Awakening to Truth.

Why Our Thoughts Matter:

Our World has always been a learning ground of duality from as far back as we can remember, or our history books teach us.. Conflict, Divisions, War, along with Empires have come and gone, and Millions of people around our world have suffered as a consequence.

We have been pitted against each other from time immemorial. We have relinquished our Sovereignty and freedoms little by little, as we have allowed others to rule, govern, and manipulate because some have deemed it upon themselves to Control and tell us what to do. Along with how to act, what to wear, and how to think and speak..

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.

Earl Nightingale

Its so easy to let our thoughts carry us away, as we get swept up in the narratives projected out by the selected few. In fact it’s so easy, that’s exactly what has happened to our thoughts over the years. We have been carried away. We’ve allowed ourselves to be influenced , hypnotically so into a world of commercialism, division and false reality.

There are so many crisis’s around the world right now. Many people injured, dying, and mentally being damaged. Many not being reported on in the media, because all eyes are focused on War… Well dear readers, we are all of us whether we realise it or not engaged at this time in a Spiritual Battle, Larger than any war that has ever taken place in our life time. And we are all being manipulated within it, for to divide, is to conquer…

It is why we feel at times so isolated and confused. Its all part of this battle to keep us feeling helpless and afraid. So, its not surprising that at times we feel overwhelmed and insignificant, and that how can we, a small voice, ever make a difference to the mess this world we have helped create.

Around the world we are beginning to see the Dominos begin to fall. Leaders being called out to tell the truth, as their integrity is shown to fail…. And as they fall, more will begin to topple over. People are now waking up to deceit and lies and even though many are as yet not fully aware of what has been perpetrated within this battle. Those perpetrators will at some point have to face the consequences of their actions. It is not up to us to judge, yet when such crimes become visible it will be hard not to.

Many know deep within them something is not right, and hasn’t been right for a long, long, while. And people are beginning to question, and stand in their own power as we each remember who we are. For Now is our time to shine our own Truth in the world. And the Truth will set you free…. We hear that said so many times…

But What is Truth? but our Perception of Events and circumstances. Given our knowledge at the time. My Truth maybe different from your Truth. But I feel obligated to speaking my truth and being truthful and honest with myself and others. We need integrity and honesty along with transparency, especially by those who take it upon themselves to call themselves leaders of society, with whom we have placed them in positions of trust. .

If The Light of Truth Hurts, Its because your eyes have become accustomed to the Darkness.

Author unknown

Have Faith, Faith will Move Mountains:

And I think at last I understand those words more fully. I look at Nature and Nature never gives up, never feels helpless and lost, she never gives up. Nature just carries on choosing to grow and evolve.

I’ve come to understand we are coming together now at an even faster speed. We are finding our Soul-tribes of like minded people.. We are no longer those separate pieces of this giant jig-saw puzzle. We are coming together and our  Like-minds are slotting together. We are those ‘Rainbow Warriors’ from all creeds, all colours, and all walks of life.

We may appear separate, like lone domino pieces. But more and more of us are standing together, side by side in like minded thought. And like that 100th Monkey, when enough of us Let Go and see we each of us can change the world with the choices we make everyday as we merge together, we then join collectively to bring about Change. Then we create that Domino Effect which will send ripples out around the world.

Its time to end commercialism of greed and profit, we all know who these Big Boys are. We need Co-operation for the survival of the world, we need to pull together. Because lets make no mistake unless we don’t Let Go of the way most of us are all living at the moment then we are not going to have much of a future. Our future is what we make it for we are creating our very future right now by our thoughts and actions…

The Future is in our hands, The Choice is up to each and everyone of us.

When WE Change- The World Changes  

But we have to start living from our Hearts, and learn to live once again in harmony and balance with Nature and our environment.

Where do we go from here? is our Choice and we need to seriously take a look at ourselves and our ways of living. Everyday we have the power within us to either help or hinder our progress with the Choices we make…

And we have to take responsibility for those choices.. For the choices we all make now will affect our future..

Each of us now must look Deep Within and See that collectively we CAN have a huge impact to tip the scales. We can either Fall one way, or the other..

The Choice is Ours..    

Blessings to all.. Sue Dreamwalker

145 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Bela Johnson
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 01:16:03

    As always, so well stated. Glad you mentioned the hundredth monkey, as well. Here for readers who do not know of it:

    Change as possible, even though at times it doesn’t seem so. But you are correct, this would be because a person keeps listening to the news and subscribing to the fear paradigm. Covid was the perfect example of governments sowing deep division. Read on.
    ‘I was nine years old in 1956 when I read that Russia’s Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within….” I distinctly remember thinking at my tender age, “That will never happen.” And now I am horrified to see Khrushchev’s words coming true.’ – Barbara Fowler, Orlando Sentinel.

