Dry Your Tears! You have a Mission!

Clematis and – Everlasting-Sweetpeas

 The Woman lay looking into her heart, trying to fathom its depths. This melancholy ache of sorrow that swept into her bones, penetrating every cell of her being.

The silence once her beautiful friend, now devoured her in its void of blackness. No matter how loud she called, only the perpetual hissing of static crackled in her ears.

She wanted so desperately to escape her self-imposed prison. Each new day she gave thanks for her countless blessings, giving thanks for natures gifts.  She would work with Mother Earth, tilling the soil, tending her garden, smiling at the miracles of growth as she watched the seeds she had planted grow and mature to bare fruit.

She was given the gift of words, of compassion and understanding, which she spread around like confetti, showering others with love and encouragement, that all was as it should be…

Yet where was her encouragement, where was her guidance?… She had travelled along this road for so, so long, on her lonely journey. Knowing this day, this ‘Time’, would arrive…….   

She knew all her strength would be needed; her inner light now more than ever needed to shine out to guide others to encourage them.  Gaia was counting upon thousands of star-seeds, lightworkers, way showers, whose internal coding was now being activated to help tip the scales that enabled Gaia to open up her own heart that had been trapped and sealed deep within her core by the grip of evil that had penetrated her in long ago Lemurian times which we still all held within our Inner knowing of our memory.

Shamrock~ like the countless stars we are.

The woman turned over, drawing her knees up into the fetal position. A sigh escaped her, releasing her breath she had been unaware she’d been holding.

She had laid there for half a day, too tired to even think. Her eyes leaked salty brine that she tasted upon her lips as she once more sent out a silent plea to her higher self for guidance.  And then, in that moment came a voice.

“ You have to be Strong”, came the answer, “You have to be brave! . You need to call upon your Warrior Spirit, because no one other than you Humans can do the work set out before you”…..  The woman listened, holding her breath, as the inner light behind her closed eyes danced in purple spirals.

“ You signed up for this very moment”… the voice within continued.  “We cannot do it for you. Yes we can give guidance, we can point a way.. But YOU, and only you Humans can dismantle the time line you in essence have created”..  

 The Woman understood only too well, ALL that was in the world in this very moment, was the result of our creation. And it now no longer served us, it was broken. The systems in place no longer served the many, it was designed to serve but a few.

 But we had been so ingrained within its programme, it had taken a Pause, in our Sacred Isolation, to see just what pollution, what damage, we were doing to Gaia and ourselves. 

For the first time people craved open spaces, fresh air, and began noticing birdsong, blue clear skies no longer covered in a web of lines…

The Shift had begun, People became creative, using initiatives, overcoming problems, helping neighbours, finishing projects they had promised themselves for years, but their workloads had left them little time to do.  Here now was Time on their hands.  While others became angry, lashing out in fear.. 

The split showed the differences in poverty and how in places near and far the suffering of those without means got greater, and yet it seemed their governments aid, like always, seemed to neglect those in most need. The Split is showing how the few were wanting to control the masses. The Spilt is showing those who were instigating the divisions…  The Split is showing just whose hearts were in fear, and whose hearts were remaining in love and unity. 

Dahlia’s and Marigolds,Both different, Standing Side by Side.[ Dahlia is a member of the sunflower family (Asteraceae)] But both of One family, Like we are One family the Human Race.

Fear was bombarded over and over, in a world that was splitting in two as the broken system revved up it’s pharmaceutical machines in the background ready to pounce.  While chaos is what those deep controllers want to achieve. As they want to disrupt Unity Consciousness, and hit every Human’s heart as they separated them from family, with Fear of keeping each other safe.     

 We were programmed within a system of greed, control, fear and suffering.  And the controllers of the deep, knew that Gaia was about to rebirth along with humanity in its Consciousness. For now they waged war on every cell within our human consciousness as their grip of fear that in itself was turning back in on itself, causing a Split… 

The split was now showing up more and more, as questions, were posed, as people’s awareness opened up. You could see the divide as you walked down the street.   That something isn’t quite as it should be. Yet fear keeps them silent.

Sweetcorn standing to attention!

 And it sometimes needs a huge event to create the catalyst for the masses to awaken. It may still take more suffering, before those still asleep will begin to question.  We had moved so far from Nature’s purpose on planet Gaia.  We saw only competition, survival of the fittest. When in fact Nature from the macrobiotic Mycelium, the atoms within our cells cooperated and lived in balance with one another.  And it wasn’t until something disrupted that balance those very same cells become the enemy within. Let us not become enemies of each other.    

We Hold the Future within our Hands and Hearts.

Were we not the living organisms upon Gaia? …  Were we not once, aeons ago living in harmony, until Gaia herself was hijacked, plundered, raped, and trapped within this Matrix Construct that has evolved into what we see before us today, by those malevolent forces?

All of these thoughts tumbled through the Woman’s mind. 

“It’s now or Never, to take personal responsibility,”  the voice continued. “ You, along with others, have ALL the Knowledge within you. You cannot rely upon the outer realms. To do so would only create what happened in the past.. You would see them either as Gods or as Enemies. Beware of False Gods! Your Technology is far in advancement of what you are told”

The woman already knew this from other sources, she understood too many things she had never voiced before.

