Warriors Of Light Walk Free


We are fast approaching a huge awakening, where by those who have ruled beneath our feet have held us within their grasp of fear and their darkness for thousands of years. WE are now challenging them by the LIGHT, and the banners the TRUTH of who we truly are… We are all now stepping up, speaking out, and becoming our own saviours, as we SEE through this charade of fear, invoking decisions to be taken by those who live in fear of what is being projected out in the world right now, which is meant to divide us even further as Human Beings..

Easter reminds us of Rebirth, of Ascension, and the Glory of God/Source and the Miracles of an emergence out of a sealed tomb, into the Light. We are now emerging from our shadow selves, into the LIGHT of our Pure selves.

Soon my friends… I feel very soon when we gather in our own Christed Light in Unity…. As our True Hearts gather in ONEness, we will then begin to create our reality, to bringing Harmony into our inner worlds and then it will be projected out into our outer world… We do that by letting go of our Conditioned indoctrination of being a Victim… Stepping out of our self imprisonment to step into our Power of our true Natures…. We are Sovereign BE-ings…. Responsible for our Thoughts, Actions, Deeds. We are the Ones we have been waiting for, and only We, can set ourselves free of being victims in allowing our Lights to be extinguished by those whom think, they are in control of us.

The poem Below I wrote many years ago now…. I wrote within a few minutes within my spiritual circle as I asked everyone to tune in and write from their hearts… Many wrote poems, while others wrote short stories.. But the theme of all of them had at there core was Love and Light, and being true to ourselves..

Its amazing when we gather collectively how often our thoughts will unite and generate similar themes.. Just think of the power we can create if we all of us harmonise and send out that love to bring about harmony, to stop the divisions now purposely being created to cause conflict.. How powerful is Prayer, look to the Power of Eight

I hold no judgement for others actions, as frustrating as these times are, for we each play our parts into bringing about our worlds rebirth. Including those who are playing their darker roles, for they are helping us see this is the duality of our natures.. We hold both. I am now seeing further down the road in our timeline, and it maybe many will still not understand or even contemplate the level of transformation I see, or understood why these choices were made… For many will sacrifice themselves in order for the Light to shine in this fork in our road. The choices each of us choose is going to be a difficult one for many to bare, as we part company with those whom we thought held light, but were hoodwinked by fear...

Many in our future months will be in shock at what our reality is, it may be some will never comprehend the level of our inhumanity to the most purest souls on earth, our children. Or comprehend how many children go missing in the world and why? A subject many will skirt around and not wish to see. As I said in previous posts, that I would start and speak of is truth, and many may think this is not of the Light… But this darkness now has to be brought up into the Light for us to rid the world once and for all of this evil..

I don’t ask any of you to believe me, in fact I would rather you go away and do your own research and find your own truth, or find something to disprove me.. In fact I challenge you to go and find your own information. Because we should not rely upon one source to tell us our daily news… And when you understand why that is… you will have cracked a huge code of misconduct by the mainstream media.. But its not for me to tell you, You have to go find your truth for yourselves.

Because we now need to step up and become Warriors, and that means shining our Light in darkened corners others may wish to leave alone.. It means not agreeing with the narrative, it means speaking our own minds while we still have free speech, and it means using our reason and discernment and not being coerced or indoctrinated by fear or fines.. It means critically thinking for ourselves and not being told what to think or how to behave and how to live. It means I breathe in God’s given oxygen, and it means I hug whom allows me to hug them…

So, I am seeing a huge separating of energy… As we see the choices being made through Fear take hold of hearts which within my own circle of friendships, I had thought these hearts were understanding of Light vs Dark…. But through their own fear, they have made their choice… As have I…

I choose Not to stand in Fear. But stand in Unity and Love, and the Truth of my own Health and wellbeing.

Warriors Of Light.


Warriors of Light are you on Earth,

Looking for answers searching for re-birth.

Look not to the Heavens for your Answers.

But look within stop taking chances.


You’ve embarked upon your journey this is true.

All that’s surrounds you is created by you.

Lead by example of Truth and of Good

Stop your worrying, stay out of the wood.


The wood that blinds you full of material things.

Trust us we’ll help you our fellow Earthlings.

You’re Warriors of Light, of this you’ve been told.

Be brave of heart, be steadfast be bold.


Hold up the Banner of Truth and Love.

You are your own Saviours, not we up above.

To change your world of the plight it is in.

Know how to master your thoughts you think in.


