Problems with WordPress..

Hello my friends..

I am trying to catch up with you, but it appears many of my comments are just disappearing when I visit blogs from my emails.. Yet when I visit from the reader they appear to stick and are visible..

Is any one else having these problems?

I thought it may have been the fact I changed my email address in WP, that was last week… But WP is recognising me. And I reset all my settings just to make sure..

If you have recieved a recent Like from me today could you please check your spam boxes please as I may well have been spammed again!..

Thank you for your patience.. And if you have any to spare.. I will gladly take a little this evening

In the mean time I send you some flowers  from my garden.. while I try to fathom it out..

Vase of Flowers



146 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Hariod Brawn
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 19:42:21

    Sorry you’re experiencing these glitches, Sue. All seems to be working well currently at this end. I daresay it’ll fix itself before too long. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Tom Merriman
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 19:49:32

    Just spotted this in the reader before I posted my latest post, Sue. There seems to be something in the water at the moment! I haven’t been sent off into spam with my comments as yet, but I’ve had to retrieve quite a few comments from other regular visitors to my site who’ve succumbed to that particular cruel hand of fate!
    I’ve checked my spam folder today, and you aren’t in mine, thankfully, Sue, but rest assured, if you do find yourself in there, I’ll have you out again in a jiffy!

    These things like to try us from time to time, don’t they? Hope it’s all sorted soon!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 17, 2016 @ 19:51:47

      Thanks Tom.. I check my spam box every time I’m on here.. I have hardly had any spam recently compared to the normal though.. I in one week.. which is unusual. Thank you for the rescue Tom should I need it 🙂 xxx



  3. rabirius
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 19:53:31

    I always respond to comments in the admin area and never had any problems there.

    Liked by 2 people


  4. insearchofitall
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:11:20

    I hope you resolve this which lets the stress off your shoulders.

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Jacqueline King
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:17:48

    I can’t even find my spam, Sue, I find the current WP layout very ‘clunky’ to navigate. My comments were taking a long time to publish at the end of last week ~ but I have had some responses, so I’m guessing that they got out there eventually. Good luck with your message ~ I’ve generally found the ‘happiness engineers’ to be helpful. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:21:06

      Left a comment on the Help.. Can you point me to the Happiness Engineers Jacqueline xxx 🙂



      • Jacqueline King
        Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:29:50

        Their photos are are the bottom of the ‘Help’ page Sue ~ underneath the box for writing your message in. You have probably contacted them already and should get an emailed reply from one of them. Hope that helps. ❤

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:31:45

          Yes I got a email reply it wasnt all that helpful though 😦 but thank you my friend.. Spam box is found if you click comments 🙂 hope that helps you too It says Pending Approved and Spam and Trash on the header of the page of it.. xxx



          • Jacqueline King
            Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:42:47

            I was asking whether if I’d lose all my posts on Tao of Scrumble if I didn’t renew my domain subscription. The fist reply gave me a lot of info but didn’t answer directly and I wondered if ‘they’ we’re just a computer programme, not real people. But I rephrased my question and added some humourous remarks and did get a response that satisfied me and answered my jokey comments! Have seen the page you mention but it used to be much easier to locate ~ now I seem to have to go all round the houses to get there, and can’t remember how I did! Will have another go tomorrow, using your clear instructions. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person


  6. Sue Vincent
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:18:12

    I’ve been finding friends spammed recently too…but I usually check daily.

    Liked by 2 people


  7. utahan15
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:37:46

    ask for feedback from wordpress admins!

    Liked by 2 people


  8. mihrank
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:42:42

    Sue – welcome back and on caching up…you were missed by sharing with your incredible and amazing blogs…

    Liked by 2 people


  9. InfiniteZip
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:49:42

    Been having the same issues, comments on a site sometimes appear, but rarely…not sure if I’ve gone to their spam folder…..sigh…as I comment a lot, it gets very frustrating….hope it gets resolved. Haven’t put in a help ticket or anything, just learning patience…..

