Nurturing Ourselves and the World.


At the beginning of the year, I set out my intention to just BE me, relax, meditate and just enjoy the NOW of the moments which so quickly pass us by never to return.  This year is all about nurturing one’s self and learning that the only way to fix the outside world, is to first fix  your own world from the inside.

We are now six months into that year, to me it seems no time at all has passed. We are but a blink, in terms of Earth years as we measure them in the time we have created here. But within the scheme of things its but a nano second upon our eternal journeying through the cosmos as we learn what we need to learn within this realm of existence.

And I am working hard upon freeing myself from this Wheel, in which we are caught.

I am taking more time out to nurture, and explore new places that hold ancient memory, that have called me to visit for far too long.

I so appreciate all of you who visit and leave your thoughts here, I know I have not been as regular a visitor to your posts as I would have liked. But I try to get around as many of you as I can when my own time allows..

I came across this video which I wish to share, if you have the time to watch it. It spoke to my heart and I hope it speaks to yours..

Our intentions are what set us on the path, and they are what rebounds back to us as we manifest the future of both our personal experiences and that which we contribute in society to the world.

The World needs love, it needs nurturing.. So Nurture yourselves, Love Yourselves, for in doing so, you also Nurture the world..

Love and Blessings

156 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eliza Ayres
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 13:41:11

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Mark Lanesbury
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 13:54:10

    Connect dear lady…and let your soul be free ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 14:04:04

    Thanks for the lovely reminders (and good example) to make nurturing ourselves a priority, rebounding within and without. Welcome home grandmother! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  4. insearchofitall
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 14:28:35

    Sounds like you are doing a good job of self care so far. It’s hard to believe that half the year has gone by. I know it’s been a full six months. I’ve been working on being mindful of each moment which is difficult for a planner. Hope you aren’t melting there. We are warming up and summer is in full swing. I’m interested to hear about those places you are visiting. Keep doing the good work, Sue. Hugs and love. M

    Liked by 2 people


  5. smilecalm
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 14:30:12

    makes me happy
    your intention to live
    the best you can
    with the conditions
    presented to you
    and us all, dear Sue!
    such a shining lighthouse
    given to moments
    of being lost at sea 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  6. litebeing
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 15:06:41

    I am so glad Sue that you are keeping your intention alive to nurture you, aka , the world. Since we are all ONE, healing the planet and healing self ( an inhabitant) is doing the work, fulfilling service with love.

    BTW, did you post a new picture of yourself on the right margin?

    love to you from my corner of the globe, Linda ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  7. sibyltowers
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 15:45:24

    Dear Sue…The SPIRITUAL REALM’S White Eagle Medicine Woman says it all.
    The comfort you get from the Celestial Souls of your ANCESTORS can be heard and felt by all of us who know they speak in Truth.
    But they are not my ancestors whose Earthly migratory roots battled very different weather conditions and terrain, whose extreme Weather conditions became known as Tyrannical GODS. The moon and the guiding stars at night… And the candles to work by, and the campfires…all helped to lengthen the the short dark days. The Sun was sufficient for the Earth to flourish on this green and pleasant land…

    You say you are taking more time out to nurture, and explore new places that hold ancient memory, that have called you to visit for far too long.
    I don’t have ancient memories that call me to visit the past, so I suspect that I am a Soul person from the Future.

    I am now well aware that Nostalgic memories from the past are half truths aimed at the tender Heart…whose brain does it’s best to block out the pain of the trials and tribulations that one’s mind had to endure whilst fighting to Survive the elements & Enemies XXX
    Lots & Lots of Love is needed as we navigate our way through past & present time-warps colliding Dear Sue XXX

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 30, 2019 @ 16:05:27

      Thank you Sibyl. When one really understands that past present and future are not linier and that there is only the now. But this construct that we are in had us held in ‘ time warps’ 🤔🙄☺️
      My journey this time around I feel is unraveling those ‘past’ conditionings as we move with Gaia to freedom to BE
      Thanking you for your thoughts and well wishes
      Much love 💖

      Liked by 1 person


      • sibyltowers
        Jun 30, 2019 @ 16:26:34

        You’re very very Welcome dear Friend. I didn’t expect you to get it until you returned XXX

        Liked by 1 person


      • sibyltowers
        Jul 06, 2019 @ 11:57:36

        Dear Sue, I keep adding bits & pieces so you can treat them all as one, so you don’t feel obliged to answer each one individually. It’s fat too time consuming…and monopolizing your time might comes across as attention seeking…and that was never my intention.
        So I’ll just add my thoughts on the subconscious chosen path each lonely heart probably takes.