“This is Your Mission, Own it! Your future timeline is up to each of you and how you want to evolve, but remember also, the power of your intent works two-fold. That which you do not want, which you focus upon, also manifests into your reality timeline. Be very careful what you wish for”

She rolled over and sat up. Suddenly she knew…… She thanked her Higher-self-voice.  The fog within her mind clearing. Her tears, now dried.  It was now beyond the time of side-stepping what she knew to be right.. This was a full-on battle within the Consciousness of Humanity… And she no longer could keep silent… She no longer could Consent.. In fact, she didn’t Give her consent.  And would NOT consent to their agenda.

She only hoped others too would emerge out of their cocoons, no longer remaining silent.

The Truth, however painful for Humanity to see, needed exposing. Because so many were unaware of this underbelly of deceit and lies. And the horrors of how this evil game was played.  The Split which those same dark forces were encouragingly igniting. Would be the same self-destruct mechanisms that would implode back in on themselves to devour them in their own webs of deceit.   But first people had to be aware of those horrors… Which none of us want to accept as truth, to be real..  These wounds the woman had held within her own heart for too long..

The woman stood, opening her arms above her head, she pulled in the energy from above, pulling her hands down in the prayer position before her heart, giving thanks for all she had, for all she was, and all she was yet to become..  She gave thanks to Mother Gaia, to all the Nature Spirits, and Guardians of the Flora and Fauna, and for the first time in weeks, the woman hummed softly to herself the song she once sang within her own circle of light..  

All photos belong to Dreamwalker’s Garden:

193 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eliza Ayres
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 15:57:06

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Visionkeeper
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 17:03:17

    Where to begin? You already know how I feel…We march to the same drummer my friend. I so agree with your thoughts. If we fail to do nothing else in our lifetimes we must learn at long last to be responsible to ourselves, to each other and to the world! We have abandoned her for far too long. Time to WAKEY WAKEY dear people sitting on the fence….We have run out of time and our FREEDOM is at stake. Have a wonderful weekend ahead DW. May you find some peace and quiet to re-energize your soul in…Hugs and love and support…..VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 02, 2020 @ 17:35:07

      Indeed, we do, and the drum is now beating louder with more urgency.. Thank YOU dear VK… Our Future Freedom is at stake… And they have no idea how this is going to impact upon their lives if they do not wake up very, very soon.. 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 17:21:15

    Beautiful and wise words, Sue. I loved seeing photos of the garden too. Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 3 people


  4. balroop2013
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 17:38:27

    This woman’s wisdom is spot on Sue. I am glad she could rise from the pool of tears to understand her mission and inspire many more. Thanks for sharing dear friend, the images of your garden are beautiful. Stay blessed.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 02, 2020 @ 17:46:46

      Oh how I love synchronicity dear Balroop, I am now upon your blog back tracking lol… Many thanks my friend.. Thank you for your understanding and love dear Balroop… Means a lot 🙂 💖🙏



  5. Writing to Freedom
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 19:39:50

    Lovely story and lessons Sue. I’m glad your warrior woman has awakened to lead and inspire others. Yes, we must wake up and take loving action that will unite and uplift humanity, earth, and spirits.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Erika
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 19:57:12

    What a story, Sue! What a story! Of course, we all know that it is upon us, upon the individual and upon the society to make that change, to shift the direction, to take action towards the world we want to live in. WE are responsible. WE created the circumstances we are living in today and therefore it is in our hands to change our creation. Yes, we may know it. But the words you used and how you wrapped them into your story makes this fact, this awareness we all feel growing inside even more obvious and clear 💖💖

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 02, 2020 @ 20:08:36

      Bless you Erika…. Yes that unspoken word between us all is now being voiced, and many more are beginning to speak and take responsibility in aligning their Conscious within the Consciousness..
      Only WE can ‘Dream’ into existence New Earth, by rising out of the ashes … I found the video after writing my post.. And the wisdom of it pertaining to the transition through the layers spoke volumes of what we are All experiencing now…
      Many thanks dear Erika… Love and Blessings my friend 💖🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


  7. The Coastal Crone
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 20:15:02

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden with us. All is well if flowers still bloom on this earth!

    Liked by 1 person


  8. marina kanavaki
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 21:10:42

    Thank you, my dearest Sue for the light… and yes… long overdue! 😉
    Many hugs and L O V E ! xoxoxoxoxoxo



  9. Resa
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 21:34:39

    This is very heavy duty, Sue! True, too.
    It’s difficult for me to take it all in at once, so I’ll be back. Thank you for all your shiny words…. and the other words, too!

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 21:57:38

    The woman is strong and she knows how to fight with negative forces. The dark phase would be over and golden shimmering light would lead the way. Beautiful and inspiring story….👏😍



  11. ^.^
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 22:11:45

    I have been working front line in this country for 38 years … learned their language, their ways, their etiquette, friend Sue … but all I have really learned is … how to pretend. … Much love, c.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. ^.^
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 22:56:54

    .. That would be nice, friend Sue … so where do I start … teach them my language, my ways, my etiquette? Much love, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 03, 2020 @ 15:18:42

      Hi dearest Cat…. Yes, in a word… You have nothing to pretend to be, other than be the real YOU…. Show your love, your heart.. your authentic self. Follow your intuition, of the beautiful soul you are Cat… Who you have always been… You care for others, you help heal others.. NOW also it is time to heal yourself my friend… We just need to stand in our own truth of who we are, reclaim back our Sovereign rights of our Humanness.. Your own heritage so noble. Your beginnings so humble…. But it made you into who you are today…. Just BE yourself… ❤
      Much love dearest Cat… and so good to have you hear 🙂 💚🙏



