Can a Leopard Change its spots? Can we change our ways?

Leopard half finished

How many of us put ourselves down, and tell ourselves we are not good enough, as we measure ourselves against others achievements.  Especially if we have been brought up lacking in self-worth.

I know many times I have measured myself, against others whom I feel are gifted and blessed with their specific talents.

But at the same time, I  grew up also with the words of my father ringing in my ears, as he would tell me when I said I couldn’t do something, that there was no such word as can’t. And he was right, for if we do not try, we will never know what we can accomplish.

I grew achieving many things I never thought I would. And as I walked my walk, I also understood something else. That no one is better or beneath  us, for we are all of us Human Beings, who are here to learn and grow via our merits or our mistakes.  Some of my greatest achievements, have been through the errors I have made, because they have taught me so much more about the skills of life. 

I have learnt to knit, sew, dress make, grow vegetables, I have, papered, painted and decorated our home. I have laid lino- linoleum in our bathroom and learnt to crochet.  I learnt how to use a computer, often through trial and error.    And I learnt as I grew as an adult that we are all of us equal.   For we each of us have our own unique gifts.

Drawing was my first love, and yet I still measure my capabilities against others whom in my eyes are far more gifted than I. As I never had any kind of art training. I just paint what  I feel. 

 Many of us Self sabotage ourselves at the first hurdle. As we give up, feeling we are not good enough.  We either lack confidence, or are simply insecure and afraid of striding out in a new direction.  We  are all special and need to accept the gifts we have, be it a listening ear, or a musical voice, or a bright smile and a bubbly personality. Each of us are special and unique.  

 Leopard came to remind me and teach me. She came to show me confidence and perseverance, as I had always put off drawing a Leopard because of its spots.. Fearing I would not do it justice, and fearing it would be a failure. And was why when I  started to paint it, I put off painting the spots on its head straight away. This was the Image I was working from, as I looked through one of my wildlife photography books from my book shelf. As you can see it’s not that clear, and the spots are hard to define. As this Sunset photo from Untamed  by Steve Bloom shows . 

Image from the book UNTAMED,By Steve Bloom~ Wild Life Photographer.

Leopard came to remind me that I need to trust in the skills I have, and to accept my spots, my imperfections. She came to show me through your own appreciation of my art, that I need to appreciate my own talents more, and to stop putting myself down.  And she comes to remind me, and perhaps you also, as you find yourself reading this, that it is never to late to apply yourself as you follow your dreams.

Leopard also came to remind me that I have also been putting off another project that I set the intention this year to start. And that was to put some of my poetry together in the hopes of publishing it. I made that start, then I guess I self-sabotaged it, and deleted much of what I had written to accompany my poetry.

Nearly finished. I had more detail on the branch to do. As I concentrated on adding details to the branch. The pathway of Life.

I guess its time I stepped out along that branch of life, and put my faith in the steps I need now to follow to bring that particular gift into the Light.

Thank you All, for being part of my journey as I rediscover and apply myself in unfamiliar territory.

 And as the Buzzard whom I saw the other week, In the post ‘Look up and Soar’ spoke to me, saying ““( …… It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas?……)

Leopard came to make me sure I heard and tell me to lay down my fears. And yes I am ready. 

I hope as you walk through your life, you can also lay down your fears and boldly put one foot in front of the other, as you focus your Intent on your Dreams!

Are YOU Ready? 

The Finished Leopard
More details were added to the branch, adding moss, and new life out of dead wood.

Love and Blessings


186 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. aFrankAngle
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 14:19:14

    A beautiful painting. The background brings it to life … and yes, a good one for the theme in your words. Nobody can do everything … nobody … but each of us have gifts that can grow!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. New Bloggy Cat
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 14:34:18

    The finished leopard is purrfect, Sue.You did not miss a spot! I will talk more about self -worth in my next mail. And it’s coming soon. Much love and hugs (°◡°♡).:。

    Liked by 1 person


  3. insearchofitall
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 14:48:42

    Oh Sue! It looks so REAL! You have done an amazing job. This is a very applicable post for me. I too have been putting off a couple of projects out of fear of doing them incorrectly. Everyday I think I will give it a try and then decide I would rather vacuum the ceiling than tackle them. So sad to be filled with fear. Thanks for sharing this. I figured out what I can do to get help with it as I read this. 🙂 Giant hugs my friend.

    Liked by 3 people


  4. IreneDesign2011
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 15:09:54

    You are very well gifted, dear Sue. Your paint is so beautiful and describe so well the road, as we need to pass in life. You do also write so good and catching 🙂
    Parts of my family have been or still are artistic painters or creative in other ways and very well gifted. This have kept me away from trying to paint for years and for other creative ways of expression, I feel like a beginner, if I should compare.
    Today I choose not to compare and instead try out, what I feel for, when I feel for it. I think, this will be more by time and abundance.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Paul Handover
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 16:01:41

    Oh Sue, dear Sue, your astounding painting is such a beautiful, visual metaphor of life itself. More accurately put as your journey expressed in your words in painting your Leapard.

