Silent Contemplation~ One Stitch At A Time

Sometimes you’ll discover the ALL in its unerring intelligence as the love within you, as it endows you with its benevolence. Soon you will discover the ALL is everywhere, within everything.

All you need do is open your heart to what it brings, like your very breath, you see not where it comes from or where it goes. Rising and Falling—Dying and Growing— Evolving and Changing—expanding in consciousness as we learn both Empathy and Forgiveness.

We share laughter and sorrows, reflecting, conjecturing, analysing, memorising. Striving, Failing, Weeping and Wailing.

The ALL is ALL of Everything! Within the Field.

—Sue Dreamwalker.  From my Journal— 4th Jan 2019

The Light Spirals Outwards from within~


The woman sat as she often did by the window catching the warm rays of Sun as it warmed her skin. The rainbow prisms of light danced around the room from her hanging crystals that were caught by the breeze from the open window.

The chatter of birds filled the air with their morning songs as she watched them squabble on the feeders, some dipping their wings for their morning bath in the stone birdbath.

A Sigh of contentment escaped her lips as she rested her knitting on her lap. Closing her eyes, the woman drank in the moment, giving thanks for the peace she’d been given.

It often took others to point out her gifts, and she was so thankful for them. She thought back to the times of her deepest despairs and disappointments, they all seemed so long ago now.

But the woman understood how the Universe often took us to those darker depths before we could rise up and face those inner demons which pulled and toused, twisting and distorting our thoughts, creating our fears which were made to hold and weigh us down within this dense existence of our Material Matrix Construct.  She knew sometimes we had to reach those deeper depths before we could begin to rise and lift our spirits up.

She looked down at her hands, no longer supple and smooth, but she saw ageing also brings wisdom. She hoped she would exit this world wiser for her journey within it.

The rainbow prisms danced some more as the breeze from the partially open window brushed against her face.  She thought how little the Human Race  really knew of its existence and origins.

We only saw our reality through our own little prisms, our own spectrum of Light. Viewing Life from our own perspectives, via the knowledge we were taught. Believing ALL we were told as Truth. But she had become a questioner a seeker!

A smile crossed her lips as she thought on the similarity of words we use to describe very different things. Language! was a special tool… And sometimes there were not even the right words to describe what she knew or felt.. So limited was our vocabulary in many respects..  

Prisms, and Prisons… She chuckled to herself, argh, if only people would wake up to the Prisons, they now hold themselves within. ‘If Only’… those two little words which meant so many things.. 

The programming went deep, so many were not even aware of the distortion, the lies, the controlling had been subtle over a long, long period of time.

But there was Hope, more now were waking up as communications grew and these new star-seeds were busily planting more seeds that made others begin to question and seek out the truth. So many more were waking up to their potential. So many now were questioning and were now speaking up as these energies began to motivate peoples awareness. 

This wasn’t going unnoticed as those in control were feeling their grip on humanity slipping away. New measures were now strategically being put in place to censor those who sort only the Truth..  Creating more fear in the process.

Rainbow Prism on wall


The woman understood this play to which she had chosen to be born. She saw how prophecy was playing out. She had been the observer for many years and had uncovered many stones along her path. Her disgust at what she had found beneath the surface had shocked her in the beginning, it tore at her heart and it rocked her foundations.

But the woman knew nothing was by chance, and it was why many of us journey within this dense realm of matter.  Her quiet time was always productive. She knew she was Eternal and this time around she had discovered what we were all here to discover. And that was how to love Unconditionally.

The woman also understood she was far from perfect in perfecting the lessons needed to take her out of this construct. But she was trying her best.

All we need do is but try our best.

But like many things on this Earth realm, it took practice and patience much like her knitting on her lap.

Each stitch carefully placed, each thought juggled and realigned into a new perspective. Each row, like each year of her life, following a pattern. Some easy bits, while others had been difficult to master. All taking concentration and effort. Each segment to be carefully sewn together to make the Whole..  The End product.. Completed.

