Where I sit is Holy..

You might think this is an odd title for my post until you open up the video to listen.. 

The music below is a particular favourite of mine.. When I used to run my Trance Circle we would sit and drum, and play music and sing to raise the vibrations before the trance session started..

It matters not where we sit…We do not need a holy place, we can be  sat alone in our room, or out in nature,  But we can each of us connect to that Holy space which is all around us.. The very air we breathe and the Divine Energies which surround us all. 

For me I am never more connected to Spirit than when out in nature..  I have missed walking and connecting with Mother Earth these past few weeks… And have to admit I have felt a little low of spirit.. And feel the energies altering around me..  And like many who feel the dark long months of Winter I will be pleased when Spring finally breaks through..

So today I repeatedly played this CD.. And it uplifted me… Because the Great Spirit is around us in every thing we do.. So smile to those who surround you within your circle.. Be it family or friends.. And work and play in harmony..

I will be absent a few days.. We are using this time to decorate, as its given snow again for tomorrow.. So take care of each other.. And I will see you all soon..

Blessings to you All..



101 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. marina kanavaki
    Jan 20, 2015 @ 22:51:19

    It is indeed all around us and I relate so much to this. I also miss my connection with Mother Earth [to me it’s mostly with the sea] but I can dream it.
    Enjoy the renovations and be well and happy, my dear Sue! 🙂 hugs xxxxx
    ps Happy New Moon!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Hunt FOR Truth
    Jan 20, 2015 @ 23:57:45

    TY Sue. beautiful and restful and then builds energetically… loved this

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Jan 20, 2015 @ 23:59:05

    Nature is my sanctuary too. Nice music Sue. Enjoy your time away. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Eric Tonningsen
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 00:34:04

    Return safe and rejuvenated, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:53:14

      Thank You Eric…. Safe and Rejuvenated… I was… that was until we went for a walk this morning,.. Where I went head over heals over my boots.. thankfully shaken and bruised only…But typing a bit painful.. but smiling through it… And thinking what lesson its teaching me today? LOL..



  5. Visionkeeper
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 00:38:43

    Thanks for sharing DW…Nice music. Decorating huh? That should be fun. Hope you guys have some fun times. Yeah, winter starts getting long now and I can relate to wanting spring and flowers again. But, this quiet time is supposed to be our time for gathering ourselves together preparing for rebirth when the warm weather returns. Be well my friend and enjoy your decorating 🙂 VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  6. coastalcrone
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 01:43:00

    Yes, we can find peace around us any time if we stop and listen. Enjoy your decorating. Spring will be here soon. We have had two days of spring-like weather to get us through our mild winter.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:48:38

      Glad your weather improved a little .. And Spring is showing signs all around us of pushing through the dark cold days xx 🙂 Lovely to see you and love your new photo Gavatar.. 🙂



  7. jacksjottings
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 06:16:37

    I agree the right music as well as nature are great mood enhancers.
    Enjoy decorating it can also be a good way of cheering things up. _/\_

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Emma Sarah Tennant
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 07:44:22

    What a lovely notion of sanctuary, somewhere we all need to visit on occasion. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. David
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 08:11:11

    For no other reason than that it is so perishing cold we too have been confined to barracks these past weeks … supposed to get a bit warmer from today! Here’s hoping! But as you say Sue the Lord is with us constantly if only we would acknowledge and accept the beautiful presence. Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:44:23

      I hope you have warmed up a little over there David… Here we still have patches of snow on the ground, but mainly melted.. But its so cold today even a local small lake was frozen over… Many thanks for adding your energy here David.. Bless you Sue



  10. gageier
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 09:33:59

    Liebe Sue danke für deine lieben Worte hier in Köln haben wir nur Regen das ist doch kein Winter dann liebe kalt als so ein schmuddel Wetter sei ganz lieb gegrüßt in Freundschaft Klaus



  11. giselzitrone
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 09:45:10

    Danke liebe Sue toller Beitrag,ich wünsche dir einen glücklichen Tag und viele liebe Grüße Freundschaft Gislinde



    Jan 21, 2015 @ 11:43:23

    Thank you for this video. Much needed today with the cold persistence this week…not going out much. I feel the Great Spirit warming my body while listening to the music. Blessings in love and Light! Diane

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 11:46:28

    New Moon energy is perfect for recharging or redecorating. You are always on time with thought, word, and action. blessings, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Kourtney Heintz
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 19:37:38

    Very true Sue. We can make our own space and it can be holy anywhere. Great music, meditation, and anything becomes possible. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  15. stephensmustang1
    Jan 21, 2015 @ 22:58:37