    A close friend back in England recently recommended watching some of the talks, now on YouTube, given by Professor Clayton Christensen. Indeed I will be featuring one of them on Learning from Dogs next week.

    Plus will also include a quote from Susan David about how the beauty of life cannot be separated from it’s fragility!

    OK! That’s more than enough from me! Time to get out of bed and have a shower!

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Sushmita
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 16:06:11

    This is beautiful… Your works are amazing.. It seems you I have become a fan of yours now.. ❤❤

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Visionkeeper
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 16:27:54

    Oh My!!! It turned out to be amazing DW!!!! So well done and I love the Leopards face….I am very impressed and your words speak great truth, as always. We all are at a point in life where we need to learn how to stretch further than we have been. We have been taught to feel limited, now it is up to us to relearn the truth, that we are endless in our possibilities and capabilities….Thanks for the reminder and for sharing the glorious finished product….A+ for you. Have a fun weekend with hubby. Sending over my love…..VK ❤



  8. AmyRose🌹
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 16:36:39

    Sue! What I’d magnificent painting you created! My jaw dropped when I saw it! You are a phenomenal artist and don’t let yourself tell you anything other than that! To get to a place in one’s life where we can accept ourselves exactly for who we are in that moment, takes much time and much practice with self-love. So many times, too many, I have questioned… Is this all that my life is about? I don’t have any huge acknowledgments regarding what I do with my life, yet my Heart knows this is exactly where I belong. I too am rising above in unknown territory so I fly right along with you as we both discover, with great anticipation and joy, those aspects of ourselves that had been hidden from View but now are coming into Focus. How exciting! I like you was told many negative things growing up but I have refused time and time again for those things not to defeat me. There was a period of my life when I was a volunteer assistant teacher, and one of the things that I constantly told those children. I would not take any excuse as to why they could not do such and such. I apply the same philosophy to my own life. And in so doing, I have proved to myself over and over and over again how great I am. Wonderful wonderful post, dear friend! I so enjoyed this and oh did I ever relate! Big hugs and much LOVE to you! 💕💖💕



    • AmyRose🌹
      Feb 09, 2018 @ 16:37:09

      … a magnificent…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2018 @ 11:27:29

      Thank you So so much Amy.. And I oh so know the trials and tribulations you have had to overcome, and I am so heartened in our similar experiences that we both have grown in the process. Not only in strength in dealing with Life.. But in nurturing and learning we are worthy beings, as we learnt how to love ourselves from within. Your comment warmed my heart, for now we now we both stand proud.. And I am delighted beyond words that you enjoyed this post so much.. Thank you Amy.. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Lynz Real Cooking
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 16:52:56

    Your art and words go together so well and tell us a story of strength, hope and being ourselves! Wise words from your father. Gorgeous leopard Sue xo



  10. robbiesinspiration
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 16:57:45

    Leopard is really spectacular, Sue. You have added your own flair to the picture too.



  11. nonsmokingladybug
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 17:03:17

    Beautiful painting.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. creekrose
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 17:12:12

    New life from dead wood ❤ Love this post and painting Sue, thank you for sharing your gifts . . . your bravery and trust are inspiring; and the leopard:can feel the intent in those paws!



  13. Renee Espriu
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 17:49:09

    A beautiful piece of art Sue. So much detail and really like the story to go with. xoxo



  14. thespiritkeeper
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 18:25:03

    Where we lack others achieve and where we achieve others lack. I call this divine economy. Sometimes I look at other’s which I think are far superior in writing but now I look at them and just say they write differently than I. My writing will appeal to some and not others and vice versa. Beautiful insightful missive you wrote and so true. When I also look at others I have learned that is a tool for me to learn. Be well



  15. Denzil TheBookOwl
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 19:08:20

    Absolutely fantastic Sue. I congratulate you.



  16. Bela Johnson
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 19:08:34

    Lovely, Sue. I love the light and color you’ve granted the Leopard, and that you’ve grasped her significance in your life.

    I, too grew up hearing (and thus knowing) I could do anything I put my mind and hand and some elbow grease to. I fear for this young generation of unwashed entitled’s I see roaming these United States with daddy’s credit card and their iPhones. I know the world they are inheriting is a frightening place – it has always been thus when we leave home – though now we stand on the virtual brink of the Sixth Extinction (which includes humans). So I continue gardening, painting and staining parts to our lovely finished walkway arbor, finding and integrating beautiful objets into our home and likewise clothing for our bodies. I’m a real thrift store junkie, and delight in repurposing things people, to my amazement, simply throw out or donate. In the art realm, my most recent acquisition was an original oil painting (Kitchen Harmonies) by Gloria Foss, a famous artist who owned and ran an art school in Honolulu, published how-to art books, and is now deceased. Nobody knew about her around these parts, I guess, and this painting I admired, once priced at $50, could months later be had for $10, when I snapped it up and began my research:
    Fun. Sending you big hugs and love for a restful weekend! ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2018 @ 15:31:05

      I hear you Bela, unfortunately many of our younger generation today want everything yesterday. And many buy now and pay later and often spent much of their lives paying Literally later. And sadly due to our lack of awareness can not see how life styles now as consumerism is rife the knock on effects that has both to the environment and the habitats of species, including putting own own at grave risk with polluted skies and oceans..
      Even sadder is that adults who have the power to alter things turn a blind eye for profit.