To reshape and build you need to create

With vision of hope, get rid of the hate.

We surround you with Love, release your Ego,

And the Warriors Cry will be for PEACE LET GO.


Happiness after all is just a state of mind

Allowing it to happen brings joy you’ll find.

Caretakers you are of this world called Earth.

Imagination and Vision are yours at Birth.


Know you are but spec’s who light up the way,

The journey is long you are Warriors we say.

We bring you our shield of transformation.

Your beginnings are small but spread to All Nations.


Hold up your Banner Of Truth and Love.

You are the Saviours, we observe from above.

You’ll pierce those hearts with Light of Truth.

We bless you and leave you Warriors of Youth.

©By Sue Dreamwalker2008

I include here the great artist Akiane Kramarik as she paints FREEDOM, I see us all holding high our light as we delve deeper into the unknown darkness of what has surrounded us for Aeons, which is now being brought out into the Light…. I see this too as a sign of those who are Warriors who are rescuing Children at great risk to themselves from around the world right now.. Some of you may know of what I speak, those who do not will have to dive deep into some deep underground tunnels to expose that Darkness…. Hold your lights High my friends….. Hold onto your TRUTH…. But most of all Hold onto your LOVE and Compassion…. We are all of us going to need each others hands to hold onto.

98 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eliza Ayres
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 15:03:34

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. The Path to My Heart
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 15:32:03

    Thanks for your heart-felt post Sue! It rings true. I am finding very few warriors out there, sadly, but the ones who are authentically actively seeking truth and peace are huge! You mentioned about the people rescuing the children – what heroes. I’ve heard hundreds of soldiers have died in helping us fight freedom – in domestic rescues, within our own countries. Praying for truth and light to shine on the evil darkness that has prevailed for eons. It’s time. Carry on we must!! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2021 @ 15:34:25

      Bless you Donna…. Yes I have heard the same, May these unsung warriors deaths not go in vain as we expose the evil truth of what has been kept hidden…. So that our Children will forever be able to walk Freely… ❤
      Much love and Many thanks my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


    • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 10:06:07

      Dear Sue Dreamwalker and Donna Guillemette,

      Donna, what a resonating comment you have left Sue! Thank you. Indeed, we must be the best that we can be; and we must carry on as long as we can to bring light to darkness…..

      I have been to your blog and have recently subscribed to your blog and become a new follower.

      Sue, I really like your highlighted paragraph as follows:

      Easter reminds us of Rebirth, of Ascension, and the Glory of God/Source and the Miracles of an emergence out of a sealed tomb, into the Light. We are now emerging from our shadow selves, into the LIGHT of our Pure selves.

      As usual, I am delighted by all of your inspiring messages and uplifting wisdom calling us to go forth and flood the world with light. In this time of renewal and in the spirit of Easter, I would like to wish you and Donna “Joyeuses Pâques!”

      I hope that both of you have had a lovely Easter weekend! Perhaps you have taken the chance to make some lovely Easter cakes and Easter meals, to create some lovely things and crafts, or to read some unusual articles and poems.

      Speaking of what I have got myself occupied in, I have stayed up till very late in the last few days to complete some new graphics and eye-catching animations plus more pertinent information for my special Easter post entitled “Easter in Modern Multimedia Perspective“, which you can easily find at the Home Page of my blog, as it is currently the Featured Post. You can also access the post directly at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2015/04/11/easter-in-modern-multimedia-perspective/

      You are very welcome to peruse the extended and updated post at your earliest convenience. I would be delighted if you could kindly submit your feedback to my said post, as I am very keen and curious to know what you think or make of it.

      May you find April very much to your liking and highly conducive to your writing, reading, thinking and blogging about whatever topics that take your intellectual fancy or tickle your spiritual delight!

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 1 person


      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Apr 06, 2021 @ 22:49:24

        Many thanks Sound Eagle.. and for the mention of that particular piece I wrote.. Your post on Spring and Easter full of delightful art and animations.. Thank you, I hope also your spring brings you joy and peace… Stay Blessed my friend 💛

        Liked by 1 person


        • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
          Apr 06, 2021 @ 23:24:04

          You are very welcome, Sue. In particular, did you have a chance to scroll down to the end of my said post entitled “Easter in Modern Multimedia Perspective” to watch the complex animations under the heading “Related Articles 📰 with Animations”?

