The Puzzle of Life~ Part Three.


The woman remembered back at how her spiritual journey had begun to unfold.  That one, piece which had jumped out that had led to the rest to being found was the Meditation group. It had led her down a path of discovery that unfolded before her now like a picture book, page by page she saw the images come into her mind.

The new friends she had made, the encouragement, as she expanded her awareness and meditation. She practised her long-forgotten skills of intuition and seeing with her inner eye which had been pushed and buried from her childhood.  She found deeper understanding of the words written in the New Testament she had studied in her teenage years, and saw that miracles came in many different forms. She began to learn new skills in the arts of healing others and herself as she really began to understand Energy was surrounding everyone, ready to be tapped into.

She had made a deep friendship with a lady who helped her discover she was more than who she thought she was. They sat long hours in meditation and discussion. They would share books and knowledge, and the world of what she thought she knew  expanded far beyond these realms of understanding. 

New discoveries of The Mayans, along with Native American Indian Science, made more sense, as the woman had long felt an affinity with these Indigenous people.  The Pyramids and their hieroglyphs were more pieces she gathered.  She discovered the stories of old held deeper meaning and that through reading deeper into the mysteries of life her perception of our origins had in many ways shocked, and taken a while to digest. 

But her searching led to many books, and one that stood out for her was Message from the Pleiadians,’ by Barbara  Marciniak. Now that had taken some digesting. But more books came her way, The Book of Enoch. And others came to blow her mind such as  The Experiment is Over by Paul  G. Lowe  She had put it down at the time thinking it nonsense as she had the Pleiadians, but each piece, each page she turned she saw were connecting her to how this reality had come into being.  Later came books, that taught her she was more than her body, such as reading Deepak Chopra, one that stood out was Magical Mind Magical Body  Others such as Serpent of the Light Beyond 2012,  and she read  volumes  one and two  by the same author Drunvalo Melchizedek The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.  Other books too numerous to mention all wove themselves into the fabric of her being. 

‘In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” ~~ Carl Jung

The fear she had once been taught of the paranormal also vanished, as she developed her skills that years later she would help pass onto others.  And she witnessed things no one would believe even if she told them as this dimension and the world beyond bonded together.

The woman discovered many things, and at times even she was blown away by her new discoveries, as the world of deception unravelled piece by piece.  She had to relearn all she had been taught, and let go of the illusion we think as our reality. We were not meant to think outside the box, we were never meant to re-discover who we really are and the Power we all hold within our thoughts. 

When we did share these re-awakened gifts, we were ridiculed, labelled, and made fun of, as labels as old as time, back in history told, as those with the powers to heal and see beyond were labelled witches and burnt at the stake to ensure that fear remained deeply embedded into anyone reaching out to become who they always had been. And one had to discover who were behind these witch hunts that murdered thousands so they could rule by fear. In the name of God  which is why, one must seek to question and find the answers?  

None of these pieces were easy, and for a time she kept these pieces closely hidden, not discussing them with her work colleagues, for when she did, often times she would feel their sniggers, and was made to feel she was somehow weird.   But she was beginning to trust in her instincts, those which lay dormant within each of us.  And the more she practised her skill as she expanded her clairsentience the closer she communicated with the Divine within us all, our Higher-selves, our Guides, departed friends and loved ones. The more she began to understand.  

Then those very same work colleagues would seek her out, ask her for a reading, a message, and she would tell them, work was work time, she didn’t mix the two. So some would come along to meditation class and healing nights and to her demonstrations of clairvoyance and a new awareness spread out like ripples on a pond.  And new respect was born.

Fear is often born out of ignorance, and lack of understanding and knowledge.

And so it is, as you open up and expand, you allow in the energies to lead you within the flow of life.  Signs and synchronicities would happen, books she needed to read would literally fall off shop bookshelves begging to be read, and she followed each Sign with the excitement of a child in a sweet-shop. Soaking each piece up like a sponge.

She discovered she wanted to write, and when she did, poetry also began to flow. Feathers would flutter down from nowhere. She learnt to send her thoughts out if she needed a parking space, and always marvelled even at the last minute how the Universe provided. She began to understand ‘Thoughts were Energy’ and we were each creating our own reality.  

