Weaving with our Hearts.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

 I am weaving colours with threads from the loom

Creating some brightness in a world full of gloom

Picking and choosing the colours that blend

Choosing which thoughts my heart wants to send


I choose not to stand in a box full of dark

Where Tyranny’s rule is fast becoming stark

In a reality driven, by Fear and in Greed

I choose instead to plant coloured seeds


So, the warp and the weft I carefully place

For it’s the foundation on which we allow God’s Grace

To overcome the tangles of threads we each hold

We first have to weave firmly, connecting our souls.


Over and Under and over again, goes the shuttle of life

None of us perfect, as we navigate strife

Each of us learning and growing as one

As the blanket is weaved, we have only just begun.


Threads we’d not noticed which were weak and very thin

Suddenly snaps through the silence and din

Creating Disorder, as holes now appear

As we undo and unpick all the weaving of years.


Many times, when we weave or we knit,

Our creations are flawed as we sometimes drop a stitch

We back track, and unpick, till we find our mistakes

And start all over, in our patience to create.


Patience right now is needed dear friends

As we watch the world wobble as the shuttle descends

Right now, its stuck between the warp and weft

It’s being untangled from a thousand years of theft


All is not lost as we unpick all the clues

My colours are rich in Red white and blues

I’m steadfast and strong, for I believe in God’s Light

And I am a warrior, who weaves in Rainbow Yarn Bright!.


What we teach our children in the days to unfold

Will undo the blanket of what we’ve been told

The Children are our Future!………….

It’s Time to be Bold!!!….

© Sue Dreamwalker Jan 10th 2021.

 The Poem above came to me in  a few short minutes this afternoon, so I jotted it down. And shared above. 

Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com

We each now need to focus on what sort of reality we want for our Children’s children… As a Grandmother who has enjoyed teaching my Grandchild how to knit and use their imagination in play. I want our Children to grow up in the freedoms we were privileged to enjoy when we were young with freedoms to BE-come beautiful Souls, and enJOY life in a Free New World… Not one which is full of restrictions and Tyranny.. This Consciousness battle that is unfolding is about Good vs Evil…. Its been an Ancient battle now coming to a head, It is about choosing what is is right!… That which comes from our hearts!.. Its about choosing LOVE over Fear!…. And never in our life times has this battle been so vital in what we each choose to create via our collective thoughts… Harmony, Unity, and Courage to stand in our Truth is now so needed.

A lot going in the world right now, I have never seen so many restrictions on liberties here in the UK, in all of my six plus decades.. And I have a feeling it may appear more chaotic in many locations around our globe before its done. Which is why our collective Energy needs to be focused on Love, even into those dark hearts we know are in existence..

For what we think, so we create!

Sending you all of my love and well wishes… Know we each create our OWN reality… I know my own focus is on Harmony and Unity… As the New Earth is now Pushing to be Born…

A very insightful Energy update with some profound messages for us all over the next few days and month can be heard by this lady, Pam Gregory whose website is The Next Step I was introduced to her via a blogging friend a couple of years ago now.. And have found her Wisdom Spot on… I hope you can take heart from her Wisdom as much as I did.

We are the witnesses of our New Earths Birthing, and as any midwife will tell you not all births go according to plan and can be quiet messy… And the labour pains can be arduous and prolonged.. But pain is always eased if you have a hand to hold… Stand in your hearts and within your truth… for the head is now engaged!..

💖 Much love to you ALL…💖

181 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. litebeing
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 18:53:43

    Hi Sue,
    Please show us your finished product when it is complete. Your poem is lovely. It is terrifying here in the US and I continue to tend to self care and prayer, plus focusing on enjoying my life with activities and people I love.
    peace, Linda ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:17:19

      That is all we can do Linda… and please do not hold fear… What you think is the worse scenario really isn’t…. Trust God has got this…. And you may well be surprised as the truth unfolds… As unbelievable it may seem… It will however not come truthfully via our msm… Sending you love…. Stay in your heart!… ❤

      Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:39:59

      PS Linda.. I will show you my creations when finished both the Yarn and the paintings.. 😀

      Liked by 1 person


  2. The Coastal Crone
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 18:59:56

    Yes! May we weave BOLDLY with our hearts! Peace to you!