      Thank you for that wonderful link to the wonderful find you have made from late artist Gloria Foss, a name I had not heard of, but after looking at her magnificent works of art, I can see why you were over the moon at acquiring a painting of hers..
      And I enjoyed viewing her paintings so thank you Bela..
      Hope you have a wonderful weekend..
      Much love as you embrace the peace of the weekend. ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person


  17. roughwighting
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 19:12:53

    Oh my gosh how you inspire me! As I was reading your words, I was berating myself for never learning to draw or paint. The opposite of what you are teaching us here! Your painting is sublime. The way you show the light – that’s what we hope to do with our writing, our art, our thoughts. And showing ourselves the light within us, that’s the best way to start. xo



  18. House of Heart
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 19:21:48

    I read this earlier but wanted to come back unhurried and read again. You are a beautiful motivator Sue , your words inspire us to carry on when we are discouraged. That is a gift, a calling! I think you for sharing that. ♥️



  19. Mark Lanesbury
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 20:28:24

    lol…unbelievable Sue. I kept seeing a shadow over the leopard and didn’t understand what it meant. Now I realise it was your shadow. It was you coming out into the light…your light ❤ 😀
    Huge smiles from over here, and beautifully done kind lady. Take a bow ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2018 @ 15:38:18

      Thank you Mark, means a lot you said that my friend.. 🙂 Thank you so very much 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Feb 10, 2018 @ 22:56:25

        My apologies Sue, I should have explained that a little better, my previous comment may have felt a little blunt.
        It felt like you were giving time to yourself, coming from your heart space after many trials. And for your painting, in other words your love, was finally being expressed from you, and not the ten minutes here or there from this other world. And standing in your truth as well by the painting itself, the beauty and proud nature of it, just by being itself. It glows from its creation ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 11, 2018 @ 12:52:45

          Mark, my dear friend, no apologies needed what so ever.. I knew exactly what you meant by shadow.. 🙂 and was impressed you ‘Saw’ this.. So thank you again my friend for your lovely explanation.. I truly appreciate it and You my friend… 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  20. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 20:51:51

    Lucky me that I haven’t ‘retreated’ back to the forest, as I can now take the memory of this amazing leopard with me! Fantastic job, Amiga!



  21. Val Boyko
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 21:09:54

    Keep going out on a limb and being true to your spots Sue. Wonderful radiant artwork and inspiration 💕



  22. Erika Kind
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 21:19:20

    Awesome, both your painting and your words. Again, you confirmed me too how much I am on track. My week confirmed me and solidified the ground beneath my feet and your post is a fantastic confirmation that the direction is what I I am meant to go for!!! Thank you, Sue 💖



  23. inavukic
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 22:32:45

    What a beauty of the Leopard painting, Sue! Indeed, one can get lost in comparisons and, hence, the best in us often doesn’t get to see the light. We forget the world is enormous and in it, many like us. The idea of “shameless (open) self-promotion” when put in action does receive its due rewards in earnest. 🙂



  24. Infinite Living
    Feb 09, 2018 @ 22:42:29

    Your powerful words and the absolutely gorgeous painting sets my intentions on fire as if 🙂 You give an important reminder to keep finding our own way through with courage, conviction and confidence.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2018 @ 15:53:44

      We are all of us finding our own way dear Pragalbha, Sometimes it has to take us to rock bottom before we see there is no way left to go, but to climb higher, as we pull ourselves up.. The Leopard is high on its branch, having climbed. The Tree may be dying, but she strides purposely forward, trusting in each step.. I know from reading some of your poetry you understand the shadows and heartaches.. But through courage in stepping forward, we gain that confidence to keep on.. Like the Leopard, Trusting in our next meal our next venture..
      Many thanks my friend.. sending LOVE and Blessings.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. lindamartha
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 08:51:31

    That is just marvelous. Bravo on the success of the spots but beautiful colorwork and form too. your words inspire as well, as we all seem to run into selfvtalk. Negative self talk seems to need to be proven wrong. For me, a successfully executed work does that. I hope you do pursue your quest to publish Sue! Maybe the time was wrong before. Keep leopard close.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2018 @ 15:59:09

      Thank you so very much Linda.. that means a lot.. And thank you for taking time to comment.. I really appreciate your words, And yes, we all of us self talk. And I hope you are also proving that Negative self talk wrong my friend as you continue your own journey aided by your creative arts.. And yes I will be sure to keep Leopard close, Very Close.. 🙂 ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • lindamartha
        Feb 20, 2018 @ 18:38:32

        I personally was snatched up by panther and dragged to the underworld where, as it turned out, I was forced to feel and then to heal my anger. . So my journey showed me how i



        • lindamartha
          Feb 20, 2018 @ 18:44:03

          Sorry Sue, internet troubles. My journey validated my thinking, that I was absorbing anger from others so was drawing their awful energy, like I was meant to disperse it. I decided that to reclaim my power, I’d wipe the slate clean and guard myself more. Panther guided and protected and showed me anger was healing if used correctly. More to it than that obviously but i’m actually happy feeling it without turning it inwards. check this link out. Leopard and panther are sisters on some levels…they interchange in my meditations.



