Connecting the Dots ~ Unity Consciousness


Sometimes the Universe works in remarkable ways, as it leads us through our experiences here upon this amazing planet. And sometimes we can be incredibly blind as the Signs present themselves ever more within our vision..

I see this time as a great opportunity to reach out to one another.. Instead we are constantly being brainwashed as to our separateness and differences.. Be it through religion or the borders separating countries, to the colour of our skin.

Basically we are taught to fear each other and distrust our neighbours we lock our doors behind us automatically… Shutting ourselves in and others out, in our own narrow little boxes.

While I was out walking the other day, heads were buried in their mobile devices, and I wondered did they ‘See’ the beauty which surrounded them. and what did they miss along the way! And I also wondered what would happen if all of our devices suddenly didn’t work any-more?No more electronic gadgets! 

Walking to the Light

We are here on Earth at a very special time. We are witnessing Change on a global scale like never before in our life time..

Not only in the rapid movements of technology, but we are witnessing Mass Migrations of people fleeing War, and seeking a safe haven for their families and a better life.

Perhaps this movement of people may even surpass the Mass Migrations of the past when an estimated 14 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims were displaced during the partition of India, which is the largest mass migration in human history recorded.

This is the next wave of opportunity to reach out with compassion to bring about ‘Unity Consciousness’. Instead, fences go up, governments haggle and people condemn. And yet do they know the stories of these peoples lives? What would we do in their shoes? We still cling onto the Old World, old ways of living.. Fearing what we have will be taken from us, fearing others will get something for nothing. Fearing they will all be terrorists.

There is good and bad within all of our societies the news is full of stories within our own Towns. The Humans species is the greatest threat on our planet both to its own and other species, not to mention the pollution we have caused on our planet.

It seems we are never satisfied, we always want more… Well.. Whether we are ready or not, these changes are happening, and our emotional bodies are going through a process of cleansing. We are the ones who have created the reality of our world via our thoughts and actions.. And many light-workers now upon our planet are waking to the changes within themselves.

What we are facing emotionally is also echoed in the outer-world, we are moving to shed old wounds, We may confront old emotional wounds that surface once again even though we think we may have shed that skin.. It presents itself in a new guise so that we can confront it and cleanse and release it.. Letting it go.

Sometimes we have to admit to being wrong, and forgive ourselves as well as others.

For there are always two sides in every story.

We are a mirror which creates the world, a world that now has to really Look at its self, for it appears that the systems in place are no longer working for many, We point fingers, Judge, criticise and hoard our possessions with a new sickness- Greed.. We have for the most part forgotten how to love, care and share with one another..

 We are only just seeing the edges of what is to be, with Mass displacement of people and the insecurity of the financial sector especially in Europe.. Even China we have seen is now not immune.

Making Waves

I am but an ordinary woman… Yet I Feel we are on the Cusp of something far greater as the Earth Changes start to rapidly unfold at ever faster speeds..

Our Earth Mother too is also in tandem with our Thoughts and is also on the ‘Move’.

We need to educate ourselves once again to the ways of Cosmic Laws.. And learn that everything is relative! And use our thoughts wisely as we send them out into the world…

Not in Judgement of others but in seeing that ALL problems have come to teach us to grow…

Let us Grow in ‘Unity’ as our ‘Conscience’ is pricked, as we remember we are One  within this World and therefore we must learn to treat others as we ourselves would wish to be treated..

Blessings to you ALL


Photo Credits: Google Images 1 Google Images 2

151 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 16:24:53

    Great post and reminders Sue. I particularly love this sentence; This is the next wave of opportunity to reach out with compassion to bring about ‘Unity Consciousness’. May we walk in Unity, holding each other and ourselves in gentle compassion.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Hariod Brawn
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 16:34:05

    A most timely and, accordingly, poignant article Sue, for which many thanks. We appear to be thinking along broadly similar lines, as I have today made my monthly posting on a closely related theme. The news events of the past 24 hrs. have mobilised a great deal of empathy for the refugee victims’ situation. It is time for the politicians to follow the lead of the people. H ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  3. insearchofitall
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 16:53:48

    Well said, Sue. I understand both sides of this. When we came to this country many years ago, my mother told me that this is where we lived now, this is where our money comes from and this is the language we will now speak. We integrated ourselves into our new society as much as humanly possible. It part of the reason I remember so little of my German. Most people fleeing their homelands expect the country to adapt to them. They refuse to integrate, thus creating hostility. And many expect us to adapt to their culture making us wrong. It has to work gently both ways. We are one. Everything affects the whole. I know the laws but listened again. It applies to all of us. I remember how unwelcome we were when we migrated so I have first hand experience with it. I still get it every time I move to a new area and have to form new friendships. You can’t imagine moving 35 times and never seeing a familiar face other than your own family. My heart goes out to those that are fleeing wars. I wonder sometimes if the war is the way God moves us around so we don’t get stuck in bad patterns and open us up to being more empathetic. We don’t seem to get it the easy way. Thank you for this. A great reminder and a reminder of the laws.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2015 @ 18:22:43

      You understand more than most then Marlene how affected these Refugees are, and how it will imprint upon their children emotionally what already they have had to endure, let along the treatment now being dished out as they come so close to their final destination of wanting a home to live.
      Many thanks for sharing that with us Marlene.. I can not even begin to imagine how moving 35 times would be… And putting myself in these peoples shoes to move so far away, leaving every thing behind often paying the last of every penny of their savings to get them there, and on top of that not even speaking the language .. It must be terrifying!..

      Liked by 2 people


  4. David
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 17:07:57

    A timely post dear Sue for us all to rise to the challenge of compassion on the greatest scale since as you say partition in India and WWII. If only the leaders of Europe and the UK would think along the same lines as we few do, and although I do not believe in the personification of the planet I do understand the natural reaction (Equal and Opposite) to the vibrations that not only our actions but also our thoughts broadcast through the ether to the sensitive structure of the planet.
    This is the greatest opportunity for the world to wake up from the common man and woman to the rulers who tend to pontificate and achieve little in harmony of thought word and deed. Please wake up world! Love, David

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2015 @ 18:29:28

      Amen David…. We are being given a great opportunity to hold out our hands to our fellow brothers and sisters… I think the governments need to listen to the common people.. Many now are seeing through the fear of the media, and even the media are now changing their tunes.