        The Source of all knowledge is the same for everybody on this little planet of ours.
        I suspect you picked and received the GUIDE you wanted (needed).
        Neale Donald Walsch…the Author of ‘Conversations With GOD’, received the GOD he needed…just like everybody else here.
        Intentions’ Motivations play a big part in establishing one’s fate…and consequently one’s Future & Destination.
        Ah! The Freedom to Choose…How Silently, how silently that Wonderous Gift at last is given and Gratefully received XXX



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 12, 2019 @ 11:08:45

          I would never think you were attention seeking dear Sibyl.. Many can not fathom our Higher Selves as guides either 😉 In the early days of my ‘Development’ I had many names and visions of guides.. One who aided my Spiritual path both in Mediumship and as a healing guide when I trained to become an SNU hands on healer for over 15 years.
          Sending love and Blessings 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


      • sibyltowers
        Jul 06, 2019 @ 14:03:05

        My GUIDE’S source was google Mythology’s May Queen Etc. Wikipedia XXX



      • sibyltowers
        Jul 06, 2019 @ 14:39:29

        Dear Sue…This is meant to be from one friend to another…and I don’t mind if when you’ve read what I’ve needed to say, you delete it all from your posts.

        Tonight on Channel 5, at 6.55pm is a documentary called…’Secrets of The Mayan Underworld’…which I will watch with interest…
        Lots of Love Always given & received XXX



      • sibyltowers
        Jul 06, 2019 @ 21:39:30

        After watching that program I’m proud to stand against Fanatical World-Wide Fanatical Religious Murderers.
        It explains the need for GOD JEZEUS to come to Earth in person…and we all know what happened to HIM and HIS People who are our People…don’t we.



  8. AmyRose🌹
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 16:53:49

    The TIME has come to pull away from the insanity and to nurture that which is within with splendor and the “memory” of Peace and that of another world. I too have been seeking and finding places on this Earth that resonate with The Golden Hour that is upon us. There is no need to apologize for not being here, for, Sue, your Heart is guiding you to be and do otherwise. Being true to yourself, therefore, will lead you to Pastures of Delicious Free Flowing Meadows …. and in so doing, that Vibration is set upon this world, radiating out to meet other like Vibrations, uniting uniting, gaining strength so that one day the violence and corruption of this illusionary world will be no more. Much Love to you, dear One. Much Love …..🌟🌟🌟

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Visionkeeper
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 17:00:00

    Thanks DW…Let the ancestors guide our way….We can use all the help we can get 🙂 Blessings my friend and much love….VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Colleen Chesebro
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 17:26:19

    We are one… the message our world so desperately needs to hear. Blessed be the truth tellers, Sue. Your posts always make me feel part of the divine. Namaste and Blessed BE! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  11. The Coastal Crone
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 19:36:21

    Love and blessings to you also! I like the new photo of you on the right.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. dreamweaver333
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 20:08:14

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Erika Kind
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 20:10:24

    I feel the same, Sue. That first half of the year just flew by in the twinkle of an eye. There was so much going on during the past 2 months. And I too try to slow time a bit down and stay consciously much more in the moment. Thank you for that video. I am amazed by the power it vibrates and how caught me. It truly spoke to me too. My sign of the zodiac is Taurus and that may connect me so strongly to earth which I love! Thank you for sharing, Sue💖

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Singing Tree
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 20:30:44

    Reblogged this on Singing Tree.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. colettebytes
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 20:53:26

    Haven’t watched the video yet Sue, but a great post. The past, present are all meshing. Finding peace at the centre of the maelstrom is the only way to exist. Much love. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  16. inhiscare753
    Jun 30, 2019 @ 21:38:20

    This is absolutely wonderful Sue. Beautifully penned and so inspiring. Yes, it is definitely important to nurture ourselves and take time out. Love the video too!