She also knew nothing was created in an instant, the world like her stitches needed to be first cast on, a pattern had to be followed, and patience was needed as each idea/stitch was developed. All took time, One stitch, One Thought, One Idea, One Action, All coming together to complete the project in hand..  

The woman knew there would still be mistakes made,  but she wasn’t worried She knew others too in this world were making bigger mistakes, but were these also teaching others not to make theirs? Such was the duality of this world.  

Just like her knitting there were beginners and there were more experienced who made less errors.  Sometimes one had to unpick many rows/years of work, because of one bad miss-stitch/error.  And there were those who miss-read patterns that didn’t follow the tensions/advice given who found all their effort went for nothing as their creation didn’t turn out as they expected.

They then pointed their fingers of blame on everyone other than themselves. After all, each were given our free will to choose what patterns and which colours our desired creations would be. We made the choices and have to take personal responsibility for our actions.  

The Source of Creation has infinite patience. Time is of no consequence. The teachings taught that without those dropped stitches, without our mistakes, ALL of it is part of our learning process as we develop our skills as we evolve.    

All are on their journeys each playing their part within the whole..

 All we can do is take life, One stitch/Step at a time

and enjoy ALL we create with LOVE..

135 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eliza Ayres
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 14:12:11

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. JanBeek
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 14:13:58

    Yes, all we can do is take life one stitch/step at a time… and hope that we, too, are smart enough to discover as the woman did, “what we were all here to discover. And that was how to love Unconditionally.” Thank you for this thoughtful post, Sue. I loved it. Have a blessed week.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Eddie Two Hawks
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 14:18:09

    Providing guidance in world where there is darkness and hate means brighter days for a planet full of disappointment and confusion. Your words Sue, are so full of promise that I can see the Sun rise on the horizon!
    Happy days are here again, love,Eddie

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Annika Perry
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 14:37:17

    Sue, a beautiful post and the woman’s wisdom resonates deeply with me! 😀 May more every day escape the prisons within themselves, seeing the magic of the prism of life, the freedom, harmony and peace of All! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  5. IreneDesign2011
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 14:43:14

    Such a beautiful post, dear Sue 😀
    Your post make me think a lot. I lost a beloved cat few days ago, which you might have seen in a post. This gives meaning, even it is so difficult.
    Much love to you, dear friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  6. marina kanavaki
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 15:38:22

    Ah, ‘one stitch at a time’ …we’re on the same wavelength [well, we usually are 😉 ] – I’m so happy to see you here again and read your inspiring words. We usually rush life and by that, life just slips away, unnoticed… Love and many many hugs! xoxoxo

    Liked by 3 people


  7. bwcarey
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 16:00:28

    day by day we learn, amen

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Visionkeeper
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 16:03:17

    So right on DW….I always say I long for the day we master the art of mental telepathy and words are no longer necessary! They screw us up every time and of course there could be no lying or corruption if we could read each others thoughts. We are not far from getting there. As with everything it seems, transparency is key to moving forward. Imagine life if we each took the time and patience we take with knitting to communicate with one another. Wow! I tried to leave off a cartoon but I couldn’t make it paste here. It’s actually not funny….It’s a picture of a cell phone and it says” I finally got it! People are prisoners of their phones, that’s why they call them cell phones”. Perhaps if we listened more carefully and took stock of what is being said we would catch on more quickly to what is happening! We will get there eventually. I pray soon we awaken fully. Great post DW….Best of everything to you my friend. I send you love….<3 VK

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2019 @ 17:55:25

      Indeed VK Transparency, something we need more of .. The cartoon lol.. Yes Cell Phones, all in the wording right under our noses.. lol or ears haha..
      Happy you enjoyed reading the post VK and likewise, Sending love and well wishes for a lovely Christmas … Take care of YOU.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Andrea Stephenson
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 17:19:44

    Thank you for sharing this vision of the pattern of the universe Sue, and the way we make our way towards that deeper place where everything makes sense.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. derrickjknight
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 17:23:35

    Slowly does it

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Renee Espriu
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 17:42:10

    A beautiful post, my friend, written from your heart. I like that you make the analogy between your stiching and life’s many twists and turns and yes, it is so very much like that. I thank you for commenting on my recent post. Time, patience, understanding and then, most importantly, compassion teaches that to stop, listen and be aware…those are the things that will bring us peace within and enable us to live in our world. Thank you and much love. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  12. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 18:02:13

    Thank you, dear Sue, for this beautiful story and message. Thanks for being you. Hugs on the wing.