There were times, when she failed to listen to the signs, and go against what her inner instincts told her, she listened with her head not her heart. These times had led her to more stress, depression, and a nervous breakdown… As a series of events kept piling in. A Mother’s silence, her final straw.   The woman’s friends and family all had been there, but the woman’s deep ingrained feelings of the ‘unworthy child’ returned to drag her down.   

No amount of encouragement or people saying ‘come on snap out of it’ could pull her up, it was a journey she had to navigate herself. She was the one who had to alter her mind set, and choose to rise out of her dark pit. It took her six months, but she rose, and she came back stronger, she changed her path in her career and began to gather strength again.

Life is often woven from an endless ball of yarn, it takes patience to knit, to create each stitch.

We need structure and patterns to follow, and at times we drop a stitch and have to go back and rework it, and sometimes we make mistakes and have to back track to find where we went wrong.

Often it was frustrating, but if one needed to create something of beauty, one had to understand it all began with that one stitch, that one piece.

and that  desire to create something worth while to become all you are meant to be. 

The woman rose and fell many times, each lesson another notch noted, a mistake learnt from, a bad judgement, friendship betrayals. Ailments and illness, each pain she had endured emotional or physical had led her to discover who she was. The woman knew she wounded too easily. She was sensitive by far and her empathy she didn’t know at the time, was part of her saving grace.

 This was when other ‘signs’ came to her aid, to help her heal, as other books like Louise Hay, You can Heal your Life Book came into her awareness, and healing herself in the art of  Spring Forest Qi-Gong, way before Master Chunyi Lin became as famous as he is today. She had begun way back after buying his programme on a set of audio tapes.

The woman began to understand one had to sometimes reach rock bottom in order to find oneself.

And without those pitfalls, the tears, she would not have had the empathy to relate to others who were also at their lowest ebb.

And so began her reaching deeper still, as she put more of the puzzle together of who she was.

85 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 00:37:17

    Life is often woven from an endless ball of yarn, it takes patience to knit, to create each stitch. Love this. Sometimes for me, the imperfections are perfect just the way they are. Your journey is similar to mine it is uncanny. There are some differences however the common thread is there. Some of your life has been hard and trying but you have raised yourself up like the phoenix out of the ashes. It is wonderful that you had somewhat of a mentor. I was solo and stumbled upon things by myself. The paranormal I do have stories and some are mind-boggling and people would definitely look at me strangely. I am sure your post will send people on their journey when they are first starting. A great post once again Sue: Well done. Something to smile about. Be well. Have a great week. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:11:43

      I agree Joseph, often times our imperfections are what makes us who we are, and I know had I not made mistakes on my path, I would never have learnt from them.. All have purpose… I added those lines as I started another knitting project yesterday, and while knitting happily away chatting to hubby, thinking I was following the right pattern.. I ended up knitting two left fronts … LOL… So i had to undue it right back to under the arm and begin again.. My Husband said he would have thrown it out the window at that point, he has little patience, if things go wrong. I just said its no big deal.
      And really that was another lesson for me that smacked me in the face after the ‘Puzzle’ complaint… It is really not a Big deal its only how we react that makes it a big deal, So another lesson for me, so I thank the lady in question, for showing me how easily I get upset.

      I bet Joseph if you and I sat to discuss the paranormal experiences, with what we have witnessed others indeed would think it mind blowing.. Having seen ectoplasm, direct voice, and shaking hands with a gentleman who at that time had been in the spirit-world for 80 yrs. A weird and wonderful world I have been privileged in witnessing .
      Many thanks again dear friend… Love and Blessings your way.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:39:03

