We are the Creators of our Destiny~ The Threads are Snapping!…

Image Credit from J.. I believe it was shared on a FB page. Thank you J.

Below is the transcript I wrote back in February of 2012… Days when so much was spoken about the End of Times..  I re-read them the other day, and think maybe its time to air my thoughts again. Because dear friends, this is such another- End of Time…

The Old is crumbling, to be rebuilt anew.. But just what kind of New do we want to re-build?

Time as we have known it, is changing, and for any of us to grasp those changes we have to wake up to ourselves and change our own deeply divided natures of separation, blame, and division. We have to look deeply at who and what WE each are creating, by our thoughts and our actions. And we now have to unify together as we unveil the truth of what is occurring right now within our world. 

We have to acknowledge we live in a less than perfect world.. And that all of us can do better, we have to, for our children’s survival.. This is no time to sit on the fence hoping it is all going to go away.. 

And we need to understand that if we want a United World that is Peaceful and  more Harmonious, then it ALL starts within our own Hearts.. Changing our Attitudes, Changing Our Behaviours and perspectives, learning to Follow our Hearts of what is Right.

Our Human  Health Sovereignty of Rights to be Free Human Beings is under great threat right now.  As our freedoms of choice, is being diminished..   It is now time to Choose wisely, and follow our hearts.. In Love and Truth. I am now following my heart, because my mission put me here right now at this time to witness and speak from my heart the truth I feel, to those who wish to hear will hear and those with eyes to see will see.. 

For those who wish to learn more about what is really going on around the world then HERE is a great starting point on Moving through the Fear…  information is given on websites within the link…

We are with you Australia~  Love and Blessings to All. 

Apocalyptic Days of Progression~ posted Feb 2012

Many I speak to, are asking me, “ What do you think of the ‘End of Days’ prophecies?” I tell them its not always about what we know- I could say I know many things, but its more about how we feel..  How do you Feel?? What are your thoughts??

Change is in the air.. we all of us ‘Feel’ it as we pass comments upon the unusual weather, the time speeding up, the mass extinctions of our fish- Dolphins, birds,etc. not to mention all the upheavals and unrest around our planet that is gaining momentum. 

Nature seems to be out of sync too as she too reflects that change.. Many plants last Autumn flowered and fruited again giving double crops. This year spring flowers already in full bloom, we have temperatures rising here 16DegC today in February.  Insect life, Bees around and about already. People are seeing the changes and are beginning to feel it, for they too are changing.

There seems to be an urgency as time appears to be running faster. And many would say that time is running out for the reversal of Mans destructive forces which is destroying our Earth Mother.

People are sensing now that we are fast approaching a crucial turning point, and that it is up to us, ‘This Generation’ to help our Earth complete her task as we complete our own missions here upon this planet.

We either learn to Heal, bringing in those energies of Love and light or man will plunge himself into further chaos.

Many things have to alter as that healing starts to take affect as things fall away within our present social structures to enable that Change and Healing to take place. 

This is what we are ‘Feeling’ as we witness our world as it struggles with the material selfish greed it has woven itself so tightly in.. We are seeing those threads now snapping  one by one as the structure is breaking down.. We are seeing in in our  failing banking systems, we are seeing it in fallen dictatorships, we are seeing it as the Media is exposed in its corruption of reporting, we are seeing it in our Governments own exposures of failings and its abuse of power..Each time a thread breaks it is losing its grip upon the control of the masses. So we see new scenarios take shape, New fear tactics, on and on this Game goes on.. as Fear is spread. 

But as we are changing we are discerning the Truth . We are recognising that we have to shed the fear, For basically there are two emotions,

We can either live in Fear, or we can Live in LOVE,

People are coming together now and are joining in unity of thought as they topple dictators, as they stand together and voice their protests of injustices.. Our Consciences are starting to prick and more and more of us are uniting together within the Mass Consciousness around our world As we change our way of being. 