  13. Writing to Freedom
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 18:21:42

    This is a lovely story and analogy Sue. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom. This post feels more serene and accepting of life. May we continue to stitch with care and love for all, including the mistakes and challenges. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  14. House of Heart
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 19:32:32

    Sue, you are wise. So accepting of the ever changing prisms of life . Such a beautiful and inspiring message for us , peace is inside us and by going there we will find it. Thank you for the absoluteness of the knitting needles repetition, the joy of the birds that live in the moment. Sending love dear Sue ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Erika Kind
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 20:09:22

    There is so much peace and calm coming from your story, Sue. It is not only in the written words but also what radiates from them. All is good and well the way it is. There is no right or wrong. There is only beginning and progressing. I love how you describe the pattern in our own lives and in collective humanity. How boring they would look if everybody would do the same and the same good? It is in the difference which makes our life and our world so colorful. It is in the difference that we get inspired. And it is in the difference that we are motivated to work on ourselves in order to become better than we were. But when and how doesn’t matter. There is no measure and nobody is entitled to judge the pace or the progress of the individual.
    Wow, what an inspiring post. Really, so much peace and contentment coming from it. I can feel what the woman feels when she paused knitting and felt so content.
    Thank you for this, Sue 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2019 @ 15:34:33

      Indeed Erika, how boring if we were all the same,I know we understand on that deeper level through the CWG books by NDW.. And it all comes down to individual perspective.. And we are here to experience it all… How we experience is up to us, and we can change our experience at anytime by altering our perception of it as we then manifest and draw to ourselves another experience… The choice is always within our Free Will.. 🙂
      The woman always learns from her silent experiences.. 😉
      Thank YOU Erika for reading.. Much love your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Mark Lanesbury
    Dec 16, 2019 @ 21:43:49

    Welcome home dear lady, and so wisely and beautifully written. The creation of your ‘project’ has become very colorful indeed ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2019 @ 15:41:00

      Many thanks again dear Mark, I so appreciate your thoughts here Mark.. And when we quieten our minds the wisdom is there for all to tap into.. We are each creators of our own projects in hand 🙂 and all are woven with one thread, that of love… 🙂 💚🙏💚 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  17. simplywendi
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 00:18:34

    when I read your words Sue, it is as if you are speaking directly to my soul………….I read your writing at least twice so I can soak it in again. God bless you for helping us see the light…..

    Liked by 2 people


    • Mark Lanesbury
      Dec 17, 2019 @ 03:57:11

      She does ‘touch’ many places Wendi, like a breeze on a hot summers day…refreshing, cool and the perfection to what went before ❤️

      Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2019 @ 15:51:18

      I am honoured you read my words twice Wendi, and even more so that you felt they spoke to your soul, we are all of us creators within our own projects, each just trying our best, learning as we go.. It is important to also learn there are no right or wrong ways, for we all fall, we can each drop our attention, feeling we have failed.. Yet like the woman who dropped her stitches,who had to back-track, unpick, unravel/thoughts, then rework, rethink, and forgive the mistakes made. She knew only the moment mattered.. Giving her attention to detail, and wonder of nature about her, and accepting herself as she was.. But while she sat with knitting on her lap, she also felt the swell of love grow inside.. As she loved herself unconditionally.. Knowing it didn’t matter who thought they were right or wrong.. It didn’t matter what she thought others thought.. It only mattered how she thought, how she perceived herself.. And when she did that, all her hard work came together… for she was complete…. ❤
      Much love dearest Wendi… Thank you my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  18. dgkaye
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 01:35:31

    Reblogged this on The Sisters of the Fey and commented:
    All We Create – One Stitch at a time by SueDreamwalker