    So you and I both know how powerful the weapon of fear can be. Yet as you say, there is always a choice. We all have the warrior archetype within ourselves, perhaps calling upon it at such times to help us be brave and move toward love and community instead can help.

    Anyhow, thanks as always for a well scripted post. Love you. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 5 people


  2. Timothy Price
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 01:27:28

    Excellent post, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  3. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 01:31:38

    Dear Sue,

    Indeed, we are like-minded people with impeccable integrity and searing visions for a better future for humanity!

    Let me respond in my usual pictorial way to your following paragraph:

    I’ve come to understand we are coming together now at an even faster speed. We are finding our Soul-tribes of like-minded people. We are no longer those separate pieces of this giant jig-saw puzzle. We are coming together and our Like-minds are slotting together. We are those ‘Rainbow Warriors’ from all creeds, all colours, and all walks of life.

    Let us come together with our respective puzzle pieces to complete the spiritual puzzle of transcendence to usher in a much brighter future!

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 2 people


  4. inavukic
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 05:33:07

    So true all the many and those who will come to see the truth and rebel against those who sow lies, control and chaos will hopefully come together into a big army and change the world away from greed and wealth that are behind all the misery occurring. The latest increases to cost of living are perverse as they will force many into destitution and then enslave them. The world is indeed at the crossroads. Be well dear friend!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 21:40:20

      Indeed Ina,one only has to look at Sri Lanka to see what has occurred there I hear Argentina also protesting to their governments… The tide is indeed turning.. And I only pray peaceful solutions will be found. We have endured thousands of years of enslavement of one kind or another… I am very optimistic that people are waking up and seeing their governing bodies for what they are… For they do not serve their people, they only serve themselves..
      Many thanks dear Ina…. Lovely to have your input.. Thank you. ❤ Sending Love and I hope too you have regained some of your strength back… Sending well wishes right back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. thespiritkeeper
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 06:42:11

    Love is all there is and love is all there ever was. Beautiful put together post. It imbibes all that I feel as well. I think like you we are living in transparent times where truth is coming to the forefront and the old must go before we see a new earth. It is a time of balancing. The Ancients speak to me and I am a lucky one for them to impart wisdom of what is going on today. The only thing I can do is talk the talk but I also do the walk therefore aligning myself with Source. No one said my journey is without tribulation but it is present at times. I must say the light is on each and every one of us. I am seeing things in my friends that makes me have another perception. Another friend said to me there is nothing to be happy about. I told her to quit watching negative news and look around you. Does a child laughing seem negative etc. I’m blathering again. lol I will end it here and wishing you peace with the end of this week. Again thought provoking post.

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 21:47:09

      There are many things in this world to be grateful for and much more JOY in the world than we are ever led to believe or be shown.. I so agree with your Joseph.. The cycles are now aligning into Transparency and if you ever follow Pam Gregory the Astrologer… She puts it beautifully as she explains the planets, their rolls and how Now all are in alignment for this great phase of our next evolution and experience.
      I am more than hopeful that ‘God Source’ has all in hand.. and is about to reveal the lies that have become part of our History..
      If we can look ourselves in the mirror Joseph and know we are doing our best by caring, and sending out love in service to others then my friend I know each who try their best is helping create our New Earth…
      Many thanks for your valued thoughts Joseph…. Hugs your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  6. derrickjknight
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 08:12:16

    Wise words, Sue. The more information we can access – increasingly so – the more relevant are your warnings. Boris’s “herd instinct” does work – ‘though not in the way he applied it.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 21:50:42

      Totally in agreement with your there Derrick… Lots more I am sure to be revealed as time goes by…. Sadly there isn’t one among all those who have put their names forward I would wholly trust either.. So for now Boris remains in charge even though he has resigned until the process unfolds to replace him.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  7. fauquetmichel
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 09:32:46

    Alas the symbol of Cain and Abel has always been true since the beginning. Deep thoughts, Sue
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Visionkeeper
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 09:48:49

    Yet another great post DW! Such clarity you spoke with, hitting all the right buttons. If we choose to create our own reality of integrity and compassion, then our world flows along and we no longer stumble. HOW we live our lives decides how life gives back to us. As always the choice is ours. I believe we reached the 100th monkey quite some time ago and there is far more change taking place than we realize. It calls for faith for sure which can only grow stronger by how much truth we are willing to embrace. I sense the end of suffering is near DW, the monkey’s are gathering as one finally, slowly but surely…Thanks for this wonderful post my friend. Love and hugs to you… VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 22:21:30

