Thoughts of A Dreamwalker

Stoney Middleton Well Dressing which the children of my old village school made July 2017.


It has been a while since I did a post upon my thoughts. Mainly I think as these days I am trying not to think too much.. The moment I get caught within our linear world of thinking, I find I can too easily be dragged into despair as the bombardment of our senses continues to be plagued by the negative illusion we all so easily sink into.

I wonder why that is, what is it about our humanness that makes us seek out the woe, rather than the joy of living? I know if I do not check my own thoughts, how easily I can get embroiled as my empathic being reaches out into the masses of the many drama’s that unfold around our world.

I tell myself often, that these drama’s are not my Story, they are not my reality, yet in truth when you come to see our Oneness, they are indeed our own stories.. For who among us has not judged or cursed, and vented anger at something in our lives.  Who among us has not inflicted a wound upon another however unintentionally be it via our words or deeds.

Learning to raise our vibration is not an easy road. For we can so easily fall over the many obstacles laid in our paths that trap us and prevent us from lifting ourselves to our New Earth..

Many may think this New Earth is but a figment of our imagination. But this also makes me smile.. Why? Well, in this world we now live, is it  not also created by our imagination.

Is not all that we see here within our modern day existence once a thought within some creative mind in the past.  Be it the Architecture of our dwelling and buildings ,  our communication devices, our film industry, TV, along with our modes of transportation.  Not to mention the leaps and bounds made in technology over the internet.. All once a figment of someone’s imagination that was projected out into reality to be created within our world.

 It is not so long ago we were witnessing the birth of TV in the (1920’s.) And look how that fantasy became a reality that has sparked yet more progression within our technology.   The Age was referred to as the Roaring Twenties.  This great age of expansion was swiftly followed by another Age. The Deep Depression where in the (1930’s) gave rise to economic meltdown, unemployment, poverty and political extremism.

When you look back in History, each ‘age’ brought us to the next..  The Stone age, The Iron Age, The Bronze Age, I went to look up some of these ages.. And was interested to see the various ‘Ages’ listed here in the  and their listing of Major Periods During History  ,  This list is well worth a visit.. One Age brought to my attention was the last to be mentioned within this list, which was the  Civil rights Movement (1950s-1960s) On reading further into the people who fought for Human Rights, is another amazing list of people who throughout the decades in history have fought for the Human Rights  and Freedoms of People.

We are now within another crucial time frame within our Earths History I feel. Sometimes we are too closely embedded into it to see clearly the whole picture of the age we are creating within our Now.. We have to  at times stand back and see just what is happening, as we view our chaotic world as coming apart at the seams..

You know I was a seamstress for many a year, working in textiles.. And sometimes the only way to correct something that went drastically wrong in the makeup of something, was to unpick it and resew it. Or scrap it all together and start again.. Our world is being unpicked at the seams.. And no amount of bodging it will make it come right..   And until we all of us see, that what each of us are putting out into the world, be it via our judgements, anger, frustrations or ignorance.. It will keep on reflecting back to us that which we put out into it..

If I want a peaceful world I have to start and create it within my own reality.. 

So, lets say I am projecting my thoughts to create a New Earth,  this is why I am spending more time, being creative, and just so enjoying the Peace within my garden and out within Nature.. Projecting as much Peace, love and Harmony that I can muster into the world..

 We are coming up to an important date within our Universal Calendar in that this month sees two Luna Eclipses. Now I am no Astrologer by any thoughts of the imagination.. But I am well versed with how our planets affect our moods and this is an ideal opportunity to get in touch with those emotions within and seek out the Light of Joy within your souls.   


Oh my, what a beautiful synchronicity. After just writing the above, an alert came in of a YouTube update of the upcoming Luna Eclipses.  I left off writing to go listen.. And this I have to share, if you have ten minutes to watch, As she just echoed some of my thinking. With more food for thought besides..   

Have a wonderful Weekend All of You.. 

Blessings Sue

178 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. michnavs
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:42:31

    Hello Sue..this is such a delight post…how wonderful of you to share with us your thoughts..and as i finished reading it, it gave me a sigh of relief…..
    “If I want a peaceful world I have to start and create it within my own reality.. “…this is such a noble and beautiful thought Sue .

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:50:14

      Thank you Mich.. And this is the reality that concerns us.. It is not being selfish or dismissive of the world and its problems, but it is showing us each and every one of us if we change our own perceptions, our own thinking, we do indeed then create that knock on effect to ripple out into the world..
      Love and Peace to you dear Mich and thank you my friend xx

      Liked by 3 people


      • michnavs
        Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:55:55

        You are right Sue…happg weekend.

        Liked by 1 person


      • europasicewolf
        Aug 29, 2017 @ 00:20:19

        Sharing your thoughts Sue of late ☺ our world is becoming a little bit overwhelming now and there’s definitely a need to change our personal ways of thinking. Also taking a leaf out of your book and planning to take some time out from the depressing negativity and a certain madness, by retreating into the healing balm of nature. Basically anywhere outside of London! Hopefully some positive ripples will pass around and create a moment or two of peace for those caught in it 😊 Always good to hear your thoughts xx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 03, 2017 @ 15:58:10

          Hi dearest Wolfie.. I hope you are well dear friend, and yes, what ever has been in the air recently, is certainly catching, as I have come across many in the world of blogland feeling the same vibrations of late.. To disconnect, unplug and just BE in nature.. London I could not cope with, of that I am certain, so Kudos to you my friend for the pace of life and the vibrations I have not enjoyed even for a day visiting..
          I hope you caught some positive ripples my friend.. and I will be catching up with you if you have posted shortly. I turned emails off for a time. Thank you so much for your wonderful paw prints dear Wolfie..
          Love and Hugs xx ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  2. Val Boyko
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:48:52

    Dear Sue, Its so wonderfu to hear your thoughts and reassuring presence as we humans continue to botch up so much! Yet, we mustn’t forget that we have the capacity to create a new reality through our thinking. I look forward to viewing the video later on!
    Thank you for this powerfu share 💕🙏💕 Have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 3 people


  3. Erika Kind
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:52:39

    Just yesterday I scheduled a Monday post regarding how can a person overcome the horrible happenings in the world… or something like this. But it is the same topic actually. I don’t want to go too much into detail (or could copy-paste the post … lol) But the only way is to go out and do good. For one reason it helps the person themselves because they can take action but it also spreads hope, strength, and encouragement for others. AND it raises the collective energy.
    I am amazed that we both are writing about the similar topic when even we don’t write the same. But it is a true sign that we all need to hang in!!💖

    Liked by 5 people


  4. inavukic
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:53:37

    Exciting times at Luna Eclipses! And yes, Sue, we need to start from ourselves to create peace and that peace spreads like ripples – just need more people to start doing it, more than those that don’t