    Liked by 1 person


  17. dgkaye
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 01:24:32

    I love that you stay true to yourself when you feel the need you go where you need to be with yourself. Thank you for the video share Sue. Grandmother is indeed calling. Stay in light my friend. ❤ xox

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 09:29:40

      Bless you dear Debby, Such an enjoyable break that both refreshed the soul in mind body and spirit. Looking forward to catch up with everyone. Gosh so many comments to reply to, I am overwhelmed by the love shown here.. Big smiles and hope alls well with you too ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • dgkaye
        Jul 12, 2019 @ 16:38:06

        Lots of love around Sue because you exude love. It’s contagious, and we could certainly use more like you in the world. Glad you had another great timeout and looking forward to your newest thoughts all refreshed. This past week has been most challenging with the retrograde, lunar eclipse and full moon all closing in at the same time. I want to hide, lol. The technical difficulties this week have been astounding!!! Best you stayed away from you blog LOL. ❤ Happy weekend my friend. Hugs and love xxx 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 12, 2019 @ 21:49:13

          Yes I know exactly what you mean.. I would have been on here-WP earlier but my PC decided otherwise.. It went blank screen on me after I turned it on after my break… After a Windows update.. So I thought the universe was telling me something LOL.. and left it alone another couple of days, Next time I switched on, it loaded perfectly.. Go figure.. I have stopped trying and go with the flow. And feel ‘Freer’ than ever…
          Mega Hugs my friend.. Watch out for the full Moon.. I feel our Earth Mother may have us trembling in various places as she shakes some parts again.. Take care and look forward to my catch up with you ❤ Hugs right back

          Liked by 1 person


  18. JoAnna
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 03:35:25

    I come to this post right on time as usual, especially the video. I’m in the grandmother role this week and taking care of my grand daughter in the mountains and seeking balance of nurturing myself and others. I have stepped away from my usual blogging this weekend, and it’s a comfort relax this evening with your wisdom and grace.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. thespiritkeeper
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 05:08:51

    I feel that pulse inside my soul and the beat to go home. It has been there since a child but is beating stronger nowadays. I always felt earth was not my home although there is much beauty held within and just a few men making it ugly for all. All I can do is send love out and hope others will do the same. I have a wee friend that calls me the gentle giant lol That wee friend is only 4 years old. Blessings to you for a renewal of the week. Be well my friend 3 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 09:35:21

      Yes Joseph that Beat to ‘go home’ has often called to me loudly, in that longing to rejoin that which I know IS.. Love you have a ‘Wee four year old friend’ who SEE’s YOU.. 🙂 I hope the book is coming along well, and look forward to catching up with you my friend. The break was refreshingly good 🙂 💚



      • thespiritkeeper
        Jul 12, 2019 @ 16:53:16

        I am pleased your break was refreshing. I just posted that I am taking a break. Don’t know how long but won’t be short. My book is coming along I am going to add two chapters and buff up another one then I will be done. I was hoping to finish when housed sitting and pet sitting but time seems to escape me. Yes, to go home would be nice. Have a great weekend and say hi to your hubby for me, I admire his work and yours.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 12, 2019 @ 21:45:15

          Many thanks Joseph, and I will pass on your kind regards also.. I will be visiting everyone here over the weekend..
          And good luck with your writing flow.. I must get back into mine.. But the garden is my refuge at the moment, Harvesting peas, and berries. Amazing how it grows while your away.. 🙂 I took some pictures so hope to add to garden blog, the ones I were going to post some weeks back now way out of date with the growth spurt. 🙂
          Enjoy house and pet sitting Joseph.. 🙂 Special thoughts your way 🙂



  20. David
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 08:47:21

    You are right Sue – the start to change must come from within. We are in the midst of colossal outside change, which is bringing inner change. The outside change has brought with it some, what others may call miracles but in our belief system we see as the result of concentration on the desires answered by the Law of Attraction. We are loving it and wish you all happiness on your inner journey. Love, David. xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 09:37:57

      Agreed David, and those of us who ‘Feel’ and sense these changes are learning to go within the flow of them. The Universal Laws cannot be tampered with, and we are seeing the results of many of these Laws taking affect.. I hope your new home is bring you both so much joy.. And look forward to catching up with you when I get through my back log of comments pending here David.. Take care of you.. Much love to you both.