    • Eric Klingenberg
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 17:48:44

      It’s good to see that for once they did listen and are talking more people. The immigration/ refugee argument makes me very angry when the media talks of swarms and invasions when the truth is the number are tiny compared to the overall population (in the UK).

      Liked by 1 person


  5. stillsearching2
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 17:09:29

    Well said! We all want the same things in life, no matter where we come from, what we believe in or don’t, there are those who would like everyone to focus on tiny little things to divide us. What we eat, skin colour, faith…we are one people. You are either a good person or not. Simple as that. That should be the only division. That’s the only division I go by.

    Liked by 3 people


  6. sophiaschildren
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 18:27:52

    Another beautiful and heartful article, Sue. Thank you. I see this as well … just this morning, in fact, as people walk along buried in the smart-phone or looking downward or looking AT you but not returning a smile or good-morning greeting. Wild. Still, as you say, we’re in a time of potentially increased Unity Consciousness. Maybe this other is the ‘backlash’ that co-arises? Continue BEing the change, and connecting with kindreds (and through blessings, prayers, etc.). xoxo Love, Jamie

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2015 @ 18:43:53

      Thank you Jamie.. yes I also see this as a great step forward to bring change if we join in that Unity. May we each hold out our hands and grasp the opportunity to embrace each other, instead of fearing each other. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. prenin
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 18:55:44

    I keep signing petitions to save lives while our leaders seek to block them! 😦

    This CANNOT Go On!!! 😦

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 13:35:36

      No it cannot go on Prenin my friend and I think now at last the leaders are at least seeing that its not going to go away but has to be dealt with .. And not at the end of a police batten



  8. PreciousRhymes
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 19:53:54

    Doing my rounds today on a quiet afternoon visiting friends. Your home was right around the corner from Hariods on the reader and as I open the door to this post, I feel the same question arise: What would it take for us to wake up? Does an empathetic response require us to have suffered a similar fate as a prerequisite? I hope not! In silence I send love, hoping it touches all.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 13:40:19

      Oh I am so pleased you dropped in PR you know the kettle is always on 🙂 It is our silent homage and prayers dear PR with love and the power we put in the intent behind them that makes for the most helpful change in vibration if we send from a point of love from our hearts.. I do believe when enough of us hold that intent, and use it collectively We then begin to ‘Shift’ the direction of the world to one that holds more peace and harmony.. Love and Blessings my lovely friend 🙂 xx Sue

      Liked by 2 people


  9. Rajagopal
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 20:54:50

    Very topical issue, Sue, not merely for now but for all time. Mass migrations, whether of yesteryears or of the present, are all attributable to greed and hatred mostly perpetrated in the name of religion. All religions are fine if they choose to operate at the level of ethics and morality, which, regrettably, is not the case, as some of them profess to be the only way to salvation, and believers thereof the only holy ones on earth, and rest of humanity dubbed as heathens and sinners, destined to hell. As long as such indoctrination continues, there shall be no end to rift and strife in societies around the world. So it has to stop, allowing at least later generations to grow up imbibing strong morals and eternal values of love, truth, honesty and justice. Next is nationalism and patriotism; both these sentiments are good in themselves, if it stretches to a larger love for humanity, regardless of language, nationality, colour or culture. Unfortunately, nationalistic fervour is mostly seen to descend to a morbid patriotism, sliding further to jingoism and jingo scurrility, to a selfish sense of land borders and ocean limits, seeing people outside of it as aliens and encroachers. While one has every right to be a proud Indian, American, Britisher, German, Russian, Chinese etc, it must be tempered by the reality that these geographies are ultimately smaller or larger portions of planet earth, where no one is an owner, whereas everyone everywhere is a trustee. Pertinent in this context, is the observation of Sunita Williams, the American astronaut, woman record holder of the largest number of space walks, also credited with record for total cumulative space walk time by a female astronaut. On being asked, in a television interview, what it meant being an American stationed in space, she famously responded that she just felt like a proud human being high up there, since specifications of gender, family and nationality ceased to be of any significance once a person was up in outer space, a tiny human from planet earth. Whereas down on terra firma, over seven billion people are going on losing perspective, dividing themselves into a frenzy of couple of hundred nationalities, myriad barriers of language, creed and colour…best wishes.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 13:58:48

      My dear Raj, Many thanks for this most profound comment. and I thank you most sincerely for leaving me such generous thoughts. I whole heartedly agree, And the Native American Indian who also saw his homeland swamped and overtaken by others who had settled over the prairies seeking to take Mother Earth and her minerals for themselves and thus drove out the Indigenous tribes, such as happened in Australia , and is now happening still in the Amazon in Brasil.
      So when you said

      <blockquote> While one has every right to be a proud Indian, American, Britisher, German, Russian, Chinese etc, it must be tempered by the reality that these geographies are ultimately smaller or larger portions of planet earth, where no one is an owner, whereas everyone everywhere is a trustee.

      I so agree… No one owns Mother Earth, we are all trustees of our particular plots .. And I loved the analogy and the quote of Sunita Williams, We are but a spec indeed within the Cosmos and Universe… We Humans like to think we are the supreme species, How very much we have to learn.. I am sure we are still very primitive in our evolution and should we ever be view over by some other intelligent force, I think many Animals would far surpass our own codes of conduct records..

      Religion has been used by man throughout the ages to control and indoctrinate, and yes if the intent was used to only teach Love, Truth, Honesty and Justice as you have so well stated, I too would have no hesitation in its value.. My Own religious beliefs have changed and wandered in and out of many church doors over the years..
      And the only True religion as I see it,is to hold Love and respect to all life, Unfortunately throughout history most wars start because of religious views..
      I wonder dear Raj, how many more thousands of years we have left? and whether we will learn the lesson we were ultimately put here to learn…

      And that is that All is One, and what we do unto another we ultimately do to ourselves… Yes we have still a fair journey to go before we learn the Cosmic Laws ..
      Blessings dear friend

      Liked by 2 people


  10. Genie
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 22:18:12

    You are an amazing channel for Higher Consciousness to speak through, Angel.

    This is what you do, my Beloved Sister, it’s not a question — you do this, others, can learn from your guidance.