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 16:26:15

      Ourselves are the only point of change we can make.. I can not make governments respect the laws on Climate change.. Banging my head in protests will only add to the negative, So I do what I do, nurturing and respecting nature and being responsible for my own actions, and Keeping my own energy high within Natures Gifts.. I agree, if more could spread a little Peace and Kindness, the world would indeed begin a more positive shift.. Much love dear Ina.. thank you 🙂

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  5. David
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:54:21

    You know Sue it is uncanny how you will often come up with the words that emulate my very thoughts! I have to say that I too am beset with feelings of the woes that this world throws up for us to cope with and I suppose I do take too much to heart and am easily sent into despair by the events that surround us on the world stage down to simple things which we have planned in our simply lives.
    It is easy to slip into that despair and I am constantly switching off the TV and worrying about the family, their problems and the wider challenges that we have to cope with, across the spectrum of human involvement.
    All blessings to you my dear friend, no one blames you for switching off even though winter is a long way off and no doubt the stars will shine their lights upon us too. Love, David.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 16:29:11

      Yes, the TV I am afraid does not get much of an airing these days I am afraid unless it is musical, nature orientated 🙂 Which is why I turn more to my garden and crafts to keep me in balance.. And Like I said to Erika, It does not surprise me that like minded are within the same thought wheel at the moment.. May we keep it turning to reach out to others..
      Many thanks David.. 🙂



  6. IreneDesign2011
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 14:56:12

    Thank you for sharing your positive thoughts, dear Sue.
    We are responsible for ourselves and by that, we can chose to create our world, as we wish this to be. Love and healing in your way ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 16:30:50

      Many thanks dear Irene.. Exactly, we are responsible for our own thoughts, actions and deeds.. And sending you lots of Healing Love right on back to you my friend.. Thank you ❤



  7. Hariod Brawn
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 15:08:48

    A lovely, meditative and reflective post, dear Sue. I agree with you, in that we do rather appear to be at some sort of turning point, a paradigm shift, or whatever. I hold to the notion that humans are on the whole good in their nature, though whether it’s enough to counteract the frequent lapses into stupidity and greed, I’m not so sure. There seems a great dearth of decent leadership currently, which is worrying. I don’t feel we’re as yet sufficiently evolved so as to be able to survive with social cohesion without leadership, so that’s a problem. Still, we can all work on ourselves individually, as you say, and as we must do in any case. Blessings on the day, dear Sue. H ❤

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 16:48:47

      Many thanks dear Hariod, I agree in that the leaderships around the world right now seem very precarious, but is this not in itself bringing up further questioning of how our world is being run? I see no bright solution to this ‘Shift’, and so engage as much as possible to holding a positive energy within my own world of making, rather than to contribute to the escalating negative reactions the world is falling for.. We are each of us responsible for our own thoughts.. So trying not to engage in the constant media battles, of who said what to whom, and the blame game on every statistic on Brexit is laughable were it not so damaging to the whole process now set in motion..
      I personally can do nothing to change our governments, or alter the state of our world.. Except for being mindful of my own thoughts, helping our Earth Mother in trying to live in a sustainable manner, with recycling when possible, using no chemicals or pesticides, and helping conserve nature in small ways within my garden..
      I have felt for some time, that this Year could be a pivotal turning point, one way or the other.. The Other does not bare thinking about.
      I also agree mankind is yet not evolved enough in his development to survive without leadership.. It depends I suppose to what kind of leadership we are willing to submit to.. Which opens up a whole new can of worms.. lol.. and best avoided.. 😀
      So I continue to work upon my inner self.. 🙂
      Many thanks dear Hariod.. I really appreciate your knowledgeable feed back my friend.. I know we could find lots to discuss into the small hours 😀 as we try in our own ways to put our world to rights.. 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  8. Seenorway
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 15:25:16

    He he, the ostrich theory ‘burying its head in the sand’ has never worked for anyone, but increases your chances of being run over by a truck (or worse) 🙂
    The problems of our world will not disappear by ignoring them, Sue. Instead it’s more than likely they’ll be getting worse by the week if not addressed!
    Climatic changes as well as political ones! (Take your pick!)
    And there isn’t all that much time to loose, I fear. Central Europe is facing yet another heatwave next week. The best news of the week seems to be that D.T. has decided to take a 14 day vacation to play golf! (He’s good at that!)
    The bad news is that the heatwave seems to be in the wrong place?!

    It’s time to remember the slogan: ‘Be careful what you ask, – you might just get it!’

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 17:42:44

      Thank you Svein yes, but I am far from an Ostrich my friend 🙂 Though I do like to collect feathers 😀 .. I just choose not to engage in the negative programming we are subjected to.

      And I would ask to what solutions you have in our climate change?

      I can do no more than I already do, as I try to conserve fuel, and recycle, use no chemicals, and pesticides, We grow most of our own fresh foods and fruits.. And were mindful of what vehicle we chose to drive, given the statistics on the fuel emissions at the time.. Alas it seems even the world of Car manufacturers were not truthful.

      Were we to look further afield we would see that our worlds consumption of Meat is also playing a huge part in the ozone depletion as the production of Methane is considerable in contributing to a huge part of pollution.

      I am more than aware dear Svein of the impact on the world.. I can only be responsible for my own eating habits and I am very mindful of what I contribute into it..
      An enlightening video I am sure you may well be aware of is here. But others may not be..
      Can be found at this Site
      Your last sentence really resonates for that is it exactly.. What goes around comes around.. and if we do not change our thoughts and ways of being.. Then we really are attracting our demise..
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend.. And I hope you get to share lots of your own moments in beautiful Nature .. 🙂 Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  9. litebeing
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 15:58:02

    Hi Sue,
    I very much enjoyed this post, simply taking in your thoughts. The reason why human beings veer towards the negative is because we were wired that way to preserve the species. It is a physiological phenomenon.

    Your ideas mirror those of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Wayne Dyer. I hope to implement them so I can create a bright reality.


    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 17:45:44

      Hi Linda.. Dr Joe Dispenza is new to me.. But Wayne Dyer is an old companion that sits within many books upon my bookshelves.. And that dear Linda is all we can all do… Hope to create a Bright Reality.. Many thanks my friend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  10. Paul Handover
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 16:53:06

    Read about George Monbiot’s latest book earlier this morning. Looks an interesting one and one that is not a million miles from your own thinking:

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 16:54:16

    Hello Sue, How beautifully you have explained the concept of a New Earth! I do see the logic in the reasoning that since everything that is created by man was once a thought or an idea in someone’s mind when people cultivate positive thoughts those too may get projected into reality in future New Earth. That itself is a very good reason to consciously try and raise our vibrations.
    Also though I always like to enjoy the peace and harmony of nature, the thought that we could project it to the world had not occurred to me so far. Thanks for showing us a new perspective. Love & Regards, Somali

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 05, 2017 @ 18:10:41

      It is always good to see life and living from a new perspective Somali.. Thank you for that observation. Which is what I wished to convey..