      I agree VK, much more going on the people are not aware of.. My Faith is ever stronger as is my internal Knowing that the side of Light this time around is winning. Even though as yet its not visible, because of the distortions created via the Media Controlled Corporations of this world.. That only show us what they want us to see or perceive in this world, one only has to see its all negative to bring vibrations down… But our 100th Monkey effect is gaining momentum, and there is no stopping it rippling out…. And the Dark in my opinion is now losing ground as people gradually awaken to the deceptions that have been perpetrated on the world..
      Much love my friend…. Hope your weekend was relaxing…. We had a lovely relaxing day.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  9. marina kanavaki
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 10:17:46

    Thank you for the words of wisdom and hope, my dear Sue. Here’s to Lght and Love! 🙏🌷 Many hugs your way, my dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people


  10. The Path to My Heart
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 11:16:09

    Great post Sue! Yes, it is very important that we each speak our truth. It’s a large part of being in integrity with ourselves. Becoming aware of nature is probably the first step – many people have forgotten that it exists. Hard to believe, but technology has taken over. Although, people are noticing less insects and bees around this year – so some are waking up. It is a choice as you say, choosing to see, choosing to hear and to become aware of what’s around us. And to choose to live side by side with nature and pay attention to our environment – whether within or externally. What we choose to put into our bodies is also of utmost importance too – as we are seeing a lot of sick and dying people now. Very sad, but this can stop at any time by choosing to live consciously. It’s all in our hands, and speaking your truth as you do is a perfect example of living a life in congruency!! Thanks Sue, much love, Donna

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 22:32:47

      Your comment sums it all up beautifully Donna… Personal Choices and Personal Responsibilities, Sad yes very sad, what we are witnessing. Sometimes as hard as that is, people have to experience for themselves in order to believe. And as much as I know we would like to help all of humanity.. We also know each has also their own pathway, choices, and blue-print to follow, and who are we to know that those choosing to depart are also not part of the awakening process.
      All any of us can do is be true to ourselves… And honour and respect one another and live in harmony with nature. As we try to regain our balance….
      Much love dear Donna.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  11. Mark Lanesbury
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 11:33:06

    That is a very well written Sue, opens up more of what many don’t want to face…but must to produce that change. There are indeed more and more speaking their truth and standing in it, this will indeed tip the scales so that the core of that lies and greed are now being pressured and making the mistakes to show what has really been corrupt in so many things. Speak on dear lady, a heart is so much more clearer to hear and feel for its truth. Let that light shine and others will follow 😀❤️🙏🏽

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 22:47:58

      Thank you Mark… In a world today where speaking your truth gets you censored on so many platforms, one has to navigate how you use words today. I am mainly speaking to the converted here anyway Mark…. But sometimes one has to air your thoughts out-loud. Though many put their hands over their ears not wanting to be told the truth, for they want to remain in their bubbles of not wanting to see the truth of reality, they only want their version of it. Which is fine too….

      Sometimes I have often thought Ignorance is Bliss…. But once you’ve opened your eyes to the deceptions, lies, and horrors of this world there is no closing them… And to remain quiet when such horrors are still being perpetrated is being complicate to them… Ignoring something will not make it go away… Solutions need to be found and How that will come about to the worlds problems, well… That is up for discussion and debate…. But unless we air our thoughts and begin the dialogue how do we find solutions to our problems?
      I feel positive that many are coming together within their communities now. And I feel Central Governance is not the answer, but localised communities who know what is required for their area and Co-operatives will once again start.. For we need to learn to Cooperate and Not Control…. So I am very hopeful Mark, that many hearts are shining right now and that others will follow my friend…
      Many thanks for sharing your thoughts, they are always appreciated.. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Jul 11, 2022 @ 06:24:48

        The one thing that I have always felt must be a part of a governing body is…that we all have the ability to vote on everything that a government decides on, and that the government must abide by that voting. It is very simple…if they are doing it for our or our countries benefit, they will have no problem in obtaining a yes vote. There is only one reason to not want a system with that in it…they know we will not like a lot of their decisions which as ever, and always are against a heartfelt decision and lined with deception, greed and a dozen other negatives to go with it.
        We have the technology and you have to admit that they don’t make very many decisions in a year. We could sit down at a computer twice a year and go yes or no or needs change to those questions put before us. Oh, and that citizen voting system cannot be removed or changed in any way without it going to them to be voted on for any change. Any removal or change done without that is an instant criminal offense and minimum 20 years jail and all goods and chattels owned by the offender is confiscated and given to children’s hospitals or some equivalent.
        Sorry Sue, a pet of mine. Without it too much can change within a person, let alone a political party and their rubbish just keeps gaining in its corruption as it has over many, many years, regardless of the party 😀❤️🙏🏽

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 11, 2022 @ 08:38:22

          In total agreement about ut coming back to the people.. The systems however via technology to vote for governments are not unfortunately tamper free… As the world may soon find out.

          And also how different countries too have tampered with different governing bodies around the world..