    Liked by 3 people


  11. Val Boyko
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 22:24:14

    So well said Sue – with grace, compassion and passion. I also believe there is a groundswell of awakening to our common humanity and oneness. May your words travel far and impact many!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 11:42:17

      Yes I agree Val. more now seem to be opening their heart chakra’s at last.. Its so sad it has to take all of these thousands of people fleeing their homeland for us to recognise what horrors are happening in their countries. Its heart-breaking, but humanity often has to go through the dark tunnel before it once again embraces the Light of love.. Many thanks for adding your thoughts Val, your visits here are always appreciated

      Liked by 1 person


  12. bluebutterfliesandme
    Sep 03, 2015 @ 23:21:20

    Lovely words to express unity Ms. Sue. Two days from now on September 5th there will be a global meditation to raise consciousness, I will link it on my post. It is organized by Tom Kenyon, if you are interested.


    Liked by 1 person


  13. Paul Handover
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 01:33:25

    Sue, you both write and transmit beautiful thoughts. It is making a difference!

    Liked by 1 person


    Sep 04, 2015 @ 03:27:25

    This is a compelling spiritual walk with you this time dear Sue!
    A walk deep in the unfathomable universe where harmony and balance exist but little is perceived by the overbusy humans in the era of high technology.We might need some “digital detoxes …
    You said you walked the other day and “heads were buried in their mobile devices”,and you wondered if they could see the beauty which surrounded them.Good question mark,Sue.The beauty of our universe has so much to teach us,but we have become unteachable Sts.Our hearts are also buried and frozen and our emotional communication is becoming less and less.
    The news programmes we watch softly indoctrinate info that cruelty seems normal to us and we just watch passively as if it were a horror film.
    The 12 Universal Laws are overlooked and violated,the consequences are obvious and we still remain unable to receive the good signs that our universe sends.The world is in a precarious state right now with all the refugees and the financial instability.We humans don’t seem to get any better.Too much greed,I’m afraid.I suppose we badly need more love,tolerance and understanding.
    I watched the Video you include in your post dear Sue,and I was entranced by the Laws of Nature.Schools all over the world should start their lessons with this video every day,it should be like a prayer.Thank you so much for your poignant post and the kindest thoughts you shared with us.Your “Voice” is transmitted all over the universe and you’ll get back what you deserve my blessed friend.Sending you Love,Peace & Happiness 🙂 ❤ , Doda xxx

    PS:I am so worried and upset about the migrant chaos which is dramatically escalating day by day,the sad scenes break my heart … 😦

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 14:20:15

      First dear Doda know that from the perspective of the Universe, All is as it should be.. And yes that is hard given the facts we see and hear about world wide.. Yet I truly believe a life how ever brief here within our Material World of Matter, does not pass without there has been a purpose behind their existence..
      As hard as those images I witnessed yesterday ( after Hariod had told me my post held a poignancy given the news which up until then I had not seen ) I wept when I saw the image on the news of that little boy on the beach .. But his little life and that of his loving family sparked something greater to be spread around the world.. As leaders then began to speak up and take action to alleviate this whole mess.

      It’s time people awoke to the real horrors Like the 70 immigrants who suffocated in the back of the lorry in Austria as smugglers took their money and then left them on a roadside locked inside.. It’s time people saw the horrors and not the statistics of faceless people.. These are families, Human beings… What is going to happen to these people come Winter??? and those already locked in Refugee camps are starving and facing a winter with hardly any aid..

      What is happening is a consequence of Actions, taken several years ago, and like the Arab Spring uprisings it is only going to escalate…
      I know I need not tell any of you this Doda.. I know already your heart is breaking and the compassion you feel reaches out ..

      Yes I shed tears, I have shed many over many situations, such is empathy… But deep within Doda, I also know it is also Darkest before the Dawn Light. And I know from this ‘Knowing’ its all part of the plan, as we move our consciousness and open up our frozen hearts…

      Out of every disaster the one thing that comes out of it, is the Human Spirit.. and once activated we then begin to help each other and share what we have with each other.. Sometimes I think this is what has to happen in our Greedy World Doda.. in order for us to progress, we have to be shocked or shaken to alter our ways… ❤ Love and Blessings Dear Friend.. ❤

      Liked by 3 people


      • DG MARYOGA
        Sep 06, 2015 @ 21:31:26

        Thanks for touching the root cause dear Sue;I have closely watched all those years the political instability and the uprisings in the Arab world as my country is quite near and we are affected too.It’s a well- orchestrated situation fueled by those who are benefitted economically and not only.They have disturbed delicate balances even religion-wise.They want more and more power and wealth at the expense of thousands innocent souls.We can discuss the issue no end but that’s not the point now.We all have to help those people,there is so much pain and sufferings.Divine Moral Justice,sooner or later,will put everything in Order again.
        I was a bit heartened when I heard the other day that some more European countries,Britain included,decided to respond to refugee crisis.As you said winter is on the way and they have to do something to alleviate their pain and to find solutions for their basic needs.Hope you have a wonderful new week ahead,time flies by and it’s almost Monday again.Love & hugs to you my lovely one 🙂 ❤ xxx

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 07, 2015 @ 15:54:48

          Yes many now are accepting more refugees now Doda, I hope also solutions will be put into place to help ease what they have all been through just to get to these borders.. Many thanks for your lovely response Doda,, I had a relaxing weekend away from the Media and PC.. And will be quiet for a few days more as I have some projects I need to finish both in the garden and in the art room.. 🙂 Love and Blessings xxx

          Liked by 1 person


          • DG MARYOGA
            Sep 08, 2015 @ 12:58:47

            Be silent and put all your zest for life into your art room and to your blessed land.
            Best wishes for the week ahead & hugs for the day 🙂 ❤ ☀
            PS:Whisper it,Indian summer on the way & sunshine for UK -Cross your fingers …

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 11, 2015 @ 13:59:49

              The zest went else where Doda,, but it was a week well spent away from the internet and WP, In fact I didn’t turn on my PC for nearly a week.. 🙂 And I am so pleased I had a refreshing week.. And have lost the Guilt trip .. 🙂 😉 ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • DG MARYOGA
              Sep 11, 2015 @ 16:56:31

              Ignore anyone who thinks you are negligent;they’re projecting their feelings onto you because they’re jealous of you and of your peace of mind … lol.Don’t fall for any Guilt trips dear Sue,just organise your life in a way that it pleases you!Enjoy some more carefree moments away from the internet & have a brilliant weekend 🙂 ❤ xxx


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 12, 2015 @ 15:57:12

              ❤ … 🙂 …. <3, I intend to have lots of ME moments dear Doda.. xxx Big Hugs xxx Sue

              Liked by 1 person

  15. balroop2013
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 05:59:58

    Hi Sue,

    I am really touched by your profound thoughts. Thanks for being so kind and thoughtful.
    A casual look and vision are two separate perspectives and modern digital man may be having a vision for himself, definitely not for neighbors! He just glances around…sensitivity and values have diluted themselves in the fast paced technological leaps and therefore emotional connections are meaningless.

