I give also, and I endorse that dream of a day when we no longer need to have charities!..

      An opening up of hearts and minds would help this world of ours

      I whole heartedly agree. Many thanks for your indepth reply Pen..



  18. natswans
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 14:50:21

    Such a good post Sue , and so true what is going on…We are lead by the powerful people and what are they doing for these people in need..Anything where’s the money actually going.. Questions upon questions Sue…
    Hugs Sheila take care , I wish I could stay positive .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:54:40

      We have to try and stay positive Sheila, We need to keep our thoughts on that positive road of recovery so that people around our world no longer need to live this deplorable existence while those leaders in their countries live lives of luxury in comparison. And I no way wanted my post to be negative, but we need to start and understand many around our world want the world to stay this way… They want the have nots to struggle, so they can be the ones who Have … And these are not the ordinary man and woman in the street.. These are the handful of elite who run the whole show..



  19. Christy Birmingham
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 16:50:23

    So many people are in a daze and just want to stay that way… I’m sure a part of them realizes they are in dreamland but another part says ‘hey it is safer here than in reality’. In the daze, he or she does not feel compelled to take action and finds warmth… I am sensitive as well, Sue. Like you I want to shake people into really waking up emotionally. I hope this happens soon xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 15:58:40

      Yes I agree Christy, but at some point the ‘Dream’ is going to end, and I pity those who live with their heads buried in their daze, because when they do wake up, it will be a painful experience!.. Many thanks Christy I too hope this wake up happens real soon…



  20. James Bathouprothes
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 18:52:30

    If all Being is determined by the utter corruption of our nature, how then can our vision be refashioned such that we are made able to see the world as it really is?

    Is it not the case that we are but foul worms full of filth and infection?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 23, 2013 @ 13:38:51

      Because not all beings are Corrupt! Looking at the many good deeds in this world instead of a view we are all worms full of filth infection! Like attracts Like.. So thats why we need to disconnect from the distraction of Negative information which the Media especially focus’s on.. Im sorry your reply was delayed but your comment was retrieved from the spam box.



      • James Bathouprothes
        Mar 25, 2013 @ 14:52:09

        According to the Lupine perspective, all corruption flows from the Cainite error of grasping the fleshy products of earth, spilling out their life force. This can be summed up in the adage:

        “The life-blood cries out to life-blood as deep cries out to deep.”

        You speak very truly when you say, “Like attracts like.” Indeed, for this is why Lupus begs for blindness in the inner-eye even unto the innermost portions.

        Thank you, Sue Dreamwalker, for your contributions to this conversation.



  21. andrewmstevenson
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 21:18:14

    Good to see such a big response Sue. Your post says what we feel. A needy news paper I subscribe to, Positive News, has it that a high percentage of us will switch to a more community centred bank, like the Co-Op and building societies. News papers are famous for giving us what they think we want to hear, and disregard a lot of the more positive news. With the work very many are doing at grass root level, irresponsible banks will soon find themselves without customers, before they have time to clean themselves up. The same applies to big supermarket chains, as small co-operative enterprises fill empty shops. This is all following a trend away from national to local. Governments too are being given warnings, through a multitude of global petitions. Avaaz National Forests petition, for example, halted this governments plan to sell off a large percentage of our woodland. Fact.
    I have felt the same despair and hopelessness, for days at a time. Then I pick up my copy of Positive News.
    Thank you Sue for a thought provoking post.
    Love to you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 23, 2013 @ 13:57:34

      I think we could all do with a Positive News channel and news paper Andrew, thank you, and apologies that my reply has been late in coming but your comment got overlooked so sorry..
      Yes Andrew People are waking up slowly to the power within themselves and are voicing their concerns now more verbally than ever… We are living in changing but exciting times.. And I hope you are not as snowed in as we are here? Bang goes the allotment this weekend! 🙂



  22. Red
    Mar 20, 2013 @ 02:15:42

    I recently have broken my prohibition to religion and politics, not to cast stones at people but to stir the water. There are more of us coming to the lake’s edge to lap the cool water on the face of the sleeping. Keep tossing stones, Sue. It is making a difference.
    Blessings, xxx



  23. Eddie Two Hawks
    Mar 20, 2013 @ 14:18:13

    Thank you very much Dreamwalker for casting light on some difficult condition facing our world today. I believe some of the problem may be created by our ever eager media to present serious situations and subject matter without conscience. Unfortunately they are very real and do exist. However, watching any newscast today will bring fresh stories into our living rooms of mass murders, rapes, starvation, suicide, and war (guns,guns,guns). This is a society anywhere, and everywhere. This is the way it is. My first suggestion; unplug
    With much work and good fortune, it can change for the better. with love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2013 @ 14:30:37

