Time to Rebalance the Maze of Life.

Right now, it appears like we are trapped within a maze, each of us are searching for a way out. We may appear lost, going around and around in circles. We often see others pointing their fingers, and blaming each other, as we formulate our own opinions about the world as each of us shout to be heard.

 We jump up and down with our heads bobbing over the hedge as we try to see beyond our own path, to see if there are any shortcuts to find a better way.  Yet all the time we may fear what lies beyond.

We constantly give our power away, by allowing others to overshadow our thinking, we have not only got lost within the maze. So engrossed are we, within the machinery of our illusionary world of Hollywood, computer games, iPhone’s, advertisements and politics, we no longer know what is true, false or fake. 

For our world is fabricated, manipulated, as our senses are constantly being bombarded from all angles by those who wish us to be distracted, dumbed down and hoodwinked, to live in constant fear from one thing or another.  

We need to step out of the dark holes within the maze of our minds which we have created for ourselves and learn to focus upon our inner world and our own energy and the beauty of creation, as we learn again to love and respect ourselves. Treating others too as we ourselves wish to be treated.  

Our own ENERGY is so important..

Stepping out on our own can be daunting, for we can find ourselves feeling alone and lost. Others will still be pointing their fingers at you, saying you are not fitting into their patterns and programming. So, you are made to feel different, an outcast, just because we perceive differently. 

As humans we fear change, so we may still want to cling onto the maze, the old patterns, our old ways of being, for they are our comfort zone, so we hang onto our guilt, our prejudices, blame, and our victim mentalities and old habits. 

But once you are free of this thinking, you will find yourself detaching from fear, that twists our insides, as we break the illusion that has been  binding us within its spell casting within our current matrix.

Once Free, you then begin to pull in the energy of love, the love of self, and the love of Nature, as you begin to embrace Unity Consciousness.  You then see the world in a new perspective. As you understand we are all of us going through this process, all be it in different time zones, through our various experiences. 

Nature is asking us to engage in Oneness. She is showing us with all of her beauty just how at One we all are. She is showing you with her clouds, rain, storms, rainbows, earthquakes, Sunny days, and chilly days,  just how small each of us are within the scheme of the Universe. 

Yet she is also showing you how valued each of us are from the tiny insects to human kind, for each one of us is connected to the other. You just have to observe, from that silent place within, and know each of us affects the whole.

Our ripples, how ever large or small, be it thoughts or deeds reach out to touch another.  The Ripple Effect has begun.. And many as yet do not even see how important a role they are playing in this Awakening..  But the more who can open their hearts, then the more love will radiates around the world. 

For each of us are affecting the WHOLE.

When you step beyond this Maze, this Matrix, the spells which have been cast upon our mind to control and cloud the truth of our thinking, you will find yourself trusting your own instincts more, as we go within the flow, as we cleanse and let go of belief systems. As we let go of past wounds, and inner conflicts and the divisions which have deliberately kept us feeling alone and separate with the labels society and those in elite places have decided to put upon us.  

Once we begin to trust our own inner compass to guide us, we then pursue the things which will empower us, and bring us fulfilment, as we reconnect back to our creative magical selves. We are all powerful beings who have been robbed of our true heritage..  Once we break free of those chains that have bound us , and we no longer allow others to overshadow us, keeping us prisoners,  We then step into our Full Sovereignty as Free Human Beings.. 

But only we hold the keys to unlock our cell doors.. It’s up to us to turn the key to unlock our hearts..  

So, as we unlock our hearts, your world opens up, as New Realities present themselves. Showing you a New Earth, an exciting place where Synchronicities take place. Where you meet along your pathway like-minded souls who have travelled through their own dark mazes to emerge into this new world. Where we let go of the past, and we learn to forgive those who caused us pain and forgive and heal ourselves. 

We then learn to walk into the Light of our own hearts again.