    Liked by 1 person


  10. MrsCraft
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:51:57

    Hope they sort themselves out soon, thank you for the lovely comments you left on my blog. X

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 21:00:25

    Another friend of mine recently experienced the same problem. He contacted the WP Support and I think, now they have sorted the problem. It happens, at times… 😦

    Liked by 2 people


  12. peggyjoan42
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 21:01:49

    I only use my reader to make comments on the posts of others. Beautiful flowers.

    Liked by 2 people


  13. MichelleMarie
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 21:09:58

    Hey Sue I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. Have you tried learning your cache folder, under internet options?

    Liked by 2 people


  14. Val Boyko
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 21:13:17

    Sending calming anti spam thoughts your way Sue! 🐝🌹😎🐣🦄🐬🐿🕸💐

    Liked by 2 people


  15. Erika Kind
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 21:19:05

    At times we seem to disappear in the spam folders… for what reason ever!!! There are periods where I end up there all the time!

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Writing to Freedom
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 22:08:47

    Sorry you’re having trouble Sue. Last week, my site wasn’t recognizing you, but it seems to be fine now. You aren’t in my spam.

    Liked by 2 people


  17. spearfruit
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 22:13:37

    Sorry you are having issues Sue, but glad you wrote about it. I just looked and sure enough your comment was in my spam folder. I hope it gets better for you soon. And thanks for the comment, I will respond quickly! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  18. AmyRose🌹
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 23:37:47

    BIG (((HUGS))) I did find you and rescued you! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  19. thefeatheredsleep
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 23:45:54

    I’ve had some of this and it’s maddening. I’m so sorry my friend.

    Liked by 2 people


  20. KYAngel
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 03:40:00

    I’ve had a few problems with this, Sue. I also changed my email address and it took a couple of weeks to manage to find all the places I had to change addy’s on. It is worked out for me now, and I hope it gets back to where you want it. Good luck and lots of hugs. Angie

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 18, 2016 @ 12:53:17

      Thanks Angie.. I thought I had changed it everywhere connected to WP, and apart from be being held in moderation for new visits on blogs I visited I thought it was sorted.. Then this started yesterday.. Many thanks with the well wishes Angie.. ❤ Hugs back xx

      Liked by 1 person


      • KYAngel
        Aug 19, 2016 @ 05:55:29

        This seems to be an ongoing problem with WP now. Too big too fast, and rather than take care of the problems, they just apply a bandaid and change the things that work to “new and improved” versions. Frustrating, but still the easiest one to navigate once the bugs are worked out.
        I just have to remember to stop trying to work on things when I’m tired. Or just quit for a few breaks now and then. Hugs, A.

        Liked by 1 person


  21. aussieian2011
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 04:58:03

    I definitely am having the same problems Sue, emails show as not following, so I click on follow but it doesn’t recognise my email address, I go to Word press and they are still there okay, giving me the bloody shits.

    Liked by 3 people


  22. Paul Handover
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 05:46:07

    All seems fine at this end. Mind you, I might be missing the items you’re missing! 🤔

    Liked by 2 people


  23. David
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 07:36:27

    I prepare a message on email, press send and the screen freezes … I have to go into outlook again to see that it was sent and cancel the previous version of outlook!
    Good luck Sue. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 18, 2016 @ 12:43:13

      Yes I had that problem when I replied to an email, it asked me to sign in again before it would send it.. But when you consider the size of how many are using emails and no doubt the spy-bots are around watching what we all do.. Its not surprising there are so many glitches .. Thanks David



  24. derrickjknight
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 09:27:43

    I’m certainly in touch with you, Sue. But my viewings have dropped over the last two months, and some people have gone off my radar

    Liked by 2 people


  25. writersdream9
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 11:19:03

    Technical problems are the worst! Sorry, you are going through this bug in the system. Will check my spam. Your flowers are gorgeous surrounded by little angels! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  26. balroop2013
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 17:04:45

    Oh yes! I was wondering why your comment needed approval!! All this part and parcel of technology.
    Thanks for those lovely flowers. 🙂
    Stay blessed.

