Anyone for Tennis?

Hello beautiful people, it has been a while since I did an update on my blog.. Summer is speeding by and I am making the most of these wonderful Sunny Days here in the UK..  Life is for living, and enjoying and that is exactly what I have been doing.. Spending time with family, and enjoying several birthday celebrations, and of course the allotments have been getting lots of attention with picking berries, and preparing produce for the freezer..

I also started a knitting project too, which has stopped my hands from pounding the keyboard of an evening. A project in progress that has the back and one front completed..

Tennis too has been on the agenda, and no, I am not that sprightly, lol, but may invest in a swing ball for the lawn, as I know one little lady who will enjoy the game with me..  But Wimbledon is on for another week, and you will find me most afternoons watching Tennis this next week, as I root for my favourite Tennis Stars.  So I have been up extra early and down the gardens before it warms up and gets too hot to work.

So as I share lots of photo’s over on my gardening blog on the progress on the allotments.. For a change, I will share a little of the allotments here with you.


Enjoy, and I will I hope gradually work my way down the reader and find you.

And remember to love, laugh, and BE Happy..

Hydrangea’s in our home garden

See you Soon! 

137 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. marvaseaton
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 13:36:45

    Love your garden. I do enjoy gardening a lot. There is just this special feeling you get from planting things and seeing them grow.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Ben Naga
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 13:45:25

    Busy, busy, busy. 😀

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Soul Gifts
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 13:50:31

    Looks delicious – and I bet they are!

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Hariod Brawn
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 13:52:16

    I’m enjoying the tennis myself, dear Sue, and have been marvelling at the artistry on display, together with being astonished at the incredible physicality that the modern game demands of its players. When I used to go to Wimbledon it was back in the days of Billie Jean, Virginia, Martina, Chrissie, and Evonne, and with the men, Arthur, Jimmy, Björn and Mac. But they’d all get taken apart these days, I suspect, given the huge advances in athleticism. Looking forward to next week! Fancy Jo Konta to win, and either Rafa or Roger. You? H ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 09, 2017 @ 14:01:16

      Haha.. Yes you are so right dear Hariod, how indeed Tennis has moved on.. Such strength and stamina.. Especially during the heat of the stadium that soared this last week.. And I have so enjoyed watching Joanna Konta play, and have my doubts over a second championship win for Andy.. 🙂 But some supper Tennis, and oh those were the days, and I remember them well, too.. lol.. And yes.. Rafa or Roger look good.. Enjoyed the game last evening with Roger. 🙂 And it would be a great come back for him.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  5. michnavs
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 14:10:11

    My husband plays tennis and he’s really good at well as my girls..Wimbledon season now and we are all like everyone in UK watching each game..

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Paul Handover
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 14:56:52

    I can’t follow your gardening blog for it just highlights how little I understand about gardening here in Southern Oregon! Just kidding! (Well not entirely kidding!)

    Liked by 1 person


  7. litebeing
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 15:09:54

    Lovely Sue! The Hydrangeas are back in my front yard now. They were absent last summer. I have posted some header images of them on my blog.

    hugs, Linda

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Writing to Freedom
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 15:15:22

    Kudos on all the summer fun you’re having Sue. I used to play tennis, but only rarely enjoy watching. Your gardens look great. To summer fun and living life!

    Liked by 1 person


  9. House of Heart
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 15:37:01

    Beautiful pic of you Sue…I know you are enjoying your little grandie and your garden, like you I am a huge tennis fan and will be watching Wimbledon rabidly. Enjoy sweet lady…btw, I have a shirt just like that one that I love, it is a very cool summer shirt! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2017 @ 22:57:44

      Haha.. about the shirt.. lol we must both have great tastes.. lol.. And did your watch this evenings match with Rafa Nadal and Muller.. what a game.. If both could have won they both deserved too.. And yes I have a little girl staying this evening too.. 🙂 and she enjoyed her swing ball too.. 🙂 as did Grandma.. ❤ love and Hugs dear Holly.. Big smiles your way my friend xx