        Yes, mistakes are a learning tool while being shaped on the potter’s wheel. God knows I have made. Only to go back. If I did an undid those mistakes I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Sometimes I wonder. That is too funny about your knitting and you are right it is how we react to a situation that sends that vibration out.
        Yes, if we did sit down and compared notes on the paranormal I’m sure we would have similar stories. My Partner was a medium and I was a medium in the making so to speak. I never developed fully as it held no interest to me and I was happy with what I experience. I sometimes hear my partners voice but almost daily he visits. I have written a book about his life and the diary I kept with conversation with him. Some articles he wrote and poetry and many experiences that we both shared. I too experienced ectoplasm coming out of the palm of my hands when I was doing healing. I chose to do healing instead and develped my skills fully. Starting to write a book about healing and editing my book about a journey of a medium. The shaking hands I have not experienced. I have seen malevolent spirits. Yes it is a wonderful and priviledged events that we have witnessed. I don’t know where my site is going it seems it is in statis at the moment. I know it can’t go back to only poetry. We shall see. The knitting is not that bad you didn’t knit three arms. lol Have a pleansant day ❤ Say hi to your hubby for me and rest well. The spouses always get neglected on blogs lol

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:46:44

          Haha… there are a couple of my blogging friends that give a shout out for hubby mainly on my Garden blog, he really does deserve the praise there… And hubby was the biggest sceptic going. But he joined me, and many a circle, and witnessed first hand which changed his own perception on the paranormal .. And Lol.. Yes the arms I have yet to start… lol…. Thankfully the arms are the same for left and right on this pattern hehe… 🙂 💚

          Liked by 2 people


          • thespiritkeeper
            Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:58:20

            Ha ha ha Happy knitting. I was called a heritic because I went to circle. I ignored them. I am returning home out west of Canada and leaving the East. I am thankful for the experience while I was at my mother’s house and never to be repeated. I leave in two weeks and will try to sit in circle there. I can’t wait. Life in the east is too boring for me.. i will be living in the mountains on a hobby farm. I always wanted a hobby farm when I was younger and now that I am older we will see what the experience has waiting for me. I am getting excited. Nature at its best out west with over 10 beaches and many wooded area for hiking to name a couple to commune with Gaia. Thank you for being you. <#



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 24, 2018 @ 15:14:58

              Now that sounds to be a wonderful retreat Joseph. One I would envy, lol, if I were not aware I should be curbing ‘envy’ lol.. Sounds idyllic, and I hope you get to sit in circle again… 🙂 As for your blog direction you spoke of I meant to answer, Just go with the flow.. Who knows a journal of your hobby farm experiences may well take shape, if you have the time with a few photo’s of walks maybe with inner reflections!… I am sure your blog will find new direction and inspiration when you have rested… Gaia, never fails to inspire me with her spirit..
              Many thanks again Joseph, see you on the 26th.. 😀 💚

              Liked by 1 person

            • thespiritkeeper
              Oct 24, 2018 @ 15:20:10

              Yes that is an idea for my blog. And yes I am sure there is a circle I can sit in. There are a few Spiritualist centres on the island. To be with Gaia after 7 months of being without is going to be supernatural again. Look forward to the 26th. Just finished editing my piece for the 31st. Take care

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 24, 2018 @ 15:26:12

              Mine is in draft form, its too long, so I have to do some more editing, but which bit, well I am doing that this evening… The sun is out again and I need a walk.. lol.. I am sure the ideas will come when needed and I look forward to the 31st. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • thespiritkeeper
              Oct 24, 2018 @ 15:31:33

              Enjoy your walk!

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Infinite Living
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 00:38:00

    I feel so much respect and love for this woman 🙂 This journey she took is so amazing and arduous …and often lonesome. But then she just wouldn’t choose any other way! There is so much that she couldn’t control yet she knew how to use her intention and her choice to keep walking the path that was lit for her. And looking back it make so much sense. I am glad and grateful to get know this woman – for she affirms and supports me while I am on my way to integration and becoming whole.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:25:12

      Thank you dear Pragalbha, I am sure the woman knows and appreciates all the love you send her… And yes, we all of us have a choice, yet so many fail to listen to their inner guidance. They rely upon others to guide them.. The woman remembers a gentleman who would repeatedly ask for advice, and want to know what the future held.. The woman told him the future he was asking wasn’t hers to know, because his future depended upon HIS choices.. Nothing was cast in stone.. He said but I want you to tell me what to do.. The woman said if she told him, it would be her choice and not his, then if the choice he took didn’t turn out the way he wished it to, He would than blame the woman..
      Some people will never take personal responsibility for their choices, because they want to fall back in the blame game, and love to be a victim..
      When we work deeply on ourselves, we see ALL our choices, whether we thought them good or bad ones, were all meant, because it shaped us into who we are today..
      Many thanks my dear friend… Just keep trusting in your heart, your intuition leads us to listen to our higher selves, and when we do that, we are guided by the signs we come to recognise which are laid out for us to discover Love and Blessings ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Infinite Living
        Oct 24, 2018 @ 19:40:06