This journey is by no means an easy one to travel,  the only barriers are ourselves, each step leads us to discover more wonders about ourselves.   As we learn to work through these old patterns as we embrace Love, Unity, Peace and Happiness. As we let go of those traits of feeling unworthy. 

 We are all working through the Quantum fields of Unity Consciousness.

This journey will be different for each of us, for no one is the same, we are each unique. For we all have different agenda’s and pathways to work through.   For me right now, I am allowing my creative flow, I am writing more as I find myself writing in poetic stories. So, I am embracing what is coming forward as I go within its flow.

I am sleeping more, if I feel like a nap in the middle of the day, I embrace it. I awake feeling refreshed. My sleep patterns are fitful, I know in dream time I am working more, as stories come forth of the past, I feel I am releasing and letting go, as I meet in sleep state those I need to help and those who are helping me. And I often ponder upon which time line, which parallel life I may be accessing for we are also multidimensional Beings, housed in our Earth Body for this Earth experience. 

 I have always embraced nature, but I make time to spend more time out in nature, blending, feeling the beauty of Mother Earth.  I notice minuet things, petals, insects, Bees,  grass, pollen etc,   as the flora and fauna show me how interconnected we are.  If it were not for the Bee… our food supply would diminish, and yet we seldom think of the chemicals we pour over the land which is drastically affecting the Bee population.. All is connected, and all eventually will have a knock on effect.

Some of you may be finding a new focus in your life, or taking a step back to relax and be in your own space more. Whatever you do, do it with love in your hearts and embrace your moment of Now. For there truly is no other better one than this moment to start the changes needed to change the rest of your Life.

When we embrace and respect our lives and all that we have been given, and we learn from a point of gratitude, and not waste our opportunities, we need to make our lives count.  Each of us now are beginning to discover our purpose. Make the most of yours and in doing so, you help each of us make the most of ours.. 

The photos were taken on a walk in Chatsworth Gardens in Derbyshire inside the house garden grounds back in 2017, the same time most of these words were written.

 It was a perfect day to reflect and be at One..

As is Every Day..

Love and Blessings


108 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Visionkeeper
    Jun 06, 2022 @ 22:55:12

    We are ready DW….I feel it, there is a certain calmness within the chaos…Hard to explain but we are ready! Lots of rebalancing to be done, lots of decisions on what is really important in our life and what needs to go. What truly matters? It’s not what we thought it was! Loved the pics and the words were like a roadmap of sorts…We shall meet one day in the near future when the battle is over and it’s time to meet the warriors who walked this path with us. We are strong and we are sure in heart. As it has always been said “Where we go one we go all”….Thanks DW, great words and insight…Sending you tons and tons of love….Happy planting 🙂 VK ,3 ❤ ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 06, 2022 @ 23:02:23

      Thank you VK…. Its been road and a half… Many twists and turns, valleys and mountains… But I do feel there is more light now at the end of this long dark tunnel… I see it growing brighter daily.. I like you FEEL it.. the KNOWING is hard to explain to anyone… But we KNOW.. and sending lots of love right back too VK…

      The Planting is coming along nicely.. Picked my first bowl of strawberries too the other day…. Eating Broad Beans and New potatoes… All good…
      Much love my friend ❤

      Liked by 3 people


    • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 03:39:52

      Dear Sue,

      I concur with Visionkeeper. Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom via another commendably well-written post. The truthfulness contained in your prose cannot be denied. What a lovely and thoughtful essay you have composed here for us this time! Moreover, there is a fair amount of maturity of thoughts and realizations. Having studied your current post and its photos in detail, I can sense its contemplative quality and edificatory strength, which may be used to reflect on our life trajectories and to conduct reflexive examinations of our own habitus, outlooks and propensities.

      I hereby resonate with you pictorially with respect to rebalancing the maze of life as follows:

      Wishing you and Visionkeeper a wonderfully productive week doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most!

      Happy June to both of you! May your days and nights in June be even more satisfying!