    However, wars have always been a threatening reality of human history, only now they have got more sophisticated. Selfishness has always thrived, only now people have learnt to camouflage it. Despite this cynicism, I get great inspiration and hope from what Abraham Lincoln said long ago:

    “But teach him also that
    for every scoundrel there is a hero;
    that for every selfish Politician,
    there is a dedicated leader…
    Teach him for every enemy there is a

    Let him have the courage
    to be impatient…
    let him have the patience to be brave.
    Teach him always
    to have sublime faith in himself,
    because then he will have
    sublime faith in mankind.”

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 14:33:37

      Yes it seems mankind is of a violent race and as such can not contain his desire to conquer and control.. But like your wonderful Abraham Lincoln quote says.. I have to have “sublime faith in himself, because then he will have sublime faith in mankind.”.. I hope we all have the ‘Faith’ to trust in there being ” Dedicated leaders” and that not all people are enemies..
      As we learn to open our hearts in compassion to allow the new shift in energies to flow towards Unity..
      Many thanks dear balroop for your kind and thoughtful comment here. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. jacksjottings
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 08:10:09

    I read the comments Sue and felt Brad picked out the opportunity and hope this post holds.
    Our friend Raj conveyed my feelings perfectly.
    The time you spend for your self with the garden and painting has contributed, I believe, to making this one of your most outstanding posts.
    I enjoyed the video you chose and will follow up and find out more about its source.
    You are spreading really good ideas that are connecting with a lot of people._/\_

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 14:38:22

      Yes Raj and Brad among others here have left wonderful comments Jack.. I am delighted you spotted the link to the video, and this weekend I am spending more time back with my art… I feel inspired to connect paint with canvas this time Jack.. I think Pauline’s posts may have something to do with that 🙂 LOL… Thank you kindly Jack for your glowing compliments, they are most gratefully received.. _/\_ Om Shanti..



  17. Duma Key
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 10:35:18

    This post requires an extra big like button!

    Change sits on the winds, it’s how we deal with it, move forwards.

    I have read a lot on this mass migration, yet we seem to be questioning our borders and the strength to keep people out and not asking the real questions….what is so horrific that drives people to put there whole family, small children at risk of death to escape from? Why are we not as a planet and a global community looking at the root cause, and working together as a people to create a harmony? A sanctuary where every life can live freely and happily? In unity? When did things become more than people?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2015 @ 15:05:38

      Duma my friend…. I thank you for your Like even if it was pressed with gusto 🙂 I thank you… And I trust you enjoyed your vacation in warmer climes 🙂
      The problem is Duma, is that those in high places go forth into the world destroying smaller worlds in the name of stopping tyrants from destroying their worlds.. And so the tyrants are killed and other smaller ones rise up and want control.. All in the name of Greed, and Power..
      I have read several accounts of horror stories from Syria some that left me awake half the night, as my imagination is vivid and my empathy strong.. And these stories are only the tips of what real horrors are happening out there…
      Both the USA and the UK both engaged in a war in the middle east which over time has had repercussions.. Ever action as and equal and opposite reaction

      Yes” When did things become more than people?“… Good Question Duma… But we came to experience the material world.. Matter, as well as the emotional world.. Sigh… but over time we have lost our way… BIG TIME have we lost our way… The media for the most part desensitises us, Horror Films, violence in both TV, cartoons, Kill, kill Kill… . In this instance the media is also a great tool in exposing first hand what is happening… Yet still its also on one hand provoking judgements… segregation,

      It was interesting as I did watch the news last evening Duma.. on the events in Hungary … as they allowed the refugees to get on a train allowing them to think as they had paid their tickets to their destination, and yet they stopped the train mid way to put them in a camp.. No wonder it evoked anger, distrust.. And yet the commentator interviewed 3 Hungarian students to ask their opinions , all three were in sympathy with the refugees and said they should be allowed to continue on their journey…

      When did Things become more than people!…. A long long while ago… its all their in the history books .. and then there is a lot that was left out.. Such as the Holocaust of the Native Americans Indigenous People.. which many wish not to remember. or slavery, or the British Empire and how that was won.. All for power, Greed, and Control..

      Liked by 1 person


  18. kowkla123
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 13:20:23

    Liebe Sue, schönes Wochenende wünsche ich



  19. irenedesign2011
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 15:17:14

    Thank you very much for this post Sue. Others have said here, what needed to be said.
    Love, Irene



  20. lorriebowden
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 15:26:06

    Thank you, Sue…thank you!! My grateful heart feels so connected to yours and I know that this time is so very important. Everything you wrote here I feel as such truth!! I pray every day for people to rise and awaken to the true nature of our spirit. I loved this video and I sat and wrote them down for further reflection…this is a perfect time for us to unite the beautiful energy ❤ Much love to you…thank you for this gift!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  21. New Bloggy Cat
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 16:07:00

    Reblogged this on New Bloggy Cat and commented:
    Let us connect the dots ╍●‿●╍ and start reaching out to one another!ლ(─‿●‿─)ლ

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Eric Klingenberg
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 17:49:57

    I enjoyed the post on the whole but would like to point out if I gave up my mobile phone who would I read your wise words?

    Liked by 1 person


  23. silentlyheardonce
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 18:07:01

    We are in a dark state but changes is happening. We only have to believe and keep hoping.

    Liked by 1 person


  24. James Fielden
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 20:35:36

    The Universe is magic show!
    A wonderful post.