    Pretty music. Have fun decorating 😉

    Liked by 1 person


  16. inavukic
    Jan 22, 2015 @ 03:48:59

    For me the best thing after decorating is sitting down in an armchair enjoying the results, with a fav cold drink in hand 🙂 Have fun, Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:21:04

      We did that on Friday Ina… as we had a cold Glass of our favourite drink to hand 😉 …. Two more bedrooms to get done before March and sowing time begins in the garden.. so hoping we have enough energy LOL.. x



  17. 50djohnson
    Jan 22, 2015 @ 05:11:52

    I have nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! If you have already been nominated no need to follow the rules!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:18:23

      Many thanks Debbie for your kind and thoughtful nomination… This year I am going to have to decline your wonderful nomination though, as I went an Award Free Zone in January… Bless your heart for thinking of me.. it means a great deal to me… Sending you my love xx Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Fiestaestrella
    Jan 23, 2015 @ 01:48:59

    This is the just the reminder I needed 🙂 Thank you~



  19. Tom Merriman
    Jan 23, 2015 @ 09:45:35

    A very calming piece of music, Sue… thanks for posting!



  20. Earth Angel
    Jan 24, 2015 @ 08:44:32

    Nature and yoga are the most inspiring for me. Getting back to Yoga tomorrow, as I have missed it for 5 weeks. Grateful for Maui and warm weather to walk in nature! Thank you for the Music Sue Sending you sunshine from Maui!



  21. giselzitrone
    Jan 24, 2015 @ 15:33:38

    Danke liebe Sue ja der Schnee ist überall in Deutschland ich mag ihn ja nicht so aber er wird nicht lange liegenbleiben.Ich freue mich auf Frühjahr lieber Gruß noch von mir Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 13:56:16

      Ja Gislinde ist das Eis noch immer auf den Teichen und kleinen Seen, aber es sind die Zeichen der Frühling nun als Knospen und Zwiebeln schieben sich geöffnet.
      Liebe, Sie Genießen Sie Ihren Sonntag
      Liebe Sue xxx



  22. europasicewolf
    Jan 24, 2015 @ 21:21:12

    Howellooooooooo Sue! Yes the cold dark winter days are becoming a spirit sapper I must agree. Coupled with recent turbulences they’re becoming positively debilitating. A trance would be very nice! However I am working on the purchase of a new laptop to counter the stresses and worries darkening my inner peace 🙂 Decision making…(it’s taken 2 years too decide on one lol) seems to be helping me feel in control of a small corner of my life right now when the rest of it seems to be out of my paws which is very demoralizing and terrible for the good old battered self esteem!! But I guess we’ve all been there! I hope the decision goes well, are you soon 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 13:52:47

      Good to see you Wolfie.. and good luck on the decision making… Gut trusting and not listening to much of the sales pitch gobble-de-gook is my motto… Toshiba is a great make thats the model I use.. So hope the decision making comes to a closure soon 🙂
      You couldn’t lend me a couple of paws right now Wolfie… I fell and sprained my wrist this morning and I am doing a little bit of howwwwwling myself as I attempt to type LOL…. No broken paws though.. thankfully.. or jaw… but I do look like I did a round with Mike Tyson lol.. 🙂 My old self esteem took a bit of a battering too….. 🙂 Wish I could have blamed my slip on the ice, which was still thick on the ground.. but no.. I went flying over my own feet.. LOL.. Hugs to you xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • prenin
        Jan 25, 2015 @ 13:59:36

        Hope you get well soon sweetheart!!! 🙂

        At our age things get complicated too easily!!! 😦

        Love and huge hugs! 🙂


        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:09:37

          Just a bit bruised and sore with a chin double in size Prenin.. Thank you very
          much for your concern my good friend…. My walk was cut short.. and I have my feet up now.. and just
          grimacing as I type due to pressure on my wrists But I am fine.. Many thanks xxx And a special Hug goes your way in return for your warm hugs xxx



      • europasicewolf
        Jan 30, 2015 @ 00:11:32

        So sorry to hear about your fall Sue, and sorry not to reply sooner. You’ve been very much in my mind and I hope you’re feeling better now along with your battered self esteem. But take heart…the day after you left this comment I went flying tail over paws on the slippery station subway entrance and ended up in the deeply embarrassing position of clinging upside down, legs flailing frantically on the steps, from the hand rail, in front of a whole bunch of shocked commuters! I then repeated this act minus the handrail in the station foyer on the other side whilst trying to collect the free newspaper 😉 I later discovered my shoes had zero grip and were totally smooth underneath so only really have Wolfie self to blame, though I did get a new pair the same evening. Not before I tripped over my own feet going down the work stairs and dropped a scalding hot cup of coffee all over my legs! I did remind myself not to let go of it till I’d put it down, then promptly let go anyway! So you’re not alone and hopefully that silly little example of stupidity will make you smile and feel much better! it was certainly a howlingly bad day! 😉 x

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 30, 2015 @ 14:20:03

          Oh Wolfie… Yes its so good to know I keep such good company in the acrobatic family of tripping over your own feet circus… Oh my… It was bad enough as I looked around at a group of walkers who were stunningly gazing my way the carried on walking as I moved to pick myself up..
          I can just imagine your dangling legs .. Sounded as if you were pretty lucky to escape serious injury too Wolfie..