      Liked by 1 person


  10. InfiniteZip
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 16:01:29

    beautiful images from your blissful garden, enjoy your summer and your time my friend ❤ peace and love, K

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Teagan Geneviene
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 16:02:19

    I do love your gardening posts, Sue. (Although now I’m curious about the knitting project.) It was exciting to see all the green growing tomatoes! One of my favorite things is a garden fresh tomato…. Heaven. Wishing you a wonder-filled, hug-filled week.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2017 @ 23:00:53

      Bless you Teagan, I so appreciate your visits as I know how busy you are.. And yes love tomatoes too.. especially later when I make soup.. And happy you are enjoying the garden.. Lots of love dear Teagan.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Erika Kind
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 16:24:22

    Oh, I love how you enjoy each ray of sun and the summer time. I started enjoying my rare time more too since I am on a screen at work all day anyway. Great to decide that. Happy Summer, Sue!!

    Liked by 1 person


  13. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 16:33:28

    I love your hydrangeas, so pretty. A beautiful post, Sue, spreading laughter and light. I hope you have lots of fun playing swingball with your granddaughter. My boys used to love playing that with me but they are a bit to old now.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. thespiritkeeper
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 16:50:38

    How wonderful that you are making the most of the summer. It feels good to be out in the sunshine then our cold winter fall and spring that we have. Your berries look wonderful as well Your allotment a place of envy and your home garden as well.

    Liked by 2 people


  15. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 17:09:46

    Lovely pictures, Sue. Nice to know that you are enjoying the summer to the fullest, celebrating birthdays, gardening and taking up knitting and tennis. Writing can take a backseat for a while. No worries. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  16. balroop2013
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 17:37:11

    I am so happy for you Sue…spending time with family and gardening…enjoying what you like the most is living life in the real sense of the word. Summer days always bring a lot of sunshine…you get up and find half the day is over yet it goes on and on!! So much time on our hands!
    Love your varied interests, which keep you occupied! Enjoy every minute dear friend and stay blessed! Love and hugs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2017 @ 12:17:14

      Bless you dear Balroop.. Keeping busy is something I find easy.. I can not sit often and do nothing, unless I am on the garden swing, contemplating, and meditating as I absorb what nature offers.. 😉 And yes, Summer days are longer and we fit more in.. As the Sun brings us that bit more energy to do our tasks.. Sending huge hugs right back.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  17. natswans
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 18:12:05

    Lovely post Sue and enjoying life is what it is all about. Your Allotment looks wonderful hard work and patience. Made me smile when you mentioned Tennis and a certain little person. Lovely
    Have a great week Sue
    Lots of hugs
    Sheila xx

    Liked by 2 people


  18. Lorna
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 19:37:49

    Love your garden Sue! It’s really thriving. Have a great summer! I guess the blogosphere won’t go anywhere if we take a break now and again. There will always be more tales to tell. 🌹

    Liked by 1 person


  19. JoAnna
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 20:13:22

    Your work in the garden is paying off in beautiful abundance. I love how you are in tune with the earth and the season of growing. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person


  20. laurabruno
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 20:55:36

    So lovely! Nice to see you with such a huge smile, too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  21. Superduque777
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 21:03:18

    We all love you Sue !

    Liked by 1 person


  22. dgkaye
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 21:40:02

    So beautiful Sue. Your garden looks blooming with lovely feasts of produce. So, where’s the tennis game? LOL 🙂 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Genie
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 22:52:20

    Perfect. Being outside and working with one’s hand are so much better than cyber space, although we all do love it, there must be a limit to how much time is spent in cyber space. Good for you for making boundaries!
    Love you, WiseWoman. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  24. MrsCraft
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 23:08:30

    Sounds like you’re having a brilliant summer! The allotment is doing superbly too.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2017 @ 11:33:53

      Aww thank you Mrs C.. yes and we are blessed as a bonus with the Good weather.. And Nature provided us with a cloud burst last evening, So we did not have to rise so early to water today 😀 .. Many thanks xxx ❤



  25. seaangel4444
    Jul 09, 2017 @ 23:53:43

    I can smell the freshness from your garden all the way across the pond, dear Sue! 🙂 Sue, I sent you an email a few days ago; by any chance, did you receive it? Thank you!! Cher xo

    Liked by 2 people


  26. Val Boyko
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 03:29:58

    Summer, gardening, family and Wimbledon… sound just right to me Sue 🌼😎☀️Those tomatoes look like a bumper crop this year!