          I don’t know the solutions Mark, wish I did my friend…. We just know this system is failing its citizens around the world and we do need ourselves and people like us to create new ways of cooperating,without the big boys creaming everything for themselves at the expense of hard working people.

          But it will not change, if we are not prepared to change our habits also.
          Again we’ve given our power away so much in making these choices and decisions for us. As certain elites think THEY know what’s best for the rest of us.

          It’s an in going debate that goes around and around.

          The problem is power goes to people’s heads as it triggers that need to feel superior so they soon become little tyrants of their own domains.
          I’ve sat on committees and even in the so called spiritual church’s of good loving people, you see the tyrants and the need to be in charge and control raise its ugly head.

          The programming goes deep… 🤔

          So we will keep our visions of unity , cooperation, and peace within our communities and hope as we grow and raise our vibrations higher we find solutions to living in harmony and abundance for all. And not just the few at the top of the pyramid. 😊

          Loved our chat Mark.. have a beautiful day… 💚😊

          Liked by 2 people


  12. Carrie Cannady
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 12:16:12

    Thank you for this beautiful piece. It continues to be comforting and intriguing that together we make a difference. I feel it, I see it and know our presence, here now is having an impact on the future for those who will follow. Grateful for your presence, dear Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 23:01:01

      Thank you dear Carrie, there are many lights shining brightly in their various roles in many corners of our world Carrie… Many not realising that by holding that love and caring, compassion and peace within all they do, is an integral part of holding the fabric of our Frequencies in that higher vibration.
      Most of us just want to get on with life, love, laugh and enjoy our moments. But our world creates struggle, conflict, and is geared to enslave most into debt.. So they toil away to survive in our commercial world which is created to enslave and control..
      Many though as you say are coming together and in doing so, just by that intention alone we change not only ourselves but we change the world we are creating.
      I hold lots of positive optimism for our future…. After a few more bumps to shake, rattle and roll some stragglers.. 😀 In love and Gratitude Carrie, for your contribution my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  13. Jane Sturgeon
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 13:23:26

    Beautifully expressed, dearest Sue. Thank you. Grateful for you, my lovely. Much love from us both to you both, always. ❤ xXx

    Liked by 2 people


  14. Erika
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 13:51:56

    It is in our hands, it has always been. What we think we become – no matter what we think and whether we are aware of it or not. It cannot be repeated too often because that is the real power we all have to change everything for the better.

    This is getting creepy… on Monday, I will repost “Thought Pattern – The Art of Detachment”… our synchronicities don’t stop and I don’t stop being amazed although I know that this is only a consequence of Spirit talking to us.
    Thank you for your important and insistent words, Sue 💖

    Liked by 2 people


  15. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 14:18:50

    Do well, stay well, be well.
    love, Eddie

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Miriam
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 14:55:31

    How I love this post dear Sue, as always full of emotion, wisdom, insight and truth. Love is indeed the answer. And slowly but surely people from across all walks of life are beginning to wake up, questioning and choosing faith over fear. We’ve been controlled and manipulated for far too long but finally the dominos are beginning to fall. Thank you for continuing to shine a light on our reality and the fact that the way we live today is always our choice. Much love to you dear friend. ❤️🙏

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 23:34:26

      Yes, indeed Miriam… those dominos falling one by one… Creating soon I feel that ripple where many more will fall.. As people wake up, adding their light to illuminate the world and expose the shadows …. Which has to occur in order for the darkness to be swept out from the sewer… or swamp….. 😉 which ever suits 🙂

      I am just so grateful that I am travelling in such wonderful company as we open our hearts and eyes as we shine our lights into the world….
      Every grateful Miriam for your presence and friendship…
      Much love returned ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  17. Writing to Freedom
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 15:03:28

    Thanks for caring and speaking your truth Sue. You expanded on my post about consumerism, reminding us we need to choose to harmonize and cooperate daily with our actions in order to change the world. Hugs…💕

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 23:41:29

      Exactly Brad… One cannot change without the other… And it all begins with changes we make in our own lives. Actions speak louder than words.. And I am not speaking of protests, though we are witnessing more of those around our world, though again MSM isn’t reporting on that.. But I am talking about making those changes within our own lives. Living by example, as you do… Caring, sharing, and cooperating instead of competing.. Simple things which can make huge differences…
      Many thanks dear Brad… really appreciate your thoughts ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  18. rabirius
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 15:48:54

    Again, a lot to think about.
    Really great post, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  19. europasicewolf
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 16:37:50

    Great post! 👍 Must admit though, right now I’m puzzling a little as to how the truth is setting me free! – I mean, I’m a great believer in this phrase but the truth that came out last night with someone seems to be having the wcacr opposite effect! Far from setting me free it seems to be locking me in a dark prison cell and throwing away the key! This is the problem with other people’s perceptions of what that truth stands for I guess. Ironically it would seem that not knowing the truth, despite the direct question it answered, was far preferable to the questioner…I’m now wondering what other truths will come out of the complxity of one simple truth🤔🙃