      Yours sincerely,



      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Jun 07, 2022 @ 17:59:52

        Thank you dear SE for those compliments to VK and myself.. and for the excellent Graphic you provided in showing us the Human Nature relationship model..
        Many thanks again for the thought you put into your reply comments
        🙂 🙏

        Liked by 1 person


  2. Eugenia
    Jun 06, 2022 @ 23:45:46

    Dear Sue, I feel we are on the verge of change and for the better. I also lose myself in nature because I feel I am a part of something bigger and better. Perhaps, what we are going through is a message to get more in touch with ourselves and our faith, whatever that may be. The big picture is what we make it and not what someone or something else believes it should be.

    Thank you for your enlightening and much-needed post. You made my day much brighter. “I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things that aren’t meant for me.” unknown, is my new motto! And as you mentioned – embrace the moment of Now. ✨💖

    “Every storm runs out of rain” – Maya Angelou

    Liked by 3 people


  3. House of Heart
    Jun 06, 2022 @ 23:49:17

    Lovely post. Good to read you again ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Mark Lanesbury
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 00:13:02

    Now those are the words of love Sue. To step back from ‘this world’ and let it go. Yes, we still have to pay our bills…but…not with the intent that this world twists us into. Time to take back the beauty of that love within us, no more allowing it to be stolen by a bombardment of lies and deceit to suit those living in their own fears and being allowed to project them at us daily. Time to step back into us, be that love we know is there and in that change project that love that is us to begin this change into another more open and beautiful world. Great share dear lady, may your words sing and be heard more and more 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 17:24:12

      Thank you Mark.. Yes we do still live in this 3D reality with all that it entails.. Bills etc… But its how we choose to live… So true. How we perceive and what it is we focus upon that makes all the difference.. So your words here are perfect

      Time to take back the beauty of that love within us, no more allowing it to be stolen by a bombardment of lies and deceit to suit those living in their own fears and being allowed to project them at us daily

      You said it .. its all about what we focus our attention on.. I watched a great little talk today from Astrologer Pam Gregory… Her talk is telling us exactly how we can all focus upon our dreams for our future time line for as she said.. Astrology is not cast in stone.. Its reliant upon energy and how we are each focusing that energy.. I will go find it and leave it here, so others can view it too..
      I found it perfectly fitted in with this theme of Rebalancing..
      Many thanks again for sharing your thoughts… More of us should use the hash tag Pam refers to in our posts.. I think I may go into edit and add it LOL.. 🙂
      Much love 💛🦋🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  5. Writing to Freedom
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 00:37:38

    thanks for the good reminders Sue. I like your summary to act from love and focus on the present moment.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Val Boyko
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 01:29:24

    Thank you Sue 💕🙏🏼💕 And thank goodness we can connect with others who are seeking and realizing the Truth. Different paths, with the same understanding in mind. The shift is happening 💐

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 17:42:25

      Indeed the Shift is happening dear Val, the realisation of truth is often perceived from various perspectives.. But there is no getting away from real truth or real love.. I am very grateful for this community in which we share our hearts..
      Much love dear Val. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  7. Timothy Price
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 01:30:24

    There’s a lot of re-balancing that needs to be done. I love the photos.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. JanBeek
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 01:50:48

    Beautiful! I so appreciate your inspiration. Yes, it is time … time to “Whatever you do, do it with love in your hearts and embrace your moment of Now.”

