Dream Time: New Earth~ Solstice~

Here we are in the Summer Solstice It is now time to let go of our shadows allow the layers, the skins we have held onto to shed… There will be those whose choices support the negative and those who are here to restore and heal the planet…  We need to work upon our heart centres, loving ourselves, nurturing ourselves, as we love and respect all others.  We need to let go of Anger, Division, and Fear!

For Aeons, the negative forces played their game, holding us trapped, as we remembered who we were and from where we came The more awake we became, the more treacherous  their games. Lives did not matter, for they worshipped another Queen, The Queen of AI who was busy sending out her tendrils into every home.
They were high-jacking Gaia deeper and deeper within their vipers layer, trapping souls and fallen angels Sabotaging her energy grids, and destroying the Indigenous Knowledge and sacred sites of the Portals which were revered by many cultures who knew their origins came from the stars  So as the Vipers  raped and pillaged, News travelled across galaxies out into the solar system the Stars heard their sister Gaia’s call for help

Dark Energy Our Layers, skins…


And Star seeds heard her call even though amnesia from our own blue prints have high-jacked us from our mission life time after life time, We came… And NOW is the time on this Solstice Energy point, to amplify our thoughts as we Unify and send Unconditional Love into the hearts of ALL Darkness…  We have our Dream Magic…   And not allow their own Dark Magick win..  We each need to hold our hearts in Love, when we Unify our hearts as ONE… We will extinguish the power of the darkness to change our present time line to be one of beauty, peace and harmony…

Star seeds- bringing light

 BUT WE HAVE TO DREAM IT into Being This world holds our free will, and if we comply and allow those negative energies with no resistance, they take it as consent… And I do not give my consent to this Dark Agenda of Controlling dominance. So my paints brought life and glitter, love and joy into the New Earth..   I could see it, I saw the beauty the harmony, I saw Free Energy, Love, and Laughter.

I Believed in a World where ALL helped each other, and the domination of control, and greed were no more…  My heart swelled as I closed my eyes in the dance of our Future time line…

Creating New Earth from within


So as my paint brushes swirled, I pulled out the beauty, the love, the positivity, as the star seeds and angels of love and light began to wrap their energy around Mother Earth…
Gaia, began spinning faster, her shorelines became blurred, as she began to raise her own energy vibration and frequency Then within the shadows the Tall Greys, the AI, the darkness of all the dark forces suddenly showed themselves for who they were. No longer were they able to sustain or remain in the LIGHT Humanity was now reaching her height of transformation. Nothing could stop was about to happen. For this was all Divine Timing. 

Tall Greys -Representing. , Shadow State, AI, Malevolent Beings!


Their shadow selves suddenly appeared out of the woods, revealing themselves for who they were They were now desperate in their attempts to hold Gaia in their clutches and would throw every trick that had to suppress the now awakening masses… I saw the Dark one’s banished as I saw them flee Earth… I saw the snakes who had slithered beneath the stones, deep in Mother earth no longer have or hold their power I saw them slither and slink, and whither back into the Ether from whence we created them. 

The trees reaching to heaven and their roots grounded deep in Mother Earth

The Trees were once again standing Tall, the roots of our origins now firm, spread out across the land… And each soul, which had before been trapped, was now lifted within themselves… No vehicle came to transport them.
Transcending was not what many thought, for  their New World, New Earth was inside of them… It had to be of their own creation. Each creating their own new Time Line of experiences.. Either Love of Fear dictating how each now made their own stories..
As within, So without!.

  They had to create it within themselves… They had to perceive their world through the eyes of love, not lack… They had to unify instead of divide They had to hold Joy, not anger or jealousies, most of all, had to hold LOVE. as they completely let go of All Fear

The Star seeds were unifying more strongly than ever Our TIME is NOW  We need at this Solstice to Send Gaia, our Love, We need to project our Prayers of Unity and Harmony, Peace and LOVE.

The Last Act was to add a Herkimer Diamond to embed into the Heart of New Earth..

My Last act of love as I created the painting was to glue a Herkimer Diamond to the centre of our New Earth.. Among the glitter and Love I had poured into our New Earths Heart..  

This is the crux, We each need to send out that Unconditional Love into Gaia and all hearts, to create a positive Time line, instead of allowing the fragments of confusion, division,  hatred and separation to work for the Dark Agenda. Which if we are complicit create a time line of much more sorrow and suffering… We all now need to Choose!

We who have been busy gathering together more swirls of energy, in our day to day work, we who have connected with each other and with Gaia herself.

 New Earth- Finished Painting

My Painting, My Mission…. Created out of Love.. 💚🙏

This is Now our most Important Time to bring about Change…

As we Dream into being Our New Earth.. 