  21. kowkla123
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 11:02:02

    möge es eine gute Woche für uns werden, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 13:58:43

    We are moving towards a world filled with love and understanding throughout all who dare to venture. Let us meet again and again. with love and cheer, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 09:42:20

      Bless your heart my dearest friend. We are indeed moving and growing, lets keep spreading those seeds of love my dear friend. And thank you for your patience as I settle back into WP after my own beautiful vacation of tranquillity and peaceful surroundings..
      Look forward to reading your wisdom and seeing your garden in bloom my friend 😀

      Liked by 1 person


  23. Bodhirose
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 14:16:52

    Beautiful video that spoke to my heart also, Sue. I made a conscious decision years ago to no longer get caught up in all the negative talk of the problems of this world and instead to focus on being the best ME that I could and so, in that way, I could uplift the planet and others to heal and thrive. For me, putting my mind on troubles and woes only brought my own soul down…not helpful to me or anyone else. I wish you well as you journey to those places that have called you to visit. With love, Gayle ❤ xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 09:45:10

      Gayle.. How wonderful to see you, and so pleased you commented, and yes you are perfectly right to focus in on the most important person of all.. ‘Ourselves’.. I enjoyed the places I visited and yes I found a special peace in one or two of them.. So lovely to see you and look forward to repaying the compliment once I get caught up with my comments here. 🙂
      Much love returned Gayle.. 🙂 💙



      • Bodhirose
        Jul 23, 2019 @ 02:53:20

        Hi Sue, my late response to you is proof that my blog is mostly abandoned these days but somehow I hold out hope that perhaps some meaningful writing will once again be resurrected there. I’m glad that you found some peace in your visited places too. It was lovely to visit your blog again and I’m reminded that I used to enjoy reading about your gardening and other activities and wondering why I stopped?? Life I guess has taken me in a different trajectory and that’s okay. Just know that you’re a special and beautiful spirit and that you’ve uplifted mine and I’m grateful that our paths have crossed. Love to you, Sue, xoxo 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


  24. Jennie
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 14:19:12


    Liked by 1 person


  25. -Eugenia
    Jul 01, 2019 @ 16:03:00

    Nurturing ourselves is necessary for us to understand and nurture others. Beautiful post, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


    Jul 01, 2019 @ 22:17:03

    Pure wisdom.

    Nurturing ourselves is the only solution for when we can balance the same with others.

    Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life. ~James Cromwell

    Liked by 1 person


  27. aFrankAngle
    Jul 02, 2019 @ 03:18:34

    Attitude and perspective makes a huge difference – so hang in there with what you have because you have a lot!



  28. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Jul 02, 2019 @ 14:23:58

    Dear Sue, I too am practicing more present moment awareness. This society has an allure to pull us in many different directions through a variety of distractions. This morning, I enjoyed watching out the window the squirrels at play, while sipping my tea. Enjoy the wonder of it all. Many Blessings, Lisa xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 10:06:17

      That is wonderful Lisa, I also find great enjoyment in watching nature and all she has to offer from viewing from my window as I eat breakfast.. One of my morning rituals and joys. 🙂 Look forward to catching up and its been a lovely break from the media to walk and explore 😀

      Liked by 1 person


  29. Renee Espriu
    Jul 02, 2019 @ 23:04:59

    Such thought filled words I’m sure come from deep within you and for me a lifetime endeavor that has been difficult. As most people, in general, are not given that opportunity or do not have parents who can guide them thus. In other words, most are on their own if they have even given it any thought at all. I have been very much attached to family my whole life and to the caring of them (whether family of origin or the one I made of my own) and therefore took the difficult road of always making others first and not giving thought to myself or, indeed, unable to do so because of how I was brought up. (Parents who are raised by Depression Era parents are sorely lacking in skills but always focused on the need for money…if that says anything) So, at this late point in my life I am trying to change that and I find it will be difficult indeed as I am a solitary individual and not very social at all. But I must try or I will become isolated again and that is not good. I am now trying to obtain a low income one bedroom apartment so I can live on my own as living with my daughter is not something I can do. I commend you that you pour so much of yourself into the doing of such things and admire you for it. Take care my friend. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 10:13:30