  13. Mark Lanesbury
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 23:00:00

    It will benefit us all in many ways as we stand in our truth, opening what we were afraid to look into. And surprised in what it is actually built on…us, and the love we had denied ourselves ❤️
    Great post Sue, may this emergence sing loudly as we become one within it ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋



    • Mark Lanesbury
      Jul 02, 2020 @ 23:07:51

      And my humblest apologies, you opened your heart to share this, a very deep part of who you are…thank you. I am walking in your light and not appreciating the light keeper ❤️ 🙏🏽
      Again, my thanks for ‘standing’, ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ that love we all seek. It is that light in another that gives us courage to become our own ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋



      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Jul 03, 2020 @ 15:35:56

        You have no reason at all Mark to apologise what so ever…. We are all of us light-keepers, and share the light to all whom may find their way to our shores.. They may steer in another direction at any time… Such is free will… My Mission I have felt since a small child… Putting into words what that Mission is, even now is not palatable.. Because I fail to find the words to even begin to describe what my role here on Earth is meant to be…
        I only know words flow when they need to flow and at times, I feel like an Island… Yet I know I am far from alone…. We have all of us been there… All of us…. I am in noway different to You or anyone else Mark…

        What I really feel now is, that as I navigate WP community, even though its not a huge number of people I connect with, maybe a hundred at best.. Even given the Stats say I have over a thousand followers… I feel the quality of those whom I now connect with are important.. Because we are holding ‘Light’ for each other.. And in doing so, we are supporting the Grid of Light to help bring about those Earth Changes within Consciousness…
        It is difficult to explain when you only have a ‘Feeling’ or a Knowing…
        So never Apologise …
        I so appreciate Your feedback .. ❤ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 03, 2020 @ 15:26:52

      All of who we are today Mark is based upon who we were yesterday.. And that goes for our Human Consciousness too… We have to go through our own voids of feelings as we process all that is coming in… Being on this journey for so long, gathering together the information that defies logic or understanding. Finding out the deeper truths you cannot believe humanity can be capable of.. Suddenly at such moments of Energy bursts just overwhelm…. The Woman I think went through such an experience.. And is still in recovery…. But she is stronger for it, of that I am certain… Many thanks Mark for your appreciation.. Thank YOU. 🙂 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  14. Infinite Living
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 23:16:18

    Your post is so timely with such perfection. I didn’t see it coming, yet again …I am waking up today, awakening from the forever sliding down in the hole feeling – took every cell to come up, tears to be able to release the pain. Your woman is so much Us. Can feel her in every breath of my being. The higher voice though has come to me this clearly only through your words now – didn’t have the energy to have so many words on my own but could feel the Voice waking me up moment by moment. All this so much the inner terrain while living the ordinary mundane as if nothing, and as if an extra ordinary miracle to get to live. I so appreciate the glow I feel after the dark dark night.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 09:05:37

      Thank you dear Pragalbha, I feel there is a palatable shift we can all feel and it has been an emotional roller coaster ride for us all. Especially the empaths whose sensitivity is picking up more than most. I am so grateful for your feedback, for if the ‘Woman’s’ words from her higher self spoke to you and others then I am certain she is well pleased that her own tears sparked a voice in another..
      I agree Pragalbha about living the ordinary mundane, when inside you just KNOW we are here for that Higher purpose and yet it is so difficult to explain to others in words that would make sense to them without is seeming as though we ourselves were insane..
      I hope my next post helps even more people understand we are far from alone..
      Love and Hugs my dear friend ❤ 🙏💜

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Hannah Kaminsky
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 00:42:31

    Trying to appreciate the little things, like beautiful flowers and fresh fruits on a warm afternoon is what help me get through the day. You put it so perfectly here. You really do have a way with words.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 09:08:08

      Aww thank you dear Hannah… Your Food Blog is what we all need to reconnect with also.. Learning that Wholesome nutritional food is the fuel that allows our own bio-systems to create our own immunity and wellness.. I hope others go along and see the delights you are always offering us.. Many thanks Hannah 💜🙏



  16. Renee Espriu
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 01:19:23

    A beautiful, telling homage to Gaia. Your garden is amazing! Take care! xoxox



  17. dgkaye
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 02:09:38

    Sue, you have summed it up perfectly, as you always do. This is a purge that was long overdue. This was the time for people to open their eyes. And I am noticing many ‘new eyes’ in my usual haunts. We the people have the power collectively to do good things. This had to happen in order to build new. The new world order is well on its way. Love and peace to you my friend. I will be listening to the video later with my tea. ❤ xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 10:46:30

      Thank you Debby, the video of the 5D was a late find while putting the post together, and I found the explanation of the transition through the different states well explained what was happening within the human emotions as we move through all of these levels..
      And yes, I feel sometimes we can no long pussy-fut around, even some of my friends and family I have been trying to wake up, and they are now beginning to question more and explore, even though they can still not completely let go of the narrative of what the mainstream is telling them..
      Those who are completely asleep will be in more shock when the exposure to the ‘Real’ reality is revealed, which it is coming out little by little… Even the mainstream will have to expose it, even though they are loathed to do so, because they are controlled by the deceit .. As we know..
      Thank you again Debby, have a wonderful weekend my friend ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  18. litebeing
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 02:16:36

    So much duality and blessings side by side. I wonder if Gaia herself knows we humans are waking up. You are clearly in your element in the garden among all the plants and blooms, beautiful! The videos I watch recently all reinforce we choose to be here now and we are remembering our mission, very urgent mission indeed! I am enjoying the Ascension Papers and think of you as I read through.