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2022 @ 23:55:39

      A dilemma, indeed…. Perhaps Wolfie a few Hooowwwwls would not come amiss….. or a few growls….. But what can we learn from this situation? who is learning? and the choice is do we hold ourselves prisoner, or do we open the cell doors? with the KEY we each hold…. For we choose to wound ourselves and we choose how long to hold onto that wound subconsciously or not…. Perception is everything…. So is discernment… Which it sounds as if both will be needed..
      Good Luck my friend…
      Sending HUGE hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. europasicewolf
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 16:40:47

    “the wcacr opposite effect….?!!” Oops! 😬 “the EXACT opposite effect…lol🤪

    Liked by 3 people


  21. Eugenia
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 16:50:21

    Yes, you turned on the lights, Sue! Now we have to follow the beacon of hope and build a better world. I’ve shared this quote before and feel its timing is so meaningful in today’s world. “I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things that aren’t meant for me.” unknown

    Liked by 3 people


  22. boundlessblessingsblog
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 17:15:43

    Grateful for always giving us motivating and encouraging posts, Sue. Thanks a lot.

    Liked by 3 people


  23. fauquetmichel
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 18:46:37

    I am amazed by your talent , and your thoughts, Sue .
    Yes “Nature is there ,waiting for you and loving you.”
    Yes faith lifts mountains .
    And may spirituality overcomes materialism.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  24. balroop2013
    Jul 09, 2022 @ 19:31:11

    I hope the new earth (as depicted in your picture) expands itself Sue. I hope we choose wisely and each truth leads us to this new earth. Thanks for your positive messages dear friend. Love and hugs🥰

    Liked by 3 people


  25. Baydreamer
    Jul 10, 2022 @ 00:48:31

    Let’s hope we fall in the best direction for our planet and for humanity, Sue. Thanks, as always, for your profound wisdom, for your encouragement and nudge to find the light from the darkness. Hugs, my friend. xoxoxo

    Liked by 3 people


  26. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 10, 2022 @ 16:13:32

    HI Sue, there seems to be lots happening in government in the UK right now. Maybe better times are on the horizon. Hugs.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 11, 2022 @ 00:10:18

      Yes lots going on in the UK right now… as in many parts of the world…. Big dominos falling, and upsets of perceptions to come I feel… But yes…. all for positive changes to form out of the dismantling of the old….
      Sending hugs right back ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  27. lorriebowden
    Jul 10, 2022 @ 18:06:11

    Big choices…big repercussions!! Thanks for reminding us, Sue, that even as one person we make a difference. Because if all the one persons get together and change the vibration to love….yum!! Wouldn’t that be WONDERFUL!! I know there are so many people (and the numbers must grow every single day) who are living in this energy and who want to see the world change. Being in your energy always makes me BELIEVE!!!!
    Hope that things in the garden are going well…and hope that you are able to do some art too! Sending much love ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 11, 2022 @ 00:15:19

      We do indeed make a huge difference dear Lorrie.. And that is all it would take Lorrie too… If all of us stopped doing what we were doing and pulled in that love vibration to send into the world….. and really feel that love as we opened our hearts to embrace all…. <3…
      Awww thank you for that lovely compliment you paid me…. And yes all is good on the plot…. Lots of watering this week early mornings as we are in a heat wave in UK lol…. Just not used to it lol…. 🙂
      Mega hugs your way Lorrie and much love right back my friend… ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  28. Betty Hayes Albright
    Jul 11, 2022 @ 02:41:13

    Thank you, Sue, for your vision and your voice. ❤️
    Namaste 🙏🕉☮️☀️

    Liked by 3 people


  29. Superduque
    Jul 11, 2022 @ 20:34:24

    Administración Biden reparte pipas de crack frente a un preescolar de Nueva York lleno de niños de 3 y 4 años: informe

    The Gateway Pundit ha informado ampliamente sobre el programa de pipas de crack gratuitas de Joe Biden.

    Funcionarios negaron que esto estuviera ocurriendo a pesar de las pruebas de lo contrario.

    Ahora, un nuevo informe del Daily Caller ha descubierto que las pipas de crack financiadas por Biden se reparten en una clínica de la ciudad de Nueva York justo enfrente de un centro de preescolar.

    La clínica New York Harm Reduction Educators (NYHRE) está situada en Park y la 126 en East Harlem. La clínica recibió 400.000 dólares en subvenciones de la administración Biden para proporcionar servicios a los drogadictos de la zona, incluyendo un lugar de inyección seguro y equipos limpios.