      After All that is how we view everything.. We make a judgement based upon our perception..
      Often our judgements get clouded, simply because our idea of how things should be, or are in the world, is based usually upon our preconception of how we were brought up to view things in the world..

      Our world is being coloured constantly via the perception of the Media, that our world is a violent crazy world to be feared. Yes there are many violent pockets in all societies, This echoes the Yin and Yang, Good and Bad to which we came to experience, and we have a choice to choose which of these paths to go down.
      Yet I am sure the craziness is not the majority, only a small portion in which the media insists of projecting into our world And often such monstrosities of violence via, TV, films etc which glamorise violence that we humans take it as normal as we become desensitised to it ..

      We buy into this, by altering our behaviours and often reacting to it.. We then become suspicious, fearful, and our behaviours then lead to anger, jealousies as one has more than the other and so on and so on..

      Seeking out Peace and disengaging from the Noise of the world is both healing to self and to the world, for if we could all but see, our world is created in energy, The energy we send out is what will be reflected back.. We reap what we sow. 🙂

      Many thanks for your thoughts dear Somali ..
      Sue 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Somali K Chakrabarti
        Aug 05, 2017 @ 18:45:44

        I completely agree that excessive exposure to violence, atrocities desensitizes us to such behaviour. As such it helps to disengage from the noise and seek peace. Thank you for inspiring such meaningful discussions. 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 05, 2017 @ 18:51:07

          They come too far and few between these days dear Somali, One time I would love nothing better than to debate the state of the world…. I would much sooner share blooms and poems.. 🙂 But these thoughts have been churning a while, and as I always follow my instincts I let them come to the surface.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  12. JoAnn Chateau
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 18:08:38

    Brilliant, Sue. Yes, we must use our creativity within our own lives to lift ourselves and others. Regarding the dark worldly mess? Remember the Lights out there — like Sanders, Corbyn, Malala, bloggers like you, and more — some famous, many individuals we will never hear of — all trying to do what is right and good to lift the world. It really is amazing.

    Fear is an easy emotion to tap into, because fear is linked to survival —
    making us react quickly (no time to think) to avoid a hungry bear or fast approaching automobile. Propaganda manufactures fear, instead of alerting us to real dangers. Maybe that is why we can easily feel overwhelmed by chaos. Developing inner peace is the antidote to manufactured fear. Thanks for your light, and consistently reminding us to be still.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Plantsandbeyond
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 18:32:38

    Thank you so much, Sue, for expressing inner peaceful thoughts for the rest of us. Interesting how we are on the same page. Just like you, I try to create my own reality by practicing peace, creativity and passing it forward. This morning, I went to the beach to raise my own vibration and any one around me. Meditation comes easy in such serene setting. Hope the looner eclipses will bring calmness after they are done to the rest of humanity. Keep up your wonderful writing to encourage and inspire your followers. Love reading your posts, always.

    Liked by 2 people


  14. thespiritkeeper
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 18:46:29

    Great article and even though we convince ourselves that this is only a reality our senses makes us feel that it is so real and we engage in that feeling to make us feel like it is happening. The brains negativity is as follows – Amazingly, 95 percent are the same thoughts repeated every day. On average, 80 percent of those habitual thoughts are negative. Unfortunately, our brains are hardwired to pay more attention to negative experiences than to positive ones. I got this off the internet and took a seminar in this years ago and those statistics are accurate from what I learned.
    All we can do is send our love to those negative areas as you know what they say Love will confound our enemies and confuse our friends lol Here is to oneness and Gaia. Stay well.

    Liked by 3 people


  15. Infinite Living
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 19:42:54

    I loved being immersed in your post as my heart smiled in agreement of your views. It is true that joyful living becomes a choice continually renewed, sometimes takes so much courage. It is so true that we absorb so much of the despair not our own …yet we are no separate than the other. A peaceful planet emerges with each one of us taking care of our internal conflicts …

    Liked by 2 people


  16. TheFeatheredSleep
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 19:45:48

    Your thoughts are my favorite sue posts♡

    Liked by 1 person


  17. Jennie
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 20:49:00

    Wonderful post, Sue!



  18. vanbytheriver
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 23:02:06

    A perfect post for our times, Sue, I am so grateful for the positive energy you exude. It’s exactly what we need, and I know there are so many who believe as you do. I like the expression used above… “manufactured” tragedy…it keeps us watching the media and its commercial promotions. Sad reality.
    Of course there are problems to be addressed, there always have been/will be. But they will be resolved…we will emerge from this current mess, most likely stronger than ever. Good people will prevail in the end.
    Stay centered in your personal peace, and if this is the kind of thinking that engages you, please keep sharing it here.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2017 @ 12:34:07

      Thank you Van, yes there will always be problems to address, always more room for improvement to close the gap of the haves and those who have nothing in the world.. We are a species that is still in its infancy, evolving like any other.. But we have become very arrogant in our thinking that we are top dog.. When in fact, it is Mother Nature who rules, and will always bring us back to heel.

      Stepping back into nature often brings clarity, in that while ever our crazy mechanical world’s prime roll is greed, to make a profit and to control others by the means we both see being put out in the world.. We will only evolve at the pace, the Universe wishes us to.
      Nature and Mother Earth has all the time it needs to regenerate and heal the planet of our polluted ways.. Where as we as a species are not necessary in her evolutionary journey.. I am certain we have been practically wiped out before, if we do not do it to ourselves before hand.
      The history of planet Earth has taken many journeys through ice-age, to warming, to flood,etc.. I only have to look in my own garden with its sandy soil and large smooth pebbles to know at one point it was beneath the ocean..

      I have come to understand, what we have set into motion as human beings, is the pathway we are on.. And while we can not undo the damage done .. We know our positive energies are a means to combating the negative ones which continually erode our societies.
      So we find our pockets of Peace, And keep on keeping on my friend.. Many thanks Van.. 🙂 ❤ I very Much appreciate your comment

      Liked by 2 people


  19. Miriam
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 23:41:39

    I so loved reading your thoughts Sue and I so agree that if we radiate love and peace it will be magnified. A wonderfully reassuring post that is full of hope. Thank you 💕

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2017 @ 12:43:49

      Big smiles Miriam, I am happy you enjoyed this post.. Sometimes you just have to sit and write and see what transpires.. And there is a lot of hope for mankind, so long as he understands that our world is in all of our hands.. And it is how we each think, and act that creates our future.. If we all hang onto the negative, and buy into the fear, we will continue within its loop.. Its not easy, shaking our negative self.. For it will pop up time and time again to whisper in our ears.. But once we step out of the illusion of the world we have created.. Like Tina said in her comment..