      Dearest Renee, coming from a poor family background myself, I understand all you said here, and yes life was often focused on money and I heard my parents argue all the time over it.
      Family is important, but so are you, and you dear Renee have worked hard all of your life, and now in your retirement years with all the health issues you have faced now need some Quality ‘ME’ time, So I hope as you send out your thoughts that small apartment comes into focus for you to follow your heart and dreams in your creative space of peacefulness.. Its what you deserve.. So do not feel guilty in the slightest.. You are more than worthy of having earned the right to your own space of peace..
      Just follow your heart and know all will happen, leave the Universe to fill in the details.. And all will be well…
      Much love my friend, and we had a lovely break away..
      Sending Huge hugs.. and take care of YOU. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Renee Espriu
        Jul 12, 2019 @ 22:32:59

        You are always so kind, my friend, and yes it has been difficult to ‘let go and let be’ and pull myself away from family. I find it difficult to see myself apart, to see myself as ‘me’ and to see myself as truly independent. Moving away from home at age 17, you would think I would know, but I do not and have not my entire life. I do visualize often and have for many years now. It seems to be one of the only ways to remove my ‘self’ from everything going on and at nearly 67yrs old I am trying with all my might to follow my heart at last. Sending you Huge hugs as well and I am so glad you had a break away. xoxo



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 13, 2019 @ 11:40:24

          The wonderful thing now Renee, is that you are beginning to see how you need to change and follow your heart at last.. I think many are programmed within their upbringing to ‘Serve’ others, putting themselves last so to speak.. As the eldest child of five siblings and two years younger than you, We grew up in the same decades. I was always the one who did everything for my brother and my sisters, it was expected. I always felt unloved, overlooked and unworthy, so that coloured my adult world.. It took me a life time to find the Love within and see my own worthiness of deserving to please ME, and I learnt a new little word, that of ‘NO’ instead of Alright I will do it .. It took a long while for me to feel comfortable with pleasing myself.
          But it came with learning to love ourselves from within and that we need to nurture and tend our own garden, especially as we grow with age..
          Much love dear Renee and I am working my way this weekend around to visiting you and others here.. I have missed your beautiful poetry ❤



  30. marina kanavaki
    Jul 03, 2019 @ 10:20:08

    …the heartbeat… Thank you, my dearest Sue! Sending love and o-so many hugs! xoxoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  31. aussieian2011
    Jul 03, 2019 @ 10:57:33

    Absolutely wonderful Sue, the words and drum beats are a calling to home.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 10:19:22

      Thank you Ian my friend, lovely to have your thoughts and your continued friendship here my dear friend.. I hope all is well with you these days too, and look forward to catching up with you and everyone in WP again very soon. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  32. stephensmustang1
    Jul 04, 2019 @ 20:32:45

    Some very wise words here. 😉



  33. Sageleaf
    Jul 04, 2019 @ 21:06:49

    Anytime I hear drumming like that, I have to stop everything and just listen. Oh how it makes my beating heart come ALIVE – and feel love. I feel compelled to shout out, “hello Grandmother!” We so need to sit in circle as humans, pass the peace pipe, and tell stories of love…
    I hope you’re having a lovely week. I understand about the comments – I have been slow about them for the past month with my beach and southwest travels.
    I was on a bike ride today (it’s a holiday here) and the thought came to me, “hmm…I wonder if there is or ever will be such a thing as world peace.” Another thought came up: “No. Humans evolved competing for resources, and there are many who are broken who have no peaceful guidance in their lives.” Then the next thought: but for those who seek peace will find it if they can learn to truly look within and set themselves free.”
    Hehe…I think it’s great that even on a bike ride I feel spirit, that answers are beginning to come to me more and more now. I feel as if my trajectory has been on the launchpad, the countdown has begun, and I’m at 3…2…1…ready to blast off. I just feel a vibration around me lately. I’m still me, I’m still the same person, but just feeling energized despite the tragedies of the world (like how I was in tears earlier reading about the awful detention centers we have at the southern border of the US…oh…my….heart…) and making sure to focus on gratitude, raising my vibration and raising my consciousness. I read recently that in a household where one meditates, the others around that person also benefit: they’re less stressed and happier. My sweet Juanito meditates, too, and in the past year it just seems that life has changed so sweetly and my heart is bursting with love…
    Sending you sweet hugs, dear friend. So much love to you. 💜💚🧡💙💛💜💚❤️💛💙💜💛🧡💙