        Yes I agree about totally relying on others for guidance – it is way more comfortable than keeping the courage to follow the inner guidance. Often some people don’t have awareness of their own Self and their choices – only conditioned to follow which creates all the ensuing drama of life. I have always had the tendency to be dependent and wanting to be guided. But I never found contentment and peace through that so was continually diverted to surrender to the highest and deepest guidance. It didn’t come quick and easy but I was led perfectly.
        Deep gratitude for our interaction here.



  3. litebeing
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 01:01:28

    So many thoughts and feelings, ( and some of the same books)!
    I will revisit again. Thanks for sharing this sacred story here.

    much affection, Linda ❤



  4. Soul Gifts
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 01:02:26

    I find it fascinating reading, Sue. It’s almost like reading my own story!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:31:33

      Thank you Raili, I think many of us were born in similar times to travel through via our various stories, The pieces may alter in colour and shape, but at the end of the day, we are all of us re-connecting to the Vast Universal Plan.. It is only we who have lost that BIG Picture to work from who struggle to find where our pieces fit.. ❤ But when we get it, and see the Universal Plan unfolding, it makes more and more sense as we slot together side by side. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 01:10:51

    Thanks for sharing your journey openly Sue. I can relate to much of your exploring, and holding back due to others perceptions. I admire that you have deeply explored your talents, sensitivities, and patterns to find your way lovingly forward. I’m glad your puzzle pieces are coming together. I appreciate who you are. Hugs…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 14:37:54

      The woman thanks you Brad. Yes we who hold a sensitive nature find it harder than most in openly acknowledging our gifts. For gifts they are, and we all of us hold them, It is just most have been programmed against them, so even if they do arise as in many young children with their invisible friends…. Adults, soon squash the notion out of them because they have been taught it is evil and unnatural … When in fact it is as natural as speaking.. For we have long forgotten our days of communication when we were of a higher vibration and had no need to speak except for telepathically.
      Many thanks dear Brad, its been my pleasure to have you on this journey. ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  6. smilecalm
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 04:00:47

    powerful unraveling
    towards a fresh examination
    of a healing piecing
    of puzzle,
    just so 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  7. New Bloggy Cat
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 04:30:17

    The story gets better and better, dear Sue. I love the beautiful painting. And I should really check out those books you mentioned. I heard about the book ‘You can heal your life though I have not read it and the benefits of Qi-Gong (we call it the slow motion exercise. LOL! Much love and hugs, ₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡



  8. dreamweaver333
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 04:46:54

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. robbiesinspiration
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 05:29:35

    It is intriguing how we all follow our paths and make decisions at points, some of which have to be revisited when we discover they are wrong. It is a wonderful thing that you were able to get onto the right path for you, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 15:02:00

      Thank you Robbie, I think perhaps seeing from the perspective I am at now, there are no real right or wrong paths, just detours, and choices.. Depending upon our choice, which leads us to a certain path.. And not all people in life intend that their paths lead them on a path of struggle.. But we do not understand the bigger picture of why they chose their direction in the first place. Or why they are in that struggle.. or why some just sail through life with a silver spoon…
      But if we did not have contrast… We would not know the difference between light and dark.. And sometimes those who hold shadow, come to teach us about light.. and visa versa… No right or wrong way… Just the Way… As each of us discover from our own experiences.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • robbiesinspiration
        Oct 24, 2018 @ 18:53:57

        That is true to an extent, Sue, but we do also make deliberate choices in our lives. For example, we may chose a career in order to earn a lot of money and not follow our heart. We can end up wealthy but unhappy. That is what I was meaning. From a spiritual point of view, I agree there is no defined wrong or right path but we know when we are not in the right situation for us.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 24, 2018 @ 18:58:04