Change has to start from within each of us  

We ‘Feel’ it, and we know that this Earth cannot carry on as it is.. Each of us are changing, and as we acknowledge these changes from within..we are  beginning to understand just who we are, and as we connect to our inner spirits once again, we then begin to change our Outer World..  For Both Inner and Outer Worlds are connected..

Remember what we think so we create.. We manifest our Reality! ALL of it.  

We are all of us Powerful Beings and are beginning to find that Spirit within us to speak our truth, that inner core,which is a droplet of the Divine source and as such we can never be extinguished.

Our Light outshines All Darkness,

We just have to learn once again how to Shine! 

We need now to understand our roots, and in my earlier posts I said I would take you upon a journey, one that may well seem like science fiction.. But the Signs have been there for us to follow throughout History left there by the ancients, But this Historians never taught this in any of our Schools…

We are the creators of our destiny..

So what sort of a world are YOU creating?

What sort of a World do you want to Live in?   

Myths and fairy stories all over the world tell us of similar stories, of the souls descent from those higher realms to the denseness of matter here on Earth with all its limitations.. Stories of the Star People, And inside you and inside of me, the ‘Soul’ knows the Truth, each of us need only go within and find it..

In those Ancient times our ancestors made this knowledge available to all who wished to seek it.. Its there upon the Pyramid walls, its within the Cave Drawings, its within our Native American Wisdom, It is within the Aboriginal teachings, it is within the African cultures. It has been passed down via word of mouth in Peru.. Tibet. India.. All over the world. Its even within the pages of the Holy Scriptures if you look for it..  

We have been blinded by the rule of Material possessions. We have lost our Spiritual Path.. And I do not speak here of following any one religion..

 I speak of LOVE of our Earth, I speak of LOVE for our Animal Kingdom, I speak of LOVE for one another.. I speak of LOVE for oneself.  

We have lost our way and we are out of balance.. We need to WAKE UP to these facts and the warnings our forefathers foretold is happening NOW…Right this minute,

We Now more than ever need to address those changes within ourselves and lead by example, and bring about  more Balance into the world whereby we nurture and love ourselves and our Earth Mother..

Look within your own hearts and ask yourself what is it you need to do to help this world.. Share your Hearts and live from them. What can we do to help spread some Love and Light via our thoughts and actions.. But

Do not get caught up with its Fear.

The Great symbolism of the Apocalypse is that it pertains to a New Advent, A New dispensation, seen in great perspective of our Past and our Future… And here we are within our Present Age at that crucial turning point.  Let it be turned to Progression

Let us help our Earth within this Shift as we Shift our own awareness as we send out that Love

Blessings~ Sue Dreamwalker

Return of the Ancestors P 5


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

79 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. roughwighting
    Sep 03, 2020 @ 22:37:19

    Shifting toward the Light!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. MrsCraft
    Sep 03, 2020 @ 22:50:59

    Things certainly are changing, so much to process.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2020 @ 23:07:03

      Wonderful to see you Mrs C… and yes so much to process, so you need to be gentle with yourself and take in only that which you feel able to digest… I have been on this journey for many years and even now what is being unveiled is uncomfortable … But the links provided are are a starting point… ❤



  3. litebeing
    Sep 03, 2020 @ 23:08:29

    Yes we are! It is no surprise that a recent “old find” has been on my mind a few days. I reread a journal looking for another topic and ran across something I had totally forgotten, a prophecy from a channel I had visited. I will explain in my next post, but it is striking how timing really makes a difference and that ideas and predictions and others communications from Divine operate outside of time. This is the most extreme global event(s) I have witnessed during my lifetime and it may be occuring because we did not heed earlier wake up calls, or perhaps it is perfect exactly as it is.

    love to you, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2020 @ 23:15:57

      Haha…. just on your site now Linda doing a catch up before I retire for bed… Such as our paths cross LOL…
      And yes… I think maybe it has had to occur this way… For ALL of Mankind to wake up… All has to be affected in some way to make him think outside the box and question, reevaluate and look at life…. We are far from out of the woods yet.. As those Deep shadows will throw more darkness our way before we extinguish them… Sending Love and Blessings and thank you for your comment Linda.. will look forward to your find.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  4. dgkaye
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 03:19:24