    Liked by 2 people


  19. dgkaye
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 01:41:59

    Sue, you speak truth my friend. We must definitely go through the dark before we find the light. Even the dark skies have stars, a twinkle of light reminds there’s always hope. I think we’re well into the purge my friend. ALL good things yet to come. Hope floats ❤ And a beautiful poem too. One stitch at a time, like the mantra I started practicing a few years ago when overwhelmingness (it's my word), began taking over my life. As a chronic worrier, I began to learn, one day at a time, we can only do what we can do in a day so learning to not stress about tomorrows. ❤ Happy Christmas my lovely friend. Holiday Hugs across the pond to you. ❤ ❤ xxx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2019 @ 16:03:50

      Thank you so much Debby, and yes we always have to have hope, and what we think is what we will create, So Good Things to Come! most definitely.. Love how you said Hope Floats I think when we begin to understand no good comes of our worrying, as you say so rightly worrying changes nothing, even though we have all been there done that and got the T-shirt to prove it.. :-).. Learning One day at a time and living in our Moments doing the best we can..
      Many thanks for those wonderful Hugs Debby, sending you loads more back.. Have a beautiful and wonderful Christmas my friend.. And we will Welcome the Year of 2020 with Love, Hope and Enthusiasm.. 🙂 ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. Ka Malana -
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 10:52:05

    I felt so much love and compassion in reading this, here. Calling me forward, are your words, tracing each stitch with my breath, noticing only one at a time, as go further, witnessing mistakes and learning, simultaneously. Sooo much love to you, Sue! Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  21. AmyRose🌹
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 13:49:11

    Yes, Sue, one stitch at a time and then sometimes we have to take that stitch out and try try again. I was just thinking yesterday or perhaps this morning was it (?) that All is God or the Higher Intelligence. Life itself is the prism that proves this. May the “if only” be known and others realize how magnificent not only they are, but all others as well. I’ve been “seeing” changes and it is GOOD. Much love to you!! xo

    Liked by 1 person


  22. -Eugenia
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 14:26:09

    It’s so good to hear from you, Sue. I missed your inspirational posts. Sending hugs and joyous wishes for the holiday season. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  23. robbiesinspiration
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 15:46:57

    This is a most intriguing post, Sue. You have delved into many ideas and I can relate well to your analogy of the knitting.

    Liked by 1 person


  24. Adele Marie
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 17:40:05

    A wonderful analogy, Sue. I feel as if I’m in my butterfly stage, out of the cocoon of darkness and away into the air to fly, fly, fly. xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  25. thespiritkeeper
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 18:07:35

    Beautiful post with a reminder of awakening. Love is all there ever was and love is all there is. Having said that the longest journey anybody can take is from the head to the heart. Short and sweet today. Thought I would give you a little break lol. I hope the beginning of the week is good for you. love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2019 @ 14:03:33

      LOL, thank you Joseph and for ALL you share with me my friend.. This week is a good one, and I am much brighter and more energised my friend this week..
      Love is what this journey is here to teach and for each of us to learn and grow… Thank you for always sharing your love and blessings Joseph, sending huge hugs right back my friend.. Thank you



  26. Hannah Kaminsky
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 18:08:59

    The darker, colder days certainly have seen me retreating inward a bit, physically and mentally. It’s naturally a good time of year to look within, to better contemplate and understand what’s outside… I can always count on you for beauty and inspiration. Your writings never disappoint.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2019 @ 14:05:29

      Thank you dear Hannah, yes the longer darker days often have us hibernating and contemplating, and Like your Recipes too Hannah, They too never Disappoint! Thank you Soooo much… ❤



  27. mary
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 19:00:25

    🙂 I set down my crocheting to wander on line, I have a new computer and it wears me out attempting to make sense of what I used to just do, I think being gone so much the crystals go quiet inside the computers but then a kindred spirit whispers words on the wind and the crystals wake up and call us on LOLs… I loved your post and I felt like you were talking to me 🙂 arrogant I know 🙂 but I still smile at your words… I hope you are well in your neck of the woods my faraway friend, life is hiking up another mountain so to speak for me these days, but…I enjoy the journey and the view….
    Thank You for writing such lovely words, I think I felt them 🙂