Let The Dream Begin! BIG! 

 I wrote this post in 2020… So, some of you may remember the painting I did.

 Each Summer Solstice is an important time frame of creation. But none as important as this Summer Solstice as many Astrologers are showing us, as other planets within alignment are showing us the power held in this transformation point in our Galaxy.

 There may be those who try to create disruptions and fear during this time frame, trying to stop our vibrations from rising higher.  If that is the case, please know, that LOVE overcomes FEAR.. Remember and understand Illusion! KNOW, not all is as it may seem.

Keep sending out your prayers of love, compassion, and gratitude.🙏 We have not come this far to fail.. Hold Faith… in the Divine Plan.  TOGETHER We are Strong and United.

💖Much LOVE to all who read here.. 💖

Have a Wonderful Summer Solstice.


Thinking Kindness Back into Man-Kind!

Taking a deep breath, and pausing from the hectic confusion of information that pours forth daily into our lives, can give us all headaches and heartaches if we let ourselves absorb it.  That is why I take regular breaks to be out in nature, to plant bare feet on the ground, earthing myself into Mother Nature and her life-giving Prana of energy…   For those wishing to see more of what we have been creating in Mother Nature, you can follow this link to my other Dreamwalker’s Garden Blog.

Creating Peaceful Surroundings

I believe Cyril hinted that I could speak more on ‘Time’ in his last update. I thought long and hard upon what poured out of Cyril’s beak, and Do I have anything to say about time? I do not know… But we are all of us I feel, internally know and feel Time is certainly running faster than ever, as we see, the weeks months and years fly by at ever-increasing speed…

So, I delved into my Archives in WordPress, and sure enough back in 2011 I wrote a post I posted in January of 2012 which touched on Time… Entitled ‘The Quickening’ what the Native Indigenous American Indians call The Great Purification …  Again, little did I know back then, how this ‘Quickening, and the cycles of change was going to develop, or pan out.. Or perhaps I did on a Higher Soul level.

A paragraph I wrote caught my attention in that article ..

“ I know around our world, we are seeing many who are rebelling as we are seeing breakdowns in systems of governments, exposures to lies, and cover-ups. And the greed of banking systems corrupt policies is exposed. ……………and I went onto say………. “The Birthing process is always going to be painful, and many will choose to turn their backs and bury their heads and buy into the Fear of it all, as the Woe is me syndrome takes it grip, but each thought we create, creates its own reality, and for many their reality will be chaos. 

On the face of it that article I wrote in 2011, it sounded much like doom and gloom. But its message was about Transition. and I finished off that article by saying this.

“But remember all you have ever needed has always been with you, from your conception in Time and It matters not what creed or indoctrinated thoughts we adhere to. We are merely transcending to the next natural level on our evolutionary path.
We merely need to trust and follow our own natural instincts above all else. Instincts which we all need to get back in touch with. “Know Thyself”. And let the Light of our Good Intent open our heart centres to each other and our Earth Mother, as she will carry us through to the next phase in our Universal Journey, as our Consciousness once again lifts us up to new Heights of our experience.
So let us transcend to the next cycle of our existence.”


Growing your own

This is why we, as we shift gears into aligning with our higher mission or perspectives of what is important, our paths along with our goals and intentions change, as we outgrow that which we no longer need, so, we choose different paths as our inner intuition speaks loudly for us to follow.    
It is why we, my hubby and I grow our own food, we have always done so, it is instinctive, as we could see the chemicals applied, to grow food, were in fact doing no good to our health. We have always been independent and creative, relying upon ourselves, our instincts, and our connection via nature along with our arts and crafts.. 

And above all else it is why WE are creative BEings, We are Human BE-ings in our Human Experience as we exercise our Inalienable Rights to be Free.  A short video showing how these rights are being taken away can also be watched here  

I feel it is now time that we each follow our higher guidance of intuitive thinking. Today is such a day, as I speak out my thoughts.  Many Astrologers are saying that this New Moon and the Summer Solstice is a high activation point to bring those Dreams, and manifestations of what Kind of world we would all like to live in… Remember Thought creates, so be mindful of where you place your focus of intentions.  Because focusing upon that which you do not want can also be activated.  But if we require change, then we ourselves must be prepared to help bring those changes about.

Crocheted Afghan Blanket

The Great purification first comes from clearing out the debris of old systems and indoctrinations which have not been for our highest good. These have a multitude of layers, which will not easily be removed with both inner and outer work in clearing that which no longer serves.
 It is now up to each of us to create our own reality, finding our own inner Joy and Peace. Connecting with our hearts, that which we instinctively know, Feels right.  We all of us are weaving our own individual threads into the tapestry of life as we Evolve and move into this New Earth of Enlightenment.