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Ka
    Sep 04, 2015 @ 23:22:35

    Dear Sue,
    I think your offerings are extraordinary. ❤
    Love, K

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Ines Radman
    Sep 05, 2015 @ 00:00:08

    I will comment later but could you please show me how to reblog this post? I can’t find the reblog button! thanks

    Liked by 1 person


  27. stephensmustang1
    Sep 05, 2015 @ 00:15:07

    Good post and good reminders–as always. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person


  28. The Emu
    Sep 05, 2015 @ 12:22:01

    Very deep thought provoking writing Sue, yet it opens the door to so many questions, fear and lack of communication is behind what is going on in the world today. I agree we are seeing a global change, but how do we accept the change when we can see it leading us into darkness, an abyss of hatred and domination?
    Surely turning a blind eye and meekly accepting the change, based on the idea that good will prevail is like sheep following blindly.
    I don’t know the answer, but do know that a physical resolution must come into play.
    Kind regards.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2015 @ 14:54:09

      There is a lot going on in your comment Ian.. I will agree there are still many ‘Sheep’ being led blindly in the world.. But I feel deeply many more are waking up.. Change comes when we stop living in Fear, and being led to believe all those with certain labels are to be feared. And when we stop judging and condemning.. Change comes when we start to alter our own ways of being and we are gradually seeing the chink in the light as that door is finally opening as hearts begin to also be moved into action.. I have to believe that Ian.. Because the other alternative is chaos and destruction.

      There are many levels at work in this world Both Good and Bad.. And both you and I know that Wolves are sometimes dressed in sheep’s clothing..
      But if we do not embrace each other, and learn acceptance and tolerance, Then there will never be any hope for mankind to ever live in Unity..

      The New world emerging is one whereby we will ‘Eventually’ have to learn to get over our prejudices, and that the colour of skin or the faith one follows does not depict who you are.. Religion is being used as a weapon, as it always has been down throughout History. Why you have to ask is that, when deep at the heart Religion is supposed to be to Live in Love..
      But we again both know.. Religion is not the God Source.. Religion is Man’s own take on how that God should be worshipped.. And even then… God is the source of all, And we put the Name of God into boxes when really its the source of Creation within all of us which runs through all things within our Universe..

      Surely turning a blind eye and meekly accepting the change, based on the idea that good will prevail is like sheep following blindly.

      I believe we create our own reality Ian, Our very thoughts throughout the ages which have been put into action have created the very fabric and lives we are now living, including the structure, technology, lifestyles, fashion, wealth, the whole caboodle .. Was once but a thought. Including the fear, the weapons, Greed, Jealousies, hate, prejudices .. Now I believe also that what we think we create.. So to keep in that Fear, to keep in that mistrust, to keep in the hatred, to keep in that negative state will only create more of the same..

      To Create Change.. for Peace and Unity.. we have to also start thinking and acting in Peaceful ways, and holding out our hands in friendships.. Like in any relationship there will be the ones who will let you down, whom you thought you could trust, but they betrayed you.. We are ALL of us human, not all will Trust, and not all are honest… But the more you alter your vibration holding positive Intent, the more we then help create TRUST.. Only by Trusting one another, Only by reaching out, and breaking the cycle of this separation and division, labels, creeds, colour can we CHANGE this turbulent world we have created.
      We both know of the ‘Darker side’ of this planet .. Now we have if we unify, our Love and Compassion, Caring and Tolerance a chance to really make an Impact to ‘Shift’ the way of the world.. And I know it doesn’t come easily.. but we need to try my friend… We need to help bring about Change, by changing our own ways of being… and for most part we can be very selfish.. And I do not know the answers either Ian… I just know we can no longer go on the way we have been.. Peace starts within our own hearts.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • The Emu
        Sep 09, 2015 @ 11:03:57

        I have read your comment over and over Sue, I don’t know how to respond, it seems my emotions are overwhelmed lately, I feel anger and hatred, I have tried empathy but as soon as I have that emotions the next days news blows it away, I try to understand acceptance but can only visualize the future, I have become too close too the subject and feel like many people in Australia. The general feeling is one of acceptance and resignation, a feeling that many old people are definitely fearful of as they try to relate it to times of over 50 years ago.Acceptance is one thing but accepting the doctrine of evil under the umbrella of a Ideology disguised as a Religion is another, especially if it bring heartache to all mankind. Best I refrain from commenting Sue, each day only confirms my long range forecast, change is underway drastically, but not the change I would like. I predict that these changes occurring now, will magnify a thousand fold in the next few years, Kind regards, Ian

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 11, 2015 @ 14:19:07

          Dear Ian..
          We are living through a monumental Global change Ian.. and do not apologies for sharing your thoughts.. I so understand all of those emotions which run through us.. Its hard to let go of judgements, and throughout history there have always been movement of people.. Australia was the place to be and I remember here in England when you could settle in Australia for very little money when they wanted skilled labour and people in their country.. Now-a-days its different.. and I can see why certain policies are adopted.. I DO see your side of the argument Ian..
          But yes I am empathic.. And I do often put myself in the shoes of others.. And yes I can see how those who want to destroy would use this as a means to infiltrate and swamp and thereby destroy economies via this means..
          But it still doesn’t detract from the fact that millions are suffering horrendous situations that they risk everything even their children’s safety to flee such places.. We both know how ‘Religion’ has been used in the past and its going to be continually used as a label to keep us separate.. Divide and Conquer!..
          But what if.. Just what if this Mass Migration which is lets not make any mistakes here For It WILL CHANGE our World.. What if.. instead of Dividing us, we overcame our prejudices and stopped pointing fingers and giving people labels… And instead we used this to reach out with compassion, and share..

          Here in the UK many are mobilising aid.. and many offering rooms, homes, We are donating clothing, tents, sleeping bags.. And I have been looking how I can help volunteer myself to help local authorities if the need arises.. We are Living through a time in which History will look back Yes.. I also know these changes were long ago foretold.. We aint seen nothing yet I know.. but if we think the worst of people we then help create the energy to experience the worst..
          My thoughts are focused upon the positive.. And that is all I can allow myself to think..
          So please do not refrain from airing your thoughts.. Both Positive and Negative create this world.. and Where would a debate be, if everyone agreed?? 🙂



  29. Eddie Two Hawks
    Sep 05, 2015 @ 15:33:20

    You basically illustrated the reasons human kind are unhappy not only for themselves but for others as well. Where does any change start? Not with society, or governments, but with individuals themselves; it must start within our own self.
    This is the one place we can truly find the peace we all search for.
    peace be with you dear Sue, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2015 @ 15:08:24

      Yes dear Eddie Change always starts with SELF.. And we need to alter our perspectives on my things in order to find Peace and create it within our world.. It needs to come from tolerance, and in our acceptance,as we alter our perspectives on our Greed, and Prejudices …. We need only search within and see how many times we come up short of Peaceful thoughts.. Many thanks dear Eddie for your wisdom.