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 17:49:00

      And yes dear Jan, thank you for highlighting that section of my post… For it is really as simple as that… Much love and hope those pins finally came out and you are now working on strengthening those fingers again.. ❤ Much love

      Liked by 2 people


  9. macalder02
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 03:27:50

    We are witnessing a radical change in our way of life due to everything that is happening and only when we see that there is a light that illuminates the bottom of the road, we will be able to appreciate it. Your reflections make us see and understand how far we are going. It is so enlightening that you plant the guidelines for us to understand. Thanks Sue. A big hug.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 17:56:29

      It may not seem like it at times dear Manuel, but we have travelled far in a short space of time… Despite the Fear based narratives still ongoing around the world.. People are waking up as they have found a new kind of freedom that has opened their hearts to some degree, as they for a short time shifted their priorities from the humdrum of work.. Into the sacred space of BEing..
      If more of us could shift into the NOW of BE-ing we could make that quantum leap of making a huge difference in the world.
      Thank you kindly dear Manuel for your generous compliment my friend 🙂 Many thanks 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  10. dgkaye
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 04:18:16

    Powerful essay Sue. You covered the gamut it seems from all that is going on. I’m feeling those winds of change, even though I can’t quite put my finger on things. As always, staying buckled up! Love to you my friend. ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:03:13

      Indeed I think many are feeling those winds of change.. They are now knowing what is coming, but they are tapping into their intuition, for their gut is telling them we are on the cusp of something mega…
      Mega it will have to be… But I do feel those scales will start and fall from peoples eyes as they open them wider to the truth being revealed about them…
      Once it gains momentum, the ripple effect will be unstoppable.. Those buckles will be needed LOL 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  11. Miriam
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 04:35:14

    Such beautiful words and images dear Sue and sentiments that I’m sure you know I resonate with deeply. Being in nature, being part of nature, stepping into our power and out of the mainstream way of thinking can only lead to better things. Loved everything about this post, such important truths and pearls of wisdom. Sending you much love my friend. 💜 xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:09:32

      I do know they resonate deeply with you Miriam… Your own journey I am humbled by, for you not only walk the talk, you share openly with your heart the love of nature and humanity.
      The Power lies within each of us and we have only to step into that knowing again, and understand it is what we focus upon that brings about our experience..
      Your own travels and thoughts are prime examples of focusing on what you do want.. Not what you don’t want.. two different things entirely.. And by knowing what you want in your lives.. The Universe opened up the road map to get there.. So, so happy… For you are living in the NOW… and the Now will bring you your Now of tomorrows 🙂
      Much love Miriam… I am blessed in knowing you my friend ❤
      Totally remarkable..

      Liked by 2 people


  12. Michael
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 06:25:48

    That is beautiful

    Liked by 1 person


  13. derrickjknight
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 07:03:20

    So wise to focus on nature – as you do

    Liked by 1 person


  14. David
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 10:16:26

    If only we could all share the beauty shown in your beautiful images Sue, especially those trapped in the concrete world of the urban existence. It is the miniscule reflection of your wonderful post, in my little outdoor space, that gives me strength and hope for the future. God Bless, you Sue and all of your inspirers. Love, David.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:20:04

      I resonate with your words, especially those in concrete jungles of huge towers in cities where nature is rare in the rat-race of business and work.. But even in these spaces Nature can come alive… In a potted plant.. a beloved pet.. LOVE is unconditional in the forms we share it.
      We who have our small gardens and sacred space are full of gratitude, for many I know are not as lucky as we..
      My own connection to nature, is like oxygen is to lungs… I doubt if I could survive too long if cut off from its energy, for it fills me up with love…
      Many thanks David… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Zeenat {PositiveProvocations.com}
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 12:15:58

    Your reflections here Sue are simply beautiful. It feel like we as a collective consciousness can be ONE with this. Thank you for sharing those images of your walk with your reflections…fit so perfectly. I especially love when you said, “We need to step out of the dark holes within the maze of our minds which we have created for ourselves and learn to focus upon our inner world and our own energy and the beauty of creation, as we learn again to love and respect ourselves.” THIS! Is exactly what we all need in todays world. Thank you for the inspiration! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 19:04:07