    Un reportero del Daily Caller acudió al NYHRE, momento en el que recibió “una pipa de crack, condones y lubricante” tras rellenar un poco de papeleo. El proceso fue repetido por un segundo reportero del medio de comunicación.

    “Hagan lo que hagan, no pongan este tipo de centro justo enfrente de un preescolar”, dijo un padre.

    “Puede que les ayude a no tener sobredosis, pero cuando salen drogados, tenemos que lidiar con ellos, y no es algo a lo que quiera someter a mi hijo de 3 años”, añadió otro.

    En febrero, el gobierno de Biden negó que estuviera dando subvenciones para financiar la distribución de pipas de crack, tras un informe del Washington Free Beacon que expuso la práctica.

    “No se utilizará ninguna financiación federal, ni directamente ni a través de reembolsos posteriores, para colocar pipas en kits de fumadores seguros”, dijo el secretario del HHS, Xavier Becerra, en un comunicado.

    La ex secretaria de prensa de la Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, condenó la “información inexacta” del Free Beacon en febrero y volvió a negar que la administración estuviera distribuyendo pipas de crack.

    Los servicios de verificación de hechos señalaron que el artículo del Free Beacon era parcialmente engañoso, basándose principalmente en las rotundas desmentidas de los funcionarios de Biden.

    Pero cuando los reporteros entraron a la clínica New York Harm Reduction Educators, fueron testigos de “individuos fumando e inyectándose diversas sustancias”.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2022 @ 22:24:37

      Sí, estoy muy al tanto de esta ocurrencia Superduke. Y mucho más además… Sabemos muchas verdades que el público en general desconoce, y en los próximos meses se revelarán muchas más revelaciones que sacudirán los cimientos de los sistemas de creencias de las personas…
      Nos espera una gran montaña rusa… Pero nos registramos para este evento y para que comience el Cambio…
      Que seamos el cambio.. El cambio comienza desde dentro..
      Muchas gracias Superduke. Te agradezco.

      Liked by 1 person


      • Superduque
        Aug 30, 2022 @ 01:40:10

        Posiblemente la fuerza interior nos de el valor necesario para derrotar a los diablos y sus amos los gobiernos..
        Un fuerte abrazo mi amiga y que Dios nos ayude, un beso.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 30, 2022 @ 18:28:44

          Exactamente mi amigo… Fuerza interior y ser también librepensadores para seguir nuestros propios corazones, para que otros no nos digan cómo vivir. Manténgase bien y envíe buenos deseos a su manera.



  30. dgkaye
    Jul 11, 2022 @ 23:57:15

    Amen Sue. I do believe the world is finally waking as the greed of the elite is showing up in almost every aspect of our lives now. We struggle to pay for food, gas, shelter as big corps and the elite soak the living life out of us. Yes, it’s the time for the 100th monkey. We are finding our tribes and our voices. I know I am for sure. I’m at the point of the movie Network with Peter Finch as Howard Beale, decades ago when he comes on the air and says, ‘I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!’ We are there! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Butterfly
    Jul 13, 2022 @ 06:12:18

    Nice Post 🤠

    Liked by 2 people


  32. Hannah Kaminsky
    Jul 13, 2022 @ 17:58:21

    It might not seem like it, but there is always a choice. It starts with the individual.

    Liked by 3 people


  33. Art Funky
    Jul 14, 2022 @ 02:55:27

    Dear Sue! It is me, your friend Cynthia. I am slowly but surely making my way back into the blogging world. These last few months have entailed leaving my job and saying yes to art (I think that’s why I’ve never really been able to stay in a full time job more than a couple years – my soul rebels against it so much!), the passing of my sister, finishing treatment for one kitty and the other we are trying to get to the end of treatment, and ah…life! And there is so much happening in the world – you’re right. I find myself limiting what news I watch. It’s just too much. But I can keep focusing on the good things: my hubby, my animals, volunteering, art, music…we all just need a little more creativity and a little more love. My friend, coming back here after a long absence feels a bit like coming home. Hope your summer goes well – in the garden, & with family and Biscuit!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2022 @ 18:08:40

      Big smiles Cynthia, and so good to see you in blog land again.. I’m so, so sorry to hear about your sister…
      This summer is already flying and yes juggling Gardens and creativity.
      Your artwork so special I’m delighted you are manifesting more of your creative side.. Your mandalas always so beautiful and you cat paintings were very unique and special..
      I think I’m the one behind in correspondence.
      And your right about needing more love and creativity.
      I’m also doing more self nurturing too. 😉
      All well in the Dreamwalkers household thank you Cynthia.