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Miriam
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:01:14

    I love your poem Sue and the weaving of your words of love and hope and what’s to come is perfect. What an incredible time to be here and to be witness to what’s unfolding. Like you I hold a strong vision of harmony and unity in the world and feel in my heart space a birthing of something truly wondrous. Thank you my friend, for always inspiring and guiding us towards the light. Sending lots of love and blessings to you. 💙❤️

    Liked by 3 people


  4. Eliza Ayres
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:06:55

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Ah, an island of serenity in a stormy sea!

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Visionkeeper
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:08:46

    Hey Lady….
    Love that you are creating bright colors to brighten your life! As we spoke about before via email, it’s all happening fast now!!!! I can’t even keep up between the four people I stay in close awareness of….Wow, even the Internet is all over the Italy connection and everything it entails. It’s coming out DW, the wait is over!!!! Things are moving so quickly my head hurts trying to keep it all in order. lol. Not possible 🙂 I am so glad for all of us that this time has finally come about….Keep those colors expanding my friend…The new year/ new world is upon us…Thanks for these great words my friend….Hugs and love to you…VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:24:09

      Thank you VK… yes we are in the Quickening! for sure… and it is going to unfold rapidly very soon…. Hold on for the ride is going to get bumpy for a short time… But all is as it should be… Each and every action as a reaction!….. The storm is here.. ❤
      Love right back VK…
      Love your way DW… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Miriam
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:09:59

    By the way, thanks for the link to Pam Gregory. Just started listening to her now. Amazing! 🙏

    Liked by 2 people


  7. Erika
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:14:09

    A post that speaks from and to the heart, as it always does when you are posting, Sue. Indeed, we create the way we think. The way we see the world, that’s the face it will show us. I am a person that basically looks out for the good, not intentionally but reflexively. Honestly, I am so very positive that the situation in this world will become better and relaxed step by step over the coming 4 to 6 months. I am so convinced. Now, reading your words only strengthens this conviction.
    Thank you for your realistic yet encouraging words, dear Sue 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:28:11

      Bless you and thank you Erika… We are each creating our own reality…. And those who are caught up in the fear will experience that which they create…
      To be honest Erika… I have never felt so calm, and have done since the Solstice…. The cloud lifted as the Light came in…. I know the Energy of the world shifted… Reality just needs to catch up in the outer… 😀 ..
      Many thanks again for your compliments.. :-D…..
      Much love returned Erika.. 💖💛💖🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  8. Val Boyko
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:47:27

    I love this poem from your deepest heart. The blanket is just beginning, but the work is underway. Thank you for sharing this and your boldness Sue 💕

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:53:55

      Thank YOU dear Val…. Hope your new year is getting off to a positive start my friend… I have yet to find my way around to wish you a Happy New Year…. Lots of projects and distractions of late..
      Sending HUGE hugs your way dear Val…. Much love your way ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Val Boyko
        Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:57:26

        Thank you dear Sue. 💕Happy New Year to you! It’s been a quiet start for me personally, but helping others to find some sense of balance and peace takes on a new meaning and purpose these days. Keep weaving your magic Sue!