    The spotlight is on. Now is the time for sure to use our collective focus on goodness. So mote it be ❤ xxoo



  5. michnavs
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 04:32:38

    this is yet again one of your thought provoking posts Sue.. i hope we all together shift to the light and live a life of love rather than fear



  6. marina kanavaki
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 09:18:35

    Thank you thank you thank you, my dear Sue… I just hope many people read this. Blessings, my dearest friend and love! ❤🥰🤗🥰❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2020 @ 22:15:55

      Love those thank you’s dear Marina… I doubt many will read …. But we keep speaking our hearts and projecting love, but we have to also be aware of the polarities in life… And wake up to the whole picture within this reality.. And this is not an easy path especially for those who have no clue of this reality.. We sometimes have to understand those shadows before we wake up in the light..
      This is why we have done our internal work…
      So Thank YOU dearest Marina… I know you know and understand…. and I feel those Blessings and your love my friend… Thank YOU.. 💖💚💖🙏



  7. Jane Sturgeon
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 10:51:36

    The veil lifting has sped up. We stand together. ❤ ❤ to you both, always, lovely Sue. ❤ ❤ ❤



  8. Mark Lanesbury
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 10:57:49

    The holding patterns are indeed breaking Sue, and the new movement within us will not be tamped back down. It can be scary because it is new but slowly we will see it for what it is and become that inner calm and peace…and of course the love that it will show gives us even further hope to what is to come ❤️ 🙏🏼 🦋



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2020 @ 22:24:57

      Agreed Mark…. And good to hear that statement too Mark…. And hopefully more and more are seeing it for what it is… Keeping centred, and keeping tuned into our hearts is what we need to focus upon as we use our Highest perspective for the right outcomes… For we know deep within us what is right and what is wrong… And discern the truth, as we sort out the wheat from the chaff..
      Many thanks Mark… I appreciate your feedback.. 😀 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  9. -Eugenia
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 14:42:36

    Things are always changing and always will. It’s up to us to make sure the changes are positive for all mankind, the earth’s creatures, and the earth itself. We need to feel the rhythm pulsating from the universe. Beautiful post, Sue! Have a lovely weekend. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  10. peggyjoan42
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 15:49:26

    Love is usually the answers to most of the world’s problems. Times like the present have plagued this world from the beginning of mankind. The Bible tells us the world will become worse and worse with time – from sin. I know there are a lot of people that never think of God, but he is in control.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2020 @ 22:30:00

      I agree with you Peggy… Love is … And yes I agree we are all Divinely guided and there is a greater Universal plan in place… and its time Humans began to understand their own connection to that Divine Power…. We are all sparks of the creator… and have to know Let go of the Fear and embrace and love our brothers and sisters World wide…
      Have a beautiful weekend Peggy and thank YOU for reading ❤ 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  11. thespiritkeeper
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 19:47:25

    Another thought provoking post Sue. Well worth the read. I think humanity is peeling itself to exposed the true spirituality that is our birth right. Looking at ancient civilization above ground and below sea levels it makes me think that we are back in that loop and as you say it is up to us to make that difference and create our future.
    The weather yes it is changing. I hear people that are not awaken yet talk about the weather being weird. A lot of people do not know we are in a polar shift. I think that would affect the weather and if one looks into Haarp that is another and not to mention climate change. Climate change hyped to the max.
    I am pleased with the video with the return of the ancients. It makes me smile.
    I used to be an activist and recently retired handing the torch to younger people. I am only an observer now using my vibration to effectuate change. These old bones are tired. lol
    I recently had to deal with a person with a delicate situation. She said she did not need this shit. I told her that Spirit delivers at the perfect moment. I then asked her when is the perfect moment. She could not answer. I read Linda’s and your comment about synchronisity. I know for myself synchronisity happens. It has been happening for me more lately than not. BTW I am not one to read comments and don’t know why I did but I did. Spirit needed for me to read it and have trust in the process of synchronisity.
    You said, We can either live in Fear, or we can Live in LOVE, and Change has to start from within each of us . You are right it is our choice to live in fear or love and you are right that fear will plunder humanity in more chaos.
    Also, Remember what we think so we create.. We manifest our Reality! ALL of it. I know many moons ago that when I heard this statement it sent me into confusion and denial for many years. I came to learn that we do create with our thoughts.
    I’ll sign off before I write a novella. I love reading your post.
    Have a great end of week and the beginning of the weekend. Be well my friend. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2020 @ 22:48:50