          I would like to inform you that these animations will only be visible when you visit my blog and view its contents in situ. Hence, it is prudent to refrain from viewing my blog in the WordPress Reader, which tends to ignore or strip away some styling and formatting components, and also fails to display animations, all of which are aplenty in my posts and pages, which will look very different and even improper or amiss in the WordPress Reader.

          May you have a lovely week!

          Liked by 1 person


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 15:33:10

    Thank you for championing love and light Sue. I agree that we need more discernment, free thinking, and loving choices. I too have been amazed at how many friends who follow alternative health paths choosing fear at this time. Thank you for the reminder to not judge and allow each their own path.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2021 @ 15:41:38

      Its a learning curve for me too Brad…. I got very frustrated witnessing what I was seeing and hearing… But now understand that each have made our own blueprints and each of us in fact of both poles are playing our parts in this transcendence … Once we open our awareness we see beyond this illusion and let it all go…. And return to our core values of our hearts… And intuition… Trust that Energy within …. and once you go deep within the truth is revealed.. ❤ .. Many thanks my friend 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  4. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 15:33:16

    “…We are the Ones we have been waiting for, and only We, can set ourselves free of being victims in allowing our Lights to be extinguished by those whom think, they are in control of us…” Wow, this struck a chord! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  5. laurabruno
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 16:07:37

    Beautiful poem and post, Sue! I, too, see the timelines splitting, and I have needed to release people to their own choices. There is plenty of information available now. Everyone is free to choose his or her own path, and sometimes that path seems like a massive parting of the ways, perhaps for millennia. At the same time, we are all interconnected in so many beautiful ways.

    Blessings and love to you …. Laura

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2021 @ 17:54:49

      It’s hard, letting go and understanding the split. And yes, more than enough Intel, if people really wanted information . It’s out there to find.. But people are not making informed choices, or they would maybe think deeper before choosing.
      Other Intel also now very much widely available.
      But this is the parting of the wheat and the chaff. Many thanks Laura much appreciate your views.. 🙏💓

      Liked by 2 people


  6. fauquetmichel
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 16:39:18

    Rather than saying warrior, Sue, I would say sower : sower of love , of life , truth . This is a more peaceful way. In the word warrior there is war. Never war! I experienced WWII and Algeria. Awful.
    I hope you will be not mad at me, Sue.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2021 @ 17:41:06

      Dearest Michel, you have more right than most to understand the truth and a meaning of warrior. I bow to your own courage in experiencing such difficult times my friend.
      But we are at this moment in a different kind of war.. One where no weapons as such are fired. But we are in a phycological war, waged on humanity. .. I hope you too will understand why we need warriors to stand up in courage against this evil tyranny. Or all you and your friends fought and died for will be for Nothing. I salute you dear Michel for being such a warrior… 🙏💜💚💜

      Liked by 1 person


  7. House of Heart
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 16:42:12

    Inspiring dear Warrior! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Visionkeeper
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 17:33:06

    Loved your message DW….I too sense the end is very near as I am sure the DS senses as well…Hence the chaos. The light is shining brightly now, the darkness cannot dim it away. Far too many minds have taken off the blindfolds and are now questioning their realities. Thank goodness. Now is the time we have been contemplating for so long now, we have made our choice and choose to walk in the light sharing love and inspiration…Thanks dear friend for sharing this great piece and I loved the poem as well….Be well and have a good week ahead. Who knows what may transpire down this road. Sending much love and many hugs…VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2021 @ 17:30:26

      Thank you VK… yes the thin edge of the wedge has been inserted into the fabric of this energy field.. Slowly people are piecing all together…. And for those who are in alignment with their True Inner selves of Sovereignty and who take charge of their own destiny … I am encouraged by what I am witnessing…
      Sadly many are not in that same vibration of alignment or SEE beyond their own projection of fear.. Thus they join the majority who are coerced into certain belief patterns..
      Thus the separation… While many more are engaging in Unification… as like attracts like and we find our tribe…

      Love to you dear VK…. our road has been well travelled, and we have seen many events upon its path.. What is to come will truly astound even us….

      Sending love and well wishes… Much love Sue ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  9. balroop2013
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 17:35:41

    Beautiful messages Sue. Thanks for sharing. However deep people may bury Truth and Love, they are still around us, as they rise each time our own light falls on them. Love and hugs for highlighting the most important values of life. Stay blessed dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 07, 2021 @ 17:33:55

      That is a beautiful way of seeing it Balroop… May our lights continue to fall, on all in need… And I thank you for your compliments my friend… Thank you ❤ Much love right back ❤



  10. ReginaMary
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 17:40:23

    Wow, that is a very interesting video. I was fascinated by the entire process.

