One Step Closer to saving Elephants!

Dear WordPress family,

I just wanted to share some good news that came in via email that I will share with you here. I support Avaaz in many of their campaigns by signing petitions from human rights to animal cruelty.  So  I was so pleased that this was the result of a long campaign to ban Ivory in Hong Kong. 

If you want to add your name to help close more markets in Ivory, there is a link within the email at the bottom..

I have added to my Meaningful Monday’s Tag, but  can’t wait till then. 🙂

Have an amazing weekend all of you..


Love and Blessings Sue



Dear friends,

The world’s largest ivory market just banned ivory!! And our movement was at the centre of the fight!

Hong Kong’s ivory market is gigantic — responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of elephants. With these amazing creatures careening towards extinction, Avaazers launched a massive petition,sent thousands of messages to Hong Kong legislators, got many engaged directly with our campaign, and built a media storm right before the vote — legislators even held up our campaign ads during the debate!

And yesterday, we won!!! Here’s how it happened…

Hong Kong petition delivery

The 1.1 million-strong call for an ivory ban is delivered to Hong Kong’s lawmakers ahead of the vote

First, over a million of us joined our petition calling for an ivory ban. Almost immediately after launching, a key legislator got in touch to talk to Avaaz about the campaign — we definitely got their attention!

Then, last week, we got an urgent email from campaigners in Hong Kong that the government was calling a vote on the ivory ban in just five days. So, we swung into action:

  • We plastered Hong Kong’s social media with a video from our friends at WildAid Hong Kong featuring Chinese superstar Li Bing Bing, showing the heartbreaking impact of the ivory trade.
  • Next, we created a beautiful ad to run in Hong Kong’s biggest newspaper on the day of the vote, telling legislators that the future of elephants was in their hands.

Avaaz advert in the Oriental Daily News

The Avaaz ad in the Oriental Daily News telling Hong Kong lawmakers that the elephants’ future is in their hands
  • Then thousands of us sent messages to lawmakers calling on them to support the ban.
  • And as the legislators went in to vote, Avaazers joined a colourful protest organised by fellow campaigners.

Petition Delivery

“Having the support of over a million people all over the world made a big impact when it came down to the vote. Thank you Avaazers!”
– Alex Hofford, WildAid Hong Kong
  • Finally, in the debate before the vote, one of the main legislators championing the ban held up a giant printed version of our ad for everyone to see, showing them the whole world was watching!

Petition Delivery

“It was a huge boost to be able to deliver a million voices into the debate before we voted for the ivory ban. The world stood with us, and it made a difference.”
– Hong Kong lawmaker Hon Elizabeth Quat

In the end, we won the vote by a landslide!Hong Kong Ivory Vote CountMedia worldwide have hailed this ‘historic’ vote — the biggest ivory market in the world will now start shutting down its ivory trade!Ivory+MediaLike many Avaaz campaigns, we didn’t do this alone. This incredible result was only possible after years of campaigning by WildAid and others, and thanks to a dedicated group of legislators in Hong Kong who made sure the vote happened.

Today, thanks to all of us, the poachers and traders are fuming, and our majestic elephant friends have been given a lifeline. I’m full of joy, for the planet, but also selfishly, for my own family. I’ve just become a dad, and now I have hope that my new baby will grow up to have the spectacular experience of seeing elephants in the wild.

With gratitude and pride at what we have achieved together,

Bert and the Avaaz team

P.S. We’ve won in Hong Kong — but there are still markets open in Europe that we need to close. Click here and add your name to that campaign too!