      Will look forward to visiting your Art blog..
      Big hugs your way 🤗 ❤ 💖

      Liked by 1 person


  34. Resa
    Jul 15, 2022 @ 22:50:23

    Dear Sue,

    Thank you for your words of encouragement, and frankly your words of SCARY!
    It’s like a figurative slap in the face, but only some have awakened.
    I know I have receded into my own world, where I create my art. My N has a garden & I cook our food. No meats, as I love all animals and refuse to kill them.
    I reuse, recycle, up cycle and refuse to buy fast fashion. Lol, I certainly can’t afford designer Brands, which are disgusting with so many hungry in the world.

    The Big Boys don’t care… well they do if it’s profit margin.
    trump says he will run again.
    poo-tin destroys, maims and kills.
    N. Korea has a military &/or slave state.
    China is a prison.
    I’ve been boycotting Amazon for over 6 years.
    My Art Gowns are made from trash.

    A world famine is on the horizon.

    You are right, the dominoes are falling.

    Where is a leader who cares, who we can get behind? Someone who can help us tip the dominoes in the right direction.

    Great & truthful post, Sue.
    I look to the day when all you can say is; the sun came up and the world is filled with joy.
    Resa xo

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 15, 2022 @ 23:10:52

      Thank you Resa for those insightful and truthful words my friend.. Indeed just WHO is capable of leading… Maybe that is the point… Who do we trust? Do we break into smaller collective cooperative type groups of learning to manage our own societies..???
      Questions, Questions… Its Solutions we need but so many want to rule the roost…

      I am in total agreement with all you do .. Recycling, up cycling etc harm no one…

      I with drew into my Crafts for the most of last year…. Now I am opening up my throat chakra along with still visualising New Earth as I Dreamwalk it into being.. 🙂
      Sending huge hugs and thank you for reading deeply and commenting from your heart my friend..
      Much love.. Sue x ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  35. Kally
    Jul 18, 2022 @ 16:24:43

    This is so enlightening and inspiring, Sue. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Liked by 2 people


  36. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Jul 18, 2022 @ 18:06:32

    Thanks Sue for your words of wisdom.

    Our world has been one of duality and competition.

    Coming from a psychology background, it reminds me of the primitive brain, the one we all have for survival. Many of us have not gone beyond this level of thinking and being. In order to connect with empathy and compassion, we have to get to those higher centers in our brain. It is possible! We all can change. For some of us it is healing our trauma experiences, learning to slow down our reactions to respond and be. From a spiritual perspective, I see it as is coming out of the ego and resting into the heart.

    I enjoy reading your posts, dear friend.
    Many Blessings
    Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  37. stephensmustang1
    Jul 18, 2022 @ 20:53:34

    Totally agree. Spiritual battle and our choices matter. We need to make good choices and take responsibility for those choices.

    Liked by 2 people


  38. insearchofitall
    Jul 19, 2022 @ 15:43:35

    I’ve had a rough week again but had to get back here and comment. It’s interesting that I haven’t thought of Earl Nightingale in years and used to buy lots of audio information from them. So many years of searching for all the answers to life’s questions. Lately, I’ve been watching, rather than reading about NDE’s on YouTube. This one caught my attention and I’ve saved it as well as bought her latest book on Audible. Reading is getting harder so thank goodness for audible books. You’ll either love it or hate it. I think it answers a lot of questions. Just ignore the cheesy podcast intro.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 22, 2022 @ 22:54:08

      Dearest Marlene,, So, so, sorry I missed your visit and comment and I am also sorry that you have been under the weather my friend… I hope you are feeling better.. I couldn’t sleep, having had two days of vertigo with head swimming when I move or bend.. But not too bad if I stay still lol.. I do think a lot of energies altering right now Marlene, and we did take a solar flare the other day… Not to mention the heat waves that hit the UK and else where with Hot hot winds I have not felt ever before..
      So I hope you are feeling brighter my friend..

      As to Earl Nightingale I too used to buy loads of tapes in those huge folders with about 8 tapes in .. From Nightingale and Conant, That is where I first got to listen to Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra along with many others. I still have those tapes too.
      I look forward to listening to the video link you sent me…. Sending huge hugs your way Marlene and apologies again for missing your comment..
      Much love my friend.. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • insearchofitall
        Jul 23, 2022 @ 03:45:57

        No apologies necessary, Sue. We are all struggling with something in the wind right now. I’ve had a very good day and hope the heat braking next week for cooler temps here will help even more. I don’t do heat at all You know how it is in life. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. We get the information we are supposed to one way or the other. I’ve been very tippy the last week or two myself so I can empathize. Hope you feel better.