      Stone wielders live in fear. Peace holders live in love. And fear is no match for love.

      Which I though just wonderful..
      Many thanks dear Miriam.. Loved that you visited and left me your valued comment.. Enjoy your new week 😀 Sue xx

      Liked by 2 people


      • Miriam
        Aug 06, 2017 @ 12:53:51

        Wonderful thoughts Sue and I love Tina’s words, they really are true. I’ll always believe there’s more good than bad in this world but you’re right, it’s also easy to slip into negativity. It takes conscious effort to keep our thoughts aligned on the positive and to refocus when things seem dark. Thank you for the hope that is always in your posts. So inspiring. xo

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 06, 2017 @ 13:03:51

          Bless your heart Miriam.. We are many, who think like we do.. So many I speak too every day are fed up with the TV and the propaganda machines and are seeing at last through their lies.. So yes, there is more than hope, when we show love, compassion and we care. There are only two emotions Love or Fear.. and Love is far stronger of the two.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  20. johnnyboy46
    Aug 05, 2017 @ 23:42:33

    Yes, I think many people have to learn how to dream and once they . come up with their plan they can do anything.

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  21. Soul Gifts
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 03:17:19

    The more we focus on projecting love and peace from our hearts instead of getting trapped in the illusion of fear, the more the vibrations of Mother Earth will rise and we will move past the chaos and turmoil to new creations …. thank you for this thought provoking and timely post. Blessings xx

    Liked by 1 person


  22. House of Heart
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 03:39:51

    Dear Sue this is such an inspiring post. Our world is in turmoil and we must take. Action to avoid being swept up in the chaos. On the other side of the coin is remaining in touch with the suffering and aware of overt and covert actions that would cause harm and disenfranchise the weakest among us. So I want to stay strong, be at peace and also be an advocate for those at risk. Bless. You for the message of peace. :). ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2017 @ 12:59:26

      Agree Holly.. Oh I still sign petitions and get involved in putting my name to worthy causes that fight poverty, cruelty and abuse to both humans and animals and the earth plane. I will always shout out for the weakest.. But the madness, I see now being unleashed is pitiful in its pettiness, on both sides of the pond..
      While people starve, and are caught in wars, the forgotten refugees, I could go on and on for a week to list the many things we are not addressing.. Not counting the deforestation in Brazil and how the indigenous tribes are being murdered etc. I am so aware it hurts..
      I ask myself what can I possibly do to help, how can I make a difference?
      And the only way I know is changing myself, learning that I can only be responsible for me, my own thoughts, my own actions.. And in tuning into Peace, sending out Love, holding a positive vibration, means I have to detach from the negative ones..
      Some days I am strong, other days not so,.. But voicing my thoughts here, and knowing many more in the world think like we do, I know that the media of the world is but a small portion of showing us the ugly world.. Where as I know there is much more love out there, being shared in good deeds every day.. By simple people like you and I whose thoughts reach out and whose actions help others..
      So I know our world is going to be in good hands, If we hold onto our positive energy.. and do not get involved within the fear being generated..
      Sending Lots of Love Holly,, I will go lie down now I fell of my soap box xxxx 😉

      Liked by 2 people


  23. Tina Frisco
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 05:17:23

    Dear Sue … As the old unbalanced patriarchy meets its end and fights for survival, being an empath becomes more and more challenging. We do not seek out negative thought patterns, yet we find it difficult to repel them. I keep reminding myself that the global society / world we now inhabit is an illusion, a dream – as you posit – of our own making. If we made it, we can unmake it and create something new. We must hold fast to the vision of global peace and harmony, no matter how many stones are thrown in an attempt to shatter truth. Stone wielders live in fear. Peace holders live in love. And fear is no match for love.

    I gave away my power in the early years of this lifetime. I will not make that mistake again. I am stronger than the illusion surrounding me. When we falter, let us be there for one another with this reminder: Darkness defines the light, and the light always prevails. Let us, together, hold up the beacon of love ~ the light breaching the horizon that will soon fill the world. My heart to your heart, sweet friend 💕

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2017 @ 13:08:56

      Many thanks dear Tina for your wonderful comment, and I just love these words you spoke

      Stone wielders live in fear. Peace holders live in love. And fear is no match for love

      And yes, so agree with you, we have created our present world reality by our past thoughts and actions, and we can most certainly create our future one by the way we think and act now..
      I know there are many more of us who hold this same vibration of thinking and we will overcome the fear being generated with Love.
      many thanks dear Tina for your support and feedback, it is really appreciated. Many thanks Love Sue ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  24. Bela Johnson
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 07:11:30

    Of course I understand your reflections – you know I am of the same mind – working in the garden, doing creative work there and elsewhere, remaining as peaceful as I can during this time. It’s too easy to get sidetracked, so we don’t watch TV – haven’t for over a decade now – we do have a nice screen on which we view documentaries and videos of our own choosing. But no CNN, no nonsense like that. I am aware. That is enough. The rest exists to make one’s blood boil, I’m afraid. Sending you love and Aloha from across two oceans, dear Sue! ❤

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  25. The Belmont Rooster
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 07:50:41

    AWESOME POST, Sue! The video was very good. I subscribed so I can learn more. 🙂 I have to pay more attention to negative thought, too. They pop up when i least want them to without even thinking about the the past. Like when I am talking to myself (which actually, I am not talking to myself :)). It’s like, when I am in a positive conversation about something and this thought pops in that says, “I don’t want you here.” That is me saying that to my ex… She has been gone since September 2015. I love my new relationship and she is the one I am usually thinking about, so why does this negative stuff from my ex still pop up? I am a very positive person put the negative still wants to show it’s ugly head. Look forward to more of your posts. I have a lot of old ones to catch up on, too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2017 @ 14:27:51

      I think no one is immune from the negative thought patterns… No matter how hard we try we will find something negative that pops up now and again.. Learning not to give it our attention and feed it with building it into something huge is the key..
      So the key is to learn to send it on its way and choose a more happy thought of a more positive vibration.. and built upon that instead..
      So pleased you enjoyed the vid and I am sure we have all given ourselves a good talking too through out time… Many thanks for your input here Mr R..
      Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  26. becca givens
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 08:13:07

    Always a positive visit — thank you, sweet Sue! ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  27. rabirius
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 11:45:31


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  28. prenin
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 11:59:29

    Yes, we’re changing the world every day and creating whole new aspects both good and evil! 😦

    Soon our world will be too hot for us and Momma Nature will reduce our numbers as our out-of-control breeding ruins the planet.

    The question has to be: Will humanity (indeed all life) survive intact???

