The Elder~ Renewal and Regeneration Part 2

 Part One can be found Here

Today’s Story is all about Renewal and Regeneration. As the Elder reminds us of sacrifice and our constant connections with trees ( ” “You would not have had Paper upon which to write, books to read by which you educate yourselves.” continued the Elder. “Let us not forget what else the Tree Tribes have given you humans” ) Enjoy Part Two.

Wisdom comes in all shapes
Wisdom comes in all shapes

The woman stood up from her half-finished painting  and saw woven between the roots more shapes of animals. She would explore these in more detail when she painted them in later. But for now, she concentrated upon the trunk of the Elder, and the huge hollow, a Void within its belly.

 Her pencil had spiraled out around and around when she was drawing it and she was reminded of the first spirals and the Nautilus shell. She thought of the Golden Ratio  as her mind then flew  to Leonardo Da Vinci.  Argh, how easily our thoughts flit from one thing to another she thought as she picked up her brush and started to allow it free rein as she decided to fill in the hollow.


Her thoughts flew the Tree and how like a giant Mother its limbs were outstretched in all directions as if embracing all the elements. It reached up to the sky, and all four corners of the compass, as well and reaching down. And she thought of the wonderful Oaks she visited along her walks.. ‘How mighty Oaks grow from little acorns’ crossed her mind. ‘Yes, she thought, great things often come from small beginnings’

Her thoughts took her to the acorn and the seeds. ‘Which came first? as she thought of the chicken and the egg’.. The hollow looked egg-shaped, as her pencil kept working.  She brought herself back to what she was creating and the shape of a Human fetus almost fully formed had been created within the womb of the Elder.

“It is Good to begin today with the creating of New Life” said the Elder. “For today we speak of Renewal and Regeneration. This time period you are now in like any other time period upon your planet has always been about Change.

The Standing Ones know all about Renewal. Have not their roots stood fast while all around them Change is constant?”

The woman thought on the wonderful Oaks she loved so much which were hundreds of years old and thought on what changes these Standing Ones had witnessed.

The Elder picking up the tread of the woman’s thoughts  continued. “Throughout your centuries, we the Tree Tribes are Life Givers. Yet you humans have taken and not thought of giving back. Do we not give you the very Air You Breathe? Have we not supplied you with your Timber to build your homes, for shelter and for warmth?

Were not your Empires conquered and continents discovered by the giving of our lives, as you cut Thousands of our Oak Tribe to build ships and to build your cities? Without our giving, you would not have had your carts and tools or great sailing vessels to fish and travel to prosper and trade”.

The woman looked down at the paintbrush, its handle made of wood now in her hand as she mixed the watercolour to paint in the fetus which was developing at a faster rate than she had realised as her mind came back to her painting.

“You would not have had Paper upon which to write, books to read by which you educate yourselves.” continued the Elder. “Let us not forget what else the Tree Tribes have given you humans”


The voice of the Elder faded as the Woman looked about her small room she used for painting. She looked at the many books upon the shelves, the wall paper upon the walls, the printer loaded with paper and her oak desk full of her art papers, card and tissue.  She paused, and looked to what she was creating as she painted the fetus, she was one with the Elder.

Tick-tock of life
Tick-tock of life

The woman was cast in that moment back throughout time, she saw the first carts, the galleon ships and the weaving looms. She saw the carpenters and their craftsmanship her attention was caught as  she looked at the old grandfather clock that had long-lost its tick  which stood in the corner of her study. ALL gifts of Giving from the Standing Ones and the Tree Tribes.

The sound of the Elder’s teachings came back into her mind as the Elder continued. “We have also given you Medicines, and Nutrition, Rubber from our bark, Cork for your wine bottles, Berries, Nuts. We are the Givers of Life!

Our Tree Tribes know all about Renewal and Regeneration For hundreds and Millions of your years we have thrived unhindered.  We not only have provided humans with shelter, but we provide millions of other species with food and shelter from those who creep, crawl, climb, slither and fly.

We teach about the importance of renewal as we shed our leaves, drop our seeds, and spread our pollen. We teach about Stillness, and Contentment, and letting go of attachments. We also teach how to be steadfast and ground yourself as our roots hold firm within our Earth Mothers soil. We bind her together for when we are removed her foundations are washed away by the rain.