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Renee Espriu
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 05:15:13

    I so enjoy your sites, Sue. Your posts make me smile. Thank you for sharing as you do. I am presently working on a new site. I only have one post and just the getting together of it has left me tired so will have to get back to it tomorrow. You are an inspiration. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  28. Denzil
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 06:32:20

    Lovely garden Sue. You seem to have a lot of interests. Am jealous of your raspberries, my favourite fruit

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2017 @ 10:57:53

      They are delicious Denzil, and yes, keep busy, and the mind doesn’t have time to wander lol.. 🙂 Raspberries and Strawberries have both been good.. And the Loganberries.. The early ones are almost done now.. Next crop of Raspberries is the Autumn ones which are coming into flower right now.. Then it will be the Blackberries.. 🙂 Good to see you.. and thank you so much

      Liked by 1 person


  29. lindamartha
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 06:40:48

    I’m very happy to hear that you are enjoying summer. Your grandaughter has some talent as photographer….its a lovely picture. I can tell by the smile on your face how much you adore her:) And as usual, your gardening skills amaze. Keep enjoying summer!

    Liked by 1 person


  30. prenin
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 09:55:35

    Well done hun! 🙂

    Nice to see such hard work so well rewarded!!! 🙂 ❤

    Have fun and be happy – anything else is a waste of time and effort!!! 🙂

    Love and huge squishy hugs!!!

    57 Year Old Prenin!!! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  31. New Bloggy Cat
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 11:03:38

    You look lovely in this photo, Sue!. And love the photos of those fresh berries and your bountiful garden. So glad you mention tennis because I started playing again about a month ago after a lapse of 20 years. It feels so good to be back in the court. Enjoy your summer and happy harvesting, my friend! ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡

    Liked by 1 person


  32. derrickjknight
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 11:33:17

    Lovely garden photos

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Visionkeeper
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 15:23:39

    A Happy Grandmum….That’s what we like to see 🙂 Keep enjoying your time my friend. I still have no produce yet. Cold and wet. Here we are mid July and still 50’s at night and 60’s-70’s for the day time temps. That said I am sure we will be slammed into non stop 90’s here soon. They never give up trying to torture us 😦 Veggies need the hot days to grow….We shall see….Stay on the high plane DW….Hugs…VK

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 10, 2017 @ 22:37:13

      Thanks dearest VK, I hope your weather settles soon.. We had a good down pour of rain last evening and we were thankful as it saved us watering this morn.. Got a little girl on sleep over this evening.. And she loved the swing ball.. tired her out and grandma.. 🙂 Sending huge hugs your way too VK.. lots of love.. Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  34. Ka Malana -
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 15:33:17

    I loved your photos and the expression of all here! I was thinking of you this morning and appreciating all the wonderful support you show to everyone everywhere you go! 💗🌸💗🎋 So grateful to connect with you my friend, whatever the tide, day, or however the sun shines! Aloha nui loa xo

    Liked by 2 people


  35. The Coastal Crone
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 18:04:49

    Your summer joy comes through in the photo your granddaughter took and in your garden photos! Marvelous to hear that you are doing well, keeping busy and are happy!

    Liked by 1 person


  36. -Eugenia
    Jul 10, 2017 @ 19:13:36

    You look great, Sue, and your garden is gorgeous. Keep smiling.

    Liked by 2 people


  37. lindamartha
    Jul 11, 2017 @ 00:02:03

    Thank you my dear:)

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Jul 11, 2017 @ 02:37:27

    Mistress Mary, never contrary – your garden grows very well! Beautiful!

    I’d forgotten about tennis – wow, and yes, I suppose many are following what’s happening, but I fear I would not know most of this year’s stars…. will check soon!