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


  29. -Eugenia
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 13:34:55

    Always positive and enlightening. Thank you, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. thetruthaboutmentalhealth
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 14:18:30

    I really relate to your thoughts here Sue. I’ve been feeling like taking a step back lately as well.. I’ve been very linear brain on my blog trying to work things out which has been good.. needed it for a while but now I’m feeling like I need to maybe go into my creativity a bit more and maybe blog about that. I also feel like there is something in stars/ air like you say.. certain shifts.. I don’t usually go into those things so much but it does seem like there is this collective change happening and we’re all thinking about how to start from scratch almost. 🙂 keep shining on, gardening and being awesome 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2017 @ 14:55:49

      Sometimes we have to try to work our way through our thoughts.. I discovered long ago, not all feelings and thoughts were my own.. For we can also ‘plug into the collective’ in a negative as well as positive way.. Being aware, and learning to discern our thoughts and feelings takes practice..
      You do right in now focusing on your creative side.. I find when we are being creative, be in poetry, writing or for me my art.. It takes me out of the zone.. and into the peace straight away.. For when I focus it does not allow anything other than what I am concentrating on into my world..
      So keep creating and I will keep gardening for sure. ❤ 🙂



  31. Genie
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 15:02:46

    Timely and heartfelt post, Angel.
    Sending you Warm 🤗 Hugs and ❤️ Love. 😘

    Liked by 1 person


    Aug 06, 2017 @ 16:27:37

    It’s your ‘Inside Light” and your interpersonal skills that keep you going in thIs unsettled and disturbed world we’re living in.Most of us are in a state of simmering indignation,impossible to compromise with irrationality …
    Forethought with reflection your post,the cosmos is providing you with a hightened sense.Thank you for having enlivened my spirit and my soul,I also watched the video,indeed,we should always listen to the voice of our inner needs … Love & blessings to you,dear friend 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Eddie Two Hawks
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 16:52:22

    You have been and continue to be an inspiration to all. hugs and love to you
    Blessings to you dear Sue, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


  34. robbiesinspiration
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 19:10:53

    This is a very heartfelt post, Sue, and I share your pain at the difficult times the world is currently experiencing. I do believe though, that the world is full of wonderful and kind people who contribute positive energy to the environment. Kind acts have a ripple effect and help to counteract the negatives in life. Have a wonderful week, Sue. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2017 @ 19:14:05

      I thank you Robbie, yes, as I said in some of my comments, the media report only a small percentage of the bad, but repeat it at every opportunity.. Where as there are many many more people doing good deeds and caring and loving every day.. I thank you for taking the time Robbie to come over and read.. Love and hugs xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  35. Sageleaf
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 22:49:05

    I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. I decided to intentionally not “work” so much. Just a few hours total this weekend – getting a blog post ready and some research, but one of these days I WILL make it here the same day you actually post. lol.
    I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly. I remember in the Conversations with God book, God tells Neale that to start thinking about all the bad and focus on it is to disconnect from that higher energy – or something like that. I know I’m messing up the words, but I remember the conversation about focusing on the things that are going right – which is harder to do.
    Those textiles – I loved taking the one textiles class I had in high school. I learned how to do macrame and made a huge tree with a large branch, leaves, beads and a big trunk. We did other projects, but I remember that one because of how much I love trees. 🙂
    So, like you, I spend a LOT of time being creative. A LOT of time thinking up ideas. And other times trying to still my mind. But being creative is one of those things that reminds me that there is so much good in the world, too. So many voices of love and reason and I am continually thinking that more and more people are waking up.
    Loved this post, dear friend. Loved reading your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 09, 2017 @ 15:56:28

      I am pleased you took some time out for yourself Cynthia.. We sometimes need that.. I had my little Granddaughter one over the last two days, and we went walking while she went on her bike.. and we played in our imagination, We were fairies, Mermaids and Princess’s and Princes.. We cast magic spells and we hid our treasures after making necklaces of coloured beads.. She watched for the first time the Golden Compass.. a favourite of mine I have on DVD.. She watched it again the second day.. She made her own magic compass from card and stuck jewels on it..
      Now what better way to spent a couple of days than being within the mind of a 6 yr old.. 🙂
      I recommend us all just exploring our creative imagination and just see where it takes us..
      LOL.. I so know your own creative talents will lift you to heights of tranquil bliss.. For we get lost within our creativeness.. or within our silence..
      Macrame a wonderful way to experiment with textures and creating pictures..

      The above photo is all made of petals from flowers, pebbles bark etc.. by the school children.. The Well Dressings are a ritual and ceremony carried out in various villages to give thanks to the Wells, and the Springs for the water of Life they bring..

      Thank you Cynthia for always injecting your enthusiasm and creative gives within my posts.. And worry not about being late.. I am the worlds worst at arriving on any bodies blog on time.. But I do manage to get around most.. Eventually. 🙂 Learning to let go of that even now.. Is showing me, that those of us who connect here, now so understand, which makes our visits to each other even more precious for we enjoy the gifts we bring each other
      Love and Warm hugs your way..
      Sue ❤ ❤ See you Very soon lol 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  36. AmyRose🌹
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 23:47:13

    There is so much in this post, Sue. Peace yes peace begins with me. I’ve realized I do create my own world and as I do it radiates out. I just came in from pulling weeds and it’s like eating potato chips …. ya just can’t do one. One weed after another and just being IN the Moment and nothing else. The video you provided I watched and I must say a huge thank you to you for it! Powerful information! Fascinating and what got me to sit up straighter is September is always “new beginnings” month for me, in ways that I’m not able to explain. Now this year it is a “one” numerologically and my “spirit” got SO excited! Emotional? Yiveh! The calendar turned and with it emotions all over the place yet … within all that emotion a strength is resonating, a peace, a no-nonsense attitude of “you will not detract from my peace!” I pray my Joy returns and if I have to fake it for a while I will. But to be true to my emotions and to me, I will not turn my back on my tears either. And this world? NOTHING makes any sense to me any longer and so I stay away from it as much as I can. My world has gotten so small that I was just wondering today if I will ever again mingle with humans again. For now, I am where I am to be. The small dips I do get with people is enough and sometimes even too much to bear. Oops, got to go … hubby needs me. Bless you, dear friend! 🌸



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 09, 2017 @ 16:31:13

      Glad the video and numerology got you excited Amy.. And yes, pulling weeds is addictive.. Very therapeutic and calming .. If the weather dries up, that is where I will be tomorrow.. We just had a huge amount of rainfall over the past 48 hours.. So hoping it will dry up a little in this Autumnal wind we are now getting . I am pleased that no nonsense emotion is finding its way into your veins.. I agree with you, there is hardly a day I go without shedding a tear.. Tears are who we are also.. They cleanse our inner to make us stronger in the outer.. Some think tears are the signs of weakness, I disagree.. to me our tears flow like the rivers.. Showing us the path of truth, and compassion.. Learning how to mix our energies is what we are about.. Learning also that our emotions are not always that of our own. But we Feel the flow of others tears too.. Which creates the rivers of our own to flood out.. I hope indeed that Sept is a month of New Beginnings in Many ways for many people..
      Love and Hugs dearest Amy.. Take care of YOU.. Love Sue ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • AmyRose🌹
        Aug 09, 2017 @ 18:09:34