          Lesson: Wear grips… LOL.. Now I did have Grips.. about and inch thick grip on tough walking boots.. I think my long laces I had tied in a double loop somehow got tangles and just tripped me up.. Either that or some invisible elf was playing a trick and he stuck his foot out. 🙂

          Many thanks for your story .. I hope you didn’t scold yourself… I must look up the Moon cycle … Could it be In Triptune???
          And YES .. you made me laugh and I am feeling much better thank you Wolfie.. xxx
          Hugs and Love your way my good friend xx

          Liked by 1 person


          • europasicewolf
            Feb 01, 2015 @ 01:08:24

            Good to know you’re feeling much better Sue…but walking boots!!! That’s what I just bought to counteract the problem!! Oh no! Oops! No I didn’t scold myself…not until I realised I had neglected to check my shoes on a regular basis – that would have got me into a lot of trouble on Health and Safety grounds if it had happened at work! But we must forgive ourselves for our errors of way on occasion and learn the lesson that we are being painfully taught!
            Wolfie hugs 😉 xx



      • europasicewolf
        Jan 30, 2015 @ 00:24:22

        As to the decision making…after 18 months of debating I did finally decide my mind lol but the shop didn’t have my chosen laptop in and when they tried to order it online for me it failed because I couldn’t get my email address right. On getting home and trying to order it myself not only could I not remember my account password to do so but the site then informed me the laptop was out of stock and not available to order or have delivered! This is the 2nd time the same laptop has been out of stock when I’ve gone after it lol I’m now considering the more powerful version of it from John Lewis in a preferable colour as it’s only £50 more. Trouble is both nearest stores are slap in the heart of some major engineering works train-wise til end of Feb’ so I may have to wait till mid March when I get a week’s annual leave. I need them to set it up and sort out my recovery disks/USB’s and also to install my software as there’s no way I’ll have time to do all that myself as things stand right now! I want it now!!! lol 😉 Oh yes…Toshiba laptops are lovely. My first laptop was a Toshiba and it’s still going strong today in the hands of a friend. Only problem is not being able to use it online anymore as it’s running on Windows XP. Brilliant machine, dated or not! Unfortunately i couldn’t find the Ultrabook I wanted in the Toshiba range so I’m chasing a Lenovo now.
        Hoping things get a lot better for both of us from now on in! Wofie hugs xxxx 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


  23. lorriebowden
    Jan 25, 2015 @ 01:44:45

    My heart and good thoughts are with you!! ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 13:43:19

      Thank you Lorrie.. I am pleased to get your good thoughts today… As I need a little boost today… 🙂 xxxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • lorriebowden
        Jan 25, 2015 @ 14:22:03

        Oh…Sue! Some days are like that. I used to say the purpose for those kind of days were to make us really appreciate the days where our energy is so high and beautiful. But the more I experience the beautiful days, the more I appreciate them 🙂 I think the down days are there because our soul is trying to convey something. I send you loving, kind energy that you will hear what your soul is trying to tell you. And…a giant cyber hug across the miles. I know you will feel better very soon 🙂 Much live ❤

        Liked by 1 person


  24. gageier
    Jan 25, 2015 @ 10:11:49

    Liebe Sue einen glücklichen Sonntag mit ganz lieben Grüßen wünsche ich dir und einen tollen Start in die neue Woche Klaus in Freundschaft



  25. mudpilewood
    Jan 25, 2015 @ 12:22:31

    A tonic after the depressingly dark days of winter, thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2015 @ 13:37:47

      Hello MPW…. Many thanks for the follow.. and yes we need to ground ourselves back with Mother Nature.. surprisingly how she refreshes our spirits when we tap into her energies.. 🙂



  26. Christy Birmingham
    Jan 25, 2015 @ 18:25:35

    Hi Sue,
    The music is very calming, as you had told us it would be. I can see why it helped to center you. I hope you have enjoyed a bit of a break. As for spring, it is coming in due time and perhaps in the meantime we will share light with smiles. Here, I’ll go first 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person