    Liked by 1 person


  39. insearchofitall
    Jul 12, 2017 @ 01:15:35

    I’m so glad you are able to enjoy a bit of tennis. My son would love to play again but his knees are gone. Me, I’m lucky to just walk forward without tipping over. 🙂 Your garden allotment looks wonderful and so productive. My tomatoes are still just blossoms. Enjoy your beautiful weather. Ours has been kind as well.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2017 @ 11:52:07

      So pleased your own weather is being kind Marlene. 🙂 and yes, each afternoon and early evening I have been glued to the Tennis.. And some excellent games have been played. with some surprises along the way.. And yes, my hubby says the same about walking and lol.. And Tennis is hard on the knees, so can sympathise with your Son Marlene.. A rainy day today , so knitting and catching up here.. Many thanks for your lovely comment Marlene.. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  40. stephensmustang1
    Jul 12, 2017 @ 05:31:26

    Not a tennis player. It sounds like you are having a wonderful summer. Great pic of you.

    Liked by 1 person


  41. Aquileana
    Jul 12, 2017 @ 16:02:54

    Hi Sue!… You look great in the pic. It seems summertime fits you well 😀
    Look at those berries—- and flowers… The garden looks lovely and you are keeping it very tidy (I wonder if it takes too much time to keep it that way)…
    Tennis?… Nice one… I was a good hockey (on grass) player when I was a teenager. Love that sport… But Tennis was not my thing 😀 Hugs across the miles & Love to you! 😉

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 15, 2017 @ 11:06:56

      I played Hockey too and played on the wing as I was a fast runner.. But got my shins hit more than once, and my parents could not afford the full kit, so I was minus shin pads, ( ouch ).. So Tennis was easier on the shins lol, I never made the school Tennis team, but would play every chance I had including on the street.. And was thrilled when I was age 12 my cousin threw her old tennis bat out so I could have it.. 😀 So my friend and I would play with a lines drawn in chalk on the road in front of our homes.. Thank you So much Aquileana.. Enjoying Summer for sure 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  42. Christy B
    Jul 12, 2017 @ 18:02:35

    Look at those lovely hydrangeas! My mom grows those too ~ You are both avid gardeners! I haven’t played tennis in a few years so perhaps I will get back into it.. In the meantime, I wish you and family a wonderful summer, including lots of smiles and love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  43. Tom Merriman
    Jul 12, 2017 @ 20:05:04

    Enjoy your time, your Summer and your allotment, Sue! Phew, writing it like that makes it seem really busy! Your allotment is looking really good, by the way – as is your produce! 😀

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jul 13, 2017 @ 14:39:52

    Oh my what beautiful berries you have and other delicious fruits too!
    The hard work it took followed by some fun is a good balance as you
    enjoy some special days with family and friends.
    Have a most meaningful time with all, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 15, 2017 @ 11:00:22

      Thank you dear Eddie, lots of relaxation watching Tennis this week Eddie, perhaps too much as a stint in the garden proved painful, lol.. But Loving family time and the knitting needles have been the ones that have been clicking rather than the ‘mouse’ 😅😎

      Liked by 1 person


  45. Sageleaf
    Jul 13, 2017 @ 17:29:38

    Just wanted to stop by and say hi, sweet Sue! Still on the road, we’re stopped at a cafe to recharge (batteries and minds, ha!), and to have a bit of regular internet. Whew…funny…you don’t realize how much you come to reflect on how big a part of your life it is until you’re not connected for a few days. lol
    Beautiful photos as always of the gardens, and I’m thinking of you lots today. We are in Stowe, Vermont. It’s pouring rain. We had wanted to climb Mt. Mansfield (it’s the tallest mountain in this state), but Spirit had other plans. We’ll see what mischief we’ll get into, but I remember you saying that you had an interest in the Mansfield name. Tomorrow we’re going to a town that I think is on the “leylines” but bunches of spiritual gurus were attracted to that town: Lincoln, Vermont. It should be really interesting. This whole trip has been powerful and interesting. 🙂 Sending you warm hugs (because whew…it’s rainy and cold here – I’m dressed as if it were a chilly autumn day) with hints of turmeric and ginger from the tea I’m sipping. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 15, 2017 @ 11:14:47