    Love to you my warrior spirit friend ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 11:27:23

      I am sure Gaia is well aware Linda, and yes I can lose myself for hours in the garden.. So pleased you are enjoying the Ascension Papers, and lots in there now relating even more so today’s happenings.. Love and well wishes right back Linda.. and thank YOU ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. CarolCooks2
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 03:19:18

    Ahhhhh I can smell those sweet peas one of my favourite flowers you have a beautiful garden, Sue and so well tended you can see the love which is put into it. So much change and a great opportunity for us to show the way the right way and then we may get peace…Those two videos compliment your words …Much love and blessings x



  20. New Bloggy Cat
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 08:33:44

    Beautiful story, dear Sue! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of peas. LOL! The shamrock really do look like countless stars. Much love to you this fabulous Friday. And have a relaxing weekend, my dear friend. ♡(ŐωŐ人)



  21. derrickjknight
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 09:10:53

    An inspirational post. May we all emerge from our cocoons.



  22. Tom
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 12:39:31

    We bring about what we think about… that message is coming through to me frequently of late, Sue. It’s very true. Time to get moving, I think.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 11:34:03

      So true, something I have often spoken of, What we think is what we create.. And it is now time for us to recreate or continue within their intended program.. And it is one I am not going to participate in .. Thank you Tom… Enjoy your weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Tom
        Jul 04, 2020 @ 11:58:32

        I have to return to the office on Monday, Sue, so my new normal is changing again. As for the re-emergence of all of the other everyday stuff, I shall be observing only. Today is no different to yesterday in my eyes, and I have no rush to rejoin any race that may come along.
        Have a good weekend, Sue. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


  23. AmyRose🌹
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 13:18:59

    Sue, in letting go of our fears that keep us trapped in the Maya of illusions so expertly woven into our every day “existence”, we free ourselves to a world based on love. I AM seeing personally people who are waking up, who understand what is really going on, and they are choosing LOVE. I am avoiding as best as possible all pockets of dense heavy energy void of love for it is just too much for me to be subjected to. I went to the library Monday and inadvertently walked into an environment totally void of love. It was a horror, one that I did not recover from until hours later. Despite the increased “heat” the evil is applying here in the states to get people to tumble and stay in fear, people are saying no. I am seeing these very strong lights not wavering! Oh for the JOY! It is up to each of us to contribute our light, our love, in order for the evil to fold onto itself. It shall. The awakening is happening a lot faster then I had hoped. YES!!! xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 11:41:17

      Yes I am seeing people slowly waking, questioning while being puzzled at the contradictions.. And I too avoid those pockets.. But for what ever reason the Woman found herself in a bad place that day and was thankful her higher-self spoke loud and clear 🙂 I am yet waiting my hair appointment only two allowed in the salon at a time, with complete wipe downs between customers, How they are going to make it pay I have no idea… I know they will try, but I see many places who open who try to conform to new regulations will not survive… They were hanging on shoe string before.. NO is a powerful word… We all should learn to say more often.. And stand up for our own Sovereignty of Human rights.. I am very hopeful all of this is going to back fire and bring more to question and wake up to what is really happening as new figures and evidence is brought to light..
      So thank you Amy… Its a rough ride, but one we signed up for at this time..
      Sending Huge hugs across the ocean.. ❤ 💖🌈🙏

      Liked by 1 person


      • AmyRose🌹
        Jul 04, 2020 @ 18:31:46

        I truly am very sorry you have yet to get your hair done, Sue! I know OH how I know what it felt like for me not to be able to get mine done. My heart goes out as well to these businesses …. so much TOO much suffering has happened due to the massive mismanagement of a so-called pandemic. Yet ….. this too serves a purpose in shaking those who are so dumbed down, awake in order to start seeing truth. The push back from the dark is incredibly high here in NY and there are times I don’t know how we of the light will be victorious. FAITH. And as I get on my bike which I’m about to do to ride off into the sun, my troubles all fade away. Yes it is and has been a very rough ride both figuratively and literally speaking. Sending huge hugs again!!! Stay strong, dear friend. XO



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 08, 2020 @ 09:02:08

          Today is the day Amy I get my hair cut… I’ve chopped at it myself over the weeks, And while being handy with scissors as I have always cut my hubby’s hair… Doing your own is another thing… Thankfully I do not have any colour on my hair, like some of my neighbours who have been really missing their hairdresses… How they are going to make it pay though given the regime in place just two in at a time I am told.. So yes, many more business’s are going to fall I feel.. I watched this the other day on the contrariness of Mr Fauci and his change of mind about Masks.. Laughable when you piece it all together… Sending Huge hugs your way Amy.. Enjoy your Bike rides my friend…. Lots of love your way ❤ 🙏💚💜

          Liked by 1 person


  24. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 14:27:50

    A precious voice was heard, distant but advancing. Listen!
    Hear your heart sing, hear the inner truth!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 11:45:24

      Oh Eddie… Your few words here speak Volumes my friend.. THANK YOU!… And yes we all need to listen to our inner truth, and stand tall in our Love for Humanity… Extending our hands out to all our brothers and sisters, for we are not divided as some wish to show.. But we belong to the Human Race.. One Spirit, One Heart…. And more and more are joining in Unity and compassion as we come through these trials which are purposely set to divide and conquer us….
      So thank you Eddie, May our Hearts Sing, as we Listen to our Inner Wisdom.. 💚🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


  25. sibyl
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 14:50:21


    Liked by 1 person


  26. J.D. Riso
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 15:07:24

    What a lovely garden you have cultivated, on so many levels. Thank you for your perseverance, dear Sue.💖