          Hi Robbie, yes, I agree and as I stated in part of my post, when I had not followed my heart and taken career paths I knew were not suited, that was when stress piled in and i knew I was on the wrong path and had made the wrong choices.. So apologies, yes I was speaking on the spiritual right and wrong choices.. We all have free will to choose and I think within our heart of hearts we know when a choice is right for us.. 😀

          Liked by 1 person


  10. derrickjknight
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 09:47:58

    Most profound

    Liked by 1 person


  11. pensitivity101
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 10:41:25

    A beautiful painting Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. inavukic
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 11:32:20

    Wow, a journey worth having, in it courage comes alive to be oneself! Love the series here, Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  13. bwcarey
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 11:46:14

    we are layers of lives lived, even the early followers of Jesus were mocked, as the saying goes, don’t bring the baggage with you, blessings



  14. Jane Sturgeon
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 16:58:00

    Love this series, Sue. Thank you 💗 I have discovered that when I go against my instincts I stumble and as you say, it takes time for the bruises to heal. Its all awareness, with no labelling. I hope this isn’t going ‘off piste’.. a fellow blogger commented that good things happen to good people. I reacted, strongly. So, bad things happen to bad people?? All this measuring and labelling is harmful to souls. All sorts of things flow into all sorts of people’s lives. It’s how we gain new awareness from them and then carry that forward. I have reached out to others as a medium and now flow in a new way, offering practical help. Keeping my insights quiet in the main. I love the picture of your knitting and chuckled at your ‘sides’…there is something soothing on taking it back and re-doing it. Gardening and knitting are akin.. loving patience works and not everything grows in order. Chuckling.. Many hugs for you and much love. Xxxx 😘 💗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 20:42:58

      Yes, I know lots of good people that bad things have happened to, and visa versa.. This world is made up of labels and boxes..
      Yes, I retired four years ago from the circuit of mediumship too Jane.. And use my intuitive skills like you staying in the flow..
      Yes, I knitted two fronts the same way, got carried away not realising I was follow the wrong side of the pattern.. All sorted now. The picture you see here is now completed along with buttons.. lol.. And after this series is finished here, my knitting is going to take priority again. The Garden is almost ship shape… Wishing you many happy knitting hours also Jane… May we continue to stitch with patience and Love..
      And smiling too… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. -Eugenia
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 17:05:11

    Powerful piece, Sue. and empowering, as well. Our challenges are great mentors.

    Liked by 1 person


  16. Visionkeeper
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 19:10:52

    Hey DW…
    Not getting your posts in my in box for some reason and I am not getting alerts when you post on my site. I just happened to find your comment a few minutes ago…I don’t know how long this has been going on, but if I’ve missed a lot of your posts I am so sorry….I figured you had not been online…I don’t know how to fix this either…I am disgusted with WP these days and all of their shadow banning they are mixed up in so I don’t even communicate with them anymore…Maybe it’s time to close up shop? Be well and take care….I’ll be in touch…Much love…VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 20:21:16

      Don’t worry VK… What I do if this happens, as others say it has also been a problem.. Is I unfollow and refollow again, but in the email section you can find it on the right hand side of my blog to follow by email… Don’t worry about it.. And please do not close up shop… You have so much to contribute .. Love and Hugs ❤



  17. Bela Johnson
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 20:37:50

    It is so very interesting, this life. Your awakening came in a similar form to mine, minus groups and classes. Every time I would look for a ‘teacher,’ I would end up discovering their underbellies which was not pretty. This was my particular path into the deep labyrinthe of the Shadow side of human nature. But weaving together what I had learned in a structured religion with the seemingly-outlandish Mayan prophecies and, at the time, information about starseeds made perfect sense – at least to me, having had what are termed visitations when very young. The All-Oneness of it. The abuses of men in power who interpreted holy writ according to their own goals of subverting any sort of feminine wisdom. The dark night of the soul as a result of our attempts to quash that very wisdom self, all those years.

    The desire to control others has long been a key feature of the Patriarchy. And we are seeing much of the tail end of that particular dragon. We live in rattling times where no stone will lie unturned. I feel humbled and privileged to share space on this planet with others such as yourself, Sue. You are a light in the midst of great darkness. Take good care, as I know you will do. Love to you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 21:08:40

      Indeed Bela, we are seeing the tail end of that dragon, and it will come around to expose that which they are. As well as illuminate many who will be shocked at what will unfold.