86 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ben Naga
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 12:27:55

    Yes, I read about this.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 12:36:47

    It will be miraculous if it really does make a difference

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Seenorway
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 12:42:27

    I’m sorry to desillusion you, Sue, but life has taught me that ‘money rules’!
    As long as ivory may be sold with enourmous profits, I’m afraid the elephants will be hunted down. As long as people believe the horns of rhinos have fantastic health effects, rhinos will be hunted. If they prohibit hunting, people will ber buying on the black market. If they prohibit guns, people will use snares or even poison.
    As long as the population are in desperate need of food, housing and jobs, I’m sorry to say I don’t think they will manage to stop such trade! However, there might be a ray of light in the tunnel: These days there are a number of advanced drones hitting the market, thus fewer guards may cover a larger territory. And since there are also fewer elephants or rhinos these days, it has become somewhat easier to keep them under surveillance. At the same time it’s possible to pay handsomely for tips that may reveal illegal hunting in an area, thus making it way harder to get away with it. (But I feel sure that they must have though of this long time ago?)
    But signing a petion won’t cut it!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2018 @ 12:49:13

      Hi dear Svein.. Its always good to get your points of view my friend. and your visits.. And yes, lots still needs to be done.. But like I just said to Eddie in the comments, It has to start somewhere.. And this is a start to get big trading centres like Hong Kong to ban Ivory trade..
      I have no doubts the back doors will always be open.. I am under no illusions as to the ways we Human Beings work in the name of Greed..
      But it all has to start with awareness and this can only be good news.. 🙂



      • Seenorway
        Feb 03, 2018 @ 13:10:11

        Yes, I second increased awareness – absolutely, but the best way is to remove the need for extra revenues in the population!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 03, 2018 @ 13:14:26

          How would you suggest going about that Svein?



          • Seenorway
            Feb 03, 2018 @ 13:53:14

            That’s a tough one, Sue, but it will definitely cost money to preserve wildlife! I wild idea perhaps, but as you say: One has to start somewhere! I’d think I’d start kind of a ‘Wildlife Survey Club’, which could be opened for the population in certain areas where the government wished to enhance wildlife control. Member would not pay any kind ao admission. On the contrary, they would be paid to be a member! And as a member they would be qualified to report happenings that looked suspicious or threathening to wildlife.
            If guards made arrest on such a tip, they shuld receive a substatial reward at the same time ads their identity was shielded.
            Members of the population that didn’t want to enlist, I would really keep an eye on! 🙂
            A start at least! Members could also rfeceivbe a small percentage of the parks revenue pr year. Wildlife guards do!

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Feb 04, 2018 @ 11:53:14

              A very interesting idea.. But I also recently read that some of the very Rangers who are already paid to protect the elephants and other beasts, Have been part of the poaching teams informing of where abouts of herd locations.. Being Paid Twice!! Money as you say is at the root.. And while there are these Ivory Markets across the globe, there will always be those who are corrupted by it to bring them ivory. Which is why we need education and awareness to alter the next generations growing about Ivory and Hunting in general, especially in African Local communities. And work there is being done to this aim.

              This is why the closing of this Hong Kong Market in Ivory and the support to close it was such good news.. People are slowly beginning to look differently at things. And Lets hope that the Chinese medicines that use animal body parts also wakes up to what it is doing as species will be extinct forever if not..
              It will not happen in our life time Svien, that I am sure of, but it is the start.. Which is why I said in my title, One step closer.. We have many many more yet to go.. ❤


  4. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 12:43:16

    I absolutely agree with you. It must start somewhere

    Liked by 1 person


    Feb 03, 2018 @ 13:05:45

    Sue also participated in several petitions against the extraction of ivory, which is destroying the elephants, I also against the killing in rhinoceros mace, help defenseless animals cost nothing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Val Boyko
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 13:13:35

    Wonderful news Sue. I feel hopeful that the upcoming generation will follow through in protecting the Earth.💕

    Liked by 1 person


  7. michnavs
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 13:44:27

    I admire you Sue for joining such advocacy…and i do hope one day soon it will materialize.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. AmyRose🌹
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 14:06:14

    Miracles really do happen! Wonderful news, Sue! How this encourages!! Much Love to you! 💞

    Liked by 1 person


  9. smilecalm
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 17:12:29

    wonderful, Sue!
    more elephants
    free from people 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  10. nonsmokingladybug
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 18:44:45