          • Sue Dreamwalker
            Feb 22, 2018 @ 13:18:17

            Wonderful that Panther came to show you and to divert your anger from going inwards Linda. And its fascinating reading isn’t it about our spirit animals.. Keep channelling that anger correctly.. to project it against your illness as you cleanse from inside out.. 🙂 And wonderful to know you felt you had reclaimed your power.. Keep panther focused.. 🙂 and Pounce on it and obliterate it out of our system. 💖💚 Wonderful to see you and know alls well.. xx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 22, 2018 @ 13:13:25

          🙂 Panther teachings.. 😀



  26. Mabel Kwong
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 09:03:18

    A post with such an important message. So true no one is better of beneath us. We all can learn from each other and the world would be a better place if we all recognised that. Unlike you, I grew up in a household where if I did something someone didn’t like, it was ‘wrong’ and if I couldn’t do something, I was shown how to do it – and it made me feel like I couldn’t do what I want to do. I have since learnt to retrain my brain, though there are still moments of self-doubt.

    Lovely works of art, Sue. The images remind me of The Lion King, and have some semblance from that Disney era 🙂 Sending you well wishes in February ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2018 @ 16:02:31

      I am delighted that you learnt to retrain your mind Mabel, So often as children we are ingrained with others ideas and attitudes. So I am so happy to learn you have since learnt Self Worth, Never Doubt your abilities Mabel, You write beautifully and bring so much via your blog. I loved the film The Lion King, so you do me a great honour in it reminding you of it.. Thank you. Many life lessons taught within that film..
      Sending much love and warm well wishes.. ❤ xx ❤



  27. derrickjknight
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 10:02:51

    You have captured the light, elegant, movement so well

    Liked by 1 person


  28. David
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 12:10:48

    Dearest Sue, many of us have had the same feelings as you and even without social media for me it was a face to face telling by both family and peers that I was not good enough. This led me to the natural self judgement of unworthiness, until in seclusion I was able to try all aspects of my art to find what suited be best. It is not difficult to see the natural affinity which you have with the nature kingdoms and your natural talent just shines through your amazing work. I say again that your art and your words are inspiration to us all and I really feel that your story and your art should be on the curriculum for all schools. Much love, David xx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2018 @ 10:46:40

      Thank you for sharing that David, I think we all of us at one time or another in our lives go through this process of self analysis. So pleased we have found the best bits of ourselves.. and nurture them.. And I so thank you for that wonderful compliment.. Many thanks David.. Hugs Sue ❤



  29. cat
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 12:48:13

    Have been wandering this planet for 62 years now, friend Sue … and am intending to wander it for many more years … smiles … Right now it’s more about hibernating and seeking shelter, but come mid May, I can put in my garden … smiles … You and your message are always in my heart, friend … Love, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2018 @ 10:50:07

      Yes Hibernating I can understand Cat. And I am only just crawling out my self.. 🙂 And yes like you I intend to wander a fare few more years too.. Leaning, growing as we go.. Never too old to learn .. 😉 Thank you Cat.. Im always delighted to see you.. ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person


  30. -Eugenia
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 15:30:47

    Oh, my! Sue, the painting is stunning. You have definitely soared above expectations. xo

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Baydreamer
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 15:36:38

    Thanks for this timely, inspirational post, Sue. It resonated deeply with me. But first let me say that your leopard is simply stunning. Its shape is perfectly authentic. I’m no painter, so my words aren’t professional, but you did such a great job. You have every right to be proud.
    I’ll be vulnerable in saying that what you wrote about your drawing passion is how I feel about my writing. And every so often, I dip in and out of an “is it good enough” mode. I, too, am currently working on a poetry manuscript to submit to some small publishers. I’ve self-published two books and still have that (what feels like an unreachable) dream of getting published.
    I remember my parents saying the same thing about the “can’t” word, good memories. We’ll never know if we don’t try, and even if we fail, at least we took that step. Wishing you a great weekend, and good luck on your poetry book, too! Love and hugs xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2018 @ 12:37:52

      Oh that is wonderful to know Lauren, and I wish you a huge success with it.. Your poetry is special. And yes if we never try we will never know.. Wishing you every success in your future publications.. I have not even self published.. So, well, we will see how it all pans out.. One step at a time.. I have to write it, and put it together first.. 😀
      Have a wonderful weekend and Valentines Day.. 🙂 Hugs and much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  32. prenin
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 17:37:30

    Sue as soon as I saw what you were attempting to achieve I KNEW you would attain your goal. 🙂

    To do anything well, we have to be patient and know what we are doing is worthwhile. 🙂

    You have achieved your goal in spades my friend, so be proud!!! 🙂 ❤

    Love and huge squishy hugs my friend!!! 🙂 ❤




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2018 @ 12:40:03

      Thank you dear Prenin… your words mean a lot to me.. Hope your Sunday is a peaceful one and no one has been knocking upon your door for loans today.. Stand your ground my friend.. Love and HUGS..