You Humans are now washing away the very foundations beneath your feet and yet you do not see how each time you hurt another or scar our Mother, you are also wounding yourselves”

The woman dipped her brush into the crimson paint as the Elder stopped speaking. She looked down seeing the Fetus now finished, she added the paint to the opening blossom of a flower that had appeared from the Ivy bound around the trunk of the tree. She was puzzled. The flower did not belong she thought to the ivy. Her mind then thought of the Lotus Blossom.. How strange to paint a flower here within the womb. Yet as her mind explored more she thought why not. For did not the Lotus represent Rebirth also

Life Givers~  Partial Painting Magnified

Her mind thought of the placenta and the blood that flowed from Mother to unborn child. She thought of the birthing of her own children and the spirit from which we all came.

The Elder picked up again on her thoughts. “ Yes, each tree also has a spirit, a Dryad of Energy which radiates outwards. We have our Seasons too. Times of darkness and rest through the winter storms, but we never stop growing as we grow from the centre of our Being adding rings to our Earth years.”

The Woman looked down at her own ring upon her hand and skin, like the bark of the trees as they grew older they were looking worn and showing signs of ageing.  Yet she also knew her skin regenerated every day.. She looked now at what she had started to paint the scales of several snakes around the tree trunk. She thought of the dead and dying cells of her skin, and all the dead and dying trees upon the earth.. Each connecting like a huge skin around Mother Gaia .

The time for renewal was also a time for shedding and letting go. She saw how Mother Earth was also speaking to us and yet we were not listening. Renewal and Regenerating meant all things changed.. They had changed in the past, thousands of years before and the planet was changing now and the Humans were also changing with her. For we were One.

The woman put down her paintbrush as she studied the snakes she had created upon the Elder Tree. She thought of the prophecies of the Black snake across our Mothers land. And she saw again the Standing Ones strength had held stronger when linking together holding the fabric of the Earth together with their roots. Were we going to have to go back to our roots she thought? Like the Tree Tribes she saw much suffering through great changes.

 It was now  time for many skins to join together as One!.  

 © Sue Dreamwalker 2017

To be continued.

51 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. The Path to My Heart
    May 12, 2021 @ 19:02:27

    Great story as it continues on. Potent and timely lessons and things to ponder. Just stopping to think about all the things the trees give us – unless it’s pointed out, so many are taken for granted. It’s a wonderful tribute!! Thanks! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Erika
    May 12, 2021 @ 19:33:19

    So many analogies. You are spreading so much awareness here (like you always do). There is so much connected to trees or plants in general. We are using them during our evolution. They support us in our growth by providing the necessary material. We are still evolving while they have already been completed to serve us. So much awareness through your post, Sue. Thank you for that and that we are shown another reason for being grateful and respectful of what we are given by Mother Nature 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Timothy Price
    May 12, 2021 @ 20:49:00

    Wonderful poignant story, Sue. I looked at the Black snake Hopi Prophesies. Are you familiar with Koyaanisqatsi? It means “life out of balance” in Hopi. The original film was released in 1982 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Philip Glass did the music. It’s an interesting film. I think there have been two or three sequels, but I only saw the original.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 14:40:54

      Thank you Tim… No I had not heard that term used before… The film sounds a great film too.. The Hopi know a thing or two about Nature and Balance… I am pleased you followed up on the link… Sorry its been a while in my answering.. I am still on a blog break, but wanted to catch up with comments… Other wise it means closing comments.. Which I don’t like to do…. But I don’t like people waiting indefinitely either for replies.. Its only polite to reply when people make the effort to comment.. So thank YOU Tim… hope those four legged friends of yours are getting up to mischief.. lol 🙂 Many thanks

      Liked by 1 person


  4. Miriam
    May 12, 2021 @ 21:49:58

    Dear Sue, such a profound story, such deep words and wise lessons from these marvels of Mother Nature. Trees have stood the test of time throughout the ages and always given. Now it’s our turn to tune into their wisdom, to learn their lessons and become aware of the role we all play in this changing world. Thank you, as always dear friend, for always giving us something to think about, for this wonderful tribute. Much love from another tree hugger. By the way, have you seen the tree videos from JC Kay? 💚



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 14:44:32

      Yes so many magnificent tree giants and energy brought in by the Standing Ones who have seen much over time as they have grown, rooted to the spot, they see change all around them… Happy you enjoyed.. And apologise only just getting back here… Still on my break… But needed to moderate so many comments pending… As to JC Kay… YES!!!….. loved her channelled messages from the Trees…. Very profound…. And a big hug back from me…. Another Tree Hugger.. Lol… Lots of love Miriam…. Keep enjoying your travels…. Speak soon when I get back into my blog properly… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Writing to Freedom
    May 12, 2021 @ 22:36:25

    A lovely story and guidelines for living in harmony with nature. May we contribute to the balance and renewal of life. Thank you Sue. 🙏