  27. -Eugenia
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 15:28:19

    Beautiful post, Sue, and the key is to stay strong in our convictions and to spread hope and not hate. Have a lovely weekend. ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚



  28. Barbara Franken
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 16:15:14

    Amen to this true story of how I know you’ve been feeling lately Sue… I again wrote/talked recently how I was feeling… feeling the fear… but I didn’t claim it, only embraced it and allowed it to transform. AND we come closer and closer to the truth that it’s up to us. To be be brave and muster up the courage for the next battle that is near. Stay strong, anchored deep as the next winds move through humanity and earth.❤️ happy weekend🌈💃🏻



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 11:54:32

      Thank you… and yes strength is need by all right now, as we move through this time line.. I hope to catch up with your latest very soon… 🙂 Sending love and Blessings and thank you again Barbara.. Enjoy your weekend also ❤ 💖🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  29. ReginaMary
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 20:44:01


    Liked by 1 person


  30. peggyjoan42
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 22:41:37

    Loved seeing all the pictures of your flowers and your garden. Good post Sue. May we all find the secrets in our mind that will bring us comfort and peace in this troubled world.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. prenin
    Jul 04, 2020 @ 02:36:45

    Well written Sue. 🙂 ❤

    Yes, the time of change is upon us.

    Global warming has been warned of for decades, but the greedy who hold the reins of monied power and their lust for yet more wealth have squandered the time left to us before we cross the threshold into meteorological chaos.

    We can no longer play for time.

    Blessed Be.


    Liked by 1 person


  32. The Belmont Rooster
    Jul 04, 2020 @ 08:13:51

    Great inspirational story and photos along with it. The videos were also great. Thanks for sharing, sister.



  33. Miriam
    Jul 04, 2020 @ 11:52:51

    A deeply profound and enlightening post dear Sue. More and more of what I see, read and hear these days points me in the direction of this new truth. May more and more of us wake up to a new way of being and seeing. Much love and blessings to you. xx 🙏

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 13:35:44

      Many more Miriam are finding their own new Truth of this reality my friend, and the more of us who can unite in these times of division the better we can unite hearts through love and tolerance and acceptance, and not division, hate and judgements…
      So thank you Miriam… I appreciate your thoughts always 🙂 ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  34. sibyl
    Jul 04, 2020 @ 12:23:57

    As the Space Travelers we once were…
    Whether, at this moment in time, you are living in Heaven, or here on Earth…it’s essential to be at one with what each place has to offer…
    Like, Places called Home where you can create a beautiful, healthy & loving environment…
    So, you can Love the place where you Live, and Live in each place that Loves you back…joined by Sociable, like-minded SANE People XXX

    Liked by 1 person


  35. House of Heart
    Jul 04, 2020 @ 13:31:11

    Oh this is so awesome dear Sue! Personal responsibility! You are a guiding light but we all must lift up our lights in this dark time, America is failing to do so. We must take that personal responsibility that you inspire and use it for the better. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  36. Robert Matthew Goldstein
    Jul 04, 2020 @ 21:02:29

    Thank you for mentioning the warrior spirit, an idea that guides my search for meaning. Many years ago, I had friends who were learning to read Tarot Cards, they practiced on me. I was skeptical, but noticed that the readings were always alike: I am a warrior destined to do battle for the Sons of the Light. I’m not quite sure of the florid language, but it does seem as if most of my life was a battle against the forces of annihilation. I see enlightenment as a function of our social evolution, in which we collectively abandon ethnocentrism, and learn to appreciate the sanctity of all life.



    • Robert Matthew Goldstein
      Jul 04, 2020 @ 21:05:13

      I forgot to say how much I enjoy your photos of the flowers.



      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Jul 08, 2020 @ 09:08:55

        Bless you Rob, thank you very much 🙂 🙏💚

        Liked by 1 person


        • Robert Matthew Goldstein
          Jul 08, 2020 @ 20:53:34

          Sue, I just watched the video, it’s interesting. I can clearly recall that I felt as if I had come here from somewhere else when I was as young as four. Eventually I lost that sense of arrival as I began to deal with an environment that felt out of control and dangerous. I do believe we are creatures of spirit…and there are times when I just want to this body and move on.

          Liked by 1 person


          • Sue Dreamwalker
            Jul 08, 2020 @ 23:12:56

            Indeed Rob.. Our childhood memories are often rubbed out by the adult world.. We all have been here or there at some other time… And yes we are Eternal Beings, in a Human body, for our experience… And I know that feeling of wanting to go home… Shutting the world out and saying enough is enough… But this is our great opportunity to raise our consciousness.. and if we opt out, we only have to face similar challenges else where .. 🙂 at some other point in time…
            So I am buckled up and ready…. Just love yourself more Rob, and do not be harsh upon yourself… No one fails at anything… And just think how far you have come… 🙂
            Sending Hugs

            Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2020 @ 09:08:30

      I have several packs of Tarot, I never really mastered giving readings to others.. But when in need of my own guidance, I always find they are spot on in their messages.. 🙂 I think Rob, now is your time to put all of that strength which readied you for battle as you fought for your own survival, to become that warrior you always were, to help others learn and appreciate the sanctity of life..
      You may be interested in this short video, showing just how through the years peoples perspectives, and lives have been touched to get them to this point.. A friend shared this video with me yesterday, and I do believe we are now all joining in that Great Awakening Have a wonderful week Rob and thank YOU..