      We are seeing the secrets now coming to light.. And as we grow our lights, new fears will be thought up to keep us fearful..
      Its ongoing, but the end-game is in sight, it is we who have to realise we must not crumble.. For like here in the UK, division is a playing card.. Pick a side! And it causes chaos.. As opposing energies do their work.

      Other things are working behind the scenes right now Bela, some things I see in my dreams .. The dark night of the soul is about to crack open.

      And the resulting chaos will not be pretty. We have both sensed this. I am not surprised of your visitation.
      There are three waves of star seeds I feel, Those of us like you and I of a certain age, and those twenty years younger and then twenty years younger still..

      I live in hope that our own powers of intention of a new earth will tip the balance of the one hundredth monkey.
      Gaia is reflecting the anger, and she is moving deep beneath our feet to shake us to unite…
      Sometimes I wish we were not so aware and awake Bela… There is a lot to be said for ignorance is bliss..
      But we came for this very time span… And we are now at a very crucial point in our souls future…

      Many thanks dear Bela, for your lovely compliments my friend… Returning love ten fold.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  18. Renee Espriu
    Oct 24, 2018 @ 21:28:33

    You and I are very much alike in many ways, my friend. I, too, began out as you did but with the passage of years and time I have taken pieces from many belief systems and woven them into my life as my own. I have always said that my belief system is an eclectic one and I believe it goes well with my diversity and so my very being. So my life continues. Be well. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2018 @ 21:36:01

      Hi dear Renee, yes I came through orthadox teachings, and then branched out into my own way of thinking and it certainly didn’t contain any vengeful god, and I use the little g deliberately. The GOD source is in an around everything, .. I am pleased Renee, that you hold onto that diverity my friend.. The Creator is not confined to the few or to man’s rules or a building… 🙂 Many thanks for reading Renee…. Love right back. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. dgkaye
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 00:47:58

    Sue you have unraveled the pieces of life through this journey. Thank you for teaching us the way. I’ve made note of the books you listed and consider Louise Hayes’ book somewhat of a bible that wouldn’t be without.
    Namaste and peace to you in this journey of knowledge. ❤ xoxo



  20. balroop2013
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 04:23:55

    Sue, I have one question – is spiritual journey different from self-awakening or is it the beginning? What about the puzzle pieces that we tend to bury deep down and feel alienated from them…I doubt they would ever fall in place because if we are not ready to excavate them, how can we expect to put them where they belong?
    Many times I have strayed away from this path of spirituality…doubting my interest, coming back into the maze of worldy affairs, dismissing my efforts as futile. Then a beacon of hope inspires me and I start afresh!
    Your series is inspiring! Thank you dear friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 25, 2018 @ 22:06:42

      Dearest Balroop.
      No two awakenings are the same. And you do not have to have followed or be on a Spiritual Path to wake up to your true self either.
      My own personal journey has taken many twists and turns, and I am not perfect by any means.
      But waking up to myself, has also meant I have woken up to see many truths in this world which have been distorted over time.
      And I have come to understand how our ego’s, our makeup, our identities if you will have been told a story that we have come to believe.
      We know no better, for we have in affect our memories wiped clean on birth, or at least most of us do. So we continually repeat ingrained behaviours that may well be programmed within us.

      The pieces we bury deep are often the pieces which have wounded us the most. And our subconscious for our own well-being often holds such puzzle pieces from re-surfacing, because it thinks we cannot cope.
      I speak of this and how one piece, ( my Mother Piece ) even this year had to be dealt with on a deeper level.

      The spiritual path I took helped me uncover more truths, which opened up my perspective to see how we are caught up in this perpetual wheel. The wheel that is often unseen, but will drive us through many cycles to become the victim, or the perpetrator.

      When we study the laws of the Universe more in depth.. A good book I recommend for this is

      The Light shall set you Free

      By Dr Norma J Milanovich and Dr Shirley D McCure. I have linked a preview copy.
      In it are the Universal Laws, and Part three is Journeying into the Fifth Dimension.
      This journey is testing, and we rise and we fall many times as we doubt.
      Also my belief system has changed considerably from my teen years. And at times when you see the world unfolding you wonder if there is any hope for the future..
      I cannot condense in a few words all that Knowing, that enables us to wake up. Its process, of uncovering, peeling away, nurturing, and loving one’s self.