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Tom
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 17:56:03

    Always on the side of Light, Sue, even through the darkest of times. The more positivity we send out, the more we will see. Keep Light, Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  12. boundlessblessingsblog
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 18:17:47

    Sue thank you so much for your motivating all of us toward love and light and happiness and joy. Yes we are all moving toward a New Dimension which will be all free from negativity. Lovely and awesome poem.

    Liked by 2 people


  13. JanBeek
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 19:26:04

    ” We are all now stepping up, speaking out…” and isn’t it about time? Thank you for your beautiful poem, {{{Sue}}} – and your words of encouragement ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  14. J.D.
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 21:54:01

    The split is deepening. Letting go is getting easier for me, however. I’m realizing that sometimes it’s not helpful at all to keep hanging on to someone who’s stuck in a toxic pattern. I just end up enabling them and hurting myself. I set them free with love and wish them light on their journey. Hope you are enjoying the spring, dear Sue. Much love 💕

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 21:44:04

      It Think many now even within relationships and career paths are also finding the need to distance themselves… And yes you are right, releasing with love …. Thank you Julie, Spring was hear, lol, and we had some lovely warm days, Now it seems Winter is back, we had snow and hail today and temps about freezing…. Good thing our plants in greenhouse wrapped in fleece…. Much love right back Julie… Special Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Miriam
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 22:02:57

    Sue, you’ve said it all so well, as you always do. Discernment, critical thinking and seeking truth … how I wish that those around me would open up to this level of being. We can’t make these people see what they’re not willing or ready to see but I pray that one day and soon they will. In the meantime I’ll continue along my path and praying for those hero’s that rescue children and fight the war that many don’t even realise we’re in. Thank you for the beautiful layered freedom video and your heartfelt poem. Sending much love your way. 💜

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 21:47:47

      That is so true Miriam, we can only lead a horse to water, we cannot make it drink.. Sadly… But we continue as you say, praying as we walk along our path for those who are hero’s who do so much behind the scenes …. A war which as you say not many realise we are in right now….
      Sending lots of love.. Glad you loved the video…. I so love her art.. So symbolic too with all the Gold leaf layering …. Love and hugs Miriam and thank you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Mark Lanesbury
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 22:52:53

    We will find ourselves dear lady, this world ensures it. In its impurities is a perfection beyond words ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 21:51:10

      I am hoping so Mark…. at times it feels like so many are lost, and in reliance of being told what to think rather than thinking for one’s self… But as you say.. All is as it is meant to be, or it wouldn’t be such….
      Being awake is no picnic at times.. sending gratitude Mark.. Thank you 🙏💛

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Carrie Cannady
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 23:01:25

    Beautiful. All of it. ALL of it. Thank you. 🙏🏻🌞

    Liked by 2 people


  18. insearchofitall
    Apr 05, 2021 @ 23:49:47

    Beautiful words as usual, Sue. Thank you for sharing the link to McTaggart as I haven’t seen this one yet. Always love seeing Akiane Kramarik do her art. It’s always astounding. I have always thought of myself as a light-worker rather than a warrior. I’m the quietly working behind the scenes kind of person. I’m not the wordsmith that you are but I love reading your words. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 22:15:30

      We are Lightworkers, Marlene, who at times become warriors… I have to say I never thought of myself as one, but given these times, we need to to put on our amour and hold our lights high… Or we are going to find all freedoms will soon be down trodden. I know I have certainly taken up the sword/pen with my own Members of Parliament in recent months… Not much, but I am seeing so much phycological damage being done.. Mental health in the young, bed wetting, young children with separation anxiety in schools… Suicides up… We need to become warriors or see our systems become tyrannical..
      Any how Marlene, glad I could point you to a Lynn McTaggart you hadnt seen.. Love her work… and books.. ❤ 'The Field' is fascinating https://lynnemctaggart.com/about/lynnes-books/ I have also read the Intension Experiment.. Lots of facts etc…. but well worth the read.. ❤ Lots of love your way Marlene… big hugs ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • insearchofitall
        Apr 07, 2021 @ 04:02:36

        I’ve read all of Lynn’s books and have a couple on audible. I’ve been a fan for years but had not seen that particular Utube. The Power of 8 was a great book. I could use a group of 8 now as they have put me on oxygen for my walks.. Not getting enough then. Not happy about it but for now, it is necessary.