  6. Mark Lanesbury
    May 12, 2021 @ 23:02:02

    Beautifully said Sue, and slowly the earth is going to bite the hand that destroys it if something isn’t done and soon. Our population has already overbalanced so much and if the attitude does not change it will be non reversible…as much has already become extinct, plant, animal and even the air is becoming poisonous to us all.
    This is well written and maybe a tiredness of this struggle does take its toll…but your sowing seeds in your words dear lady, that is always the beginning of a change that our hearts want. And it will be ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 14:53:51

      Yes I often get tired dear Mark… But for what ever reason Nature keeps nudging me along, and we need to champion Mother Nature and all her gifts, so many it seems have lost touch with and forgotten how without those gifts we take for granted just how our lives would be in so much more turmoil…
      One sees how we have destroyed the forests, polluted the oceans, and atmosphere .. The Bees, who are sensitive are now dying and without pollination, the crops fail.. People do not SEE that in Nature ALL things are in Balance.. One affects the other and so on…
      And it all comes full circle…. So I keep sowing seeds of thoughts.. for now… 🙂 …. Although mostly to the converted here lol..
      Many thanks again Mark… I continue to dream…. 🙂 💛

      Liked by 1 person


  7. thespiritkeeper
    May 13, 2021 @ 03:27:04

    Beautiful art work with the animals in the branches and also the child in the womb. It us beyond me the destructive nature vs nurture of man kind. Gaia will have her way should we not stop this senseless destruction of the hand that rocks the cradle. We are seeing that effect of Gaia trying to balance herself so she can ascend. She will kick us off her back like fleas. Great wrtining Sue. Enjoyed it. ❤ ❤ ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 14:58:15

      Many thanks dear Joseph… Yes when I painted this no one was more surprised than I that my pencil drew a womb.. Always go with the flow of what comes… And what my thoughts were in the process.. I believe you are right Joseph.. Gaia will sort out this dysfunctional world.. I listed to something the other day about Nature sorting out the dominant predators, and that is what will occur to Human kind… One way or the other, Balance will be restored… Thank you for your compliments…. And for waiting for my reply…. I am still taking a blog break… Speak soon my friend 💚

      Liked by 1 person


  8. simplywendi
    May 13, 2021 @ 03:42:44

    This is absolutely stunning Sue………all the layers of the story is just fabulous…….



  9. inavukic
    May 13, 2021 @ 04:44:50

    Indeed, no renewal can occur without shedding and letting go, but the results are awe inspiring and giving in most cases. Love both the story and pictures here Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 15:01:23

      Thank you dear Ina…. I am delighted you enjoyed…. And thank you for waiting patiently for me to get back to reply… I am still taking a break here… But will be back soon…. The parts are Scheduled in…. and I will keep popping back until I have more time to focus here on my blog… Lots of love my friend…. 💖



  10. Dilip
    May 13, 2021 @ 11:03:38

    Thank you Sue for this wonderful article on the regeneration food trees. For many years we took trees for granted. But now in the days of pandemic oxygen shortages in hospitals has made us acutely aware of our responsibility to save and grow more trees.
    Be very well you Sue and your dear family.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 15:04:00

      Indeed…. I wonder when people will realise that we are destroying our worlds Lungs in the Amazon Forests… Only now we are seeing perhaps how important Oxygen is…. And that we need to breath it … Many thanks Dilip… lovely to see you and hope all is well with you my friend… Thank you kindly…. 🙏



  11. David
    May 13, 2021 @ 11:18:58

    Beautiful Sue, I am just about to plant an elder which I took as a cutting from one growing up the leg of a pylon on my daily walk, long since slashed to the ground by those who guard our electricity supply. The cutting is doing well and with a root ball filling its pot I am sure it will do well on a piece of rough ground reclaimed from a bramble patch to accommodate a new shed and the Elder and a hog House where it will not be disturbed during the winter. Thank you so much, I have loved the standing ones for many years and meditate with them concentrating on strength with the Oak and suppleness with the willow etc.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 15:06:59

      Wonderful David that you have rejuvenated from a cutting another Elder… And I am sure it will thrive given your loving attention and position within your grounds you have found for it to grow… Sounds like you are settling in well… I hope to be repaying a visit soon… I am still on my Blog break… But just had to get to answer comments…. Sending well wishes my friend… 🙂



  12. -Eugenia
    May 13, 2021 @ 13:41:52

    A beautiful and encouraging post, Sue. We have so much to be grateful for! It’s everywhere in nature, we just have to stop, look and listen! Hugs! 💖



  13. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 13, 2021 @ 15:33:18

    Totally absorbing Sue. Thank you for sharing your incredible thoughts and feelings
    in ways that should make their way to our hearts and minds!
    Have a wonderful weekend dear heart. love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 15:13:09