    Liked by 2 people


  27. Lynz Real Cooking
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 18:52:17

    sorry you are having issues, yes this happens from time to time. xxxxx

    Liked by 2 people


  28. suzicate
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 01:17:25

    Your flowers are gorgeous!
    Practically nothing befuddles me as much as when I have issues with WP. Hope yours are resolved soon.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 19, 2016 @ 11:54:03

      Hi Suzi… yes they prickle and niggle at me if I let them.. Knowing this time around though how to resolve it I was less stressed.. And the technical support from Aksimet was very good, they had resolved it over night while I slept and I had an email the next morning waiting saying they had cleared me from spam and I should have no further probs. 🙂 So far so good 🙂



  29. Xena
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 02:35:31

    So sorry to hear about your problems, Sue. In the last several weeks, I’ve had people who are subscribed tell me that they are no longer receiving email notifications.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 19, 2016 @ 12:14:32

      Yes this too has happend to me Xena.. I had one lady leave me a comment whom I had not seen updates from when I did visit her site I had been unsubscribed and had to refollow.. Lots of various gremlins in the works right now..
      Thank you Xena.. Loved that you let me know.. 🙂 xx



  30. Dalo 2013
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 02:50:30

    Those flowers are just perfect ~ wishing you well Sue, and hopefully the WP gremlins will leave you alone 🙂 Enjoy the evening ~

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 19, 2016 @ 12:17:11

      Haha.. thank you Randall.. Hopefully the gremlins have left, and they let me have a get out of Jail free card.. Fingers crossed I can go Past GO and continue my travels around WP with no further problems.. Thank you Randall for dropping by. I appreciate your comments.. 🙂



  31. Renee Espriu
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 04:07:34

    As far as I know I am getting all of your comments. Hope it works out.

    Liked by 2 people


  32. dgkaye
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 04:11:47

    Arg Sue, not again! You’ve had your share of ‘Weirdpress’ woes indeed. 😦 Thanks for the flowers, I hope you saved a few for yourself. ❤ xo

    Liked by 2 people


  33. gageier
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 10:22:02

    Liebe Sue einen schönen sonnigen Tag wünsche ich dir und wie sagt man so schön bleib froh und heiter dann ist das Leben leichter Klaus in Freundschaft

    Liked by 2 people


  34. IreneDesign2011
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 16:06:44

    Sorry for you to get these challenges Sue. I have received both likes and comments from you today 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  35. kowkla123
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 16:12:48

    LIebe Sue, alles Gute, schönes Wochenende wünsche ich

    Liked by 2 people


  36. Cynthia
    Aug 20, 2016 @ 13:27:04

    Just wanted to say hello, sweet Sue! Yes, I’ve occasionally had issues with WP…but I wanted to send you hugs and hope you’re well. Have gone back to work and…haven’t been blogging much just to take a little break. 🙂 I hope your garden is looking beautiful and that you’re enjoying the sunshine. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 20, 2016 @ 15:56:16

      Thank you, I did leave a comment a while back with your writing blog Cyndi.. Yes all is well with me.. I hope that your break has also been refreshing and energising Cyndi.. And my flowers in the allotment are doing great.. Sending you some here

      Blooming Gorgeous

      Love and Hugs xxx Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 20, 2016 @ 16:26:53

      Cyndi just to let you know I tried 6 times to leave a comment on you last post but it keeps saying I am giving the wrong Captcha answer.. yet I know its correct.. Anyhow this was my comment..
      ((Hi Cyndi… Loved your story about Vinny and how he hates camping and the beach. So funny.. Breakfast is an important meal yes.. When I was working I would only grab a piece of toast.. Now I am into healthier eating, I make granola and have fruit and yogurt .. Along with occasional fry-up if hubby is making breakfast for two..
      Love the sound of your Day job too.. busy busy but making the most of helping others over their own stepping stones in life..
      Glad the Novel is coming along nicely and so pleased you are coming up to breathe air from time to time..
      Have a wonderful week and keep on doing what you are doing Cyndi.. your creative talents knows no bounds my friend

      Love and warm hugs always..
      Sue xxx )))