  33. nhpureandsimple
    Feb 10, 2018 @ 21:55:50

    Your painting is beautiful! And your post is great. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person


  34. cookandenjoyrecipes
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 01:45:35

    Dear Sue, I have nominated you for The Entertainer Blogger Award. Please check it out when you have a moment. Thanks in advance

    Liked by 1 person


  35. dgkaye
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 03:17:58

    You are so gifted Sue in so many realms and crafts. Your writing and your art evoke much more talent than I’m sure you give yourself credit for. I’m glad the leopard has taught you to have a bit more faith in yourself. And you did a phenomenal job with the painting. Now get back on that leopard/horse and continue to work on your poetry book! ❤ Sunday hugs my friend! xoxo



  36. pendantry
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 09:34:58

    I hope one day to see
    Your book of poetry



  37. Miriam
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 10:59:03

    Oh I’m ready! I’m so ready and so are you by the look of it Sue. That painting is beautiful. We’re our harshest critics aren’t we but you’re so right, we’re all equals and we all have our own unique gifts. “Comparison is the thief of joy” that’s a quote in my next post not yet published. Once again I find we’re on the same wavelength. 💖
    This was a beautiful post Sue and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Here’s to not just chasing but living our dreams boldly this year. Big hugs xo 🙂🌈💫

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Dr. Andrea Dinardo
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 14:11:08

    Brilliant post! So much courage & creativity in you!! 💥



  39. Nihar Pradhan
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 14:13:41

    Dear Sue, initially when I read the heading I was not aware of the painting that was in progress and the thought that is beyond the obvious inferences we make and you have so wonderfully juxtaposed it with the written words. Can a leopard change its spot, and can we as human being go beyond our perceived abilities and can we redefine our self imposed boundaries, and that has nothing to do with age and what stage of life we are and we have done so far and what other thinks of us, it is all within and very much the mind game, it just that we are bit apprehensive in playing that game and have our excuse from going into the ground, and all those who have done it also never that belief until they let them loose on the ground, rest is taken care by the surrounding and ecosystem when we have the strong belief backing us, it is the contest of confidence and we need to garner that gumption to get going in our life.

    While we get trapped in those prisms of age, qualifications and formal training, creativity has no such boundaries and it needs no barriers but we build artificial barriers around us few times knowingly and many times just unknowingly…the realization is important in unleashing the potent power surreptitiously lying dormant with us.

    The painting you do has mark of brilliance and it is because it has come out of passion and there is honesty and sheer joy packed within the colors and canvas is happily smiling, and we all can feel the magic in the myriad colors so deftly taken their rightful places. This painting of yours is a true reflection of what can be done and why you are a constant source of inspiration to thousands of people, experiencing the creative genius of your lovely work.

    Thanks so much Dear Sue.
    Take Care!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2018 @ 13:38:19

      Exactly right dear Nihar… We often get trapped within our own boundaries limiting ourselves to certain skills.. And not daring to ‘Branch’ out putting our best foot forward as depicted with the Leopard to stride out into unfamiliar territory. Be that in our skills and talents as artists, be it writing, painting or what ever.. Or be it in our political arena. Where we hold onto Fear based thoughts.. So we keep to the same perimeters repeating the same mistakes over and over.. Not daring to step beyond and try something new, for fear of it failing.
      How many times do we see this happen within the structures of our governing bodies..
      I see it here in our British Parliament in its very structure that dates back to its beginnings.. Nothing much has changed. Except the divide gets ever wider..
      When we dare stand up, stride out, and purposefully hold our vision and be not afraid to follow our dreams, we may just stand a chance of influencing Change. But if we tell ourselves we Can’t.. We Stagnate.. We go stale, we become embedded and stuck in the ruts we have created for ourself.. So there is no movement.. And we risk being sucked down and being enveloped in the negative energy which will ‘De-press’ us further into that state of feeling incomplete.. In lack, feeling something is always missing..
      Leopard came to teach me… While being the rare BEing she is.. that we need purpose, and courage, and all it takes is to put one foot in front of the other and follow our instincts.. 😀

      Thank you my Nihar.. I always love our exchanges.. 🙂 🙂 💛

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Feb 13, 2018 @ 02:21:54

        Brilliantly articulated Dear Sue, we get trapped in our limiting thoughts and many times we are in that state of self exile, and everything around us moves and we keep missing the opportunities that comes our way out of fear of facing it and changing ourselves to embrace the new skin and new color of life. We need purpose and courage, and we need to beat the fear out of us and put the foot forward as many times we don’t know which foot is the best foot, and unless we put forward we will never know and the best way to do as rightly pointed out is rely on our instincts and that is such potent tool we have and perhaps the most under-utilized resources, and we keep tossing things in the realm of logic, reason and justification and explanation before we venture into anything new or different…

        Nike’s tagline “Just Do It”, has so much to say about life and the way we should be living our life, hence the tagline resonates so well across billions of people.