      Welcome Zeenat… I agree our collective consciousness is I feel drawing closer together… We are often not understanding we can be our own worst enemy. For what we think, is what we create… I have long spoken upon this.. And that which our attention is focused up we attract within our reality..
      Love and respect, starts within, for we cannot begin to love others truly if we do not love and respect ourselves.. The Journey always begins with a single step… And the hardest step of all is to go within and face that which we have kept locked deep inside.
      Once we turn the key and open our own hearts… We are then allow the Love to flow…

      Many thanks for your kind visit… and hope to repay the visit shortly 🙂 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  16. The Path to My Heart
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 12:21:02

    Wonderful words of wisdom Sue!! Time to rebalance for sure. I feel like my head has been 2 inches into my shoulders for most of my life – kind of like a turtle! lol I can tend to live in the small world of my mind – until I get into nature. Mother Earth really does help me to relax and know I am included into her world – when I take the time! Most times I don’t even realize that I’m holding stress – so it takes a conscious effort on my part to quiet the mind and allow my body to relax. I’m hoping to get into a habit of that! Rebalance is a great word!! You may have just inspired my next post!! It really does work – taking care of myself, going into nature allows for more creativity and flow. Thanks again for your wonderful wisdom! I really appreciate it!! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:29:20

      It really does work Donna… Nature rejuvenates and revitalises and lifts our spirits… Even on a heavy day of weeding out in the allotments, its a contented kind of tiredness… We have been cut off from our roots within Mother Nature… our shoes for instance.. or wellington boots we wear in the garden mostly have rubber soles… They are disconnecting our energy from that of Mother natures energy… When we dig our hands into the earth.. We are recharging ourselves.. within that connection..
      When we walk in the Forest… sit on the ground or paddle on a beach… We are reconnecting.. Rebalancing our energy…

      We recharge our batteries when we go on vacation, and that’s why we feel so good… For we are often out in nature, as we let go of everyday worry of our working life… We are present more, in the now…
      If more did that more often… just think of how more creative flow there would be… I am delighted I ignited some inspiration Donna… Many thanks, and much love ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • The Path to My Heart
        Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:59:35

        So right Sue! I understand about that contented tiredness from working the land! Feels good to be in the earth. Having your allotment is a great blessing. Mother Earth wants to give to us, and she does when we listen and take advantage! Speaking of a recharge holiday – we’re planning one in the Autumn hopefully staying on the Moor and the sea! Will be nice. I’ll take my shoes off and get my feet into the land! Take care Sue, much love! Donna

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 07, 2022 @ 22:28:31

          Sounds a perfect get away to me… And I am sure it will be a rejuvenating relaxing retreat with reconnection to the Divine Mother, both land and sea..
          We are very blessed with our plot.. and Lot.. 😀 … Much love returned ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  17. Erika
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 12:25:04

    You got that so right with this complete confusion in- and outside of us. Not knowing what to think or believe, and where to look at and go. But right that will lead us to the point when we can no longer help but get out of this maze. As you said, we are our only barriers that are to overcome.
    When I looked at your photos and read your worlds, a synchronicity happened over here. On Sunday, my beloved tree was terribly harmend by a very heavy thunderstorm. I suspected that pests had taken up residence again which was the cause for the fall of half of the tree. Today the gardeners removed the rest of the branches since all were infested. It is a new beginning. Emptying from a load that kept the tree from health. Now it can grow healthy again.
    I really love reading your post and seeing this similarity. That brings solace 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:40:18

      Thank you for sharing that Erika about your tree…. It is a perfect analogy of letting go of that which no longer serves us.. For we carry lots of our own infestations around inside of us.. Like your tree, we cannot always see the damage being done internally.. But the load of negative thoughts, worry, stress, of which you posted of recently.. Each eats away within our bodies.. Like the pests within your tree…

      Storms come and cause what we at the time may consider havoc .. Yet often in hindsight, the storms in life are often a blessing in disguise.. Because they make us face our faults.. or trim out that which no longer serves.. or leave a bad relationship, etc, etc…