        Autumn is now being felt here as well, Sue, and signs here and there are being seen. My Inner Guidance is telling me to begin Fall work on my gardens. Yep already! As for tears … they are never far these days and I agree that it takes a bigger person to show them then not show them. Yesterday after a strong crying jag to the point I had to put cool water on my eyes I laid down and when I did I felt the “presence” of my friend who just passed ever so strongly. I was lifted so high into Bliss I think I forgot to breathe at times. And then coping with the dying of my Mom … yeah, tough times indeed. Truth be told I have so many tears still within that if I touched those there would be no coming back for me so instead the pain that is the cause of those tears I use to create Beauty through my lens and my pen. I still am very involved with my cats and because of them, and what I do, I don’t foresee the opportunity for me to fly to where my Mother lives to physically say goodbye and HUG her. My role it seems as it was for my Dad is to have long monologues on the phone so that my Mother relaxes and falls asleep, which she needs to do. So yes there is a Purpose even in my own difficulties and suffering. I pray that September is full of New Beginnings for all of us …. yet sometimes that means letting go of the old …. yep true, and that hurts! Much Love to you this day!! Here is to weed pulling!! 😉 💞

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 09, 2017 @ 19:18:41

          Amy you are wise.. And yes, your role is a good role my friend.. Often is the case one door has to close before we open a new one..
          On Autumn.. yes, both hubby and I feel Autumn has begun early and it may well be a long winter… But like all seasons in life.. we travel through them.. And onto our next phase..
          Happy Gardening dear Amy… lots of Love dear Amy xxx ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  37. marina kanavaki
    Aug 06, 2017 @ 23:47:35

    Time for retrospection and introspection huh?! I’m glad you listened to lovely Tania’s video too. Wishing you a most wonderful Full Moon and Eclipse and …introspection! Love to you and many hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  38. JoAnna
    Aug 07, 2017 @ 03:37:06

    Thank you for this beautiful basket of hope radiating out into the world. Tapestries have been on my mind lately, so your textile experience and the analogy of our world being picked apart by the seams resonates with me today. You lead me away from despair and inspire me to put goodness in the world.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 09, 2017 @ 11:19:37

      Thank JoAnna.. Yes there is much good fabric within the world to create a new design.. all it needs is our individual attention to detail.. As we apply the stitch. Another analogy is [A stitch in Time saves Nine] And so if we all apply our thoughts and be mindful of what it is we project out into the world, I am sure we can between those of us who seek peace and love, create more of it within our world..
      Happy this post resonated with you my friend.. And thank you for telling me so 🙂 Much Love Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, MCC, SCAC
    Aug 07, 2017 @ 04:41:53

    I am so with you on the thoughts expressed in this post, Sue. Raising our own vibratory energy in any manner that works for us is what’s called for today.

    The more we focus on what’s “wrong,” the more of it we will attract in our lives and to our world. I join you in turning my head away from the “bad” news, seeking visions that affirm what’s good. Onward and upward!
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 1 person


  40. Teagan Geneviene
    Aug 07, 2017 @ 14:18:00

    Dear Sue, I know what you mean about just trying *not* to think… It’s so hard to put a positive thought in my head, especially after the kind of things I’ve been through in the past 5 or 6 years…
    But reading your thoughts, I imagined a drum circle. Adding my beat. Dancing the sacred dream awake.
    Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 1 person


  41. peggyjoan42
    Aug 07, 2017 @ 16:48:21

    A lot of us do think of the woe in our past more than the joy we can find at this moment, if we just try. I have decided the woes of the past are done, I cannot relive or change them. So, I am moving on to a happier life = where I try to do all the little things I can to make my life and this world better. Very thoughtful post Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 09, 2017 @ 11:06:57

      Thank you Peggy.. Agreed what is done is done and can not be undone.. But we can all contribute to a happier future by adding our kindness and being mindful of what we project into it.. Sending Love and Peace my friend xx 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  42. dgkaye
    Aug 07, 2017 @ 20:51:20

    Kindness and love will conquer all Sue. Yes, we do have to remember to stay high as humans and in thought for this plan to work. Wonderful inspiration as always my wise friend. 🙂 ❤ xo

    Liked by 1 person


  43. stephensmustang1
    Aug 07, 2017 @ 21:42:16

    Basically, we reap what we sow. 😉
    Focusing on the positive/joy/happiness is something I am attempting. 😉
    Love and hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  44. summerrain63
    Aug 08, 2017 @ 07:03:22

    Waving….just good to see you..

    Liked by 1 person


  45. lorriebowden
    Aug 08, 2017 @ 13:09:44

    Hi Sue! It’s so good to see you and to read you “thoughts!” I agree with you, Sue! There is so much going on in our world, and sometimes I have to stop and think…is it very much different from all of history…or is it that we have such a bombardment with it as communication systems have made the news almost an instantaneous result? Then I think I try to think that way to make myself feel better…to think oh…it’s not so different…no reason to be worried! Ha! I see so many reasons to be worried! But then again…I have to sit back and remember that we all…each and every one of us, contributes to the reality that we see in the world…so we better be reflecting WHAT WE WANT TO SEE!! And I agree with you here, believe me!
    The trick is, I suppose, to start with what is within and reflect it out as opposed to seeing what is out there and letting it in.
    I do feel energy…vibrations changing, Sue. I hope to add love and grace and beauty and healing! I have missed you and hope that you are well. I am happy you are busy creating…I think that is the way we project our love into the world! Much love to you, friend ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 09, 2017 @ 10:40:35

      Yes, And lovely to see also the new YOU too dearest Lorrie.. a lovely photo of yourself on your logo.. 🙂
      I agree, now we have on many devices news feeds, it seems the constant negative is being pumped straight into our hands by our communication devices. I am thankful my own device is ancient compared to the modern day versions lol..
      Knowing that throughout all of history there have been pockets of tragedies, unrest, poverty and wars, is nothing new to the human race.. But the speed at which these happenings now bombard our lives, through our homes, makes many believe and also fall into a more negative frame of mind as anger bubbles as emotions pool together..
      Learning to separate our energies, and step back, To find the Peace and tranquillity that is truly ours.. Needs only for us to understand that what we think is what we create..
      How often have we perhaps felt the tension of others, and got caught up in their emotions,
      Our Mass consciousness is what will tip the balance…
      At this very moment we have the USA making threats.. And we have to ask here who is the war machine?? While ever we all live within the fear being projected, We are also contributing to that war machine.. For we forget.. Actions are secondary to thoughts..
      While I do not expect PEACE to just happen. We can live within a much more peaceful environment ourselves.. And each thought, each peaceful actions adds to the matrix.. All we can do is project love into our own little piece of the world and hope it eventually ripples out.
      Love and warm thoughts to you Lorrie and lovely to have you visit again.. ❤ ❤ ❤