      But it is also about seeing beyond what we are led to believe here within this reality.
      It takes patience, it will bring frustration and tears.. Because you at times feel helpless when you understand what has to happen.
      But at the end of the day all were granted free will, And we have all of us made the choices, be it consciously or not to experience that which we have experienced, and that is hard to grasp.. When we look at the horrors around the world..

      I don’t profess to know half!, not even a tenth, of it all.. But when you truly do begin to wake up to the world and we wake up to ourselves,
      We see ALL of this… This material.. Is but the Illusion of our making.
      The real knowledge comes from going within, listening to the silence, observing, and trying even though its so so hard, not to judge.. That has been my hardest lesson to overcome.. And I am still a work in progress..
      And as I said in my final piece to come out after midnight tonight,
      I will never find that final piece, because we are all of us evolving, growing, learning, expanding. As we return back to source…

      I hope that has shed a little light, and I am so pleased you took the time to read and question.. If we do not question, we will never find our answers..

      Love and stay Blessed dear Balroop.. <3🙏💜

      Liked by 1 person


      • balroop2013
        Oct 26, 2018 @ 04:17:10

        Many thanks dear Sue for taking the time to answer my query. I am blessed to be connected with you dear friend and feel loved, as I was reading your profound reflections, a thought passed my mind how meaningful discussions contribute so much of positivity! Your glow is reaching me dear Sue and thank you so much for sharing the book that could help. Love and hugs.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 26, 2018 @ 13:12:13

          I love meaningful discussions Balroop.. We have a mutual friend in Nihar, our comments too always end up feeling profound as do ours.. Thank you again, And that book is an eye opener in many respects as we often do not see perspectives of Universal Laws only man made ones.. 😀 the difference being, there is no escaping the Universal ones.. 🙂
          Much love.. Sue ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  21. stephensmustang1
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 04:56:28

    I love that you took us on a journey here.
    Many truths..many thoughts to think on.
    Love and hugs.



  22. insearchofitall
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 16:11:57

    It always takes me awhile to read your posts and comments but finally done. Now I have more questions. But that’s for another time. Your painting is beautiful. So gentle in spirit. Your story feels similar to mine but you are far advanced.

    “And she witnessed things no one would believe even if she told them as this dimension and the world beyond bonded together.” This makes me want to know more. I also had nervous breakdowns because we are not wired like others. I love your story and started looking up the early books you mentioned. I have the latter. 3 copies of Louise Hay.

    Insearchofitall was intended to be more about the spiritual search for my path to healing but somehow, I’m not as brave as you nor as talented in my writing. Lost so much when I became ill and words were one of the things that went. Still recovering them. Now, as I’m preparing for my transition from the body and am not afraid. Asking bigger questions while there is time. Keep writing no matter what. We need you here and you are doing a good service. Sending love and light right back to you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 25, 2018 @ 22:37:20

      Dear Marlene,
      Firstly, I don’t feel I am in anyway advanced.. Let’s just say I am wiser for ‘Knowing’ but knowing something doesn’t always make you wise.. Haha that should be a quote.. It may be and its retained somewhere in my grey matter lol..

      Yes nervous breakdowns are not nice, The trouble is we are sensitive Beings, and absorb and hold within not only our own emotions, but when we are empathic we take on board other’s feelings as well..
      It took me many years to understand I was not always feeling my own emotions.. This is why we both have to retreat within our own creativeness. For there we are at peace, and our focus is on our creations not the world..

      I left school with no qualifications aged 15 Marlene and went straight to work in textile factory.. My English teacher would be proud of me I think..
      But I just write what flows, like my poems, trusting in the words that come.

      You write beautifully, and I love the stories you spoke of with your young sisters escapades. Now her little antics were a wonder it didn’t drive you Mum to have a break down LOL 🙂

      I know you have spoked briefly before about your illness Marlene, there is no need for any of us to fear that crossing point. It is what we do now that matters, and since uncovering more pieces of the world puzzle, not my own, I am ready when that time comes.