      It’s not until we shut a door, or empty our load or trim our sails… that we then allow room for growth to occur… We have to empty, offload, dismantle, that and those systems which are no longer working..
      In doing so we create room for new ideas, new friendships, new opportunities to develop..
      Your tree, showed you perfectly… Now it has more room to grow new healthier shoots…

      I feel the storms Humanity is enduring is enabling them to grow… and more and more are now seeing they no longer need to carry that extra weight, they are shedding their burdens, releasing tension, and allowing more room for themselves to breathe..
      All is as it should be… Even the Storms… ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 3 people


      • Erika
        Jun 07, 2022 @ 19:39:03

        It all fits so well together, your post, what happened to my beloved tree, my post. Yes, a big hint for me personally but also, as you said, for mankind since storms are constantly accompanying us.
        I have always liked storms and their clearing effect. Not so much in my life but when they were over it has always been so liberating. Yes, the storms help us to let go of what we cannot hold on to anymore but still don’t recognize.
        To get back to that tree: It was a present of my father before we moved into our house. That is why it means so much to me since my father died 10 years ago. I don’t know who it was, but someone said: Maybe it is time to plant a new tree. That made me think… that tree has always been so much in sync with my development. When I had my breakthrough, it shot up, free and unrestricted, after years of not really wanting to grow. But its trunk had grown thick, solid, and strong in those years before. So, I see the recent happening also as a sign, that I have to let go some attitudes I still carry along from my father.
        It makes me speechless to see this all in one bigger picture.
        Thank you for your profound and thoughtful words, dear Sue. You always hit the nail on the head with your empathetic way. Much love and thank you from my heart 💖

        Liked by 3 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 07, 2022 @ 22:24:57

          You carry your Father within your heart… and perhaps some of his disciplines, And perhaps the tree is just a little reminder that its okay to bend.. or else we break..
          It’s showing you that you unwittingly have carried much over the years…
          Perhaps now is the right time for planting new ideas, new projects, new ventures… And perhaps a companion Tree in your garden to grow beside the old, as you channel your energies into your new creations you may well then see the sync of growth in all you touch..
          Happy planting and pruning ❤ 🙂

          Liked by 3 people


  18. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 14:31:48

    Your priceless post gives us much more information than
    just the basics. With it, we can move forward beyond the
    boundaries that have limited us thus far. And we do need
    to carry on and move ahead. It is invaluable!
    hugs dear heart, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:47:34

      Many thanks dearest Eddie.. We often do not realise it is only WE who have limited ourselves.. We who have build our own barricades around ourselves, often for self protection… But I do feel dear Eddie we are moving ahead.. We are dismantling, re-evaluating, and we are discovering ourselves in the process… We have for such a long time not realised how out of balance we had become… But More and more I see now are learning how to rebalance their lives, their priorities, their goals, as they begin to pull in their dreams and wishes of a New Way of Being..
      I pray that those ripples soon reverberate around the whole world.. ❤ 🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  19. balroop2013
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 16:53:41

    Wise words Sue, thanks for summing up the philosophy of life in simple words… the maze that entangles us is no doubt like a “cell” We have to learn to open the doors! Well said my friend. I am reading your reflections again and again to understand this maze! 😊

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 18:55:29

      Thank you so very much Balroop…. When I typed up the word ‘Cell’ I thought how appropriate, for are we not all made up of millions upon millions of cells… And how our cells react to love… Anger or fear.. My thoughts went onto Dr Emoto, the man who did the frozen water experiments using emotion within phrases .. And how water reacted and the cell molecules within the structure of water then changed.
      We are made up of a great percentage of water… The Video says it all..
      Many thanks again dear Balroop.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  20. boundlessblessingsblog
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 17:45:46

    Powerful, profound and inspiring post, Sue. There is so much to learn from your post. Life is so
    simple but we make it so very difficult. Thanks a lot.