      • lorriebowden
        Aug 09, 2017 @ 13:04:44

        Ah! Sue! I do wake and look at a ‘little’ bit of news…and today just blew my mind!! It is a very difficult thing to see that on a television…and to turn away and be back in my little cocoon of love and compassion!
        I try very hard to keep my thoughts and the words I speak surrounded in love, which usually means I pay no attention to the ‘politics’ that seem to have erupted and gone totally MAD!!!
        I hate to say that it creates such FEAR in me…as I know that where there is love there cannot be fear…but it does! I have a long way to go. And I send prayers to our entire world that PEACE reigns…and I ask that those who speak of such hatred and destruction be touched by GRACE…and for their wounded hearts to soften and know love.
        Thank you, Sue. You always make me think and you always make me feel love. I try to be a stronger, more loving soul….Many blessings ❤

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 09, 2017 @ 15:39:53

          It is a natural human reaction Lorrie.. I know only what will be will be.. But I am not going to waste my precious time on Earth worrying about the Maybe’s of those who are war mongering.. Much better to spend it embracing the things we love and enjoying our Now moments don’t you think.. or else those who would have us live in fear, will have won.. And so as hard as it is to avoid such news.. May we continue to bring love and positive vibrations that brings light and love into the world.. We can do this.. 🙂 Have a wonderful peaceful day dear friend.. xxx ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  46. Anita
    Aug 08, 2017 @ 13:12:54

    Great thoughts, ,thank you so much dear Sue for good sharing

    Liked by 1 person


  47. lindamartha
    Aug 08, 2017 @ 18:54:19

    This is very thoughtful and well written. As you know, I left social media and have discovered a very interesting thing recently- I am inherently a positive person. I let myself become distracted by world events and was tense all the time. I see our collective energy being misplaced now. Its important to write about these things that you write about Sue. As things progress, its either going to be the Age of True Awakening or the Age of Massive Self Destruction. Step one is to free ourselves from obstacles.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 09, 2017 @ 10:11:40

      Well said dear Linda.. And I am sure as you let go of the negative in the world the media presents.. I am certain you are also cleansing yourself of all of the toxins your body has had to endure..
      I am so happy you are finding yourself in this better place Linda.. it is where you are truly meant to be.. Keep creating in your art and releasing that which no longer serves..
      Love and Blessings
      Sue xxx ❤



  48. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Aug 09, 2017 @ 00:04:32

    The easy path is rarely the best one, and the best path is almost never easy. I’d like to think that it’s a worthwhile fight though, as you’ve so eloquently put. Inspiring, beautiful sentiments like this are a powerful reminder of that, so thank you for delving deep and sharing so openly of yourself once more.

    Liked by 1 person


  49. mother wintermoon
    Aug 10, 2017 @ 02:03:30

    So true sweet Sue! Thank you for sharing your ruminations with us. 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  50. mary
    Aug 10, 2017 @ 15:29:12

    ahhh i seem to be one of the echoes of your thoughts My Faraway Friend 🙂
    thought i would stop by before going to play with the seaweed 🙂
    i stay away longer and longer from cyberspace, i wander in for a bit but the i hear whispers calling me outside..even being in the 100’sF i am drawn to feel Gaia under my feet
    your words are always filled with wisdom,the reality of this moment and then a golden road of Hope follows…i like them very much this morning…
    makes me glad i took a break to drink my coffee in front of the computer 🙂

    i think the media is affecting our spirit, attempting to make us believe there is no hope except for the elite that have appointed themselves to save us in their image of whats good for us…
    the world has not gone mad, humans are being put back to sleep i think, making them mad as the Hatter….no one wants to listen, to meet anyone halfway, its as if they think their truths are the only truths….i always wonder what would happen if the media was gone for 72 hours, …would people realize in that short time they really can decide what is best for them, taking responsibility for their selves, their actions

    LOLs…i am ready for my mountains and less humans, restless these days, but still contented in knowing i am where i am suppose to be….

    Take Care My Dear Friend…Keep writing your words of reality and Hope…for they Matter as well as you do …. 🙂
    Love you Sue….
    always Blessings
    just me

    Liked by 1 person


    • mary
      Aug 10, 2017 @ 15:30:49

      and i will watch your video…i have a little coffee left in my cup 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2017 @ 15:35:03

      Bless you Mary, May you enjoy the mountains and the peace my friend.. Nature is the best medicine, and she is also the best healer I know.. I agree with you about the disappearance of the Media.. I would not miss it one bit.. As I try to avoid it at every turn..
      Today is a brighter day here today and it is said to be a better weekend weather wise.. So I too will be out and away..
      I know deep down the world is in many good hands/hearts.. It is only the illusion being built up by those who are the fear mongers , who are spreading their doomsday fear right now.. xxx 🙂 LOL
      Love and Blessings.. Enjoy making that medicine wheel xxx



  51. insearchofitall
    Aug 10, 2017 @ 21:15:49

    I don’t think anyone has said this better. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2017 @ 08:56:55

      Awww Marlene.. Many thanks for that huge compliment my good friend.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • insearchofitall
        Aug 12, 2017 @ 00:08:52

        I’m still catching up and having to go to my reader to find everyone. No one is showing up in my e-mail. This could take a while to untangle. I agreed with everything you said there.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 12, 2017 @ 07:37:49

          Thank you Marlene.. Yes I found certain blogs I follow are not in email, or showing up in the reader.. While I am going into spam folders again. Sigh.. never mind we get there.. And we only have one pair of hands.. I appreciate you taking time to visit dear Marlene.. especially when your own communication device got broken too xxx ❤ Have a peaceful weekend xx

          Liked by 1 person


  52. Mabel Kwong
    Aug 11, 2017 @ 11:56:14

    What a lovely post and it is so interesting to hear the thoughts of a ‘dreamwalker’. When I stumbled upon your blog I wondered what that word meant…and now I see that it is about connecting with yourself inwards as much as those around you and the stars.

    ‘Learning to raise our vibration is not an easy road.’ Agree. There will be ups and downs in our lives, and stranger things have and are still happen. Also agree that sometimes we get so caught up in what we have that we become rather insular and self-destructive. With different eras come different wants and needs, and its amazing to see how the Earth has evolved so much in that sense.