  But first we must each become enlightened to that which no longer serves Humanity. We have to SEE the Truth and expose the Lies, and we can only do that by opening our eyes, and hearts, to become that which we were always intended to be… KIND…. Man-kind,  can no longer bury its head in the sand. But we always must be compassionate to all concerned.
We have to Think Kindness back into Human KIND..  

I only ask you to look within your Hearts, for we are ALL upon this threshold of Discovery…

Much love, as we create harmony and unity together.  

Cyril’s Woo…. June: The Heat is Rising!

  Hello my Fine Feathered Friends… It’s Wooo…. Time..

 I do so hope you have enjoyed all the Joys that May have brought you.. I see that Dreamwalker took you on a walk in the bluebell wood a while back, now that is one of my favourite places to fly… June is promising to be full of surprises as the heat rises as we watch the Transition of New Growth.

Leaves of every shade and shape. All unique, just like you are.

 Lots of Blossoms Blooming in May, and as those leaves and petals have unfurled, so too we shall see more colourful moments unfurling within your human world.  I am sure some more unravelling of the webs, which have been holding you humans trapped within the many lines of distraction, destruction and deceptions to date… Argh… I see the D’s are out in force this month.. Maybe we are on track for D-Day.. and No that is not, D- for Doom… but D… for Decision time though  you will perhaps be told by your msm that D-Day has arrived. 

It is Time for All to Bloom to their full potential.
Dream it into BE-ing

If you want any advice from this Old Owl, I would say focus upon your Dreams… Another D world, which holds more power than you realise..

Stand Tall. and Strong.

It is now time for you as Humans to decide your future… What kind of a future do you wish your future to be?… Timelines are what you yourselves create!… Now there is a lot we could Discuss and Debate about time.. That is something perhaps Dreamwalker can go into later. I know she has been spending Time on her creations, and she has missed being here with all of you.  

But in order to manifest a reality one has to first Think it into BE-ing.. I know Dreamwalker has spoken upon this subject for years. For that which you focus your intentions upon the most, even if it’s what you DON’T want to happen, if you focus more on your Don’t wants… Guess what ?… you attract it by the laws of attraction into your orbit..
So my fine feathered friends….  My Tweet-ta-woo this month of June is focus your intentions on the kind of world you DO want..  Create it first, by focusing in on your intentions, then bring in Actions of creating that which you Dream of.  It doesn’t happen on it’s own.. YOU have to create it, and that often takes patience, hard work and time.

Setting your Intentions to Grow. All starts from the Seeds we first sow.

Watch your thoughts, remember, that which you water will grow! Create the kind of world you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in freedom to BE.. Letting go of the perpetual Fear you are being taught, as you Trust your Inner Intuition more, that GUT feeling that will guide you into right Action.

So set your Intentions, spend time out in nature, for you are all, whether you realise it or not, at a choice point right now… And when you decide to create a different pathway for yourselves, the rewards are great.

Order out of Chaos. We need to reconnect back to our roots. Mother Earth

Lots of releasing of the Old Systems is going to be evident this month and the sooner Humans learn to let the past go, as you depart from the Matrix which has entrapped you, then the sooner you will attract into BE-ing that which you have focused your attention upon.. So beware dear Humans what you wish for, remember what you Think is what you create..

Some need shelter and support to survive, while others hold strong and upright alone. Working together means we also have to weed out that which no longer serves.

You are all of you activating Light into the Earth, and as you do so, more shall be aware of the shadows, for as more light is cast, so more shadow will creep out to be exposed.  Remember to Live in love, from your hearts, as you hold compassion for others whose Light is still to shine.

Food for thought. as well as our stomachs

Now We Owls like to keep our food fresh… And we rely on the supply being there for us to catch. Now if I were a Human right now, I would make sure your supplies are stored a few weeks in advance, It is just Wise to prepare your store cupboards with staples, especially if you have a brood to feed.  Don’t flap and fly yourselves ragged when those places you get your food or your paper currencies from no longer want to serve, be prepared for the Unexpected. And you will not be surprised.

Strawberries in abundance yet to ripen, For thou shalt eat the labour of thy hands: Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. : Psalm 128:2

 Remember All things are Transitionary.

 As you can see Dreamwalker has been busy along with her hubby, and isn’t concerned or focusing in, on any Doom and Gloom, What will be, will Be, and she says the Universe has Got this New Earth well in hand. Dreamwalker has learnt to LIVE in the NOW and is enjoying bringing into BE-ing her creative Reality.. And she says she is going to try catching up with you in the next couple of days.

So, Tweet-ta-Woo! For Now my fine feathered friends.. See you next Month for my next Woo….

Love and Hugs Cyril.    💖🦉💖  


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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