      • Robert Matthew Goldstein
        Jul 08, 2020 @ 20:13:08

        The video looks interesting, Sue. Right now, I feel like a wounded warrior. I’ve fought all of my life for those causes that I believed were and are just and here we are again. I need to figure out how to protect myself so I can get back in to the battle. Thank you, Sue.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 08, 2020 @ 23:07:25

          Thank you Rob… for starters, we just need to take our stress levels down.. Take some deep breaths and as you breath in pick a word that resonates peace that means something to you to use as a mantra… I listened to one of Gregg Bradens talks in Heart Maths.. and he uses the words Inner Ease… as he slowly breathes in, as we breathe out we release tension and stress, fear etc.. Do this for five minutes.. If you can imagine one of your drawings you do in art so well… Picture a bubble of Light surrounding you, but enclose it from top to bottom over your head and under your feet…
          As you breath…. sense inside this bubble any negative patches which may swirl around, and as you breathe out the Anxiety or worry, open the bubble under your feet to Mother Earth and breathe it out, allowing Mother Nature to absorb your Anxiety… do it over and over until your bubble feels light and clear.. and close up your opening again beneath your feet… This is a technique I use, when I place myself in a bubble, of protection, it helps armour ourselves from the negative frequencies of bombardment.. Try to stop watching mainstream media… Yes keep alert and informed… But the TV is draining our energy with subliminal repetitive programming.. Very cleverly done..
          You will probably find many more ways of protecting yourself better than my own suggestion… The feeling you are experiencing is perhaps because you have been many times battling this energy we are confronting right now… The Key is not to resist it, but go within its flow…. If you feel anger, acknowledge that feeling then move through it… Bringing your breath back in with your key word Mantra.. to align the peace and strength within…
          The biggest battle we have is with ourselves.. And the best thing any of us can do is Love Yourself enough to be gentle with yourself…
          Sending Energy waves in your direction Rob… Hope this helps.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Robert Matthew Goldstein
            Aug 12, 2020 @ 20:30:23

            This is wonderful, Sue. Thank you for taking the time to write a guided mediation. I am struggling with a bout of depression, and I will use this. My therapist recommends shutting down social media and limiting my time online. I often feel guilty about not blogging, but it works. It doesn’t make me happier, but not listening to multiple news reports of the lies and toxic abuse that emanates from the white house is just healthier. Thanks again, Sue.



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 13, 2020 @ 18:35:10

              Keeping away from the MSM is to be recommended.. Not ALL is as it seems, but to keep our vibration in love and peace and not get drawn into sides.. As there are forces at work hell bent on controlling and keeping us fearful..
              So Stay in your Peace bubble Rob…I too will be keeping my shield up and my bubble of light bright 🙂
              Take care and thank YOU for getting back to me… Look after yourself .. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Robert Matthew Goldstein
              Aug 18, 2020 @ 19:43:12

              Thank you, Sue. 🙂 I would like to be a perfect blogger who keeps a schedule, is always creative and good at networking. But I’m me. Today I’m able to post and read other people’s blogs so today is a good day.


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 19, 2020 @ 22:07:17

              Thank you Rob, I am happy that you are finding some good days… And we are only human, doing what we are able to do when we feel able.. Sending Well wishes that you continue finding joy within your artist creations and find peace within my friend.. Sending thoughts your way .. 💚🙏

              Liked by 1 person

            • Robert Matthew Goldstein
              Aug 19, 2020 @ 23:04:40

              Thank you, Sue. I honestly love my long time WordPress Blogging community. I’ve been corresponding with many of you for almost a decade. Your generosity of spirit brightens my life.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 19, 2020 @ 23:06:31

              Bless you.. and yes our blogging community is unique in friendships forged Long may they remain… 😀

              Liked by 1 person

            • Robert Matthew Goldstein
              Aug 19, 2020 @ 23:06:42


              Liked by 1 person

  37. Aussie Emu
    Jul 05, 2020 @ 10:24:45

    Very deep insightful writing Sue, applicable to all Humans…….your words, You signed up for this very moment, are so profound as we all signed a contract long before we were born.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2020 @ 09:27:21

      Indeed, yes we all signed up, and some who are observing from afar understand the courage of those who signed up for this planet.. And more courage needed yet, as we hold the light in this battle we are within right now.. I am sure Ana would agree. I am hopeful that as more and more wake up to question, the grip while being tightened one end, is also going to implode within it’s own deceit… I shared a video with Amy and I will share here for you to view also Ian… Showing just how they lie in the so called health organisations of the world, who are now ramping up the fear again because people are waking up.. Click the link HERE Sending Love and well wishes down under Ian… Much love to you both 🙂 🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


  38. Jane Sturgeon
    Jul 05, 2020 @ 13:53:36

    My lovely friend, you express it beautifully. We created this mess and simply can’t skirt around the edges anymore. It is a deep dive. Michael explains it well too, so thank you for sharing his video. Your thoughts and wonderful pictures from your garden and plot have created a pivotal post. We are joined in this purge and transition, all in love. ❤ ❤ ❤ Xxxxxxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2020 @ 10:23:26

      Thank you Jane… I truly feel the transformation is well under way and and will escalate beyond our imaginings. While we are in for a bumpy ride over the next several years, I do believe the speeding up of enlightened souls will have a positive impact on many levels which are hidden to us at the moment..
      Much love your way dear Jane…. And thank you for us both ❤ 🙂 💖💚

      Liked by 1 person


  39. Betty Hayes Albright
    Jul 05, 2020 @ 18:42:55

    Sue, thank you for this one. You have put into words all that I’ve been thinking lately but have been unable to express.
    Blessings and hugs to you.❤🙏🌻



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2020 @ 10:24:36

      Bless you Betty… So pleased it spoke to you, and thank YOU for sharing, I really appreciate you doing so… So lovely to see you.. ❤ Special Hugs being sent ❤ 🙂 💖🙏



  40. Betty Hayes Albright
    Jul 05, 2020 @ 18:46:20

    Reblogged this on Seasonings and commented:
    This is long, but very much worth the read.