    Take Care…You Matter much
    just me

    Liked by 3 people


    • Mark Lanesbury
      Dec 17, 2019 @ 20:05:15

      I hope all is well Mary. Have a beautiful Christmas dear lady, may it bless you with its magic 💜

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2019 @ 14:13:59

      So, so happy to see you here dearest Mary, and to know those whispering winds guided you into Dreamwalker’s for a while.. So lovely to see you here again my dear friend, .. All is well here… One day at a time.. And while you may well be navigating another Mountain, I hope as you climb to yet another pinnacle of your life my friend, to do stop! and pause now and again from serving others, to take in that view, to breathe deeply that mountain air, as you nurture your own needs now and again..

      Sending you so much love, and thank you for pausing from your crocheting to wander on line… My heart is all the fuller for your visit Mary.. Thank you my friend..
      Love and Blessings.. ❤ Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  28. Superduque
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 19:35:27

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Superduque
    Dec 17, 2019 @ 23:10:53

    Merry Christmas all the the year my dear Sue….

    Liked by 1 person


  30. J.D. Riso
    Dec 18, 2019 @ 01:38:58

    Such joy in your words, Sue. At this darkest time of year, it’s always good to remember that it all serves a purpose. Even the mistakes. Especially the mistakes. Wishing you a glorious holiday season, dear one. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Resa
    Dec 18, 2019 @ 01:46:48

    A knitted stitch, a sewn stitch or a stitch in the side teaches.
    You speak beautifully and your message is clear to me, as I take another stitch.

    Have a wonderful Holiday Season! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  32. New Bloggy Cat
    Dec 18, 2019 @ 10:25:26

    One stitch at a time! Sew inspiring, my dear Sue. LOL! We’re all work-in-progress. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and wisdom. Catch up soon! Much love and hugs,

    Liked by 1 person


  33. inavukic
    Dec 18, 2019 @ 10:27:17

    You Sue are the breath of fresh air I want to breathe in every day. Thank you and yes I try to take life a stitch at a time, a day at a time, and when impatience sets in, wants t skip days in a row or stitches in a row I pause and think: well if I do that I may miss out on that wonderful surprise the day I miss may being…deep breath, take life as it comes, learn from it and help it along. You are very wise and soothing Sue. Thank you! ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2019 @ 14:38:05

      Indeed Ina, each day holds new surprises, and I feel when we embrace each day as it comes it brings added Light of the unexpected.. Its learning how to perceive each of those moments and embrace the joy we find in the many blessings we hold..
      Thank you Ina for your delightful comment and compliment my dear friend, your thoughts mean a lot to me, and its a delight to have your friendship..
      Wishing you a Joyous Holiday .. and Much love your way Ina… ❤ 🙂



  34. michnavs
    Dec 18, 2019 @ 15:14:58

    Life can be tricky and complicated but it cant be that hard and difficult though..all.we need to do is take each moment one step at a time..or as you say one stitch at a time..
    So good to always read your inspiring thoughts so. It brings light and wisdom, something that we all need right now when people is filled with so many negative and even evil thoughts.



  35. rabirius
    Dec 18, 2019 @ 19:14:23

    Beautiful words again…
    …one stich at a time, or a step, or whatever. Who wants to build a road should always put one stone after the other.