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 23, 2022 @ 16:33:20

          Hope you are feeling more grounded Marlene.. Some Huge Solar flares been hitting earth recently…. I feel we have felt them… And I do not do heat either… Sending LOVE Marlene…. Look after you..
          I awoke feeling better in my head today thank you ❤ ❤

          Liked by 2 people


  39. House of Heart
    Jul 21, 2022 @ 00:13:29

    Living from our hearts, such a lovely idea. Thank you for this inspiring post Sue. ❤️🌹

    Liked by 2 people


  40. Teagan Riordain Geneviene
    Jul 22, 2022 @ 02:03:44

    Thanks for keeping a positive beat, Sue. Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 2 people


  41. marja
    Jul 22, 2022 @ 11:00:16

    I haven’t blogged for a while and had to come here again What a wonderful insprational piece of writing I am just reading a book which is also about becoming one and about that our thoughts become reality
    I do believe we have more power than we know we just have to learn how to use it
    Love from NZ

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 24, 2022 @ 13:53:00

      Hi Dear Marja, Indeed our thoughts are creating our future, which shape our reality. And many now are becoming more aware of how our Consciousness is shifting, as truth and awareness surfaces, and what we believe to be true will shape our reality… If we gather together and see solutions to our problems and we pool our gifts together we then begin to change our world. ❤
      Much love your way Marja from the UK..

      Liked by 1 person


  42. JoAnna
    Jul 24, 2022 @ 04:57:47

    My truth may be different from your truth, but there is plenty of common ground to go around and strengthen. Thank you for helping us see and feel our collective power. Thank you for bringing us hope.

    Liked by 1 person


  43. Mabel Kwong
    Jul 25, 2022 @ 11:50:50

    A wonderful, honest post, Sue. Thank you for speaking up and standing up. Your post comes at a very important time in the world, a time where there’s so much discontent and as you mentioned, carried away. While there are purpose and place to rules and boundaries, yes, we have been carried away and that seems to be carrying on. Notably, some get swept up and along with such tides, others have been pressured to go along with the flow – and how horrible that must feel to carry around inside.

    That is such an important point and I agree with you there – that my truth can be different from your truth. The truth is what we know, as you said our knowledge in our given time. And maybe it’s always what we choose to believe and influenced by what we’ve always been told. When you’re comfortable, I think that’s when you stop questioning and start arguing and insisting.

    The choice is indeed ours. Each of us have the power to feel our truth, speak it, withstand the pressures and come out on top and ultimately be part of the light. Sending much love to you. Thank you for writing and sharing as always ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 26, 2022 @ 16:16:38

      Thank you dear Mabel… Indeed as you say many have been swept along or been made to go along in recent times… Which also has the intention to divide and conquer.
      And yes…. Its all about perspective… Truth varies from perspectives given, and those giving that perspective often see from a different point of view… Yet when facts come into the equation we cannot deny facts if not distorted… And saying that we see also so much disinformation and distortions… So its learning to also go within and intuitively ‘Feel’ within yourself what feels right and go by common sense and not herd mentality.
      So many things in todays world people accept blindly instead of questioning and researching for themselves… But again its all choice… A choice to seek and find, or a choice to turn a blind eye…
      Neither is right or wrong…. For we are given both in our free will to choose..

      Loved your response here Mabel… Much love ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mabel Kwong
        Jul 31, 2022 @ 11:07:43

        It is interesting times we live in. There is much information and disinformation out there. Sometimes we only see one side of the story and it’s not our fault – and even though some of us may be curious, we are still left in the dark. I so agree that going within and intuitively feeling within yourself can lead the way. And yes, we all have a choice. Whichever we choose, we choose and go on with our lives. May each of us be more understanding and respectful of each other. Always love reading what you say, Sue. Take care and much love right back at you ❤❤❤

        Liked by 1 person


  44. roughwighting
    Jul 28, 2022 @ 18:23:04

    Words DO matter, absolutely, and truth shouldn’t be so hard to find. We just need to look for/listen to kindness, compassion, love for all beings. Then, the truth is staring us right in the face. To making the choice of love, not division. xo

    Liked by 2 people


  45. jacksjottings
    Jul 29, 2022 @ 00:58:29

    You have summed up and explained in this post the way greed and fear have led mankind onto the path of extinction. Man has become a cancerous growth on the earth.
    In her own time Mother Nature will correct the balance Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 30, 2022 @ 10:44:46

      Oh wow, Jack… My lovely dear friend of the past…. How are you… So, so, good to see you again my friend…
      And yes its been a deliberate demise of greed and neglect, fear and poisoning of our environment and of minds..
      And I ‘Know’ Mother Nature will rectify in her own good time….
      Sending you much love over the airwaves Jack…. So good to see you here.. ❤ Sending well wishes your way ❤



  46. Serena
    Aug 13, 2022 @ 17:21:37

    Reblogged this on abundiaa.



  47. calmkate
    Aug 15, 2022 @ 23:32:47

    Awesome post Sue, this resonates deeply within!

    I’ve often said it’s up to as individuals to ACT now, share our truth and support each other. Our societies come from greed, envy, competition and aggravation … time to spread the love, care for and support each other to turn this around 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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