        Liked by 2 people


  9. JanBeek
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 19:48:21

    Stand within your truth – and “weave firmly, connecting our souls,” dear {{{Sue}}} – Thank you for this love-filled, inspiring post. Hugs to you. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  10. Renee Espriu
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:05:45

    Beautiful poem my dear friend and it shows your own profound wisdom and also how much we think along the same path, in the weaving of warp and weft as it were, in the colors of the Universe that are all universal in Nature, that surround us all if we only choose to see them. I enjoyed this write. Do take good care. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  11. laurabruno
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:05:56

    Wise words and beautiful imagery. Thank you, Sue! Sending love, light, peace and liberty to everyone in these challenging times. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:12:46

      Thank YOU dearest Laura… together side by side I know we have already travelled through the veil of darkness… We just now need to lift the curtain of those in the orchestra’s pit and enjoy the second act… Yet to begin.. ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Infinite Living
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:14:56

    Your poem creates a very beautiful warm blanket to get wrapped in – along with it’s holes and mis-stitches, it has been worn and woven with such wisdom. It does feel like a time of starting all over again – lessons digested and embodied yet ripped open as if to a bare blank beginning. So much self compassion, love, patience, kindness needed indeed. Truth and integrity are my focus – asks for courage and strength, steadfast when so raw and vulnerable.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:27:54

      Thank you dear Pragalbha… for that lovely comment..
      So many lessons, and so many holes… and more patience still needed to mend and heal… But when we truly create with Love… Those scars of miss stitches truly are invisible, for we have had to go back, unpick, unravel, and rework with love…. And the no one but ourselves know the inner work involved we put into making our outer garment presentable…
      Sending HUGE hugs dear friend… Many thanks again dear Pragalbha.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  13. thespiritkeeper
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:33:34

    Beautiful poetry laced with words from the heart. I agree with what you say in your poetry. It was almost like me sitting on your knee and being the dummy ventriloquist uttering all the words as if they were mind. lol Beautiful imagery and if the blanket has holes you are right to weave another one from what you learn.
    I watched the video with Pam Gregory with her thoughts on 2021 and what she is predicting. We shall see her timeline unfold. She is so petite but packs a punch. Yes, it seems that the world has been forever between Good and Evil and small pockets of dark hearts join the larger dark hearts and I think this is coming to a head at the moment. The labour pains as well. Small labor pains joining into the larger labour pain then tapping in to the grand of them all labour pains. Earth is transitioning as humans are. I feel different despite everything going on. The restrictions in the province I am in are only banquet halls and bars plus mandatory mask wearing in public places. I feel so constricted with the mask almost to the point of gagging. However, two provinces back east have now locked down with curfews. I don’t know how that is going to help with covid as the restrictions are from 8 pm to 5 am. Ontario I believe are on total lockdown as well. I am not sure about a curfew. This too shall pass hopefully soon. I hope youe are doing well and that the end of your weekend has been peaceful. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:42:39

      Thank you Joseph… Yes what we see unfolding is far from what we are being told the reason its being done… And it may well get darker yet.. In every sense of the word….. But I know if we hold love over fear.. I KNOW that events will present themselves that will have many people aghast as the REAL truth emerges… And still many will not believe… But it will not be broadcast from the msm…. But those of us who want Truth will find it… and when we hear it… We will feel it in our hearts… And know that all is as it should BE…
      Canada is an experiment in the making like Australia.. We need to stand up, stand firm and keep our Sovereignty and Freedom… For I do not consent to this tyranny we are seeing being planned for the world..
      Thank you Joseph.. All is well and peaceful in my world… Stay Blessed my friend 🙂 💛🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  14. Merit Serendipity
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 20:36:22

    Wonderful and so Precious message. 🌠Thank you so much for sharing! ✨🌅✨ Yes, we have the Power of Love. Let’s be Creative and Resilient together! Infinite Light and Love to you, dear Sue and to all.💛🌏💛

    Liked by 2 people


  15. Annika Perry
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 21:24:30

    Wow! Sue, I’m in awe of your poem, reaching into the depth of our lives, current events interwoven with beauty and colour into the verses, giving hope, light and strength to us all. This is one I’m saving in my file and will read many times again … it’s given a real lift to me this evening on a day of ups and downs! Wishing you all well, my friend! hugs xx❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Diane Tibert
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 21:26:23

    Lovely. Just lovely. I’m talking about the poem.