      Brilliant response Joseph and yes sometimes chaos comes into our lives to help shake us awake also…. And smiles.. Yes, when people realise that everything they see in this world right now… Including the computer in front of them.. The paint on the wall, the fabric and furnishings of their homes, their clothes they wear…. the paint on their walls.. ALL once was but a thought Put into Action… to be brought into reality..
      So too when we continually keep thinking woe is me, or negative thoughts they bring into their vibration that which they fear because their energy is focused on that more than the positive outcomes..
      I once knew a lady who went to her local Bingo in her local social club…. Every time she went she would nearly Always Win….. Why? because she kept saying to everyone I am always lucky, I am always winning…
      Which is why others who say to themselves… I never win anything, never will…. because the Universe brings that which our Intention is focused upon the most..

      Which is why in the world right now Joseph its so important to focus on LOVE and not Fear… for if we focus within the fear frequencies we will bring about Chaotic energies containing fear…
      Many thanks my friend…. and good to see Synchronicity happening and I love it when it happens as it confirms higher forces are at work.. 😀 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  12. The Coastal Crone
    Sep 04, 2020 @ 22:09:02

    And I say I chose as you wrote, “to live in love, not fear.”

    Liked by 1 person


  13. David
    Sep 05, 2020 @ 09:10:15

    Agreed Sue, your message may have originated in 2012 but is relevant now and the one word that stands out for me is abuse, which we see across the many boundaries from natural to human existence. We were gifted tobacco to be used as a precious gift to the gods to be smoked on special occasions using the Peace Pipe but we abused the gift and many become addicted. We were gifted plastic which in its many forms now pollutes the land and the oceans down to the micro particles unseen by human eye without magnification and now abuses and kills marine life. I could go on but must stop at the way we abuse each other and wish all this abuse would stop.
    As you say it is down to us. Bless you Sue and may I say you are speaking to the converted and wish again that the many who we have seen to show their true colours in this pandemic could hear your message too. Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 05, 2020 @ 11:30:32

      Many thanks dear David, so nice to see you travelling around Wp again my friend… and yes when I read my words again from 2012 I thought they could have been written for exactly these times… maybe they were lol… For that is how we often see these synchronicities work as we revisit old journals and posts..
      Agreed we have abused every system of inventiveness…. And greed has been the master of our downfall.. I know many of my words hear are not new and those who read them are already followers of the same principles… But one never knows if ones voice reaches new ears that may bring them to view themselves more deeply in the mirror of life..
      Many thanks dear David…. Love and blessings right back ❤



  14. Barbara Franken
    Sep 05, 2020 @ 15:33:25

    Love your post and is so relevant now too… the heat is on it’s time to awaken, to take heed and remember our sovereignty and choose to stand for our dream or not! I listened to Sasha stone last night who brought tears to my eyes as I heard again how Australia is being targeted, tested as guinea pigs to see how easy or not it will be to take complete control of humanity❤️ AND I know we are many, our light is shining bright and will have already won… we just have to watch it all unfold. Without judgement or doubt and focus on birthing our dream of harmony and unity❤️ Many blessing for you dear sue and Thankyou for sharing your most inner heart and soul x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 05, 2020 @ 15:39:51

      Thank you Barbara, yes I too listened to his Australian interviews, and what is happening there is awful..
      Thank you Barbara, our collective hearts are gathering as we see this play play out… Much love my friend and thank YOU.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Dalo 2013
    Sep 06, 2020 @ 05:16:24