        Nothing can be a better illustration than the Parliament and Politicians, and it is universal and not limited to one or two countries, it is the divide that indeed gets more wider and the place where new dawn should take shape and be the harbinger of change and change for good for the larger community of our society, gets locked in hornets and debate on irrelevant topics is always debatable…

        Let the Leopard sets the agenda for many more such masterpieces to come and let the joy of color keep spreading the magic in all your future canvas.
        Thanks so much, always a pleasure.
        Hugs!!! Take Care!!!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 13, 2018 @ 16:01:05

          That logo.. ” Just Do IT ” speaks volumes ..So many of us are ruled by our heads instead of our hearts.. And have been taught throughout time to THINK before we ACT.. LOOK before we LEAP.. yet when we take that step and just follow our instincts, and when something just ‘feels right’ We often find more Magic occurs when we go within the Flow and just let it BE..
          Thank you.. So very much for your continued insight and discussion.. I so enjoy our exchanges.
          Have a Magical week also Nihar.. Thank you



  40. Sageleaf
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 15:04:34

    The colors are gorgeous and the leopard is so beautiful! Wowowow! I love, love the vibrance and you are just amazing with acrylics, too! Watercolor, knitting, poetry – the Spirit works through you to put out beautiful things into the world – that will hopefully make an impact. You have so many gifts, sweet friend! I’m just in awe of the beauty of this painting. Fabulous job! I loved seeing the different stages of the development of this painting, too. Now perhaps Leopard will gently remind you to keep going with your intentions – we’re all right behind you, as well. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2018 @ 13:46:42

      Thank you dear Cynthia, I appreciate greatly your thoughts. and yes I need to keep going with my intentions.. And dear friend you too also have many gifts.. 🙂 Smiles.. Spirit is working thought us all, in one form or another.. learning to see this as we step back from ourselves. Leopard was an important reminder to me.. And her message will not easily be forgotten.. So thank you dear Cynthia.. Love and Hugs xx



  41. Ka Malana -
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 17:32:13

    Wow – just – wow ♥️🌟



  42. InfiniteZip
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 18:58:47

    yes, splendid Sue, and always ready to challenge the thoughts and jump start the procrastination machine I often visit ❤



  43. mariewilliams53
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 19:04:21

    Sue, your words and art are such an inspiration – thank you. I read your words and then felt prompted to Google the ‘symbolism’ of leopard and this is what I found:

    “Leopard is reminding you that there is always a period of rebirth after a period of suffering and death on some level. This big cat is the healer of deep wounds and will bring old issues to resolution through the reclaiming of power that was lost during the time of the wounding. He is reminding you that you have many resources, skills, capabilities, inner resources and patterns available to you that will allow you to do a broad range of tasks at will. These resources can be physical, mental, psychic, emotional and spiritual”.

    I couldn’t help but see the connection between the above words and your message, and particularly where it speaks of reminding you of your skills and capabilities. Once again, your intuitive skills and your ability to share soul truths are a blessing. xo

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 21:41:45

    It’s only our own will and introspection that can improve ourselves. We are all unique in our own ways but as you’ve said, we should all learn from our mistakes and try to improve the “skills of life”.

    The finished leopard looks great! The background colours have added more to it!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2018 @ 14:04:25

      Thank you kindly Mani.. and pleased you like the finished painting and the metaphors behind it.. We all of us take many of our skills for granted and do not see them in their true light, until we step back and take a look a the the bigger picture.. Many thanks again my friend .. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  45. Dewin Nefol
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 22:07:41

    Namaste Sue 🙂 How are you?

    We share a love of Leopards:- yours born into jungle, mine born into a world of snow and ice – each supreme within their environment as Nature always intended.

    Your painting captures the finesse and grace of a most beautiful big-cat in motion: the strength in her is magnetic The colours are explosive, her contrast with the background impacting: she leaps out from the page as she glides across the bough. A wonderful painting indeed, one to be proud of and the new standard by which you move-on 😉

    You’ve had a remarkable life, one that is unique, a life tailored for ‘you’ perfectly, which has led to the moment when you find yourself walking across a spanning bough every bit a big-cat symbiotic with and yet independent of the jungle around her 😉 Walk on!

    Have a wonderful week full of artistic adventure and fruitful reward!

    Namaste 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2018 @ 14:12:57

      We do indeed share a love of leopards Dewin, and I so thank you for you thoughtful compliments of my painting.. She came out better than I ever hoped possible.. But she taught me with each brush stroke to Trust.. Trusting in the process, one step at a time.. No hurry, patience and perseverance in every slow move..
      We each have a unique and remarkable life.. Life in itself is Remarkable.. I think the key, is to learn to live in the moment. looking forward without fear, and not looking back.. Animals, live in the moment.. I doubt very much they live in regret. or envy .. So Leopard came to teach me its time to Move on.. Walk in confidence and trust in the instincts that drive us.
      I am about to follow that instinct.. in writing.. And I am changing the spots of self sabotage.. To one of creating purpose and intention for the next projects I have to complete in this life..
      Thank you my friend.. You too have a wonderful week… I look forward to catching up with Snow Melt, very soon..
      Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Feb 12, 2018 @ 17:35:15

        It seems you have learnt very well from your painting experience: Sue: it is a wonderful picture full of heart and soul. Evidence if ever any were needed that you’ve quite a talent: one to be used and abused, cherished and natured. What’s more you’ve time and opportunity on your hands to get to it and keep at it without compromise. Strike whilst the iron is hot as they say 🙂

        You sound very fired up and full of energetic determination and enthusiasm and it’s not even springtime yet! You’re always an early bloomer just as you were the past two or three years. I imagine whereas others may flower slowly come spring you’ll already be shining and living the dream in the moment.