      Hi Eddie, oh its often Unplugged dear Eddie, but the sad fact of it is.. these events are happening, every day all over the world.. While many are so in-sensitized to them as to hear about them is the norm….
      I happen also to live in a county which has the highest Gun Crime in recent years even here in the UK, its on the increase..
      I try constantly to switch off those devices of Media News, but these issues do need addressing and those who we have voted into power to do something about them, are now part of the problem as we hear daily about their own corrupt adventures..
      I send out positivity 99% of the time, as my blog is to uplift not to drag any one down…
      But we all need a reminder now and again as to this so called reality in which we live, whereby many do not see the injustices of the many while others sit in ivory towers with their blinkers on..
      I needed to spill out my thoughts Eddie, as well as send out my heart and prayers for Peace and Harmony..

      ” This is the way it is.”

      Has to change!……… it has to…
      Much love Dreamwalker



      • Eddie Two Hawks
        Mar 20, 2013 @ 18:54:09

        I think it is changing slowing but surely Dreamwalker. More people are waking to realise that something needs to change. Something needs to improve and that something starts with their self. That is a permanant and lasting change.



  24. coastalcrone
    Mar 20, 2013 @ 22:13:42

    Sometimes we don’t want to see the real world but it is all around us. Thanks for making us think about it. I hope Pope Francis will bring focus to the poor around the world. Good post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2013 @ 14:35:52

      We live in hope’s always and I add my prayers too , but those who are in the depth of poverty need more than hope, for they live each day of their lives in faith that tomorrow will be brighter..

      The system we each live by needs to change… and slowly I am pleased to say many are seeing that this change has to begin with their own ways of being.

      In a world where by we throw 8.3million tons of food waste away each year. We certainly need to re-address the balance, where Millions starve to death.
      Many thanks for taking time to come by and read and leave me your comment CC..



  25. europasicewolf
    Mar 22, 2013 @ 22:25:38

    I certainly woke up and got shook up at the thought of any government raiding our personal savings and shutting us out of our banks and access to our hard earned pennies!! Ok so it’s been broached in Cyprus, but what’s to say our own government won’t decide it’s a really cool idea and that they should implement it here? I’m beginning to think it may be much much safer hidden under the mattress!I think the changes we are seeing in our world are driving those in power quietly insane!! Time for a change in the balance of power I think!

    On a more positive note I am personally re-learning how privileged I am to be continuing my education and revisiting opportunities I threw away when I should have been sweeping them up with open arms. Maybe one day this new chance at education will open the doors to finding ways to help others achieve that goal too 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 23, 2013 @ 12:36:35

      Yes many more I think Wolfie will get a wake Up call as things start to reverberate around the globe especially in the financial markets… This has been on the cards for a while..
      Sounds like you are exploring your education and studying again Wolfie… I do so hope that these new opportunities will enable you to indeed help others… You are definitely qualified in my eyes as a Wise Wolfie 🙂 😉 big Hoooooowwwwls your way xxx



  26. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Apr 17, 2013 @ 11:47:50

    Hi Sue 🙂

    As soon as you said ‘being a sensitive’, I knew where you were coming from.

    I feel like you do like Mt Etna sometimes. I can completely understand the primitives, actually, thinking that wild storms and tsunamis must have been the gods being crazy, because it’s just what I can imagine: a god feeling such enormous frustration with us slow to learn human beings.

    You know, this evening I dropped a fork on my toe while preparing dinner and the PAIN, the PAIN I felt as my digits were struck by that hard fork immediately had me think of what people must suffer in torture, and torture is just something I cannot, cannot understand about human beings. I know there are psychopaths but I cannot comprehend not feeling compassion and concern at the pain of another person.

    This was a great read, Sue. I really appreciate it tonight in particular actually. Thank you. xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 17, 2013 @ 12:00:14

      Yes Noeleen, I often wonder at the Human Race full stop! as to how so many can Kill, and torture another human being with no compassion or thought. I often question our origins as to the violent nature of Mankind… He surely has lost his way in regards to his Kindness, in his namesake.
      I hope your toe soon heals, nothing more painful, You would laugh I dropped a bar of soap on my toe the other day,,, LOL.. not funny is it, when we are hopping about on one leg.. hehe…
      We have to laugh and make light of this world Noeleen… I try to switch off as much as I am able…. When I go to bed if I caught sight of a news bulletin hubby was watching, ( as I try to avoid) I lay awake thinking too much of the horrors inflicted upon our brothers and sisters, especially the children of the world.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts here, I so much appreciate them. Much love to you xox Sue



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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