    Another incredibly thought provoking post, Sue, and this current world we live in has changed so quickly in the past nine months ~ “The Old is crumbling, to be rebuilt anew.. But just what kind of New do we want to re-build?” It is both a period of time that is tragic and sad, but is also a time that allows us to step back and reflect what it is we value in life. The isolation we have experienced, the lack of the control of our own lives we took for granted in the past now allows us to see something new – the potential of how we can do better and create a better place. And it is within this thought we can step aside from the sadness and depression of this global crisis and see where we can (and do) make a difference. It is a time to strengthen our connections to nature and to others, and commit to finding happiness in the simple pieces of life we failed to notice before. Heartbreaking as these moments, we will learn and we will evolve ~ it is the strength we have in us all. Wishing you a great finish to the summer and take care.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2020 @ 11:50:51

      I agree Randall, “as heartbreaking as these moments, we will learn and we will evolve”… Well said my friend… This Enforced Sacred Space we have all had the opportunity to go within and connect on a deeper level to ourselves, as we question, and ask what life is really about and what is important within it..
      As a collective, sometimes I feel we have to be shaken out of our comfort zones, because most have lost that connection to source and Mother Nature… I found it so interesting how people around me who had never been interested in nature before, suddenly because they were told it was restricted, were out and about exploring walking every day… And in doing so found a new inner strength of connecting back within Mother’s heart beat, that of Nature and the Earth.. And that was beautiful to see.. 😀

      Many thanks Randall for your lovely visit…. Good to see you back in blog land and loved your latest Post… Enjoy your Autumn Season .. Stay Blessed 🙂 🙏



  16. JoAnna
    Sep 06, 2020 @ 05:42:11

    I needed to read this tonight. Feeling a lot of anxiety about the upcoming US elections. But I need to focus on my own thoughts and actions, to choose love over fear. Thank you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  17. robbiesinspiration
    Sep 07, 2020 @ 16:01:35

    Hi Sue, thanks for sharing this post. It is quite amazing to read this and access how little progress we’ve actually made with making any changes. The biggest changes have come out of the Covid-19 shutdowns and it does make you wonder what motivated this whole situation in my opinion.



  18. Mother Wintermoon
    Sep 07, 2020 @ 16:37:03

    As JoAnna expressed, these are anxiety-ridden times, with the election upon us. Your message of love and light is a soothing balm for the weary soul. Your energy is attuned and your light is a beacon for everyone on the path. Much love and many blessings to you, MW ❤️💜💙🧡



  19. Andrea Stephenson
    Sep 07, 2020 @ 18:38:36

    All of this feels true and relevant Sue. I find myself wondering what the world will look like in the future but I don’t have an answer.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2020 @ 22:19:06

      We have to create within that vision, One of Unity, harmony co-operation sharing and serving others.. This is where I focus my thoughts as we shed these old systems of service to self and greed…
      Many thanks Andrea… Many thanks for reading and leaving your thoughts ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. J.D. Riso
    Sep 08, 2020 @ 01:45:25

    We have to learn how to Shine, once again. Yes. And be beacons for those who are trying to rise above the murk. It is such a difficult journey. It seems like a continuous dive to the depths and resurfacing. Every time it goes deeper. The predicted apocalypse is happening, but more in a symbolic sense. I believe if we are to survive, we must shift into a completely different way of living on this planet. Outdated, toxic structures must disintegrate. Truly disintegrate. Enough of the illusion.

    Sending you so much love, Sue. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2020 @ 22:36:59

      Thank you Julie, and yes, it is a continuous Deep Dive, and sometimes we have to see what is at the bottom within all of that murk and muck.. I have a garden pond, and every once in a while we have to scrap the bottom because of all the debris, leaves and muck that settles to the bottom, if not then the whole of the pond becomes contaminated and the water begins to smell, and goes cloudy and the green slime of pond weed chokes it.. And if it is not cleaned, the fish will suffer and most probably wouldn’t survive for long. Especially if we didn’t aerate it with a pond pump too..
      So we ‘drain the swamp’… get the fish into a bucket, ‘Confine’them for a time, while we clean out all the yuck… and refill with fresh rainwater from our barrel collection..
      The systems as you rightly say are outdated, and work for the benefit of the few .. And we are seeing now those structures crumble.. But the major players whom No one ever sees, who is behind ALL Government are not going to go down without a huge fight.. This is what we are witnessing right now..
      Many thanks again Julie, so much love also sent in return my friend 🙂 🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