    I hope my children and their children enjoy the same freedoms as I have. Perhaps this blip is temporary, and we’ll all go back to normal in a few years. I hope so.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 22:59:54

      Thank you Diane for the huge compliment.. And yes we each would like our world to return to what was.. But like the hole in the blanket… It has to be unpicked right back in order to get to the fault…
      The world right now is unpicking the faults, while those who are busy knitting away oblivious, are not even aware there is a printing error in the pattern… And its not until the whole garment is completed that they will see for themselves the dropped stitch’s or that they will notice the pattern is not correct.
      Sometimes I have been known to skip the pattern all together, Because the one we have been using is flawed. And no amount of following it will make it right..
      The world right now is not even aware of the numbers of stitches within each row, let alone the the number of rows that make up the pattern.. The wide awake knitter only knows they are wrong when she begins creating… Her knowledge and instincts tell her that it is not coming together….
      So she stops to study the pattern… And she makes her discoveries…. She cannot go to the shop she bought the pattern from, neither can she go back to the printer …. The source is in the typing error…. Too late to rectify.. Because no one proof read, or knew enough about the pattern to spot the error…

      The world is a bit like that right now….

      Lots of revelations to come one stitch at a time… ❤
      Much love and thank you again.. Sorry I wrote an essay.. 🙂



  17. Mark Lanesbury
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 21:27:08

    Ooh synchronicity. I just read a post and poem about having a ‘hand to hold’ and a song by Hootie and the Blowfish with the same name. Now you come along and say the same thing…I feel a healing coming on dear lady, probably my own ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
    But regardless, your post is speaking of a time…soon…as change asks us to stand and be free. It won’t be smooth as you said, it never is. But, it WILL set us free 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 2 people


  18. J.D.
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 21:48:49

    We are indeed traversing a monumental time. It could be easy to feel the fear, but I’m excited. 🙂 And overflowing with love. Many surprises are in store. Some will be difficult, but it’s all a part of unraveling and redoing the worn out stitches. Time for them to disappear. Your words are always a warm blanket for the heart and soul, dear Sue. I always feel comforted after I read them. Sending you so much love.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2021 @ 22:18:08

      Likewise JD… both my daughter and I said the same… I have felt calm and at peace since the Winter Solstice here…. I know something then shifted both internally and planetary…
      Many thanks for your compliments, it’s nice to know my words bring comfort…. Sending love and well wishes your way Julie.. ❤ ❤ ❤



  19. Andrea Stephenson
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 21:52:42

    I love your poem Sue. I can feel the rhythm of the weaving through your words, and the rhythm brings weight to each thought.

    Liked by 2 people


  20. ReginaMary
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 22:20:39

    What beautiful thoughts, Sue. You have a lovely heart.💞

    Liked by 2 people


  21. macalder02
    Jan 10, 2021 @ 22:30:04

    We live in times where nostalgia is present more frequently due to the difficult situation with the advance of the virus. And to that must be added the policy that causes the most damage due to the folly of the rulers to add more fuel to the Fire.
    By coming to your blog, it is like seeking a refuge to clear your mind and renew your hope that change has to come to regulate the situation. There are your verses and your reflections to instill peace and tranquility in the spirit.
    Good entry Sue. It is comforting to read you.
    Manuel Angel

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2021 @ 19:24:03

      Gracias querido Manuel, por tu amable comentario.
      Me has hecho el mayor cumplido de mi vida … Muchas gracias por tus generosas palabras … Estoy feliz de que mis palabras traigan un ligero alivio y consuelo … Tantos han dicho esto sobre esta publicación … Me siento honrado …
      Ahora más que nunca necesitamos tomarnos de la mano y orar con amor en nuestro corazón por el mundo y los eventos. Créanme cuando digo eso, las cosas pueden parecer ir de mal en peor. Pero todo es parte de la limpieza. fuera el mal en el mundo .. No estoy hablando aquí sobre el virus ..
      Pero otros grandes eventos mundiales están a punto de suceder …
      Eso conmocionará al mundo … Cuando se desmantelen los principales medios de comunicación, porque a menudo no dicen la verdad …
      Así que, querido amigo … donde sea que estés ahora mismo … que las cosas que están a punto de suceder son para el mayor bien de la humanidad … Y que hay cosas que funcionan detrás de escena que no se hacen de conocimiento público …
      Confíe en que todo está bien y comprenda que, si bien las cosas pueden ponerse más oscuras antes del amanecer … Es para exponer la maldad en el mundo por quienes son …