      Liked by 1 person


  30. Dalo 2013
    Sep 05, 2015 @ 16:47:53

    Beautiful post, and you have an insight here that I wonder at times myself as I often find myself buried in either my electronic device or work and at the end of the day/week/month wonder what I missed all around me. I saw none of the beauty or the simple things that life can offer (which means I also did not see or do anything to prevent some of the horrific things that man can do to both the Earth and to each other). Consciousness and action is what creates life and keeps it flowing. An important post you have written (as are so many!). Take care.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2015 @ 15:23:52

      Within todays world dear Dalo we live in an electronic world whereby our lives run along side the technology created to bring are lives ever closer at the press of a button.. In today’s world of Social media its a great tool to share and pass information along.. I love the way I can type in a question and get to find out knowledge..
      I often wonder if we would be better off at times in our ignorance of such as you say some of the horrific things that man can do to both the Earth and to each other)... But we live now within this Age of Technology.. And the plight of our sisters and brothers upon this planet are being brought within our sights via such devices….
      You are so right with what you said also about Consciousness and action is what creates life and keeps it flowing. It does… And so we must also view such human tragedies as an opportunity in which Mass Consciousness can help bring about a change in vibration.. We can add either our Fear and negative thoughts which then escalate attracting yet more Fear and turbulence.. Or it ignites Compassion as we then utilise our thoughts to send love and help…
      I hope in this instance we use our devices to good intent dear Dalo.. and sent out our thoughts to help bring about Unity and peace into the world.. And in the process as we learn to live once again from our hearts, we help created a Better Tomorrow for all in our World..

      Many thanks for you thoughts, your visits are always appreciated 🙂 Blessings Sue



  31. europasicewolf
    Sep 05, 2015 @ 20:01:39

    Well done Sue 🙂 A very well thought out and structured post that has clearly struck a chord with many people. Wolfie hugs xxx



  32. belasbrightideas
    Sep 06, 2015 @ 01:46:25

    Ready or not … yes. I am witnessing much the same from many miles away, and in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! Toddlers fixated on Iphones. It drives me bonkers, because island kids always smiled and spoke in passing, “Good morning, auntie!” No more. It’s sad, and to compound it, the ‘news’ broadcast (and I only listen to National Public Radio/BBC/Deutchavella) is completely fixated on rotating the same few gruesome stories, over and over again, each and every day. Separation. Walls. Guns. Violence. Hatred. These things have always existed (well, save for guns!) in human history. Yet the FOCUS on these negative aspects only seems to perpetuate more of the same. 15 minutes of fame! I think I’ll let my inner demons have at it, because They will get national (world?) attention! Why hold back?

    Aye, yiyi, Sue. The best I can do is to work in my garden, ride my bike, live my truth, smile my smile, and do good works from the heart whenever possible. It’s easier here to keep one’s head below the fray, but still. Hard to completely shut it out. In Lak’etch – I am another Yourself – and so it is with our fellows.

    Knowing we are in the throes of a sea change and that such momentum always requires adjustment that many find distasteful, we have awhile yet to witness the rebellion. I’m still hoping we can redeem our species. Much remains to be seen.

    Aloha, Sue ❤ And Peace.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2015 @ 15:29:52

      Yes holding our own Vibration is so important dear Bela.. And its why this weekend I switched off from all media, Pc and the like.. And enjoyed my garden.. We both know we are in those throes of Change my friend.. We were born at this time which will require as you say on many levels adjustment.. I hope too our species proves itself worthy of redemption. Love and Light.. Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  33. valentinelogar
    Sep 06, 2015 @ 10:49:56

    Oh Sue, I think there are not enough of us. The world is terrible and heartbreaking right now.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2015 @ 15:35:47

      I think there are more than many of us think.. Many just do not voice their thoughts.. But speaking among people I know within my neighbourhood, there are many ready to hold out their hands and give.. which is a positive step forward in today’s mistrustful world. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  34. gageier
    Sep 06, 2015 @ 10:50:17

    Liebe Sue der Herbst kommt mit aller Macht hier ist es am Sonntag sehr kalt geworden jetzt kann man sagen Sommer ade einen schönen Start in die neue Woche wünsche ich dir Klaus



  35. dilipnaidu
    Sep 06, 2015 @ 11:44:10

    A beautiful and inspiring post dear Sue. Even the commentators have shared brilliant insights and perspectives. I believe the world can be become peaceful and untitled if every individual develops a global mindset one that celebrates diversity.

    Thank you your positive thoughts towards a better world.

    Kindest regards.



    • dilipnaidu
      Sep 06, 2015 @ 11:46:54

      I meant united not untitled 😳



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2015 @ 15:43:24

      Yes dear Dilip this post has generated some wonderful views and comments, and I so agree with your thoughts also Dili

      I believe the world can be become peaceful and untitled if every individual develops a global mindset one that celebrates diversity.

      and there are many more who think as you do my friend.. In Unity we create a Better World.. and it all begins from within each of us changing our thoughts and perceptions.. 🙂 Many thanks my friend

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Marko
    Sep 06, 2015 @ 12:32:57

    Hi Sue
    Thank you for the nice visit and comment.
    Greetings from Warsaw



  37. kowkla123
    Sep 06, 2015 @ 12:54:12

    Liebe Sue, alles Gute von mir für dich und schönen Sonntag wünsche ich



  38. Kourtney Heintz
    Sep 07, 2015 @ 00:32:33

    I miss the days where cell phones were just for calling people and we only used them in a pinch. I try to disconnect when I’m out in nature. I saw a couple texting by a waterfall and wondered is this where they really get the best cell service? 😉

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2015 @ 15:57:30

      Hi Kourney.. I remember days when they were not in existence and we would drive and walk miles with no one knowing our where abouts.. How times change, some for the good not all for the better 🙂 But Change is constant, We all need Change, let us hope we learn how to adapt within those changes which are coming.. 🙂 Love and Hugs..