      Many thanks dearest Eddie…. So grateful for your comment and visit… along with your compliments… I hope to be back inside the blogworld soon…. I am just following my heart at the moment… And its taking me away from blog land into Nature and crafts…. But I will be back very soon I hope… Much love your way my friend and I appreciate your thoughts and comments dear Eddie 💛🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  14. boundlessblessingsblog
    May 13, 2021 @ 17:43:52

    Words of wisdom, truth and reality, Sue. Your story is so profound and I agree completely with you. We as humans have totally destroyed trees who have always been givers and we receivers but as receivers we have become selfish beings. Let us all learn what is happening to all of us in these pandemic times and rectify our life giving trees.



  15. robbiesinspiration
    May 14, 2021 @ 05:34:34

    You painting is beautiful, Sue. Not all people take nature for granted, there are many people who fight hard to save our environment, and even give their lives for their beliefs. I wrote this haiku this morning and it seems to link to your post, Sue: An epiphany, Fate’s intervention spot on, Great relief follows. Hugs.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 15:17:50

      I agree with you Robbie… and I am thankful so many stand side by side with Mother Nature and fight her corner… Your Haiku is profound…

      An epiphany, Fate’s intervention spot on, Great relief follows.

      Lets us hope so…. Nature often knows best… And its often darkest before the Dawn Light as they say….
      Many thanks Robbie…. I am still taking time out…. Have a great week…. Much love your way and thank you again for sharing that… Within those few short words, your poem holds a wealth of Knowledge.. ❤



  16. Jane Sturgeon
    May 14, 2021 @ 10:33:05

    ❤ for your wisdom, dearest Sue and ❤ for highlighting our links to nature. ❤ Huge hugs and much love flowing to you, always. Thank you. ❤ Xxx ❤ ❤



  17. J.D.
    May 14, 2021 @ 17:04:00

    If we hurt our Mother we hurt ourselves. This reminds me of how so many humans are stuck in a perpetual cycle of self-sabotage, on a personal level. As within so without. The painting of the fetus in the tree is so powerful. Sending love to you dear Sue. 🌲💖🌳



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 16, 2021 @ 15:21:41

      Too true Julie.. Self-Sabotage is a common theme among many…. But they do not see it within themselves… Always pointing at others for their downfall.. Yet we are each responsible for our actions or none action… Many thanks for your compliments and for waiting for my reply…. I am still taking time out from my blog for a while longer… But other Parts are Scheduled in to continue the story….
      Much love my friend.. 🙂 and thank you.

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Bela Johnson
    May 17, 2021 @ 21:32:33

    If only everyone understood the incredible gifts that nature bestows. This is a lovely post, with your beautiful paintings, to boot.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. Barbara Franken
    May 18, 2021 @ 16:11:49

    Yes Sue, your writings of yesterday are beautiful gifts to us all still today! I know we have said it all and now find ourselves only wanting to live in the moment, observing, being creative and excited to see the unfolding of the downfall of our old way of being!

    I recently came upon information about the Freemasons and having wondered how people joined team dark from the streets… so to speak, this really made sense… shocking sense that connected my dots. I’m going to try and write a post about it soon… and wondered if you’ve heard of people being part of this and deliberately giving out false info… especially creating the new age movement… apparently Buddha was imagined, the peace sign a satanic sign and Dalai lama is part of it too🙃… Thankyou for your sharing, your inspiring ageless words and sending my love. Enjoy your gardening💃🏻

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 20, 2021 @ 12:48:36

      Yes the New Age movement Barbara has long been infiltrated I am afraid .. And yes I was also shocked to learn about some major name players of Light workers .. In this Upside down inverted reality… I look forward to your new post, sending love and gratitude my friend… For your lovely comment.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. Visionkeeper
    Jun 04, 2021 @ 19:27:18

    Love your thoughts DW….So much truth buried within. I wish humanity was still connected as deeply, we wouldn’t be so far astray! I hope as people read they will awaken and enlighten themselves. Thinking of you tons. I have just retreated so far to survive…Sorry I’ve been so lax for so long. Survival is a strange thing. Be well my dearest friend and have a wonderful weekend. Hi to hubby and of course biscuit! Many hugs and much love….VK ,3

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 05, 2021 @ 17:37:24

      Please do not apologise dear VK…. Likewise I too have retreated.. Back into Nature…. She is the only trustworthy thing around at this moment in time LOL.. 🙂 Healing Energies… 🙂 Soothing the soul…
      Sending Lots of love right back and thank you for reaching out recently too… Lol Sending Lots of Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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