    I wish all animal cruelty would stop. I can’t fight for elefants or tigers, if we have dogs, horses and cats in our country that get mistreated and tortured.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:01:38

      I can understand your point of view Bridget,
      No one dislikes the mistreatment of animals, more than I, And I sign many petitions for our domestic breeds who are in trouble. But Elephants, Tigers, Rhino ect are all on the endangered list..
      So this is why I feel this step is so important. If markets are closed down. it is one less place for people to make money through Ivory.. And while I know the Black Markets will always be there.. The changes now being made are a step in the right direction.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  11. nonsmokingladybug
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 18:44:59

    However, I do love the efford.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:03:17

      Thanks Bridget.. So pleased you added that.. Many thanks my friend.. I just sign a petition.. The effort goes to those at ground level who are helping the orphaned elephants and other animals in the wild.. They are the real heroes xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  12. IreneDesign2011
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 19:18:30

    Nice and positive beginning, Sue 🙂
    I signed too and I’m happy to see the outcome of this beginning new times.
    Much love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Erika Kind
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 20:04:00

    Wow, this is fantastic! What a breakthrough and development. Thank you very much for sharing, Sue!!

    Liked by 1 person


  14. balroop2013
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 20:25:06

    Let’s keep the hope alive even in the darkest of times! Even one person can make a difference. Thanks for highlighting the issue Sue. You are so kind and loving. Stay blessed dear friend and keep spreading your light.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Feb 03, 2018 @ 23:44:41

    One step at a time. We need more awareness on this. I’m also a member of Animal Rights Protection Society here in India. I hope one day we will able to do justice to all those poor creatures who have given their lives for the greed of humankind.

    Congrats on this wonderful news, Sue… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:12:57

      Wonderful Mani that you support such great causes my friend.. We are slowly making great strides, all be it with small steps… We are bringing changes in awareness on many levels, and this was one such moment 😀 Thank you… Have a beautiful Sunday

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Sageleaf
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 03:01:22

    I so love the elephants. They’re gentle giants, intelligent beyond words. If I’m completely honest, I’m in love with all animals – even the ones that are more…”creepy crawly” hehe. I was working on a mandala today and there was a little gnat flying around. I kept blowing it out of the way, and at one point, I thought I accidentally laid my arm on it, but it got up and kept flying. I was happy, actually. I don’t like to see anything happen to any creature. Even plants.
    I love that one of those big markets closed, and that many more elephants will get to live out their lives without worry.
    Thank you also for sharing this good news and success with us – it’s a wonderful reminder of the good things that DO happen.
    Sending you big hugs and wishes for a *wonderful* week ahead. ((HUG))

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:17:37

      Thank you Cynthia, and I am not surprised that you dislike anything being hurt.. Ditto.. All creatures great and small, have their place in the world..
      Its a shame we humans always think we know better and through many of our own actions, be it hunting or re-introducing species into places they are not meant to be,, We have caused imbalance of their natural habitats.. Not to mention the deforestation and the plight of the Rain forests..
      So this News was indeed Good news to be celebrated.
      And I hope to see your New Mandala soon.. 🙂 Have a peaceful Sunday 🙂



  17. Soul Gifts
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 04:36:02

    I too support Avaaz in their work. Such good news – a step in the right direction!

    Liked by 1 person


  18. rabirius
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 11:59:12

    That is good news.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. derrickjknight
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:10:42

    Good news

    Liked by 1 person


  20. kowkla123
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:14:49

    erholsamen Sonntag und einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünsche ich, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  21. Michael33
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:31:40

    Thank you Sue… for all the wonderful things you do to help make our world a more beautiful place to wander… to dream… to live in peace.

    A most beautiful Sunday to you and yours.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2018 @ 12:40:28

      Dear Michael, Thank YOU my friend,, I know the effort it takes, so I am doubly blessed today to have you visit..
      May you continue to Always Dream Michael, in beauty and Peace my friend..