    Liked by 2 people


  21. fauquetmichel
    Jun 07, 2022 @ 21:21:12

    I imagine you, Sue, sat on a chair in your garden face to the tree and be meditating with creativity inspired by the ecology.( nature oneness). I like also the symbol of the labyrinth..
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2022 @ 22:16:45

      Thank you Michel, I often have conversations with trees.. and sit meditating out in nature… 🙂 .. One can often here me talking to myself 🙂 Or to some invisible realms 😉
      Many thanks my friend.. Much love returned ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  22. Val Boyko
    Jun 08, 2022 @ 14:19:14

    A beautiful and powerful post Sue. Thank you from my heart to yours 💖🙏💐

    Liked by 2 people


  23. Baydreamer
    Jun 09, 2022 @ 00:05:52

    I love this post of inspiration and wisdom, Sue. I feel we’re near a shift, too, but I’m not sure in which direction things will shift. That’s where uncertainty hides, and it’s a little unsettling. But regardless, positive thinking can’t hurt and leaning into Nature is always comforting. Big hugs to you! ❤️🌻🌺

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 09, 2022 @ 19:06:04

      Its all about our positive thoughts and where WE want our world to go… So keep focusing on the positive outcomes Lauren, or we attract that which we think…
      Nature never worries.. despite all we have done to her… Her goal is to thrive, and grow, replenish and reproduce. While accepting the cycles of death and rebirth..
      Our current systems are not working, and we know they arn’t,, so they are in the throws of dying.. How we rebirth new ways of being is up to each and everyone of us and how we wish to live our future lives..
      Do we want to be Free? or do we wish to continue to be slaves… A no brainer I think LOL…
      Great to have your thoughts Lauren… Much love dear friend ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  24. Hannah Kaminsky
    Jun 09, 2022 @ 05:50:20

    Finding our way out of the maze is the trick, but simply being aware of that they’re in a maze is the first step that most people never even reach.

    Liked by 2 people


  25. michnavs
    Jun 09, 2022 @ 06:19:47

    the past years have been very chaotic we were faced with the greatest pandemic our generation ever witnessed.. your post just remind me of the many reasons why it happened and the many reasons why we need to focus again and celebrate life despite its adversaries.

    Liked by 2 people


  26. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Jun 09, 2022 @ 15:53:09

    Beautiful words, Sue.
    Your maze analogy brought me back to a time my husband and I were “lost” in a corn maze. Around and around we walked, it felt disorienting and uncomfortably hot. We reached out to ask for help and were able to break free. For me, these times of uncertainty call upon trusting the inner compass, as you referenced but also reaching out to a few trusted supports. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
    Many Blessings Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  27. europasicewolf
    Jun 10, 2022 @ 20:57:05

    Well…I had planned to embrace change and embark on my first city break in a different country…see what it’s like to fly… see what exists in another land…but then reality hit! It would be a disaster! Given the state of the airports 🛫 if I even got there when would I get back!! They’ll probably all be on strike by then along with the railways!!🛤 What am I thinking of?!! I would certainly be embracing change and if I ever got there would likely experience great things and see whole new types of nature too…but I think the price of this particular change will be too high to embrace at this time😕So maybe back to looking at the changes within that maybe necessary 😀 Very realvent and thought-provoking post Sue, and for myself, very timely I would say🙃xx

    Liked by 2 people


  28. thespiritkeeper
    Jun 10, 2022 @ 23:11:28

    Love the first tree pic. it looks like a face missing an eye. Maybe that is what humanity has at these crossroads we are experiencing now. So many with their heads in the sand with their behind up in the air at one point they will receive a hard slap like they have never felt and wondered how anybody can do this. Wake up people.

    Liked by 2 people


  29. rabirius
    Jun 11, 2022 @ 13:10:58

    I like the conception of a maze of life.
    Great words that make you think.

    Liked by 2 people


  30. Jennie
    Jun 11, 2022 @ 13:30:05

    Mother Nature is the greatest teacher. We are all connected. The maze analogy is perfect.