  27. kerlund74
    Jan 25, 2015 @ 19:43:19

    Amazing music, great for meditation too. Love the flute!
    I also find new power in nature, it feels like I belong with the trees, we are all connected. It’s wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. D.G.Kaye
    Jan 26, 2015 @ 02:35:54

    So true, I don’t feel as though I have to go to a particular place of worship in order to pray. Good luck with renos, I know very well how challenging they can be. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2015 @ 10:05:32

      Good morning Debby, Many thanks for your visit.. I am now way behind on everyone else’s posts.. The Decorating got sorted just two more rooms to go, but we are spacing those out to do in a few weeks time… The hall stairs and landing now done.. 🙂 And was more a challenge to my hubby as he did the high bits 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  29. bluebutterfliesandme
    Jan 26, 2015 @ 05:18:40

    That is so serene. I added it to playlist. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  30. beverley
    Jan 26, 2015 @ 08:25:08

    No we do not need to go a Holy place, but sometimes it helps us to shut the noise of the world out for a while.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Maria F.
    Jan 26, 2015 @ 14:15:16

    What a beautiful video Sue, thanks for sharing. I usually go to the botanical garden, and that for me is holy.



  32. Nihar Pradhan
    Jan 27, 2015 @ 00:05:29

    Today’s paradox is that we distance ourselves from the mother nature which nurtures and protects our life, we are all lost in whirlwind of daily chores and digital explosion…the irony of life is we have to sit down and find out where we stand in our life.

    Nature is bliss and nature is music and it is what connects our mind, body and soul…we are able to speak to our inner-self when we are in the bounty of the nature, the serenity and purity that cleanses our mind and soul…the inner connection is essential to appreciate the beauty of nature where is there always in front of us but cease to see it as the blanket of fog covers our mind…we need to keep clearing and keep reflecting…

    Sue, really lovely thoughts for all of us to ponder and act…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2015 @ 14:52:15

      Thank you Nihar… I agree with your views— ” we are all lost in whirlwind of daily chores and digital explosion”…. So true. And we have forgotten how to embrace that connectedness with Nature to find that peace in being absorbed within her elements..
      I listened to a meditation on recently as it asked us to become the Gap, between thought, and Listen to the space we find there… When one learns to listen to that silence we find there is so much more we hear beyond our inner chatter.
      Many thanks Nihar..

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Jan 28, 2015 @ 16:46:07

        Silence is the language…somehow has gone into hibernation, we need to connect with self which has become a rarity, we have almost ceased to speak to ourselves and we are obsessively hooked to the outside world and searching for the elusive answer to our problems in life…
        My pleasure Sue…

        Liked by 1 person


  33. Renee Espriu
    Jan 28, 2015 @ 05:50:04

    I so understand about Winter weather blues and hope you feel more upbeat soon. I have been ill twice now this January with a very bad virus. This second time a relapse so have not been able to get around to the site I so enjoy. I loved the music here. Some would call it ‘mood music’ and perhaps it is but peaceful and so fitting with the scenes of nature. Yes, one does not need to be in any specific place to connect with nature or to be one with it. I am off work for the week and hope to be right again soon. Angels Incoming

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2015 @ 15:51:56

      Dear Renee, so sorry to hear you have not been well.. Sending you some Healing energy dear Renee.. I hope you recover and get back your strength soon.. I was poorly over Christmas with a virus, they soon pull us down…
      Sending Angels over there.. And hope you are not in the bad snow storms over there? .. Love and Hugs to you xxx Sue



      • Renee Espriu
        Feb 01, 2015 @ 04:42:49

        Thank you my dear friend and no we are having a mild Winter and that is why there are probably so many germs in the air. I will go back to work Monday but am not quite there yet so please do keep that Healing energy coming as I do need it. Most of the month of January I’ve not been well so would like to see things go differently. Stay well and Angels to you as well. xoxox



  34. dilip
    Jan 28, 2015 @ 16:48:16

    Enchanting and meditative music and song Sue. What more can one ask for?
    Sending plenty of positive vibes your way 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  35. natswans
    Jan 30, 2015 @ 17:22:57

    Beautiful video Sue takes you far away somewhere tranquil. Enjoy your time away
    and come back refreshed . Winter months are long and take it toll.
    Hugs Sheila x

    Liked by 1 person


  36. Dalo 2013
    Jan 31, 2015 @ 18:43:03

    Beautiful video ~ and thank you for this post, it says so much…took me to a great place this morning 🙂



  37. aussieian2011
    Feb 05, 2015 @ 09:42:06

    That is one great musical video, your post was aptly named.
    The music and words in that clip speak so much.
    To understand and be as one with nature is the sublime spiritual experience I believe.



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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