  41. Baydreamer
    Jul 05, 2020 @ 19:36:55

    Wow, Sue, I am in awe of this woman’s perseverance, strength, and hope. She is inspirational; You are inspirational. Thank you for such a timely and beautiful post. I agree with all you wrote and your garden is stunning. Moving forward…sending much love and light. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2020 @ 10:26:29

      Bless you Lauren, for those beautiful words my friend.. means a lot… And I think many of us now are beginning to find our voice, and words..
      Lots of love right back ❤ 💚🙏



  42. Bela Johnson
    Jul 05, 2020 @ 22:15:29

    In a nutshell, bam! …” yes only you Humans can dismantle the time line you in essence have created”… Brilliant as you can be! 💞



  43. thespiritkeeper
    Jul 07, 2020 @ 02:14:48

    What a beautiful creation you have done in your garden. I’m sure the pictures do not do it justice. The essence of creation cannot be captured by a camera. I enjoyed your picture.
    As i read your post a couple of times my mind kept going back to Are we looping? I look at all the remnants of ancient civilizations and I wonder if at those times were they faced with the same things or darkness we are faced with today. Were they awakening. Maybe not in time as no one knows really of their demise.
    Love encompasses many attributes under one umbrella. Love is truth Love is happiness. Love is peace, Love is harmony and love is love.
    I believe people are awakening more than we know and we only need a certain percentage to tip the scales.
    I’m still awakening on my journey. The difference now is I don’t react but I act where need be. It has been quite the journey for this old soul but I will see it to my end. The stripping of layers and the getting rid of personal baggage and taking responsibility for your action and behavior reinforces your foundation.
    The video of different densitites was a nice refresher and i learned a couple of new things. Worth watching. Your last video with the song was a nice touch with the drum beating in the background.. One of my spiritual guides is a native. I remember hime coming to me with a beating drum that was synchronized with the beating of my own heart yet both were seperate in their oneness, As we are almost halfway through the week i wish you peace and love, Be well my friend. I enjoyed your post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2020 @ 11:23:32

      Thank you Joseph, reading my writing a couple of times is a huge compliment in itself, so thank you. 🙂 Yes looping, a good expression.. I call them cycles.. We repeat over and over… We have been doing our own personal layer stripping and shadow work for some time… The collective now is going to go through some of its own stripping of layers and uncovering some hidden truths which have to be dealt with in the open..
      Big smiles at your Native Guide… My Healing guide was a young brave, he stood at my side during healing sessions… It took me a while for him to make himself known… I used to feel a tightness and itching to my cheek.. When he did show himself, he has a huge scar upon his own cheek… He was only a young man, and died in a battle…
      My Trances control guide was also Native… He gave no name. the group gave him the name of White Feather, as those sitting would see a white
      Chiefs headdress within my aura.. He would always open up the circle, give a message if asked and close the circle again.. His presence was confirmed over and over to me by various other mediums.. 🙂
      Thank you Joseph… Have a beautiful rest of the week also my friend 🙂 🙏



  44. Ben Naga
    Jul 07, 2020 @ 11:28:33




  45. JoAnna
    Jul 08, 2020 @ 05:44:26

    This gives me so much hope for our dear Mother Earth and all of Creation. Thank you, sue. I’m with you in this loving and healing process. ❤



  46. charliezero1.wordpress.com
    Jul 08, 2020 @ 22:11:11

    Sue, I always say this and I’ll say it again. You speak wisdom.

    Mother earth understands we do have a mission. If we take care of her soil, she takes care of us and the planet we stand in. Oxygen is her healing, and we should take care of that oxygen in us as well.

    Bless you sue. Miss you my friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  47. insearchofitall
    Jul 09, 2020 @ 05:17:47

    Yes, the shift has begun and I’m sure Edgar Cayce is nodding his head as we see how right he was about so many things. When the Arctic Circle gets 100 degrees and we here get the coldest June and early July ever, there is no question the physical shift is happening while the spiritual shift moves forward slowly. This virus is no accident at this time in our history. We have been the virus so now we get to experience it. I’m so very behind with reading but I love all your garden photos as well. Glad I didn’t miss the visit here.