  36. Infinite Living
    Dec 18, 2019 @ 22:44:19

    A life that is lived like the garment of the soul is weaved one stitch at a time, requires tremendous patience – but then the wise woman has so much joy she brings to each moment and choice that it really doesn’t feel like patience. She keeps weaving while listening to her heart song, the needle pricks and pierces sometimes. She rides on the pain to reach the truth of it and yet again finds joy …

    Dear Sue reading your post was a soothing experience as it seems I am crossing a threshold of my own way of being yet again, with a bit of apprehension of what is becoming of me – I reset my intention to bring joy to my moments and gentleness to my heart. I am happy to have you post supporting me as always you do.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 20, 2019 @ 12:48:09

      Dearest Pragalbha, reading your reply was like reading poetry my friend.. Be thankful for those thresholds my dear friend, for it shows we are no longer stagnant or stuck fast.. But we are embracing the flow… And like water we are taken where it leads us. If we are lucky our journey is smooth as we float along the current admiring the view.. At other times the water becomes choppy and we are rocked about as we hang on tight to focus on our distant shoreline.. Our journey is a constant meanderings of twists and turns.. What needs to hold strong is the Vessel itself.. That inner YOU which carries you through all of your travels.. So be gentle with your heart and you will find you are stronger than you thought.. This is but another test along your path.. And we all have many within our journey.. So long as you stay true to who you are and listen to the voice of your heart and not your head I am certain you will arrive safe at your destination and purpose my friend..
      Sending so much love and well wishes.. And its my pleasure you find so much within my posts…
      Much Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  37. David
    Dec 19, 2019 @ 08:04:18

    Hi Sue, We are definitely on the same wavelength you and I. I’ve had the beginnings of a similar story on the book for what seems ages and never finished so your beautiful writings have inspired me to finish and reminded me that there are short stories in the vault that I wrote for the children and really must do something with.
    Wishing you a very happy time at this season of good will and a big, big thank you for all that you say and do Sue, for you are the greatest. Much love to you and yours. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Jane Sturgeon
    Dec 20, 2019 @ 13:01:35

    Lovely Sue, this is a peaceful and inspiring message. Thank you. Peace is within each of us and there is loving grace in letting others ‘be’ as we each find our way with the strands we pick up and work with. May your tapestry of life be blessed. My love flows to both of you and you are with me as I collect yarn for each new project. Seasons blessings. ❤ ❤ ❤



  39. natswans
    Dec 21, 2019 @ 16:13:15

    Lovely post Sue peaceful.
    Have a wonderful Christmas you and your family.
    Much Love sent your way.
    Sheila xx

    Liked by 1 person


  40. litebeing
    Dec 22, 2019 @ 01:03:19

    What is that phrase, a stitch in time saves nine? I have heard many times and in many ways that we cannot see the complete picture while incarnated. The overarching tapestry is created stitch by stitch, one by one, by many for ALL. The key is to enjoy the journey in faith that all is well, even if the moment does seem bleak.

    Thanks for showing up here, pre- Solstice to shine your light and spread your Truth in your own unique way.

    love to you, Linda ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  41. stephensmustang1
    Dec 23, 2019 @ 05:07:53

    Lovely story that is inspiring and holds truths. Love an hugs.



  42. insearchofitall
    Dec 24, 2019 @ 05:11:33

    Beautiful, Sue, just beautiful. Having vision problems lately so it’s harder to read as fast but glad I got here. “All you need do is open your heart to what it brings, like your very breath, you see not where it comes from or where it goes. Rising and Falling—Dying and Growing— Evolving and Changing—expanding in consciousness as we learn both Empathy and Forgiveness.” This really spoke to me. I too hope to leave with more wisdom. Loved the metaphor of knitting stitches to life. You said this so well. I hope we catch up after the holidays. I’m ready for quiet relaxation and introspection. Sending holiday hugs and love.

    Liked by 1 person


  43. sibyltowers
    Dec 25, 2019 @ 05:45:22

    The stitch I find myself using the most is the cross-kiss stitch XXX

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Bekkie Sanchez
    Dec 25, 2019 @ 19:39:27

    Wow has your blog grown! I hope you see this in the hundreds of comments. I’ve missed you since G+ closed and I don’t see you on Facebook. I’m riding my bicycle it’s been a busy year. I had both knees replaced in August and am doing great. It turned out to be the best thing I ever did I now have straight legs and can do stairs and walk normally. What a great feeling! I ride my bike 20-30 miles every other day to keep healthy and am back at it. So much has happened in the world since we last spoke. It’s a real mess and I’m sad to say there’s not much hope left so it’s good to be positive when everyone is going the other way. It’s hard to believe people are arguing over climate change like it’s not happening. Money is more important than ever which makes me sick. Society will never be the same again! Here’s to high hopes in the NY that things do get better. Sending hugs and kisses to you and healing to the world!! Big hug, Bekkie