      Love to you my friend xxx Sue

      Liked by 1 person


      • Cynthia
        Aug 20, 2016 @ 18:53:15

        You are so sweet! No worries – sometimes my blog has commenting problems. I have to keep that captcha on because I got attacked by spammers not long ago and WordPress gave me a call about it – can you believe it? Alas, it does make it difficult. I will look into finding another way. 🙂
        Sending you hugs!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 21, 2016 @ 10:14:59

          Normally the Captcha works but it didn’t want to know this time around.. Loved your post 🙂



          • Cynthia
            Aug 21, 2016 @ 18:07:13

            Hehe, your reply made me smile. I was thinking of the title of THIS post. Ohmigosh. Sometimes I wish WordPress had the ease-of-use like Blogger does – just sort of drag and drop and watch things magically happen (and work!). Alas, then I realize that it’s me: I’m wanting something to go my way and thereby create my own resistance.
            So. Hehe. I’ve actually consciously, NOT dealt with the plugin issue. Normally I would slave over it for hours until it was fixed and stress about the whole thing. Now I’m like well…the plugin has crashed, I’ve uninstalled it, it’s still keeping all my buddies from commenting, but – BUT! – it’s actually making me have different conversations on different blogs and on FB where I posted a shared link and I know that I’ll deal with it when I have the time and the mindset to do so.
            In the meantime, I’m so grateful to my blogging friends who are so sweet and so patient and such good humans!
            Sending you hugs and may your own WordPress issues resolve themselves with nary a thorn in the side. 🙂 ((HUGS))

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 22, 2016 @ 12:58:00

              Yes there is always a silver lining to every dark cloud Cyndi and I am laughing too.. Its great how we are growing not to less stress build up.. When once upon a time for me it was a major crisis.. 🙂 Breathing through them and allowing to be what will be I have found works its way through issues a lot quicker than us stepping in trying to control something.. For we then interrupt the flow and probably make things worse.. 🙂
              The problem was resolved within 12 hours of my notifying technicians of the problem so ALL Good this end too.. Lots of Love your way xxx Sue xx


  37. smilecalm
    Aug 20, 2016 @ 15:18:54

    wp seems to offer each of us
    a special challenge
    when we least
    can use it 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    Aug 21, 2016 @ 13:12:06

    It is normal when this happens then the wordpress will recognize your blog, do more two-step authentication of wordpress is having hackers outbreaks stealing and deleting blogs, many friends my already lost their blogs.

    Liked by 2 people


  39. Jacqui Murray
    Aug 21, 2016 @ 15:51:20

    For me, it’s that WordPress keeps freezing up and I get that ‘Aw, Snap’ message. Only in Chrome. So I have to copy-paste the address into Firefox. Good grief.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 21, 2016 @ 15:58:48

      Hi Jacqui Yes I used to have the freeze problem with my old PC.. Thankfully since my new PC those issues have subsided.. But I do use FireFox more than Chrome these days I found it better.. 🙂 Thank you kindly for commenting 🙂 Hugs Sue



  40. prenin
    Aug 21, 2016 @ 17:24:15

    Hi Sue! 🙂

    I’m still only getting people’s like’s, not their email comments so I’ve given up trying and just focus on likes and the reader.

    WordPress is just a heap of junk… 😦

    God Bless!


    Liked by 2 people


  41. voulaah
    Aug 22, 2016 @ 07:26:31

    Sometimes, WP classed my comments in spam too, I don’t know why
    thank you for this good sharing Sue
    Have a very happy monday and hope that the problems disappear

    Liked by 2 people


  42. Maria Wind Talker
    Aug 22, 2016 @ 14:27:44

    Eeek, i hate techno issues being such a technophobe n all lol hope things resolve quickley xx

    Liked by 1 person


  43. Maria F.
    Aug 24, 2016 @ 02:19:43

    I’ve also gone through this.

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Ben Naga
    Aug 26, 2016 @ 17:35:58

    Beyond discovering one bona fide comment misfiled under “Spam” WP has not been too much trouble recently on my sites.

    Liked by 1 person


  45. dr sweetyshinde
    Aug 28, 2016 @ 14:25:12

    Got both ur comment & like.

    Liked by 1 person


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