        As for self-criticism, I think we are guilty of it to some degree. I think a little self-reflection is healthy but to much restricts one engagement in life’s adventure. Criticism of one artwork or writing is also healthy, but often the best guides are friends and readers who visit your blog. I also think a creative person is always prepared to improve their craft: not for pride per se, but because it becomes easier to actualise what one imagines and that broadens one’s repertoire and flexibility with content. It also makes the process far more enjoyable.

        About those spots on the leopard: I think they are more akin to rosettes, it’s just a question of perspective and a degree of artistic licence 😉

        Happy painting. Have a lovely evening 🙂

        Namaste 🙂




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 13, 2018 @ 15:52:16

          Thank you seems very inadequate after that wonderful comment Dewin.. And yes you are right, we need to strike while the iron is hot and our enthusiasm is overflowing.. Much like your own stories which have a flow all of their own as you allow the energy of the moment to transfer into words, Magic always seems to happen when we are spontaneous and we do not force it.. Such is the hand of Nature.. Nature is content to just BE, the best she is.. She cares not if weeds crowd the allotment bed.. It is only we humans who separate what is weed and what is flower into our labels and compartments.. Nature just enjoys thriving to be her best given the best circumstances that allows her to just BE…

          Yet we humans often fail to just BE.. and as I said in my post.. We measure our success or failure against others, having been told what is success and what is failure.. Labels given us throughout our upbringing..
          I sometimes feel dear Dewin that those whom we try to protect with a passion such as your Ravens 12, who we consider damaged, by our society, perhaps know more about living in the moment than we ever will.. And can teach us by their experiences more about Life and Living than anyone of us who are safe and secure within our Castles who are held tight behind our drawbridges and moats..
          Our Leopards have much to teach us.. And we are growing and learning all the time..
          Thank you so very much Dewin.. I look forward to my long settle in the realm of Snow Melt and Friends. 🙂



  46. Mahesh Nair
    Feb 12, 2018 @ 01:50:36

    This is such a beautiful post, Sue. Very inspiring!

    “Drawing was my first love, and yet I still measure my capabilities against others whom in my eyes are far more gifted than I” – when I look at The Finished Leopard, I can’t help but wonder how truly gifted you are. And I find this impulse that you and all of us have to measure our talent against others’ to be nothing but healthy and competitive.

    Your last line, first para: “Especially if we have been brought up lacking in self-worth” brought me into tears. Self-worth is everything and many of us don’t find it for a long time; it’s a constant struggle, isn’t it? But, it is time indeed: “I stepped out along that branch of life, and put my faith in the steps I need now to follow to bring that particular gift into the Light.”

    Thanks a lot, dear. Love.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2018 @ 14:17:27

      Thank you very much Mahesh for your thoughts.. I did not wish to bring any tears.. But yes, while growing up I felt very unworthy and self conscious. But happily I feel much stronger and worthy in my adult life.. We all of us I feel at times in our lives lack confidence and feel inadequate in some things in life.. Leopard came to teach me and all who read it, that we are all of us worthy and capable, and we each hold many gifts
      Thank you for bringing me your own gift today Mahesh, that of your thoughtful compassion. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  47. Annika Perry
    Feb 13, 2018 @ 08:41:23

    Sue, first I want to say how taken I am with your painting … it glows with warmth and elegance. I’m so glad you tackled the fears and finished this work of art. Self sabotage is a new phrase to me but how apt for so much we fail to start or complete through lack of belief in ourselves. Your post is full of strength and inspiration … today giving me renewed courage as I face my latest fear and to put one foot in front of the other! Please, I hope you will soon be working at self-Publishing your poems. Hugs xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 13, 2018 @ 16:07:24

      So pleased my post brought some magic into your day Annika.. and inspired your own footsteps to stride out bravely… Sometimes all we need is inner faith .. And I am back working upon the pages again Annika.. So I may be quieter than usual.. I need self discipline.. lol As I can get lost for hours on end here in WP Blog land.. And then wonder where did my day go.. Thank YOU for your words of encouragement.. Your own recent publication set my heart on fire.. 🙂 So thank YOU is in order.. I want to feel that excitement and feel the book beneath my fingers and leave something of me behind… 🙂
      Love and Hugs Annika.. Have a wonderful week ahead.. I hope it is better than our British weather at the moment.. Hugs ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person