  48. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Jul 10, 2020 @ 20:02:01

    With hurried wifi sessions, I have been way too long in signing your guest book! All of your posts are from the heart, and all are received with equal sensitivity. I’ve not read this yet – will do so at the apartment, but thanks as always! love, lisa

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2020 @ 12:45:35

      Bless you Lisa.. Always a joy when you drop by my friend.. And Nature and all her wonders and beauty is where you rightly should be spending your time… I am just thankful you drop in when ever you get the time… Sending Love and Blessings right back ❤ Hugs



  49. Val Boyko
    Jul 11, 2020 @ 20:29:49

    So powerful and moving Sue! Thank you for sharing your mission and vision for humanity. So good to hear your voice again❣️
    May we wake up to the brainwashing and manipulation that has become part of our every day. May we voice our concerns and take action to bring about understanding and peace. May we all work together to bring healing and support each other and the planet.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2020 @ 22:20:41

      Thank you dear Val… Yes so many crazy things occurring right now, may our unity, love and understanding stand firm and strong in the face of adversity and division… There is no room for Division or fear in New Earth..
      Love and Blessings my friend.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  50. writegardener
    Jul 13, 2020 @ 16:04:47

    Wonderful song, Sue. Admittedly, some of the info in the post is above my level of understanding but I am always open. Someone mentioned to me last night about Agenda21 and I immediately thought of you and if you are aware of it, and if so your thoughts… Warm wishes in the meantime. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 13, 2020 @ 19:04:18

      Yes I have long known of Agenda 21, this was meant to kick off next year…
      A simple description of what it is all about and this short video https://youtu.be/ZUMQIay6mJ0 may give you a little more insight. Sending Love and well wishes dear WG…. Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • writegardener
        Jul 14, 2020 @ 21:57:17

        You are a wealth of information, Sue. Something more for me to investigate and learn about… I’m feeling mesmerized already… :-)❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 16, 2020 @ 18:29:23

          Only absorb what you feel you need or should absorb…. But once you go down the rabbit hole, believe me the surface is never the same again.. ❤
          Much love and hope to do more catching up with your good self and others very soon.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • writegardener
            Jul 19, 2020 @ 15:13:32

            Very good point, Sue. And there seem to be so many rabbit holes to select from…that it can be overwhelming also.

            I had an interesting observation yesterday which underscored my belief that the media is largely responsible for continuing to fuel the fires of fear and division. I happened to be in New York City which, combined with the area where I live, I would hardly know that BLM or COVID were creating such chaos in the world — except that the streets were less populated and more quiet than usual.

            It definitely makes a difference as to what we allow into our lives. Finding the balance to stay informed yet healthy can be challenging in today’s times of media propaganda and politics entering almost every topic. Still, my experience yesterday solidified my belief that we have a great need, perhaps even more so now, to limit media influence and their rabbit holes into our lives.

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jul 19, 2020 @ 15:34:52

              You have it in a nut shell WG. The media are the propergander machinery. Has been bought and paid for long ago. Well the main ones anyway.
              Learning to be informed while in detachment is the key, not easy given what we witness.
              When people really wake up, question, and challenge the truth, as the lies are now surfacing. It will shock many more awake. But not before many have expressed their anger. An emotion which has to be cleared out.
              I also went through my own phase of anger too, Even those who think themselves enlightened still shedding the layers of programming.
              I’m seeing the light in many places though shine through.
              And my inner most knowing keeps me strong.
              Many thanks for your lovely reply.
              Have a restful Sunday 🧡🙏

              Liked by 1 person

            • writegardener
              Jul 19, 2020 @ 15:40:08

              Ah, and thank you too, Sue. I am headed to the garden this morning for that lovely reprieve. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jul 19, 2020 @ 15:47:22

              Sat on my swing right now in sun on my phone app. As I catch up with comments. Then it’s silence is golden time. Nearly 4pm here.

              Liked by 1 person

            • writegardener
              Jul 19, 2020 @ 21:02:03

              Extremely heavy, hot humid here…so grateful for AC but also quiet time. 🙂


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jul 19, 2020 @ 22:33:21

              Enjoy your quiet time.. So will I 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  51. Dilip
    Jul 15, 2020 @ 08:44:51

    Powerful message to listen deeply to nature. It’s then only then the higher voice booms into our very being to shake us out of a blues.
    And your dream garden serves to remind us of how mother earth responds to us with colour and joy.
    Thank you dear Sue for this inspirational message for our well being.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 19, 2020 @ 22:26:42

      Many thanks dear Dilip, Mother Earth is doing her best to remind us daily, if we only would take that time to pause and look… And there is no joy like planting a seed and watching it grow, as you must know dear friend..
      Have a wonderful week my friend 🙂 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dilip
        Jul 23, 2020 @ 02:49:34

        Perfectly said dear Sue Mother Earth is doing her best and the people who are in physical connect with her can hear can her signals more clearly.
        I visited my hobby farm after long as the lockdown is enforced strictly and also because a storm had damaged the polyhouse. But it was thrilling to see the sight of my Teak trees (planted as saplings 22 years ago) growing well and so full of energy 😀 The world of nature continues to thrive unaffected by all negatives happening around.
        Here’s wishing you the best of health and happiness 🍀



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 27, 2020 @ 18:43:46

          I would imagine dear Dilip the delight of reconnecting again with your farm… And glad your trees are growing and thriving.. How wonderful to see those saplings grow for all of those years.. I know my Father over forty years ago now planted some saplings around a dam he worked on.. And going back there to see these now magnificent trees … Nature is the best possible place to be 🙂 Thank you my friend… Well wishes returned 😀



  52. Sharon Bonin-Pratt
    Jul 20, 2020 @ 00:23:29

    A very beautiful, powerful message.



  53. Sharon Bonin-Pratt
    Jul 20, 2020 @ 00:24:32

    I meant to include how much I enjoy your gorgeous art, influenced by the beauty around you and your own inner beauty.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 21, 2020 @ 00:09:33

      Oh what a lovely compliment Sharon… Thank you so very much…. You have made my late evening lol, and I will sleep on that compliment as I send love and gratitude right back to you Many thanks.. 🙂 🙏



  54. thelonelyauthorblog
    Jul 23, 2020 @ 16:57:36

    Enlightening and powerful. A beautiful post.

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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