      Con mucho cariño mi querido amigo … Gracias de nuevo por tu lindo cumplido …
      Sue 💚🙏💛

      Liked by 1 person


  22. dgkaye
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 02:35:27

    Fantastic writing Sue, and the poem was perfectly accurate. Yes! I do feel the head is crowning, and all the pus in the world is now exploding so we can see it and clean it out to prepare for new! ❤ ❤ Hugs flowing xoxox

    Liked by 2 people


  23. maskednative
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 08:42:59

    Hello Sue, your poem is a wonderful tapestry, the colours and weaves of your bright and joyful blanket warm us. I add my support to the rhythm of your loom, to the rhythm of positive energy overcoming all negativity in the world today. God’s plan for a new world can only be perfect, there is no pain without gain. Bless you and all your work, stay safe xxx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2021 @ 19:43:16

      Thank you Teri .. so good to see you here again my friend.. and I am sure you have been weaving your own magic in your own corner of the woods my friend… Lovely to have you here… And thank you for those kind compliments.. Stay Blessed also… Huge Hugs 💚



  24. maskednative
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 08:43:45

    Oops, I meant, there is no gain without pain xxx

    Liked by 2 people


  25. derrickjknight
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 08:49:36

    Splendidly analogous imagery in your poem

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Carrie Cannady
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 09:13:00

    Sue, beautiful poem…and necessary wisdom. I recently found Pam Gregory and am delighted to see you recommend her. These times are unsettling…even when I know it’s a necessary part of where we are on the great evolutionary timeline, so to speak. Weaving with our hearts is indeed essential as we continue to traverse the bumpy roads of the days ahead. Thank you again for offering your heart wisdom. It’s deeply comforting.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2021 @ 21:06:12

      So pleased you too found Pam.. a great inspiration.. Like Lorie Ladd.. May we keep weaving with our hearts, and following our intuition as we join our hands and hearts together across the divisions being created.
      For we need to come together as One… 💚🙏 Many thanks Carrie..

      Liked by 1 person


  27. marina kanavaki
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 10:02:26

    Thank you so much, my dearest Sue for the encouragement and words of wisdom. Listening to Pam now!
    Love and many many hugs your way… always! 🥰🤗😘❤

    Liked by 1 person


  28. peggyjoan42
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 11:37:27

    Loved the poem Sue. We have all gone through a challenging year in 2020. Let’s hope we can all change the coming year in some small way and make things better for everyone. Love and hugs to you Sue and here is to a better year in 2021.

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 13:11:04

    You have woven a garment of peace and love so that all willing will know
    it and warm by it’s worth. Gracious words and thoughts delivered for us all,
    hugs dear Sue, Eddie

    Liked by 2 people


  30. The Path to My Heart
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 13:17:32

    Hi Sue! I really loved your poem – it’s genius and Divinely inspired!! What a wonderful metaphor too, it’s perfect. There is so much coming – along with the amazing energy, we’ll also have lots of confusion and shock. Making a choice, which is actually been simplified for us (good or evil) and standing strong in that choice. I’ll be keeping in mind your weaving poem during this process!! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2021 @ 19:14:28

      Thank YOU Donna… we each are weaving our threads together now Donna.. Making each of our threads that much stronger as we bind together…
      And yes.. We KNOW what is about to occur so we need to hold hands and keep strong…. But you know Donna… I know we already Got this ….. For we have already Won… its just the debris now needs sweeping up as the clippings of Yarn left on the ground that have made such a mess, now need sweeping up and dealing with.. ❤ ❤ Much love right back my friend 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  31. Dilip
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 14:04:18