    Liked by 2 people


  31. Wendy Gillissen
    Jun 12, 2022 @ 23:47:01

    Such true words and gorgeous pictures… I love how you show that even dead trees are beautiful, part of the Whole and contribute to Life ♥ Yes the best way to feel that we are part of the Whole and matter, as each insect and each tree is by being in nature! The idicocy being spouted at us through television and such can’t reach us there ☺ The more we turn away from those debilitating messages, the better! I have heard more wisdom from my crystals and the Rosemary bush in my mum’s garden than from most media outlets these days 😉 But the best message was from a tiny Brandberg crystal I have the honour to be the Keeper for… she showed me the joy of just Being. Being who we are IS our purpose, just like you say. Thanks for your wisdom, Sue! ♥

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2022 @ 15:48:30

      Love that ~ ” I have heard more wisdom from my crystals and the Rosemary bush in my mum’s garden than from most media outlets these days “… 😊👍… 🙂
      Wonderful your little crystal a powerful Energiser for Earth and her healing.
      BE-ing is what we were meant to BE….
      Lets hope we can manifest our true natures back into the present moment and time line of our True purpose as we begin to remember just who we are and how powerful and magnificent as creator BE-ings we are.. ❤
      Many thanks dear Wendy for your wise and lovely comment.. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  32. JoAnna
    Jun 15, 2022 @ 04:24:31

    Thank you for this wealth of wisdom. I need reminders to look beyond the surface and appreciate your broadening perspective, including your perspective on naps. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  33. Jane Sturgeon
    Jun 15, 2022 @ 14:23:54

    Dearest Sue, yes, a confusing maze inside and out. Retreat into peace and quiet when we can makes all the difference. As Debby says, let’s buckle up. I love your comprehensive thoughts and how you explain things. Thank goodness we are journeying together in this time. Much love flowing to you and B, always. xXx ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2022 @ 22:23:59

      So many are making the difference.. just by embracing love and peace within their own space of Being Present in their now…
      Its good to know we have hands to hold along our journey….. Likewise… sending Love right back Jane. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  34. insearchofitall
    Jun 27, 2022 @ 21:31:31

    I love those trees, dead or alive they speak to me. Once again, you say it like it is or should be.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2022 @ 16:07:24

      Lol, thank you Marlene… Trees have always fascinated me, and are my go to friends to absorb my woes lol… They listen and if we really listen they speak back LOL.. 🙂
      Much love Marlene.. thank you my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  35. Infinite Living
    Jun 27, 2022 @ 23:26:49

    Your post is like a recording of the underlying currents of this existential fabric and gives voice to the imprints I am living from. The only thing in the way is ourselves – it is true that when I was highly aware of the realities created by the fake world, my own unwillingness to integrate into the oneness stopped me from engaging fully. Now that I am allowing life to carry me I am unbothered by the distinction between the real and unreal – simply flowing into my own spaces of the world with as much ease, finding beauty and love in incredible ways, synchronicities abound, I am meeting my tribe more in person. I am ever so grateful for this virtual world to introduce me to these possibilities that are now getting amplified. I am indulging in slow motion life, my urge to write has diminished at present, and the urge to live in the moment fortified.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2022 @ 16:12:10

      Wonderful comment Pragalbha and so true your words when you say~

      Now that I am allowing life to carry me I am unbothered by the distinction between the real and unreal – simply flowing into my own spaces of the world with as much ease, finding beauty and love in incredible ways, synchronicities abound, I am meeting my tribe more in person.

      I couldn’t agree more about meeting our tribes and as we do we see how perfectly synchronised everything is… Even the struggle bits, all meant to strengthen us for the here and Now..
      Loved your comment Pragalbha.. Much love your way my friend and thank you ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  36. stephensmustang1
    Jul 14, 2022 @ 03:10:28

    So much turmoil in our world. We need to hold on to as much peace and light and possible..and yes..totally up to us.

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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