  39. D.G.Kaye
    Sep 07, 2015 @ 22:16:24

    Sue this post touches on all that is precious and important to us, and the many things that some of us are often blinded to. Your mention of people addicted to their digital devices is an ongoing peeve with me. I notice the lack of social interaction in public places. People looking down at their phones in restaurants, crossing the street (sometimes risking their own safety) and many other places. It makes me wonder if they are conditioned since childhood to spend many of their waking hours on such devices, how they are to learn inter-social skills? 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 11, 2015 @ 13:57:12

      Exactly.. I often see young mums with very young children walking behind them lagging behind while Mum is on the phone oblivious.. Worst still is the school run and I often see mums on their phones even though its illegal and comes with a hefty fine they can not switch them off .. 😦

      Liked by 1 person


  40. Maria Wind Talker
    Sep 09, 2015 @ 17:02:35

    Well said, we have had a discussion today on my FB group about this vey thing.
    Mitakuye Oyasin ~<3 xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  41. eyes Of Odysseus
    Sep 11, 2015 @ 07:49:00

    hi sue –

    loving your new blog art header…. and the post about how we are headed in new directions. I too, like many of us that are “tapped in”, feel that something is afoot.
    What will it be? For me I have both fear and excitement, in equal parts. Of course I’m Hoping for the later, more than something we need to run for our lives from. And also I hope the strength to handle whatever may come is given to all of us in time.

    O and OM

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 11, 2015 @ 14:33:41

      Lovely to see you O and Om.. And so nice to log in after my absence to find you here 🙂
      Yes we are taught first to Fear rather than see it as an opportunity for growth.. We have not got the road map to life and so we sometimes have to get a little lost in order to find ourselves again.
      We live in Exciting times.. Change is happening faster than we ever imagined as the Mass Consciousness ripples out.. Let it not be of fear, but let it be one that builds bridges across our differences,as we learn to embrace with compassion, not fear those who need help..
      I watched a film the other evening where a mother told her child there were two things in life she must remember.. to have Courage and kindness.. We all of us need both those attributes to help us in this New World which is emerging. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  42. Shakti Ghosal
    Sep 14, 2015 @ 13:40:44

    Dear Sue,

    You have painted quite a comprehensive portrait of the world as it occurs for you!

    What resonates for me is this line of yours, and I quote:

    “We are a mirror which creates the world, a world that now has to really Look at its self.”

    Indeed we are the mirror that creates the world, or more correctly, the world as it occurs for us. And our way of being, and the actions that emanate from that are correlated with how the world occurs or shows up for us.Would you agree?

    So what really is our way of being? Well, it is some combination of our attitude or state of mind and our feelings or emotions (what we might call our mood), plus our body sensations, and our thoughts regarding what we are dealing with in a given moment or situation.

    While the nature of our Being as humans in contrast to our “Way of Being” is quite different. I would say our nature is “being the clearing (the space) in which the world occurs (shows up)”. What shows up in the clearing that we are is our entire ‘state of the world’ which includes physical objects and non-physical entities of every kind and their properties and in various relationships, others and their properties and in various relationships, and also we ourselves and our properties and in various relationships, along with the past, the present, and the future.

    To me, Sue, the issue is simply this. A lack of awareness of :

    (a) The nature of our Being ( as defined above)


    (b) how our ‘way of being’ constricts and shapes how the world occurs for us.

    As we create such awareness in the world, the disparities, inconsistencies and the lack of understanding that is so frequently on display all around us is bound to diminish……………

    Could it be that the change you sense is the creation of such awareness? How could each one of us be the Cause in the matter to facilitate this?


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2015 @ 19:59:54

      Dear Shakti,
      Thank you so much for your response, and forgive me leaving your excellent comment until last to respond.. I loved your in-depth comment and want to give it my full attention in replying.. And I am delighted you picked out that one sentence

      “We are a mirror which creates the world, a world that now has to really Look at its self.”

      Indeed we are the mirror that creates the world, or more correctly, the world as it occurs for us. And our way of being, and the actions that emanate from that are correlated with how the world occurs or shows up for us.Would you agree?

      Yes I agree Shakti, We are a work in progress, continually changing as we shape our thoughts, and create with our actions and feelings.. Each Action generating yet another action and so on.. This is why nothing can be certain because all is subject to change, All if you study the laws of the Universe are governed by these Universal Laws which can be found Here

      You have encompassed within you comment dear Shakti the essence of those Laws working, both in Laws of Action, Cause and Effect, And the laws of correspondence, ( as above so below ).. And the law of attraction… We all are acquainted with the Laws of the Land, and know if we break that law there are consequences.. But Many do not understand the Laws of the Universe are being broken All the time, in our merry-go-round of Karmic Debt, with the lack of awareness that ultimately what we do unto others comes back around to us eventually.. Such is the Law of Vibration..

      I know I do not need to explain, you know this probably far better than I dear Shakti ..
      You ask..

      Could it be that the change you sense is the creation of such awareness? How could each one of us be the Cause in the matter to facilitate this?

      We have discussed the Arab Spring before, and the way in which Mass Consciousness ripples out.. I hope also that Compassion can ripple out.. It again depends upon those with the greatest influence, Those who ARE influencing the Masses at this Moment.. It took the media to show a compassionate photo for people to wake up to the plight of the Migrants fleeing Syria of a young boy washed up on a beach.. This same media can also promote resentment, as they report the lack of resources, and put Money back on the front line,

      I scratch my head often Shakti, for its all a matter of perception of haves and have nots, And what is important.. Humanity and to hold out our hands and share.. Or to close borders build fences, and watch from the side lines even more suffering..

      I pray as I send out my own thoughts that we can use this as Gregg Braden speaks of in his book, The Turning Point.. We can use this point in History to Turn this time on its head as an opportunity for Unity and Peace.. Instead as many still want, to be of division and hostility.

      I hope ‘Our Way of Being’ my friend helps spark more to Question, and open their hearts to what really matters.. Love.

      Many thanks for your excellent comment, I always love our conversations.. 🙂
      In love and Light

      Liked by 1 person


  43. Maria F.
    Sep 15, 2015 @ 03:53:07

    “Sometimes we have to admit to being wrong, and forgive ourselves as well as others.

    For there are always two sides in every story.”