  22. -Eugenia
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 14:49:42

    Thank you, Sue, for spreading the word and bringing awareness for the preservation of wildlife.

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Crystal Stewart
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 19:32:15

    Congrats on winning in Hong Kong

    Liked by 1 person


  24. insearchofitall
    Feb 05, 2018 @ 03:12:50

    I signed the petition. Hope it helps. I was pretty sure nothing would ever stop the poachers or the destroyers.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2018 @ 11:06:47

      Ohh Bless your heart dear Marlene.. I so know what you mean.. But I am very hopeful, in this ‘Time of Change’ how the ‘Collective’ is gathering together in Like Mind and Like Heart, and we may think one voice is never enough.. But when we Unite in a multitude of voices,Miracles Can and DO happen.. And we are all of us opening our hearts right now as never before, and Uniting as ONE.. Which brings me great hope for the future .. 🙂 Thank you so much for adding your voice.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. inavukic
    Feb 05, 2018 @ 03:40:19

    Praying for endurance on this wonderful path

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2018 @ 11:13:13

      Thank you Ina.. It is one step closer, and I hope as we begin to unite in one voice against such outrages, both in our animal and Human conditions, we as a species may soon take Giant leaps in our evolution towards living in Peace with all species, including our planet, Mother Earth.. IF we do not learn, then Nature may well take those choices into her own hands.. Sending Love and Hugs to you Ina.. xxx



  26. New Bloggy Cat
    Feb 05, 2018 @ 08:58:45

    ‘Ivory’ added my name, Sue! LOL! Much love and hug, \(=^‥^)/’`♡♡

    Liked by 1 person


  27. europasicewolf
    Feb 05, 2018 @ 11:45:22

    Azaz is the one organisation who’s signing bit never works for me. Refuses to accept email addresses no matter what device I use. I forget every time so get caught that way repeatedly. Plenty of other more cooperative petition organisations though! Upward and onward Sue! ☺ xx

    Liked by 1 person


  28. robbiesinspiration
    Feb 06, 2018 @ 04:18:10

    Brilliant, Sue. We have elephant sanctuaries here in South Africa and they are such amazing animals. The ivory trade is disgusting.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2018 @ 11:44:26

      Yes I agree with you dear Robbie.. The Ivory trade is disgusting, also the trade in animal parts, and breeding lions in captivity to be released and hunted another disgusting trade. My Daughter visited such a sanctuary when she was in South Africa several years ago.. Also a Cheetah Sanctuary where she was a volunteer for a couple of weeks.. Last year she went to Timvabati’s White lion Trust.. So much of Natures Wild Animals are in need of protection.. And I agree with you South Africa has such an amazing wealth of beautiful animals..
      Many thanks Robbie.. ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  29. Baydreamer
    Feb 07, 2018 @ 03:10:44

    Great news, Sue! Any animal cruelty is horrible and heart-breaking, so every little step has to make some kind of a difference. It’s frustrating (mildly put) that the almighty dollar holds too great a value to some that animals lose their lives over it. Love and blessings, dear friend…❤ xo

    Liked by 1 person


  30. JoAnna
    Feb 08, 2018 @ 03:42:47

    Thank you for sharing this good news of progress. I wonder about the market. Who is creating the demand? My hope is that more and more people will realize the value of all life, that more and more will understand the intelligence of elephant and whales, and other animals, and grow in compassion. Perhaps the work that led to this ban will send that message of a new way of thinking.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. The Emu
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 02:22:12

    Great cause Sue, signed.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Miriam
    Feb 13, 2018 @ 08:45:11

    That’s really wonderful news Sue and definitely a step in the right direction isn’t it?



  33. Resa
    Mar 01, 2018 @ 02:20:39

    Fabulous! I am an Avaaz-er and have signed more than a few elephant petitions. Thank you for helping keep up the pressure. Even in the smallest ways, such as signing the petition, we win. !

    Liked by 1 person


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