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 10:46:02

      Oh how this comment uplifts and also fills my own heart with love Cynthia.. While we are empathetic with others and their plights, it takes a while to understand we are each on our chosen pathways, each with our different agenda’s of learning and growing to pass through.. Each path, even the detours of ups and downs lessons we perhaps need to experience for our growth.. As hard as that can be for those of us with sensitive hearts as ‘watchers’ as we see the world shift through its own levels of understanding.
      And once we settle in, and LISTEN to the answers our Higher Self already knows,and we trust what is given, we then I think become more contented within our own skin as we love ourselves and others with a renewed heart that sees much deeper than before, that ALL has purpose, even the negative.
      I so enjoyed our holiday and look forward to my catch ups here in WP again..
      Love and Blessings my dear friend ❤



  34. Jane Sturgeon
    Jul 05, 2019 @ 11:05:07

    Wrapping you both in much love, Sue. ❤ Here's to us all heeding the call. ❤ xXx



  35. Lady Jude
    Jul 05, 2019 @ 12:59:37

    Interesting post, Dreamwalker. We all need to pray for the world that surrounds us xoxo



  36. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 07, 2019 @ 06:11:56

    It is always lovely to see a post from you, Sue. Your thoughts always remind me of what is important in life and ground me for a few weeks after I read them. I hope you are enjoying the summer and the weather is being good to you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 11:16:15

      I am delighted that my posts have that effect dear Robbie, and thank you for reading and your comments, you are such a busy lady I am always delighted to know you read my posts and enjoy them.
      The weather was VERY good to us while away and is being good for Wimbledon this week also.. 🙂 And I look forward to catching up with you too.. Much love your way ❤



  37. Bela Johnson
    Jul 08, 2019 @ 05:50:02

    I knew as the year flipped to 2019 that it would be similar to 2018, in that it would just fly by. Yes, nano-seconds in the greater scheme of Creation. And you know where all this finds me. In the garden, in the garden. The only place I can truly feel free, from the wheel, or from thoughts. Perhaps those are eerily close to the same. Love you ❤



  38. Annika Perry
    Jul 11, 2019 @ 12:33:36

    Sue, wishing you peace and fulfillment as you nurture your soul … your post resonates with harmony and love. The drum beat is hypnotic and brings stillness to this busy mind! Hugs xx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 12, 2019 @ 11:22:11

      Dear Annika, Many thanks my friend, just today catching up with WP and all of your lovely comments.. So pleased you enjoyed the Beat of the Drum in this video and its message.. May your mind be still in its busiest of moments as you embrace the beat from within.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. Krishna Chaitanya
    Jul 28, 2019 @ 13:55:50

    This post is so amazing. I like the way you stay true to yourself. May God bless you Sue ma’am 🙏🙏🙏



  40. Barbara Franken
    Aug 23, 2019 @ 19:28:53

    So glad you are following your heart and soul intents and being magnificent you, enjoying life as the rest find there way through the confusion… but that’s what life is about and they will get there and eventually walk with us as new standards of joy❤️ Much love to you sue x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2019 @ 15:45:24

      Bless you Barbara, I have to admit of coming a long way in allowing myself to let go of what is expected and to just BE.. When you finally get it, and understand the changes come from within and in doing so you change the outer, it’s liberating, in that you see clearly just what we each need to do..
      And not worry when it appears others are confused and caught up within the Matrix of the Material 3D.. While I still have loads of work still yet to do upon myself.. The sense of weightlessness in that the burden you felt is no longer holding you in its grip.. When you see so many who still slumber..
      Many thanks Barbara. Much joy to you also.. ❤ Love and Blessings ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  41. Betty Hayes Albright
    Aug 31, 2019 @ 23:13:26

    Thank you for this one too, Sue. (Sorry I got so far behind reading.) ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Free E-Book True Awakening Experiences ~ Download your copy here!

Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at

Dates Dreamwalker Beat Her Drum

June 2019

Free E-Book to download.

Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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