    Beautiful poem Sue very uplifting and much needed for the present times. Thank you and best wishes for a happier tomorrow. Kind regards.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. -Eugenia
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 15:04:50

    What an empowering poem, dear Sue! I needed my “Sue” fix today as I try to not let all that is happening impact my thoughts. Your woven words are inspiring and comforting. Have a great week ahead. 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  33. boundlessblessingsblog
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 17:05:41

    Sue I loved your poem so much. Hope we could all twine with Love and Happiness and harmonize together like the colourful yarns that go to make blankets and knitted sweaters. The video was profound and thank you so much for your positivity and inspiration to one and all. We are all ONE.

    Liked by 1 person


  34. RhapsodyBoheme
    Jan 11, 2021 @ 22:52:57

    Beautiful and inspiring, what a lovely poem. May we all weave magic and miracles on the tapestry of our lives. Much love and light to you.

    Liked by 1 person


  35. paintdigi
    Jan 12, 2021 @ 16:58:33

    One of the most interesting personal websites. I encourage you my dear friend


    Liked by 1 person


  36. robbiesinspiration
    Jan 12, 2021 @ 17:58:30

    Hi Sue, this really is a gorgeous and meaningful poem. I love how you have used weaving a tapestry to demonstrate our life paths. Very effective.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2021 @ 23:25:54

      Aww thank you dear Robbie… The words wrote themselves the other afternoon.. I was sat knitting when the first few line came in a download… So the knitting was put down and my pen and note pad came out and the result is above…I would say the whole thing came in ten minutes.. Many thanks for your compliments my friend.. Sending HUGE hugs ❤



  37. Jane Lurie
    Jan 12, 2021 @ 19:38:10

    HI Sue, I enjoyed your poem very much- the rhythm of your words and their message. As a fairly new grandmother, your word touched my heart. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Kirt D Tisdale
    Jan 12, 2021 @ 21:40:29

    Awesome poem Sue!! Filled with truthful inspiration! Blessings for sharing this!

    Liked by 1 person


  39. New Bloggy Cat
    Jan 13, 2021 @ 09:39:24

    Beautiful poem, dear Sue! Things are a bit chaotic here. Today is the start of another lockdown and schools will be closed and only 2 persons can go out to do shopping within 10km radius. It’s time to catch up again, my dear friend. Will send you a mail by this weekend. Stay safe! Sending you much love and hugs, ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡♡♡♡♡

    Liked by 2 people


  40. fauquetmichel
    Jan 13, 2021 @ 18:32:16

    “The Poem above came to me in a few short minutes this afternoon”. This is called a huge ans sudden inspiration based on the knitting with colored theads. God’s light was upon you Sue.
    Your living poem, with rich rhymes, says the all about your intentions to light our sad world and teach the children
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 13, 2021 @ 23:18:21

      Thank you Michel… I often get my Gods Inspiration usually in the middle of the night where my journal sits at the ready.. The urgency of the words in my head I have learnt not to ignore, or they are gone forever!..
      Many thanks Michel for your Huge compliments…
      Much love 🙂 🙏💛

      Liked by 1 person


  41. stephensmustang1
    Jan 14, 2021 @ 03:20:52

    Ah..love this.
    Love and hugs

    Liked by 1 person


  42. Jane Sturgeon
    Jan 14, 2021 @ 15:29:09

    A wonderful poem, Sue., Fantastive words and my heart says ‘Yes’ to all of them. We are seeing the boil start to burst and the fallout from many hundreds of years. May we all hold each other safe and in love whilst this unfolds. Weaving huge love your way, to you both, always. I am a follower of Pam Gregory and thank you for raising awareness of her messages. ❤ My lovely, always. ❤ ❤ ❤ Xxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2021 @ 22:52:59

      Thank you dearest Jane.. thank you for your patience sitting here LOL… Had some weaving to do of my own this past week… And just have not felt in the mood for blog land at all… So pleased you too enjoy Pam Gregory… Amazing just how so many of us here find the same positive people.. 🙂
      Sending you HUGE hugs dearest Jane.. Thinking of you and speak soon.. ❤
      Lots of love your way ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  43. roughwighting
    Jan 14, 2021 @ 16:53:47

    I am enthralled with your poem. It is brilliant! Yes, birth and death are messy and can take a long time. May we hope that evil is slowly dying away and goodness and light are born in every soul from this day on.