  21. insearchofitall
    Sep 09, 2020 @ 00:06:17

    I’ve been dealing with this for the last week and it’s on going. My son and his (ex)wife are visiting and are very different in their beliefs from the rest of us here. My daughter and sister want to tell them how wrong they are to believe the way they do. It turns into an ‘I’m right, you are wrong”‘ argument and is very distressing. So I’ve ordered no more discussions. Some need to learn the art of listening to another point of view as the best way to win people over. Everything I read here and elsewhere says it’s our thoughts and vibration that move us forward to a new earth. Fighting and fear won’t get us there. We can’t change peoples minds, we have to lead them there. I love my son but he feels he is right and I’m not. It’s not a good place to build a bridge so I just do loving things for them and I’ll send them on their way with deep prayer. I’m exhausted and will need time to unwind this next weekend. I’ve been reading
    Predictions 2020 by Selacia on my tablet when I have a moment. She also talks about the astrological influences that are helping us move forward. I needed some uplifting in the dark. I am bone weary right now and hopefully autumn will bring some rest. Hope you are holding your own in all this. I will have to listen to the video later. Thinking of you daily. It’s a wild ride.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2020 @ 22:47:55

      Indeed dear Marlene… Our Thoughts create our story, and we project our thoughts making our stories our realities.. So understand about family conflicting views… Best to agree to disagree and allow each to wake up within their own time line.. Something along their journey like it did ours Marlene, will trigger their awakening..
      We dear friend have been on this journey for a lot of years as we have read, researched and seen the world from a different perspective as we understand the metaphysical worlds are all entwined… Wonderful that you read Selacia…. I found her wisdom undeniable .. I have not been on her website for a while… The Astrology I know is all combined Marlene..
      I hope dear Marlene that you feel more rested soon, and able to face all that we know is coming.. Yes the ride is wild my friend, and no doubt about to get bumpier too…
      I cope by connecting to mother earth… Digging her soil tending her plants and trusting the air that I breath….
      Love and Blessings my friend.. Sending you huge hugs across the ocean.. ❤ 🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


  22. Hannah Kaminsky
    Sep 09, 2020 @ 15:24:57

    As Gandhi famously said, “be the change you want to see in the world.” So true, so beautiful, always so inspiring. Sending you love and light, always.



  23. ^.^
    Sep 10, 2020 @ 20:29:48

    “If you want to come goodness into your life, put out goodness.” … and that is my beat to your drum, friend Sue. Much love, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2020 @ 23:06:03

      Wonderful to see your smiles dear Cat.. and yes I agree… Thank you for adding to my drum my friend… And as I said as I finished the repost I will add the words again here

      Look within your own hearts and ask yourself what is it you need to do to help this world.. Share your Hearts and live from them. What can we do to help spread some Love and Light via our thoughts and actions.. But

      Do not get caught up with its Fear.

      The Great symbolism of the Apocalypse is that it pertains to a New Advent, A New dispensation, seen in great perspective of our Past and our Future… And here we are within our Present Age at that crucial turning point.  Let it be turned to Progression

      Let us help our Earth within this Shift as we Shift our own awareness as we send out that Love

      Sending more love than you know dear Cat… ❤ 💚🙏



  24. fauquetmichel
    Sep 10, 2020 @ 20:56:28

    The Apocalypse of John means revelation. It is not easy to read.
    A long tapestry on the Apocalypse dating from the 14th century is on display at the Château d’Angers (France)
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 10, 2020 @ 22:02:44