  45. Mabel Kwong
    Dec 29, 2019 @ 12:22:03

    As the others have said, this was wonderfully written, and the narrative very profoundly envisioned to tie in with the way the world works. The woman seemed so at peace with herself. Knitting by an open window and the birds flying by seemed like such a trivial, even boring thing. But there is so much to be thankful for in these moments, and you showed us that so well. Sometimes we don’t stop to appreciate these moments because we are too caught up chasing the next best thing…and sometimes there never really is the next best thing because, that is the present.

    Very clever alliteration and juxtaposition of the words prisms and prisons. Both also complement each other. Too often we are in our own prison as we view the world from our own prism. It’s up to us to allow ourselves to be a part of something bigger than our prisons and prisms to learn, grow and set ourselves free.

    When you mentioned how when you don’t follow a pattern and what you make comes out different, that reminded me of my amigurumi crochet and how I don’t like to follow the pattern lol. I want my amigurumi to turn out smaller, so I improvise…sometimes it doesn’t work out well but sometimes it does. I guess that’s how the creative process goes.

    Sending you hugs across the miles into the New Year, Sue ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 31, 2019 @ 13:54:14

      Many many thanks dear Mabel, for that wise response my friend, and yes so much to be thankful for, and the woman has found so much peace as she uncovers and explores her inner self 🙂 And thank you for your perception in seeing the link between the words Prisms and Prisons.. 🙂 You sometimes have to adapt patterns to suit ourselves.. Sometimes like our choices, we don’t always know the outcomes until we’ve made them, and it’s not until we are creating, do we see how our actions unfold and affect outcomes, and have a consequence…
      So we experiment until we get it right!…. 🙂
      You could say we are all part of that experiment.. Each exploring, one stitch at a time.. each a separate loop and yet each holding the whole together.. None of us are separate..
      It is not until you sit in that silence.. and know that what we have perceived have been made on false assumptions.. Once you look from a different perception and open our minds to other possibilities, those Prisms and Prisons make more sense…
      Sending you So much love and well wishes Mabel.. Have a wonderful Happy New Year, ❤ much love Sue ❤



      • Mabel Kwong
        Jan 06, 2020 @ 09:26:35

        I can see you in that woman, constantly focusing on doing art with passion, constantly uncovering things about herself and the universe 🙂 I find adapting patterns in my crochet gives me more creative control, but it’s also a means to push boundaries and learn. It also forces me to take responsibility of my actions, something which can be applied to life in general.

        So true. None of us are separate. Our actions no matter how small all create some kind of effect on the world around us. We might not feel it right now, but someone’s words might come back to haunt us later – or words that might even be written in a history book for years to come. Our actions influence weather pattern decades from now, just like how discoveries today lead to more significant breakthroughs in the future.

        With silence, we listen to our own thoughts and also learn to listen more to each other. Hopefully that’s what we do more of this year. Much love and thanks to you, Sue ❤

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 06, 2020 @ 14:42:27

          Many thanks for you wise response here Mabel and yes we need to listen to our inner guidance and each other…
          May we continue to learn to work in Unity rather than feeling we are all alone… Lets co-operate together instead of being in conflict with each other.. When we learn to do this we hopefully will discover the solutions to our problems instead of finger pointing and blaming..
          Many thanks dear Mabel.. Have a wonderful New Year. ❤



  46. Jennie
    Dec 30, 2019 @ 16:24:01


    Liked by 1 person


  47. dilipnaidu
    Jan 01, 2020 @ 16:52:52

    “Her quiet time was always productive. She knew she was Eternal and this time around she had discovered what we were all here to discover” ~ these words are the ultimate truth. It is only in deep and contemplative silence that one can hear (realize) the Eternal Truth.
    Thank you Sue for such profound insights.

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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