        Liked by 2 people


  19. Infinite Living
    Apr 06, 2021 @ 00:31:52

    Your poem is so deeply beautiful and your post as always full of glowing truths. I particularly found it beautiful how when we collectively join our thoughts pick up on similar themes. How amazing that our energies seek out other similar ones and generate this frequency together. It is comforting because of how boldly we are now making choices to stand in our truth, so the energy of separation doesn’t feel as painful.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 22:32:55

      Well said Pragalbha.. I am finding more and more our alignment of energy is being guided as we gather together our collective family to surround us, and the ones our energies are not residing with any more are slipping quietly to the side…
      Truth will separate many… Because people are not used to being shown the truth… They hide from it, and dodge it, skipping around its edges, but it will not go away…. Truth will always be truth, just as lies will always be lies….
      And when people really understand the depth of those lies and who told them and why.. And the Truth of those who have been put on high pedestals comes crashing down….. Then facing that truth will be painful for many…
      While we dear friend, have been searching, digging out, not only facing our own truths, but acknowledging the reality of this matrix and its webs of deceit that have locked many into its darkened dream spell of illusion of what our reality really is..
      Its been an exhausting journey at times… But we are nearing the cusp of revelation….. As we walk free out of darkness into the light..
      Love and Hugs dear friend… Many thanks for reading ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  20. thespiritkeeper
    Apr 06, 2021 @ 04:20:30

    ❤ The energy is being separated as you say. The wheat from the chaff. No matter how hard they try to beat us down and at times it looks like they have snuffed our light we need to remember there is always a spark in there that will reignite. The truth is always hidden in plain sight. We just have to see it. Missing children around the world in masse speaks of kidnapping for adult entertainement sex ring. Ta da the elephant is in the room. Much love my beautiful friend. ❤ Have an excellent week.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 22:45:27

      Big smiles and Hugs dear Joseph, we need the Elephant in the room…. 🙂 And yes so true, about the Truth being hidden in plain sight…. yet so many won’t even open their eyes to it…. Ah well… such is the way of the world my friend… and thus is the sorting, let it begin..
      I trust you are well, and your writing is keeping you busy… Sending Huge hugs and many thanks again… 🙂 💛

      Liked by 2 people


      • thespiritkeeper
        Apr 07, 2021 @ 14:57:35

        I am busy. Received the corrected copy of my manuscript this week. I gave the editor a hard copy to see what changes she made. I caught 7 mistakes so far and I am not even done the first chapter. I am not impressed. Correcting from the hard copy to the manuscript version on the computer is tedious and one has to go slow to catch everything. I think I will hand in a hard copy again. Whoever that editor may be. Thank you for your hugs I so need them today as IT would have been Paul’s birthday today. I hope you are having an excellent week.

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 07, 2021 @ 17:21:35

          Aww…. sending extra thoughts Joseph…. Anniversaries are often hardest to get through … So many memories surrounding them.
          Not good you finding mistakes after Editing!…. not good at all…
          Hope you manage to wade through and sort out and your energy picks up…. I think many on the light-worker front was hit hard for a couple of days prior to Easter… Me included.. So sending more hugs my friend…. ❤



  21. inavukic
    Apr 06, 2021 @ 14:07:24

    I loved this post Sue! Many try stifling the truth, making it ugly, twisting it…only love can stand the truth, withstand it and hold it up no matter what comes! Hope you had a good Easter! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Eddie Two Hawks
    Apr 06, 2021 @ 14:43:16

    Arm in arm we march, soldiers of the light, ever forward we go,
    graced with gifts that will set us free!
    Dear Sue, Your powerful words come to us all strong and true!
    Uniting our hearts and souls for a cause that is greater than ourselves!
    hugs, love Eddie

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 06, 2021 @ 23:12:20

      Thank you dearest Eddie for recognising that this cause is much greater than any of our own…. It is for Humanity our very existence… Though many will not see that…
      Many thanks dear friend… MUCH love your way… So appreciate you 🙏💛

      Liked by 1 person


  23. -Eugenia
    Apr 06, 2021 @ 15:06:10

    Encouraging and motivating post, Sue! We must stand strong and move forward. Your drum beats are loud and clear. 💖

    Liked by 2 people


  24. Ines Radman
    Apr 07, 2021 @ 10:44:42

    Dear Sue, this was absolutely awesome. I have started a Croatian blog, actually it’s been around for a few years but I just didn’t feel confident writing in Croatian yet. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I will translate my own posts. May I have your permission to use your post but translate it in Croatian? Of course I will give the link and full credits where they are due.