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Jennie
    Jan 15, 2021 @ 02:42:39

    Beautiful poem, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  45. fauquetmichel
    Jan 15, 2021 @ 15:24:43

    O night! Inspiring night in its deep silence ! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  46. Bela Johnson
    Jan 17, 2021 @ 02:12:22

    Beautifully done, Sue. Love the living metaphor. Warp. Weft. Weave. Unpick. Weave again.

    Blessings upon you. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  47. Betty Hayes Albright
    Jan 17, 2021 @ 22:54:18

    Sue, you’ve woven a wonderful metaphor with your poem! Thank you for that. I too would like to see your project when it’s complete. (And may our Cosmic “Project” come to fruition in time….) Love to you. ❤🤗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2021 @ 23:17:06

      Bless you Betty.. the project is half completed… and it will be posted here or on my garden blog… Though I have sorely neglected my other blog these past few months… But not much to show growing this time of year.. Lots of love and hugs for 2021 too Betty ❤



  48. Bethany @ Happily Loco
    Jan 18, 2021 @ 18:50:44

    Your poem really resonated with me, here in the US, as well. My yoga teacher keeps saying that God is in control and right always wins, no matter which “side” is on top politically. Sending prayers to both of our countries!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2021 @ 23:23:18

      Thank you Bethany and welcome.. Yes… God/Source/the Divine… What ever name we use… Knows what they are doing… we are all part of the one creator.. And I have faith all is just as it is meant to be… And Prayers are always heard… if not always answered as we expect them to be… We need our prayers for the GOOD in this world right now to overcome the Darkness that has overshadowed many hearts..
      Much love and thank you again for your comment.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  49. prenin
    Jan 19, 2021 @ 10:24:39

    Love the poem Sue! 🙂 ❤

    Things are steadily coming to a head in this world of ours, I just hope our so-called leaders are up to the challenge.

    Love and hugs! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 2 people


  50. Superduque
    Jan 19, 2021 @ 16:09:51

    https://loveotv.com/v/JAD1JY This is the cause of Covid…
    Dr. José Luis Sevillano,
    COVID 19 Electromagnetico

    Liked by 1 person


  51. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Jan 19, 2021 @ 21:07:12

    This one felt like a song 🎶 to me 💕

    Liked by 1 person


  52. fauquetmichel
    Jan 21, 2021 @ 21:26:56

    I read your reblogged poem, Sue .This moved me very much .
    Yes Faith saves us but some moments are very hard .
    I hope your son goes better and better
    You will be , you and your family, in my prayer.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 22, 2021 @ 14:05:30

      Blessings dear Michel I appreciate your message and prayers very much Michel. My son is a little improvement today but still had a long way to recover.
      Many thanks I’m on my phone and will catch up as soon as possible. Take care ❤️🙏 and thank you again 🙏



  53. Superduque
    Jan 28, 2021 @ 02:13:22

    Liked by 1 person


  54. lorriebowden
    Feb 01, 2021 @ 00:03:16

    Hi Sue, I am thinking of you and sending healing white light for your son! I was so disturbed to read your last post and want you to know that I am praying for your family.
    Thank you for always spreading light and for your anticipation that we are moving to a kinder, more loving world. May it be so.
    Please stay well. SEnding lots of love and light ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  55. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Feb 12, 2021 @ 20:42:38

    I read that your son is recovering, my friend! I’m sending lots of healing vibes along the way, prayers and blessings in all ways! My sincerest wishes!! 💖💖💖

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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