      Many thanks Michel, In this post I feel the context was sometimes we have to view and end to something, before we can rebuild anew… May we each rebuild with more Love, Harmony and Unity…
      Many thanks for your kind comment and for your follow Michel 😀
      Stay Blessed 😀



  25. stephensmustang1
    Sep 15, 2020 @ 19:25:25

    I choose not to live in fear for sure but man this world is in trouble. The changes, on average, are not good ones. Revelation is one of the books my daddy wrote. He certainly believes we are in end times. Perhaps we are. Whether we are or not, we have to live our lives. I choose to live mine in faith. Your posts are always thought provoking. Love and hugs,my friend



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2020 @ 18:20:26

      Agreed about the troubled world Your Daddy’s book no doubt a huge ‘Revelation’ in its self Elizabeth, and while I believe these times are Ending, I feel its just the end of the old systems that need to crumble and fall away, before we bring our faith of love and kindness back within our communities … Bless you for reading, Hope all is well with you and your lovely family and that you are not overdoing things… But…. bet you are 🙂 Sorry for the delay, I have been taking care of myself and my energies over the past few days…. Sending Huge Hugs…. and Much love ❤



  26. Aussie Emu
    Sep 16, 2020 @ 10:26:09

    Change is upon us now, and even those who chase the material world do not understand the depth of the change, many Souls will move on to higher realms leaving those behind to learn the very core of their existence, how they manage the material garb in making a better world will be up to them, we can only hope the Wisdom that has been passed on has been absorbed.
    Very intense and vital words in your post Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2020 @ 18:34:46

      Thank you dear Ian for reading deeply within the meaning of my post my friend… And yes agreed it is a splitting of awareness… There are those who are aware and ‘innerstand’ this world along with their empathic caring, sharing and service to others, seeing the ethereal,world of our existence along with Universal Laws which govern the cosmos. And there are those who grasp only the material, through greed, who think wealth and status gives them control and power… Most using fear to gain power over others, who create Laws to serve self…
      But these threads are now snapping and pinging right back to their creators as the trail of Signs led us straight to their doors….
      We can only hope that as we see more threads break Ian, it will reveal those empty hearts of those whose greed has corrupted their authority and powers of position in high places… For the truth will always come out eventually…
      Many thanks Ian for your lovely comment and for waiting patiently in the wings so long until I got to moderate …. I took a little blogging break from Technology, for the Sanity of my own Soul…. ❤ Love and well wishes to you and Ana… ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  27. Shakti Ghosal
    Sep 17, 2020 @ 17:38:53

    Dear Sue,

    I had not read this post earlier. This is such a wonderful post, at once philosophical and prescriptive.

    Indeed we remain creators of our own destiny. And indeed , we try to hold onto the quasi permanence of a past that no longer serves. The question that we need to answer is this. What is that which forces us as a species on a pathway which is less than optimal, if not downright destructive? Even when we hold an awareness that this is so. What is that which makes us behave like the moth which gets drawn to the fire, only to be burned?

    The answer I suppose lies in the wisdom that each one of us holds inside but remain unwilling to retrieve.





    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2020 @ 19:04:06

      I wish I could answer that dear Shakti with confidence… But alas I feel most have such deeply ingrained patterns of self destruct and hold the victim and blame mentality that to shed these layers of programming and inner wounds of life time after life time is not going to dissolve in one fell swoop.. Hence we see the repeated cycles of destruction, as anger boils fingers point blame, while others remain victims.
      Many emotional wounds are surfacing right now, many not comprehending the enormity of their deep dives into self… So much easier to lash out at others, than dive into ones self to explore deeper the scars we have all encountered time after time… The mirror beckons, but they only see what they want to see… Shadows are only brought out by the light, and we are seeing them immerging right now as the Light enters, more shadows are now surfacing… As we bring Dark to Light….
      Many thanks dear Shakti, always a delight to have your thoughts my friend… and apologies for my late moderation… I took a short break for myself from technology for a while.. 🙏



  28. boundlessblessingsblog
    Sep 28, 2020 @ 04:51:36

    Wonderful and positive post, Sue. I completely agree with your divine and inspiring wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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