    Here’s hoping we make it through the second Lunar eclipse and follow the stars with our hearts ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2017 @ 16:10:17

      So pleased dear Mabel the Walk within the Dreamer is enlightening my friend 😁 The journey is forever changing, for is not that what we do? Change, Shift, Adapt.. Learn and Grow.. Each era brings its outward challenges, as we speed up, trying to keep up, and experience all that is on offer..
      Yet our greatest experience is in learning to go inward, and discover our Inner selves. When we learn to connect within and merge with our hearts and follow our inner Dreams, I feel we will evolve that little bit faster.. 😀
      I am looking forward to that time of the second Lunar Eclipse, May it open our hearts even further to connect with our true selves..

      Love and Blessings to you Mabel.. Loved your wise comment here. 💐😘😁💛



      • Mabel Kwong
        Aug 12, 2017 @ 11:55:18

        Agree with you that the challenge always lies in discovering our inner self, and being comfortable with it. Connecting with the heart can be hard because sometimes the heart tells us things we don’t want to hear…but it’s all a part of growing and becoming stronger. Personally I don’t like to speed up, but rather go at my own pace because ultimately we can still cross the same milestones.

        I wonder what that second Lunar Eclipse has in store for us. Maybe something good, or some kind of revelation. ❤

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 12, 2017 @ 12:05:03

          🙂 Yes, learning and growing and listening to our hearts can be a painful learning curve.. And neither do I like the speed at which our modern day world is taking us, or how these weeks seem to soon turn into months lol.. This year has already flown far too quickly for my liking 🙂
          I hope it is something Good. which the Luna eclipse helps reveal.. As we work on our own inner thoughts and focus upon the intentions we want to project into the future..
          Much Love returned Mabel.. xxx ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 11, 2017 @ 16:32:21

      I left a long comment upon your post dear Mabel.. it vanished On your post about ethnicity in a changing world .. would you be so kind as to look in your spam box to find me.. It seems I am being thrown in there by WP again on some blogs.. Many thanks xxx Love Sue



  53. Christy B
    Aug 12, 2017 @ 04:26:01

    I did not realize you were a seamstress, Sue. I am so glad that you are sharing your thoughts with us, even at the risk that they will bring you down… Only by being open to the world in its present state can we start to make it better ❤ Ignorance is not bliss… Many hugs to you as you are a light that our world needs more of xx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 12, 2017 @ 07:21:56

      I started out aged 15 working in textiles sewing in factories.. I went back to it after my children were born, and spent nearly 30 yrs working my way up the industrial ladder.. from machinist to sample hand, to supervisor to Training Manager.. Then left and went into Support Work, with adults with learning difficulties for the next 11 yrs.. So yes, not much I do not know about the garment industry 🙂
      And Yes I agree, only by opening up do we release and let go of what is inside.. as you know too well also Christy.. Sending much love your way my friend xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  54. smilecalm
    Aug 12, 2017 @ 17:39:53

    smiling to your hopeful
    encouraging thoughts
    in this questionably
    hopeful time, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  55. Barbara Franken
    Aug 18, 2017 @ 08:18:43

    A delightful post Sue and IAM with you creating NewEarth from within… we’re getting there, meanwhile enjoying everything I experience x love to you, barbara x

    Liked by 2 people


  56. Ka Malana -
    Aug 18, 2017 @ 23:27:57

    Wow, Sue! ❤
    Your fountain runneth over, I am so grateful that I call you my friend, and that you are my friend. What keeps coming to mind is "this is the last human incarnation." I don't know, what do you think?

    Astrology is one of my many lifelong observations. Here we are, another set of eclipses, one on my birthday (the lunar eclipse) and then the one that is on Aug 21. Times are intense, and I do believe that what you are doing, is a very good job. I so loved reading through all the comments on your post. All that love! I've got more to read yet!
    ❤ Here are many hugs from me. Bless you dear Sue,

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 19, 2017 @ 13:21:29

      Big smiles Ka, especially about the LAST human incarnation.. I was told oh perhaps 10 yrs ago now that this was my last incarnation in human form.. David whom you may have seen commenting here also had that same message too in his life.. So seems we are all of a like mind on that.. 🙂
      Thank you for reading here, I am delighted when you visit..
      Every time I feel I want to write a post nothing comes..
      Then all of a sudden I sit and write and out pours my thoughts.. I have to post them.. For I feel they need sharing..
      I bet I am way behind in catch ups on your posts too..
      Looking forward to the 21st.. Feel it will be a significant one . Mother Earth too may well feel its impact.. So hold on.. for she is rumbling beneath.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • Ka Malana -
        Aug 19, 2017 @ 16:54:22

        Yes, Sue…..

        Your comment led me over to David’s blog (same David? who has commented on my blog) this morning, and as I am preparing to attend a meeting with my local association, today, I happened to read his wonderful post, “Seeing happiness, again” for the first time. Meanwhile, I notice that his original blog post was dated 7/12/14, the same date as an astrological blog post of mine that I reposted (as I had included, this time, the original, as it was on my hard-drive). I had a lovely moment of reflection. And, really felt so grateful for the specific synchronicity. This human life is easy to get attached to; it’s so full of love. Being born under a balsamic moon (3 days before a solar eclipse) indicates that my soul is a very old one, and as I get older (what I have noticed) is that i get younger – perhaps my last human life too, but there’s always a choice.

        I am holding on, Sue. I am also looking ahead, while I breathe into this present moment.

        When sharing your thoughts leads to all of this…. 😀 We are so grateful for you!

        Aloha xoxox Ka

        Liked by 1 person


  57. Aquileana
    Sep 01, 2017 @ 06:31:04

    Dear Sue… such a moving, heartfelt post… Your words truly resonated with me, my friend… You have the ability to speak for many of us, I guess…. Which is a gift … and also a commitment… Something beautiful and powerful.
    I coud totally relate with these words: “I tell myself often, that these drama’s are not my Story, they are not my reality, yet in truth when you come to see our Oneness, they are indeed our own stories”… That totally made me think of a song by Lana del Rey that I love… And I shared a lil video on Instagram, kind of singing it. I am sure you´ll like the song. (read the caption) Here´s the link: . Thank you for always sharing such valuable posts… Hugs and happy weekend ahead to you! 😀 ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 18:08:24

      What a beautiful share Aquileana, and your voice also matches that of the singer.. Very beautiful words.. And you are looking wonderful by the way 🙂
      Thank YOU for dropping by to leave your valued comment Aquileana, I so appreciate you doing so.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Aquileana
        Sep 03, 2017 @ 19:20:24

        Sue… I am so glad that you got access before my Instagram account was suspended (or hacked). It happened last friday…. Awful thing. I am still trying to recover it and contacted Instagram but didn´t receive any answer yet… Love you ❤

        Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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