    So well said Sue. P.R. was the other country that with Greece went into bankruptcy. There is also a migration here to the U.S., more than ever. Another different story than that of Greece, but both countries went bankrupt.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2015 @ 14:01:51

      Yes the world as we know it dear Maria is fast changing, and the Monetary systems were not designed for present day usage, now with nothing to back it up.. Most of it is now generated via computer the never ending zero’s that meant Zilch.. And it will come to a large Crunch some day soon. Where those whose lives rotate around it, will have a great Awakening!.. This is why in many cases ‘War’ is being generated, Arms, means those in power make money, Rebuilding, means regenerating industry jobs.. to keep the cogs turning for the well oiled higher wheels in society.. Lives are cheap, there are too many of us on this planet for the comfort of some.. Fear there is not enough to go around.. Fear of sharing what they have, Fear of losing everything… Life could be so much more different, if we were to take a leaf out of Nature and learn that even in Nature despite the fights for survival, Nature adapts, and co-operates… Something we have forgotten how to do, because of Greed.. Sigh. xxx ❤



  44. Sue Dreamwalker
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 15:41:14

    Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:

    Just over one year ago I wrote this post, re reading it I thought it apt to repost it again today.
    Many of my wonderful friends have already commented upon the original but I hope those new here to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary will find something to take away with them and the comments of others that hold much wisdom as we join hands and hearts in Unity Consciousness across our planet..
    Love and Blessings



  45. novelistbaba
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 16:03:57

    we get too self involved in our lives………..the news and propaganda………..we forget to look beyond our selves……our house, our town, our state, our country……… if nothing exists there…..and yes its not wrong to feel pride…….be protective but at what cost……….the old values of ‘guest is god’ has been lost……..because of the distrust……..we think no its their actions that we don’t trust them…….and not see that how can not trusting inspire any warm feeling in them…….where does the cycle end………i hope people are change…….
    i could go on and on……
    beautiful post……….loved this…. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    Nov 16, 2016 @ 17:23:04




  47. Visionkeeper
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 17:42:12

    So many comments I have decided not to add yet another for you to answer. You know my take on all of this. Our minds click along together. Great words and much to think about. Thank You…Hugs to you DW….VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2016 @ 21:58:58

      Bless you VK.. yes our minds are in tune.. back in 2012 we foresaw changes but we thought more would have woken up by now.. It seems many never will… but I will still keep setting the alarm clock 🙂 to add to the wake up calls.. 🙂 Love and Hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person


  48. derrickjknight
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 17:48:10

    Still valid one year on, Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  49. silentlyheardonce
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 19:25:35

    An excellent time to reblog. Hopefully the words will help heal.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2016 @ 22:10:38

      These words Kim, I know most of us here on WP know them well enough.. It is sad to think so many more are blinked to them through the green of their eyes which are often shaded in prejudices. The world acts only as a reflection to the inner creations.. And we are now reaping the seeds sown of past thoughts set deep into the minds of the herd like mentality…
      We need to see how our thoughts and words cause a ripple effect that then result in our actions..
      I hope for the healing of hearts, because if not, many more hearts will be broken.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  50. megdekorne
    Nov 16, 2016 @ 22:21:36

    Thoughtful , poignant , beautiful ….thank you again dear one ….love , megxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  51. JoAnna
    Nov 17, 2016 @ 22:43:02

    Your posts give me so much comfort. But I don’t know that I agree with that part about you being an “ordinary woman.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2016 @ 22:47:07

      Oh JoAnna.. Bless your heart for that.. Well the world is made up of ‘us’ ordinary women my friend.. And ‘We’ Will make a difference won’t we?.. Because of our Extra-ordinary LOVE for the world.. xx LOVE right back at you xxx 🙂 HUGS ❤ xxx From one ordinary woman to the other extraordinary one.. 🙂 ❤ with love



  52. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Nov 17, 2016 @ 23:18:29

    Wonderful post, Sue. As you have mentioned the mass migration during the partition of India, it was one of the most horrific events world history has ever witnessed! Millions of people had to leave their motherland overnight and just imagine their shock when they came to know that they no longer belonged to the country they were living in as they woke up one fine morning. Murders, rapes, human trafficking, riots… it was the worst of times.

    What’s the point separating countries and people on basis of ethnicity, skin colour, and religion? I really don’t understand… 😦 Really we are ”mirrors who create the world” and the reflection sometimes make me shiver…

    A little tolerance, love, faith and empathy can change the world… let’s pray and hope for it while doing our bit… ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2016 @ 13:12:35

      I agree Mani it was a horrific time and those who flee war zones now are being subjected to exactly the same things..
      If we do not alter our course of actions soon within the way we treat each other then the future for all of mankind will be bleak..
      We need to cultivate tolerance and understanding, love and unity. And stop following the belief that we are separate.. For too long we have been indoctrinated within our various cultures that we are different and so the media too ignite prejudices and segregation..
      It matters not what ‘God Force’ we believe in.. The Source of Creation in all religion is based around LOVE.. Yet we still find ways of hating each other.
      When we do look in the ‘Mirror’ we can see our many faults and it is only when we start to alter our own ways in treating others that we then will see the changes rippling out into the world.. The World only reflects back to us what we are sending out..
      I can only do my bit.. as I know Mani you do yours.. But each little ‘bit’ of change contributes to the whole… And I live in Hope each candle we light will one day illuminate our world.. ❤ xxx
      Thank you Mani for your valued support here xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  53. Grandtrines
    Nov 18, 2016 @ 08:17:01

    Reblogged this on Lost Dudeist Astrology.

    Liked by 1 person


  54. aussieian2011
    Nov 19, 2016 @ 10:24:00

    Excellent words Sue, I can’t recall having read this originally, your words are so profound, the biggest fear we seem to have in the world these days is Change, we don’t want to change for fear of what may come, unfortunately modern technology and the media brain washes us into a certain way of thinking, like herding sheep, instilling fear to get us thinking in the New World Order mentality.
    It is a fight these days to retain our individuality and beliefs, hopefully there will be an answer to create harmony and Peace.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 21, 2016 @ 11:55:09

      Yes when you begin to understand Fear is energy being used.. You can transform this Fear by altering its vibration.. for that is what Energy is Vibration.. So the more who can fear less and Love More.. the more we unite this world for PEACE.. Thank you Ian.. Love and Peace to you and Ana xx

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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