      Many thanks dear, dear Marlene, for your support and encouragement. I my words just perhaps make a little difference to some. If only to get them to view themselves in a different light and the world from another perspective.

      Love and Blessings and thank you. 🙏 💗💖

      Liked by 1 person


  23. Barbara Franken
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 20:09:09

    A delightful tale dear sue… that keeps us reading as to what happens… yet, looking back as we see the unraveling of our experience… we are just grateful for it all, for being here to tell the tale and look forward to new adventures which at this point remain unknown😘 much love to you x Barbara x



  24. InfiniteZip
    Oct 25, 2018 @ 20:52:57

    I felt as if I was riding along on your journey as I read these words, can’t wait to see more, a great story of awaking to self. Peace, love and blessings…..and of course, always more feathers found💜💕💚



  25. Resa
    Oct 26, 2018 @ 20:32:15

    Yes, I’m reading the articles backwards. Sometimes I think that’s okay. You see, you have first presented a complete picture, a completed puzzle. So now, I can take the few missing pieces, and make the picture whole again. I have learned something, albeit backwards.
    When I was about 4, (my memories go quite far back),my parents had a jigsaw puzzle about the Alamo. I would watch, but never found a piece to put in, anywhere.
    When the puzzle was completed, I would take small sections apart. Then I would put them back together.
    Thank you for reminding me, Sue! Best weekend, to you! ❦❦❦

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2018 @ 23:16:32

      You know Resa, I often work my way backwarads on many a blog, because I often arrive late, .. Loved that this jogged that four year old memory Resa.. Many thanks for sharing… Love and HUGS..



  26. Val Boyko
    Oct 29, 2018 @ 21:02:19

    I feel the strength and love in your voice Sue. Thank you for this amazing reflection. 💕Expressing ourselves fully and allowing the unfolding without fear is such a life altering step. The puzzle becomes a journey into the unknown. The whole picture may not be fully revealed, but we are able to see so much more. We can never be the same again, as we touch dimensions and have insights into what is beyond belief.
    And we go on with the knowing in the heart of our being. We are here for a reason, particularly at this time. Namaste 🙏



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2018 @ 18:00:38

      I agree Val, we are here especially because we chose this time to be here, and we are finding more like minded BEings who are discovering and waking up to themselves. Wonderful to be on this path along side you dear Val… ❤ You lift me many times with your inspiration.. ❤



  27. europasicewolf
    Nov 02, 2018 @ 12:22:39

    It was a great day when I discovered my inner wolf! Helped me to understand who I really was too…piecing together the puzzle…rising above what I’d been conditioned to think I was and starting to see who I really was! You definitely don’t have to be what others label you as…It’s just a perception of their minds and not the reality of yours 😊xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2018 @ 13:28:38

      Yes, it takes a lot of rising above Wolfie, And I agree with you about labels, we are all too fond of labelling it is one of the biggest faults we have, and once a label is given its put into its little boxes to be judged accordingly.. Loved your comment… and gets a big Howwwwllll from me.. ❤ Hugs



  28. Inese Poga artist, writer and life sciences specialist
    Nov 08, 2018 @ 03:25:01

    It is inspiring what you write about. It is so that I completely agree that the universe is fair and treats us well. We just have to accept our new role in it and stop being somebody’s slave or slaving somebody. Our true role is creation of our life in a way magician does and we can become what we intend to and we can have what we want to.
    The only thing is that too many people blame something or somebody, label and divide people into friends and enemies, but, in fact, we are all from the same origin and if we do not tolerate somebody or cannot accept somebody that means we have not grown out of our old selves yet.
    It is a completely new way of self-awareness: accepting the truth and fairness of the universe and accepting people as they are without trying to impose our truth on them. Without trying to convince anybody about who is right or who is wrong.
    It is very different from everything we’ve known so far, and it really works in real life. I just gave a few examples of how to help oneself on the lifeschool blog, and most people never knew these simple solutions. That includes me.
    Nice to get back to your blog! I was absent for a long time!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 09, 2018 @ 21:37:53

      I agree Inese, too many people point and blame while never altering their own perceptions as they view life. I enjoyed your life school post Inese… Thank you for contributing and so good to connect with you again.. 🙂



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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