Walking your Path, in the Flow of Now.

I have been taking time out creating, enjoying the flow, going where my day takes me. Not setting myself targets or putting pressure on tasks to be completed. I have allowed myself to BE in the moment of choice, doing what pleases me. I have stopped worrying, for whatever will be will be… “Que Sera, Sera”

I observe as people rush around within their Maze of turmoil, appearing lost, going around and around in circles. We see other pointing their fingers, as the boiling pot of blame keeps each of us at odds with one another, as we formulate our own opinions about the world as each of us shouts to be heard. No one really listening, as Ego doesn’t want to listen to knowledge that shows deception in motion.

So, we jump up and down with our heads bobbing over the hedge of the maze, as we try to see beyond our own path, to what the future holds? Seeing if there are any shortcuts to find a better way.  Many fearing what is beyond their view, — the Unknown.. Because we have been taught to fear the Unknown, that which is not seen.

We constantly give our power away, by allowing others to overshadow our thinking, we have not only got lost within the maze. So engrossed are we, within the machinery of our illusionary world of Hollywood, computer games, iPhone’s, advertisements and politics, let alone the CGI ‘Computer Generated Imagery’ we no longer know what is true, or who is real.  For our world is fabricated, manipulated and our senses are bombarded from all angles by those who wish us to be distracted, dumbed down, and confused.

Step out from the shadows. The Old is about to fall.

We need to step out of the maze, we have created for ourselves and learn to focus upon our inner world and our own energy. And focus upon the NOW, for our Now creates our future.

Our own ENERGY is so important, and how we Think.

Stepping out from the Maze can be daunting, for we can find ourselves feeling alone lost, and confused. We become fearful, because it can be daunting to stand out, to speak out, saying you are not fitting into certain patterns or programming. As you begin to step into that power of yourself. The you who knows instinctively what you are witnessing, when something doesn’t feel right, Isn’t right.

Going against the norm, makes us fear ridicule, for we then draw attention to ourselves. Which is why others give you a label, that is meant to separate you, into someone else’s idea of who you are... Just think how many labels society has given Humans, to segregate and separate… Yet we are ALL of us Humans, at least,… most of us are?

As humans we fear change, so we may still want to cling onto the maze, the old patterns, as control and authority is ingrained into us from childhood. We are taught to conform, not question. We hold onto our old ways of being , for they are our comfort zone, so too, we hang onto our guilt, our prejudices, blame, and our victim mentalities, and belief systems. Because we have lacked our own self worth, forgotten our own inner gifts of using discernment and our intuition.
We are told to believe and not question. I was always a child in school who at first loved to question, when I asked WHY? the answer mainly was Because!…. I soon learnt not to question as a child, because I was singled out, and made fun of…. We should ALL Question and use discernment to critically think for ourselves much more than we do.

Out from the Old Grows the New.

But once you are free of this thinking, you will find yourself detaching from fear and you then begin to pull in the energy of love, the love of self, and the love of Nature, as you begin to embrace Unity Consciousness.  You then see the world from a new perspective. As you understand we are all of us going through this process, all be it in different time zones, and at different speeds. Each allowing us to learn from each other. Progress may seem slow, and it often feels like an uphill struggle. But the horizon to our future is what we create in the now. Are you creating blue skies or grey?

Photo Credit – My Sister.

Nature is asking us to engage in Oneness. She is showing us with all of her beauty just how at One we all are. She is showing you with her clouds, rain, storms, rainbows, earthquakes, and Sunny days,  just how small each of us are within the scheme of the Universe. Yet she is also showing you how valued each of us are from the tiny insects to human kind, for each one of us is connected to the other.  Each affecting the WHOLE.

Grasshopper energy while I was working in the garden

When you step beyond this Maze, you will find yourself trusting your own instincts, and going within the flow, as we cleanse and let go of belief systems. As we begin once again to trust our own inner compass to guide us to pursue the things which will empower us, and bring us fulfilment.

So embrace a new challenge, as we are propelled into new territory, it may be something simple like writing down your thoughts, or reconnecting with your artistic creative side.. It maybe starting your own garden, or joining a new group of people. Or something more challenging like stepping out of your comfort zone into a new job or new location or new circle of friends.

Rivers and Streams
Are you in the Flow of Life?

Your world right now is opening up as New realities present themselves. Showing you a New Earth, an exciting place where Synchronicities take place. Where you meet along your pathway like-minded souls who have travelled through their own dark mazes to emerge into this new world, just like you.
Where we let go of the past, and we learn to forgive those who caused us pain. As we learn to walk into the Light of our own hearts again.

Lady bug ~ Things only seem upsidedown.

This journey is by no means an easy one to travel, the only barriers are ourselves,
each step leads us to discover more wonders about ourselves.   As we learn to work through these old patterns as we embrace Love, Unity, Peace and Happiness, as we work through the Quantum fields of Unity Consciousness.

Iris, Part of a Painting in Acrylic. You Add colour everyday into the world.

This journey will be different for each of us, for no one is the same. For we all have different agenda’s and pathways to work through. We are all unique, on our own path. For me right now, I am allowing my creative flow, I am painting more, and creating with my yarns. No two days are the same, as I divide my time between nature and creating. I am embracing what is coming forward, as I go within its flow.

Each Stitch, Each Colour, each twist and turn, all adds to making your journey Uniquely your own.

I am sleeping more, if I feel like a nap in the middle of the day, I embrace it. I awake feeling refreshed. My sleep patterns are fitful, I know in dream time I am working more, as stories come forth of the past, I feel I am releasing and letting go, as I meet in sleep state those I need to help and those who are helping me.

 I have always embraced nature, but I make time to spend more time out in nature, blending, feeling the beauty of Mother Earth.  I notice minuet things, petals, insects, as the flora and fauna show me how interconnected we are.  

Some of you may be finding a new focus in your life, or taking a step back to relax and be in your own space more. Whatever you do, do it with love in your hearts and embrace your moment of Now. For there truly is no other better time than this moment to start the changes needed to change the rest of your Life.

Take Stock of your Life

And in changing your life, in being within that creative flow, as you express your love and gratitude for all you are. You are also helping the world to flow into a more creative phase of abundance and joy..

When we embrace and respect our lives and all that we have been given, and we learn from a point of gratitude, and not waste our opportunities, we need to make our lives count.  Each of us now are beginning to discover our purpose. Make the most of yours and in doing so, you help each of us make the most of ours.. 

Photo Images and word Credits. Sue Dreamwalker’s past and present.


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Free E-Book True Awakening Experiences ~ Download your copy here!

Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at http://memymagnificentself.wordpress.com/

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


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