    Liked by 2 people


  25. Jane Sturgeon
    Apr 07, 2021 @ 15:33:40

    ❤ Dearest Sue, ❤ always. Xxxxx ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Baydreamer
    Apr 08, 2021 @ 00:01:12

    Dear Sue,
    Love, love, love this post! You wrote so many wonderful, enlightening lines that I just can’t narrow down. I also love that you put no pressure on others to believe all you said. Instead, you encourage them to research and form their own beliefs. Well, I’m in agreement with you dear friend and warrior. May Love and Light lead the way and your poem is poignant and beautiful! Love and hugs to you. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  27. marina kanavaki
    Apr 09, 2021 @ 20:53:01

    Your posts are a blessing, my dearest friend and I hope and pray more good people will choose the side of Light! Wonderful poem, Sue! I loved watching Akiane paint “Freedom”. Love and many hugs your way! xoxoxoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  28. rabirius
    Apr 10, 2021 @ 13:38:52

    I recently thought about how people create their own realities. You gave me much food for further thinking about that.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2021 @ 18:05:22

      Each of us create our reality via our own perception and thoughts… I am happy my post provided some food for thought…. We are unique beings in that we create…. I mean just look around you… Everything you see, was once a thought brought into action made into reality to experience… Be it paint on the walls, clothes on your back, or the computer or your musical instruments you play.. All once a thought… made into reality.. ❤ 😉 Have a beautiful day Rabirius 🙂



  29. robbiesinspiration
    Apr 11, 2021 @ 15:52:23

    A very beautiful poem, Sue. Your post is a fascinating one and I am quite aware of the terrible things that people perpetrate on humanity, including children. Some things never change and there are always power hungry ruthless people who will stop at nothing for personal gain in all ways. Love and light to you, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2021 @ 17:53:18

      Thank you dear Robbie, yes unfortunately too many in the world prey on the innocent and vulnerable. And yes I agree, nothing new its been ongoing for thousands of years… What people perhaps are not so aware of is that many of those in high places whom are looked upon in celebrity status have knowingly been the perpetrators …
      2021 will I feel go down in history as the year of revelations of many kinds of exposure to dark and evil deeds… Not only on children, but to Humanity as a whole…
      Thanking you dear Robbie…. Sending so much love and light right back to you ❤ ❤



  30. prenin
    Apr 12, 2021 @ 08:41:03

    Hi Sue! 🙂 ❤

    Yes, we're getting close to the time of change hun, providing WWIII doesn't break out in the meantime!!! :/

    We either get our crap together and save the planet as the human race, or we will be disposed of and the Earth will recover without us…

    Love and hugs.


    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2021 @ 17:45:36

      We are in WWIII dear Prenin… the greatest crime against Humanity is happening as we speak…
      The planet will always recover… Humanity has a long way to step up into their game… To understand we need to live in unity and harmony with each other and NOT in fear..
      Sending big hugs back… 🙂 (( Hugs ))

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Marja
    Apr 12, 2021 @ 10:03:19

    Beautiful poem which speaks truth. Yes we create our reality and to see the reality reflected in the world means there is a lot wrong now. I think people have to become more concious I hope the warriors of light will reduce the darkness soon

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2021 @ 17:41:08

      Thank you dear Marja, We certainly need to open our eyes and shake ourselves loose from the Dreamspell that has been cast over Humanity that is for sure. We have been programmed well, and the last year especially a huge phycological Game on Hoodwinking Humanity to turn one against another… reminiscent of another War some 70 plus years ago. To which division and fear were used to turn neighbour against neighbour. Praying more Light warriors will emerge to stand tall… ❤ ❤



  32. Maria Wind Talker
    Apr 12, 2021 @ 13:02:11

    Great post Sue as per. Too many things that people wear blinkers too unfortunately. The puppet masters know exactly which strings to pull to turn peoples heads away from reality to focus on the theater production they produce to distract us. May we all find the scissors in our pockets and set each other free.
    The shift is coming.
    Many blessings to you dear sistar. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  33. Maria Wind Talker
    Apr 12, 2021 @ 13:03:54

    Reblogged this on Maria Wind Talker and commented:
    Great post by Sue, time to be the change and take off the blinkers.

    Liked by 2 people


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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