      • Annika Perry
        Feb 14, 2018 @ 14:16:19

        Sue, after a few days of panic about my first ever school visit as an author, your post forced me to say goodbye to a large part of my fears! I’m so excited that you’re back to your pages and will eagerly follow your news about your book. It means so much to know how much my book touched you – just to read that it set your heart on fire is incredible. Thank you. By the way, I live in East Anglia so oh yes, enjoying the grey, bitter wind, cold…interspersed with the odd days of sun!! May Spring come soon! hugs & love xxxx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 15, 2018 @ 16:22:43

          So happy to know you have overcome that next step in your journey of promoting yourself dear Annika.. A few more pages each day, slow going as I am my own worst critic.. Our mutual friend Debby, told me long ago just write it out first, edit later.. I will get there.. Today a much brighter day here, so much so the Light was perfect for painting, So the paints have been out today 🙂 And I live in the East Midlands.. And yes can not wait for Spring.. Much love and many thanks Annika.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  48. Siddharth Banga
    Feb 13, 2018 @ 08:41:52

    Beautiful painting with beautiful words, you are really talented I must say! Great post, appreciation from India!



  49. kowkla123
    Feb 13, 2018 @ 11:04:31

    möge die Woche weiter angenehm verlaufen, Klaus



  50. mary
    Feb 13, 2018 @ 17:32:14

    Beautiful painting Sue….your words are always a soft whisper on the wind
    each spot made me think they were a point, a moment in time, each defining the way a person grows in purpose…a success even if one fails,(which means to me,it just wasn’t a day to walk that way 🙂 but curiosity draws us anyway)
    why change the spots when they are us within and without,
    you are such a creative spirit, with a heart of an ancient soul….i know you will achieve what ever you set your heart to do….
    always listening …
    Take Care My Friend…You Matter much my Kindred Sister
    just me

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 14, 2018 @ 11:23:00

      Wonderful to see you Mary. Some spots dear Mary will always remain.. 🙂 But we learn to live with them, and we move forward one step at a time.. Thank you, and you dear friend are held dear within my heart.. And a thought is often send in your direction wondering how you are.. Yet not wishing to intrude and add more spots to your day.. Sending Love and Blessings.. Always.. ❤ Hugs



  51. stephensmustang1
    Feb 14, 2018 @ 04:36:10

    Absolutely beautiful and I love that you added your own ‘flare’/’input’. HUGS

    Liked by 1 person


  52. Resa
    Feb 16, 2018 @ 22:34:19

    Your leopard is fantabulous! My next post… soonish will be sketches of 2 of my Art Gowns. It seems we are both rediscovering what we can do in the art world, and in our lives!

    Liked by 1 person


  53. The Emu
    Feb 18, 2018 @ 00:34:47

    Enjoyable post as to be expected Sue, I too, recall being told many times that there is no such word as Can’t, if we accepted that word we would never progress and realise our potential.
    I have found as I grow older, new avenues opening up to explore my creativity in other areas, every day is an adventure and new talents awaken, some we are not even aware of.



  54. laura kilty
    Feb 20, 2018 @ 21:30:28

    Oh Sue, this is all so beautiful. I think one of the most important things we all need to tell ourselves is that we are unique and we have no comparison. And as you say, it absolutely is NEVER too late to follow your dreams!! Your paintings are always so infused with life and vitality- the true energy of creativity. I always feel I am receiving a beautiful gift directly to my soul when I look at your paintings. And as for your poems….I don’t have the words to express how wonderful a poet I think you are. I have written a number of your poems into my journal so I can look at them when I need solace. I am so excited at the thought of you publishing a book of them- GO FOR IT!! Sending you so much love- I’m so excited to see this journey unfold for you! 💚



    Feb 21, 2018 @ 23:15:43

    You’ve added so much detail into the Leopard. It warms my heart to see your painting of the leopard come to life…and enjoying this beautiful creature experiencing life on the sun. A moment to think and a moment to appreciate life. Beautiful, Sue.



  56. Barbara Franken
    Mar 02, 2018 @ 20:41:14

    Your magnificent self… and I’m sure you realise this old pattern is only rearing it’s head to be embraced and released… its time to fly dear sue x love barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


  57. anitashree
    Mar 05, 2018 @ 10:00:12

    Oh Sue…this is gorgeous!!! I LOVE the colours!! The “cool” sky with the warmth of the leopard’s just beautiful 😀

    Liked by 1 person


  58. MrsCraft
    Mar 09, 2018 @ 18:26:43

    Beautiful art work! It is very true about needing to take the first steps. So many times I have stopped my self from doing something for fear of failing, or doing it wrong, or others laughing at me. I’m going to try and be braver, and take more chances when I feel they are right for me. I think faith plays an important part, just trusting that it will be ok.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 17, 2018 @ 12:19:07

      I agree with you, taking that leap of faith is the first step, if it feels right we should follow our instincts and take that chance. If we never take those first steps we will never know. My motto is if it feels right go for it, but if in doubt, Don’t!. And usually our instincts are correct when we listen to them. 🙂 ❤



    Mar 13, 2018 @ 13:14:09

    So perfect and lovely 😀

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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