      Yes lots of rain showers now creeping in this week too Cyndi, but still enjoying what ever.. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time.. And loved your last short vid.. You were positively sparkling in the rain lol 🙂
      Sending warm wishes right on back and thank you so so much for taking time out to call in and leave a comment while you are on your Vacation.. So appreciate that lovely thought..
      Love and Hugs Sue ❤



  46. The Eye-Dancers
    Jul 13, 2017 @ 18:42:00

    Wonderful post as always, Sue! And I can relate.:) Wimbledon is my favorite sporting event of the entire year!–Mike

    Liked by 1 person


  47. Anita
    Jul 14, 2017 @ 09:56:20

    I really enjoy your garden dear Sue, thank you for great sharing

    Liked by 1 person


  48. smilecalm
    Jul 15, 2017 @ 17:45:05

    wonderful knowing how
    sportive you are, Sue!
    from lovely garden
    to grass courts
    with a bang 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  49. aussieian2011
    Jul 16, 2017 @ 04:49:14

    A beautiful picture Sue, The Mother of Earths Allotment, your Tomatoes are great, the fruits of your enjoyment make me wonder just how big is your Larder, warehouse size I think, you have many hobbies Sue, and all a pleasure to follow.
    A mutual friend of yours and mine is Cat Peacemaker, I see a friend of Cats left a comment that a WP friend of both Cats and mine had apparently passed away, a lovely German lady who was undergoing much Chemo, not sure if she was a friend of yours also Sue, her name was Gislende.
    Sad when we lose our WP friends.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 16, 2017 @ 13:36:32

      Oh no so sorry to hear Gislinde has passed.. I know she was extremely ill and her last post she said her farewells .. I follow her husbands blog.. I must go along and pass on my condolences.. Thank you for passing that along dear Ian.. Yes she was a great friend here on Dreamwalkwer’s and had been undergoing hospital treatments for a year or more..
      She will now be within the garden she loved so much.. For she loved flowers.. Many thanks again Ian for letting me know.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  50. thetruthaboutmentalhealth
    Jul 16, 2017 @ 15:16:02

    Love your garden!! Looks so pretty. I had some fresh NZ yams baked yesterday from my friend’s home grown garden. So good. Bit unusual but delicious

    Liked by 1 person


  51. IreneDesign2011
    Jul 17, 2017 @ 10:21:21

    Beautiful Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  52. europasicewolf
    Jul 20, 2017 @ 00:33:53

    You and your garden are both looking beautiful Sue! I was looking into a course about growing your own food but so far I’m not sure that I will have time to do it. Neither am I sure where I would grow my own food lol but I would love to give it a try after seeing how wonderful yours is 🙂 Wolfie hugs, and hope you’re enjoying the sunshine and tennis in between growing and gathering! xx

    Liked by 1 person


  53. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Jul 24, 2017 @ 21:24:23

    it was a great week for you 😀 The Hydrangeas are lovely…

    Liked by 1 person


  54. Artist Inese Poga
    Jul 29, 2017 @ 16:59:41

    What a wonderful garden you have! Wow! That is so great. I hope our weather improves because it was raining extremely heavy for more than a month and now it is extremely hot. Well, you are an excellent gardener!

    Liked by 1 person


  55. Plantsandbeyond
    Jul 29, 2017 @ 17:36:09

    Wow, I am just drooling looking at your garden. What a master piece!

    Liked by 1 person


  56. Barbara Franken
    Aug 18, 2017 @ 08:27:54

    Enjoying everything the summer brings too Sue and love your photo and abundant garden fruit/veg… enjoy, hugs and kisses my divine sister, barbara x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 18, 2017 @ 19:01:55

      Yes Summer is to be enjoyed.. ( My thoughts are sent out to Spain right now Barbara ) and on a lighter note, yes, the garden is bringing in abundance of veggie, fruit and flowers.. ❤ Hugs your way and thank you



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